diff --git a/doc/release-notes.md b/doc/release-notes.md index 06c4dddc5c..f93bb00676 100644 --- a/doc/release-notes.md +++ b/doc/release-notes.md @@ -1,38 +1,59 @@ Bitcoin ABC version 0.19.7 is now available from: This release includes the following features and fixes: - `-includeconf=` can be used to include additional configuration files. Only works inside the `bitcoin.conf` file, not inside included files or from command-line. Multiple files may be included. Can be disabled from command- line via `-noincludeconf`. Note that multi-argument commands like `-includeconf` will override preceding `-noincludeconf`, i.e. noincludeconf=1 includeconf=relative.conf as bitcoin.conf will still include `relative.conf`. - The `createrawtransaction` RPC will now accept an array or dictionary (kept for compatibility) for the `outputs` parameter. This means the order of transaction outputs can be specified by the client. - The new RPC `testmempoolaccept` can be used to test acceptance of a transaction to the mempool without adding it. - An `initialblockdownload` boolean has been added to the `getblockchaininfo` RPC to indicate whether the node is currently in IBD or not. - The '-usehd' option has been removed. It is no longer possible to create a non HD wallet. External wallet files --------------------- The `-wallet=` option now accepts full paths instead of requiring wallets -to be located in the -walletdir directory. When wallets are located in -different directories, wallet data will be stored independently, so data from -every wallet is not mixed into the same /database/log.?????????? -files. +to be located in the -walletdir directory. + +Newly created wallet format +--------------------------- + +If `-wallet=` is specified with a path that does not exist, it will now +create a wallet directory at the specified location (containing a wallet.dat +data file, a db.log file, and database/log.?????????? files) instead of just +creating a data file at the path and storing log files in the parent +directory. This should make backing up wallets more straightforward than +before because the specified wallet path can just be directly archived +without having to look in the parent directory for transaction log files. + +For backwards compatibility, wallet paths that are names of existing data +files in the `-walletdir` directory will continue to be accepted and +interpreted the same as before. + +Low-level RPC changes +--------------------- + + - When bitcoind is not started with any `-wallet=` options, the name of + the default wallet returned by `getwalletinfo` and `listwallets` RPCs is now + the empty string `""` instead of `"wallet.dat"`. If bitcoind is started with + any `-wallet=` options, there is no change in behavior, and the name of + any wallet is just its `` string. Transaction index changes ------------------------- The transaction index is now built separately from the main node procedure, meaning the `-txindex` flag can be toggled without a full reindex. If bitcoind is run with `-txindex` on a node that is already partially or fully synced without one, the transaction index will be built in the background and become available once caught up. When switching from running `-txindex` to running without the flag, the transaction index database will *not* be deleted automatically, meaning it could be turned back on at a later time without a full resync. diff --git a/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp b/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp index 587ca034fa..594f84444e 100644 --- a/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp +++ b/src/bitcoin-cli.cpp @@ -1,604 +1,604 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const char DEFAULT_RPCCONNECT[] = ""; static const int DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = 900; static const bool DEFAULT_NAMED = false; static const int CONTINUE_EXECUTION = -1; static void SetupCliArgs() { const auto defaultBaseParams = CreateBaseChainParams(CBaseChainParams::MAIN); const auto testnetBaseParams = CreateBaseChainParams(CBaseChainParams::TESTNET); gArgs.AddArg("-?", _("This help message"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-conf=", strprintf(_("Specify configuration file (default: %s)"), BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-datadir=", _("Specify data directory"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-getinfo", _("Get general information from the remote server. Note that unlike " "server-side RPC calls, the results of -getinfo is the result of " "multiple non-atomic requests. Some entries in the result may " "represent results from different states (e.g. wallet balance may be " "as of a different block from the chain state reported)"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); SetupChainParamsBaseOptions(); gArgs.AddArg( "-named", strprintf(_("Pass named instead of positional arguments (default: %s)"), DEFAULT_NAMED), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-rpcconnect=", strprintf(_("Send commands to node running on (default: %s)"), DEFAULT_RPCCONNECT), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-rpcport=", strprintf( _("Connect to JSON-RPC on (default: %u or testnet: %u)"), defaultBaseParams->RPCPort(), testnetBaseParams->RPCPort()), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-rpcwait", _("Wait for RPC server to start"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-rpcuser=", _("Username for JSON-RPC connections"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-rpcpassword=", _("Password for JSON-RPC connections"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-rpcclienttimeout=", strprintf(_("Timeout in seconds during HTTP requests, or 0 " "for no timeout. (default: %d)"), DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-stdinrpcpass", strprintf(_("Read RPC password from standard input as a single line. " "When combined with -stdin, the first line from standard " "input is used for the RPC password.")), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-stdin", _("Read extra arguments from standard input, one per line " "until EOF/Ctrl-D (recommended for sensitive information " "such as passphrases)"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-rpcwallet=", _("Send RPC for non-default wallet on RPC server (needs to exactly " "match corresponding -wallet option passed to bitcoind)"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Start // // // Exception thrown on connection error. This error is used to determine when // to wait if -rpcwait is given. // class CConnectionFailed : public std::runtime_error { public: explicit inline CConnectionFailed(const std::string &msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {} }; // // This function returns either one of EXIT_ codes when it's expected to stop // the process or CONTINUE_EXECUTION when it's expected to continue further. // static int AppInitRPC(int argc, char *argv[]) { // // Parameters // SetupCliArgs(); gArgs.ParseParameters(argc, argv); if (argc < 2 || HelpRequested(gArgs) || gArgs.IsArgSet("-version")) { std::string strUsage = PACKAGE_NAME " RPC client version " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n"; if (!gArgs.IsArgSet("-version")) { strUsage += "\n" "Usage: bitcoin-cli [options] [params] " "Send command to " PACKAGE_NAME "\n" "or: bitcoin-cli [options] -named " "[name=value]... Send command to " PACKAGE_NAME " (with named arguments)\n" "or: bitcoin-cli [options] help " "List commands\n" "or: bitcoin-cli [options] help Get " "help for a command\n"; strUsage += "\n" + gArgs.GetHelpMessage(); } fprintf(stdout, "%s", strUsage.c_str()); if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: too few parameters\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } if (!fs::is_directory(GetDataDir(false))) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Specified data directory \"%s\" does not exist.\n", gArgs.GetArg("-datadir", "").c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { gArgs.ReadConfigFiles(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading configuration file: %s\n", e.what()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Check for -testnet or -regtest parameter (BaseParams() calls are only // valid after this clause) try { SelectBaseParams(gArgs.GetChainName()); } catch (const std::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", e.what()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-rpcssl", false)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: SSL mode for RPC (-rpcssl) is no longer supported.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return CONTINUE_EXECUTION; } /** Reply structure for request_done to fill in */ struct HTTPReply { HTTPReply() : status(0), error(-1) {} int status; int error; std::string body; }; const char *http_errorstring(int code) { switch (code) { #if LIBEVENT_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02010300 case EVREQ_HTTP_TIMEOUT: return "timeout reached"; case EVREQ_HTTP_EOF: return "EOF reached"; case EVREQ_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER: return "error while reading header, or invalid header"; case EVREQ_HTTP_BUFFER_ERROR: return "error encountered while reading or writing"; case EVREQ_HTTP_REQUEST_CANCEL: return "request was canceled"; case EVREQ_HTTP_DATA_TOO_LONG: return "response body is larger than allowed"; #endif default: return "unknown"; } } static void http_request_done(struct evhttp_request *req, void *ctx) { HTTPReply *reply = static_cast(ctx); if (req == nullptr) { /** * If req is nullptr, it means an error occurred while connecting: the * error code will have been passed to http_error_cb. */ reply->status = 0; return; } reply->status = evhttp_request_get_response_code(req); struct evbuffer *buf = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(req); if (buf) { size_t size = evbuffer_get_length(buf); const char *data = (const char *)evbuffer_pullup(buf, size); if (data) reply->body = std::string(data, size); evbuffer_drain(buf, size); } } #if LIBEVENT_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02010300 static void http_error_cb(enum evhttp_request_error err, void *ctx) { HTTPReply *reply = static_cast(ctx); reply->error = err; } #endif /** * Class that handles the conversion from a command-line to a JSON-RPC request, * as well as converting back to a JSON object that can be shown as result. */ class BaseRequestHandler { public: virtual UniValue PrepareRequest(const std::string &method, const std::vector &args) = 0; virtual UniValue ProcessReply(const UniValue &batch_in) = 0; }; /** Process getinfo requests */ class GetinfoRequestHandler : public BaseRequestHandler { public: const int ID_NETWORKINFO = 0; const int ID_BLOCKCHAININFO = 1; const int ID_WALLETINFO = 2; /** Create a simulated `getinfo` request. */ UniValue PrepareRequest(const std::string &method, const std::vector &args) override { UniValue result(UniValue::VARR); result.push_back( JSONRPCRequestObj("getnetworkinfo", NullUniValue, ID_NETWORKINFO)); result.push_back(JSONRPCRequestObj("getblockchaininfo", NullUniValue, ID_BLOCKCHAININFO)); result.push_back( JSONRPCRequestObj("getwalletinfo", NullUniValue, ID_WALLETINFO)); return result; } /** Collect values from the batch and form a simulated `getinfo` reply. */ UniValue ProcessReply(const UniValue &batch_in) override { UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); std::vector batch = JSONRPCProcessBatchReply(batch_in, 3); // Errors in getnetworkinfo() and getblockchaininfo() are fatal, pass // them on getwalletinfo() is allowed to fail in case there is no // wallet. if (!batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["error"].isNull()) { return batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]; } if (!batch[ID_BLOCKCHAININFO]["error"].isNull()) { return batch[ID_BLOCKCHAININFO]; } result.pushKV("version", batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["result"]["version"]); result.pushKV("protocolversion", batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["result"]["protocolversion"]); if (!batch[ID_WALLETINFO].isNull()) { result.pushKV("walletversion", batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["walletversion"]); result.pushKV("balance", batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["balance"]); } result.pushKV("blocks", batch[ID_BLOCKCHAININFO]["result"]["blocks"]); result.pushKV("timeoffset", batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["result"]["timeoffset"]); result.pushKV("connections", batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["result"]["connections"]); result.pushKV("proxy", batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["result"]["networks"][0]["proxy"]); result.pushKV("difficulty", batch[ID_BLOCKCHAININFO]["result"]["difficulty"]); result.pushKV( "testnet", UniValue(batch[ID_BLOCKCHAININFO]["result"]["chain"].get_str() == "test")); if (!batch[ID_WALLETINFO].isNull()) { result.pushKV("walletversion", batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["walletversion"]); result.pushKV("balance", batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["balance"]); result.pushKV("keypoololdest", batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["keypoololdest"]); result.pushKV("keypoolsize", batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["keypoolsize"]); if (!batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["unlocked_until"].isNull()) { result.pushKV("unlocked_until", batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["unlocked_until"]); } result.pushKV("paytxfee", batch[ID_WALLETINFO]["result"]["paytxfee"]); } result.pushKV("relayfee", batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["result"]["relayfee"]); result.pushKV("warnings", batch[ID_NETWORKINFO]["result"]["warnings"]); return JSONRPCReplyObj(result, NullUniValue, 1); } }; /** Process default single requests */ class DefaultRequestHandler : public BaseRequestHandler { public: UniValue PrepareRequest(const std::string &method, const std::vector &args) override { UniValue params; if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-named", DEFAULT_NAMED)) { params = RPCConvertNamedValues(method, args); } else { params = RPCConvertValues(method, args); } return JSONRPCRequestObj(method, params, 1); } UniValue ProcessReply(const UniValue &reply) override { return reply.get_obj(); } }; static UniValue CallRPC(BaseRequestHandler *rh, const std::string &strMethod, const std::vector &args) { std::string host; // In preference order, we choose the following for the port: // 1. -rpcport // 2. port in -rpcconnect (ie following : in ipv4 or ]: in ipv6) // 3. default port for chain int port = BaseParams().RPCPort(); SplitHostPort(gArgs.GetArg("-rpcconnect", DEFAULT_RPCCONNECT), port, host); port = gArgs.GetArg("-rpcport", port); // Obtain event base raii_event_base base = obtain_event_base(); // Synchronously look up hostname raii_evhttp_connection evcon = obtain_evhttp_connection_base(base.get(), host, port); evhttp_connection_set_timeout( evcon.get(), gArgs.GetArg("-rpcclienttimeout", DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT_TIMEOUT)); HTTPReply response; raii_evhttp_request req = obtain_evhttp_request(http_request_done, (void *)&response); if (req == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("create http request failed"); #if LIBEVENT_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x02010300 evhttp_request_set_error_cb(req.get(), http_error_cb); #endif // Get credentials std::string strRPCUserColonPass; if (gArgs.GetArg("-rpcpassword", "") == "") { // Try fall back to cookie-based authentication if no password is // provided if (!GetAuthCookie(&strRPCUserColonPass)) { throw std::runtime_error(strprintf( _("Could not locate RPC credentials. No authentication cookie " "could be found, and RPC password is not set. See " "-rpcpassword and -stdinrpcpass. Configuration file: (%s)"), GetConfigFile(gArgs.GetArg("-conf", BITCOIN_CONF_FILENAME)) .string() .c_str())); } } else { strRPCUserColonPass = gArgs.GetArg("-rpcuser", "") + ":" + gArgs.GetArg("-rpcpassword", ""); } struct evkeyvalq *output_headers = evhttp_request_get_output_headers(req.get()); assert(output_headers); evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Host", host.c_str()); evhttp_add_header(output_headers, "Connection", "close"); evhttp_add_header( output_headers, "Authorization", (std::string("Basic ") + EncodeBase64(strRPCUserColonPass)).c_str()); // Attach request data std::string strRequest = rh->PrepareRequest(strMethod, args).write() + "\n"; struct evbuffer *output_buffer = evhttp_request_get_output_buffer(req.get()); assert(output_buffer); evbuffer_add(output_buffer, strRequest.data(), strRequest.size()); // check if we should use a special wallet endpoint std::string endpoint = "/"; - std::string walletName = gArgs.GetArg("-rpcwallet", ""); - if (!walletName.empty()) { + if (!gArgs.GetArgs("-rpcwallet").empty()) { + std::string walletName = gArgs.GetArg("-rpcwallet", ""); char *encodedURI = evhttp_uriencode(walletName.c_str(), walletName.size(), false); if (encodedURI) { endpoint = "/wallet/" + std::string(encodedURI); free(encodedURI); } else { throw CConnectionFailed("uri-encode failed"); } } int r = evhttp_make_request(evcon.get(), req.get(), EVHTTP_REQ_POST, endpoint.c_str()); // ownership moved to evcon in above call req.release(); if (r != 0) { throw CConnectionFailed("send http request failed"); } event_base_dispatch(base.get()); if (response.status == 0) { throw CConnectionFailed(strprintf( "couldn't connect to server: %s (code %d)\n(make sure server is " "running and you are connecting to the correct RPC port)", http_errorstring(response.error), response.error)); } else if (response.status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) { throw std::runtime_error( "incorrect rpcuser or rpcpassword (authorization failed)"); } else if (response.status >= 400 && response.status != HTTP_BAD_REQUEST && response.status != HTTP_NOT_FOUND && response.status != HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { throw std::runtime_error( strprintf("server returned HTTP error %d", response.status)); } else if (response.body.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("no response from server"); } // Parse reply UniValue valReply(UniValue::VSTR); if (!valReply.read(response.body)) { throw std::runtime_error("couldn't parse reply from server"); } const UniValue reply = rh->ProcessReply(valReply); if (reply.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error( "expected reply to have result, error and id properties"); } return reply; } int CommandLineRPC(int argc, char *argv[]) { std::string strPrint; int nRet = 0; try { // Skip switches while (argc > 1 && IsSwitchChar(argv[1][0])) { argc--; argv++; } std::string rpcPass; if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-stdinrpcpass", false)) { if (!std::getline(std::cin, rpcPass)) throw std::runtime_error("-stdinrpcpass specified but failed " "to read from standard input"); gArgs.ForceSetArg("-rpcpassword", rpcPass); } std::vector args = std::vector(&argv[1], &argv[argc]); if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-stdin", false)) { // Read one arg per line from stdin and append std::string line; while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) { args.push_back(line); } } std::unique_ptr rh; std::string method; if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-getinfo", false)) { rh.reset(new GetinfoRequestHandler()); method = ""; } else { rh.reset(new DefaultRequestHandler()); if (args.size() < 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "too few parameters (need at least command)"); } method = args[0]; // Remove trailing method name from arguments vector args.erase(args.begin()); } // Execute and handle connection failures with -rpcwait const bool fWait = gArgs.GetBoolArg("-rpcwait", false); do { try { const UniValue reply = CallRPC(rh.get(), method, args); // Parse reply const UniValue &result = find_value(reply, "result"); const UniValue &error = find_value(reply, "error"); if (!error.isNull()) { // Error int code = error["code"].get_int(); if (fWait && code == RPC_IN_WARMUP) throw CConnectionFailed("server in warmup"); strPrint = "error: " + error.write(); nRet = abs(code); if (error.isObject()) { UniValue errCode = find_value(error, "code"); UniValue errMsg = find_value(error, "message"); strPrint = errCode.isNull() ? "" : "error code: " + errCode.getValStr() + "\n"; if (errMsg.isStr()) { strPrint += "error message:\n" + errMsg.get_str(); } if (errCode.isNum() && errCode.get_int() == RPC_WALLET_NOT_SPECIFIED) { strPrint += "\nTry adding " "\"-rpcwallet=\" option to " "bitcoin-cli command line."; } } } else { // Result if (result.isNull()) { strPrint = ""; } else if (result.isStr()) { strPrint = result.get_str(); } else { strPrint = result.write(2); } } // Connection succeeded, no need to retry. break; } catch (const CConnectionFailed &) { if (fWait) { MilliSleep(1000); } else { throw; } } } while (fWait); } catch (const boost::thread_interrupted &) { throw; } catch (const std::exception &e) { strPrint = std::string("error: ") + e.what(); nRet = EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (...) { PrintExceptionContinue(nullptr, "CommandLineRPC()"); throw; } if (strPrint != "") { fprintf((nRet == 0 ? stdout : stderr), "%s\n", strPrint.c_str()); } return nRet; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SetupEnvironment(); if (!SetupNetworking()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Initializing networking failed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } try { int ret = AppInitRPC(argc, argv); if (ret != CONTINUE_EXECUTION) { return ret; } } catch (const std::exception &e) { PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "AppInitRPC()"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (...) { PrintExceptionContinue(nullptr, "AppInitRPC()"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int ret = EXIT_FAILURE; try { ret = CommandLineRPC(argc, argv); } catch (const std::exception &e) { PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "CommandLineRPC()"); } catch (...) { PrintExceptionContinue(nullptr, "CommandLineRPC()"); } return ret; } diff --git a/src/wallet/db.cpp b/src/wallet/db.cpp index 565066d6a8..b5257cc4cf 100644 --- a/src/wallet/db.cpp +++ b/src/wallet/db.cpp @@ -1,847 +1,858 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // boost::this_thread::interruption_point() (mingw) #include #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif namespace { //! Make sure database has a unique fileid within the environment. If it //! doesn't, throw an error. BDB caches do not work properly when more than one //! open database has the same fileid (values written to one database may show //! up in reads to other databases). //! //! BerkeleyDB generates unique fileids by default //! (https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17275_01/html/programmer_reference/program_copy.html), //! so bitcoin should never create different databases with the same fileid, but //! this error can be triggered if users manually copy database files. void CheckUniqueFileid(const CDBEnv &env, const std::string &filename, Db &db) { if (env.IsMock()) { return; } u_int8_t fileid[DB_FILE_ID_LEN]; int ret = db.get_mpf()->get_fileid(fileid); if (ret != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( strprintf("CDB: Can't open database %s (get_fileid failed with %d)", filename, ret)); } for (const auto &item : env.mapDb) { u_int8_t item_fileid[DB_FILE_ID_LEN]; if (item.second && item.second->get_mpf()->get_fileid(item_fileid) == 0 && memcmp(fileid, item_fileid, sizeof(fileid)) == 0) { const char *item_filename = nullptr; item.second->get_dbname(&item_filename, nullptr); throw std::runtime_error(strprintf( "CDB: Can't open database %s (duplicates fileid %s from %s)", filename, HexStr(std::begin(item_fileid), std::end(item_fileid)), item_filename ? item_filename : "(unknown database)")); } } } CCriticalSection cs_db; //!< Map from directory name to open db environment. std::map g_dbenvs; } // namespace CDBEnv *GetWalletEnv(const fs::path &wallet_path, std::string &database_filename) { - fs::path env_directory = wallet_path.parent_path(); - database_filename = wallet_path.filename().string(); + fs::path env_directory; + if (fs::is_regular_file(wallet_path)) { + // Special case for backwards compatibility: if wallet path points to an + // existing file, treat it as the path to a BDB data file in a parent + // directory that also contains BDB log files. + env_directory = wallet_path.parent_path(); + database_filename = wallet_path.filename().string(); + } else { + // Normal case: Interpret wallet path as a directory path containing + // data and log files. + env_directory = wallet_path; + database_filename = "wallet.dat"; + } LOCK(cs_db); // Note: An ununsed temporary CDBEnv object may be created inside the // emplace function if the key already exists. This is a little inefficient, // but not a big concern since the map will be changed in the future to hold // pointers instead of objects, anyway. return &g_dbenvs .emplace(std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(env_directory.string()), std::forward_as_tuple(env_directory)) .first->second; } // // CDB // void CDBEnv::Close() { if (!fDbEnvInit) { return; } fDbEnvInit = false; for (auto &db : mapDb) { auto count = mapFileUseCount.find(db.first); assert(count == mapFileUseCount.end() || count->second == 0); if (db.second) { db.second->close(0); delete db.second; db.second = nullptr; } } int ret = dbenv->close(0); if (ret != 0) { LogPrintf("CDBEnv::EnvShutdown: Error %d shutting down database " "environment: %s\n", ret, DbEnv::strerror(ret)); } if (!fMockDb) { DbEnv(uint32_t(0)).remove(strPath.c_str(), 0); } } void CDBEnv::Reset() { dbenv.reset(new DbEnv(DB_CXX_NO_EXCEPTIONS)); fDbEnvInit = false; fMockDb = false; } CDBEnv::CDBEnv(const fs::path &dir_path) : strPath(dir_path.string()) { Reset(); } CDBEnv::~CDBEnv() { Close(); } bool CDBEnv::Open(bool retry) { if (fDbEnvInit) { return true; } boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); fs::path pathIn = strPath; TryCreateDirectories(pathIn); if (!LockDirectory(pathIn, ".walletlock")) { LogPrintf("Cannot obtain a lock on wallet directory %s. Another " "instance of bitcoin may be using it.\n", strPath); return false; } fs::path pathLogDir = pathIn / "database"; TryCreateDirectories(pathLogDir); fs::path pathErrorFile = pathIn / "db.log"; LogPrintf("CDBEnv::Open: LogDir=%s ErrorFile=%s\n", pathLogDir.string(), pathErrorFile.string()); unsigned int nEnvFlags = 0; if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-privdb", DEFAULT_WALLET_PRIVDB)) { nEnvFlags |= DB_PRIVATE; } dbenv->set_lg_dir(pathLogDir.string().c_str()); // 1 MiB should be enough for just the wallet dbenv->set_cachesize(0, 0x100000, 1); dbenv->set_lg_bsize(0x10000); dbenv->set_lg_max(1048576); dbenv->set_lk_max_locks(40000); dbenv->set_lk_max_objects(40000); /// debug dbenv->set_errfile(fsbridge::fopen(pathErrorFile, "a")); dbenv->set_flags(DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 1); dbenv->set_flags(DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC, 1); dbenv->log_set_config(DB_LOG_AUTO_REMOVE, 1); int ret = dbenv->open(strPath.c_str(), DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_LOCK | DB_INIT_LOG | DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_TXN | DB_THREAD | DB_RECOVER | nEnvFlags, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (ret != 0) { dbenv->close(0); LogPrintf("CDBEnv::Open: Error %d opening database environment: %s\n", ret, DbEnv::strerror(ret)); if (retry) { // try moving the database env out of the way fs::path pathDatabaseBak = pathIn / strprintf("database.%d.bak", GetTime()); try { fs::rename(pathLogDir, pathDatabaseBak); LogPrintf("Moved old %s to %s. Retrying.\n", pathLogDir.string(), pathDatabaseBak.string()); } catch (const fs::filesystem_error &) { // failure is ok (well, not really, but it's not worse than what // we started with) } // try opening it again one more time if (!Open(false /* retry */)) { // if it still fails, it probably means we can't even create the // database env return false; } } else { return false; } } fDbEnvInit = true; fMockDb = false; return true; } void CDBEnv::MakeMock() { if (fDbEnvInit) { throw std::runtime_error("CDBEnv::MakeMock: Already initialized"); } boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "CDBEnv::MakeMock\n"); dbenv->set_cachesize(1, 0, 1); dbenv->set_lg_bsize(10485760 * 4); dbenv->set_lg_max(10485760); dbenv->set_lk_max_locks(10000); dbenv->set_lk_max_objects(10000); dbenv->set_flags(DB_AUTO_COMMIT, 1); dbenv->log_set_config(DB_LOG_IN_MEMORY, 1); int ret = dbenv->open(nullptr, DB_CREATE | DB_INIT_LOCK | DB_INIT_LOG | DB_INIT_MPOOL | DB_INIT_TXN | DB_THREAD | DB_PRIVATE, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (ret > 0) { throw std::runtime_error(strprintf( "CDBEnv::MakeMock: Error %d opening database environment.", ret)); } fDbEnvInit = true; fMockDb = true; } CDBEnv::VerifyResult CDBEnv::Verify(const std::string &strFile, recoverFunc_type recoverFunc, std::string &out_backup_filename) { LOCK(cs_db); assert(mapFileUseCount.count(strFile) == 0); Db db(dbenv.get(), 0); int result = db.verify(strFile.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, 0); if (result == 0) { return VerifyResult::VERIFY_OK; } else if (recoverFunc == nullptr) { return VerifyResult::RECOVER_FAIL; } // Try to recover: bool fRecovered = (*recoverFunc)(fs::path(strPath) / strFile, out_backup_filename); return (fRecovered ? VerifyResult::RECOVER_OK : VerifyResult::RECOVER_FAIL); } bool CDB::Recover(const fs::path &file_path, void *callbackDataIn, bool (*recoverKVcallback)(void *callbackData, CDataStream ssKey, CDataStream ssValue), std::string &newFilename) { std::string filename; CDBEnv *env = GetWalletEnv(file_path, filename); // Recovery procedure: // Move wallet file to walletfilename.timestamp.bak // Call Salvage with fAggressive=true to get as much data as possible. // Rewrite salvaged data to fresh wallet file. // Set -rescan so any missing transactions will be found. int64_t now = GetTime(); newFilename = strprintf("%s.%d.bak", filename, now); int result = env->dbenv->dbrename(nullptr, filename.c_str(), nullptr, newFilename.c_str(), DB_AUTO_COMMIT); if (result == 0) { LogPrintf("Renamed %s to %s\n", filename, newFilename); } else { LogPrintf("Failed to rename %s to %s\n", filename, newFilename); return false; } std::vector salvagedData; bool fSuccess = env->Salvage(newFilename, true, salvagedData); if (salvagedData.empty()) { LogPrintf("Salvage(aggressive) found no records in %s.\n", newFilename); return false; } LogPrintf("Salvage(aggressive) found %u records\n", salvagedData.size()); std::unique_ptr pdbCopy = std::make_unique(env->dbenv.get(), 0); int ret = pdbCopy->open(nullptr, // Txn pointer filename.c_str(), // Filename "main", // Logical db name DB_BTREE, // Database type DB_CREATE, // Flags 0); if (ret > 0) { LogPrintf("Cannot create database file %s\n", filename); pdbCopy->close(0); return false; } DbTxn *ptxn = env->TxnBegin(); for (CDBEnv::KeyValPair &row : salvagedData) { if (recoverKVcallback) { CDataStream ssKey(row.first, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); CDataStream ssValue(row.second, SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); std::string strType, strErr; if (!(*recoverKVcallback)(callbackDataIn, ssKey, ssValue)) { continue; } } Dbt datKey(&row.first[0], row.first.size()); Dbt datValue(&row.second[0], row.second.size()); int ret2 = pdbCopy->put(ptxn, &datKey, &datValue, DB_NOOVERWRITE); if (ret2 > 0) { fSuccess = false; } } ptxn->commit(0); pdbCopy->close(0); return fSuccess; } bool CDB::VerifyEnvironment(const fs::path &file_path, std::string &errorStr) { std::string walletFile; CDBEnv *env = GetWalletEnv(file_path, walletFile); fs::path walletDir = env->Directory(); LogPrintf("Using BerkeleyDB version %s\n", DbEnv::version(0, 0, 0)); LogPrintf("Using wallet %s\n", walletFile); // Wallet file must be a plain filename without a directory if (walletFile != fs::basename(walletFile) + fs::extension(walletFile)) { errorStr = strprintf(_("Wallet %s resides outside wallet directory %s"), walletFile, walletDir.string()); return false; } if (!env->Open(true /* retry */)) { errorStr = strprintf( _("Error initializing wallet database environment %s!"), walletDir); return false; } return true; } bool CDB::VerifyDatabaseFile(const fs::path &file_path, std::string &warningStr, std::string &errorStr, CDBEnv::recoverFunc_type recoverFunc) { std::string walletFile; CDBEnv *env = GetWalletEnv(file_path, walletFile); fs::path walletDir = env->Directory(); if (fs::exists(walletDir / walletFile)) { std::string backup_filename; CDBEnv::VerifyResult r = env->Verify(walletFile, recoverFunc, backup_filename); if (r == CDBEnv::VerifyResult::RECOVER_OK) { warningStr = strprintf( _("Warning: Wallet file corrupt, data salvaged!" " Original %s saved as %s in %s; if" " your balance or transactions are incorrect you should" " restore from a backup."), walletFile, backup_filename, walletDir); } if (r == CDBEnv::VerifyResult::RECOVER_FAIL) { errorStr = strprintf(_("%s corrupt, salvage failed"), walletFile); return false; } } // also return true if files does not exists return true; } /* End of headers, beginning of key/value data */ static const char *HEADER_END = "HEADER=END"; /* End of key/value data */ static const char *DATA_END = "DATA=END"; bool CDBEnv::Salvage(const std::string &strFile, bool fAggressive, std::vector &vResult) { LOCK(cs_db); assert(mapFileUseCount.count(strFile) == 0); u_int32_t flags = DB_SALVAGE; if (fAggressive) { flags |= DB_AGGRESSIVE; } std::stringstream strDump; Db db(dbenv.get(), 0); int result = db.verify(strFile.c_str(), nullptr, &strDump, flags); if (result == DB_VERIFY_BAD) { LogPrintf("CDBEnv::Salvage: Database salvage found errors, all data " "may not be recoverable.\n"); if (!fAggressive) { LogPrintf("CDBEnv::Salvage: Rerun with aggressive mode to ignore " "errors and continue.\n"); return false; } } if (result != 0 && result != DB_VERIFY_BAD) { LogPrintf("CDBEnv::Salvage: Database salvage failed with result %d.\n", result); return false; } // Format of bdb dump is ascii lines: // header lines... // HEADER=END // hexadecimal key // hexadecimal value // ... repeated // DATA=END std::string strLine; while (!strDump.eof() && strLine != HEADER_END) { // Skip past header getline(strDump, strLine); } std::string keyHex, valueHex; while (!strDump.eof() && keyHex != DATA_END) { getline(strDump, keyHex); if (keyHex != DATA_END) { if (strDump.eof()) { break; } getline(strDump, valueHex); if (valueHex == DATA_END) { LogPrintf("CDBEnv::Salvage: WARNING: Number of keys in data " "does not match number of values.\n"); break; } vResult.push_back(make_pair(ParseHex(keyHex), ParseHex(valueHex))); } } if (keyHex != DATA_END) { LogPrintf("CDBEnv::Salvage: WARNING: Unexpected end of file while " "reading salvage output.\n"); return false; } return (result == 0); } void CDBEnv::CheckpointLSN(const std::string &strFile) { dbenv->txn_checkpoint(0, 0, 0); if (fMockDb) { return; } dbenv->lsn_reset(strFile.c_str(), 0); } CDB::CDB(CWalletDBWrapper &dbw, const char *pszMode, bool fFlushOnCloseIn) : pdb(nullptr), activeTxn(nullptr) { int ret; fReadOnly = (!strchr(pszMode, '+') && !strchr(pszMode, 'w')); fFlushOnClose = fFlushOnCloseIn; env = dbw.env; if (dbw.IsDummy()) { return; } const std::string &strFilename = dbw.strFile; bool fCreate = strchr(pszMode, 'c') != nullptr; unsigned int nFlags = DB_THREAD; if (fCreate) { nFlags |= DB_CREATE; } { LOCK(cs_db); if (!env->Open(false /* retry */)) { throw std::runtime_error( "CDB: Failed to open database environment."); } pdb = env->mapDb[strFilename]; if (pdb == nullptr) { std::unique_ptr pdb_temp = std::make_unique(env->dbenv.get(), 0); bool fMockDb = env->IsMock(); if (fMockDb) { DbMpoolFile *mpf = pdb_temp->get_mpf(); ret = mpf->set_flags(DB_MPOOL_NOFILE, 1); if (ret != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( strprintf("CDB: Failed to configure for no temp file " "backing for database %s", strFilename)); } } ret = pdb_temp->open( nullptr, // Txn pointer fMockDb ? nullptr : strFilename.c_str(), // Filename fMockDb ? strFilename.c_str() : "main", // Logical db name DB_BTREE, // Database type nFlags, // Flags 0); if (ret != 0) { throw std::runtime_error(strprintf( "CDB: Error %d, can't open database %s", ret, strFilename)); } // Call CheckUniqueFileid on the containing BDB environment to // avoid BDB data consistency bugs that happen when different data // files in the same environment have the same fileid. // // Also call CheckUniqueFileid on all the other g_dbenvs to prevent // bitcoin from opening the same data file through another // environment when the file is referenced through equivalent but // not obviously identical symlinked or hard linked or bind mounted // paths. In the future a more relaxed check for equal inode and // device ids could be done instead, which would allow opening // different backup copies of a wallet at the same time. Maybe even // more ideally, an exclusive lock for accessing the database could // be implemented, so no equality checks are needed at all. (Newer // versions of BDB have an set_lk_exclusive method for this // purpose, but the older version we use does not.) for (auto &dbenv : g_dbenvs) { CheckUniqueFileid(dbenv.second, strFilename, *pdb_temp); } pdb = pdb_temp.release(); env->mapDb[strFilename] = pdb; if (fCreate && !Exists(std::string("version"))) { bool fTmp = fReadOnly; fReadOnly = false; WriteVersion(CLIENT_VERSION); fReadOnly = fTmp; } } ++env->mapFileUseCount[strFilename]; strFile = strFilename; } } void CDB::Flush() { if (activeTxn) { return; } // Flush database activity from memory pool to disk log unsigned int nMinutes = 0; if (fReadOnly) { nMinutes = 1; } env->dbenv->txn_checkpoint( nMinutes ? gArgs.GetArg("-dblogsize", DEFAULT_WALLET_DBLOGSIZE) * 1024 : 0, nMinutes, 0); } void CWalletDBWrapper::IncrementUpdateCounter() { ++nUpdateCounter; } void CDB::Close() { if (!pdb) { return; } if (activeTxn) { activeTxn->abort(); } activeTxn = nullptr; pdb = nullptr; if (fFlushOnClose) { Flush(); } LOCK(cs_db); --env->mapFileUseCount[strFile]; } void CDBEnv::CloseDb(const std::string &strFile) { LOCK(cs_db); if (mapDb[strFile] != nullptr) { // Close the database handle Db *pdb = mapDb[strFile]; pdb->close(0); delete pdb; mapDb[strFile] = nullptr; } } bool CDB::Rewrite(CWalletDBWrapper &dbw, const char *pszSkip) { if (dbw.IsDummy()) { return true; } CDBEnv *env = dbw.env; const std::string &strFile = dbw.strFile; while (true) { { LOCK(cs_db); if (!env->mapFileUseCount.count(strFile) || env->mapFileUseCount[strFile] == 0) { // Flush log data to the dat file env->CloseDb(strFile); env->CheckpointLSN(strFile); env->mapFileUseCount.erase(strFile); bool fSuccess = true; LogPrintf("CDB::Rewrite: Rewriting %s...\n", strFile); std::string strFileRes = strFile + ".rewrite"; { // surround usage of db with extra {} CDB db(dbw, "r"); std::unique_ptr pdbCopy = std::make_unique(env->dbenv.get(), 0); int ret = pdbCopy->open(nullptr, // Txn pointer strFileRes.c_str(), // Filename "main", // Logical db name DB_BTREE, // Database type DB_CREATE, // Flags 0); if (ret > 0) { LogPrintf( "CDB::Rewrite: Can't create database file %s\n", strFileRes); fSuccess = false; } Dbc *pcursor = db.GetCursor(); if (pcursor) while (fSuccess) { CDataStream ssKey(SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); CDataStream ssValue(SER_DISK, CLIENT_VERSION); int ret1 = db.ReadAtCursor(pcursor, ssKey, ssValue); if (ret1 == DB_NOTFOUND) { pcursor->close(); break; } if (ret1 != 0) { pcursor->close(); fSuccess = false; break; } if (pszSkip && strncmp(ssKey.data(), pszSkip, std::min(ssKey.size(), strlen(pszSkip))) == 0) { continue; } if (strncmp(ssKey.data(), "\x07version", 8) == 0) { // Update version: ssValue.clear(); ssValue << CLIENT_VERSION; } Dbt datKey(ssKey.data(), ssKey.size()); Dbt datValue(ssValue.data(), ssValue.size()); int ret2 = pdbCopy->put(nullptr, &datKey, &datValue, DB_NOOVERWRITE); if (ret2 > 0) { fSuccess = false; } } if (fSuccess) { db.Close(); env->CloseDb(strFile); if (pdbCopy->close(0)) { fSuccess = false; } } else { pdbCopy->close(0); } } if (fSuccess) { Db dbA(env->dbenv.get(), 0); if (dbA.remove(strFile.c_str(), nullptr, 0)) { fSuccess = false; } Db dbB(env->dbenv.get(), 0); if (dbB.rename(strFileRes.c_str(), nullptr, strFile.c_str(), 0)) { fSuccess = false; } } if (!fSuccess) { LogPrintf( "CDB::Rewrite: Failed to rewrite database file %s\n", strFileRes); } return fSuccess; } } MilliSleep(100); } return false; } void CDBEnv::Flush(bool fShutdown) { int64_t nStart = GetTimeMillis(); // Flush log data to the actual data file on all files that are not in use LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "CDBEnv::Flush: Flush(%s)%s\n", fShutdown ? "true" : "false", fDbEnvInit ? "" : " database not started"); if (!fDbEnvInit) { return; } { LOCK(cs_db); std::map::iterator mi = mapFileUseCount.begin(); while (mi != mapFileUseCount.end()) { std::string strFile = (*mi).first; int nRefCount = (*mi).second; LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "CDBEnv::Flush: Flushing %s (refcount = %d)...\n", strFile, nRefCount); if (nRefCount == 0) { // Move log data to the dat file CloseDb(strFile); LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "CDBEnv::Flush: %s checkpoint\n", strFile); dbenv->txn_checkpoint(0, 0, 0); LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "CDBEnv::Flush: %s detach\n", strFile); if (!fMockDb) { dbenv->lsn_reset(strFile.c_str(), 0); } LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "CDBEnv::Flush: %s closed\n", strFile); mapFileUseCount.erase(mi++); } else { mi++; } } LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "CDBEnv::Flush: Flush(%s)%s took %15dms\n", fShutdown ? "true" : "false", fDbEnvInit ? "" : " database not started", GetTimeMillis() - nStart); if (fShutdown) { char **listp; if (mapFileUseCount.empty()) { dbenv->log_archive(&listp, DB_ARCH_REMOVE); Close(); if (!fMockDb) { fs::remove_all(fs::path(strPath) / "database"); } } } } } bool CDB::PeriodicFlush(CWalletDBWrapper &dbw) { if (dbw.IsDummy()) { return true; } bool ret = false; CDBEnv *env = dbw.env; const std::string &strFile = dbw.strFile; TRY_LOCK(cs_db, lockDb); if (lockDb) { // Don't do this if any databases are in use int nRefCount = 0; std::map::iterator mit = env->mapFileUseCount.begin(); while (mit != env->mapFileUseCount.end()) { nRefCount += (*mit).second; mit++; } if (nRefCount == 0) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); std::map::iterator mi = env->mapFileUseCount.find(strFile); if (mi != env->mapFileUseCount.end()) { LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "Flushing %s\n", strFile); int64_t nStart = GetTimeMillis(); // Flush wallet file so it's self contained env->CloseDb(strFile); env->CheckpointLSN(strFile); env->mapFileUseCount.erase(mi++); LogPrint(BCLog::DB, "Flushed %s %dms\n", strFile, GetTimeMillis() - nStart); ret = true; } } } return ret; } bool CWalletDBWrapper::Rewrite(const char *pszSkip) { return CDB::Rewrite(*this, pszSkip); } bool CWalletDBWrapper::Backup(const std::string &strDest) { if (IsDummy()) { return false; } while (true) { { LOCK(cs_db); if (!env->mapFileUseCount.count(strFile) || env->mapFileUseCount[strFile] == 0) { // Flush log data to the dat file env->CloseDb(strFile); env->CheckpointLSN(strFile); env->mapFileUseCount.erase(strFile); // Copy wallet file. fs::path pathSrc = GetWalletDir() / strFile; fs::path pathDest(strDest); if (fs::is_directory(pathDest)) { pathDest /= strFile; } try { if (fs::equivalent(pathSrc, pathDest)) { LogPrintf("cannot backup to wallet source file %s\n", pathDest.string()); return false; } fs::copy_file(pathSrc, pathDest, fs::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists); LogPrintf("copied %s to %s\n", strFile, pathDest.string()); return true; } catch (const fs::filesystem_error &e) { LogPrintf("error copying %s to %s - %s\n", strFile, pathDest.string(), e.what()); return false; } } } MilliSleep(100); } return false; } void CWalletDBWrapper::Flush(bool shutdown) { if (!IsDummy()) { env->Flush(shutdown); } } diff --git a/src/wallet/init.cpp b/src/wallet/init.cpp index 8942398492..90e5a9863c 100644 --- a/src/wallet/init.cpp +++ b/src/wallet/init.cpp @@ -1,417 +1,434 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers // Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class WalletInit : public WalletInitInterface { public: //! Return the wallets help message. void AddWalletOptions() const override; //! Wallets parameter interaction bool ParameterInteraction() const override; //! Register wallet RPCs. void RegisterRPC(CRPCTable &tableRPC) const override; //! Responsible for reading and validating the -wallet arguments and //! verifying the wallet database. // This function will perform salvage on the wallet if requested, as long // as only one wallet is being loaded (WalletParameterInteraction forbids // -salvagewallet, -zapwallettxes or -upgradewallet with multiwallet). bool Verify(const CChainParams &chainParams) const override; //! Load wallet databases. bool Open(const CChainParams &chainParams) const override; //! Complete startup of wallets. void Start(CScheduler &scheduler) const override; //! Flush all wallets in preparation for shutdown. void Flush() const override; //! Stop all wallets. Wallets will be flushed first. void Stop() const override; //! Close all wallets. void Close() const override; }; const WalletInitInterface &g_wallet_init_interface = WalletInit(); void WalletInit::AddWalletOptions() const { gArgs.AddArg("-disablewallet", _("Do not load the wallet and disable wallet RPC calls"), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-keypool=", strprintf(_("Set key pool size to (default: %u)"), DEFAULT_KEYPOOL_SIZE), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-fallbackfee=", strprintf(_("A fee rate (in %s/kB) that will be used when fee " "estimation has insufficient data (default: %s)"), CURRENCY_UNIT, FormatMoney(DEFAULT_FALLBACK_FEE)), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg( "-paytxfee=", strprintf( _("Fee (in %s/kB) to add to transactions you send (default: %s)"), CURRENCY_UNIT, FormatMoney(payTxFee.GetFeePerK())), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg( "-rescan", _("Rescan the block chain for missing wallet transactions on startup"), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg( "-salvagewallet", _("Attempt to recover private keys from a corrupt wallet on startup"), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-spendzeroconfchange", strprintf(_("Spend unconfirmed change when sending " "transactions (default: %d)"), DEFAULT_SPEND_ZEROCONF_CHANGE), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-upgradewallet", _("Upgrade wallet to latest format on startup"), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg( "-wallet=", _("Specify wallet database path. Can be specified multiple times to " "load multiple wallets. Path is interpreted relative to " - "if it is not absolute, and will be created if it does not exist.") + - " " + strprintf(_("(default: %s)"), DEFAULT_WALLET_DAT), + "if it is not absolute, and will be created if it does not exist (as " + "a directory containing a wallet.dat file and log files). For " + "backwards compatibility this will also accept names of existing " + "data files in .)"), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-walletbroadcast", _("Make the wallet broadcast transactions") + " " + strprintf(_("(default: %d)"), DEFAULT_WALLETBROADCAST), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-walletdir=", _("Specify directory to hold wallets (default: " "/wallets if it exists, otherwise )"), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-walletnotify=", _("Execute command when a wallet transaction changes (%s in " "cmd is replaced by TxID)"), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-zapwallettxes=", _("Delete all wallet transactions and only recover those " "parts of the blockchain through -rescan on startup") + " " + _("(1 = keep tx meta data e.g. account owner and payment " "request information, 2 = drop tx meta data)"), false, OptionsCategory::WALLET); gArgs.AddArg("-dblogsize=", strprintf("Flush wallet database activity from memory to disk " "log every megabytes (default: %u)", DEFAULT_WALLET_DBLOGSIZE), true, OptionsCategory::WALLET_DEBUG_TEST); gArgs.AddArg( "-flushwallet", strprintf("Run a thread to flush wallet periodically (default: %d)", DEFAULT_FLUSHWALLET), true, OptionsCategory::WALLET_DEBUG_TEST); gArgs.AddArg("-privdb", strprintf("Sets the DB_PRIVATE flag in the wallet db " "environment (default: %d)", DEFAULT_WALLET_PRIVDB), true, OptionsCategory::WALLET_DEBUG_TEST); gArgs.AddArg("-walletrejectlongchains", strprintf(_("Wallet will not create transactions that violate " "mempool chain limits (default: %d)"), DEFAULT_WALLET_REJECT_LONG_CHAINS), true, OptionsCategory::WALLET_DEBUG_TEST); } bool WalletInit::ParameterInteraction() const { CFeeRate minRelayTxFee = GetConfig().GetMinFeePerKB(); - gArgs.SoftSetArg("-wallet", DEFAULT_WALLET_DAT); + gArgs.SoftSetArg("-wallet", ""); const bool is_multiwallet = gArgs.GetArgs("-wallet").size() > 1; if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-disablewallet", DEFAULT_DISABLE_WALLET)) { return true; } if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-blocksonly", DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY) && gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg("-walletbroadcast", false)) { LogPrintf("%s: parameter interaction: -blocksonly=1 -> setting " "-walletbroadcast=0\n", __func__); } if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-salvagewallet", false) && gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg("-rescan", true)) { if (is_multiwallet) { return InitError( strprintf("%s is only allowed with a single wallet file", "-salvagewallet")); } // Rewrite just private keys: rescan to find transactions LogPrintf("%s: parameter interaction: -salvagewallet=1 -> setting " "-rescan=1\n", __func__); } int zapwallettxes = gArgs.GetArg("-zapwallettxes", 0); // -zapwallettxes implies dropping the mempool on startup if (zapwallettxes != 0 && gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg("-persistmempool", false)) { LogPrintf("%s: parameter interaction: -zapwallettxes=%s -> setting " "-persistmempool=0\n", __func__, zapwallettxes); } // -zapwallettxes implies a rescan if (zapwallettxes != 0) { if (is_multiwallet) { return InitError( strprintf("%s is only allowed with a single wallet file", "-zapwallettxes")); } if (gArgs.SoftSetBoolArg("-rescan", true)) { LogPrintf("%s: parameter interaction: -zapwallettxes=%s -> setting " "-rescan=1\n", __func__, zapwallettxes); } LogPrintf("%s: parameter interaction: -zapwallettxes= -> setting " "-rescan=1\n", __func__); } if (is_multiwallet) { if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-upgradewallet", false)) { return InitError( strprintf("%s is only allowed with a single wallet file", "-upgradewallet")); } } if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-sysperms", false)) { return InitError("-sysperms is not allowed in combination with enabled " "wallet functionality"); } if (gArgs.GetArg("-prune", 0) && gArgs.GetBoolArg("-rescan", false)) { return InitError( _("Rescans are not possible in pruned mode. You will need to use " "-reindex which will download the whole blockchain again.")); } if (minRelayTxFee.GetFeePerK() > HIGH_TX_FEE_PER_KB) { InitWarning( AmountHighWarn("-minrelaytxfee") + " " + _("The wallet will avoid paying less than the minimum relay fee.")); } if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-fallbackfee")) { Amount nFeePerK = Amount::zero(); if (!ParseMoney(gArgs.GetArg("-fallbackfee", ""), nFeePerK)) { return InitError( strprintf(_("Invalid amount for -fallbackfee=: '%s'"), gArgs.GetArg("-fallbackfee", ""))); } if (nFeePerK > HIGH_TX_FEE_PER_KB) { InitWarning(AmountHighWarn("-fallbackfee") + " " + _("This is the transaction fee you may pay when fee " "estimates are not available.")); } CWallet::fallbackFee = CFeeRate(nFeePerK); } if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-paytxfee")) { Amount nFeePerK = Amount::zero(); if (!ParseMoney(gArgs.GetArg("-paytxfee", ""), nFeePerK)) { return InitError( AmountErrMsg("paytxfee", gArgs.GetArg("-paytxfee", ""))); } if (nFeePerK > HIGH_TX_FEE_PER_KB) { InitWarning(AmountHighWarn("-paytxfee") + " " + _("This is the transaction fee you will pay if you " "send a transaction.")); } payTxFee = CFeeRate(nFeePerK, 1000); if (payTxFee < minRelayTxFee) { return InitError(strprintf( _("Invalid amount for -paytxfee=: '%s' (must " "be at least %s)"), gArgs.GetArg("-paytxfee", ""), minRelayTxFee.ToString())); } } if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-maxtxfee")) { Amount nMaxFee = Amount::zero(); if (!ParseMoney(gArgs.GetArg("-maxtxfee", ""), nMaxFee)) { return InitError( AmountErrMsg("maxtxfee", gArgs.GetArg("-maxtxfee", ""))); } if (nMaxFee > HIGH_MAX_TX_FEE) { InitWarning(_("-maxtxfee is set very high! Fees this large could " "be paid on a single transaction.")); } maxTxFee = nMaxFee; if (CFeeRate(maxTxFee, 1000) < minRelayTxFee) { return InitError(strprintf( _("Invalid amount for -maxtxfee=: '%s' (must " "be at least the minrelay fee of %s to prevent " "stuck transactions)"), gArgs.GetArg("-maxtxfee", ""), minRelayTxFee.ToString())); } } bSpendZeroConfChange = gArgs.GetBoolArg("-spendzeroconfchange", DEFAULT_SPEND_ZEROCONF_CHANGE); g_address_type = OutputType::DEFAULT; g_change_type = OutputType::DEFAULT; return true; } void WalletInit::RegisterRPC(CRPCTable &t) const { if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-disablewallet", DEFAULT_DISABLE_WALLET)) { return; } RegisterWalletRPCCommands(t); RegisterDumpRPCCommands(t); } bool WalletInit::Verify(const CChainParams &chainParams) const { if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-disablewallet", DEFAULT_DISABLE_WALLET)) { return true; } if (gArgs.IsArgSet("-walletdir")) { fs::path wallet_dir = gArgs.GetArg("-walletdir", ""); if (!fs::exists(wallet_dir)) { return InitError( strprintf(_("Specified -walletdir \"%s\" does not exist"), wallet_dir.string())); } else if (!fs::is_directory(wallet_dir)) { return InitError( strprintf(_("Specified -walletdir \"%s\" is not a directory"), wallet_dir.string())); } else if (!wallet_dir.is_absolute()) { return InitError( strprintf(_("Specified -walletdir \"%s\" is a relative path"), wallet_dir.string())); } } LogPrintf("Using wallet directory %s\n", GetWalletDir().string()); uiInterface.InitMessage(_("Verifying wallet(s)...")); // Keep track of each wallet absolute path to detect duplicates. std::set wallet_paths; for (const std::string &walletFile : gArgs.GetArgs("-wallet")) { + // Do some checking on wallet path. It should be either a: + // + // 1. Path where a directory can be created. + // 2. Path to an existing directory. + // 3. Path to a symlink to a directory. + // 4. For backwards compatibility, the name of a data file in + // -walletdir. fs::path wallet_path = fs::absolute(walletFile, GetWalletDir()); - - if (fs::exists(wallet_path) && (!fs::is_regular_file(wallet_path) || - fs::is_symlink(wallet_path))) { - return InitError(strprintf(_("Error loading wallet %s. -wallet " - "filename must be a regular file."), - walletFile)); + fs::file_type path_type = fs::symlink_status(wallet_path).type(); + if (!(path_type == fs::file_not_found || + path_type == fs::directory_file || + (path_type == fs::symlink_file && + fs::is_directory(wallet_path)) || + (path_type == fs::regular_file && + fs::path(walletFile).filename() == walletFile))) { + return InitError(strprintf( + _("Invalid -wallet path '%s'. -wallet path should point to a " + "directory where wallet.dat and database/log.?????????? " + "files can be stored, a location where such a directory " + "could be created, or (for backwards compatibility) the name " + "of an existing data file in -walletdir (%s)"), + walletFile, GetWalletDir())); } if (!wallet_paths.insert(wallet_path).second) { return InitError(strprintf(_("Error loading wallet %s. Duplicate " "-wallet filename specified."), walletFile)); } std::string strError; if (!CWalletDB::VerifyEnvironment(wallet_path, strError)) { return InitError(strError); } if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-salvagewallet", false)) { // Recover readable keypairs: CWallet dummyWallet(chainParams, "dummy", CWalletDBWrapper::CreateDummy()); std::string backup_filename; if (!CWalletDB::Recover(wallet_path, (void *)&dummyWallet, CWalletDB::RecoverKeysOnlyFilter, backup_filename)) { return false; } } std::string strWarning; bool dbV = CWalletDB::VerifyDatabaseFile(wallet_path, strWarning, strError); if (!strWarning.empty()) { InitWarning(strWarning); } if (!dbV) { InitError(strError); return false; } } return true; } bool WalletInit::Open(const CChainParams &chainParams) const { if (gArgs.GetBoolArg("-disablewallet", DEFAULT_DISABLE_WALLET)) { LogPrintf("Wallet disabled!\n"); return true; } for (const std::string &walletFile : gArgs.GetArgs("-wallet")) { CWallet *const pwallet = CWallet::CreateWalletFromFile( chainParams, walletFile, fs::absolute(walletFile, GetWalletDir())); if (!pwallet) { return false; } vpwallets.push_back(pwallet); } return true; } void WalletInit::Start(CScheduler &scheduler) const { for (CWalletRef pwallet : vpwallets) { pwallet->postInitProcess(scheduler); } } void WalletInit::Flush() const { for (CWalletRef pwallet : vpwallets) { pwallet->Flush(false); } } void WalletInit::Stop() const { for (CWalletRef pwallet : vpwallets) { pwallet->Flush(true); } } void WalletInit::Close() const { for (CWalletRef pwallet : vpwallets) { delete pwallet; } vpwallets.clear(); } diff --git a/src/wallet/wallet.cpp b/src/wallet/wallet.cpp index ac921d4fae..3a411d0499 100644 --- a/src/wallet/wallet.cpp +++ b/src/wallet/wallet.cpp @@ -1,4570 +1,4569 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // for IsDeprecatedRPCEnabled #include #include