diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/abandonconflict.py b/qa/rpc-tests/abandonconflict.py index a923e8d7d5..394e58adee 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/abandonconflict.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/abandonconflict.py @@ -1,190 +1,188 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * import urllib.parse class AbandonConflictTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append( - start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-logtimemicros", - "-minrelaytxfee=0.00001"])) + start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, + ["-logtimemicros", "-minrelaytxfee=0.00001"])) self.nodes.append( - start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-logtimemicros"])) + start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-logtimemicros"])) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) def run_test(self): self.nodes[1].generate(100) sync_blocks(self.nodes) balance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() txA = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), Decimal("10")) txB = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), Decimal("10")) txC = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), Decimal("10")) sync_mempools(self.nodes) self.nodes[1].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() # no more than fees lost assert(balance - newbalance < Decimal("0.001")) balance = newbalance url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.nodes[1].url) self.nodes[0].disconnectnode(url.hostname + ":" + str(p2p_port(1))) # Identify the 10btc outputs nA = next(i for i, vout in enumerate( self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txA, 1)["vout"]) if vout["value"] == Decimal("10")) nB = next(i for i, vout in enumerate( self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txB, 1)["vout"]) if vout["value"] == Decimal("10")) nC = next(i for i, vout in enumerate( self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txC, 1)["vout"]) if vout["value"] == Decimal("10")) inputs = [] # spend 10btc outputs from txA and txB inputs.append({"txid": txA, "vout": nA}) inputs.append({"txid": txB, "vout": nB}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = Decimal("14.99998") outputs[self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()] = Decimal("5") signed = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs), None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txAB1 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) # Identify the 14.99998btc output nAB = next(i for i, vout in enumerate(self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction( txAB1, 1)["vout"]) if vout["value"] == Decimal("14.99998")) # Create a child tx spending AB1 and C inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": txAB1, "vout": nAB}) inputs.append({"txid": txC, "vout": nC}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = Decimal("24.9996") signed2 = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs), None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txABC2 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed2["hex"]) # In mempool txs from self should increase balance from change newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("30") + Decimal("24.9996")) balance = newbalance # Restart the node with a higher min relay fee so the parent tx is no longer in mempool # TODO: redo with eviction # Note had to make sure tx did not have AllowFree priority stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, [ - "-debug", "-logtimemicros", + "-logtimemicros", "-minrelaytxfee=0.0001"]) # Verify txs no longer in mempool assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), 0) # Not in mempool txs from self should only reduce balance # inputs are still spent, but change not received newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("24.9996")) # Unconfirmed received funds that are not in mempool, also shouldn't show # up in unconfirmed balance unconfbalance = self.nodes[ 0].getunconfirmedbalance() + self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(unconfbalance, newbalance) # Also shouldn't show up in listunspent assert(not txABC2 in [utxo["txid"] for utxo in self.nodes[0].listunspent(0)]) balance = newbalance # Abandon original transaction and verify inputs are available again # including that the child tx was also abandoned self.nodes[0].abandontransaction(txAB1) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance + Decimal("30")) balance = newbalance # Verify that even with a low min relay fee, the tx is not reaccepted # from wallet on startup once abandoned stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, [ - "-debug", "-logtimemicros", + "-logtimemicros", "-minrelaytxfee=0.00001"]) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), 0) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), balance) # But if its received again then it is unabandoned # And since now in mempool, the change is available # But its child tx remains abandoned self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("20") + Decimal("14.99998")) balance = newbalance # Send child tx again so its unabandoned self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signed2["hex"]) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("10") - Decimal("14.99998") + Decimal("24.9996")) balance = newbalance # Remove using high relay fee again stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, [ - "-debug", "-logtimemicros", + "-logtimemicros", "-minrelaytxfee=0.0001"]) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), 0) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("24.9996")) balance = newbalance # Create a double spend of AB1 by spending again from only A's 10 output # Mine double spend from node 1 inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": txA, "vout": nA}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()] = Decimal("9.9999") tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signed = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(tx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(signed["hex"]) self.nodes[1].generate(1) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # Verify that B and C's 10 BTC outputs are available for spending again # because AB1 is now conflicted newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() assert_equal(newbalance, balance + Decimal("20")) balance = newbalance # There is currently a minor bug around this and so this test doesn't work. See Issue #7315 # Invalidate the block with the double spend and B's 10 BTC output should no longer be available # Don't think C's should either self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) newbalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() # assert_equal(newbalance, balance - Decimal("10")) - print( + self.log.info( "If balance has not declined after invalidateblock then out of mempool wallet tx which is no longer") - print( + self.log.info( "conflicted has not resumed causing its inputs to be seen as spent. See Issue #7315") - print(str(balance) + " -> " + str(newbalance) + " ?") + self.log.info(str(balance) + " -> " + str(newbalance) + " ?") if __name__ == '__main__': AbandonConflictTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/abc-cmdline.py b/qa/rpc-tests/abc-cmdline.py index 4e1252ca8e..94ead73562 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/abc-cmdline.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/abc-cmdline.py @@ -1,107 +1,107 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ Exercise the command line functions specific to ABC functionality. Currently: -excessiveblocksize= """ import re from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import (start_node, stop_node, assert_equal) from test_framework.cdefs import LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE from test_framework.outputchecker import OutputChecker MAX_GENERATED_BLOCK_SIZE_ERROR = ( 'Max generated block size (blockmaxsize) cannot exceed the excessive block size (excessiveblocksize)') class ABC_CmdLine_Test (BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super(ABC_CmdLine_Test, self).__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): self.nodes = self.setup_nodes() def check_excessive(self, expected_value): 'Check that the excessiveBlockSize is as expected' getsize = self.nodes[0].getexcessiveblock() ebs = getsize['excessiveBlockSize'] assert_equal(ebs, expected_value) def check_subversion(self, pattern_str): 'Check that the subversion is set as expected' netinfo = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo() subversion = netinfo['subversion'] pattern = re.compile(pattern_str) assert(pattern.match(subversion)) def excessiveblocksize_test(self): - print("Testing -excessiveblocksize") + self.log.info("Testing -excessiveblocksize") - print(" Set to twice the default, i.e. %d bytes" % - (2 * LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)) + self.log.info(" Set to twice the default, i.e. %d bytes" % + (2 * LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)) stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) self.extra_args = [["-excessiveblocksize=%d" % (2 * LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE)]] self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args[0]) self.check_excessive(2 * LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) # Check for EB correctness in the subver string self.check_subversion("/Bitcoin ABC:.*\(EB2\.0\)/") - print(" Attempt to set below legacy limit of 1MB - try %d bytes" % - LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) + self.log.info(" Attempt to set below legacy limit of 1MB - try %d bytes" % + LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) outputchecker = OutputChecker() stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) try: self.extra_args = [ ["-excessiveblocksize=%d" % LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]] self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args[0], stderr_checker=outputchecker) except Exception as e: assert(outputchecker.contains( 'Error: Excessive block size must be > 1,000,000 bytes (1MB)')) assert_equal( 'bitcoind exited with status 1 during initialization', str(e)) else: raise AssertionError("Must not accept excessiveblocksize" " value < %d bytes" % LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) - print(" Attempt to set below blockmaxsize (mining limit)") + self.log.info(" Attempt to set below blockmaxsize (mining limit)") outputchecker = OutputChecker() try: self.extra_args = [['-blockmaxsize=1500000', '-excessiveblocksize=1300000']] self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args[0], stderr_checker=outputchecker) except Exception as e: assert(outputchecker.contains( 'Error: ' + MAX_GENERATED_BLOCK_SIZE_ERROR)) assert_equal( 'bitcoind exited with status 1 during initialization', str(e)) else: raise AssertionError('Must not accept excessiveblocksize' ' below blockmaxsize') # Make sure we leave the test with a node running as this is what thee # framework expects. self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, []) def run_test(self): # Run tests on -excessiveblocksize option self.excessiveblocksize_test() if __name__ == '__main__': ABC_CmdLine_Test().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py b/qa/rpc-tests/abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py index 1e38545530..e91e2144d2 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/abc-p2p-fullblocktest.py @@ -1,515 +1,514 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ This test checks simple acceptance of bigger blocks via p2p. It is derived from the much more complex p2p-fullblocktest. The intention is that small tests can be derived from this one, or this one can be extended, to cover the checks done for bigger blocks (e.g. sigops limits). """ from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.comptool import TestManager, TestInstance, RejectResult from test_framework.blocktools import * import time from test_framework.key import CECKey from test_framework.script import * from test_framework.cdefs import (ONE_MEGABYTE, LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, MAX_TX_SIGOPS_COUNT) class PreviousSpendableOutput(object): def __init__(self, tx=CTransaction(), n=-1): self.tx = tx self.n = n # the output we're spending # TestNode: A peer we use to send messages to bitcoind, and store responses. class TestNode(SingleNodeConnCB): def __init__(self): self.last_sendcmpct = None self.last_cmpctblock = None self.last_getheaders = None self.last_headers = None SingleNodeConnCB.__init__(self) def on_sendcmpct(self, conn, message): self.last_sendcmpct = message def on_cmpctblock(self, conn, message): self.last_cmpctblock = message self.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() def on_getheaders(self, conn, message): self.last_getheaders = message def on_headers(self, conn, message): self.last_headers = message for x in self.last_headers.headers: x.calc_sha256() def clear_block_data(self): with mininode_lock: self.last_sendcmpct = None self.last_cmpctblock = None class FullBlockTest(ComparisonTestFramework): # Can either run this test as 1 node with expected answers, or two and compare them. # Change the "outcome" variable from each TestInstance object to only do # the comparison. def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.excessive_block_size = 16 * ONE_MEGABYTE self.num_nodes = 1 self.block_heights = {} self.coinbase_key = CECKey() self.coinbase_key.set_secretbytes(b"fatstacks") self.coinbase_pubkey = self.coinbase_key.get_pubkey() self.tip = None self.blocks = {} def setup_network(self): - self.extra_args = [['-debug', - '-norelaypriority', + self.extra_args = [['-norelaypriority', '-whitelist=', '-limitancestorcount=9999', '-limitancestorsize=9999', '-limitdescendantcount=9999', '-limitdescendantsize=9999', '-maxmempool=999', "-excessiveblocksize=%d" % self.excessive_block_size]] self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args, binary=[self.options.testbinary]) def add_options(self, parser): super().add_options(parser) parser.add_option( "--runbarelyexpensive", dest="runbarelyexpensive", default=True) def run_test(self): self.test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir) self.test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) # Start up network handling in another thread NetworkThread().start() # Set the blocksize to 2MB as initial condition self.nodes[0].setexcessiveblock(self.excessive_block_size) self.test.run() def add_transactions_to_block(self, block, tx_list): [tx.rehash() for tx in tx_list] block.vtx.extend(tx_list) # this is a little handier to use than the version in blocktools.py def create_tx(self, spend_tx, n, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): tx = create_transaction(spend_tx, n, b"", value, script) return tx # sign a transaction, using the key we know about # this signs input 0 in tx, which is assumed to be spending output n in # spend_tx def sign_tx(self, tx, spend_tx, n): scriptPubKey = bytearray(spend_tx.vout[n].scriptPubKey) if (scriptPubKey[0] == OP_TRUE): # an anyone-can-spend tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() return sighash = SignatureHashForkId( spend_tx.vout[n].scriptPubKey, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID, spend_tx.vout[n].nValue) tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript( [self.coinbase_key.sign(sighash) + bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID]))]) def create_and_sign_transaction(self, spend_tx, n, value, script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): tx = self.create_tx(spend_tx, n, value, script) self.sign_tx(tx, spend_tx, n) tx.rehash() return tx def next_block(self, number, spend=None, additional_coinbase_value=0, script=None, extra_sigops=0, block_size=0, solve=True): """ Create a block on top of self.tip, and advance self.tip to point to the new block if spend is specified, then 1 satoshi will be spent from that to an anyone-can-spend output, and rest will go to fees. """ if self.tip == None: base_block_hash = self.genesis_hash block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 else: base_block_hash = self.tip.sha256 block_time = self.tip.nTime + 1 # First create the coinbase height = self.block_heights[base_block_hash] + 1 coinbase = create_coinbase(height, self.coinbase_pubkey) coinbase.vout[0].nValue += additional_coinbase_value if (spend != None): coinbase.vout[0].nValue += spend.tx.vout[ spend.n].nValue - 1 # all but one satoshi to fees coinbase.rehash() block = create_block(base_block_hash, coinbase, block_time) spendable_output = None if (spend != None): tx = CTransaction() # no signature yet tx.vin.append( CTxIn(COutPoint(spend.tx.sha256, spend.n), b"", 0xffffffff)) # We put some random data into the first transaction of the chain # to randomize ids tx.vout.append( CTxOut(0, CScript([random.randint(0, 255), OP_DROP, OP_TRUE]))) if script == None: tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) else: tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, script)) spendable_output = PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, 0) # Now sign it if necessary scriptSig = b"" scriptPubKey = bytearray(spend.tx.vout[spend.n].scriptPubKey) if (scriptPubKey[0] == OP_TRUE): # looks like an anyone-can-spend scriptSig = CScript([OP_TRUE]) else: # We have to actually sign it sighash = SignatureHashForkId( spend.tx.vout[spend.n].scriptPubKey, tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID, spend.tx.vout[spend.n].nValue) scriptSig = CScript( [self.coinbase_key.sign(sighash) + bytes(bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID]))]) tx.vin[0].scriptSig = scriptSig # Now add the transaction to the block self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() if spendable_output != None and block_size > 0: while len(block.serialize()) < block_size: tx = CTransaction() script_length = block_size - len(block.serialize()) - 79 if script_length > 510000: script_length = 500000 tx_sigops = min( extra_sigops, script_length, MAX_TX_SIGOPS_COUNT) extra_sigops -= tx_sigops script_pad_len = script_length - tx_sigops script_output = CScript( [b'\x00' * script_pad_len] + [OP_CHECKSIG] * tx_sigops) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(0, script_output)) tx.vin.append( CTxIn(COutPoint(spendable_output.tx.sha256, spendable_output.n))) spendable_output = PreviousSpendableOutput(tx, 0) self.add_transactions_to_block(block, [tx]) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() # Make sure the math above worked out to produce the correct block size # (the math will fail if there are too many transactions in the block) assert_equal(len(block.serialize()), block_size) # Make sure all the requested sigops have been included assert_equal(extra_sigops, 0) if solve: block.solve() self.tip = block self.block_heights[block.sha256] = height assert number not in self.blocks self.blocks[number] = block return block def get_tests(self): self.genesis_hash = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_heights[self.genesis_hash] = 0 spendable_outputs = [] # save the current tip so it can be spent by a later block def save_spendable_output(): spendable_outputs.append(self.tip) # get an output that we previously marked as spendable def get_spendable_output(): return PreviousSpendableOutput(spendable_outputs.pop(0).vtx[0], 0) # returns a test case that asserts that the current tip was accepted def accepted(): return TestInstance([[self.tip, True]]) # returns a test case that asserts that the current tip was rejected def rejected(reject=None): if reject is None: return TestInstance([[self.tip, False]]) else: return TestInstance([[self.tip, reject]]) # move the tip back to a previous block def tip(number): self.tip = self.blocks[number] # adds transactions to the block and updates state def update_block(block_number, new_transactions): block = self.blocks[block_number] self.add_transactions_to_block(block, new_transactions) old_sha256 = block.sha256 block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Update the internal state just like in next_block self.tip = block if block.sha256 != old_sha256: self.block_heights[ block.sha256] = self.block_heights[old_sha256] del self.block_heights[old_sha256] self.blocks[block_number] = block return block # shorthand for functions block = self.next_block # Create a new block block(0) save_spendable_output() yield accepted() # Now we need that block to mature so we can spend the coinbase. test = TestInstance(sync_every_block=False) for i in range(99): block(5000 + i) test.blocks_and_transactions.append([self.tip, True]) save_spendable_output() yield test # collect spendable outputs now to avoid cluttering the code later on out = [] for i in range(100): out.append(get_spendable_output()) # Let's build some blocks and test them. for i in range(16): n = i + 1 block(n, spend=out[i], block_size=n * ONE_MEGABYTE) yield accepted() # block of maximal size block(17, spend=out[16], block_size=self.excessive_block_size) yield accepted() # Reject oversized blocks with bad-blk-length error block(18, spend=out[17], block_size=self.excessive_block_size + 1) yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-blk-length')) # Rewind bad block. tip(17) # Accept many sigops lots_of_checksigs = CScript( [OP_CHECKSIG] * (MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB - 1)) block( 19, spend=out[17], script=lots_of_checksigs, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE) yield accepted() too_many_blk_checksigs = CScript( [OP_CHECKSIG] * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB) block( 20, spend=out[18], script=too_many_blk_checksigs, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE) yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-blk-sigops')) # Rewind bad block tip(19) # Accept 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB block(21, spend=out[18], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) yield accepted() # Accept 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB block(22, spend=out[19], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE) yield accepted() # Reject more than 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB. block(23, spend=out[20], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-blk-sigops')) # Rewind bad block tip(22) # Reject more than 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB. block(24, spend=out[20], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1, block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE) yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-blk-sigops')) # Rewind bad block tip(22) # Accept 60k sigops per block > 2MB and <= 3MB block(25, spend=out[20], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=2 * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) yield accepted() # Accept 60k sigops per block > 2MB and <= 3MB block(26, spend=out[21], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=2 * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB, block_size=3 * ONE_MEGABYTE) yield accepted() # Reject more than 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB. block(27, spend=out[22], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=2 * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1, block_size=2 * ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-blk-sigops')) # Rewind bad block tip(26) # Reject more than 40k sigops per block > 1MB and <= 2MB. block(28, spend=out[22], script=lots_of_checksigs, extra_sigops=2 * MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1, block_size=3 * ONE_MEGABYTE) yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-blk-sigops')) # Rewind bad block tip(26) # Too many sigops in one txn too_many_tx_checksigs = CScript( [OP_CHECKSIG] * (MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB + 1)) block( 29, spend=out[22], script=too_many_tx_checksigs, block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-txn-sigops')) # Rewind bad block tip(26) # P2SH # Build the redeem script, hash it, use hash to create the p2sh script redeem_script = CScript([self.coinbase_pubkey] + [ OP_2DUP, OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY] * 5 + [OP_CHECKSIG]) redeem_script_hash = hash160(redeem_script) p2sh_script = CScript([OP_HASH160, redeem_script_hash, OP_EQUAL]) # Create a p2sh transaction p2sh_tx = self.create_and_sign_transaction( out[22].tx, out[22].n, 1, p2sh_script) # Add the transaction to the block block(30) update_block(30, [p2sh_tx]) yield accepted() # Creates a new transaction using the p2sh transaction included in the # last block def spend_p2sh_tx(output_script=CScript([OP_TRUE])): # Create the transaction spent_p2sh_tx = CTransaction() spent_p2sh_tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(p2sh_tx.sha256, 0), b'')) spent_p2sh_tx.vout.append(CTxOut(1, output_script)) # Sign the transaction using the redeem script sighash = SignatureHashForkId( redeem_script, spent_p2sh_tx, 0, SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID, p2sh_tx.vout[0].nValue) sig = self.coinbase_key.sign(sighash) + bytes( bytearray([SIGHASH_ALL | SIGHASH_FORKID])) spent_p2sh_tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([sig, redeem_script]) spent_p2sh_tx.rehash() return spent_p2sh_tx # Sigops p2sh limit p2sh_sigops_limit = MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB - \ redeem_script.GetSigOpCount(True) # Too many sigops in one p2sh txn too_many_p2sh_sigops = CScript([OP_CHECKSIG] * (p2sh_sigops_limit + 1)) block(31, spend=out[23], block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) update_block(31, [spend_p2sh_tx(too_many_p2sh_sigops)]) yield rejected(RejectResult(16, b'bad-txn-sigops')) # Rewind bad block tip(30) # Max sigops in one p2sh txn max_p2sh_sigops = CScript([OP_CHECKSIG] * (p2sh_sigops_limit)) block(32, spend=out[23], block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) update_block(32, [spend_p2sh_tx(max_p2sh_sigops)]) yield accepted() # Check that compact block also work for big blocks node = self.nodes[0] peer = TestNode() peer.add_connection(NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), node, peer)) # Start up network handling in another thread and wait for connection # to be etablished NetworkThread().start() peer.wait_for_verack() # Wait for SENDCMPCT def received_sendcmpct(): return (peer.last_sendcmpct != None) got_sendcmpt = wait_until(received_sendcmpct, timeout=30) assert(got_sendcmpt) sendcmpct = msg_sendcmpct() sendcmpct.version = 1 sendcmpct.announce = True peer.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) # Exchange headers def received_getheaders(): return (peer.last_getheaders != None) got_getheaders = wait_until(received_getheaders, timeout=30) assert(got_getheaders) # Return the favor peer.send_message(peer.last_getheaders) # Wait for the header list def received_headers(): return (peer.last_headers != None) got_headers = wait_until(received_headers, timeout=30) assert(got_headers) # It's like we know about the same headers ! peer.send_message(peer.last_headers) # Send a block b33 = block(33, spend=out[24], block_size=ONE_MEGABYTE + 1) yield accepted() # Checks the node to forward it via compact block def received_block(): return (peer.last_cmpctblock != None) got_cmpctblock = wait_until(received_block, timeout=30) assert(got_cmpctblock) # Was it our block ? cmpctblk_header = peer.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header cmpctblk_header.calc_sha256() assert(cmpctblk_header.sha256 == b33.sha256) # Send a bigger block peer.clear_block_data() b34 = block(34, spend=out[25], block_size=8 * ONE_MEGABYTE) yield accepted() # Checks the node to forward it via compact block got_cmpctblock = wait_until(received_block, timeout=30) assert(got_cmpctblock) # Was it our block ? cmpctblk_header = peer.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header cmpctblk_header.calc_sha256() assert(cmpctblk_header.sha256 == b34.sha256) # Let's send a compact block and see if the node accepts it. # First, we generate the block and send all transaction to the mempool b35 = block(35, spend=out[26], block_size=8 * ONE_MEGABYTE) for i in range(1, len(b35.vtx)): node.sendrawtransaction(ToHex(b35.vtx[i]), True) # Now we create the compact block and send it comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(b35) peer.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) # Check that compact block is received properly assert(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) == b35.sha256) if __name__ == '__main__': FullBlockTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/abc-rpc.py b/qa/rpc-tests/abc-rpc.py index 75863ceadd..8d0a6c29ce 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/abc-rpc.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/abc-rpc.py @@ -1,106 +1,105 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # Exercise the Bitcoin ABC RPC calls. import time import random import re from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import NODE_BITCOIN_CASH from test_framework.cdefs import (ONE_MEGABYTE, LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) class ABC_RPC_Test (BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super(ABC_RPC_Test, self).__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 self.tip = None self.setup_clean_chain = True def setup_network(self): - self.extra_args = [['-debug', - '-norelaypriority', + self.extra_args = [['-norelaypriority', '-whitelist=', '-par=1']] self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args) self.genesis_hash = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) def check_subversion(self, pattern_str): 'Check that the subversion is set as expected' netinfo = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo() subversion = netinfo['subversion'] pattern = re.compile(pattern_str) assert(pattern.match(subversion)) def test_excessiveblock(self): # Check that we start with DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE getsize = self.nodes[0].getexcessiveblock() ebs = getsize['excessiveBlockSize'] assert_equal(ebs, DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) # Check that setting to legacy size is ok self.nodes[0].setexcessiveblock(LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 1) getsize = self.nodes[0].getexcessiveblock() ebs = getsize['excessiveBlockSize'] assert_equal(ebs, LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 1) # Check that going below legacy size is not accepted try: self.nodes[0].setexcessiveblock(LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) except JSONRPCException as e: assert("Invalid parameter, excessiveblock must be larger than %d" % LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE in e.error['message']) else: raise AssertionError( "Must not accept excessiveblock values <= %d bytes" % LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) getsize = self.nodes[0].getexcessiveblock() ebs = getsize['excessiveBlockSize'] assert_equal(ebs, LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE + 1) # Check setting to 2MB self.nodes[0].setexcessiveblock(2 * ONE_MEGABYTE) getsize = self.nodes[0].getexcessiveblock() ebs = getsize['excessiveBlockSize'] assert_equal(ebs, 2 * ONE_MEGABYTE) # Check for EB correctness in the subver string self.check_subversion("/Bitcoin ABC:.*\(EB2\.0\)/") # Check setting to 13MB self.nodes[0].setexcessiveblock(13 * ONE_MEGABYTE) getsize = self.nodes[0].getexcessiveblock() ebs = getsize['excessiveBlockSize'] assert_equal(ebs, 13 * ONE_MEGABYTE) # Check for EB correctness in the subver string self.check_subversion("/Bitcoin ABC:.*\(EB13\.0\)/") # Check setting to 13.14MB self.nodes[0].setexcessiveblock(13140000) getsize = self.nodes[0].getexcessiveblock() ebs = getsize['excessiveBlockSize'] assert_equal(ebs, 13.14 * ONE_MEGABYTE) # check for EB correctness in the subver string self.check_subversion("/Bitcoin ABC:.*\(EB13\.1\)/") def test_cashservicebit(self): # Check that NODE_BITCOIN_CASH bit is set. # This can be seen in the 'localservices' entry of getnetworkinfo RPC. node = self.nodes[0] nw_info = node.getnetworkinfo() assert_equal(int(nw_info['localservices'], 16) & NODE_BITCOIN_CASH, NODE_BITCOIN_CASH) def run_test(self): self.test_excessiveblock() self.test_cashservicebit() if __name__ == '__main__': ABC_RPC_Test().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/assumevalid.py b/qa/rpc-tests/assumevalid.py index 9407714350..3ad83f5a85 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/assumevalid.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/assumevalid.py @@ -1,209 +1,209 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. ''' assumevalid.py Test logic for skipping signature validation on blocks which we've assumed valid (https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/9484) We build a chain that includes and invalid signature for one of the transactions: 0: genesis block 1: block 1 with coinbase transaction output. 2-101: bury that block with 100 blocks so the coinbase transaction output can be spent 102: a block containing a transaction spending the coinbase transaction output. The transaction has an invalid signature. 103-2202: bury the bad block with just over two weeks' worth of blocks (2100 blocks) Start three nodes: - node0 has no -assumevalid parameter. Try to sync to block 2202. It will reject block 102 and only sync as far as block 101 - node1 has -assumevalid set to the hash of block 102. Try to sync to block 2202. node1 will sync all the way to block 2202. - node2 has -assumevalid set to the hash of block 102. Try to sync to block 200. node2 will reject block 102 since it's assumed valid, but it isn't buried by at least two weeks' work. ''' from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase from test_framework.key import CECKey from test_framework.script import * class BaseNode(SingleNodeConnCB): def __init__(self): SingleNodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.last_inv = None self.last_headers = None self.last_block = None self.last_getdata = None self.block_announced = False self.last_getheaders = None self.disconnected = False self.last_blockhash_announced = None def on_close(self, conn): self.disconnected = True def wait_for_disconnect(self, timeout=60): test_function = lambda: self.disconnected assert(wait_until(test_function, timeout=timeout)) return def send_header_for_blocks(self, new_blocks): headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers = [CBlockHeader(b) for b in new_blocks] self.send_message(headers_message) class SendHeadersTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 def setup_network(self): # Start node0. We don't start the other nodes yet since # we need to pre-mine a block with an invalid transaction # signature so we can pass in the block hash as assumevalid. self.nodes = [] - self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"])) + self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir)) def run_test(self): # Connect to node0 node0 = BaseNode() connections = [] connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], node0)) node0.add_connection(connections[0]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread node0.wait_for_verack() # Build the blockchain self.tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) self.block_time = self.nodes[0].getblock( self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['time'] + 1 self.blocks = [] # Get a pubkey for the coinbase TXO coinbase_key = CECKey() coinbase_key.set_secretbytes(b"horsebattery") coinbase_pubkey = coinbase_key.get_pubkey() # Create the first block with a coinbase output to our key height = 1 block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase( height, coinbase_pubkey), self.block_time) self.blocks.append(block) self.block_time += 1 block.solve() # Save the coinbase for later self.block1 = block self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 # Bury the block 100 deep so the coinbase output is spendable for i in range(100): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) block.solve() self.blocks.append(block) self.tip = block.sha256 self.block_time += 1 height += 1 # Create a transaction spending the coinbase output with an invalid # (null) signature tx = CTransaction() tx.vin.append( CTxIn(COutPoint(self.block1.vtx[0].sha256, 0), scriptSig=b"")) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(49 * 100000000, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) tx.calc_sha256() block102 = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) self.block_time += 1 block102.vtx.extend([tx]) block102.hashMerkleRoot = block102.calc_merkle_root() block102.rehash() block102.solve() self.blocks.append(block102) self.tip = block102.sha256 self.block_time += 1 height += 1 # Bury the assumed valid block 2100 deep for i in range(2100): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.block_time) block.nVersion = 4 block.solve() self.blocks.append(block) self.tip = block.sha256 self.block_time += 1 height += 1 # Start node1 and node2 with assumevalid so they accept a block with a # bad signature. self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, - ["-debug", "-assumevalid=" + hex(block102.sha256)])) + ["-assumevalid=" + hex(block102.sha256)])) node1 = BaseNode() # connects to node1 connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(1), self.nodes[1], node1)) node1.add_connection(connections[1]) node1.wait_for_verack() self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, - ["-debug", "-assumevalid=" + hex(block102.sha256)])) + ["-assumevalid=" + hex(block102.sha256)])) node2 = BaseNode() # connects to node2 connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(2), self.nodes[2], node2)) node2.add_connection(connections[2]) node2.wait_for_verack() # send header lists to all three nodes node0.send_header_for_blocks(self.blocks[0:2000]) node0.send_header_for_blocks(self.blocks[2000:]) node1.send_header_for_blocks(self.blocks[0:2000]) node1.send_header_for_blocks(self.blocks[2000:]) node2.send_header_for_blocks(self.blocks[0:200]) # Send 102 blocks to node0. Block 102 will be rejected. for i in range(101): node0.send_message(msg_block(self.blocks[i])) node0.sync_with_ping() # make sure the most recent block is synced node0.send_message(msg_block(self.blocks[101])) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblock( self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())['height'], 101) # Send 3102 blocks to node1. All blocks will be accepted. for i in range(2202): node1.send_message(msg_block(self.blocks[i])) node1.sync_with_ping() # make sure the most recent block is synced assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['height'], 2202) # Send 102 blocks to node2. Block 102 will be rejected. for i in range(101): node2.send_message(msg_block(self.blocks[i])) node2.sync_with_ping() # make sure the most recent block is synced node2.send_message(msg_block(self.blocks[101])) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getblock( self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash())['height'], 101) if __name__ == '__main__': SendHeadersTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bip65-cltv-p2p.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bip65-cltv-p2p.py index b2605cee05..e500de42f5 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/bip65-cltv-p2p.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bip65-cltv-p2p.py @@ -1,194 +1,193 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import CTransaction, NetworkThread from test_framework.blocktools import create_coinbase, create_block from test_framework.comptool import TestInstance, TestManager from test_framework.script import CScript, OP_1NEGATE, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_DROP from io import BytesIO import time def cltv_invalidate(tx): '''Modify the signature in vin 0 of the tx to fail CLTV Prepends -1 CLTV DROP in the scriptSig itself. ''' tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([OP_1NEGATE, OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY, OP_DROP] + list(CScript(tx.vin[0].scriptSig))) ''' This test is meant to exercise BIP65 (CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY) Connect to a single node. Mine 2 (version 3) blocks (save the coinbases for later). Generate 98 more version 3 blocks, verify the node accepts. Mine 749 version 4 blocks, verify the node accepts. Check that the new CLTV rules are not enforced on the 750th version 4 block. Check that the new CLTV rules are enforced on the 751st version 4 block. Mine 199 new version blocks. Mine 1 old-version block. Mine 1 new version block. Mine 1 old version block, see that the node rejects. ''' class BIP65Test(ComparisonTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): # Must set the blockversion for this test self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - extra_args=[['-debug', - '-whitelist=', + extra_args=[['-whitelist=', '-blockversion=3']], binary=[self.options.testbinary]) def run_test(self): test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir) test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) # Start up network handling in another thread NetworkThread().start() test.run() def create_transaction(self, node, coinbase, to_address, amount): from_txid = node.getblock(coinbase)['tx'][0] inputs = [{"txid": from_txid, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") tx = CTransaction() f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(signresult['hex'])) tx.deserialize(f) return tx def get_tests(self): self.coinbase_blocks = self.nodes[0].generate(2) height = 3 # height of the next block to build self.tip = int("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 0) self.nodeaddress = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() self.last_block_time = int(time.time()) ''' 398 more version 3 blocks ''' test_blocks = [] for i in range(398): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 3 block.rehash() block.solve() test_blocks.append([block, True]) self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) ''' Mine 749 version 4 blocks ''' test_blocks = [] for i in range(749): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 4 block.rehash() block.solve() test_blocks.append([block, True]) self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) ''' Check that the new CLTV rules are not enforced in the 750th version 3 block. ''' spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks[0], self.nodeaddress, 1.0) cltv_invalidate(spendtx) spendtx.rehash() block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 4 block.vtx.append(spendtx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, True]]) ''' Mine 199 new version blocks on last valid tip ''' test_blocks = [] for i in range(199): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 4 block.rehash() block.solve() test_blocks.append([block, True]) self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) ''' Mine 1 old version block ''' block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 3 block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, True]]) ''' Mine 1 new version block ''' block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 4 block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, True]]) ''' Check that the new CLTV rules are enforced in the 951st version 4 block. ''' spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks[1], self.nodeaddress, 1.0) cltv_invalidate(spendtx) spendtx.rehash() block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 4 block.vtx.append(spendtx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, False]]) ''' Mine 1 old version block, should be invalid ''' block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 3 block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, False]]) if __name__ == '__main__': BIP65Test().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-112-113-p2p.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-112-113-p2p.py index 075a78fea9..58d6351beb 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-112-113-p2p.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-112-113-p2p.py @@ -1,621 +1,620 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import ToHex, CTransaction, NetworkThread from test_framework.blocktools import create_coinbase, create_block from test_framework.comptool import TestInstance, TestManager from test_framework.script import * from io import BytesIO import time ''' This test is meant to exercise activation of the first version bits soft fork This soft fork will activate the following BIPS: BIP 68 - nSequence relative lock times BIP 112 - CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY BIP 113 - MedianTimePast semantics for nLockTime regtest lock-in with 108/144 block signalling activation after a further 144 blocks mine 82 blocks whose coinbases will be used to generate inputs for our tests mine 61 blocks to transition from DEFINED to STARTED mine 144 blocks only 100 of which are signaling readiness in order to fail to change state this period mine 144 blocks with 108 signaling and verify STARTED->LOCKED_IN mine 140 blocks and seed block chain with the 82 inputs will use for our tests at height 572 mine 3 blocks and verify still at LOCKED_IN and test that enforcement has not triggered mine 1 block and test that enforcement has triggered (which triggers ACTIVE) Test BIP 113 is enforced Mine 4 blocks so next height is 580 and test BIP 68 is enforced for time and height Mine 1 block so next height is 581 and test BIP 68 now passes time but not height Mine 1 block so next height is 582 and test BIP 68 now passes time and height Test that BIP 112 is enforced Various transactions will be used to test that the BIPs rules are not enforced before the soft fork activates And that after the soft fork activates transactions pass and fail as they should according to the rules. For each BIP, transactions of versions 1 and 2 will be tested. ---------------- BIP 113: bip113tx - modify the nLocktime variable BIP 68: bip68txs - 16 txs with nSequence relative locktime of 10 with various bits set as per the relative_locktimes below BIP 112: bip112txs_vary_nSequence - 16 txs with nSequence relative_locktimes of 10 evaluated against 10 OP_CSV OP_DROP bip112txs_vary_nSequence_9 - 16 txs with nSequence relative_locktimes of 9 evaluated against 10 OP_CSV OP_DROP bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV - 16 txs with nSequence = 10 evaluated against varying {relative_locktimes of 10} OP_CSV OP_DROP bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9 - 16 txs with nSequence = 9 evaluated against varying {relative_locktimes of 10} OP_CSV OP_DROP bip112tx_special - test negative argument to OP_CSV ''' base_relative_locktime = 10 seq_disable_flag = 1 << 31 seq_random_high_bit = 1 << 25 seq_type_flag = 1 << 22 seq_random_low_bit = 1 << 18 # b31,b25,b22,b18 represent the 31st, 25th, 22nd and 18th bits respectively in the nSequence field # relative_locktimes[b31][b25][b22][b18] is a base_relative_locktime with # the indicated bits set if their indices are 1 relative_locktimes = [] for b31 in range(2): b25times = [] for b25 in range(2): b22times = [] for b22 in range(2): b18times = [] for b18 in range(2): rlt = base_relative_locktime if (b31): rlt = rlt | seq_disable_flag if (b25): rlt = rlt | seq_random_high_bit if (b22): rlt = rlt | seq_type_flag if (b18): rlt = rlt | seq_random_low_bit b18times.append(rlt) b22times.append(b18times) b25times.append(b22times) relative_locktimes.append(b25times) def all_rlt_txs(txarray): txs = [] for b31 in range(2): for b25 in range(2): for b22 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): txs.append(txarray[b31][b25][b22][b18]) return txs class BIP68_112_113Test(ComparisonTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): # Must set the blockversion for this test self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - extra_args=[['-debug', - '-whitelist=', + extra_args=[['-whitelist=', '-blockversion=4']], binary=[self.options.testbinary]) def run_test(self): test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir) test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread test.run() def send_generic_input_tx(self, node, coinbases): amount = Decimal("49.99") return node.sendrawtransaction(ToHex(self.sign_transaction(node, self.create_transaction(node, node.getblock(coinbases.pop())['tx'][0], self.nodeaddress, amount)))) def create_transaction(self, node, txid, to_address, amount): inputs = [{"txid": txid, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx = CTransaction() f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(rawtx)) tx.deserialize(f) return tx def sign_transaction(self, node, unsignedtx): rawtx = ToHex(unsignedtx) signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") tx = CTransaction() f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(signresult['hex'])) tx.deserialize(f) return tx def generate_blocks(self, number, version, test_blocks=[]): for i in range(number): block = self.create_test_block([], version) test_blocks.append([block, True]) self.last_block_time += 600 self.tip = block.sha256 self.tipheight += 1 return test_blocks def create_test_block(self, txs, version=536870912): block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase( self.tipheight + 1), self.last_block_time + 600) block.nVersion = version block.vtx.extend(txs) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.rehash() block.solve() return block def create_bip68txs(self, bip68inputs, txversion, locktime_delta=0): txs = [] assert(len(bip68inputs) >= 16) i = 0 for b31 in range(2): b25txs = [] for b25 in range(2): b22txs = [] for b22 in range(2): b18txs = [] for b18 in range(2): tx = self.create_transaction( self.nodes[0], bip68inputs[i], self.nodeaddress, Decimal("49.98")) i += 1 tx.nVersion = txversion tx.vin[0].nSequence = relative_locktimes[ b31][b25][b22][b18] + locktime_delta b18txs.append(self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], tx)) b22txs.append(b18txs) b25txs.append(b22txs) txs.append(b25txs) return txs def create_bip112special(self, input, txversion): tx = self.create_transaction( self.nodes[0], input, self.nodeaddress, Decimal("49.98")) tx.nVersion = txversion signtx = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], tx) signtx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript( [-1, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP] + list(CScript(signtx.vin[0].scriptSig))) return signtx def create_bip112txs(self, bip112inputs, varyOP_CSV, txversion, locktime_delta=0): txs = [] assert(len(bip112inputs) >= 16) i = 0 for b31 in range(2): b25txs = [] for b25 in range(2): b22txs = [] for b22 in range(2): b18txs = [] for b18 in range(2): tx = self.create_transaction( self.nodes[0], bip112inputs[i], self.nodeaddress, Decimal("49.98")) i += 1 if (varyOP_CSV): # if varying OP_CSV, nSequence is fixed tx.vin[ 0].nSequence = base_relative_locktime + locktime_delta else: # vary nSequence instead, OP_CSV is fixed tx.vin[0].nSequence = relative_locktimes[ b31][b25][b22][b18] + locktime_delta tx.nVersion = txversion signtx = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], tx) if (varyOP_CSV): signtx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript( [relative_locktimes[b31][b25][b22][b18], OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP] + list(CScript(signtx.vin[0].scriptSig))) else: signtx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript( [base_relative_locktime, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP] + list(CScript(signtx.vin[0].scriptSig))) b18txs.append(signtx) b22txs.append(b18txs) b25txs.append(b22txs) txs.append(b25txs) return txs def get_tests(self): long_past_time = int(time.time()) - 600 * \ 1000 # enough to build up to 1000 blocks 10 minutes apart without worrying about getting into the future self.nodes[0].setmocktime(long_past_time - 100) # enough so that the generated blocks will # still all be before long_past_time self.coinbase_blocks = self.nodes[0].generate( 1 + 16 + 2 * 32 + 1) # 82 blocks generated for inputs self.nodes[0].setmocktime( 0) # set time back to present so yielded blocks aren't in the future as we advance last_block_time self.tipheight = 82 # height of the next block to build self.last_block_time = long_past_time self.tip = int("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 0) self.nodeaddress = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() assert_equal( get_bip9_status(self.nodes[0], 'csv')['status'], 'defined') test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(61, 4) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 1 # Advanced from DEFINED to STARTED, height = 143 assert_equal( get_bip9_status(self.nodes[0], 'csv')['status'], 'started') # Fail to achieve LOCKED_IN 100 out of 144 signal bit 0 # using a variety of bits to simulate multiple parallel softforks # 0x20000001 (signalling ready) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(50, 536870913) # 0x00000004 (signalling not) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(20, 4, test_blocks) # 0x20000101 (signalling ready) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(50, 536871169, test_blocks) # 0x20010000 (signalling not) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(24, 536936448, test_blocks) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 2 # Failed to advance past STARTED, height = 287 assert_equal( get_bip9_status(self.nodes[0], 'csv')['status'], 'started') # 108 out of 144 signal bit 0 to achieve lock-in # using a variety of bits to simulate multiple parallel softforks # 0x20000001 (signalling ready) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(58, 536870913) # 0x00000004 (signalling not) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(26, 4, test_blocks) # 0x20000101 (signalling ready) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(50, 536871169, test_blocks) # 0x20010000 (signalling not) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(10, 536936448, test_blocks) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 3 # Advanced from STARTED to LOCKED_IN, height = 431 assert_equal( get_bip9_status(self.nodes[0], 'csv')['status'], 'locked_in') # 140 more version 4 blocks test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(140, 4) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 4 # Inputs at height = 572 # Put inputs for all tests in the chain at height 572 (tip now = 571) (time increases by 600s per block) # Note we reuse inputs for v1 and v2 txs so must test these separately # 16 normal inputs bip68inputs = [] for i in range(16): bip68inputs.append( self.send_generic_input_tx(self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks)) # 2 sets of 16 inputs with 10 OP_CSV OP_DROP (actually will be # prepended to spending scriptSig) bip112basicinputs = [] for j in range(2): inputs = [] for i in range(16): inputs.append(self.send_generic_input_tx( self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks)) bip112basicinputs.append(inputs) # 2 sets of 16 varied inputs with (relative_lock_time) OP_CSV OP_DROP # (actually will be prepended to spending scriptSig) bip112diverseinputs = [] for j in range(2): inputs = [] for i in range(16): inputs.append(self.send_generic_input_tx( self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks)) bip112diverseinputs.append(inputs) # 1 special input with -1 OP_CSV OP_DROP (actually will be prepended to # spending scriptSig) bip112specialinput = self.send_generic_input_tx( self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks) # 1 normal input bip113input = self.send_generic_input_tx( self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks) self.nodes[0].setmocktime(self.last_block_time + 600) inputblockhash = self.nodes[0].generate(1)[ 0] # 1 block generated for inputs to be in chain at height 572 self.nodes[0].setmocktime(0) self.tip = int("0x" + inputblockhash, 0) self.tipheight += 1 self.last_block_time += 600 assert_equal( len(self.nodes[0].getblock(inputblockhash, True)["tx"]), 82 + 1) # 2 more version 4 blocks test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(2, 4) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 5 # Not yet advanced to ACTIVE, height = 574 (will activate for block # 576, not 575) assert_equal( get_bip9_status(self.nodes[0], 'csv')['status'], 'locked_in') # Test both version 1 and version 2 transactions for all tests # BIP113 test transaction will be modified before each use to put in # appropriate block time bip113tx_v1 = self.create_transaction( self.nodes[0], bip113input, self.nodeaddress, Decimal("49.98")) bip113tx_v1.vin[0].nSequence = 0xFFFFFFFE bip113tx_v1.nVersion = 1 bip113tx_v2 = self.create_transaction( self.nodes[0], bip113input, self.nodeaddress, Decimal("49.98")) bip113tx_v2.vin[0].nSequence = 0xFFFFFFFE bip113tx_v2.nVersion = 2 # For BIP68 test all 16 relative sequence locktimes bip68txs_v1 = self.create_bip68txs(bip68inputs, 1) bip68txs_v2 = self.create_bip68txs(bip68inputs, 2) # For BIP112 test: # 16 relative sequence locktimes of 10 against 10 OP_CSV OP_DROP inputs bip112txs_vary_nSequence_v1 = self.create_bip112txs( bip112basicinputs[0], False, 1) bip112txs_vary_nSequence_v2 = self.create_bip112txs( bip112basicinputs[0], False, 2) # 16 relative sequence locktimes of 9 against 10 OP_CSV OP_DROP inputs bip112txs_vary_nSequence_9_v1 = self.create_bip112txs( bip112basicinputs[1], False, 1, -1) bip112txs_vary_nSequence_9_v2 = self.create_bip112txs( bip112basicinputs[1], False, 2, -1) # sequence lock time of 10 against 16 (relative_lock_time) OP_CSV # OP_DROP inputs bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v1 = self.create_bip112txs( bip112diverseinputs[0], True, 1) bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v2 = self.create_bip112txs( bip112diverseinputs[0], True, 2) # sequence lock time of 9 against 16 (relative_lock_time) OP_CSV # OP_DROP inputs bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9_v1 = self.create_bip112txs( bip112diverseinputs[1], True, 1, -1) bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9_v2 = self.create_bip112txs( bip112diverseinputs[1], True, 2, -1) # -1 OP_CSV OP_DROP input bip112tx_special_v1 = self.create_bip112special(bip112specialinput, 1) bip112tx_special_v2 = self.create_bip112special(bip112specialinput, 2) # TESTING ### # # Before Soft Forks Activate ### # # All txs should pass # Version 1 txs ### success_txs = [] # add BIP113 tx and -1 CSV tx bip113tx_v1.nLockTime = self.last_block_time - 600 * \ 5 # = MTP of prior block (not <) but < time put on current block bip113signed1 = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], bip113tx_v1) success_txs.append(bip113signed1) success_txs.append(bip112tx_special_v1) # add BIP 68 txs success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip68txs_v1)) # add BIP 112 with seq=10 txs success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_v1)) success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v1)) # try BIP 112 with seq=9 txs success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_9_v1)) success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9_v1)) yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(success_txs), True]]) # 6 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Version 2 txs ### success_txs = [] # add BIP113 tx and -1 CSV tx bip113tx_v2.nLockTime = self.last_block_time - 600 * \ 5 # = MTP of prior block (not <) but < time put on current block bip113signed2 = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], bip113tx_v2) success_txs.append(bip113signed2) success_txs.append(bip112tx_special_v2) # add BIP 68 txs success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip68txs_v2)) # add BIP 112 with seq=10 txs success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_v2)) success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v2)) # try BIP 112 with seq=9 txs success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_9_v2)) success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9_v2)) yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(success_txs), True]]) # 7 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # 1 more version 4 block to get us to height 575 so the fork should now # be active for the next block test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(1, 4) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 8 assert_equal(get_bip9_status(self.nodes[0], 'csv')['status'], 'active') # # After Soft Forks Activate ### # # BIP 113 ### # BIP 113 tests should now fail regardless of version number if # nLockTime isn't satisfied by new rules bip113tx_v1.nLockTime = self.last_block_time - 600 * \ 5 # = MTP of prior block (not <) but < time put on current block bip113signed1 = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], bip113tx_v1) bip113tx_v2.nLockTime = self.last_block_time - 600 * \ 5 # = MTP of prior block (not <) but < time put on current block bip113signed2 = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], bip113tx_v2) for bip113tx in [bip113signed1, bip113signed2]: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([bip113tx]), False]]) # 9,10 # BIP 113 tests should now pass if the locktime is < MTP bip113tx_v1.nLockTime = self.last_block_time - \ 600 * 5 - 1 # < MTP of prior block bip113signed1 = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], bip113tx_v1) bip113tx_v2.nLockTime = self.last_block_time - \ 600 * 5 - 1 # < MTP of prior block bip113signed2 = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], bip113tx_v2) for bip113tx in [bip113signed1, bip113signed2]: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([bip113tx]), True]]) # 11,12 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Next block height = 580 after 4 blocks of random version test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(4, 1234) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 13 # BIP 68 ### # Version 1 txs ### # All still pass success_txs = [] success_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip68txs_v1)) yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(success_txs), True]]) # 14 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Version 2 txs ### bip68success_txs = [] # All txs with SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG set pass for b25 in range(2): for b22 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): bip68success_txs.append(bip68txs_v2[1][b25][b22][b18]) yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(bip68success_txs), True]]) # 15 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # All txs without flag fail as we are at delta height = 8 < 10 and # delta time = 8 * 600 < 10 * 512 bip68timetxs = [] for b25 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): bip68timetxs.append(bip68txs_v2[0][b25][1][b18]) for tx in bip68timetxs: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([tx]), False]]) # 16 - 19 bip68heighttxs = [] for b25 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): bip68heighttxs.append(bip68txs_v2[0][b25][0][b18]) for tx in bip68heighttxs: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([tx]), False]]) # 20 - 23 # Advance one block to 581 test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(1, 1234) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 24 # Height txs should fail and time txs should now pass 9 * 600 > 10 * # 512 bip68success_txs.extend(bip68timetxs) yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(bip68success_txs), True]]) # 25 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) for tx in bip68heighttxs: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([tx]), False]]) # 26 - 29 # Advance one block to 582 test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(1, 1234) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) # 30 # All BIP 68 txs should pass bip68success_txs.extend(bip68heighttxs) yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(bip68success_txs), True]]) # 31 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # BIP 112 ### # Version 1 txs ### # -1 OP_CSV tx should fail yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([bip112tx_special_v1]), False]]) # 32 # If SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG is set in argument to OP_CSV, # version 1 txs should still pass success_txs = [] for b25 in range(2): for b22 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): success_txs.append( bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v1[1][b25][b22][b18]) success_txs.append( bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9_v1[1][b25][b22][b18]) yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(success_txs), True]]) # 33 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # If SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG is unset in argument to OP_CSV, # version 1 txs should now fail fail_txs = [] fail_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_v1)) fail_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_9_v1)) for b25 in range(2): for b22 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): fail_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v1[0][b25][b22][b18]) fail_txs.append( bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9_v1[0][b25][b22][b18]) for tx in fail_txs: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([tx]), False]]) # 34 - 81 # Version 2 txs ### # -1 OP_CSV tx should fail yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([bip112tx_special_v2]), False]]) # 82 # If SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG is set in argument to OP_CSV, # version 2 txs should pass (all sequence locks are met) success_txs = [] for b25 in range(2): for b22 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): success_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v2[ 1][b25][b22][b18]) # 8/16 of vary_OP_CSV success_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9_v2[ 1][b25][b22][b18]) # 8/16 of vary_OP_CSV_9 yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(success_txs), True]]) # 83 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG is unset in argument to OP_CSV for all remaining txs ## # All txs with nSequence 9 should fail either due to earlier mismatch # or failing the CSV check fail_txs = [] fail_txs.extend(all_rlt_txs(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_9_v2)) # 16/16 of vary_nSequence_9 for b25 in range(2): for b22 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): fail_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_9_v2[ 0][b25][b22][b18]) # 16/16 of vary_OP_CSV_9 for tx in fail_txs: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([tx]), False]]) # 84 - 107 # If SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG is set in nSequence, tx should fail fail_txs = [] for b25 in range(2): for b22 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): fail_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_v2[ 1][b25][b22][b18]) # 8/16 of vary_nSequence for tx in fail_txs: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([tx]), False]]) # 108-115 # If sequencelock types mismatch, tx should fail fail_txs = [] for b25 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): fail_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_v2[ 0][b25][1][b18]) # 12/16 of vary_nSequence fail_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v2[ 0][b25][1][b18]) # 12/16 of vary_OP_CSV for tx in fail_txs: yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block([tx]), False]]) # 116-123 # Remaining txs should pass, just test masking works properly success_txs = [] for b25 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): success_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_nSequence_v2[ 0][b25][0][b18]) # 16/16 of vary_nSequence success_txs.append(bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v2[ 0][b25][0][b18]) # 16/16 of vary_OP_CSV yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(success_txs), True]]) # 124 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Additional test, of checking that comparison of two time types works # properly time_txs = [] for b25 in range(2): for b18 in range(2): tx = bip112txs_vary_OP_CSV_v2[0][b25][1][b18] tx.vin[0].nSequence = base_relative_locktime | seq_type_flag signtx = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], tx) time_txs.append(signtx) yield TestInstance([[self.create_test_block(time_txs), True]]) # 125 self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Missing aspects of test # Testing empty stack fails if __name__ == '__main__': BIP68_112_113Test().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-sequence.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-sequence.py index c78f5d9e06..4c6c86b725 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-sequence.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bip68-sequence.py @@ -1,472 +1,471 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test BIP68 implementation # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.script import * from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.blocktools import * SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG = (1 << 31) SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG = (1 << 22) # this means use time (0 means height) SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY = 9 # this is a bit-shift SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK = 0x0000ffff # RPC error for non-BIP68 final transactions NOT_FINAL_ERROR = "64: non-BIP68-final" class BIP68Test(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append( - start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-blockprioritysize=0"])) + start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-blockprioritysize=0"])) self.nodes.append( - start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-blockprioritysize=0", + start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-blockprioritysize=0", "-acceptnonstdtxn=0"])) self.is_network_split = False self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"] connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) def run_test(self): # Generate some coins self.nodes[0].generate(110) - print("Running test disable flag") + self.log.info("Running test disable flag") self.test_disable_flag() - print("Running test sequence-lock-confirmed-inputs") + self.log.info("Running test sequence-lock-confirmed-inputs") self.test_sequence_lock_confirmed_inputs() - print("Running test sequence-lock-unconfirmed-inputs") + self.log.info("Running test sequence-lock-unconfirmed-inputs") self.test_sequence_lock_unconfirmed_inputs() - print("Running test BIP68 not consensus before versionbits activation") + self.log.info( + "Running test BIP68 not consensus before versionbits activation") self.test_bip68_not_consensus() - print("Verifying nVersion=2 transactions aren't standard") + self.log.info("Verifying nVersion=2 transactions aren't standard") self.test_version2_relay(before_activation=True) - print("Activating BIP68 (and 112/113)") + self.log.info("Activating BIP68 (and 112/113)") self.activateCSV() - print("Verifying nVersion=2 transactions are now standard") + self.log.info("Verifying nVersion=2 transactions are now standard") self.test_version2_relay(before_activation=False) - print("Passed\n") + self.log.info("Passed") # Test that BIP68 is not in effect if tx version is 1, or if # the first sequence bit is set. def test_disable_flag(self): # Create some unconfirmed inputs new_addr = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(new_addr, 2) # send 2 BTC utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent(0, 0) assert(len(utxos) > 0) utxo = utxos[0] tx1 = CTransaction() value = int(satoshi_round(utxo["amount"] - self.relayfee) * COIN) # Check that the disable flag disables relative locktime. # If sequence locks were used, this would require 1 block for the # input to mature. sequence_value = SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_DISABLE_FLAG | 1 tx1.vin = [ CTxIn(COutPoint(int(utxo["txid"], 16), utxo["vout"]), nSequence=sequence_value)] tx1.vout = [CTxOut(value, CScript([b'a']))] tx1_signed = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( ToHex(tx1), None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] tx1_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx1_signed) tx1_id = int(tx1_id, 16) # This transaction will enable sequence-locks, so this transaction should # fail tx2 = CTransaction() tx2.nVersion = 2 sequence_value = sequence_value & 0x7fffffff tx2.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(tx1_id, 0), nSequence=sequence_value)] tx2.vout = [CTxOut(int(value - self.relayfee * COIN), CScript([b'a']))] tx2.rehash() try: self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx2)) except JSONRPCException as exp: assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR) else: assert(False) # Setting the version back down to 1 should disable the sequence lock, # so this should be accepted. tx2.nVersion = 1 self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx2)) # Calculate the median time past of a prior block ("confirmations" before # the current tip). def get_median_time_past(self, confirmations): block_hash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash( self.nodes[0].getblockcount() - confirmations) return self.nodes[0].getblockheader(block_hash)["mediantime"] # Test that sequence locks are respected for transactions spending # confirmed inputs. def test_sequence_lock_confirmed_inputs(self): # Create lots of confirmed utxos, and use them to generate lots of random # transactions. max_outputs = 50 addresses = [] while len(addresses) < max_outputs: addresses.append(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) while len(self.nodes[0].listunspent()) < 200: import random random.shuffle(addresses) num_outputs = random.randint(1, max_outputs) outputs = {} for i in range(num_outputs): outputs[addresses[i]] = random.randint(1, 20) * 0.01 self.nodes[0].sendmany("", outputs) self.nodes[0].generate(1) utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent() # Try creating a lot of random transactions. # Each time, choose a random number of inputs, and randomly set # some of those inputs to be sequence locked (and randomly choose # between height/time locking). Small random chance of making the locks # all pass. for i in range(400): # Randomly choose up to 10 inputs num_inputs = random.randint(1, 10) random.shuffle(utxos) # Track whether any sequence locks used should fail should_pass = True # Track whether this transaction was built with sequence locks using_sequence_locks = False tx = CTransaction() tx.nVersion = 2 value = 0 for j in range(num_inputs): sequence_value = 0xfffffffe # this disables sequence locks # 50% chance we enable sequence locks if random.randint(0, 1): using_sequence_locks = True # 10% of the time, make the input sequence value pass input_will_pass = (random.randint(1, 10) == 1) sequence_value = utxos[j]["confirmations"] if not input_will_pass: sequence_value += 1 should_pass = False # Figure out what the median-time-past was for the confirmed input # Note that if an input has N confirmations, we're going back N blocks # from the tip so that we're looking up MTP of the block # PRIOR to the one the input appears in, as per the BIP68 # spec. orig_time = self.get_median_time_past( utxos[j]["confirmations"]) cur_time = self.get_median_time_past(0) # MTP of the tip # can only timelock this input if it's not too old -- # otherwise use height can_time_lock = True if ((cur_time - orig_time) >> SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) >= SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_MASK: can_time_lock = False # if time-lockable, then 50% chance we make this a time # lock if random.randint(0, 1) and can_time_lock: # Find first time-lock value that fails, or latest one # that succeeds time_delta = sequence_value << SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY if input_will_pass and time_delta > cur_time - orig_time: sequence_value = ( (cur_time - orig_time) >> SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) elif (not input_will_pass and time_delta <= cur_time - orig_time): sequence_value = ( (cur_time - orig_time) >> SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_GRANULARITY) + 1 sequence_value |= SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG tx.vin.append( CTxIn(COutPoint(int(utxos[j]["txid"], 16), utxos[j]["vout"]), nSequence=sequence_value)) value += utxos[j]["amount"] * COIN # Overestimate the size of the tx - signatures should be less than # 120 bytes, and leave 50 for the output tx_size = len(ToHex(tx)) // 2 + 120 * num_inputs + 50 tx.vout.append( CTxOut(int(value - self.relayfee * tx_size * COIN / 1000), CScript([b'a']))) rawtx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( ToHex(tx), None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] try: self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(rawtx) except JSONRPCException as exp: assert(not should_pass and using_sequence_locks) assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR) else: assert(should_pass or not using_sequence_locks) # Recalculate utxos if we successfully sent the transaction utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent() # Test that sequence locks on unconfirmed inputs must have nSequence # height or time of 0 to be accepted. # Then test that BIP68-invalid transactions are removed from the mempool # after a reorg. def test_sequence_lock_unconfirmed_inputs(self): # Store height so we can easily reset the chain at the end of the test cur_height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() # Create a mempool tx. txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 2) tx1 = FromHex(CTransaction(), self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txid)) tx1.rehash() # Anyone-can-spend mempool tx. # Sequence lock of 0 should pass. tx2 = CTransaction() tx2.nVersion = 2 tx2.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(tx1.sha256, 0), nSequence=0)] tx2.vout = [ CTxOut(int(tx1.vout[0].nValue - self.relayfee * COIN), CScript([b'a']))] tx2_raw = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( ToHex(tx2), None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] tx2 = FromHex(tx2, tx2_raw) tx2.rehash() self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx2_raw) # Create a spend of the 0th output of orig_tx with a sequence lock # of 1, and test what happens when submitting. # orig_tx.vout[0] must be an anyone-can-spend output def test_nonzero_locks(orig_tx, node, relayfee, use_height_lock): sequence_value = 1 if not use_height_lock: sequence_value |= SEQUENCE_LOCKTIME_TYPE_FLAG tx = CTransaction() tx.nVersion = 2 tx.vin = [ CTxIn(COutPoint(orig_tx.sha256, 0), nSequence=sequence_value)] tx.vout = [ CTxOut(int(orig_tx.vout[0].nValue - relayfee * COIN), CScript([b'a']))] tx.rehash() try: node.sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx)) except JSONRPCException as exp: assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR) assert(orig_tx.hash in node.getrawmempool()) else: # orig_tx must not be in mempool assert(orig_tx.hash not in node.getrawmempool()) return tx test_nonzero_locks( tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=True) test_nonzero_locks( tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=False) # Now mine some blocks, but make sure tx2 doesn't get mined. # Use prioritisetransaction to lower the effective feerate to 0 self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( tx2.hash, -1e15, int(-self.relayfee * COIN)) cur_time = int(time.time()) for i in range(10): self.nodes[0].setmocktime(cur_time + 600) self.nodes[0].generate(1) cur_time += 600 assert(tx2.hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) test_nonzero_locks( tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=True) test_nonzero_locks( tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=False) # Mine tx2, and then try again self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( tx2.hash, 1e15, int(self.relayfee * COIN)) # Advance the time on the node so that we can test timelocks self.nodes[0].setmocktime(cur_time + 600) self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert(tx2.hash not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) # Now that tx2 is not in the mempool, a sequence locked spend should # succeed tx3 = test_nonzero_locks( tx2, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=False) assert(tx3.hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert(tx3.hash not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) # One more test, this time using height locks tx4 = test_nonzero_locks( tx3, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=True) assert(tx4.hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) # Now try combining confirmed and unconfirmed inputs tx5 = test_nonzero_locks( tx4, self.nodes[0], self.relayfee, use_height_lock=True) assert(tx5.hash not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent() tx5.vin.append( CTxIn(COutPoint(int(utxos[0]["txid"], 16), utxos[0]["vout"]), nSequence=1)) tx5.vout[0].nValue += int(utxos[0]["amount"] * COIN) raw_tx5 = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( ToHex(tx5), None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] try: self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(raw_tx5) except JSONRPCException as exp: assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR) else: assert(False) # Test mempool-BIP68 consistency after reorg # # State of the transactions in the last blocks: # ... -> [ tx2 ] -> [ tx3 ] # tip-1 tip # And currently tx4 is in the mempool. # # If we invalidate the tip, tx3 should get added to the mempool, causing # tx4 to be removed (fails sequence-lock). self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) assert(tx4.hash not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) assert(tx3.hash in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) # Now mine 2 empty blocks to reorg out the current tip (labeled tip-1 in # diagram above). # This would cause tx2 to be added back to the mempool, which in turn causes # tx3 to be removed. tip = int(self.nodes[0].getblockhash( self.nodes[0].getblockcount() - 1), 16) height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() for i in range(2): block = create_block(tip, create_coinbase(height), cur_time) block.nVersion = 3 block.rehash() block.solve() tip = block.sha256 height += 1 self.nodes[0].submitblock(ToHex(block)) cur_time += 1 mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() assert(tx3.hash not in mempool) assert(tx2.hash in mempool) # Reset the chain and get rid of the mocktimed-blocks self.nodes[0].setmocktime(0) self.nodes[0].invalidateblock( self.nodes[0].getblockhash(cur_height + 1)) self.nodes[0].generate(10) # Make sure that BIP68 isn't being used to validate blocks, prior to # versionbits activation. If more blocks are mined prior to this test # being run, then it's possible the test has activated the soft fork, and # this test should be moved to run earlier, or deleted. def test_bip68_not_consensus(self): assert(get_bip9_status(self.nodes[0], 'csv')['status'] != 'active') txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 2) tx1 = FromHex(CTransaction(), self.nodes[0].getrawtransaction(txid)) tx1.rehash() # Make an anyone-can-spend transaction tx2 = CTransaction() tx2.nVersion = 1 tx2.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(tx1.sha256, 0), nSequence=0)] tx2.vout = [ CTxOut(int(tx1.vout[0].nValue - self.relayfee * COIN), CScript([b'a']))] # sign tx2 tx2_raw = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( ToHex(tx2), None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] tx2 = FromHex(tx2, tx2_raw) tx2.rehash() self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx2)) # Now make an invalid spend of tx2 according to BIP68 sequence_value = 100 # 100 block relative locktime tx3 = CTransaction() tx3.nVersion = 2 tx3.vin = [CTxIn(COutPoint(tx2.sha256, 0), nSequence=sequence_value)] tx3.vout = [ CTxOut(int(tx2.vout[0].nValue - self.relayfee * COIN), CScript([b'a']))] tx3.rehash() try: self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(ToHex(tx3)) except JSONRPCException as exp: assert_equal(exp.error["message"], NOT_FINAL_ERROR) else: assert(False) # make a block that violates bip68; ensure that the tip updates tip = int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) block = create_block( tip, create_coinbase(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 1)) block.nVersion = 3 block.vtx.extend([tx1, tx2, tx3]) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.rehash() block.solve() self.nodes[0].submitblock(ToHex(block)) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), block.hash) def activateCSV(self): # activation should happen at block height 432 (3 periods) min_activation_height = 432 height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() assert(height < 432) self.nodes[0].generate(432 - height) assert(get_bip9_status(self.nodes[0], 'csv')['status'] == 'active') sync_blocks(self.nodes) # Use self.nodes[1] to test standardness relay policy def test_version2_relay(self, before_activation): inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 1.0} rawtx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) rawtxfund = self.nodes[1].fundrawtransaction(rawtx)['hex'] tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), rawtxfund) tx.nVersion = 2 tx_signed = self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction( ToHex(tx), None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] try: tx_id = self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(tx_signed) assert(before_activation == False) except: assert(before_activation) if __name__ == '__main__': BIP68Test().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py index 36ff816290..9868924025 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bip9-softforks.py @@ -1,263 +1,262 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.blockstore import BlockStore from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import CTransaction, NetworkThread from test_framework.blocktools import create_coinbase, create_block from test_framework.comptool import TestInstance, TestManager from test_framework.script import CScript, OP_1NEGATE, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP from io import BytesIO import time import itertools ''' This test is meant to exercise BIP forks Connect to a single node. regtest lock-in with 108/144 block signalling activation after a further 144 blocks mine 2 block and save coinbases for later use mine 141 blocks to transition from DEFINED to STARTED mine 100 blocks signalling readiness and 44 not in order to fail to change state this period mine 108 blocks signalling readiness and 36 blocks not signalling readiness (STARTED->LOCKED_IN) mine a further 143 blocks (LOCKED_IN) test that enforcement has not triggered (which triggers ACTIVE) test that enforcement has triggered ''' class BIP9SoftForksTest(ComparisonTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - extra_args=[['-debug', - '-whitelist=']], + extra_args=[['-whitelist=']], binary=[self.options.testbinary]) def run_test(self): self.test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir) self.test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread self.test.run() def create_transaction(self, node, coinbase, to_address, amount): from_txid = node.getblock(coinbase)['tx'][0] inputs = [{"txid": from_txid, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx = CTransaction() f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(rawtx)) tx.deserialize(f) tx.nVersion = 2 return tx def sign_transaction(self, node, tx): signresult = node.signrawtransaction( bytes_to_hex_str(tx.serialize()), None, None, "ALL|FORKID") tx = CTransaction() f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(signresult['hex'])) tx.deserialize(f) return tx def generate_blocks(self, number, version, test_blocks=[]): for i in range(number): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(self.height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = version block.rehash() block.solve() test_blocks.append([block, True]) self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 self.height += 1 return test_blocks def get_bip9_status(self, key): info = self.nodes[0].getblockchaininfo() return info['bip9_softforks'][key] def test_BIP(self, bipName, activated_version, invalidate, invalidatePostSignature, bitno): assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'defined') assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 0) # generate some coins for later self.coinbase_blocks = self.nodes[0].generate(2) self.height = 3 # height of the next block to build self.tip = int("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 0) self.nodeaddress = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() self.last_block_time = int(time.time()) assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'defined') assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 0) tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({}) assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules']) assert(bipName not in tmpl['vbavailable']) assert_equal(tmpl['vbrequired'], 0) assert_equal(tmpl['version'], 0x20000000) # Test 1 # Advance from DEFINED to STARTED test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(141, 4) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'started') assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 144) tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({}) assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules']) assert_equal(tmpl['vbavailable'][bipName], bitno) assert_equal(tmpl['vbrequired'], 0) assert(tmpl['version'] & activated_version) # Test 2 # Fail to achieve LOCKED_IN 100 out of 144 signal bit 1 # using a variety of bits to simulate multiple parallel softforks test_blocks = self.generate_blocks( 50, activated_version) # 0x20000001 (signalling ready) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks( 20, 4, test_blocks) # 0x00000004 (signalling not) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks( 50, activated_version, test_blocks) # 0x20000101 (signalling ready) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks( 24, 4, test_blocks) # 0x20010000 (signalling not) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'started') assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 144) tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({}) assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules']) assert_equal(tmpl['vbavailable'][bipName], bitno) assert_equal(tmpl['vbrequired'], 0) assert(tmpl['version'] & activated_version) # Test 3 # 108 out of 144 signal bit 1 to achieve LOCKED_IN # using a variety of bits to simulate multiple parallel softforks # 0x20000001 (signalling ready) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(58, activated_version) # 0x00000004 (signalling not) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(26, 4, test_blocks) # 0x20000101 (signalling ready) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(50, activated_version, test_blocks) # 0x20010000 (signalling not) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(10, 4, test_blocks) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'locked_in') assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 432) tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({}) assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules']) # Test 4 # 143 more version 536870913 blocks (waiting period-1) test_blocks = self.generate_blocks(143, 4) yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'locked_in') assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 432) tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({}) assert(bipName not in tmpl['rules']) # Test 5 # Check that the new rule is enforced spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks[0], self.nodeaddress, 1.0) invalidate(spendtx) spendtx = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], spendtx) spendtx.rehash() invalidatePostSignature(spendtx) spendtx.rehash() block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(self.height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = activated_version block.vtx.append(spendtx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 self.height += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, True]]) assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['status'], 'active') assert_equal(self.get_bip9_status(bipName)['since'], 576) tmpl = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate({}) assert(bipName in tmpl['rules']) assert(bipName not in tmpl['vbavailable']) assert_equal(tmpl['vbrequired'], 0) assert(not (tmpl['version'] & (1 << bitno))) # Test 6 # Check that the new sequence lock rules are enforced spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks[1], self.nodeaddress, 1.0) invalidate(spendtx) spendtx = self.sign_transaction(self.nodes[0], spendtx) spendtx.rehash() invalidatePostSignature(spendtx) spendtx.rehash() block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(self.height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 5 block.vtx.append(spendtx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, False]]) # Restart all self.test.block_store.close() stop_nodes(self.nodes) shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir) self.setup_chain() self.setup_network() self.test.block_store = BlockStore(self.options.tmpdir) self.test.clear_all_connections() self.test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread def get_tests(self): for test in itertools.chain( self.test_BIP( 'csv', 0x20000001, self.sequence_lock_invalidate, self.donothing, 0), self.test_BIP( 'csv', 0x20000001, self.mtp_invalidate, self.donothing, 0), self.test_BIP( 'csv', 0x20000001, self.donothing, self.csv_invalidate, 0) ): yield test def donothing(self, tx): return def csv_invalidate(self, tx): '''Modify the signature in vin 0 of the tx to fail CSV Prepends -1 CSV DROP in the scriptSig itself. ''' tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript([OP_1NEGATE, OP_CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY, OP_DROP] + list(CScript(tx.vin[0].scriptSig))) def sequence_lock_invalidate(self, tx): '''Modify the nSequence to make it fails once sequence lock rule is activated (high timespan) ''' tx.vin[0].nSequence = 0x00FFFFFF tx.nLockTime = 0 def mtp_invalidate(self, tx): '''Modify the nLockTime to make it fails once MTP rule is activated ''' # Disable Sequence lock, Activate nLockTime tx.vin[0].nSequence = 0x90FFFFFF tx.nLockTime = self.last_block_time if __name__ == '__main__': BIP9SoftForksTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig-p2p.py b/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig-p2p.py index 355df617c9..4b7b9f828e 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig-p2p.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/bipdersig-p2p.py @@ -1,181 +1,180 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import ComparisonTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import CTransaction, NetworkThread from test_framework.blocktools import create_coinbase, create_block from test_framework.comptool import TestInstance, TestManager from test_framework.script import CScript from io import BytesIO import time # A canonical signature consists of: # <30> <02> <02> def unDERify(tx): ''' Make the signature in vin 0 of a tx non-DER-compliant, by adding padding after the S-value. ''' scriptSig = CScript(tx.vin[0].scriptSig) newscript = [] for i in scriptSig: if (len(newscript) == 0): newscript.append(i[0:-1] + b'\0' + i[-1:]) else: newscript.append(i) tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript(newscript) ''' This test is meant to exercise BIP66 (DER SIG). Connect to a single node. Mine 2 (version 2) blocks (save the coinbases for later). Generate 98 more version 2 blocks, verify the node accepts. Mine 749 version 3 blocks, verify the node accepts. Check that the new DERSIG rules are not enforced on the 750th version 3 block. Check that the new DERSIG rules are enforced on the 751st version 3 block. Mine 199 new version blocks. Mine 1 old-version block. Mine 1 new version block. Mine 1 old version block, see that the node rejects. ''' class BIP66Test(ComparisonTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): # Must set the blockversion for this test self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - extra_args=[['-debug', - '-whitelist=', + extra_args=[['-whitelist=', '-blockversion=2']], binary=[self.options.testbinary]) def run_test(self): test = TestManager(self, self.options.tmpdir) test.add_all_connections(self.nodes) # Start up network handling in another thread NetworkThread().start() test.run() def create_transaction(self, node, coinbase, to_address, amount): from_txid = node.getblock(coinbase)['tx'][0] inputs = [{"txid": from_txid, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") tx = CTransaction() f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(signresult['hex'])) tx.deserialize(f) return tx def get_tests(self): self.coinbase_blocks = self.nodes[0].generate(2) height = 3 # height of the next block to build self.tip = int("0x" + self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 0) self.nodeaddress = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() self.last_block_time = int(time.time()) ''' 298 more version 2 blocks ''' test_blocks = [] for i in range(298): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 2 block.rehash() block.solve() test_blocks.append([block, True]) self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) ''' Mine 749 version 3 blocks ''' test_blocks = [] for i in range(749): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 3 block.rehash() block.solve() test_blocks.append([block, True]) self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) ''' Mine 199 new version blocks on last valid tip ''' test_blocks = [] for i in range(199): block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 3 block.rehash() block.solve() test_blocks.append([block, True]) self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance(test_blocks, sync_every_block=False) ''' Mine 1 old version block ''' block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 2 block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, True]]) ''' Mine 1 new version block ''' block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 3 block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 self.tip = block.sha256 height += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, True]]) ''' Check that the new DERSIG rules are enforced in the 951st version 3 block. ''' spendtx = self.create_transaction(self.nodes[0], self.coinbase_blocks[1], self.nodeaddress, 1.0) unDERify(spendtx) spendtx.rehash() block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 3 block.vtx.append(spendtx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, False]]) ''' Mine 1 old version block, should be invalid ''' block = create_block( self.tip, create_coinbase(height), self.last_block_time + 1) block.nVersion = 2 block.rehash() block.solve() self.last_block_time += 1 yield TestInstance([[block, False]]) if __name__ == '__main__': BIP66Test().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/fundrawtransaction.py b/qa/rpc-tests/fundrawtransaction.py index a0cdaf8834..fdd596860d 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/fundrawtransaction.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/fundrawtransaction.py @@ -1,780 +1,778 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * def get_unspent(listunspent, amount): for utx in listunspent: if utx['amount'] == amount: return utx raise AssertionError( 'Could not find unspent with amount={}'.format(amount)) class RawTransactionsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 4 def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 3) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): - print("Mining blocks...") - min_relay_tx_fee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] # This test is not meant to test fee estimation and we'd like # to be sure all txs are sent at a consistent desired feerate for node in self.nodes: node.settxfee(min_relay_tx_fee) # if the fee's positive delta is higher than this value tests will fail, # neg. delta always fail the tests. # The size of the signature of every input may be at most 2 bytes larger # than a minimum sized signature. # = 2 bytes * minRelayTxFeePerByte feeTolerance = 2 * min_relay_tx_fee / 1000 self.nodes[2].generate(1) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(121) self.sync_all() watchonly_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() watchonly_pubkey = self.nodes[ 0].validateaddress(watchonly_address)["pubkey"] watchonly_amount = Decimal(200) self.nodes[3].importpubkey(watchonly_pubkey, "", True) watchonly_txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( watchonly_address, watchonly_amount) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[3].getnewaddress(), watchonly_amount / 10) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 1.5) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 1.0) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 5.0) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # # simple test # # inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 1.0} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) assert(len(dec_tx['vin']) > 0) # test that we have enough inputs # # simple test with two coins # # inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 2.2} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) assert(len(dec_tx['vin']) > 0) # test if we have enough inputs # # simple test with two coins # # inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 2.6} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) assert(len(dec_tx['vin']) > 0) assert_equal(dec_tx['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex'], '') # # simple test with two outputs # # inputs = [] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 2.6, self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 2.5} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] assert(len(dec_tx['vin']) > 0) assert_equal(dec_tx['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex'], '') # # test a fundrawtransaction with a VIN greater than the required amount # # utx = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 5) inputs = [{'txid': utx['txid'], 'vout': utx['vout']}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 1.0} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] # compare vin total and totalout+fee assert_equal(fee + totalOut, utx['amount']) # # test a fundrawtransaction with which will not get a change output # # utx = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 5) inputs = [{'txid': utx['txid'], 'vout': utx['vout']}] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): Decimal(5.0) - fee - feeTolerance} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] assert_equal(rawtxfund['changepos'], -1) assert_equal(fee + totalOut, utx['amount']) # compare vin total and totalout+fee # # test a fundrawtransaction with an invalid option # # utx = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 5) inputs = [{'txid': utx['txid'], 'vout': utx['vout']}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): Decimal(4.0)} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) assert_raises_jsonrpc(-3, "Unexpected key foo", self.nodes[ 2].fundrawtransaction, rawtx, {'foo': 'bar'}) # # test a fundrawtransaction with an invalid change address # # utx = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 5) inputs = [{'txid': utx['txid'], 'vout': utx['vout']}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): Decimal(4.0)} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) assert_raises_jsonrpc( -5, "changeAddress must be a valid bitcoin address", self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction, rawtx, {'changeAddress': 'foobar'}) # # test a fundrawtransaction with a provided change address # # utx = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 5) inputs = [{'txid': utx['txid'], 'vout': utx['vout']}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): Decimal(4.0)} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) change = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() assert_raises_jsonrpc(-8, "changePosition out of bounds", self.nodes[ 2].fundrawtransaction, rawtx, {'changeAddress': change, 'changePosition': 2}) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction( rawtx, {'changeAddress': change, 'changePosition': 0}) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) out = dec_tx['vout'][0] assert_equal(change, out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0]) # # test a fundrawtransaction with a VIN smaller than the required amount # # utx = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 1) inputs = [{'txid': utx['txid'], 'vout': utx['vout']}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 1.0} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # 4-byte version + 1-byte vin count + 36-byte prevout then script_len rawtx = rawtx[:82] + "0100" + rawtx[84:] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) assert_equal("00", dec_tx['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 matchingOuts = 0 for i, out in enumerate(dec_tx['vout']): totalOut += out['value'] if out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] in outputs: matchingOuts += 1 else: assert_equal(i, rawtxfund['changepos']) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) assert_equal("00", dec_tx['vin'][0]['scriptSig']['hex']) assert_equal(matchingOuts, 1) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 2) # # test a fundrawtransaction with two VINs # # utx = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 1) utx2 = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 5) inputs = [{'txid': utx['txid'], 'vout': utx['vout']}, {'txid': utx2['txid'], 'vout': utx2['vout']}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 6.0} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 matchingOuts = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] if out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] in outputs: matchingOuts += 1 assert_equal(matchingOuts, 1) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 2) matchingIns = 0 for vinOut in dec_tx['vin']: for vinIn in inputs: if vinIn['txid'] == vinOut['txid']: matchingIns += 1 # we now must see two vins identical to vins given as params assert_equal(matchingIns, 2) # # test a fundrawtransaction with two VINs and two vOUTs # # utx = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 1) utx2 = get_unspent(self.nodes[2].listunspent(), 5) inputs = [{'txid': utx['txid'], 'vout': utx['vout']}, {'txid': utx2['txid'], 'vout': utx2['vout']}] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 6.0, self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 1.0} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(utx['txid'], dec_tx['vin'][0]['txid']) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) fee = rawtxfund['fee'] dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) totalOut = 0 matchingOuts = 0 for out in dec_tx['vout']: totalOut += out['value'] if out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] in outputs: matchingOuts += 1 assert_equal(matchingOuts, 2) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 3) # # test a fundrawtransaction with invalid vin # # listunspent = self.nodes[2].listunspent() inputs = [ {'txid': "1c7f966dab21119bac53213a2bc7532bff1fa844c124fd750a7d0b1332440bd1", 'vout': 0}] # invalid vin! outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 1.0} rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_raises_jsonrpc( -4, "Insufficient funds", self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction, rawtx) # # compare fee of a standard pubkeyhash transaction inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 1.1} rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) # create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 1.1) signedFee = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] # compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance) # # # compare fee of a standard pubkeyhash transaction with multiple # outputs inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 1.1, self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 1.2, self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 0.1, self.nodes[ 1].getnewaddress(): 1.3, self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 0.2, self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 0.3} rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) # create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[0].sendmany("", outputs) signedFee = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] # compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance) # # # compare fee of a 2of2 multisig p2sh transaction # create 2of2 addr addr1 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr2 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr1Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr1) addr2Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr2) mSigObj = self.nodes[1].addmultisigaddress( 2, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey']]) inputs = [] outputs = {mSigObj: 1.1} rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) # create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 1.1) signedFee = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] # compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance) # # # compare fee of a standard pubkeyhash transaction # create 4of5 addr addr1 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr2 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr3 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr4 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr5 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() addr1Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr1) addr2Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr2) addr3Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr3) addr4Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr4) addr5Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr5) mSigObj = self.nodes[1].addmultisigaddress( 4, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey'], addr3Obj['pubkey'], addr4Obj['pubkey'], addr5Obj['pubkey']]) inputs = [] outputs = {mSigObj: 1.1} rawTx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) # create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 1.1) signedFee = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] # compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance) # # # spend a 2of2 multisig transaction over fundraw # create 2of2 addr addr1 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() addr2 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() addr1Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr1) addr2Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr2) mSigObj = self.nodes[2].addmultisigaddress( 2, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey']]) # send 1.2 BTC to msig addr txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 1.2) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() oldBalance = self.nodes[1].getbalance() inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 1.1} rawTx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) signedTx = self.nodes[2].signrawtransaction( fundedTx['hex'], None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txId = self.nodes[2].sendrawtransaction(signedTx['hex']) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() # make sure funds are received at node1 assert_equal( oldBalance + Decimal('1.10000000'), self.nodes[1].getbalance()) # # locked wallet test self.nodes[1].encryptwallet("test") self.nodes.pop(1) stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) stop_node(self.nodes[1], 2) stop_node(self.nodes[2], 3) self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir) # This test is not meant to test fee estimation and we'd like # to be sure all txs are sent at a consistent desired feerate for node in self.nodes: node.settxfee(min_relay_tx_fee) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 3) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() # drain the keypool self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 1.1} rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # fund a transaction that requires a new key for the change output # creating the key must be impossible because the wallet is locked assert_raises_jsonrpc( -4, "Insufficient funds", self.nodes[1].fundrawtransaction, rawtx) # refill the keypool self.nodes[1].walletpassphrase("test", 100) self.nodes[1].walletlock() assert_raises_jsonrpc(-13, "walletpassphrase", self.nodes[ 1].sendtoaddress, self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 1.2) oldBalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 1.1} rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[1].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) # now we need to unlock self.nodes[1].walletpassphrase("test", 600) signedTx = self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction( fundedTx['hex'], None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txId = self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(signedTx['hex']) self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() # make sure funds are received at node1 assert_equal( oldBalance + Decimal('51.10000000'), self.nodes[0].getbalance()) # # multiple (~19) inputs tx test | Compare fee # # # empty node1, send some small coins from node0 to node1 self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), self.nodes[1].getbalance(), "", "", True) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() for i in range(0, 20): self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.01) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # fund a tx with ~20 small inputs inputs = [] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 0.15, self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 0.04} rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[1].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) # create same transaction over sendtoaddress txId = self.nodes[1].sendmany("", outputs) signedFee = self.nodes[1].getrawmempool(True)[txId]['fee'] # compare fee feeDelta = Decimal(fundedTx['fee']) - Decimal(signedFee) assert(feeDelta >= 0 and feeDelta <= feeTolerance * 19) # ~19 inputs # # multiple (~19) inputs tx test | sign/send # # # again, empty node1, send some small coins from node0 to node1 self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), self.nodes[1].getbalance(), "", "", True) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() for i in range(0, 20): self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.01) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # fund a tx with ~20 small inputs oldBalance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() inputs = [] outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 0.15, self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 0.04} rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) fundedTx = self.nodes[1].fundrawtransaction(rawTx) fundedAndSignedTx = self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction( fundedTx['hex'], None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txId = self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(fundedAndSignedTx['hex']) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() assert_equal(oldBalance + Decimal('50.19000000'), self.nodes[0].getbalance()) # 0.19+block reward # # test fundrawtransaction with OP_RETURN and no vin # # rawtx = "0100000000010000000000000000066a047465737400000000" dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtx) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vin']), 0) assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 1) rawtxfund = self.nodes[2].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) dec_tx = self.nodes[2].decoderawtransaction(rawtxfund['hex']) assert_greater_than(len(dec_tx['vin']), 0) # at least one vin assert_equal(len(dec_tx['vout']), 2) # one change output added # # test a fundrawtransaction using only watchonly # # inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(): watchonly_amount / 2} rawtx = self.nodes[3].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) result = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction( rawtx, {'includeWatching': True}) res_dec = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(result["hex"]) assert_equal(len(res_dec["vin"]), 1) assert_equal(res_dec["vin"][0]["txid"], watchonly_txid) assert("fee" in result.keys()) assert_greater_than(result["changepos"], -1) # # test fundrawtransaction using the entirety of watched funds # # inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(): watchonly_amount} rawtx = self.nodes[3].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # Backward compatibility test (2nd param is includeWatching) result = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction(rawtx, True) res_dec = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(result["hex"]) assert_equal(len(res_dec["vin"]), 2) assert(res_dec["vin"][0]["txid"] == watchonly_txid or res_dec[ "vin"][1]["txid"] == watchonly_txid) assert_greater_than(result["fee"], 0) assert_greater_than(result["changepos"], -1) assert_equal(result["fee"] + res_dec["vout"][ result["changepos"]]["value"], watchonly_amount / 10) signedtx = self.nodes[3].signrawtransaction( result["hex"], None, None, "ALL|FORKID") assert(not signedtx["complete"]) signedtx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( signedtx["hex"], None, None, "ALL|FORKID") assert(signedtx["complete"]) self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # # Test feeRate option # # # Make sure there is exactly one input so coin selection can't skew the # result assert_equal(len(self.nodes[3].listunspent(1)), 1) inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[3].getnewaddress(): 1} rawtx = self.nodes[3].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) result = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction( rawtx) # uses min_relay_tx_fee (set by settxfee) result2 = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction( rawtx, {"feeRate": 2 * min_relay_tx_fee}) result3 = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction( rawtx, {"feeRate": 10 * min_relay_tx_fee}) result_fee_rate = result['fee'] * 1000 / count_bytes(result['hex']) assert_fee_amount( result2['fee'], count_bytes(result2['hex']), 2 * result_fee_rate) assert_fee_amount( result3['fee'], count_bytes(result3['hex']), 10 * result_fee_rate) # # Test address reuse option # # result3 = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction( rawtx, {"reserveChangeKey": False}) res_dec = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(result3["hex"]) changeaddress = "" for out in res_dec['vout']: if out['value'] > 1.0: changeaddress += out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] assert(changeaddress != "") nextaddr = self.nodes[3].getnewaddress() # frt should not have removed the key from the keypool assert(changeaddress == nextaddr) result3 = self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction(rawtx) res_dec = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(result3["hex"]) changeaddress = "" for out in res_dec['vout']: if out['value'] > 1.0: changeaddress += out['scriptPubKey']['addresses'][0] assert(changeaddress != "") nextaddr = self.nodes[3].getnewaddress() # Now the change address key should be removed from the keypool assert(changeaddress != nextaddr) # # Test subtractFeeFromOutputs option # # # Make sure there is exactly one input so coin selection can't skew the # result assert_equal(len(self.nodes[3].listunspent(1)), 1) inputs = [] outputs = {self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(): 1} rawtx = self.nodes[3].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) result = [self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction(rawtx), # uses min_relay_tx_fee (set by settxfee) self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction( rawtx, {"subtractFeeFromOutputs": []}), # empty subtraction list self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction( rawtx, {"subtractFeeFromOutputs": [0]}), # uses min_relay_tx_fee (set by settxfee) self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction( rawtx, {"feeRate": 2 * min_relay_tx_fee}), self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction(rawtx, {"feeRate": 2 * min_relay_tx_fee, "subtractFeeFromOutputs": [0]})] dec_tx = [self.nodes[3].decoderawtransaction(tx['hex']) for tx in result] output = [d['vout'][1 - r['changepos']]['value'] for d, r in zip(dec_tx, result)] change = [d['vout'][r['changepos']]['value'] for d, r in zip(dec_tx, result)] assert_equal(result[0]['fee'], result[1]['fee'], result[2]['fee']) assert_equal(result[3]['fee'], result[4]['fee']) assert_equal(change[0], change[1]) assert_equal(output[0], output[1]) assert_equal(output[0], output[2] + result[2]['fee']) assert_equal(change[0] + result[0]['fee'], change[2]) assert_equal(output[3], output[4] + result[4]['fee']) assert_equal(change[3] + result[3]['fee'], change[4]) inputs = [] outputs = { self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(): value for value in (1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)} keys = list(outputs.keys()) rawtx = self.nodes[3].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) result = [self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction(rawtx), # split the fee between outputs 0, 2, and 3, but not output 1 self.nodes[3].fundrawtransaction(rawtx, {"subtractFeeFromOutputs": [0, 2, 3]})] dec_tx = [self.nodes[3].decoderawtransaction(result[0]['hex']), self.nodes[3].decoderawtransaction(result[1]['hex'])] # Nested list of non-change output amounts for each transaction output = [[out['value'] for i, out in enumerate(d['vout']) if i != r['changepos']] for d, r in zip(dec_tx, result)] # List of differences in output amounts between normal and subtractFee # transactions share = [o0 - o1 for o0, o1 in zip(output[0], output[1])] # output 1 is the same in both transactions assert_equal(share[1], 0) # the other 3 outputs are smaller as a result of subtractFeeFromOutputs assert_greater_than(share[0], 0) assert_greater_than(share[2], 0) assert_greater_than(share[3], 0) # outputs 2 and 3 take the same share of the fee assert_equal(share[2], share[3]) # output 0 takes at least as much share of the fee, and no more than 2 # satoshis more, than outputs 2 and 3 assert_greater_than_or_equal(share[0], share[2]) assert_greater_than_or_equal(share[2] + Decimal(2e-8), share[0]) # the fee is the same in both transactions assert_equal(result[0]['fee'], result[1]['fee']) # the total subtracted from the outputs is equal to the fee assert_equal(share[0] + share[2] + share[3], result[0]['fee']) if __name__ == '__main__': RawTransactionsTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_longpoll.py b/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_longpoll.py index e3c2ccf8c7..6014b0d4df 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_longpoll.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/getblocktemplate_longpoll.py @@ -1,88 +1,88 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * import threading class LongpollThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, node): threading.Thread.__init__(self) # query current longpollid templat = node.getblocktemplate() self.longpollid = templat['longpollid'] # create a new connection to the node, we can't use the same # connection from two threads self.node = get_rpc_proxy(node.url, 1, timeout=600) def run(self): self.node.getblocktemplate({'longpollid': self.longpollid}) class GetBlockTemplateLPTest(BitcoinTestFramework): ''' Test longpolling with getblocktemplate. ''' def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 4 self.setup_clean_chain = False def run_test(self): - print( + self.log.info( "Warning: this test will take about 70 seconds in the best case. Be patient.") self.nodes[0].generate(10) templat = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate() longpollid = templat['longpollid'] # longpollid should not change between successive invocations if # nothing else happens templat2 = self.nodes[0].getblocktemplate() assert(templat2['longpollid'] == longpollid) # Test 1: test that the longpolling wait if we do nothing thr = LongpollThread(self.nodes[0]) thr.start() # check that thread still lives # wait 5 seconds or until thread exits thr.join(5) assert(thr.is_alive()) # Test 2: test that longpoll will terminate if another node generates a block # generate a block on another node self.nodes[1].generate(1) # check that thread will exit now that new transaction entered mempool # wait 5 seconds or until thread exits thr.join(5) assert(not thr.is_alive()) # Test 3: test that longpoll will terminate if we generate a block # ourselves thr = LongpollThread(self.nodes[0]) thr.start() # generate a block on another node self.nodes[0].generate(1) # wait 5 seconds or until thread exits thr.join(5) assert(not thr.is_alive()) # Test 4: test that introducing a new transaction into the mempool will # terminate the longpoll thr = LongpollThread(self.nodes[0]) thr.start() # generate a random transaction and submit it (txid, txhex, fee) = random_transaction(self.nodes, Decimal("1.1"), Decimal("0.0"), Decimal("0.001"), 20) # after one minute, every 10 seconds the mempool is probed, so in 80 # seconds it should have returned thr.join(60 + 20) assert(not thr.is_alive()) if __name__ == '__main__': GetBlockTemplateLPTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/import-rescan.py b/qa/rpc-tests/import-rescan.py index e90973b82e..459db7f37b 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/import-rescan.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/import-rescan.py @@ -1,208 +1,208 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. ''' Test rescan behavior of importaddress, importpubkey, importprivkey, and importmulti RPCs with different types of keys and rescan options. -In the first part of the test, node 1 creates an address for each type of +In the first part of the test, node 0 creates an address for each type of import RPC call and node 0 sends BTC to it. Then other nodes import the addresses, and the test makes listtransactions and getbalance calls to confirm that the importing node either did or did not execute rescans picking up the send transactions. In the second part of the test, node 0 sends more BTC to each address, and the test makes more listtransactions and getbalance calls to confirm that the importing nodes pick up the new transactions regardless of whether rescans happened previously. ''' from test_framework.authproxy import JSONRPCException from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( start_nodes, connect_nodes, sync_blocks, assert_equal, set_node_times) from decimal import Decimal import collections import enum import itertools Call = enum.Enum("Call", "single multi") Data = enum.Enum("Data", "address pub priv") Rescan = enum.Enum("Rescan", "no yes late_timestamp") class Variant(collections.namedtuple("Variant", "call data rescan prune")): """Helper for importing one key and verifying scanned transactions.""" def do_import(self, timestamp): """Call one key import RPC.""" if self.call == Call.single: if self.data == Data.address: response, error = try_rpc( self.node.importaddress, self.address[ "address"], self.label, self.rescan == Rescan.yes) elif self.data == Data.pub: response, error = try_rpc( self.node.importpubkey, self.address["pubkey"], self.label, self.rescan == Rescan.yes) elif self.data == Data.priv: response, error = try_rpc( self.node.importprivkey, self.key, self.label, self.rescan == Rescan.yes) assert_equal(response, None) assert_equal( error, {'message': 'Rescan is disabled in pruned mode', 'code': -4} if self.expect_disabled else None) elif self.call == Call.multi: response = self.node.importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": self.address["address"] }, "timestamp": timestamp + RESCAN_WINDOW + (1 if self.rescan == Rescan.late_timestamp else 0), "pubkeys": [self.address["pubkey"]] if self.data == Data.pub else [], "keys": [self.key] if self.data == Data.priv else [], "label": self.label, "watchonly": self.data != Data.priv }], {"rescan": self.rescan in (Rescan.yes, Rescan.late_timestamp)}) assert_equal(response, [{"success": True}]) def check(self, txid=None, amount=None, confirmations=None): """Verify that getbalance/listtransactions return expected values.""" balance = self.node.getbalance(self.label, 0, True) assert_equal(balance, self.expected_balance) txs = self.node.listtransactions(self.label, 10000, 0, True) assert_equal(len(txs), self.expected_txs) if txid is not None: tx, = [tx for tx in txs if tx["txid"] == txid] assert_equal(tx["account"], self.label) assert_equal(tx["address"], self.address["address"]) assert_equal(tx["amount"], amount) assert_equal(tx["category"], "receive") assert_equal(tx["label"], self.label) assert_equal(tx["txid"], txid) assert_equal(tx["confirmations"], confirmations) assert_equal("trusted" not in tx, True) # Verify the transaction is correctly marked watchonly depending on # whether the transaction pays to an imported public key or # imported private key. The test setup ensures that transaction # inputs will not be from watchonly keys (important because # involvesWatchonly will be true if either the transaction output # or inputs are watchonly). if self.data != Data.priv: assert_equal(tx["involvesWatchonly"], True) else: assert_equal("involvesWatchonly" not in tx, True) # List of Variants for each way a key or address could be imported. IMPORT_VARIANTS = [Variant(*variants) for variants in itertools.product(Call, Data, Rescan, (False, True))] # List of nodes to import keys to. Half the nodes will have pruning disabled, # half will have it enabled. Different nodes will be used for imports that are # expected to cause rescans, and imports that are not expected to cause # rescans, in order to prevent rescans during later imports picking up # transactions associated with earlier imports. This makes it easier to keep # track of expected balances and transactions. ImportNode = collections.namedtuple("ImportNode", "prune rescan") IMPORT_NODES = [ImportNode(*fields) for fields in itertools.product((False, True), repeat=2)] # Rescans start at the earliest block up to 2 hours before the key timestamp. RESCAN_WINDOW = 2 * 60 * 60 class ImportRescanTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 + len(IMPORT_NODES) def setup_network(self): - extra_args = [["-debug=1"] for _ in range(self.num_nodes)] + extra_args = [[] for _ in range(self.num_nodes)] for i, import_node in enumerate(IMPORT_NODES, 2): if import_node.prune: extra_args[i] += ["-prune=1"] self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args) for i in range(1, self.num_nodes): connect_nodes(self.nodes[i], 0) def run_test(self): # Create one transaction on node 0 with a unique amount and label for # each possible type of wallet import RPC. for i, variant in enumerate(IMPORT_VARIANTS): variant.label = "label {} {}".format(i, variant) variant.address = self.nodes[1].validateaddress( self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(variant.label)) variant.key = self.nodes[1].dumpprivkey(variant.address["address"]) variant.initial_amount = 10 - (i + 1) / 4.0 variant.initial_txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( variant.address["address"], variant.initial_amount) # Generate a block containing the initial transactions, then another # block further in the future (past the rescan window). self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), []) timestamp = self.nodes[0].getblockheader( self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash())["time"] set_node_times(self.nodes, timestamp + RESCAN_WINDOW + 1) self.nodes[0].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # For each variation of wallet key import, invoke the import RPC and # check the results from getbalance and listtransactions. for variant in IMPORT_VARIANTS: variant.expect_disabled = variant.rescan == Rescan.yes and variant.prune and variant.call == Call.single expect_rescan = variant.rescan == Rescan.yes and not variant.expect_disabled variant.node = self.nodes[ 2 + IMPORT_NODES.index(ImportNode(variant.prune, expect_rescan))] variant.do_import(timestamp) if expect_rescan: variant.expected_balance = variant.initial_amount variant.expected_txs = 1 variant.check(variant.initial_txid, variant.initial_amount, 2) else: variant.expected_balance = 0 variant.expected_txs = 0 variant.check() # Create new transactions sending to each address. fee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"] for i, variant in enumerate(IMPORT_VARIANTS): variant.sent_amount = 10 - (2 * i + 1) / 8.0 variant.sent_txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( variant.address["address"], variant.sent_amount) # Generate a block containing the new transactions. self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), []) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # Check the latest results from getbalance and listtransactions. for variant in IMPORT_VARIANTS: if not variant.expect_disabled: variant.expected_balance += variant.sent_amount variant.expected_txs += 1 variant.check(variant.sent_txid, variant.sent_amount, 1) else: variant.check() def try_rpc(func, *args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs), None except JSONRPCException as e: return None, e.error if __name__ == "__main__": ImportRescanTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/importmulti.py b/qa/rpc-tests/importmulti.py index 9754424d00..da0fed15bc 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/importmulti.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/importmulti.py @@ -1,474 +1,475 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class ImportMultiTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(2, self.options.tmpdir) self.is_network_split = False def run_test(self): - print ("Mining blocks...") + self.log.info("Mining blocks...") self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] # keyword definition PRIV_KEY = 'privkey' PUB_KEY = 'pubkey' ADDRESS_KEY = 'address' SCRIPT_KEY = 'script' node0_address1 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) node0_address2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) node0_address3 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) # Check only one address assert_equal(node0_address1['ismine'], True) # Node 1 sync test assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 1) # Address Test - before import address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(node0_address1['address']) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) # RPC importmulti ----------------------------------------------- # Bitcoin Address - print("Should import an address") + self.log.info("Should import an address") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": address['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) watchonly_address = address['address'] watchonly_timestamp = timestamp - print("Should not import an invalid address") + self.log.info("Should not import an invalid address") result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": "not valid address", }, "timestamp": "now", }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -5) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Invalid address') # ScriptPubKey + internal - print("Should import a scriptPubKey with internal flag") + self.log.info("Should import a scriptPubKey with internal flag") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "now", "internal": True }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) # ScriptPubKey + !internal - print("Should not import a scriptPubKey without internal flag") + self.log.info("Should not import a scriptPubKey without internal flag") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "now", }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -8) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Internal must be set for hex scriptPubKey') address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal('timestamp' in address_assert, False) # Address + Public key + !Internal - print("Should import an address with public key") + self.log.info("Should import an address with public key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": address['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [address['pubkey']] }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) # ScriptPubKey + Public key + internal - print("Should import a scriptPubKey with internal and with public key") + self.log.info( + "Should import a scriptPubKey with internal and with public key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) request = [{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [address['pubkey']], "internal": True }] result = self.nodes[1].importmulti(request) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) # ScriptPubKey + Public key + !internal - print( + self.log.info( "Should not import a scriptPubKey without internal and with public key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) request = [{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [address['pubkey']] }] result = self.nodes[1].importmulti(request) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -8) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Internal must be set for hex scriptPubKey') address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal('timestamp' in address_assert, False) # Address + Private key + !watchonly - print("Should import an address with private key") + self.log.info("Should import an address with private key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": address['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(address['address'])] }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) # Address + Private key + watchonly - print( + self.log.info( "Should not import an address with private key and with watchonly") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": address['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(address['address'])], "watchonly": True }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -8) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Incompatibility found between watchonly and keys') address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal('timestamp' in address_assert, False) # ScriptPubKey + Private key + internal - print( + self.log.info( "Should import a scriptPubKey with internal and with private key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "now", "keys": [self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(address['address'])], "internal": True }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) # ScriptPubKey + Private key + !internal - print( + self.log.info( "Should not import a scriptPubKey without internal and with private key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "now", "keys": [self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(address['address'])] }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -8) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Internal must be set for hex scriptPubKey') address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal('timestamp' in address_assert, False) # P2SH address sig_address_1 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) sig_address_2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) sig_address_3 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) multi_sig_script = self.nodes[0].createmultisig( 2, [sig_address_1['address'], sig_address_2['address'], sig_address_3['pubkey']]) self.nodes[1].generate(100) transactionid = self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress( multi_sig_script['address'], 10.00) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] transaction = self.nodes[1].gettransaction(transactionid) - print("Should import a p2sh") + self.log.info("Should import a p2sh") result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": multi_sig_script['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress( multi_sig_script['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['isscript'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) p2shunspent = self.nodes[1].listunspent( 0, 999999, [multi_sig_script['address']])[0] assert_equal(p2shunspent['spendable'], False) assert_equal(p2shunspent['solvable'], False) # P2SH + Redeem script sig_address_1 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) sig_address_2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) sig_address_3 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) multi_sig_script = self.nodes[0].createmultisig( 2, [sig_address_1['address'], sig_address_2['address'], sig_address_3['pubkey']]) self.nodes[1].generate(100) transactionid = self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress( multi_sig_script['address'], 10.00) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] transaction = self.nodes[1].gettransaction(transactionid) - print("Should import a p2sh with respective redeem script") + self.log.info("Should import a p2sh with respective redeem script") result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": multi_sig_script['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", "redeemscript": multi_sig_script['redeemScript'] }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress( multi_sig_script['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) p2shunspent = self.nodes[1].listunspent( 0, 999999, [multi_sig_script['address']])[0] assert_equal(p2shunspent['spendable'], False) assert_equal(p2shunspent['solvable'], True) # P2SH + Redeem script + Private Keys + !Watchonly sig_address_1 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) sig_address_2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) sig_address_3 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) multi_sig_script = self.nodes[0].createmultisig( 2, [sig_address_1['address'], sig_address_2['address'], sig_address_3['pubkey']]) self.nodes[1].generate(100) transactionid = self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress( multi_sig_script['address'], 10.00) self.nodes[1].generate(1) timestamp = self.nodes[1].getblock( self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash())['mediantime'] transaction = self.nodes[1].gettransaction(transactionid) - print( + self.log.info( "Should import a p2sh with respective redeem script and private keys") result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": multi_sig_script['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", "redeemscript": multi_sig_script['redeemScript'], "keys": [self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(sig_address_1['address']), self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(sig_address_2['address'])] }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], True) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress( multi_sig_script['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], timestamp) p2shunspent = self.nodes[1].listunspent( 0, 999999, [multi_sig_script['address']])[0] assert_equal(p2shunspent['spendable'], False) assert_equal(p2shunspent['solvable'], True) # P2SH + Redeem script + Private Keys + Watchonly sig_address_1 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) sig_address_2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) sig_address_3 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress( self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) multi_sig_script = self.nodes[0].createmultisig( 2, [sig_address_1['address'], sig_address_2['address'], sig_address_3['pubkey']]) self.nodes[1].generate(100) transactionid = self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress( multi_sig_script['address'], 10.00) self.nodes[1].generate(1) transaction = self.nodes[1].gettransaction(transactionid) - print( + self.log.info( "Should import a p2sh with respective redeem script and private keys") result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": multi_sig_script['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", "redeemscript": multi_sig_script['redeemScript'], "keys": [self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(sig_address_1['address']), self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(sig_address_2['address'])], "watchonly": True }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -8) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Incompatibility found between watchonly and keys') # Address + Public key + !Internal + Wrong pubkey - print("Should not import an address with a wrong public key") + self.log.info("Should not import an address with a wrong public key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) address2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": address['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [address2['pubkey']] }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -5) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Consistency check failed') address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal('timestamp' in address_assert, False) # ScriptPubKey + Public key + internal + Wrong pubkey - print( + self.log.info( "Should not import a scriptPubKey with internal and with a wrong public key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) address2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) request = [{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "now", "pubkeys": [address2['pubkey']], "internal": True }] result = self.nodes[1].importmulti(request) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -5) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Consistency check failed') address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal('timestamp' in address_assert, False) # Address + Private key + !watchonly + Wrong private key - print("Should not import an address with a wrong private key") + self.log.info("Should not import an address with a wrong private key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) address2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": { "address": address['address'] }, "timestamp": "now", "keys": [self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(address2['address'])] }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -5) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Consistency check failed') address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal('timestamp' in address_assert, False) # ScriptPubKey + Private key + internal + Wrong private key - print( + self.log.info( "Should not import a scriptPubKey with internal and with a wrong private key") address = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) address2 = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()) result = self.nodes[1].importmulti([{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "now", "keys": [self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(address2['address'])], "internal": True }]) assert_equal(result[0]['success'], False) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['code'], -5) assert_equal(result[0]['error']['message'], 'Consistency check failed') address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address['address']) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal('timestamp' in address_assert, False) # restart nodes to check for proper serialization/deserialization of # watch only address stop_nodes(self.nodes) self.nodes = start_nodes(2, self.options.tmpdir) address_assert = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(watchonly_address) assert_equal(address_assert['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_assert['ismine'], False) assert_equal(address_assert['timestamp'], watchonly_timestamp) # Bad or missing timestamps - print("Should throw on invalid or missing timestamp values") + self.log.info("Should throw on invalid or missing timestamp values") assert_raises_message( JSONRPCException, 'Missing required timestamp field for key', self.nodes[1].importmulti, [{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], }]) assert_raises_message( JSONRPCException, 'Expected number or "now" timestamp value for key. got type string', self.nodes[1].importmulti, [{ "scriptPubKey": address['scriptPubKey'], "timestamp": "", }]) if __name__ == '__main__': ImportMultiTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/importprunedfunds.py b/qa/rpc-tests/importprunedfunds.py index ee14d3ed4f..b0b921f847 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/importprunedfunds.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/importprunedfunds.py @@ -1,128 +1,128 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class ImportPrunedFundsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): - print("Mining blocks...") + self.log.info("Mining blocks...") self.nodes[0].generate(101) self.sync_all() # address address1 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() # pubkey address2 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() # Using pubkey address2_pubkey = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(address2)['pubkey'] # privkey address3 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() # Using privkey address3_privkey = self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(address3) # Check only one address address_info = self.nodes[0].validateaddress(address1) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], True) self.sync_all() # Node 1 sync test assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 101) # Address Test - before import address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address1) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address2) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address3) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) # Send funds to self txnid1 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address1, 0.1) self.nodes[0].generate(1) rawtxn1 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txnid1)['hex'] proof1 = self.nodes[0].gettxoutproof([txnid1]) txnid2 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address2, 0.05) self.nodes[0].generate(1) rawtxn2 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txnid2)['hex'] proof2 = self.nodes[0].gettxoutproof([txnid2]) txnid3 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address3, 0.025) self.nodes[0].generate(1) rawtxn3 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txnid3)['hex'] proof3 = self.nodes[0].gettxoutproof([txnid3]) self.sync_all() # Import with no affiliated address assert_raises_jsonrpc( -5, "No addresses", self.nodes[1].importprunedfunds, rawtxn1, proof1) balance1 = self.nodes[1].getbalance("", 0, True) assert_equal(balance1, Decimal(0)) # Import with affiliated address with no rescan self.nodes[1].importaddress(address2, "add2", False) result2 = self.nodes[1].importprunedfunds(rawtxn2, proof2) balance2 = self.nodes[1].getbalance("add2", 0, True) assert_equal(balance2, Decimal('0.05')) # Import with private key with no rescan self.nodes[1].importprivkey(address3_privkey, "add3", False) result3 = self.nodes[1].importprunedfunds(rawtxn3, proof3) balance3 = self.nodes[1].getbalance("add3", 0, False) assert_equal(balance3, Decimal('0.025')) balance3 = self.nodes[1].getbalance("*", 0, True) assert_equal(balance3, Decimal('0.075')) # Addresses Test - after import address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address1) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address2) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], True) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], False) address_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address3) assert_equal(address_info['iswatchonly'], False) assert_equal(address_info['ismine'], True) # Remove transactions assert_raises_jsonrpc( -8, "Transaction does not exist in wallet.", self.nodes[1].removeprunedfunds, txnid1) balance1 = self.nodes[1].getbalance("*", 0, True) assert_equal(balance1, Decimal('0.075')) self.nodes[1].removeprunedfunds(txnid2) balance2 = self.nodes[1].getbalance("*", 0, True) assert_equal(balance2, Decimal('0.025')) self.nodes[1].removeprunedfunds(txnid3) balance3 = self.nodes[1].getbalance("*", 0, True) assert_equal(balance3, Decimal('0.0')) if __name__ == '__main__': ImportPrunedFundsTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/invalidateblock.py b/qa/rpc-tests/invalidateblock.py index 9d37e0cce3..a8e982a4ea 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/invalidateblock.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/invalidateblock.py @@ -1,80 +1,78 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test InvalidateBlock code # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class InvalidateTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] self.is_network_split = False - self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"])) - self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"])) - self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"])) + self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir)) + self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir)) + self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir)) def run_test(self): - print( + self.log.info( "Make sure we repopulate setBlockIndexCandidates after InvalidateBlock:") - print("Mine 4 blocks on Node 0") + self.log.info("Mine 4 blocks on Node 0") self.nodes[0].generate(4) assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 4) besthash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() - print("Mine competing 6 blocks on Node 1") + self.log.info("Mine competing 6 blocks on Node 1") self.nodes[1].generate(6) assert(self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == 6) - print("Connect nodes to force a reorg") + self.log.info("Connect nodes to force a reorg") connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:2]) assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 6) badhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(2) - print( + self.log.info( "Invalidate block 2 on node 0 and verify we reorg to node 0's original chain") self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(badhash) newheight = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() newhash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() if (newheight != 4 or newhash != besthash): raise AssertionError( "Wrong tip for node0, hash %s, height %d" % (newhash, newheight)) - print("\nMake sure we won't reorg to a lower work chain:") + self.log.info("\nMake sure we won't reorg to a lower work chain:") connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) - print("Sync node 2 to node 1 so both have 6 blocks") + self.log.info("Sync node 2 to node 1 so both have 6 blocks") sync_blocks(self.nodes[1:3]) assert(self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 6) - print("Invalidate block 5 on node 1 so its tip is now at 4") + self.log.info("Invalidate block 5 on node 1 so its tip is now at 4") self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[1].getblockhash(5)) assert(self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == 4) - print("Invalidate block 3 on node 2, so its tip is now 2") + self.log.info("Invalidate block 3 on node 2, so its tip is now 2") self.nodes[2].invalidateblock(self.nodes[2].getblockhash(3)) assert(self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 2) - print("..and then mine a block") + self.log.info("..and then mine a block") self.nodes[2].generate(1) - print("Verify all nodes are at the right height") + self.log.info("Verify all nodes are at the right height") time.sleep(5) - for i in range(3): - print(i, self.nodes[i].getblockcount()) - assert(self.nodes[2].getblockcount() == 3) - assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == 4) + assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getblockcount(), 3) + assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 4) node1height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount() if node1height < 4: raise AssertionError( "Node 1 reorged to a lower height: %d" % node1height) if __name__ == '__main__': InvalidateTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/listsinceblock.py b/qa/rpc-tests/listsinceblock.py index 4b2f66928b..c7bae4e586 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/listsinceblock.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/listsinceblock.py @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import assert_equal class ListSinceBlockTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 4 def run_test(self): ''' `listsinceblock` did not behave correctly when handed a block that was no longer in the main chain: ab0 / \ aa1 [tx0] bb1 | | aa2 bb2 | | aa3 bb3 | bb4 Consider a client that has only seen block `aa3` above. It asks the node to `listsinceblock aa3`. But at some point prior the main chain switched to the bb chain. Previously: listsinceblock would find height=4 for block aa3 and compare this to height=5 for the tip of the chain (bb4). It would then return results restricted to bb3-bb4. Now: listsinceblock finds the fork at ab0 and returns results in the range bb1-bb4. This test only checks that [tx0] is present. ''' assert_equal(self.is_network_split, False) self.nodes[2].generate(101) self.sync_all() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 0) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 0) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 50) assert_equal(self.nodes[3].getbalance(), 0) # Split network into two self.split_network() assert_equal(self.is_network_split, True) # send to nodes[0] from nodes[2] senttx = self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 1) # generate on both sides lastblockhash = self.nodes[1].generate(6)[5] self.nodes[2].generate(7) - print('lastblockhash=%s' % (lastblockhash)) + self.log.info('lastblockhash=%s' % (lastblockhash)) self.sync_all() self.join_network() # listsinceblock(lastblockhash) should now include tx, as seen from # nodes[0] lsbres = self.nodes[0].listsinceblock(lastblockhash) found = False for tx in lsbres['transactions']: if tx['txid'] == senttx: found = True break assert_equal(found, True) if __name__ == '__main__': ListSinceBlockTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/maxblocksinflight.py b/qa/rpc-tests/maxblocksinflight.py index a3ab54ddea..4f40f3d549 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/maxblocksinflight.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/maxblocksinflight.py @@ -1,104 +1,103 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * -import logging ''' In this test we connect to one node over p2p, send it numerous inv's, and compare the resulting number of getdata requests to a max allowed value. We test for exceeding 128 blocks in flight, which was the limit an 0.9 client will reach. [0.10 clients shouldn't request more than 16 from a single peer.] ''' MAX_REQUESTS = 128 class TestManager(NodeConnCB): # set up NodeConnCB callbacks, overriding base class def on_getdata(self, conn, message): self.log.debug("got getdata %s" % repr(message)) # Log the requests for inv in message.inv: if inv.hash not in self.blockReqCounts: self.blockReqCounts[inv.hash] = 0 self.blockReqCounts[inv.hash] += 1 def on_close(self, conn): if not self.disconnectOkay: raise EarlyDisconnectError(0) def __init__(self): NodeConnCB.__init__(self) - self.log = logging.getLogger("BlockRelayTest") def add_new_connection(self, connection): self.connection = connection self.blockReqCounts = {} self.disconnectOkay = False def run(self): self.connection.rpc.generate(1) # Leave IBD numBlocksToGenerate = [8, 16, 128, 1024] for count in range(len(numBlocksToGenerate)): current_invs = [] for i in range(numBlocksToGenerate[count]): current_invs.append(CInv(2, random.randrange(0, 1 << 256))) if len(current_invs) >= 50000: self.connection.send_message(msg_inv(current_invs)) current_invs = [] if len(current_invs) > 0: self.connection.send_message(msg_inv(current_invs)) # Wait and see how many blocks were requested time.sleep(2) total_requests = 0 with mininode_lock: for key in self.blockReqCounts: total_requests += self.blockReqCounts[key] if self.blockReqCounts[key] > 1: raise AssertionError( "Error, test failed: block %064x requested more than once" % key) if total_requests > MAX_REQUESTS: raise AssertionError( "Error, too many blocks (%d) requested" % total_requests) - print("Round %d: success (total requests: %d)" % - (count, total_requests)) + self.log.info("Round %d: success (total requests: %d)" % + (count, total_requests)) self.disconnectOkay = True self.connection.disconnect_node() class MaxBlocksInFlightTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def add_options(self, parser): parser.add_option("--testbinary", dest="testbinary", default=os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"), help="Binary to test max block requests behavior") def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - extra_args=[ - ['-debug', '-whitelist=']], + extra_args=[['-whitelist=']], binary=[self.options.testbinary]) def run_test(self): test = TestManager() + # pass log handler through to the test manager object + test.log = self.log test.add_new_connection( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test)) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread test.run() if __name__ == '__main__': MaxBlocksInFlightTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/maxuploadtarget.py b/qa/rpc-tests/maxuploadtarget.py index d8d8f1a423..80c496987e 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/maxuploadtarget.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/maxuploadtarget.py @@ -1,251 +1,252 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * import time from test_framework.cdefs import LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE ''' Test behavior of -maxuploadtarget. * Verify that getdata requests for old blocks (>1week) are dropped if uploadtarget has been reached. * Verify that getdata requests for recent blocks are respecteved even if uploadtarget has been reached. * Verify that the upload counters are reset after 24 hours. ''' # TestNode: bare-bones "peer". Used mostly as a conduit for a test to sending # p2p messages to a node, generating the messages in the main testing logic. class TestNode(NodeConnCB): def __init__(self): NodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.connection = None self.ping_counter = 1 self.last_pong = msg_pong() self.block_receive_map = {} def add_connection(self, conn): self.connection = conn self.peer_disconnected = False def on_inv(self, conn, message): pass # Track the last getdata message we receive (used in the test) def on_getdata(self, conn, message): self.last_getdata = message def on_block(self, conn, message): message.block.calc_sha256() try: self.block_receive_map[message.block.sha256] += 1 except KeyError as e: self.block_receive_map[message.block.sha256] = 1 # Spin until verack message is received from the node. # We use this to signal that our test can begin. This # is called from the testing thread, so it needs to acquire # the global lock. def wait_for_verack(self): def veracked(): return self.verack_received return wait_until(veracked, timeout=10) def wait_for_disconnect(self): def disconnected(): return self.peer_disconnected return wait_until(disconnected, timeout=10) # Wrapper for the NodeConn's send_message function def send_message(self, message): self.connection.send_message(message) def on_pong(self, conn, message): self.last_pong = message def on_close(self, conn): self.peer_disconnected = True # Sync up with the node after delivery of a block def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=30): def received_pong(): return (self.last_pong.nonce == self.ping_counter) self.connection.send_message(msg_ping(nonce=self.ping_counter)) success = wait_until(received_pong, timeout=timeout) self.ping_counter += 1 return success class MaxUploadTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 # Cache for utxos, as the listunspent may take a long time later in the # test self.utxo_cache = [] def setup_network(self): # Start a node with maxuploadtarget of 200 MB (/24h) self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append( start_node( - 0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-maxuploadtarget=200"])) + 0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxuploadtarget=200"])) def run_test(self): # Before we connect anything, we first set the time on the node # to be in the past, otherwise things break because the CNode # time counters can't be reset backward after initialization old_time = int(time.time() - 2 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) self.nodes[0].setmocktime(old_time) # Generate some old blocks self.nodes[0].generate(130) # test_nodes[0] will only request old blocks # test_nodes[1] will only request new blocks # test_nodes[2] will test resetting the counters test_nodes = [] connections = [] for i in range(3): test_nodes.append(TestNode()) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test_nodes[i])) test_nodes[i].add_connection(connections[i]) # Start up network handling in another thread NetworkThread().start() [x.wait_for_verack() for x in test_nodes] # Test logic begins here # Now mine a big block mine_large_block(self.nodes[0], self.utxo_cache) # Store the hash; we'll request this later big_old_block = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() old_block_size = self.nodes[0].getblock(big_old_block, True)['size'] big_old_block = int(big_old_block, 16) # Advance to two days ago self.nodes[0].setmocktime(int(time.time()) - 2 * 60 * 60 * 24) # Mine one more block, so that the prior block looks old mine_large_block(self.nodes[0], self.utxo_cache) # We'll be requesting this new block too big_new_block = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() big_new_block = int(big_new_block, 16) # test_nodes[0] will test what happens if we just keep requesting the # the same big old block too many times (expect: disconnect) getdata_request = msg_getdata() getdata_request.inv.append(CInv(2, big_old_block)) max_bytes_per_day = 200 * 1024 * 1024 daily_buffer = 144 * LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE max_bytes_available = max_bytes_per_day - daily_buffer success_count = max_bytes_available // old_block_size # 144MB will be reserved for relaying new blocks, so expect this to # succeed for ~70 tries. for i in range(success_count): test_nodes[0].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[0].sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_nodes[0].block_receive_map[big_old_block], i + 1) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 3) # At most a couple more tries should succeed (depending on how long # the test has been running so far). for i in range(3): test_nodes[0].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[0].wait_for_disconnect() assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 2) - print("Peer 0 disconnected after downloading old block too many times") + self.log.info( + "Peer 0 disconnected after downloading old block too many times") # Requesting the current block on test_nodes[1] should succeed indefinitely, # even when over the max upload target. # We'll try 200 times getdata_request.inv = [CInv(2, big_new_block)] for i in range(200): test_nodes[1].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[1].sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_nodes[1].block_receive_map[big_new_block], i + 1) - print("Peer 1 able to repeatedly download new block") + self.log.info("Peer 1 able to repeatedly download new block") # But if test_nodes[1] tries for an old block, it gets disconnected # too. getdata_request.inv = [CInv(2, big_old_block)] test_nodes[1].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[1].wait_for_disconnect() assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 1) - print("Peer 1 disconnected after trying to download old block") + self.log.info("Peer 1 disconnected after trying to download old block") - print("Advancing system time on node to clear counters...") + self.log.info("Advancing system time on node to clear counters...") # If we advance the time by 24 hours, then the counters should reset, # and test_nodes[2] should be able to retrieve the old block. self.nodes[0].setmocktime(int(time.time())) test_nodes[2].sync_with_ping() test_nodes[2].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[2].sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_nodes[2].block_receive_map[big_old_block], 1) - print("Peer 2 able to download old block") + self.log.info("Peer 2 able to download old block") [c.disconnect_node() for c in connections] # stop and start node 0 with 1MB maxuploadtarget, whitelist - print("Restarting nodes with -whitelist=") + self.log.info("Restarting nodes with -whitelist=") stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, [ - "-debug", "-whitelist=", "-maxuploadtarget=1"]) + "-whitelist=", "-maxuploadtarget=1"]) # recreate/reconnect 3 test nodes test_nodes = [] connections = [] for i in range(3): test_nodes.append(TestNode()) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test_nodes[i])) test_nodes[i].add_connection(connections[i]) # Start up network handling in another thread NetworkThread().start() [x.wait_for_verack() for x in test_nodes] # retrieve 20 blocks which should be enough to break the 1MB limit getdata_request.inv = [CInv(2, big_new_block)] for i in range(20): test_nodes[1].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[1].sync_with_ping() assert_equal(test_nodes[1].block_receive_map[big_new_block], i + 1) getdata_request.inv = [CInv(2, big_old_block)] test_nodes[1].send_message(getdata_request) test_nodes[1].wait_for_disconnect() # node is still connected because of the whitelist assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 3) - print( + self.log.info( "Peer 1 still connected after trying to download old block (whitelisted)") [c.disconnect_node() for c in connections] if __name__ == '__main__': MaxUploadTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_limit.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_limit.py index 22d31c08ad..7f9dc32d37 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_limit.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_limit.py @@ -1,62 +1,61 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # Test mempool limiting together/eviction with the wallet from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class MempoolLimitTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append( - start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxmempool=5", - "-spendzeroconfchange=0", - "-debug"])) + start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, + ["-maxmempool=5", "-spendzeroconfchange=0"])) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 self.txouts = gen_return_txouts() def run_test(self): txids = [] utxos = create_confirmed_utxos(self.relayfee, self.nodes[0], 91) # create a mempool tx that will be evicted us0 = utxos.pop() inputs = [{"txid": us0["txid"], "vout": us0["vout"]}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 0.0001} tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # specifically fund this tx with low fee self.nodes[0].settxfee(self.relayfee) txF = self.nodes[0].fundrawtransaction(tx) # return to automatic fee selection self.nodes[0].settxfee(0) txFS = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( txF['hex'], None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(txFS['hex']) relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] base_fee = relayfee * 100 for i in range(3): txids.append([]) txids[i] = create_lots_of_big_transactions( self.nodes[0], self.txouts, utxos[30 * i:30 * i + 30], 30, (i + 1) * base_fee) # by now, the tx should be evicted, check confirmation state assert(txid not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) txdata = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid) assert(txdata['confirmations'] == 0) # confirmation should still be 0 if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolLimitTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_packages.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_packages.py index 60a3609690..c0b67ec2a0 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_packages.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_packages.py @@ -1,281 +1,280 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # Test descendant package tracking code from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import COIN MAX_ANCESTORS = 25 MAX_DESCENDANTS = 25 class MempoolPackagesTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append( - start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxorphantx=1000", "-debug"])) + start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxorphantx=1000"])) self.nodes.append( start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxorphantx=1000", - "-limitancestorcount=5", - "-debug"])) + "-limitancestorcount=5"])) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() # Build a transaction that spends parent_txid:vout # Return amount sent def chain_transaction(self, node, parent_txid, vout, value, fee, num_outputs): send_value = satoshi_round((value - fee) / num_outputs) inputs = [{'txid': parent_txid, 'vout': vout}] outputs = {} for i in range(num_outputs): outputs[node.getnewaddress()] = send_value rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signedtx = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signedtx['hex']) fulltx = node.getrawtransaction(txid, 1) # make sure we didn't generate a change output assert(len(fulltx['vout']) == num_outputs) return (txid, send_value) def run_test(self): ''' Mine some blocks and have them mature. ''' self.nodes[0].generate(101) utxo = self.nodes[0].listunspent(10) txid = utxo[0]['txid'] vout = utxo[0]['vout'] value = utxo[0]['amount'] fee = Decimal("0.0001") # MAX_ANCESTORS transactions off a confirmed tx should be fine chain = [] for i in range(MAX_ANCESTORS): (txid, sent_value) = self.chain_transaction( self.nodes[0], txid, 0, value, fee, 1) value = sent_value chain.append(txid) # Check mempool has MAX_ANCESTORS transactions in it, and descendant # count and fees should look correct mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) assert_equal(len(mempool), MAX_ANCESTORS) descendant_count = 1 descendant_fees = 0 descendant_size = 0 descendants = [] ancestors = list(chain) for x in reversed(chain): # Check that getmempoolentry is consistent with getrawmempool entry = self.nodes[0].getmempoolentry(x) assert_equal(entry, mempool[x]) # Check that the descendant calculations are correct assert_equal(mempool[x]['descendantcount'], descendant_count) descendant_fees += mempool[x]['fee'] assert_equal(mempool[x]['modifiedfee'], mempool[x]['fee']) assert_equal(mempool[x]['descendantfees'], descendant_fees * COIN) descendant_size += mempool[x]['size'] assert_equal(mempool[x]['descendantsize'], descendant_size) descendant_count += 1 # Check that getmempooldescendants is correct assert_equal(sorted(descendants), sorted( self.nodes[0].getmempooldescendants(x))) descendants.append(x) # Check that getmempoolancestors is correct ancestors.remove(x) assert_equal(sorted(ancestors), sorted( self.nodes[0].getmempoolancestors(x))) # Check that getmempoolancestors/getmempooldescendants correctly handle # verbose=true v_ancestors = self.nodes[0].getmempoolancestors(chain[-1], True) assert_equal(len(v_ancestors), len(chain) - 1) for x in v_ancestors.keys(): assert_equal(mempool[x], v_ancestors[x]) assert(chain[-1] not in v_ancestors.keys()) v_descendants = self.nodes[0].getmempooldescendants(chain[0], True) assert_equal(len(v_descendants), len(chain) - 1) for x in v_descendants.keys(): assert_equal(mempool[x], v_descendants[x]) assert(chain[0] not in v_descendants.keys()) # Check that ancestor modified fees includes fee deltas from # prioritisetransaction self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(chain[0], 0, 1000) mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) ancestor_fees = 0 for x in chain: ancestor_fees += mempool[x]['fee'] assert_equal( mempool[x]['ancestorfees'], ancestor_fees * COIN + 1000) # Undo the prioritisetransaction for later tests self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(chain[0], 0, -1000) # Check that descendant modified fees includes fee deltas from # prioritisetransaction self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(chain[-1], 0, 1000) mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) descendant_fees = 0 for x in reversed(chain): descendant_fees += mempool[x]['fee'] assert_equal( mempool[x]['descendantfees'], descendant_fees * COIN + 1000) # Adding one more transaction on to the chain should fail. try: self.chain_transaction(self.nodes[0], txid, vout, value, fee, 1) except JSONRPCException as e: - print("too-long-ancestor-chain successfully rejected") + self.log.info("too-long-ancestor-chain successfully rejected") # Check that prioritising a tx before it's added to the mempool works # First clear the mempool by mining a block. self.nodes[0].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), 0) # Prioritise a transaction that has been mined, then add it back to the # mempool by using invalidateblock. self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(chain[-1], 0, 2000) self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Keep node1's tip synced with node0 self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash()) # Now check that the transaction is in the mempool, with the right # modified fee mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) descendant_fees = 0 for x in reversed(chain): descendant_fees += mempool[x]['fee'] if (x == chain[-1]): assert_equal( mempool[x]['modifiedfee'], mempool[x]['fee'] + satoshi_round(0.00002)) assert_equal( mempool[x]['descendantfees'], descendant_fees * COIN + 2000) # TODO: check that node1's mempool is as expected # TODO: test ancestor size limits # Now test descendant chain limits txid = utxo[1]['txid'] value = utxo[1]['amount'] vout = utxo[1]['vout'] transaction_package = [] # First create one parent tx with 10 children (txid, sent_value) = self.chain_transaction( self.nodes[0], txid, vout, value, fee, 10) parent_transaction = txid for i in range(10): transaction_package.append( {'txid': txid, 'vout': i, 'amount': sent_value}) for i in range(MAX_DESCENDANTS): utxo = transaction_package.pop(0) try: (txid, sent_value) = self.chain_transaction( self.nodes[0], utxo['txid'], utxo['vout'], utxo['amount'], fee, 10) for j in range(10): transaction_package.append( {'txid': txid, 'vout': j, 'amount': sent_value}) if i == MAX_DESCENDANTS - 2: mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) assert_equal(mempool[parent_transaction][ 'descendantcount'], MAX_DESCENDANTS) except JSONRPCException as e: - print(e.error['message']) + self.log.info(e.error['message']) assert_equal(i, MAX_DESCENDANTS - 1) - print( + self.log.info( "tx that would create too large descendant package successfully rejected") # TODO: check that node1's mempool is as expected # TODO: test descendant size limits # Test reorg handling # First, the basics: self.nodes[0].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) self.nodes[1].reconsiderblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Now test the case where node1 has a transaction T in its mempool that # depends on transactions A and B which are in a mined block, and the # block containing A and B is disconnected, AND B is not accepted back # into node1's mempool because its ancestor count is too high. # Create 8 transactions, like so: # Tx0 -> Tx1 (vout0) # \--> Tx2 (vout1) -> Tx3 -> Tx4 -> Tx5 -> Tx6 -> Tx7 # # Mine them in the next block, then generate a new tx8 that spends # Tx1 and Tx7, and add to node1's mempool, then disconnect the # last block. # Create tx0 with 2 outputs utxo = self.nodes[0].listunspent() txid = utxo[0]['txid'] value = utxo[0]['amount'] vout = utxo[0]['vout'] send_value = satoshi_round((value - fee) / 2) inputs = [{'txid': txid, 'vout': vout}] outputs = {} for i in range(2): outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = send_value rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signedtx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signedtx['hex']) tx0_id = txid value = send_value # Create tx1 (tx1_id, tx1_value) = self.chain_transaction( self.nodes[0], tx0_id, 0, value, fee, 1) # Create tx2-7 vout = 1 txid = tx0_id for i in range(6): (txid, sent_value) = self.chain_transaction( self.nodes[0], txid, vout, value, fee, 1) vout = 0 value = sent_value # Mine these in a block self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # Now generate tx8, with a big fee inputs = [{'txid': tx1_id, 'vout': 0}, {'txid': txid, 'vout': 0}] outputs = {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): send_value + value - 4 * fee} rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signedtx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signedtx['hex']) sync_mempools(self.nodes) # Now try to disconnect the tip on each node... self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash()) self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) sync_blocks(self.nodes) if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolPackagesTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_reorg.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_reorg.py index b33438f626..316b644bfa 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_reorg.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_reorg.py @@ -1,117 +1,117 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test re-org scenarios with a mempool that contains transactions # that spend (directly or indirectly) coinbase transactions. # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * # Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction: class MempoolCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = False alert_filename = None # Set by setup_network def setup_network(self): - args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool"] + args = ["-checkmempool"] self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args)) self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, args)) connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): start_count = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() # Mine three blocks. After this, nodes[0] blocks # 101, 102, and 103 are spend-able. new_blocks = self.nodes[1].generate(4) self.sync_all() node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() node1_address = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() # Three scenarios for re-orging coinbase spends in the memory pool: # 1. Direct coinbase spend : spend_101 # 2. Indirect (coinbase spend in chain, child in mempool) : spend_102 and spend_102_1 # 3. Indirect (coinbase and child both in chain) : spend_103 and spend_103_1 # Use invalidatblock to make all of the above coinbase spends invalid (immature coinbase), # and make sure the mempool code behaves correctly. b = [self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(101, 105)] coinbase_txids = [self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b] spend_101_raw = create_tx( self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[1], node1_address, 49.99) spend_102_raw = create_tx( self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[2], node0_address, 49.99) spend_103_raw = create_tx( self.nodes[0], coinbase_txids[3], node0_address, 49.99) # Create a block-height-locked transaction which will be invalid after # reorg timelock_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction( [{"txid": coinbase_txids[0], "vout": 0}], {node0_address: 49.99}) # Set the time lock timelock_tx = timelock_tx.replace("ffffffff", "11111191", 1) timelock_tx = timelock_tx[:-8] + hex( self.nodes[0].getblockcount() + 2)[2:] + "000000" timelock_tx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( timelock_tx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[ 0].sendrawtransaction, timelock_tx) # Broadcast and mine spend_102 and 103: spend_102_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_102_raw) spend_103_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_103_raw) self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[ 0].sendrawtransaction, timelock_tx) # Create 102_1 and 103_1: spend_102_1_raw = create_tx( self.nodes[0], spend_102_id, node1_address, 49.98) spend_103_1_raw = create_tx( self.nodes[0], spend_103_id, node1_address, 49.98) # Broadcast and mine 103_1: spend_103_1_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_103_1_raw) last_block = self.nodes[0].generate(1) timelock_tx_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(timelock_tx) # ... now put spend_101 and spend_102_1 in memory pools: spend_101_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_101_raw) spend_102_1_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spend_102_1_raw) self.sync_all() assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), { spend_101_id, spend_102_1_id, timelock_tx_id}) for node in self.nodes: node.invalidateblock(last_block[0]) assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), { spend_101_id, spend_102_1_id, spend_103_1_id}) # Use invalidateblock to re-org back and make all those coinbase spends # immature/invalid: for node in self.nodes: node.invalidateblock(new_blocks[0]) self.sync_all() # mempool should be empty. assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set()) if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolCoinbaseTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py index 61ab038e09..4d3038d2cc 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_resurrect_test.py @@ -1,88 +1,88 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test resurrection of mined transactions when # the blockchain is re-organized. # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * # Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction: class MempoolCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): # Just need one node for this test - args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool"] + args = ["-checkmempool"] self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args)) self.is_network_split = False def run_test(self): node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() # Spend block 1/2/3's coinbase transactions # Mine a block. # Create three more transactions, spending the spends # Mine another block. # ... make sure all the transactions are confirmed # Invalidate both blocks # ... make sure all the transactions are put back in the mempool # Mine a new block # ... make sure all the transactions are confirmed again. b = [self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(1, 4)] coinbase_txids = [self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b] spends1_raw = [create_tx(self.nodes[0], txid, node0_address, 49.99) for txid in coinbase_txids] spends1_id = [self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx) for tx in spends1_raw] blocks = [] blocks.extend(self.nodes[0].generate(1)) spends2_raw = [create_tx(self.nodes[0], txid, node0_address, 49.98) for txid in spends1_id] spends2_id = [self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx) for tx in spends2_raw] blocks.extend(self.nodes[0].generate(1)) # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set()) for txid in spends1_id + spends2_id: tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid) assert(tx["confirmations"] > 0) # Use invalidateblock to re-org back; all transactions should # end up unconfirmed and back in the mempool for node in self.nodes: node.invalidateblock(blocks[0]) # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed assert_equal( set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set(spends1_id + spends2_id)) for txid in spends1_id + spends2_id: tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid) assert(tx["confirmations"] == 0) # Generate another block, they should all get mined self.nodes[0].generate(1) # mempool should be empty, all txns confirmed assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set()) for txid in spends1_id + spends2_id: tx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid) assert(tx["confirmations"] > 0) if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolCoinbaseTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py index 6e24f81798..186679c89f 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/mempool_spendcoinbase.py @@ -1,67 +1,67 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test spending coinbase transactions. # The coinbase transaction in block N can appear in block # N+100... so is valid in the mempool when the best block # height is N+99. # This test makes sure coinbase spends that will be mature # in the next block are accepted into the memory pool, # but less mature coinbase spends are NOT. # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * # Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction: class MempoolSpendCoinbaseTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): # Just need one node for this test - args = ["-checkmempool", "-debug=mempool"] + args = ["-checkmempool"] self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, args)) self.is_network_split = False def run_test(self): chain_height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() assert_equal(chain_height, 200) node0_address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() # Coinbase at height chain_height-100+1 ok in mempool, should # get mined. Coinbase at height chain_height-100+2 is # is too immature to spend. b = [self.nodes[0].getblockhash(n) for n in range(101, 103)] coinbase_txids = [self.nodes[0].getblock(h)['tx'][0] for h in b] spends_raw = [create_tx(self.nodes[0], txid, node0_address, 49.99) for txid in coinbase_txids] spend_101_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spends_raw[0]) # coinbase at height 102 should be too immature to spend assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[ 0].sendrawtransaction, spends_raw[1]) # mempool should have just spend_101: assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), [spend_101_id]) # mine a block, spend_101 should get confirmed self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert_equal(set(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), set()) # ... and now height 102 can be spent: spend_102_id = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(spends_raw[1]) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(), [spend_102_id]) if __name__ == '__main__': MempoolSpendCoinbaseTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/merkle_blocks.py b/qa/rpc-tests/merkle_blocks.py index 2ce1594046..08164e4a89 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/merkle_blocks.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/merkle_blocks.py @@ -1,106 +1,105 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test merkleblock fetch/validation # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class MerkleBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 4 def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] # Nodes 0/1 are "wallet" nodes - extra_args = ["-debug"] - self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args)) - self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args)) + self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir)) + self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir)) # Nodes 2/3 are used for testing - self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args)) + self.nodes.append(start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir)) self.nodes.append( - start_node(3, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-txindex"])) + start_node(3, self.options.tmpdir, ["-txindex"])) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 2) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 3) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): - print("Mining blocks...") + self.log.info("Mining blocks...") self.nodes[0].generate(105) self.sync_all() chain_height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount() assert_equal(chain_height, 105) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 0) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 0) node0utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent(1) tx1 = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction( [node0utxos.pop()], {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 49.99}) txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction( self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(tx1, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"]) tx2 = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction( [node0utxos.pop()], {self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 49.99}) txid2 = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction( self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(tx2, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"]) assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[0].gettxoutproof, [txid1]) self.nodes[0].generate(1) blockhash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(chain_height + 1) self.sync_all() txlist = [] blocktxn = self.nodes[0].getblock(blockhash, True)["tx"] txlist.append(blocktxn[1]) txlist.append(blocktxn[2]) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof( self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid1])), [txid1]) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof( self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid1, txid2])), txlist) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof( self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid1, txid2], blockhash)), txlist) txin_spent = self.nodes[1].listunspent(1).pop() tx3 = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction( [txin_spent], {self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 49.98}) self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction( self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction(tx3, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"]) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() txid_spent = txin_spent["txid"] txid_unspent = txid1 if txin_spent["txid"] != txid1 else txid2 # We can't find the block from a fully-spent tx assert_raises( JSONRPCException, self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof, [txid_spent]) # ...but we can if we specify the block assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof( self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid_spent], blockhash)), [txid_spent]) # ...or if the first tx is not fully-spent assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof( self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid_unspent])), [txid_unspent]) try: assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof( self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid1, txid2])), txlist) except JSONRPCException: assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof( self.nodes[2].gettxoutproof([txid2, txid1])), txlist) # ...or if we have a -txindex assert_equal(self.nodes[2].verifytxoutproof( self.nodes[3].gettxoutproof([txid_spent])), [txid_spent]) if __name__ == '__main__': MerkleBlockTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/nulldummy.py b/qa/rpc-tests/nulldummy.py index 53f7b0d49b..eef77c6382 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/nulldummy.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/nulldummy.py @@ -1,133 +1,132 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import CTransaction, NetworkThread from test_framework.blocktools import create_coinbase, create_block from test_framework.script import CScript from io import BytesIO import time NULLDUMMY_ERROR = "64: non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Dummy CHECKMULTISIG argument must be zero)" def trueDummy(tx): scriptSig = CScript(tx.vin[0].scriptSig) newscript = [] for i in scriptSig: if (len(newscript) == 0): assert(len(i) == 0) newscript.append(b'\x51') else: newscript.append(i) tx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript(newscript) tx.rehash() ''' This test is meant to exercise NULLDUMMY softfork. Connect to a single node. Generate 2 blocks (save the coinbases for later). Generate 427 more blocks. [Policy/Consensus] Check that NULLDUMMY compliant transactions are accepted in the 430th block. [Policy] Check that non-NULLDUMMY transactions are rejected before activation. [Consensus] Check that the new NULLDUMMY rules are not enforced on the 431st block. [Policy/Consensus] Check that the new NULLDUMMY rules are enforced on the 432nd block. ''' class NULLDUMMYTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 self.setup_clean_chain = True def setup_network(self): # Must set the blockversion for this test self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - extra_args=[['-debug', - '-whitelist=', + extra_args=[['-whitelist=', '-walletprematurewitness']]) def run_test(self): self.address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() self.ms_address = self.nodes[0].addmultisigaddress(1, [self.address]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread self.coinbase_blocks = self.nodes[0].generate(2) # Block 2 coinbase_txid = [] for i in self.coinbase_blocks: coinbase_txid.append(self.nodes[0].getblock(i)['tx'][0]) self.nodes[0].generate(427) # Block 429 self.lastblockhash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() self.tip = int("0x" + self.lastblockhash, 0) self.lastblockheight = 429 self.lastblocktime = int(time.time()) + 429 - print ( + self.log.info( "Test 1: NULLDUMMY compliant base transactions should be accepted to mempool and mined before activation [430]") test1txs = [self.create_transaction( self.nodes[0], coinbase_txid[0], self.ms_address, 49)] txid1 = self.tx_submit(self.nodes[0], test1txs[0]) test1txs.append(self.create_transaction( self.nodes[0], txid1, self.ms_address, 48)) txid2 = self.tx_submit(self.nodes[0], test1txs[1]) self.block_submit(self.nodes[0], test1txs, False, True) - print ( + self.log.info( "Test 2: Non-NULLDUMMY base multisig transaction should not be accepted to mempool before activation") test2tx = self.create_transaction( self.nodes[0], txid2, self.ms_address, 48) trueDummy(test2tx) txid4 = self.tx_submit(self.nodes[0], test2tx, NULLDUMMY_ERROR) - print ( + self.log.info( "Test 3: Non-NULLDUMMY base transactions should be accepted in a block before activation [431]") self.block_submit(self.nodes[0], [test2tx], False, True) def create_transaction(self, node, txid, to_address, amount): inputs = [{"txid": txid, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") tx = CTransaction() f = BytesIO(hex_str_to_bytes(signresult['hex'])) tx.deserialize(f) return tx def tx_submit(self, node, tx, msg=""): tx.rehash() try: node.sendrawtransaction( bytes_to_hex_str(tx.serialize_with_witness()), True) except JSONRPCException as exp: assert_equal(exp.error["message"], msg) else: assert_equal('', msg) return tx.hash def block_submit(self, node, txs, witness=False, accept=False): block = create_block(self.tip, create_coinbase( self.lastblockheight + 1), self.lastblocktime + 1) block.nVersion = 4 for tx in txs: tx.rehash() block.vtx.append(tx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.rehash() block.solve() node.submitblock(bytes_to_hex_str(block.serialize(True))) if (accept): assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), block.hash) self.tip = block.sha256 self.lastblockhash = block.hash self.lastblocktime += 1 self.lastblockheight += 1 else: assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), self.lastblockhash) if __name__ == '__main__': NULLDUMMYTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-acceptblock.py b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-acceptblock.py index cb22e01a22..45decf7339 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-acceptblock.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-acceptblock.py @@ -1,292 +1,296 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * import time from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase ''' AcceptBlockTest -- test processing of unrequested blocks. Since behavior differs when receiving unrequested blocks from whitelisted peers versus non-whitelisted peers, this tests the behavior of both (effectively two separate tests running in parallel). Setup: two nodes, node0 and node1, not connected to each other. Node0 does not whitelist localhost, but node1 does. They will each be on their own chain for this test. We have one NodeConn connection to each, test_node and white_node respectively. The test: 1. Generate one block on each node, to leave IBD. 2. Mine a new block on each tip, and deliver to each node from node's peer. The tip should advance. 3. Mine a block that forks the previous block, and deliver to each node from corresponding peer. Node0 should not process this block (just accept the header), because it is unrequested and doesn't have more work than the tip. Node1 should process because this is coming from a whitelisted peer. 4. Send another block that builds on the forking block. Node0 should process this block but be stuck on the shorter chain, because it's missing an intermediate block. Node1 should reorg to this longer chain. 4b.Send 288 more blocks on the longer chain. Node0 should process all but the last block (too far ahead in height). Send all headers to Node1, and then send the last block in that chain. Node1 should accept the block because it's coming from a whitelisted peer. 5. Send a duplicate of the block in #3 to Node0. Node0 should not process the block because it is unrequested, and stay on the shorter chain. 6. Send Node0 an inv for the height 3 block produced in #4 above. Node0 should figure out that Node0 has the missing height 2 block and send a getdata. 7. Send Node0 the missing block again. Node0 should process and the tip should advance. ''' # TestNode: bare-bones "peer". Used mostly as a conduit for a test to sending # p2p messages to a node, generating the messages in the main testing logic. class TestNode(NodeConnCB): def __init__(self): NodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.connection = None self.ping_counter = 1 self.last_pong = msg_pong() def add_connection(self, conn): self.connection = conn # Track the last getdata message we receive (used in the test) def on_getdata(self, conn, message): self.last_getdata = message # Spin until verack message is received from the node. # We use this to signal that our test can begin. This is called from the # testing thread, so it needs to acquire the global lock. def wait_for_verack(self): while True: with mininode_lock: if self.verack_received: return time.sleep(0.05) # Wrapper for the NodeConn's send_message function def send_message(self, message): self.connection.send_message(message) def on_pong(self, conn, message): self.last_pong = message # Sync up with the node after delivery of a block def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=30): self.connection.send_message(msg_ping(nonce=self.ping_counter)) received_pong = False sleep_time = 0.05 while not received_pong and timeout > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) timeout -= sleep_time with mininode_lock: if self.last_pong.nonce == self.ping_counter: received_pong = True self.ping_counter += 1 return received_pong class AcceptBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def add_options(self, parser): parser.add_option("--testbinary", dest="testbinary", default=os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"), help="bitcoind binary to test") def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 def setup_network(self): # Node0 will be used to test behavior of processing unrequested blocks # from peers which are not whitelisted, while Node1 will be used for # the whitelisted case. self.nodes = [] - self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug"], + self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, binary=self.options.testbinary)) self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, - ["-debug", "-whitelist="], + ["-whitelist="], binary=self.options.testbinary)) def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. test_node = TestNode() # connects to node0 (not whitelisted) white_node = TestNode() # connects to node1 (whitelisted) connections = [] connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test_node)) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(1), self.nodes[1], white_node)) test_node.add_connection(connections[0]) white_node.add_connection(connections[1]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread # Test logic begins here test_node.wait_for_verack() white_node.wait_for_verack() # 1. Have both nodes mine a block (leave IBD) [n.generate(1) for n in self.nodes] tips = [int("0x" + n.getbestblockhash(), 0) for n in self.nodes] # 2. Send one block that builds on each tip. # This should be accepted. blocks_h2 = [] # the height 2 blocks on each node's chain block_time = int(time.time()) + 1 for i in range(2): blocks_h2.append( create_block(tips[i], create_coinbase(2), block_time)) blocks_h2[i].solve() block_time += 1 test_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h2[0])) white_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h2[1])) [x.sync_with_ping() for x in [test_node, white_node]] assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 2) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 2) - print("First height 2 block accepted by both nodes") + self.log.info("First height 2 block accepted by both nodes") # 3. Send another block that builds on the original tip. blocks_h2f = [] # Blocks at height 2 that fork off the main chain for i in range(2): blocks_h2f.append( create_block(tips[i], create_coinbase(2), blocks_h2[i].nTime + 1)) blocks_h2f[i].solve() test_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h2f[0])) white_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h2f[1])) [x.sync_with_ping() for x in [test_node, white_node]] for x in self.nodes[0].getchaintips(): if x['hash'] == blocks_h2f[0].hash: assert_equal(x['status'], "headers-only") for x in self.nodes[1].getchaintips(): if x['hash'] == blocks_h2f[1].hash: assert_equal(x['status'], "valid-headers") - print("Second height 2 block accepted only from whitelisted peer") + self.log.info( + "Second height 2 block accepted only from whitelisted peer") # 4. Now send another block that builds on the forking chain. blocks_h3 = [] for i in range(2): blocks_h3.append( create_block(blocks_h2f[i].sha256, create_coinbase(3), blocks_h2f[i].nTime + 1)) blocks_h3[i].solve() test_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h3[0])) white_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h3[1])) [x.sync_with_ping() for x in [test_node, white_node]] # Since the earlier block was not processed by node0, the new block # can't be fully validated. for x in self.nodes[0].getchaintips(): if x['hash'] == blocks_h3[0].hash: assert_equal(x['status'], "headers-only") # But this block should be accepted by node0 since it has more work. self.nodes[0].getblock(blocks_h3[0].hash) - print("Unrequested more-work block accepted from non-whitelisted peer") + self.log.info( + "Unrequested more-work block accepted from non-whitelisted peer") # Node1 should have accepted and reorged. assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 3) - print("Successfully reorged to length 3 chain from whitelisted peer") + self.log.info( + "Successfully reorged to length 3 chain from whitelisted peer") # 4b. Now mine 288 more blocks and deliver; all should be processed but # the last (height-too-high) on node0. Node1 should process the tip if # we give it the headers chain leading to the tip. tips = blocks_h3 headers_message = msg_headers() all_blocks = [] # node0's blocks for j in range(2): for i in range(288): next_block = create_block( tips[j].sha256, create_coinbase(i + 4), tips[j].nTime + 1) next_block.solve() if j == 0: test_node.send_message(msg_block(next_block)) all_blocks.append(next_block) else: headers_message.headers.append(CBlockHeader(next_block)) tips[j] = next_block time.sleep(2) # Blocks 1-287 should be accepted, block 288 should be ignored because # it's too far ahead for x in all_blocks[:-1]: self.nodes[0].getblock(x.hash) assert_raises_jsonrpc( -1, "Block not found on disk", self.nodes[0].getblock, all_blocks[-1].hash) headers_message.headers.pop() # Ensure the last block is unrequested white_node.send_message(headers_message) # Send headers leading to tip white_node.send_message(msg_block(tips[1])) # Now deliver the tip white_node.sync_with_ping() self.nodes[1].getblock(tips[1].hash) - print( + self.log.info( "Unrequested block far ahead of tip accepted from whitelisted peer") # 5. Test handling of unrequested block on the node that didn't process # Should still not be processed (even though it has a child that has more # work). test_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h2f[0])) # Here, if the sleep is too short, the test could falsely succeed (if the # node hasn't processed the block by the time the sleep returns, and then # the node processes it and incorrectly advances the tip). # But this would be caught later on, when we verify that an inv triggers # a getdata request for this block. test_node.sync_with_ping() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 2) - print( + self.log.info( "Unrequested block that would complete more-work chain was ignored") # 6. Try to get node to request the missing block. # Poke the node with an inv for block at height 3 and see if that # triggers a getdata on block 2 (it should if block 2 is missing). with mininode_lock: # Clear state so we can check the getdata request test_node.last_getdata = None test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(2, blocks_h3[0].sha256)])) test_node.sync_with_ping() with mininode_lock: getdata = test_node.last_getdata # Check that the getdata includes the right block assert_equal(getdata.inv[0].hash, blocks_h2f[0].sha256) - print("Inv at tip triggered getdata for unprocessed block") + self.log.info("Inv at tip triggered getdata for unprocessed block") # 7. Send the missing block for the third time (now it is requested) test_node.send_message(msg_block(blocks_h2f[0])) test_node.sync_with_ping() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 290) - print("Successfully reorged to longer chain from non-whitelisted peer") + self.log.info( + "Successfully reorged to longer chain from non-whitelisted peer") [c.disconnect_node() for c in connections] if __name__ == '__main__': AcceptBlockTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-compactblocks.py b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-compactblocks.py index fcd89fef16..dea9a3cdcd 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-compactblocks.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-compactblocks.py @@ -1,960 +1,960 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase, add_witness_commitment from test_framework.siphash import siphash256 from test_framework.script import CScript, OP_TRUE ''' CompactBlocksTest -- test compact blocks (BIP 152) Only testing Version 1 compact blocks (txids) ''' # TestNode: A peer we use to send messages to bitcoind, and store responses. class TestNode(SingleNodeConnCB): def __init__(self): SingleNodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.last_sendcmpct = [] self.last_headers = None self.last_inv = None self.last_cmpctblock = None self.block_announced = False self.last_getdata = None self.last_getheaders = None self.last_getblocktxn = None self.last_block = None self.last_blocktxn = None # Store the hashes of blocks we've seen announced. # This is for synchronizing the p2p message traffic, # so we can eg wait until a particular block is announced. self.set_announced_blockhashes = set() def on_sendcmpct(self, conn, message): self.last_sendcmpct.append(message) def on_block(self, conn, message): self.last_block = message def on_cmpctblock(self, conn, message): self.last_cmpctblock = message self.block_announced = True self.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() self.set_announced_blockhashes.add( self.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header.sha256) def on_headers(self, conn, message): self.last_headers = message self.block_announced = True for x in self.last_headers.headers: x.calc_sha256() self.set_announced_blockhashes.add(x.sha256) def on_inv(self, conn, message): self.last_inv = message for x in self.last_inv.inv: if x.type == 2: self.block_announced = True self.set_announced_blockhashes.add(x.hash) def on_getdata(self, conn, message): self.last_getdata = message def on_getheaders(self, conn, message): self.last_getheaders = message def on_getblocktxn(self, conn, message): self.last_getblocktxn = message def on_blocktxn(self, conn, message): self.last_blocktxn = message # Requires caller to hold mininode_lock def received_block_announcement(self): return self.block_announced def clear_block_announcement(self): with mininode_lock: self.block_announced = False self.last_inv = None self.last_headers = None self.last_cmpctblock = None def get_headers(self, locator, hashstop): msg = msg_getheaders() msg.locator.vHave = locator msg.hashstop = hashstop self.connection.send_message(msg) def send_header_for_blocks(self, new_blocks): headers_message = msg_headers() headers_message.headers = [CBlockHeader(b) for b in new_blocks] self.send_message(headers_message) def request_headers_and_sync(self, locator, hashstop=0): self.clear_block_announcement() self.get_headers(locator, hashstop) assert(wait_until(self.received_block_announcement, timeout=30)) assert(self.received_block_announcement()) self.clear_block_announcement() # Block until a block announcement for a particular block hash is # received. def wait_for_block_announcement(self, block_hash, timeout=30): def received_hash(): return (block_hash in self.set_announced_blockhashes) return wait_until(received_hash, timeout=timeout) class CompactBlocksTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.utxos = [] def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] # Start up two version 1 CB nodes. self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - [["-debug", "-logtimemicros=1"], - ["-debug", "-logtimemicros", "-txindex"]]) + [[], ["-txindex"]]) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) def build_block_on_tip(self, node): height = node.getblockcount() tip = node.getbestblockhash() mtp = node.getblockheader(tip)['mediantime'] block = create_block( int(tip, 16), create_coinbase(height + 1), mtp + 1) block.nVersion = 4 block.solve() return block # Create 10 more anyone-can-spend utxo's for testing. def make_utxos(self): # Doesn't matter which node we use, just use node0. block = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) assert(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) == block.sha256) self.nodes[0].generate(100) total_value = block.vtx[0].vout[0].nValue out_value = total_value // 10 tx = CTransaction() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(block.vtx[0].sha256, 0), b'')) for i in range(10): tx.vout.append(CTxOut(out_value, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) tx.rehash() block2 = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) block2.vtx.append(tx) block2.hashMerkleRoot = block2.calc_merkle_root() block2.solve() self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block2)) assert_equal(int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), block2.sha256) self.utxos.extend([[tx.sha256, i, out_value] for i in range(10)]) return # Test "sendcmpct" (between peers preferring the same version): # - No compact block announcements unless sendcmpct is sent. # - If sendcmpct is sent with version > preferred_version, the message is ignored. # - If sendcmpct is sent with boolean 0, then block announcements are not # made with compact blocks. # - If sendcmpct is then sent with boolean 1, then new block announcements # are made with compact blocks. # If old_node is passed in, request compact blocks with version=preferred-1 # and verify that it receives block announcements via compact block. def test_sendcmpct(self, node, test_node, preferred_version, old_node=None): # Make sure we get a SENDCMPCT message from our peer def received_sendcmpct(): return (len(test_node.last_sendcmpct) > 0) got_message = wait_until(received_sendcmpct, timeout=30) assert(received_sendcmpct()) assert(got_message) with mininode_lock: # Check that the first version received is the preferred one assert_equal( test_node.last_sendcmpct[0].version, preferred_version) # And that we receive versions down to 1. assert_equal(test_node.last_sendcmpct[-1].version, 1) test_node.last_sendcmpct = [] tip = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) def check_announcement_of_new_block(node, peer, predicate): peer.clear_block_announcement() block_hash = int(node.generate(1)[0], 16) peer.wait_for_block_announcement(block_hash, timeout=30) assert(peer.block_announced) assert(got_message) with mininode_lock: assert predicate(peer), ( "block_hash={!r}, cmpctblock={!r}, inv={!r}".format( block_hash, peer.last_cmpctblock, peer.last_inv)) # We shouldn't get any block announcements via cmpctblock yet. check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None) # Try one more time, this time after requesting headers. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None and p.last_inv is not None) # Test a few ways of using sendcmpct that should NOT # result in compact block announcements. # Before each test, sync the headers chain. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Now try a SENDCMPCT message with too-high version sendcmpct = msg_sendcmpct() sendcmpct.version = 999 # was: preferred_version+1 sendcmpct.announce = True test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None) # Headers sync before next test. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Now try a SENDCMPCT message with valid version, but announce=False sendcmpct.version = preferred_version sendcmpct.announce = False test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None) # Headers sync before next test. test_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) # Finally, try a SENDCMPCT message with announce=True sendcmpct.version = preferred_version sendcmpct.announce = True test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Try one more time (no headers sync should be needed!) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Try one more time, after turning on sendheaders test_node.send_and_ping(msg_sendheaders()) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Try one more time, after sending a version-1, announce=false message. sendcmpct.version = preferred_version - 1 sendcmpct.announce = False test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Now turn off announcements sendcmpct.version = preferred_version sendcmpct.announce = False test_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, test_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is None and p.last_headers is not None) if old_node is not None: # Verify that a peer using an older protocol version can receive # announcements from this node. sendcmpct.version = 1 # preferred_version-1 sendcmpct.announce = True old_node.send_and_ping(sendcmpct) # Header sync old_node.request_headers_and_sync(locator=[tip]) check_announcement_of_new_block( node, old_node, lambda p: p.last_cmpctblock is not None) # This test actually causes bitcoind to (reasonably!) disconnect us, so do # this last. def test_invalid_cmpctblock_message(self): self.nodes[0].generate(101) block = self.build_block_on_tip(self.nodes[0]) cmpct_block = P2PHeaderAndShortIDs() cmpct_block.header = CBlockHeader(block) cmpct_block.prefilled_txn_length = 1 # This index will be too high prefilled_txn = PrefilledTransaction(1, block.vtx[0]) cmpct_block.prefilled_txn = [prefilled_txn] self.test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block)) assert( int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16) == block.hashPrevBlock) # Compare the generated shortids to what we expect based on BIP 152, given # bitcoind's choice of nonce. def test_compactblock_construction(self, node, test_node): # Generate a bunch of transactions. node.generate(101) num_transactions = 25 address = node.getnewaddress() for i in range(num_transactions): txid = node.sendtoaddress(address, 0.1) hex_tx = node.gettransaction(txid)["hex"] tx = FromHex(CTransaction(), hex_tx) assert(tx.wit.is_null()) # Wait until we've seen the block announcement for the resulting tip tip = int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) assert(test_node.wait_for_block_announcement(tip)) # Make sure we will receive a fast-announce compact block self.request_cb_announcements(test_node, node) # Now mine a block, and look at the resulting compact block. test_node.clear_block_announcement() block_hash = int(node.generate(1)[0], 16) # Store the raw block in our internal format. block = FromHex(CBlock(), node.getblock("%02x" % block_hash, False)) [tx.calc_sha256() for tx in block.vtx] block.rehash() # Wait until the block was announced (via compact blocks) wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) assert(test_node.received_block_announcement()) # Now fetch and check the compact block header_and_shortids = None with mininode_lock: assert(test_node.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Convert the on-the-wire representation to absolute indexes header_and_shortids = HeaderAndShortIDs( test_node.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids) self.check_compactblock_construction_from_block( header_and_shortids, block_hash, block) # Now fetch the compact block using a normal non-announce getdata with mininode_lock: test_node.clear_block_announcement() inv = CInv(4, block_hash) # 4 == "CompactBlock" test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([inv])) wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) assert(test_node.received_block_announcement()) # Now fetch and check the compact block header_and_shortids = None with mininode_lock: assert(test_node.last_cmpctblock is not None) # Convert the on-the-wire representation to absolute indexes header_and_shortids = HeaderAndShortIDs( test_node.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids) self.check_compactblock_construction_from_block( header_and_shortids, block_hash, block) def check_compactblock_construction_from_block(self, header_and_shortids, block_hash, block): # Check that we got the right block! header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() assert_equal(header_and_shortids.header.sha256, block_hash) # Make sure the prefilled_txn appears to have included the coinbase assert(len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) >= 1) assert_equal(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn[0].index, 0) # Check that all prefilled_txn entries match what's in the block. for entry in header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn: entry.tx.calc_sha256() # This checks the non-witness parts of the tx agree assert_equal(entry.tx.sha256, block.vtx[entry.index].sha256) # And this checks the witness wtxid = entry.tx.calc_sha256(True) # Shouldn't have received a witness assert(entry.tx.wit.is_null()) # Check that the cmpctblock message announced all the transactions. assert_equal(len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) + len(header_and_shortids.shortids), len(block.vtx)) # And now check that all the shortids are as expected as well. # Determine the siphash keys to use. [k0, k1] = header_and_shortids.get_siphash_keys() index = 0 while index < len(block.vtx): if (len(header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn) > 0 and header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn[0].index == index): # Already checked prefilled transactions above header_and_shortids.prefilled_txn.pop(0) else: tx_hash = block.vtx[index].sha256 shortid = calculate_shortid(k0, k1, tx_hash) assert_equal(shortid, header_and_shortids.shortids[0]) header_and_shortids.shortids.pop(0) index += 1 # Test that bitcoind requests compact blocks when we announce new blocks # via header or inv, and that responding to getblocktxn causes the block # to be successfully reconstructed. def test_compactblock_requests(self, node, test_node, version): # Try announcing a block with an inv or header, expect a compactblock # request for announce in ["inv", "header"]: block = self.build_block_on_tip(node) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_getdata = None if announce == "inv": test_node.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(2, block.sha256)])) success = wait_until( lambda: test_node.last_getheaders is not None, timeout=30) assert(success) test_node.send_header_for_blocks([block]) else: test_node.send_header_for_blocks([block]) success = wait_until( lambda: test_node.last_getdata is not None, timeout=30) assert(success) assert_equal(len(test_node.last_getdata.inv), 1) assert_equal(test_node.last_getdata.inv[0].type, 4) assert_equal(test_node.last_getdata.inv[0].hash, block.sha256) # Send back a compactblock message that omits the coinbase comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.header = CBlockHeader(block) comp_block.nonce = 0 [k0, k1] = comp_block.get_siphash_keys() coinbase_hash = block.vtx[0].sha256 if version == 2: coinbase_hash = block.vtx[0].calc_sha256(True) comp_block.shortids = [ calculate_shortid(k0, k1, coinbase_hash)] test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # Expect a getblocktxn message. with mininode_lock: assert(test_node.last_getblocktxn is not None) absolute_indexes = test_node.last_getblocktxn.block_txn_request.to_absolute( ) assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [0]) # should be a coinbase request # Send the coinbase, and verify that the tip advances. if version == 2: msg = msg_witness_blocktxn() else: msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions.blockhash = block.sha256 msg.block_transactions.transactions = [block.vtx[0]] test_node.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) # Create a chain of transactions from given utxo, and add to a new block. def build_block_with_transactions(self, node, utxo, num_transactions): block = self.build_block_on_tip(node) for i in range(num_transactions): tx = CTransaction() tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(utxo[0], utxo[1]), b'')) tx.vout.append(CTxOut(utxo[2] - 1000, CScript([OP_TRUE]))) tx.rehash() utxo = [tx.sha256, 0, tx.vout[0].nValue] block.vtx.append(tx) block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() return block # Test that we only receive getblocktxn requests for transactions that the # node needs, and that responding to them causes the block to be # reconstructed. def test_getblocktxn_requests(self, node, test_node, version): with_witness = (version == 2) def test_getblocktxn_response(compact_block, peer, expected_result): msg = msg_cmpctblock(compact_block.to_p2p()) peer.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: assert(peer.last_getblocktxn is not None) absolute_indexes = peer.last_getblocktxn.block_txn_request.to_absolute( ) assert_equal(absolute_indexes, expected_result) def test_tip_after_message(node, peer, msg, tip): peer.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), tip) # First try announcing compactblocks that won't reconstruct, and verify # that we receive getblocktxn messages back. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append( [block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block, use_witness=with_witness) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) msg_bt = msg_blocktxn() if with_witness: msg_bt = msg_witness_blocktxn() # serialize with witnesses msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions( block.sha256, block.vtx[1:]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append( [block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Now try interspersing the prefilled transactions comp_block.initialize_from_block( block, prefill_list=[0, 1, 5], use_witness=with_witness) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [2, 3, 4]) msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions( block.sha256, block.vtx[2:5]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) # Now try giving one transaction ahead of time. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) self.utxos.append( [block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_tx(block.vtx[1])) assert(block.vtx[1].hash in node.getrawmempool()) # Prefill 4 out of the 6 transactions, and verify that only the one # that was not in the mempool is requested. comp_block.initialize_from_block( block, prefill_list=[0, 2, 3, 4], use_witness=with_witness) test_getblocktxn_response(comp_block, test_node, [5]) msg_bt.block_transactions = BlockTransactions( block.sha256, [block.vtx[5]]) test_tip_after_message(node, test_node, msg_bt, block.sha256) # Now provide all transactions to the node before the block is # announced and verify reconstruction happens immediately. utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) self.utxos.append( [block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: test_node.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure all transactions were accepted. mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:]: assert(tx.hash in mempool) # Clear out last request. with mininode_lock: test_node.last_getblocktxn = None # Send compact block comp_block.initialize_from_block( block, prefill_list=[0], use_witness=with_witness) test_tip_after_message( node, test_node, msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p()), block.sha256) with mininode_lock: # Shouldn't have gotten a request for any transaction assert(test_node.last_getblocktxn is None) # Incorrectly responding to a getblocktxn shouldn't cause the block to be # permanently failed. def test_incorrect_blocktxn_response(self, node, test_node, version): if (len(self.utxos) == 0): self.make_utxos() utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) self.utxos.append( [block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Relay the first 5 transactions from the block in advance for tx in block.vtx[1:6]: test_node.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Make sure all transactions were accepted. mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:6]: assert(tx.hash in mempool) # Send compact block comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block( block, prefill_list=[0], use_witness=(version == 2)) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) absolute_indexes = [] with mininode_lock: assert(test_node.last_getblocktxn is not None) absolute_indexes = test_node.last_getblocktxn.block_txn_request.to_absolute( ) assert_equal(absolute_indexes, [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) # Now give an incorrect response. # Note that it's possible for bitcoind to be smart enough to know we're # lying, since it could check to see if the shortid matches what we're # sending, and eg disconnect us for misbehavior. If that behavior # change were made, we could just modify this test by having a # different peer provide the block further down, so that we're still # verifying that the block isn't marked bad permanently. This is good # enough for now. msg = msg_blocktxn() if version == 2: msg = msg_witness_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions = BlockTransactions( block.sha256, [block.vtx[5]] + block.vtx[7:]) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) # Tip should not have updated assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.hashPrevBlock) # We should receive a getdata request success = wait_until( lambda: test_node.last_getdata is not None, timeout=10) assert(success) assert_equal(len(test_node.last_getdata.inv), 1) assert(test_node.last_getdata.inv[ 0].type == 2 or test_node.last_getdata.inv[0].type == 2 | MSG_WITNESS_FLAG) assert_equal(test_node.last_getdata.inv[0].hash, block.sha256) # Deliver the block if version == 2: test_node.send_and_ping(msg_witness_block(block)) else: test_node.send_and_ping(msg_block(block)) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) def test_getblocktxn_handler(self, node, test_node, version): # bitcoind will not send blocktxn responses for blocks whose height is # more than 10 blocks deep. MAX_GETBLOCKTXN_DEPTH = 10 chain_height = node.getblockcount() current_height = chain_height while (current_height >= chain_height - MAX_GETBLOCKTXN_DEPTH): block_hash = node.getblockhash(current_height) block = FromHex(CBlock(), node.getblock(block_hash, False)) msg = msg_getblocktxn() msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest( int(block_hash, 16), []) num_to_request = random.randint(1, len(block.vtx)) msg.block_txn_request.from_absolute( sorted(random.sample(range(len(block.vtx)), num_to_request))) test_node.send_message(msg) success = wait_until( lambda: test_node.last_blocktxn is not None, timeout=10) assert(success) [tx.calc_sha256() for tx in block.vtx] with mininode_lock: assert_equal( test_node.last_blocktxn.block_transactions.blockhash, int(block_hash, 16)) all_indices = msg.block_txn_request.to_absolute() for index in all_indices: tx = test_node.last_blocktxn.block_transactions.transactions.pop( 0) tx.calc_sha256() assert_equal(tx.sha256, block.vtx[index].sha256) if version == 1: # Witnesses should have been stripped assert(tx.wit.is_null()) else: # Check that the witness matches assert_equal( tx.calc_sha256(True), block.vtx[index].calc_sha256(True)) test_node.last_blocktxn = None current_height -= 1 # Next request should send a full block response, as we're past the # allowed depth for a blocktxn response. block_hash = node.getblockhash(current_height) msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest( int(block_hash, 16), [0]) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_block = None test_node.last_blocktxn = None test_node.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_block.block.calc_sha256() assert_equal( test_node.last_block.block.sha256, int(block_hash, 16)) assert_equal(test_node.last_blocktxn, None) def test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self, node, test_node): # Test that requesting old compactblocks doesn't work. MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH = 5 new_blocks = [] for i in range(MAX_CMPCTBLOCK_DEPTH + 1): test_node.clear_block_announcement() new_blocks.append(node.generate(1)[0]) wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) test_node.clear_block_announcement() test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([CInv(4, int(new_blocks[0], 16))])) success = wait_until( lambda: test_node.last_cmpctblock is not None, timeout=30) assert(success) test_node.clear_block_announcement() node.generate(1) wait_until(test_node.received_block_announcement, timeout=30) test_node.clear_block_announcement() with mininode_lock: test_node.last_block = None test_node.send_message(msg_getdata([CInv(4, int(new_blocks[0], 16))])) success = wait_until( lambda: test_node.last_block is not None, timeout=30) assert(success) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_block.block.calc_sha256() assert_equal( test_node.last_block.block.sha256, int(new_blocks[0], 16)) # Generate an old compactblock, and verify that it's not accepted. cur_height = node.getblockcount() hashPrevBlock = int(node.getblockhash(cur_height - 5), 16) block = self.build_block_on_tip(node) block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrevBlock block.solve() comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block(block) test_node.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p())) tips = node.getchaintips() found = False for x in tips: if x["hash"] == block.hash: assert_equal(x["status"], "headers-only") found = True break assert(found) # Requesting this block via getblocktxn should silently fail # (to avoid fingerprinting attacks). msg = msg_getblocktxn() msg.block_txn_request = BlockTransactionsRequest(block.sha256, [0]) with mininode_lock: test_node.last_blocktxn = None test_node.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: assert(test_node.last_blocktxn is None) def test_end_to_end_block_relay(self, node, listeners): utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 10) [l.clear_block_announcement() for l in listeners] node.submitblock(ToHex(block)) for l in listeners: wait_until(lambda: l.received_block_announcement(), timeout=30) with mininode_lock: for l in listeners: assert(l.last_cmpctblock is not None) l.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header.calc_sha256() assert_equal( l.last_cmpctblock.header_and_shortids.header.sha256, block.sha256) # Test that we don't get disconnected if we relay a compact block with valid header, # but invalid transactions. def test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self, node, test_node): assert(len(self.utxos)) utxo = self.utxos[0] block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) del block.vtx[3] block.hashMerkleRoot = block.calc_merkle_root() block.solve() # Now send the compact block with all transactions prefilled, and # verify that we don't get disconnected. comp_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() comp_block.initialize_from_block( block, prefill_list=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], use_witness=False) msg = msg_cmpctblock(comp_block.to_p2p()) test_node.send_and_ping(msg) # Check that the tip didn't advance assert(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) is not block.sha256) test_node.sync_with_ping() # Helper for enabling cb announcements # Send the sendcmpct request and sync headers def request_cb_announcements(self, peer, node, version=1): tip = node.getbestblockhash() peer.get_headers(locator=[int(tip, 16)], hashstop=0) msg = msg_sendcmpct() msg.version = version msg.announce = True peer.send_and_ping(msg) def test_compactblock_reconstruction_multiple_peers(self, node, stalling_peer, delivery_peer): assert(len(self.utxos)) def announce_cmpct_block(node, peer): utxo = self.utxos.pop(0) block = self.build_block_with_transactions(node, utxo, 5) cmpct_block = HeaderAndShortIDs() cmpct_block.initialize_from_block(block) msg = msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p()) peer.send_and_ping(msg) with mininode_lock: assert(peer.last_getblocktxn is not None) return block, cmpct_block block, cmpct_block = announce_cmpct_block(node, stalling_peer) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: delivery_peer.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) delivery_peer.sync_with_ping() mempool = node.getrawmempool() for tx in block.vtx[1:]: assert(tx.hash in mempool) delivery_peer.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p())) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) self.utxos.append( [block.vtx[-1].sha256, 0, block.vtx[-1].vout[0].nValue]) # Now test that delivering an invalid compact block won't break relay block, cmpct_block = announce_cmpct_block(node, stalling_peer) for tx in block.vtx[1:]: delivery_peer.send_message(msg_tx(tx)) delivery_peer.sync_with_ping() cmpct_block.prefilled_txn[0].tx.wit.vtxinwit = [CTxInWitness()] cmpct_block.prefilled_txn[0].tx.wit.vtxinwit[ 0].scriptWitness.stack = [ser_uint256(0)] cmpct_block.use_witness = True delivery_peer.send_and_ping(msg_cmpctblock(cmpct_block.to_p2p())) assert(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16) != block.sha256) msg = msg_blocktxn() msg.block_transactions.blockhash = block.sha256 msg.block_transactions.transactions = block.vtx[1:] stalling_peer.send_and_ping(msg) assert_equal(int(node.getbestblockhash(), 16), block.sha256) def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. self.test_node = TestNode() self.ex_softfork_node = TestNode() self.old_node = TestNode() # version 1 peer connections = [] connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], self.test_node)) connections.append(NodeConn('', p2p_port(1), self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, services=NODE_NETWORK)) connections.append(NodeConn('', p2p_port(1), self.nodes[1], self.old_node, services=NODE_NETWORK)) self.test_node.add_connection(connections[0]) self.ex_softfork_node.add_connection(connections[1]) self.old_node.add_connection(connections[2]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread # Test logic begins here self.test_node.wait_for_verack() # We will need UTXOs to construct transactions in later tests. self.make_utxos() - print("Running tests:") + self.log.info("Running tests:") - print("\tTesting SENDCMPCT p2p message... ") + self.log.info("\tTesting SENDCMPCT p2p message... ") self.test_sendcmpct(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_sendcmpct( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 1, old_node=self.old_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) - print("\tTesting compactblock construction...") + self.log.info("\tTesting compactblock construction...") self.test_compactblock_construction(self.nodes[0], self.test_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_compactblock_construction( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) - print("\tTesting compactblock requests... ") + self.log.info("\tTesting compactblock requests... ") self.test_compactblock_requests(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_compactblock_requests( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 2) sync_blocks(self.nodes) - print("\tTesting getblocktxn requests...") + self.log.info("\tTesting getblocktxn requests...") self.test_getblocktxn_requests(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_getblocktxn_requests(self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 2) sync_blocks(self.nodes) - print("\tTesting getblocktxn handler...") + self.log.info("\tTesting getblocktxn handler...") self.test_getblocktxn_handler(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_getblocktxn_handler(self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 2) self.test_getblocktxn_handler(self.nodes[1], self.old_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) - print( + self.log.info( "\tTesting compactblock requests/announcements not at chain tip...") self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self.nodes[0], self.test_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node) self.test_compactblocks_not_at_tip(self.nodes[1], self.old_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) - print("\tTesting handling of incorrect blocktxn responses...") + self.log.info("\tTesting handling of incorrect blocktxn responses...") self.test_incorrect_blocktxn_response(self.nodes[0], self.test_node, 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.test_incorrect_blocktxn_response( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, 2) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # End-to-end block relay tests - print("\tTesting end-to-end block relay...") + self.log.info("\tTesting end-to-end block relay...") self.request_cb_announcements(self.test_node, self.nodes[0]) self.request_cb_announcements(self.old_node, self.nodes[1]) self.request_cb_announcements( self.ex_softfork_node, self.nodes[1], version=2) self.test_end_to_end_block_relay( self.nodes[0], [self.ex_softfork_node, self.test_node, self.old_node]) self.test_end_to_end_block_relay( self.nodes[1], [self.ex_softfork_node, self.test_node, self.old_node]) - print("\tTesting handling of invalid compact blocks...") + self.log.info("\tTesting handling of invalid compact blocks...") self.test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self.nodes[0], self.test_node) self.test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node) self.test_invalid_tx_in_compactblock(self.nodes[1], self.old_node) - print("\tTesting reconstructing compact blocks from all peers...") + self.log.info( + "\tTesting reconstructing compact blocks from all peers...") self.test_compactblock_reconstruction_multiple_peers( self.nodes[1], self.ex_softfork_node, self.old_node) sync_blocks(self.nodes) - print("\tTesting invalid index in cmpctblock message...") + self.log.info("\tTesting invalid index in cmpctblock message...") self.test_invalid_cmpctblock_message() if __name__ == '__main__': CompactBlocksTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-feefilter.py b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-feefilter.py index 46bc22cf22..7d4607ff37 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-feefilter.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-feefilter.py @@ -1,130 +1,130 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * import time ''' FeeFilterTest -- test processing of feefilter messages ''' def hashToHex(hash): return format(hash, '064x') # Wait up to 60 secs to see if the testnode has received all the expected invs def allInvsMatch(invsExpected, testnode): for x in range(60): with mininode_lock: if (sorted(invsExpected) == sorted(testnode.txinvs)): return True time.sleep(1) return False # TestNode: bare-bones "peer". Used to track which invs are received from a node # and to send the node feefilter messages. class TestNode(SingleNodeConnCB): def __init__(self): SingleNodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.txinvs = [] def on_inv(self, conn, message): for i in message.inv: if (i.type == 1): self.txinvs.append(hashToHex(i.hash)) def clear_invs(self): with mininode_lock: self.txinvs = [] def send_filter(self, feerate): self.send_message(msg_feefilter(feerate)) self.sync_with_ping() class FeeFilterTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): # Node1 will be used to generate txs which should be relayed from Node0 # to our test node self.nodes = [] - extra_args = ["-debug", "-logtimemicros"] + extra_args = ["-logtimemicros"] self.nodes.append( start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args)) self.nodes.append( start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args)) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) def run_test(self): node1 = self.nodes[1] node0 = self.nodes[0] # Get out of IBD node1.generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. test_node = TestNode() connection = NodeConn( '', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test_node) test_node.add_connection(connection) NetworkThread().start() test_node.wait_for_verack() # Test that invs are received for all txs at feerate of 20 sat/byte node1.settxfee(Decimal("0.00020000")) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for x in range(3)] assert(allInvsMatch(txids, test_node)) test_node.clear_invs() # Set a filter of 15 sat/byte test_node.send_filter(15000) # Test that txs are still being received (paying 20 sat/byte) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for x in range(3)] assert(allInvsMatch(txids, test_node)) test_node.clear_invs() # Change tx fee rate to 10 sat/byte and test they are no longer # received node1.settxfee(Decimal("0.00010000")) [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for x in range(3)] sync_mempools(self.nodes) # must be sure node 0 has received all txs # Send one transaction from node0 that should be received, so that we # we can sync the test on receipt (if node1's txs were relayed, they'd # be received by the time this node0 tx is received). This is # unfortunately reliant on the current relay behavior where we batch up # to 35 entries in an inv, which means that when this next transaction # is eligible for relay, the prior transactions from node1 are eligible # as well. node0.settxfee(Decimal("0.00020000")) txids = [node0.sendtoaddress(node0.getnewaddress(), 1)] assert(allInvsMatch(txids, test_node)) test_node.clear_invs() # Remove fee filter and check that txs are received again test_node.send_filter(0) txids = [node1.sendtoaddress(node1.getnewaddress(), 1) for x in range(3)] assert(allInvsMatch(txids, test_node)) test_node.clear_invs() if __name__ == '__main__': FeeFilterTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-leaktests.py b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-leaktests.py index 9e707b87fc..e6ec6c5e27 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-leaktests.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-leaktests.py @@ -1,188 +1,188 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * ''' Test for message sending before handshake completion A node should never send anything other than VERSION/VERACK/REJECT until it's received a VERACK. This test connects to a node and sends it a few messages, trying to intice it into sending us something it shouldn't. ''' banscore = 10 class CLazyNode(NodeConnCB): def __init__(self): self.connection = None self.unexpected_msg = False self.connected = False super().__init__() def add_connection(self, conn): self.connection = conn def send_message(self, message): self.connection.send_message(message) def bad_message(self, message): self.unexpected_msg = True - print("should not have received message: %s" % message.command) + self.log.info("should not have received message: %s" % message.command) def on_open(self, conn): self.connected = True def on_version(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_verack(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_reject(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_inv(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_addr(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_alert(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getdata(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getblocks(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_tx(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_block(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getaddr(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_headers(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getheaders(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_ping(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_mempool(self, conn): self.bad_message(message) def on_pong(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_feefilter(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_sendheaders(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_sendcmpct(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_cmpctblock(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getblocktxn(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_blocktxn(self, conn, message): self.bad_message(message) # Node that never sends a version. We'll use this to send a bunch of messages # anyway, and eventually get disconnected. class CNodeNoVersionBan(CLazyNode): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # send a bunch of veracks without sending a message. This should get us disconnected. # NOTE: implementation-specific check here. Remove if bitcoind ban # behavior changes def on_open(self, conn): super().on_open(conn) for i in range(banscore): self.send_message(msg_verack()) def on_reject(self, conn, message): pass # Node that never sends a version. This one just sits idle and hopes to receive # any message (it shouldn't!) class CNodeNoVersionIdle(CLazyNode): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Node that sends a version but not a verack. class CNodeNoVerackIdle(CLazyNode): def __init__(self): self.version_received = False super().__init__() def on_reject(self, conn, message): pass def on_verack(self, conn, message): pass # When version is received, don't reply with a verack. Instead, see if the # node will give us a message that it shouldn't. This is not an exhaustive # list! def on_version(self, conn, message): self.version_received = True conn.send_message(msg_ping()) conn.send_message(msg_getaddr()) class P2PLeakTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): - extra_args = [['-debug', '-banscore=' + str(banscore)] + extra_args = [['-banscore=' + str(banscore)] for i in range(self.num_nodes)] self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args) def run_test(self): no_version_bannode = CNodeNoVersionBan() no_version_idlenode = CNodeNoVersionIdle() no_verack_idlenode = CNodeNoVerackIdle() connections = [] connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], no_version_bannode, send_version=False)) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], no_version_idlenode, send_version=False)) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], no_verack_idlenode)) no_version_bannode.add_connection(connections[0]) no_version_idlenode.add_connection(connections[1]) no_verack_idlenode.add_connection(connections[2]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread assert( wait_until(lambda: no_version_bannode.connected and no_version_idlenode.connected and no_verack_idlenode.version_received, timeout=10)) # Mine a block and make sure that it's not sent to the connected nodes self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Give the node enough time to possibly leak out a message time.sleep(5) # This node should have been banned assert(no_version_bannode.connection.state == "closed") [conn.disconnect_node() for conn in connections] # Make sure no unexpected messages came in assert(no_version_bannode.unexpected_msg == False) assert(no_version_idlenode.unexpected_msg == False) assert(no_verack_idlenode.unexpected_msg == False) if __name__ == '__main__': P2PLeakTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-mempool.py b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-mempool.py index a1a2650f70..87f7503e19 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-mempool.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-mempool.py @@ -1,105 +1,105 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class TestNode(NodeConnCB): def __init__(self): NodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.connection = None self.ping_counter = 1 self.last_pong = msg_pong() self.block_receive_map = {} def add_connection(self, conn): self.connection = conn self.peer_disconnected = False def on_inv(self, conn, message): pass # Track the last getdata message we receive (used in the test) def on_getdata(self, conn, message): self.last_getdata = message def on_block(self, conn, message): message.block.calc_sha256() try: self.block_receive_map[message.block.sha256] += 1 except KeyError as e: self.block_receive_map[message.block.sha256] = 1 # Spin until verack message is received from the node. # We use this to signal that our test can begin. This # is called from the testing thread, so it needs to acquire # the global lock. def wait_for_verack(self): def veracked(): return self.verack_received return wait_until(veracked, timeout=10) def wait_for_disconnect(self): def disconnected(): return self.peer_disconnected return wait_until(disconnected, timeout=10) # Wrapper for the NodeConn's send_message function def send_message(self, message): self.connection.send_message(message) def on_pong(self, conn, message): self.last_pong = message def on_close(self, conn): self.peer_disconnected = True # Sync up with the node after delivery of a block def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=30): def received_pong(): return (self.last_pong.nonce == self.ping_counter) self.connection.send_message(msg_ping(nonce=self.ping_counter)) success = wait_until(received_pong, timeout=timeout) self.ping_counter += 1 return success def send_mempool(self): self.lastInv = [] self.send_message(msg_mempool()) class P2PMempoolTests(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 def setup_network(self): # Start a node with maxuploadtarget of 200 MB (/24h) self.nodes = [] self.nodes.append( - start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-peerbloomfilters=0"])) + start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-peerbloomfilters=0"])) def run_test(self): # connect a mininode aTestNode = TestNode() node = NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], aTestNode) aTestNode.add_connection(node) NetworkThread().start() aTestNode.wait_for_verack() # request mempool aTestNode.send_mempool() aTestNode.wait_for_disconnect() # mininode must be disconnected at this point assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()), 0) if __name__ == '__main__': P2PMempoolTests().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-timeouts.py b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-timeouts.py index d7fafcc433..5f8768780b 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-timeouts.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-timeouts.py @@ -1,110 +1,109 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ TimeoutsTest -- test various net timeouts (only in extended tests) - Create three bitcoind nodes: no_verack_node - we never send a verack in response to their version no_version_node - we never send a version (only a ping) no_send_node - we never send any P2P message. - Start all three nodes - Wait 1 second - Assert that we're connected - Send a ping to no_verack_node and no_version_node - Wait 30 seconds - Assert that we're still connected - Send a ping to no_verack_node and no_version_node - Wait 31 seconds - Assert that we're no longer connected (timeout to receive version/verack is 60 seconds) """ from time import sleep from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class TestNode(SingleNodeConnCB): def __init__(self): SingleNodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.connected = False self.received_version = False def on_open(self, conn): self.connected = True def on_close(self, conn): self.connected = False def on_version(self, conn, message): # Don't send a verack in response self.received_version = True class TimeoutsTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] # Start up node0 to be a version 1, pre-segwit node. - self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - [["-debug", "-logtimemicros=1"]]) + self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir) def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connections and start up the network thread. self.no_verack_node = TestNode() # never send verack self.no_version_node = TestNode() # never send version (just ping) self.no_send_node = TestNode() # never send anything connections = [] connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], self.no_verack_node)) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], self.no_version_node, send_version=False)) connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], self.no_send_node, send_version=False)) self.no_verack_node.add_connection(connections[0]) self.no_version_node.add_connection(connections[1]) self.no_send_node.add_connection(connections[2]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread sleep(1) assert(self.no_verack_node.connected) assert(self.no_version_node.connected) assert(self.no_send_node.connected) ping_msg = msg_ping() connections[0].send_message(ping_msg) connections[1].send_message(ping_msg) sleep(30) assert(self.no_verack_node.received_version) assert(self.no_verack_node.connected) assert(self.no_version_node.connected) assert(self.no_send_node.connected) connections[0].send_message(ping_msg) connections[1].send_message(ping_msg) sleep(31) assert(not self.no_verack_node.connected) assert(not self.no_version_node.connected) assert(not self.no_send_node.connected) if __name__ == '__main__': TimeoutsTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-versionbits-warning.py b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-versionbits-warning.py index f8fb49cc31..93a392d540 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-versionbits-warning.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/p2p-versionbits-warning.py @@ -1,180 +1,180 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.mininode import * from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * import re import time from test_framework.blocktools import create_block, create_coinbase ''' Test version bits' warning system. Generate chains with block versions that appear to be signalling unknown soft-forks, and test that warning alerts are generated. ''' VB_PERIOD = 144 # versionbits period length for regtest VB_THRESHOLD = 108 # versionbits activation threshold for regtest VB_TOP_BITS = 0x20000000 VB_UNKNOWN_BIT = 27 # Choose a bit unassigned to any deployment WARN_UNKNOWN_RULES_MINED = "Unknown block versions being mined! It's possible unknown rules are in effect" WARN_UNKNOWN_RULES_ACTIVE = "unknown new rules activated (versionbit {})".format( VB_UNKNOWN_BIT) VB_PATTERN = re.compile("^Warning.*versionbit") # TestNode: bare-bones "peer". Used mostly as a conduit for a test to sending # p2p messages to a node, generating the messages in the main testing logic. class TestNode(NodeConnCB): def __init__(self): NodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.connection = None self.ping_counter = 1 self.last_pong = msg_pong() def add_connection(self, conn): self.connection = conn def on_inv(self, conn, message): pass # Wrapper for the NodeConn's send_message function def send_message(self, message): self.connection.send_message(message) def on_pong(self, conn, message): self.last_pong = message # Sync up with the node after delivery of a block def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=30): self.connection.send_message(msg_ping(nonce=self.ping_counter)) received_pong = False sleep_time = 0.05 while not received_pong and timeout > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) timeout -= sleep_time with mininode_lock: if self.last_pong.nonce == self.ping_counter: received_pong = True self.ping_counter += 1 return received_pong class VersionBitsWarningTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): self.alert_filename = os.path.join(self.options.tmpdir, "alert.txt") # Open and close to create zero-length file with open(self.alert_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as _: pass self.extra_args = [ - ["-debug", "-logtimemicros=1", "-alertnotify=echo %s >> \"" + self.alert_filename + "\""]] + ["-alertnotify=echo %s >> \"" + self.alert_filename + "\""]] self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args) # Send numblocks blocks via peer with nVersionToUse set. def send_blocks_with_version(self, peer, numblocks, nVersionToUse): tip = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() height = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() block_time = self.nodes[0].getblockheader(tip)["time"] + 1 tip = int(tip, 16) for _ in range(numblocks): block = create_block(tip, create_coinbase(height + 1), block_time) block.nVersion = nVersionToUse block.solve() peer.send_message(msg_block(block)) block_time += 1 height += 1 tip = block.sha256 peer.sync_with_ping() def test_versionbits_in_alert_file(self): with open(self.alert_filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: alert_text = f.read() assert(VB_PATTERN.match(alert_text)) def run_test(self): # Setup the p2p connection and start up the network thread. test_node = TestNode() connections = [] connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(0), self.nodes[0], test_node)) test_node.add_connection(connections[0]) NetworkThread().start() # Start up network handling in another thread # Test logic begins here test_node.wait_for_verack() # 1. Have the node mine one period worth of blocks self.nodes[0].generate(VB_PERIOD) # 2. Now build one period of blocks on the tip, with < VB_THRESHOLD # blocks signaling some unknown bit. nVersion = VB_TOP_BITS | (1 << VB_UNKNOWN_BIT) self.send_blocks_with_version(test_node, VB_THRESHOLD - 1, nVersion) # Fill rest of period with regular version blocks self.nodes[0].generate(VB_PERIOD - VB_THRESHOLD + 1) # Check that we're not getting any versionbit-related errors in # get*info() assert(not VB_PATTERN.match(self.nodes[0].getinfo()["errors"])) assert(not VB_PATTERN.match(self.nodes[0].getmininginfo()["errors"])) assert(not VB_PATTERN.match( self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()["warnings"])) # 3. Now build one period of blocks with >= VB_THRESHOLD blocks signaling # some unknown bit self.send_blocks_with_version(test_node, VB_THRESHOLD, nVersion) self.nodes[0].generate(VB_PERIOD - VB_THRESHOLD) # Might not get a versionbits-related alert yet, as we should # have gotten a different alert due to more than 51/100 blocks # being of unexpected version. # Check that get*info() shows some kind of error. assert(WARN_UNKNOWN_RULES_MINED in self.nodes[0].getinfo()["errors"]) assert(WARN_UNKNOWN_RULES_MINED in self.nodes[ 0].getmininginfo()["errors"]) assert(WARN_UNKNOWN_RULES_MINED in self.nodes[ 0].getnetworkinfo()["warnings"]) # Mine a period worth of expected blocks so the generic block-version warning # is cleared, and restart the node. This should move the versionbit state # to ACTIVE. self.nodes[0].generate(VB_PERIOD) stop_nodes(self.nodes) # Empty out the alert file with open(self.alert_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as _: pass self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args) # Connecting one block should be enough to generate an error. self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert(WARN_UNKNOWN_RULES_ACTIVE in self.nodes[0].getinfo()["errors"]) assert(WARN_UNKNOWN_RULES_ACTIVE in self.nodes[ 0].getmininginfo()["errors"]) assert(WARN_UNKNOWN_RULES_ACTIVE in self.nodes[ 0].getnetworkinfo()["warnings"]) stop_nodes(self.nodes) self.test_versionbits_in_alert_file() # Test framework expects the node to still be running... self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args) if __name__ == '__main__': VersionBitsWarningTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/preciousblock.py b/qa/rpc-tests/preciousblock.py index 4e40f6de09..0ca5dc2a3c 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/preciousblock.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/preciousblock.py @@ -1,126 +1,127 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test PreciousBlock code # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, connect_nodes_bi, sync_chain, sync_blocks, ) def unidirectional_node_sync_via_rpc(node_src, node_dest): blocks_to_copy = [] blockhash = node_src.getbestblockhash() while True: try: assert(len(node_dest.getblock(blockhash, False)) > 0) break except: blocks_to_copy.append(blockhash) blockhash = node_src.getblockheader( blockhash, True)['previousblockhash'] blocks_to_copy.reverse() for blockhash in blocks_to_copy: blockdata = node_src.getblock(blockhash, False) assert(node_dest.submitblock(blockdata) in (None, 'inconclusive')) def node_sync_via_rpc(nodes): for node_src in nodes: for node_dest in nodes: if node_src is node_dest: continue unidirectional_node_sync_via_rpc(node_src, node_dest) class PreciousTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 - self.extra_args = [["-debug"]] * self.num_nodes def setup_network(self): self.nodes = self.setup_nodes() def run_test(self): - print("Ensure submitblock can in principle reorg to a competing chain") + self.log.info( + "Ensure submitblock can in principle reorg to a competing chain") self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 1) (hashY, hashZ) = self.nodes[1].generate(2) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 2) node_sync_via_rpc(self.nodes[0:3]) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), hashZ) - print("Mine blocks A-B-C on Node 0") + self.log.info("Mine blocks A-B-C on Node 0") (hashA, hashB, hashC) = self.nodes[0].generate(3) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 5) - print("Mine competing blocks E-F-G on Node 1") + self.log.info("Mine competing blocks E-F-G on Node 1") (hashE, hashF, hashG) = self.nodes[1].generate(3) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getblockcount(), 5) assert(hashC != hashG) - print("Connect nodes and check no reorg occurs") + self.log.info("Connect nodes and check no reorg occurs") # Submit competing blocks via RPC so any reorg should occur before we # proceed (no way to wait on inaction for p2p sync) node_sync_via_rpc(self.nodes[0:2]) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), hashC) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), hashG) - print("Make Node0 prefer block G") + self.log.info("Make Node0 prefer block G") self.nodes[0].preciousblock(hashG) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), hashG) - print("Make Node0 prefer block C again") + self.log.info("Make Node0 prefer block C again") self.nodes[0].preciousblock(hashC) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), hashC) - print("Make Node1 prefer block C") + self.log.info("Make Node1 prefer block C") self.nodes[1].preciousblock(hashC) sync_chain(self.nodes[0:2]) # wait because node 1 may not have downloaded hashC assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), hashC) - print("Make Node1 prefer block G again") + self.log.info("Make Node1 prefer block G again") self.nodes[1].preciousblock(hashG) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), hashG) - print("Make Node0 prefer block G again") + self.log.info("Make Node0 prefer block G again") self.nodes[0].preciousblock(hashG) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), hashG) - print("Make Node1 prefer block C again") + self.log.info("Make Node1 prefer block C again") self.nodes[1].preciousblock(hashC) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), hashC) - print("Mine another block (E-F-G-)H on Node 0 and reorg Node 1") + self.log.info( + "Mine another block (E-F-G-)H on Node 0 and reorg Node 1") self.nodes[0].generate(1) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), 6) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:2]) hashH = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), hashH) - print("Node1 should not be able to prefer block C anymore") + self.log.info("Node1 should not be able to prefer block C anymore") self.nodes[1].preciousblock(hashC) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), hashH) - print("Mine competing blocks I-J-K-L on Node 2") + self.log.info("Mine competing blocks I-J-K-L on Node 2") self.nodes[2].generate(4) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getblockcount(), 6) hashL = self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash() - print("Connect nodes and check no reorg occurs") + self.log.info("Connect nodes and check no reorg occurs") node_sync_via_rpc(self.nodes[1:3]) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 2) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), hashH) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), hashH) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash(), hashL) - print("Make Node1 prefer block L") + self.log.info("Make Node1 prefer block L") self.nodes[1].preciousblock(hashL) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbestblockhash(), hashL) - print("Make Node2 prefer block H") + self.log.info("Make Node2 prefer block H") self.nodes[2].preciousblock(hashH) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash(), hashH) if __name__ == '__main__': PreciousTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/prioritise_transaction.py b/qa/rpc-tests/prioritise_transaction.py index d7ff15570a..6127a434d1 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/prioritise_transaction.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/prioritise_transaction.py @@ -1,159 +1,160 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test PrioritiseTransaction code # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * # FIXME: review how this test needs to be adapted w.r.t _LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE from test_framework.mininode import COIN from test_framework.cdefs import LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE class PrioritiseTransactionTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 self.txouts = gen_return_txouts() def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] self.is_network_split = False self.nodes.append( - start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-printpriority=1"])) + start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-printpriority=1"])) self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] def run_test(self): utxo_count = 90 utxos = create_confirmed_utxos( self.relayfee, self.nodes[0], utxo_count) # our transactions are smaller than 100kb base_fee = self.relayfee * 100 txids = [] # Create 3 batches of transactions at 3 different fee rate levels range_size = utxo_count // 3 for i in range(3): txids.append([]) start_range = i * range_size end_range = start_range + range_size txids[i] = create_lots_of_big_transactions(self.nodes[0], self.txouts, utxos[ start_range:end_range], end_range - start_range, (i + 1) * base_fee) # Make sure that the size of each group of transactions exceeds # LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE -- otherwise the test needs to be revised to create # more transactions. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) sizes = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(3): for j in txids[i]: assert(j in mempool) sizes[i] += mempool[j]['size'] # Fail => raise utxo_count assert(sizes[i] > LEGACY_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) # add a fee delta to something in the cheapest bucket and make sure it gets mined # also check that a different entry in the cheapest bucket is NOT mined (lower # the priority to ensure its not mined due to priority) self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( txids[0][0], 0, int(3 * base_fee * COIN)) self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(txids[0][1], -1e15, 0) self.nodes[0].generate(1) mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() - print("Assert that prioritised transaction was mined") + self.log.info("Assert that prioritised transaction was mined") assert(txids[0][0] not in mempool) assert(txids[0][1] in mempool) high_fee_tx = None for x in txids[2]: if x not in mempool: high_fee_tx = x # Something high-fee should have been mined! assert(high_fee_tx != None) # Add a prioritisation before a tx is in the mempool (de-prioritising a # high-fee transaction so that it's now low fee). self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( high_fee_tx, -1e15, -int(2 * base_fee * COIN)) # Add everything back to mempool self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Check to make sure our high fee rate tx is back in the mempool mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() assert(high_fee_tx in mempool) # Now verify the modified-high feerate transaction isn't mined before # the other high fee transactions. Keep mining until our mempool has # decreased by all the high fee size that we calculated above. while (self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['bytes'] > sizes[0] + sizes[1]): self.nodes[0].generate(1) # High fee transaction should not have been mined, but other high fee rate # transactions should have been. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() - print("Assert that de-prioritised transaction is still in mempool") + self.log.info( + "Assert that de-prioritised transaction is still in mempool") assert(high_fee_tx in mempool) for x in txids[2]: if (x != high_fee_tx): assert(x not in mempool) # Create a free, low priority transaction. Should be rejected. utxo_list = self.nodes[0].listunspent() assert(len(utxo_list) > 0) utxo = utxo_list[0] inputs = [] outputs = {} inputs.append({"txid": utxo["txid"], "vout": utxo["vout"]}) outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = utxo["amount"] - self.relayfee raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx_hex = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( raw_tx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx_hex) # A tx that spends an in-mempool tx has 0 priority, so we can use it to # test the effect of using prioritise transaction for mempool # acceptance inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 0}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = utxo["amount"] - self.relayfee raw_tx2 = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx2_hex = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( raw_tx2, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] tx2_id = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(tx2_hex)["txid"] try: self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx2_hex) except JSONRPCException as exp: assert_equal(exp.error['code'], -26) # insufficient fee assert(tx2_id not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) else: assert(False) # This is a less than 1000-byte transaction, so just set the fee # to be the minimum for a 1000 byte transaction and check that it is # accepted. self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction( tx2_id, 0, int(self.relayfee * COIN)) - print( + self.log.info( "Assert that prioritised free transaction is accepted to mempool") assert_equal(self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx2_hex), tx2_id) assert(tx2_id in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) if __name__ == '__main__': PrioritiseTransactionTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/proxy_test.py b/qa/rpc-tests/proxy_test.py index 43a82d4773..0e6a983e99 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/proxy_test.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/proxy_test.py @@ -1,218 +1,218 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. import socket import os from test_framework.socks5 import Socks5Configuration, Socks5Command, Socks5Server, AddressType from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( PORT_MIN, PORT_RANGE, start_nodes, assert_equal, ) from test_framework.netutil import test_ipv6_local ''' Test plan: - Start bitcoind's with different proxy configurations - Use addnode to initiate connections - Verify that proxies are connected to, and the right connection command is given - Proxy configurations to test on bitcoind side: - `-proxy` (proxy everything) - `-onion` (proxy just onions) - `-proxyrandomize` Circuit randomization - Proxy configurations to test on proxy side, - support no authentication (other proxy) - support no authentication + user/pass authentication (Tor) - proxy on IPv6 - Create various proxies (as threads) - Create bitcoinds that connect to them - Manipulate the bitcoinds using addnode (onetry) an observe effects addnode connect to IPv4 addnode connect to IPv6 addnode connect to onion addnode connect to generic DNS name ''' RANGE_BEGIN = PORT_MIN + 2 * PORT_RANGE # Start after p2p and rpc ports class ProxyTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 4 self.setup_clean_chain = False self.have_ipv6 = test_ipv6_local() # Create two proxies on different ports # ... one unauthenticated self.conf1 = Socks5Configuration() self.conf1.addr = ('', RANGE_BEGIN + (os.getpid() % 1000)) self.conf1.unauth = True self.conf1.auth = False # ... one supporting authenticated and unauthenticated (Tor) self.conf2 = Socks5Configuration() self.conf2.addr = ( '', RANGE_BEGIN + 1000 + (os.getpid() % 1000)) self.conf2.unauth = True self.conf2.auth = True if self.have_ipv6: # ... one on IPv6 with similar configuration self.conf3 = Socks5Configuration() self.conf3.af = socket.AF_INET6 self.conf3.addr = ( '::1', RANGE_BEGIN + 2000 + (os.getpid() % 1000)) self.conf3.unauth = True self.conf3.auth = True else: - print("Warning: testing without local IPv6 support") + self.log.info("Warning: testing without local IPv6 support") self.serv1 = Socks5Server(self.conf1) self.serv1.start() self.serv2 = Socks5Server(self.conf2) self.serv2.start() if self.have_ipv6: self.serv3 = Socks5Server(self.conf3) self.serv3.start() def setup_nodes(self): # Note: proxies are not used to connect to local nodes # this is because the proxy to use is based on CService.GetNetwork(), # which return NET_UNROUTABLE for localhost args = [ - ['-listen', '-debug=net', '-debug=proxy', '-proxy=%s:%i' % + ['-listen', '-proxy=%s:%i' % (self.conf1.addr), '-proxyrandomize=1'], - ['-listen', '-debug=net', '-debug=proxy', '-proxy=%s:%i' % + ['-listen', '-proxy=%s:%i' % (self.conf1.addr), '-onion=%s:%i' % (self.conf2.addr), '-proxyrandomize=0'], - ['-listen', '-debug=net', '-debug=proxy', '-proxy=%s:%i' % + ['-listen', '-proxy=%s:%i' % (self.conf2.addr), '-proxyrandomize=1'], [] ] if self.have_ipv6: - args[3] = ['-listen', '-debug=net', '-debug=proxy', '-proxy=[%s]:%i' % + args[3] = ['-listen', '-proxy=[%s]:%i' % (self.conf3.addr), '-proxyrandomize=0', '-noonion'] return start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args=args) def node_test(self, node, proxies, auth, test_onion=True): rv = [] # Test: outgoing IPv4 connection through node node.addnode("", "onetry") cmd = proxies[0].queue.get() assert(isinstance(cmd, Socks5Command)) # Note: bitcoind's SOCKS5 implementation only sends atyp DOMAINNAME, # even if connecting directly to IPv4/IPv6 assert_equal(cmd.atyp, AddressType.DOMAINNAME) assert_equal(cmd.addr, b"") assert_equal(cmd.port, 1234) if not auth: assert_equal(cmd.username, None) assert_equal(cmd.password, None) rv.append(cmd) if self.have_ipv6: # Test: outgoing IPv6 connection through node node.addnode( "[1233:3432:2434:2343:3234:2345:6546:4534]:5443", "onetry") cmd = proxies[1].queue.get() assert(isinstance(cmd, Socks5Command)) # Note: bitcoind's SOCKS5 implementation only sends atyp # DOMAINNAME, even if connecting directly to IPv4/IPv6 assert_equal(cmd.atyp, AddressType.DOMAINNAME) assert_equal(cmd.addr, b"1233:3432:2434:2343:3234:2345:6546:4534") assert_equal(cmd.port, 5443) if not auth: assert_equal(cmd.username, None) assert_equal(cmd.password, None) rv.append(cmd) if test_onion: # Test: outgoing onion connection through node node.addnode("bitcoinostk4e4re.onion:8333", "onetry") cmd = proxies[2].queue.get() assert(isinstance(cmd, Socks5Command)) assert_equal(cmd.atyp, AddressType.DOMAINNAME) assert_equal(cmd.addr, b"bitcoinostk4e4re.onion") assert_equal(cmd.port, 8333) if not auth: assert_equal(cmd.username, None) assert_equal(cmd.password, None) rv.append(cmd) # Test: outgoing DNS name connection through node node.addnode("node.noumenon:8333", "onetry") cmd = proxies[3].queue.get() assert(isinstance(cmd, Socks5Command)) assert_equal(cmd.atyp, AddressType.DOMAINNAME) assert_equal(cmd.addr, b"node.noumenon") assert_equal(cmd.port, 8333) if not auth: assert_equal(cmd.username, None) assert_equal(cmd.password, None) rv.append(cmd) return rv def run_test(self): # basic -proxy self.node_test( self.nodes[0], [self.serv1, self.serv1, self.serv1, self.serv1], False) # -proxy plus -onion self.node_test( self.nodes[1], [self.serv1, self.serv1, self.serv2, self.serv1], False) # -proxy plus -onion, -proxyrandomize rv = self.node_test( self.nodes[2], [self.serv2, self.serv2, self.serv2, self.serv2], True) # Check that credentials as used for -proxyrandomize connections are # unique credentials = set((x.username, x.password) for x in rv) assert_equal(len(credentials), len(rv)) if self.have_ipv6: # proxy on IPv6 localhost self.node_test( self.nodes[3], [self.serv3, self.serv3, self.serv3, self.serv3], False, False) def networks_dict(d): r = {} for x in d['networks']: r[x['name']] = x return r # test RPC getnetworkinfo n0 = networks_dict(self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()) for net in ['ipv4', 'ipv6', 'onion']: assert_equal(n0[net]['proxy'], '%s:%i' % (self.conf1.addr)) assert_equal(n0[net]['proxy_randomize_credentials'], True) assert_equal(n0['onion']['reachable'], True) n1 = networks_dict(self.nodes[1].getnetworkinfo()) for net in ['ipv4', 'ipv6']: assert_equal(n1[net]['proxy'], '%s:%i' % (self.conf1.addr)) assert_equal(n1[net]['proxy_randomize_credentials'], False) assert_equal(n1['onion']['proxy'], '%s:%i' % (self.conf2.addr)) assert_equal(n1['onion']['proxy_randomize_credentials'], False) assert_equal(n1['onion']['reachable'], True) n2 = networks_dict(self.nodes[2].getnetworkinfo()) for net in ['ipv4', 'ipv6', 'onion']: assert_equal(n2[net]['proxy'], '%s:%i' % (self.conf2.addr)) assert_equal(n2[net]['proxy_randomize_credentials'], True) assert_equal(n2['onion']['reachable'], True) if self.have_ipv6: n3 = networks_dict(self.nodes[3].getnetworkinfo()) for net in ['ipv4', 'ipv6']: assert_equal(n3[net]['proxy'], '[%s]:%i' % (self.conf3.addr)) assert_equal(n3[net]['proxy_randomize_credentials'], False) assert_equal(n3['onion']['reachable'], False) if __name__ == '__main__': ProxyTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/pruning.py b/qa/rpc-tests/pruning.py index d01a705653..16d367774a 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/pruning.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/pruning.py @@ -1,536 +1,532 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test pruning code # ******** # WARNING: # This test uses 4GB of disk space. # This test takes 30 mins or more (up to 2 hours) # ******** from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.outputchecker import OutputChecker import time import os MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP = 288 # Rescans start at the earliest block up to 2 hours before a key timestamp, so # the manual prune RPC avoids pruning blocks in the same window to be # compatible with pruning based on key creation time. RESCAN_WINDOW = 2 * 60 * 60 def calc_usage(blockdir): return sum(os.path.getsize(blockdir + f) for f in os.listdir(blockdir) if os.path.isfile(blockdir + f)) / (1024. * 1024.) class PruneTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 6 # Cache for utxos, as the listunspent may take a long time later in the # test self.utxo_cache_0 = [] self.utxo_cache_1 = [] def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] self.is_network_split = False # Create nodes 0 and 1 to mine self.nodes.append( - start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-maxreceivebuffer=20000", + start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxreceivebuffer=20000", "-checkblocks=5", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900)) self.nodes.append( - start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-maxreceivebuffer=20000", + start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxreceivebuffer=20000", "-checkblocks=5", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900)) # Create node 2 to test pruning self.nodes.append( - start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-maxreceivebuffer=20000", + start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxreceivebuffer=20000", "-prune=550", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900)) self.prunedir = self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/blocks/" # Create nodes 3 and 4 to test manual pruning (they will be re-started # with manual pruning later) self.nodes.append( - start_node(3, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug=0", - "-maxreceivebuffer=20000", + start_node(3, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxreceivebuffer=20000", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900)) self.nodes.append( - start_node(4, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug=0", - "-maxreceivebuffer=20000", + start_node(4, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxreceivebuffer=20000", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900)) # Create nodes 5 to test wallet in prune mode, but do not connect self.nodes.append( - start_node(5, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug=0", - "-prune=550", + start_node(5, self.options.tmpdir, ["-prune=550", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"])) # Determine default relay fee self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"] connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 2) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 3) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 4) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:5]) def create_big_chain(self): # Start by creating some coinbases we can spend later self.nodes[1].generate(200) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:2]) self.nodes[0].generate(150) # Then mine enough full blocks to create more than 550MiB of data for i in range(645): mine_large_block(self.nodes[0], self.utxo_cache_0) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:5]) def test_height_min(self): if not os.path.isfile(self.prunedir + "blk00000.dat"): raise AssertionError("blk00000.dat is missing, pruning too early") - print("Success") - print("Though we're already using more than 550MiB, current usage:", - calc_usage(self.prunedir)) - print( + self.log.info("Success") + self.log.info("Though we're already using more than 550MiB, current usage: %d" % + calc_usage(self.prunedir)) + self.log.info( "Mining 25 more blocks should cause the first block file to be pruned") # Pruning doesn't run until we're allocating another chunk, 20 full # blocks past the height cutoff will ensure this for i in range(25): mine_large_block(self.nodes[0], self.utxo_cache_0) waitstart = time.time() while os.path.isfile(self.prunedir + "blk00000.dat"): time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - waitstart > 30: raise AssertionError( "blk00000.dat not pruned when it should be") - print("Success") + self.log.info("Success") usage = calc_usage(self.prunedir) - print("Usage should be below target:", usage) + self.log.info("Usage should be below target: %d" % usage) if (usage > 550): raise AssertionError("Pruning target not being met") def create_chain_with_staleblocks(self): # Create stale blocks in manageable sized chunks - print( + self.log.info( "Mine 24 (stale) blocks on Node 1, followed by 25 (main chain) block reorg from Node 0, for 12 rounds") for j in range(12): # Disconnect node 0 so it can mine a longer reorg chain without knowing about node 1's soon-to-be-stale chain # Node 2 stays connected, so it hears about the stale blocks and then reorg's when node0 reconnects # Stopping node 0 also clears its mempool, so it doesn't have # node1's transactions to accidentally mine self.stop_node(0) - self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-maxreceivebuffer=20000", - "-checkblocks=5", - "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], + self.nodes[0] = start_node( + 0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxreceivebuffer=20000", + "-checkblocks=5", + "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900) # Mine 24 blocks in node 1 for i in range(24): if j == 0: mine_large_block(self.nodes[1], self.utxo_cache_1) else: self.nodes[1].generate( 1) # tx's already in mempool from previous disconnects # Reorg back with 25 block chain from node 0 for i in range(25): mine_large_block(self.nodes[0], self.utxo_cache_0) # Create connections in the order so both nodes can see the reorg # at the same time connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3]) - print("Usage can be over target because of high stale rate:", - calc_usage(self.prunedir)) + self.log.info("Usage can be over target because of high stale rate: %d" % + calc_usage(self.prunedir)) def reorg_test(self): # Node 1 will mine a 300 block chain starting 287 blocks back from Node # 0 and Node 2's tip. This will cause Node 2 to do a reorg requiring # 288 blocks of undo data to the reorg_test chain. Reboot node 1 to # clear its mempool (hopefully make the invalidate faster). Lower the # block max size so we don't keep mining all our big mempool # transactions (from disconnected blocks) self.stop_node(1) - self.nodes[1] = start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-maxreceivebuffer=20000", - "-blockmaxsize=5000", - "-checkblocks=5", - "-disablesafemode"], + self.nodes[1] = start_node( + 1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxreceivebuffer=20000", + "-blockmaxsize=5000", + "-checkblocks=5", + "-disablesafemode"], timewait=900, stderr_checker=OutputChecker()) height = self.nodes[1].getblockcount() - print("Current block height:", height) + self.log.info("Current block height: %d" % height) invalidheight = height - 287 badhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(invalidheight) - print("Invalidating block at height:", invalidheight, badhash) + self.log.info("Invalidating block %s at height %d" % + (badhash, invalidheight)) self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(badhash) # We've now switched to our previously mined-24 block fork on node 1, but thats not what we want. # So invalidate that fork as well, until we're on the same chain as # node 0/2 (but at an ancestor 288 blocks ago) mainchainhash = self.nodes[0].getblockhash(invalidheight - 1) curhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(invalidheight - 1) while curhash != mainchainhash: self.nodes[1].invalidateblock(curhash) curhash = self.nodes[1].getblockhash(invalidheight - 1) assert(self.nodes[1].getblockcount() == invalidheight - 1) - print("New best height", self.nodes[1].getblockcount()) + self.log.info("New best height: %d" % self.nodes[1].getblockcount()) # Reboot node1 to clear those giant tx's from mempool self.stop_node(1) - self.nodes[1] = start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", - "-maxreceivebuffer=20000", - "-blockmaxsize=5000", - "-checkblocks=5", - "-disablesafemode", - "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], + self.nodes[1] = start_node( + 1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxreceivebuffer=20000", + "-blockmaxsize=5000", + "-checkblocks=5", + "-disablesafemode", + "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900, stderr_checker=OutputChecker()) - print("Generating new longer chain of 300 more blocks") + self.log.info("Generating new longer chain of 300 more blocks") self.nodes[1].generate(300) - print("Reconnect nodes") + self.log.info("Reconnect nodes") connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 1) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 1) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3], timeout=120) - print("Verify height on node 2:", self.nodes[2].getblockcount()) - print("Usage possibly still high bc of stale blocks in block files:", - calc_usage(self.prunedir)) + self.log.info("Verify height on node 2: %d" % + self.nodes[2].getblockcount()) + self.log.info("Usage possibly still high bc of stale blocks in block files: %d" % + calc_usage(self.prunedir)) - print( + self.log.info( "Mine 220 more blocks so we have requisite history (some blocks will be big and cause pruning of previous chain)") for i in range(22): # This can be slow, so do this in multiple RPC calls to avoid # RPC timeouts. # node 0 has many large tx's in its mempool from the disconnects self.nodes[0].generate(10) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3], timeout=300) usage = calc_usage(self.prunedir) - print("Usage should be below target:", usage) + self.log.info("Usage should be below target: %d" % usage) if (usage > 550): raise AssertionError("Pruning target not being met") return invalidheight, badhash def reorg_back(self): # Verify that a block on the old main chain fork has been pruned away assert_raises_jsonrpc( -1, "Block not available (pruned data)", self.nodes[2].getblock, self.forkhash) - print("Will need to redownload block", self.forkheight) + self.log.info("Will need to redownload block", self.forkheight) # Verify that we have enough history to reorg back to the fork point. # Although this is more than 288 blocks, because this chain was written # more recently and only its other 299 small and 220 large block are in # the block files after it, its expected to still be retained. self.nodes[2].getblock(self.nodes[2].getblockhash(self.forkheight)) first_reorg_height = self.nodes[2].getblockcount() curchainhash = self.nodes[2].getblockhash(self.mainchainheight) self.nodes[2].invalidateblock(curchainhash) goalbestheight = self.mainchainheight goalbesthash = self.mainchainhash2 # As of 0.10 the current block download logic is not able to reorg to # the original chain created in create_chain_with_stale_blocks because # it doesn't know of any peer thats on that chain from which to # redownload its missing blocks. Invalidate the reorg_test chain in # node 0 as well, it can successfully switch to the original chain # because it has all the block data. However it must mine enough blocks # to have a more work chain than the reorg_test chain in order to # trigger node 2's block download logic. At this point node 2 is within # 288 blocks of the fork point so it will preserve its ability to # reorg. if self.nodes[2].getblockcount() < self.mainchainheight: blocks_to_mine = first_reorg_height + 1 - self.mainchainheight - print( - "Rewind node 0 to prev main chain to mine longer chain to trigger redownload. Blocks needed:", blocks_to_mine) + self.log.info( + "Rewind node 0 to prev main chain to mine longer chain to trigger redownload. Blocks needed: %d" % blocks_to_mine) self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(curchainhash) assert(self.nodes[0].getblockcount() == self.mainchainheight) assert(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() == self.mainchainhash2) goalbesthash = self.nodes[0].generate(blocks_to_mine)[-1] goalbestheight = first_reorg_height + 1 - print( + self.log.info( "Verify node 2 reorged back to the main chain, some blocks of which it had to redownload") waitstart = time.time() while self.nodes[2].getblockcount() < goalbestheight: time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - waitstart > 900: raise AssertionError("Node 2 didn't reorg to proper height") assert(self.nodes[2].getbestblockhash() == goalbesthash) # Verify we can now have the data for a block previously pruned assert(self.nodes[2].getblock( self.forkhash)["height"] == self.forkheight) def manual_test(self, node_number, use_timestamp): # at this point, node has 995 blocks and has not yet run in prune mode node = self.nodes[node_number] = start_node( node_number, self.options.tmpdir, - ["-debug=0", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900) + ["-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900) assert_equal(node.getblockcount(), 995) assert_raises_jsonrpc( -1, "not in prune mode", node.pruneblockchain, 500) self.stop_node(node_number) # now re-start in manual pruning mode node = self.nodes[node_number] = start_node( node_number, self.options.tmpdir, - ["-debug=0", "-prune=1", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900) + ["-prune=1", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900) assert_equal(node.getblockcount(), 995) def height(index): if use_timestamp: return node.getblockheader(node.getblockhash(index))["time"] + RESCAN_WINDOW else: return index def prune(index, expected_ret=None): ret = node.pruneblockchain(height(index)) # Check the return value. When use_timestamp is True, just check # that the return value is less than or equal to the expected # value, because when more than one block is generated per second, # a timestamp will not be granular enough to uniquely identify an # individual block. if expected_ret is None: expected_ret = index if use_timestamp: assert_greater_than(ret, 0) assert_greater_than(expected_ret + 1, ret) else: assert_equal(ret, expected_ret) def has_block(index): return os.path.isfile(self.options.tmpdir + "/node{}/regtest/blocks/blk{:05}.dat".format(node_number, index)) # should not prune because chain tip of node 3 (995) < PruneAfterHeight # (1000) assert_raises_jsonrpc( -1, "Blockchain is too short for pruning", node.pruneblockchain, height(500)) # mine 6 blocks so we are at height 1001 (i.e., above PruneAfterHeight) node.generate(6) assert_equal(node.getblockchaininfo()["blocks"], 1001) # negative heights should raise an exception assert_raises_jsonrpc(-8, "Negative", node.pruneblockchain, -10) # height=100 too low to prune first block file so this is a no-op prune(100) if not has_block(0): raise AssertionError( "blk00000.dat is missing when should still be there") # Does nothing node.pruneblockchain(height(0)) if not has_block(0): raise AssertionError( "blk00000.dat is missing when should still be there") # height=500 should prune first file prune(500) if has_block(0): raise AssertionError( "blk00000.dat is still there, should be pruned by now") if not has_block(1): raise AssertionError( "blk00001.dat is missing when should still be there") # height=650 should prune second file prune(650) if has_block(1): raise AssertionError( "blk00001.dat is still there, should be pruned by now") # height=1000 should not prune anything more, because tip-288 is in # blk00002.dat. prune(1000, 1001 - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP) if not has_block(2): raise AssertionError( "blk00002.dat is still there, should be pruned by now") # advance the tip so blk00002.dat and blk00003.dat can be pruned (the # last 288 blocks should now be in blk00004.dat) node.generate(288) prune(1000) if has_block(2): raise AssertionError( "blk00002.dat is still there, should be pruned by now") if has_block(3): raise AssertionError( "blk00003.dat is still there, should be pruned by now") # stop node, start back up with auto-prune at 550MB, make sure still # runs self.stop_node(node_number) self.nodes[node_number] = start_node( node_number, self.options.tmpdir, - ["-debug=0", "-prune=550", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900) + ["-prune=550", "-blockmaxsize=1000000"], timewait=900) - print("Success") + self.log.info("Success") def wallet_test(self): # check that the pruning node's wallet is still in good shape - print("Stop and start pruning node to trigger wallet rescan") + self.log.info("Stop and start pruning node to trigger wallet rescan") self.stop_node(2) - start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug=1", "-prune=550"]) - print("Success") + start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, ["-prune=550"]) + self.log.info("Success") # check that wallet loads loads successfully when restarting a pruned node after IBD. # this was reported to fail in #7494. - print ("Syncing node 5 to test wallet") + self.log.info("Syncing node 5 to test wallet") connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 5) nds = [self.nodes[0], self.nodes[5]] sync_blocks(nds, wait=5, timeout=300) # Stop and start to trigger rescan self.stop_node(5) - start_node(5, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug=1", "-prune=550"]) - print ("Success") + start_node(5, self.options.tmpdir, ["-prune=550"]) + self.log.info("Success") def run_test(self): - print( + self.log.info( "Warning! This test requires 4GB of disk space and takes over 30 mins (up to 2 hours)") - print("Mining a big blockchain of 995 blocks") + self.log.info("Mining a big blockchain of 995 blocks") self.create_big_chain() # Chain diagram key: # * blocks on main chain # +,&,$,@ blocks on other forks # X invalidated block # N1 Node 1 # # Start by mining a simple chain that all nodes have # N0=N1=N2 **...*(995) # stop manual-pruning node with 995 blocks self.stop_node(3) self.stop_node(4) - print( + self.log.info( "Check that we haven't started pruning yet because we're below PruneAfterHeight") self.test_height_min() # Extend this chain past the PruneAfterHeight # N0=N1=N2 **...*(1020) - print( + self.log.info( "Check that we'll exceed disk space target if we have a very high stale block rate") self.create_chain_with_staleblocks() # Disconnect N0 # And mine a 24 block chain on N1 and a separate 25 block chain on N0 # N1=N2 **...*+...+(1044) # N0 **...**...**(1045) # # reconnect nodes causing reorg on N1 and N2 # N1=N2 **...*(1020) *...**(1045) # \ # +...+(1044) # # repeat this process until you have 12 stale forks hanging off the # main chain on N1 and N2 # N0 *************************...***************************(1320) # # N1=N2 **...*(1020) *...**(1045) *.. ..**(1295) *...**(1320) # \ \ \ # +...+(1044) &.. $...$(1319) # Save some current chain state for later use self.mainchainheight = self.nodes[2].getblockcount() # 1320 self.mainchainhash2 = self.nodes[2].getblockhash(self.mainchainheight) - print("Check that we can survive a 288 block reorg still") + self.log.info("Check that we can survive a 288 block reorg still") (self.forkheight, self.forkhash) = self.reorg_test() # (1033, ) # Now create a 288 block reorg by mining a longer chain on N1 # First disconnect N1 # Then invalidate 1033 on main chain and 1032 on fork so height is 1032 on main chain # N1 **...*(1020) **...**(1032)X.. # \ # ++...+(1031)X.. # # Now mine 300 more blocks on N1 # N1 **...*(1020) **...**(1032) @@...@(1332) # \ \ # \ X... # \ \ # ++...+(1031)X.. .. # # Reconnect nodes and mine 220 more blocks on N1 # N1 **...*(1020) **...**(1032) @@...@@@(1552) # \ \ # \ X... # \ \ # ++...+(1031)X.. .. # # N2 **...*(1020) **...**(1032) @@...@@@(1552) # \ \ # \ *...**(1320) # \ \ # ++...++(1044) .. # # N0 ********************(1032) @@...@@@(1552) # \ # *...**(1320) - print( + self.log.info( "Test that we can rerequest a block we previously pruned if needed for a reorg") self.reorg_back() # Verify that N2 still has block 1033 on current chain (@), but not on main chain (*) # Invalidate 1033 on current chain (@) on N2 and we should be able to reorg to # original main chain (*), but will require redownload of some blocks # In order to have a peer we think we can download from, must also perform this invalidation # on N0 and mine a new longest chain to trigger. # Final result: # N0 ********************(1032) **...****(1553) # \ # X@...@@@(1552) # # N2 **...*(1020) **...**(1032) **...****(1553) # \ \ # \ X@...@@@(1552) # \ # +.. # # N1 doesn't change because 1033 on main chain (*) is invalid - print("Test manual pruning with block indices") + self.log.info("Test manual pruning with block indices") self.manual_test(3, use_timestamp=False) - print("Test manual pruning with timestamps") + self.log.info("Test manual pruning with timestamps") self.manual_test(4, use_timestamp=True) - print("Test wallet re-scan") + self.log.info("Test wallet re-scan") self.wallet_test() - print("Done") + self.log.info("Done") if __name__ == '__main__': PruneTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/reindex.py b/qa/rpc-tests/reindex.py index 148560b102..d973a1548a 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/reindex.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/reindex.py @@ -1,48 +1,49 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test -reindex and -reindex-chainstate with CheckBlockIndex # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( start_nodes, stop_nodes, assert_equal, ) import time class ReindexTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 1 def setup_network(self): self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir) def reindex(self, justchainstate=False): self.nodes[0].generate(3) blockcount = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() stop_nodes(self.nodes) - extra_args = [ - ["-debug", "-reindex-chainstate" if justchainstate else "-reindex", "-checkblockindex=1"]] + extra_args = [[ + "-reindex-chainstate" if justchainstate else "-reindex", + "-checkblockindex=1"]] self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args) while self.nodes[0].getblockcount() < blockcount: time.sleep(0.1) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getblockcount(), blockcount) - print("Success") + self.log.info("Success") def run_test(self): self.reindex(False) self.reindex(True) self.reindex(False) self.reindex(True) if __name__ == '__main__': ReindexTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/rest.py b/qa/rpc-tests/rest.py index a0bcccbad5..7d7e138b71 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/rest.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/rest.py @@ -1,396 +1,396 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test REST interface # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from struct import * from io import BytesIO from codecs import encode import http.client import urllib.parse def deser_uint256(f): r = 0 for i in range(8): t = unpack(b" this won't connect. with mininode_lock: test_node.last_getheaders = None test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[1]]) test_node.wait_for_getheaders(timeout=1) test_node.send_header_for_blocks(blocks) test_node.wait_for_getdata([x.sha256 for x in blocks]) [test_node.send_message(msg_block(x)) for x in blocks] test_node.sync_with_ping() assert_equal( int(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash(), 16), blocks[1].sha256) blocks = [] # Now we test that if we repeatedly don't send connecting headers, we # don't go into an infinite loop trying to get them to connect. MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS = 10 for j in range(MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS + 1): blocks.append( create_block(tip, create_coinbase(height), block_time)) blocks[-1].solve() tip = blocks[-1].sha256 block_time += 1 height += 1 for i in range(1, MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS): # Send a header that doesn't connect, check that we get a # getheaders. with mininode_lock: test_node.last_getheaders = None test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[i]]) test_node.wait_for_getheaders(timeout=1) # Next header will connect, should re-set our count: test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[0]]) # Remove the first two entries (blocks[1] would connect): blocks = blocks[2:] # Now try to see how many unconnecting headers we can send # before we get disconnected. Should be 5*MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS for i in range(5 * MAX_UNCONNECTING_HEADERS - 1): # Send a header that doesn't connect, check that we get a # getheaders. with mininode_lock: test_node.last_getheaders = None test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[i % len(blocks)]]) test_node.wait_for_getheaders(timeout=1) # Eventually this stops working. with mininode_lock: self.last_getheaders = None test_node.send_header_for_blocks([blocks[-1]]) # Should get disconnected test_node.wait_for_disconnect() with mininode_lock: self.last_getheaders = True - print("Part 5: success!") + self.log.info("Part 5: success!") # Finally, check that the inv node never received a getdata request, # throughout the test assert_equal(inv_node.last_getdata, None) if __name__ == '__main__': SendHeadersTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py b/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py index 76b15a4332..e2e2d6de11 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/smartfees.py @@ -1,291 +1,298 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test fee estimation code # from collections import OrderedDict from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.outputchecker import OutputChecker # Construct 2 trivial P2SH's and the ScriptSigs that spend them # So we can create many many transactions without needing to spend # time signing. P2SH_1 = "2MySexEGVzZpRgNQ1JdjdP5bRETznm3roQ2" # P2SH of "OP_1 OP_DROP" P2SH_2 = "2NBdpwq8Aoo1EEKEXPNrKvr5xQr3M9UfcZA" # P2SH of "OP_2 OP_DROP" # Associated ScriptSig's to spend satisfy P2SH_1 and P2SH_2 # 4 bytes of OP_TRUE and push 2-byte redeem script of "OP_1 OP_DROP" or # "OP_2 OP_DROP" SCRIPT_SIG = ["0451025175", "0451025275"] +global log + def small_txpuzzle_randfee(from_node, conflist, unconflist, amount, min_fee, fee_increment): ''' Create and send a transaction with a random fee. The transaction pays to a trivial P2SH script, and assumes that its inputs are of the same form. The function takes a list of confirmed outputs and unconfirmed outputs and attempts to use the confirmed list first for its inputs. It adds the newly created outputs to the unconfirmed list. Returns (raw transaction, fee) ''' # It's best to exponentially distribute our random fees # because the buckets are exponentially spaced. # Exponentially distributed from 1-128 * fee_increment rand_fee = float(fee_increment) * (1.1892**random.randint(0, 28)) # Total fee ranges from min_fee to min_fee + 127*fee_increment fee = min_fee - fee_increment + satoshi_round(rand_fee) inputs = [] total_in = Decimal("0.00000000") while total_in <= (amount + fee) and len(conflist) > 0: t = conflist.pop(0) total_in += t["amount"] inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) if total_in <= amount + fee: while total_in <= (amount + fee) and len(unconflist) > 0: t = unconflist.pop(0) total_in += t["amount"] inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) if total_in <= amount + fee: raise RuntimeError( "Insufficient funds: need %d, have %d" % (amount + fee, total_in)) outputs = {} outputs = OrderedDict([(P2SH_1, total_in - amount - fee), (P2SH_2, amount)]) rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # createrawtransaction constructs a transaction that is ready to be signed. # These transactions don't need to be signed, but we still have to insert the ScriptSig # that will satisfy the ScriptPubKey. completetx = rawtx[0:10] inputnum = 0 for inp in inputs: completetx += rawtx[10 + 82 * inputnum:82 + 82 * inputnum] completetx += SCRIPT_SIG[inp["vout"]] completetx += rawtx[84 + 82 * inputnum:92 + 82 * inputnum] inputnum += 1 completetx += rawtx[10 + 82 * inputnum:] txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(completetx, True) unconflist.append( {"txid": txid, "vout": 0, "amount": total_in - amount - fee}) unconflist.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 1, "amount": amount}) return (completetx, fee) def split_inputs(from_node, txins, txouts, initial_split=False): ''' We need to generate a lot of very small inputs so we can generate a ton of transactions and they will have low priority. This function takes an input from txins, and creates and sends a transaction which splits the value into 2 outputs which are appended to txouts. ''' prevtxout = txins.pop() inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": prevtxout["txid"], "vout": prevtxout["vout"]}) half_change = satoshi_round(prevtxout["amount"] / 2) rem_change = prevtxout["amount"] - half_change - Decimal("0.00001000") outputs = OrderedDict([(P2SH_1, half_change), (P2SH_2, rem_change)]) rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) # If this is the initial split we actually need to sign the transaction # Otherwise we just need to insert the property ScriptSig if (initial_split): completetx = from_node.signrawtransaction( rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] else: completetx = rawtx[0:82] + SCRIPT_SIG[prevtxout["vout"]] + rawtx[84:] txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(completetx, True) txouts.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 0, "amount": half_change}) txouts.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 1, "amount": rem_change}) def check_estimates(node, fees_seen, max_invalid, print_estimates=True): ''' This function calls estimatefee and verifies that the estimates meet certain invariants. ''' all_estimates = [node.estimatefee(i) for i in range(1, 26)] if print_estimates: - print([str(all_estimates[e - 1]) for e in [1, 2, 3, 6, 15, 25]]) + log.info([str(all_estimates[e - 1]) + for e in [1, 2, 3, 6, 15, 25]]) delta = 1.0e-6 # account for rounding error last_e = max(fees_seen) for e in [x for x in all_estimates if x >= 0]: # Estimates should be within the bounds of what transactions fees # actually were: if float(e) + delta < min(fees_seen) or float(e) - delta > max(fees_seen): raise AssertionError("Estimated fee (%f) out of range (%f,%f)" % (float(e), min(fees_seen), max(fees_seen))) # Estimates should be monotonically decreasing if float(e) - delta > last_e: raise AssertionError("Estimated fee (%f) larger than last fee (%f) for lower number of confirms" % (float(e), float(last_e))) last_e = e valid_estimate = False invalid_estimates = 0 for i, e in enumerate(all_estimates): # estimate is for i+1 if e >= 0: valid_estimate = True # estimatesmartfee should return the same result assert_equal(node.estimatesmartfee(i + 1)["feerate"], e) else: invalid_estimates += 1 # estimatesmartfee should still be valid approx_estimate = node.estimatesmartfee(i + 1)["feerate"] answer_found = node.estimatesmartfee(i + 1)["blocks"] assert(approx_estimate > 0) assert(answer_found > i + 1) # Once we're at a high enough confirmation count that we can give an estimate # We should have estimates for all higher confirmation counts if valid_estimate: raise AssertionError( "Invalid estimate appears at higher confirm count than valid estimate") # Check on the expected number of different confirmation counts # that we might not have valid estimates for if invalid_estimates > max_invalid: raise AssertionError( "More than (%d) invalid estimates" % (max_invalid)) return all_estimates class EstimateFeeTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 3 self.setup_clean_chain = False def setup_network(self): ''' We'll setup the network to have 3 nodes that all mine with different parameters. But first we need to use one node to create a lot of small low priority outputs which we will use to generate our transactions. ''' self.nodes = [] # Use node0 to mine blocks for input splitting self.nodes.append( start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-maxorphantx=1000", "-whitelist="])) - print("This test is time consuming, please be patient") - print( + self.log.info("This test is time consuming, please be patient") + self.log.info( "Splitting inputs to small size so we can generate low priority tx's") self.txouts = [] self.txouts2 = [] # Split a coinbase into two transaction puzzle outputs split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.nodes[ 0].listunspent(0), self.txouts, True) # Mine while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0): self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Repeatedly split those 2 outputs, doubling twice for each rep # Use txouts to monitor the available utxo, since these won't be # tracked in wallet reps = 0 while (reps < 5): # Double txouts to txouts2 while (len(self.txouts) > 0): split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.txouts, self.txouts2) while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0): self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Double txouts2 to txouts while (len(self.txouts2) > 0): split_inputs(self.nodes[0], self.txouts2, self.txouts) while (len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) > 0): self.nodes[0].generate(1) reps += 1 - print("Finished splitting") + self.log.info("Finished splitting") # Now we can connect the other nodes, didn't want to connect them earlier # so the estimates would not be affected by the splitting transactions # Node1 mines small blocks but that are bigger than the expected transaction rate, # and allows free transactions. # NOTE: the CreateNewBlock code starts counting block size at 1,000 bytes, # (17k is room enough for 110 or so transactions) self.nodes.append(start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, ["-blockprioritysize=1500", "-blockmaxsize=17000", - "-maxorphantx=1000", "-debug=estimatefee"], + "-maxorphantx=1000"], stderr_checker=OutputChecker())) connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 0) # Node2 is a stingy miner, that # produces too small blocks (room for only 55 or so transactions) node2args = ["-blockprioritysize=0", "-blockmaxsize=8000", "-maxorphantx=1000"] self.nodes.append( start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir, node2args, stderr_checker=OutputChecker())) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 2) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 1) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def transact_and_mine(self, numblocks, mining_node): min_fee = Decimal("0.00001") # We will now mine numblocks blocks generating on average 100 transactions between each block # We shuffle our confirmed txout set before each set of transactions # small_txpuzzle_randfee will use the transactions that have inputs already in the chain when possible # resorting to tx's that depend on the mempool when those run out for i in range(numblocks): random.shuffle(self.confutxo) for j in range(random.randrange(100 - 50, 100 + 50)): from_index = random.randint(1, 2) (txhex, fee) = small_txpuzzle_randfee(self.nodes[ from_index], self.confutxo, self.memutxo, Decimal("0.005"), min_fee, min_fee) tx_kbytes = (len(txhex) // 2) / 1000.0 self.fees_per_kb.append(float(fee) / tx_kbytes) sync_mempools(self.nodes[0:3], wait=.1) mined = mining_node.getblock( mining_node.generate(1)[0], True)["tx"] sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3], wait=.1) # update which txouts are confirmed newmem = [] for utx in self.memutxo: if utx["txid"] in mined: self.confutxo.append(utx) else: newmem.append(utx) self.memutxo = newmem def run_test(self): + # Make log handler available to helper functions + global log + log = self.log + self.fees_per_kb = [] self.memutxo = [] self.confutxo = self.txouts # Start with the set of confirmed txouts after splitting - print("Will output estimates for 1/2/3/6/15/25 blocks") + self.log.info("Will output estimates for 1/2/3/6/15/25 blocks") for i in range(2): - print( + self.log.info( "Creating transactions and mining them with a block size that can't keep up") # Create transactions and mine 10 small blocks with node 2, but # create txs faster than we can mine self.transact_and_mine(10, self.nodes[2]) check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 14) - print( + self.log.info( "Creating transactions and mining them at a block size that is just big enough") # Generate transactions while mining 10 more blocks, this time with node1 # which mines blocks with capacity just above the rate that # transactions are being created self.transact_and_mine(10, self.nodes[1]) check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 2) # Finish by mining a normal-sized block: while len(self.nodes[1].getrawmempool()) > 0: self.nodes[1].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes[0:3], wait=.1) - print("Final estimates after emptying mempools") + self.log.info("Final estimates after emptying mempools") check_estimates(self.nodes[1], self.fees_per_kb, 2) if __name__ == '__main__': EstimateFeeTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/blockstore.py b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/blockstore.py index 28a6b92b81..e4ff7bd86f 100644 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/blockstore.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/blockstore.py @@ -1,164 +1,170 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # BlockStore: a helper class that keeps a map of blocks and implements # helper functions for responding to getheaders and getdata, # and for constructing a getheaders message # from .mininode import * from io import BytesIO import dbm.dumb as dbmd +logger = logging.getLogger("TestFramework.blockstore") + + class BlockStore(object): + def __init__(self, datadir): self.blockDB = dbmd.open(datadir + "/blocks", 'c') self.currentBlock = 0 self.headers_map = dict() def close(self): self.blockDB.close() def erase(self, blockhash): del self.blockDB[repr(blockhash)] # lookup an entry and return the item as raw bytes def get(self, blockhash): value = None try: value = self.blockDB[repr(blockhash)] except KeyError: return None return value # lookup an entry and return it as a CBlock def get_block(self, blockhash): ret = None serialized_block = self.get(blockhash) if serialized_block is not None: f = BytesIO(serialized_block) ret = CBlock() ret.deserialize(f) ret.calc_sha256() return ret def get_header(self, blockhash): try: return self.headers_map[blockhash] except KeyError: return None # Note: this pulls full blocks out of the database just to retrieve # the headers -- perhaps we could keep a separate data structure # to avoid this overhead. def headers_for(self, locator, hash_stop, current_tip=None): if current_tip is None: current_tip = self.currentBlock current_block_header = self.get_header(current_tip) if current_block_header is None: return None response = msg_headers() - headersList = [ current_block_header ] + headersList = [current_block_header] maxheaders = 2000 while (headersList[0].sha256 not in locator.vHave): prevBlockHash = headersList[0].hashPrevBlock prevBlockHeader = self.get_header(prevBlockHash) if prevBlockHeader is not None: headersList.insert(0, prevBlockHeader) else: break - headersList = headersList[:maxheaders] # truncate if we have too many + headersList = headersList[:maxheaders] # truncate if we have too many hashList = [x.sha256 for x in headersList] index = len(headersList) if (hash_stop in hashList): - index = hashList.index(hash_stop)+1 + index = hashList.index(hash_stop) + 1 response.headers = headersList[:index] return response def add_block(self, block): block.calc_sha256() try: self.blockDB[repr(block.sha256)] = bytes(block.serialize()) except TypeError as e: - print("Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0], e.args) + logger.exception("Unexpected error") self.currentBlock = block.sha256 self.headers_map[block.sha256] = CBlockHeader(block) def add_header(self, header): self.headers_map[header.sha256] = header # lookup the hashes in "inv", and return p2p messages for delivering # blocks found. def get_blocks(self, inv): responses = [] for i in inv: - if (i.type == 2): # MSG_BLOCK + if (i.type == 2): # MSG_BLOCK data = self.get(i.hash) if data is not None: # Use msg_generic to avoid re-serialization responses.append(msg_generic(b"block", data)) return responses def get_locator(self, current_tip=None): if current_tip is None: current_tip = self.currentBlock r = [] counter = 0 step = 1 lastBlock = self.get_block(current_tip) while lastBlock is not None: r.append(lastBlock.hashPrevBlock) for i in range(step): lastBlock = self.get_block(lastBlock.hashPrevBlock) if lastBlock is None: break counter += 1 if counter > 10: step *= 2 locator = CBlockLocator() locator.vHave = r return locator + class TxStore(object): + def __init__(self, datadir): self.txDB = dbmd.open(datadir + "/transactions", 'c') def close(self): self.txDB.close() # lookup an entry and return the item as raw bytes def get(self, txhash): value = None try: value = self.txDB[repr(txhash)] except KeyError: return None return value def get_transaction(self, txhash): ret = None serialized_tx = self.get(txhash) if serialized_tx is not None: f = BytesIO(serialized_tx) ret = CTransaction() ret.deserialize(f) ret.calc_sha256() return ret def add_transaction(self, tx): tx.calc_sha256() try: self.txDB[repr(tx.sha256)] = bytes(tx.serialize()) except TypeError as e: - print("Unexpected error: ", sys.exc_info()[0], e.args) + logger.exception("Unexpected error") def get_transactions(self, inv): responses = [] for i in inv: - if (i.type == 1): # MSG_TX + if (i.type == 1): # MSG_TX tx = self.get(i.hash) if tx is not None: responses.append(msg_generic(b"tx", tx)) return responses diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/comptool.py b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/comptool.py index d162b22929..6c5d8943a2 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/comptool.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/comptool.py @@ -1,450 +1,449 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from .mininode import * from .blockstore import BlockStore, TxStore from .util import p2p_port +import logging + +logger = logging.getLogger("TestFramework.comptool") + ''' This is a tool for comparing two or more bitcoinds to each other using a script provided. To use, create a class that implements get_tests(), and pass it in as the test generator to TestManager. get_tests() should be a python generator that returns TestInstance objects. See below for definition. ''' # TestNode behaves as follows: # Configure with a BlockStore and TxStore # on_inv: log the message but don't request # on_headers: log the chain tip # on_pong: update ping response map (for synchronization) # on_getheaders: provide headers via BlockStore # on_getdata: provide blocks via BlockStore global mininode_lock class RejectResult(object): ''' Outcome that expects rejection of a transaction or block. ''' def __init__(self, code, reason=b''): self.code = code self.reason = reason def match(self, other): if self.code != other.code: return False return other.reason.startswith(self.reason) def __repr__(self): return '%i:%s' % (self.code, self.reason or '*') class TestNode(NodeConnCB): def __init__(self, block_store, tx_store): NodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.conn = None self.bestblockhash = None self.block_store = block_store self.block_request_map = {} self.tx_store = tx_store self.tx_request_map = {} self.block_reject_map = {} self.tx_reject_map = {} # When the pingmap is non-empty we're waiting for # a response self.pingMap = {} self.lastInv = [] self.closed = False def on_close(self, conn): self.closed = True def add_connection(self, conn): self.conn = conn def on_headers(self, conn, message): if len(message.headers) > 0: best_header = message.headers[-1] best_header.calc_sha256() self.bestblockhash = best_header.sha256 def on_getheaders(self, conn, message): response = self.block_store.headers_for( message.locator, message.hashstop) if response is not None: conn.send_message(response) def on_getdata(self, conn, message): [conn.send_message(r) for r in self.block_store.get_blocks(message.inv)] [conn.send_message(r) for r in self.tx_store.get_transactions(message.inv)] for i in message.inv: if i.type == 1: self.tx_request_map[i.hash] = True elif i.type == 2: self.block_request_map[i.hash] = True def on_inv(self, conn, message): self.lastInv = [x.hash for x in message.inv] def on_pong(self, conn, message): try: del self.pingMap[message.nonce] except KeyError: raise AssertionError( "Got pong for unknown ping [%s]" % repr(message)) def on_reject(self, conn, message): if message.message == b'tx': self.tx_reject_map[message.data] = RejectResult( message.code, message.reason) if message.message == b'block': self.block_reject_map[message.data] = RejectResult( message.code, message.reason) def send_inv(self, obj): mtype = 2 if isinstance(obj, CBlock) else 1 self.conn.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(mtype, obj.sha256)])) def send_getheaders(self): # We ask for headers from their last tip. m = msg_getheaders() m.locator = self.block_store.get_locator(self.bestblockhash) self.conn.send_message(m) def send_header(self, header): m = msg_headers() m.headers.append(header) self.conn.send_message(m) # This assumes BIP31 def send_ping(self, nonce): self.pingMap[nonce] = True self.conn.send_message(msg_ping(nonce)) def received_ping_response(self, nonce): return nonce not in self.pingMap def send_mempool(self): self.lastInv = [] self.conn.send_message(msg_mempool()) # TestInstance: # # Instances of these are generated by the test generator, and fed into the # comptool. # # "blocks_and_transactions" should be an array of # [obj, True/False/None, hash/None]: # - obj is either a CBlock, CBlockHeader, or a CTransaction, and # - the second value indicates whether the object should be accepted # into the blockchain or mempool (for tests where we expect a certain # answer), or "None" if we don't expect a certain answer and are just # comparing the behavior of the nodes being tested. # - the third value is the hash to test the tip against (if None or omitted, # use the hash of the block) # - NOTE: if a block header, no test is performed; instead the header is # just added to the block_store. This is to facilitate block delivery # when communicating with headers-first clients (when withholding an # intermediate block). # sync_every_block: if True, then each block will be inv'ed, synced, and # nodes will be tested based on the outcome for the block. If False, # then inv's accumulate until all blocks are processed (or max inv size # is reached) and then sent out in one inv message. Then the final block # will be synced across all connections, and the outcome of the final # block will be tested. # sync_every_tx: analogous to behavior for sync_every_block, except if outcome # on the final tx is None, then contents of entire mempool are compared # across all connections. (If outcome of final tx is specified as true # or false, then only the last tx is tested against outcome.) class TestInstance(object): def __init__(self, objects=None, sync_every_block=True, sync_every_tx=False): self.blocks_and_transactions = objects if objects else [] self.sync_every_block = sync_every_block self.sync_every_tx = sync_every_tx class TestManager(object): def __init__(self, testgen, datadir): self.test_generator = testgen self.connections = [] self.test_nodes = [] self.block_store = BlockStore(datadir) self.tx_store = TxStore(datadir) self.ping_counter = 1 def add_all_connections(self, nodes): for i in range(len(nodes)): # Create a p2p connection to each node test_node = TestNode(self.block_store, self.tx_store) self.test_nodes.append(test_node) self.connections.append( NodeConn('', p2p_port(i), nodes[i], test_node)) # Make sure the TestNode (callback class) has a reference to its # associated NodeConn test_node.add_connection(self.connections[-1]) def clear_all_connections(self): self.connections = [] self.test_nodes = [] def wait_for_disconnections(self): def disconnected(): return all(node.closed for node in self.test_nodes) return wait_until(disconnected, timeout=10) def wait_for_verack(self): def veracked(): return all(node.verack_received for node in self.test_nodes) return wait_until(veracked, timeout=10) def wait_for_pings(self, counter): def received_pongs(): return all(node.received_ping_response(counter) for node in self.test_nodes) return wait_until(received_pongs) # sync_blocks: Wait for all connections to request the blockhash given # then send get_headers to find out the tip of each node, and synchronize # the response by using a ping (and waiting for pong with same nonce). def sync_blocks(self, blockhash, num_blocks): def blocks_requested(): return all( blockhash in node.block_request_map and node.block_request_map[ blockhash] for node in self.test_nodes ) # --> error if not requested if not wait_until(blocks_requested, attempts=20 * num_blocks): - # print [ c.cb.block_request_map for c in self.connections ] raise AssertionError("Not all nodes requested block") # Send getheaders message [c.cb.send_getheaders() for c in self.connections] # Send ping and wait for response -- synchronization hack [c.cb.send_ping(self.ping_counter) for c in self.connections] self.wait_for_pings(self.ping_counter) self.ping_counter += 1 # Analogous to sync_block (see above) def sync_transaction(self, txhash, num_events): # Wait for nodes to request transaction (50ms sleep * 20 tries * # num_events) def transaction_requested(): return all( txhash in node.tx_request_map and node.tx_request_map[txhash] for node in self.test_nodes ) # --> error if not requested if not wait_until(transaction_requested, attempts=20 * num_events): - # print [ c.cb.tx_request_map for c in self.connections ] raise AssertionError("Not all nodes requested transaction") # Get the mempool [c.cb.send_mempool() for c in self.connections] # Send ping and wait for response -- synchronization hack [c.cb.send_ping(self.ping_counter) for c in self.connections] self.wait_for_pings(self.ping_counter) self.ping_counter += 1 # Sort inv responses from each node with mininode_lock: [c.cb.lastInv.sort() for c in self.connections] # Verify that the tip of each connection all agree with each other, and # with the expected outcome (if given) def check_results(self, blockhash, outcome): with mininode_lock: for c in self.connections: if outcome is None: if c.cb.bestblockhash != self.connections[0].cb.bestblockhash: return False elif isinstance(outcome, RejectResult): # Check that block was rejected w/ code if c.cb.bestblockhash == blockhash: return False if blockhash not in c.cb.block_reject_map: - print('Block not in reject map: %064x' % (blockhash)) + logger.error( + 'Block not in reject map: %064x' % (blockhash)) return False if not outcome.match(c.cb.block_reject_map[blockhash]): - print('Block rejected with %s instead of expected %s: %064x' % - (c.cb.block_reject_map[blockhash], outcome, blockhash)) + logger.error('Block rejected with %s instead of expected %s: %064x' % + (c.cb.block_reject_map[blockhash], outcome, blockhash)) return False elif ((c.cb.bestblockhash == blockhash) != outcome): - # print c.cb.bestblockhash, blockhash, outcome return False return True # Either check that the mempools all agree with each other, or that # txhash's presence in the mempool matches the outcome specified. # This is somewhat of a strange comparison, in that we're either comparing # a particular tx to an outcome, or the entire mempools altogether; # perhaps it would be useful to add the ability to check explicitly that # a particular tx's existence in the mempool is the same across all nodes. def check_mempool(self, txhash, outcome): with mininode_lock: for c in self.connections: if outcome is None: # Make sure the mempools agree with each other if c.cb.lastInv != self.connections[0].cb.lastInv: - # print c.rpc.getrawmempool() return False elif isinstance(outcome, RejectResult): # Check that tx was rejected w/ code if txhash in c.cb.lastInv: return False if txhash not in c.cb.tx_reject_map: - print('Tx not in reject map: %064x' % (txhash)) + logger.error('Tx not in reject map: %064x' % (txhash)) return False if not outcome.match(c.cb.tx_reject_map[txhash]): - print('Tx rejected with %s instead of expected %s: %064x' % - (c.cb.tx_reject_map[txhash], outcome, txhash)) + logger.error('Tx rejected with %s instead of expected %s: %064x' % + (c.cb.tx_reject_map[txhash], outcome, txhash)) return False elif ((txhash in c.cb.lastInv) != outcome): - # print c.rpc.getrawmempool(), c.cb.lastInv return False return True def run(self): # Wait until verack is received self.wait_for_verack() test_number = 1 for test_instance in self.test_generator.get_tests(): # We use these variables to keep track of the last block # and last transaction in the tests, which are used # if we're not syncing on every block or every tx. [block, block_outcome, tip] = [None, None, None] [tx, tx_outcome] = [None, None] invqueue = [] for test_obj in test_instance.blocks_and_transactions: b_or_t = test_obj[0] outcome = test_obj[1] # Determine if we're dealing with a block or tx if isinstance(b_or_t, CBlock): # Block test runner block = b_or_t block_outcome = outcome tip = block.sha256 # each test_obj can have an optional third argument # to specify the tip we should compare with # (default is to use the block being tested) if len(test_obj) >= 3: tip = test_obj[2] # Add to shared block_store, set as current block # If there was an open getdata request for the block # previously, and we didn't have an entry in the # block_store, then immediately deliver, because the # node wouldn't send another getdata request while # the earlier one is outstanding. first_block_with_hash = True if self.block_store.get(block.sha256) is not None: first_block_with_hash = False with mininode_lock: self.block_store.add_block(block) for c in self.connections: if first_block_with_hash and block.sha256 in c.cb.block_request_map and c.cb.block_request_map[block.sha256] == True: # There was a previous request for this block hash # Most likely, we delivered a header for this block # but never had the block to respond to the # getdata c.send_message(msg_block(block)) else: c.cb.block_request_map[block.sha256] = False # Either send inv's to each node and sync, or add # to invqueue for later inv'ing. if (test_instance.sync_every_block): # if we expect success, send inv and sync every block # if we expect failure, just push the block and see # what happens. if outcome == True: [c.cb.send_inv(block) for c in self.connections] self.sync_blocks(block.sha256, 1) else: [c.send_message(msg_block(block)) for c in self.connections] [c.cb.send_ping(self.ping_counter) for c in self.connections] self.wait_for_pings(self.ping_counter) self.ping_counter += 1 if (not self.check_results(tip, outcome)): raise AssertionError( "Test failed at test %d" % test_number) else: invqueue.append(CInv(2, block.sha256)) elif isinstance(b_or_t, CBlockHeader): block_header = b_or_t self.block_store.add_header(block_header) [c.cb.send_header(block_header) for c in self.connections] else: # Tx test runner assert(isinstance(b_or_t, CTransaction)) tx = b_or_t tx_outcome = outcome # Add to shared tx store and clear map entry with mininode_lock: self.tx_store.add_transaction(tx) for c in self.connections: c.cb.tx_request_map[tx.sha256] = False # Again, either inv to all nodes or save for later if (test_instance.sync_every_tx): [c.cb.send_inv(tx) for c in self.connections] self.sync_transaction(tx.sha256, 1) if (not self.check_mempool(tx.sha256, outcome)): raise AssertionError( "Test failed at test %d" % test_number) else: invqueue.append(CInv(1, tx.sha256)) # Ensure we're not overflowing the inv queue if len(invqueue) == MAX_INV_SZ: [c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections] invqueue = [] # Do final sync if we weren't syncing on every block or every tx. if (not test_instance.sync_every_block and block is not None): if len(invqueue) > 0: [c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections] invqueue = [] self.sync_blocks( block.sha256, len(test_instance.blocks_and_transactions)) if (not self.check_results(tip, block_outcome)): raise AssertionError( "Block test failed at test %d" % test_number) if (not test_instance.sync_every_tx and tx is not None): if len(invqueue) > 0: [c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections] invqueue = [] self.sync_transaction( tx.sha256, len(test_instance.blocks_and_transactions)) if (not self.check_mempool(tx.sha256, tx_outcome)): raise AssertionError( "Mempool test failed at test %d" % test_number) - print("Test %d: PASS" % - test_number, [c.rpc.getblockcount() for c in self.connections]) + logger.info("Test %d: PASS" % test_number) test_number += 1 [c.disconnect_node() for c in self.connections] self.wait_for_disconnections() self.block_store.close() self.tx_store.close() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/mininode.py b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/mininode.py index ae6e6922d8..ff422b2c1e 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/mininode.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/mininode.py @@ -1,1916 +1,1913 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2010 ArtForz -- public domain half-a-node # Copyright (c) 2012 Jeff Garzik # Copyright (c) 2010-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # mininode.py - Bitcoin P2P network half-a-node # # This python code was modified from ArtForz' public domain half-a-node, as # found in the mini-node branch of http://github.com/jgarzik/pynode. # # NodeConn: an object which manages p2p connectivity to a bitcoin node # NodeConnCB: a base class that describes the interface for receiving # callbacks with network messages from a NodeConn # CBlock, CTransaction, CBlockHeader, CTxIn, CTxOut, etc....: # data structures that should map to corresponding structures in # bitcoin/primitives # msg_block, msg_tx, msg_headers, etc.: # data structures that represent network messages # ser_*, deser_*: functions that handle serialization/deserialization import struct import socket import asyncore import time import sys import random from .util import hex_str_to_bytes, bytes_to_hex_str from io import BytesIO from codecs import encode import hashlib from threading import RLock from threading import Thread import logging import copy from test_framework.siphash import siphash256 from test_framework.cdefs import MAX_BLOCK_SIGOPS_PER_MB BIP0031_VERSION = 60000 MY_VERSION = 70014 # past bip-31 for ping/pong MY_SUBVERSION = b"/python-mininode-tester:0.0.3/" MY_RELAY = 1 # from version 70001 onwards, fRelay should be appended to version messages (BIP37) MAX_INV_SZ = 50000 COIN = 100000000 # 1 btc in satoshis NODE_NETWORK = (1 << 0) NODE_GETUTXO = (1 << 1) NODE_BLOOM = (1 << 2) NODE_WITNESS = (1 << 3) NODE_XTHIN = (1 << 4) NODE_BITCOIN_CASH = (1 << 5) # Howmuch data will be read from the network at once READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 +logger = logging.getLogger("TestFramework.mininode") + # Keep our own socket map for asyncore, so that we can track disconnects # ourselves (to workaround an issue with closing an asyncore socket when # using select) mininode_socket_map = dict() # One lock for synchronizing all data access between the networking thread (see # NetworkThread below) and the thread running the test logic. For simplicity, # NodeConn acquires this lock whenever delivering a message to to a NodeConnCB, # and whenever adding anything to the send buffer (in send_message()). This # lock should be acquired in the thread running the test logic to synchronize # access to any data shared with the NodeConnCB or NodeConn. mininode_lock = RLock() # Serialization/deserialization tools def sha256(s): return hashlib.new('sha256', s).digest() def ripemd160(s): return hashlib.new('ripemd160', s).digest() def hash256(s): return sha256(sha256(s)) def ser_compact_size(l): r = b"" if l < 253: r = struct.pack("B", l) elif l < 0x10000: r = struct.pack(">= 32 return rs def uint256_from_str(s): r = 0 t = struct.unpack("> 24) & 0xFF v = (c & 0xFFFFFF) << (8 * (nbytes - 3)) return v def deser_vector(f, c): nit = deser_compact_size(f) r = [] for i in range(nit): t = c() t.deserialize(f) r.append(t) return r # ser_function_name: Allow for an alternate serialization function on the # entries in the vector (we use this for serializing the vector of transactions # for a witness block). def ser_vector(l, ser_function_name=None): r = ser_compact_size(len(l)) for i in l: if ser_function_name: r += getattr(i, ser_function_name)() else: r += i.serialize() return r def deser_uint256_vector(f): nit = deser_compact_size(f) r = [] for i in range(nit): t = deser_uint256(f) r.append(t) return r def ser_uint256_vector(l): r = ser_compact_size(len(l)) for i in l: r += ser_uint256(i) return r def deser_string_vector(f): nit = deser_compact_size(f) r = [] for i in range(nit): t = deser_string(f) r.append(t) return r def ser_string_vector(l): r = ser_compact_size(len(l)) for sv in l: r += ser_string(sv) return r def deser_int_vector(f): nit = deser_compact_size(f) r = [] for i in range(nit): t = struct.unpack("H", f.read(2))[0] def serialize(self): r = b"" r += struct.pack("H", self.port) return r def __repr__(self): return "CAddress(nServices=%i ip=%s port=%i)" % (self.nServices, self.ip, self.port) MSG_WITNESS_FLAG = 1 << 30 class CInv(object): typemap = { 0: "Error", 1: "TX", 2: "Block", 1 | MSG_WITNESS_FLAG: "WitnessTx", 2 | MSG_WITNESS_FLAG: "WitnessBlock", 4: "CompactBlock" } def __init__(self, t=0, h=0): self.type = t self.hash = h def deserialize(self, f): self.type = struct.unpack(" 21000000 * COIN: return False return True def __repr__(self): return "CTransaction(nVersion=%i vin=%s vout=%s wit=%s nLockTime=%i)" \ % (self.nVersion, repr(self.vin), repr(self.vout), repr(self.wit), self.nLockTime) class CBlockHeader(object): def __init__(self, header=None): if header is None: self.set_null() else: self.nVersion = header.nVersion self.hashPrevBlock = header.hashPrevBlock self.hashMerkleRoot = header.hashMerkleRoot self.nTime = header.nTime self.nBits = header.nBits self.nNonce = header.nNonce self.sha256 = header.sha256 self.hash = header.hash self.calc_sha256() def set_null(self): self.nVersion = 1 self.hashPrevBlock = 0 self.hashMerkleRoot = 0 self.nTime = 0 self.nBits = 0 self.nNonce = 0 self.sha256 = None self.hash = None def deserialize(self, f): self.nVersion = struct.unpack(" 1: newhashes = [] for i in range(0, len(hashes), 2): i2 = min(i + 1, len(hashes) - 1) newhashes.append(hash256(hashes[i] + hashes[i2])) hashes = newhashes return uint256_from_str(hashes[0]) def calc_merkle_root(self): hashes = [] for tx in self.vtx: tx.calc_sha256() hashes.append(ser_uint256(tx.sha256)) return self.get_merkle_root(hashes) def calc_witness_merkle_root(self): # For witness root purposes, the hash of the # coinbase, with witness, is defined to be 0...0 hashes = [ser_uint256(0)] for tx in self.vtx[1:]: # Calculate the hashes with witness data hashes.append(ser_uint256(tx.calc_sha256(True))) return self.get_merkle_root(hashes) def is_valid(self): self.calc_sha256() target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits) if self.sha256 > target: return False for tx in self.vtx: if not tx.is_valid(): return False if self.calc_merkle_root() != self.hashMerkleRoot: return False return True def solve(self): self.rehash() target = uint256_from_compact(self.nBits) while self.sha256 > target: self.nNonce += 1 self.rehash() def __repr__(self): return "CBlock(nVersion=%i hashPrevBlock=%064x hashMerkleRoot=%064x nTime=%s nBits=%08x nNonce=%08x vtx=%s)" \ % (self.nVersion, self.hashPrevBlock, self.hashMerkleRoot, time.ctime(self.nTime), self.nBits, self.nNonce, repr(self.vtx)) class CUnsignedAlert(object): def __init__(self): self.nVersion = 1 self.nRelayUntil = 0 self.nExpiration = 0 self.nID = 0 self.nCancel = 0 self.setCancel = [] self.nMinVer = 0 self.nMaxVer = 0 self.setSubVer = [] self.nPriority = 0 self.strComment = b"" self.strStatusBar = b"" self.strReserved = b"" def deserialize(self, f): self.nVersion = struct.unpack("= 106: self.addrFrom = CAddress() self.addrFrom.deserialize(f) self.nNonce = struct.unpack("= 209: self.nStartingHeight = struct.unpack("= 70001: # Relay field is optional for version 70001 onwards try: self.nRelay = struct.unpack(" class msg_headers(object): command = b"headers" def __init__(self): self.headers = [] def deserialize(self, f): # comment in bitcoind indicates these should be deserialized as blocks blocks = deser_vector(f, CBlock) for x in blocks: self.headers.append(CBlockHeader(x)) def serialize(self): blocks = [CBlock(x) for x in self.headers] return ser_vector(blocks) def __repr__(self): return "msg_headers(headers=%s)" % repr(self.headers) class msg_reject(object): command = b"reject" REJECT_MALFORMED = 1 def __init__(self): self.message = b"" self.code = 0 self.reason = b"" self.data = 0 def deserialize(self, f): self.message = deser_string(f) self.code = struct.unpack("= 209: conn.send_message(msg_verack()) conn.ver_send = min(MY_VERSION, message.nVersion) if message.nVersion < 209: conn.ver_recv = conn.ver_send conn.nServices = message.nServices def on_verack(self, conn, message): conn.ver_recv = conn.ver_send self.verack_received = True def on_inv(self, conn, message): want = msg_getdata() for i in message.inv: if i.type != 0: want.inv.append(i) if len(want.inv): conn.send_message(want) def on_addr(self, conn, message): pass def on_alert(self, conn, message): pass def on_getdata(self, conn, message): pass def on_getblocks(self, conn, message): pass def on_tx(self, conn, message): pass def on_block(self, conn, message): pass def on_getaddr(self, conn, message): pass def on_headers(self, conn, message): pass def on_getheaders(self, conn, message): pass def on_ping(self, conn, message): if conn.ver_send > BIP0031_VERSION: conn.send_message(msg_pong(message.nonce)) def on_reject(self, conn, message): pass def on_open(self, conn): pass def on_close(self, conn): pass def on_mempool(self, conn): pass def on_pong(self, conn, message): pass def on_feefilter(self, conn, message): pass def on_sendheaders(self, conn, message): pass def on_sendcmpct(self, conn, message): pass def on_cmpctblock(self, conn, message): pass def on_getblocktxn(self, conn, message): pass def on_blocktxn(self, conn, message): pass # More useful callbacks and functions for NodeConnCB's which have a single # NodeConn class SingleNodeConnCB(NodeConnCB): def __init__(self): NodeConnCB.__init__(self) self.connection = None self.ping_counter = 1 self.last_pong = msg_pong() def add_connection(self, conn): self.connection = conn # Wrapper for the NodeConn's send_message function def send_message(self, message): self.connection.send_message(message) def send_and_ping(self, message): self.send_message(message) self.sync_with_ping() def on_pong(self, conn, message): self.last_pong = message # Sync up with the node def sync_with_ping(self, timeout=30): def received_pong(): return (self.last_pong.nonce == self.ping_counter) self.send_message(msg_ping(nonce=self.ping_counter)) success = wait_until(received_pong, timeout=timeout) self.ping_counter += 1 return success # The actual NodeConn class # This class provides an interface for a p2p connection to a specified node class NodeConn(asyncore.dispatcher): messagemap = { b"version": msg_version, b"verack": msg_verack, b"addr": msg_addr, b"alert": msg_alert, b"inv": msg_inv, b"getdata": msg_getdata, b"getblocks": msg_getblocks, b"tx": msg_tx, b"block": msg_block, b"getaddr": msg_getaddr, b"ping": msg_ping, b"pong": msg_pong, b"headers": msg_headers, b"getheaders": msg_getheaders, b"reject": msg_reject, b"mempool": msg_mempool, b"feefilter": msg_feefilter, b"sendheaders": msg_sendheaders, b"sendcmpct": msg_sendcmpct, b"cmpctblock": msg_cmpctblock, b"getblocktxn": msg_getblocktxn, b"blocktxn": msg_blocktxn } MAGIC_BYTES = { "mainnet": b"\xe3\xe1\xf3\xe8", "testnet3": b"\xf4\xe5\xf3\xf4", "regtest": b"\xda\xb5\xbf\xfa", } def __init__(self, dstaddr, dstport, rpc, callback, net="regtest", services=NODE_NETWORK, send_version=True): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, map=mininode_socket_map) - self.log = logging.getLogger("NodeConn(%s:%d)" % (dstaddr, dstport)) self.dstaddr = dstaddr self.dstport = dstport self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sendbuf = b"" self.recvbuf = b"" self.ver_send = 209 self.ver_recv = 209 self.last_sent = 0 self.state = "connecting" self.network = net self.cb = callback self.disconnect = False self.nServices = 0 if send_version: # stuff version msg into sendbuf vt = msg_version() vt.nServices = services vt.addrTo.ip = self.dstaddr vt.addrTo.port = self.dstport vt.addrFrom.ip = "" vt.addrFrom.port = 0 self.send_message(vt, True) - print('MiniNode: Connecting to Bitcoin Node IP # ' + dstaddr + ':' - + str(dstport)) + logger.info('Connecting to Bitcoin Node: %s:%d' % + (self.dstaddr, self.dstport)) try: self.connect((dstaddr, dstport)) except: self.handle_close() self.rpc = rpc - def show_debug_msg(self, msg): - self.log.debug(msg) - def handle_connect(self): if self.state != "connected": - self.show_debug_msg("MiniNode: Connected & Listening: \n") + logger.debug("Connected & Listening: \n") self.state = "connected" self.cb.on_open(self) def handle_close(self): - self.show_debug_msg("MiniNode: Closing Connection to %s:%d... " - % (self.dstaddr, self.dstport)) + logger.debug("Closing Connection to %s:%d... " % + (self.dstaddr, self.dstport)) self.state = "closed" self.recvbuf = b"" self.sendbuf = b"" try: self.close() except: pass self.cb.on_close(self) def handle_read(self): try: with mininode_lock: t = self.recv(READ_BUFFER_SIZE) if len(t) > 0: self.recvbuf += t except: pass while True: msg = self.got_data() if msg == None: break self.got_message(msg) def readable(self): return True def writable(self): with mininode_lock: pre_connection = self.state == "connecting" length = len(self.sendbuf) return (length > 0 or pre_connection) def handle_write(self): with mininode_lock: # asyncore does not expose socket connection, only the first read/write # event, thus we must check connection manually here to know when we # actually connect if self.state == "connecting": self.handle_connect() if not self.writable(): return try: sent = self.send(self.sendbuf) except: self.handle_close() return self.sendbuf = self.sendbuf[sent:] def got_data(self): try: with mininode_lock: if len(self.recvbuf) < 4: return None if self.recvbuf[:4] != self.MAGIC_BYTES[self.network]: raise ValueError("got garbage %s" % repr(self.recvbuf)) if self.ver_recv < 209: if len(self.recvbuf) < 4 + 12 + 4: return None command = self.recvbuf[4:4 + 12].split(b"\x00", 1)[0] msglen = struct.unpack( "= 209: th = sha256(data) h = sha256(th) tmsg += h[:4] tmsg += data with mininode_lock: self.sendbuf += tmsg self.last_sent = time.time() def got_message(self, message): if message.command == b"version": if message.nVersion <= BIP0031_VERSION: self.messagemap[b'ping'] = msg_ping_prebip31 if self.last_sent + 30 * 60 < time.time(): self.send_message(self.messagemap[b'ping']()) - self.show_debug_msg("Recv %s" % repr(message)) + logger.debug("Received message from %s:%d: %s" % + (self.dstaddr, self.dstport, repr(message))) self.cb.deliver(self, message) def disconnect_node(self): self.disconnect = True class NetworkThread(Thread): def run(self): while mininode_socket_map: # We check for whether to disconnect outside of the asyncore # loop to workaround the behavior of asyncore when using # select disconnected = [] for fd, obj in mininode_socket_map.items(): if obj.disconnect: disconnected.append(obj) [obj.handle_close() for obj in disconnected] asyncore.loop(0.1, use_poll=True, map=mininode_socket_map, count=1) # An exception we can raise if we detect a potential disconnect # (p2p or rpc) before the test is complete class EarlyDisconnectError(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value) diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/test_framework.py b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/test_framework.py index eba2b6b028..aad27728f3 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/test_framework.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/test_framework.py @@ -1,238 +1,272 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # Base class for RPC testing import logging import optparse import os import sys import shutil import tempfile import traceback from .util import ( initialize_chain, start_nodes, connect_nodes_bi, sync_blocks, sync_mempools, stop_nodes, stop_node, enable_coverage, check_json_precision, initialize_chain_clean, PortSeed, ) from .authproxy import JSONRPCException from .outputchecker import OutputChecker class BitcoinTestFramework(object): def __init__(self): self.num_nodes = 4 self.setup_clean_chain = False self.nodes = None def run_test(self): raise NotImplementedError def add_options(self, parser): pass def setup_chain(self): - print("Initializing test directory " + self.options.tmpdir) + self.log.info("Initializing test directory " + self.options.tmpdir) if self.setup_clean_chain: initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, self.num_nodes) else: initialize_chain( self.options.tmpdir, self.num_nodes, self.options.cachedir) def stop_node(self, num_node): stop_node(self.nodes[num_node], num_node) def setup_nodes(self): ''' Starts up the nodes. ''' return start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir) def setup_network(self, split=False): ''' Sets up network including starting up nodes. ''' self.nodes = self.setup_nodes() # Connect the nodes as a "chain". This allows us # to split the network between nodes 1 and 2 to get # two halves that can work on competing chains. # If we joined network halves, connect the nodes from the joint # on outward. This ensures that chains are properly reorganised. if not split: connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) sync_blocks(self.nodes[1:3]) sync_mempools(self.nodes[1:3]) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 2, 3) self.is_network_split = split self.sync_all() def split_network(self): """ Split the network of four nodes into nodes 0/1 and 2/3. """ assert not self.is_network_split stop_nodes(self.nodes) self.setup_network(True) def sync_all(self): if self.is_network_split: sync_blocks(self.nodes[:2]) sync_blocks(self.nodes[2:]) sync_mempools(self.nodes[:2]) sync_mempools(self.nodes[2:]) else: sync_blocks(self.nodes) sync_mempools(self.nodes) def join_network(self): """ Join the (previously split) network halves together. """ assert self.is_network_split stop_nodes(self.nodes) self.setup_network(False) def main(self): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]") parser.add_option( "--nocleanup", dest="nocleanup", default=False, action="store_true", help="Leave bitcoinds and test.* datadir on exit or error") parser.add_option( "--noshutdown", dest="noshutdown", default=False, action="store_true", help="Don't stop bitcoinds after the test execution") parser.add_option( "--srcdir", dest="srcdir", default=os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../../src"), help="Source directory containing bitcoind/bitcoin-cli (default: %default)") parser.add_option( "--cachedir", dest="cachedir", default=os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../../cache"), help="Directory for caching pregenerated datadirs") parser.add_option( "--tmpdir", dest="tmpdir", default=tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="test"), help="Root directory for datadirs") + parser.add_option("-l", "--loglevel", dest="loglevel", default="INFO", + help="log events at this level and higher to the console. Can be set to DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR or CRITICAL. Passing --loglevel DEBUG will output all logs to console. Note that logs at all levels are always written to the test_framework.log file in the temporary test directory.") parser.add_option( "--tracerpc", dest="trace_rpc", default=False, action="store_true", help="Print out all RPC calls as they are made") parser.add_option( "--portseed", dest="port_seed", default=os.getpid(), type='int', help="The seed to use for assigning port numbers (default: current process id)") parser.add_option("--coveragedir", dest="coveragedir", help="Write tested RPC commands into this directory") self.add_options(parser) (self.options, self.args) = parser.parse_args() # backup dir variable for removal at cleanup self.options.root, self.options.tmpdir = self.options.tmpdir, self.options.tmpdir + \ '/' + str(self.options.port_seed) - if self.options.trace_rpc: - logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, stream=sys.stdout) - if self.options.coveragedir: enable_coverage(self.options.coveragedir) PortSeed.n = self.options.port_seed os.environ['PATH'] = self.options.srcdir + ":" + \ self.options.srcdir + "/qt:" + os.environ['PATH'] check_json_precision() + # Set up temp directory and start logging + os.makedirs(self.options.tmpdir, exist_ok=False) + self._start_logging() + success = False + try: - os.makedirs(self.options.tmpdir, exist_ok=False) self.setup_chain() self.setup_network() self.run_test() success = True except JSONRPCException as e: - print("JSONRPC error: " + e.error['message']) - traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) + self.log.exception("JSONRPC error") except AssertionError as e: - print("Assertion failed: " + str(e)) - traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) + self.log.exception("Assertion failed") except KeyError as e: - print("key not found: " + str(e)) - traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) + self.log.exception("Key error") except Exception as e: - print("Unexpected exception caught during testing: " + repr(e)) - traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) + self.log.exception("Unexpected exception caught during testing") except KeyboardInterrupt as e: - print("Exiting after " + repr(e)) + self.log.warning("Exiting after keyboard interrupt") if not self.options.noshutdown: - print("Stopping nodes") + self.log.info("Stopping nodes") stop_nodes(self.nodes) else: - print("Note: bitcoinds were not stopped and may still be running") + self.log.info( + "Note: bitcoinds were not stopped and may still be running") if not self.options.nocleanup and not self.options.noshutdown and success: - print("Cleaning up") + self.log.info("Cleaning up") shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir) if not os.listdir(self.options.root): os.rmdir(self.options.root) else: - print("Not cleaning up dir %s" % self.options.tmpdir) + self.log.warning("Not cleaning up dir %s" % self.options.tmpdir) if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): # Dump the end of the debug logs, to aid in debugging rare # travis failures. import glob filenames = glob.glob( self.options.tmpdir + "/node*/regtest/debug.log") MAX_LINES_TO_PRINT = 1000 for f in filenames: print("From", f, ":") from collections import deque print("".join(deque(open(f), MAX_LINES_TO_PRINT))) if success: - print("Tests successful") + self.log.info("Tests successful") sys.exit(0) else: - print("Failed") + self.log.error( + "Test failed. Test logging available at %s/test_framework.log", self.options.tmpdir) + logging.shutdown() sys.exit(1) + def _start_logging(self): + # Add logger and logging handlers + self.log = logging.getLogger('TestFramework') + self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) + # Create file handler to log all messages + fh = logging.FileHandler(self.options.tmpdir + '/test_framework.log') + fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) + # Create console handler to log messages to stderr. By default this + # logs only error messages, but can be configured with --loglevel. + ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) + # User can provide log level as a number or string (eg DEBUG). loglevel + # was caught as a string, so try to convert it to an int + ll = int( + self.options.loglevel) if self.options.loglevel.isdigit() else self.options.loglevel.upper() + ch.setLevel(ll) + # Format logs the same as bitcoind's debug.log with microprecision (so + # log files can be concatenated and sorted) + formatter = logging.Formatter( + fmt='%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d000 %(name)s (%(levelname)s): %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + fh.setFormatter(formatter) + ch.setFormatter(formatter) + + # add the handlers to the logger + self.log.addHandler(fh) + self.log.addHandler(ch) + + if self.options.trace_rpc: + rpc_logger = logging.getLogger("BitcoinRPC") + rpc_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) + rpc_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) + rpc_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) + rpc_logger.addHandler(rpc_handler) # Test framework for doing p2p comparison testing, which sets up some bitcoind # binaries: # 1 binary: test binary # 2 binaries: 1 test binary, 1 ref binary # n>2 binaries: 1 test binary, n-1 ref binaries class ComparisonTestFramework(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 2 self.setup_clean_chain = True def add_options(self, parser): parser.add_option("--testbinary", dest="testbinary", default=os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"), help="bitcoind binary to test") parser.add_option("--refbinary", dest="refbinary", default=os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"), help="bitcoind binary to use for reference nodes (if any)") def setup_network(self): self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, - extra_args=[['-debug', '-whitelist=']] * self.num_nodes, + extra_args=[['-whitelist=']] * self.num_nodes, binary=[self.options.testbinary] + [self.options.refbinary] * (self.num_nodes - 1)) diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/util.py b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/util.py index 1244587a95..2711c73164 100644 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/util.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/test_framework/util.py @@ -1,877 +1,878 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Helpful routines for regression testing # import os import sys from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from base64 import b64encode from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_DOWN import json import http.client import random import shutil import subprocess import time import re import errno +import logging from . import coverage from .authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException from .outputchecker import OutputChecker DEFAULT_BITCOIND = 'bitcoind' COVERAGE_DIR = None +logger = logging.getLogger("TestFramework.utils") + # The maximum number of nodes a single test can spawn MAX_NODES = 8 # Don't assign rpc or p2p ports lower than this PORT_MIN = 11000 # The number of ports to "reserve" for p2p and rpc, each PORT_RANGE = 5000 BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT = 60 class PortSeed: # Must be initialized with a unique integer for each process n = None # Set Mocktime default to OFF. # MOCKTIME is only needed for scripts that use the # cached version of the blockchain. If the cached # version of the blockchain is used without MOCKTIME # then the mempools will not sync due to IBD. MOCKTIME = 0 def enable_mocktime(): # For backwared compatibility of the python scripts # with previous versions of the cache, set MOCKTIME # to Jan 1, 2014 + (201 * 10 * 60) global MOCKTIME MOCKTIME = 1388534400 + (201 * 10 * 60) def disable_mocktime(): global MOCKTIME MOCKTIME = 0 def get_mocktime(): return MOCKTIME def enable_coverage(dirname): """Maintain a log of which RPC calls are made during testing.""" global COVERAGE_DIR COVERAGE_DIR = dirname def get_rpc_proxy(url, node_number, timeout=None): """ Args: url (str): URL of the RPC server to call node_number (int): the node number (or id) that this calls to Kwargs: timeout (int): HTTP timeout in seconds Returns: AuthServiceProxy. convenience object for making RPC calls. """ proxy_kwargs = {} if timeout is not None: proxy_kwargs['timeout'] = timeout proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url, **proxy_kwargs) proxy.url = url # store URL on proxy for info coverage_logfile = coverage.get_filename( COVERAGE_DIR, node_number) if COVERAGE_DIR else None return coverage.AuthServiceProxyWrapper(proxy, coverage_logfile) def p2p_port(n): assert(n <= MAX_NODES) return PORT_MIN + n + (MAX_NODES * PortSeed.n) % (PORT_RANGE - 1 - MAX_NODES) def rpc_port(n): return PORT_MIN + PORT_RANGE + n + (MAX_NODES * PortSeed.n) % (PORT_RANGE - 1 - MAX_NODES) def check_json_precision(): """Make sure json library being used does not lose precision converting BTC values""" n = Decimal("20000000.00000003") satoshis = int(json.loads(json.dumps(float(n))) * 1.0e8) if satoshis != 2000000000000003: raise RuntimeError("JSON encode/decode loses precision") def count_bytes(hex_string): return len(bytearray.fromhex(hex_string)) def bytes_to_hex_str(byte_str): return hexlify(byte_str).decode('ascii') def hex_str_to_bytes(hex_str): return unhexlify(hex_str.encode('ascii')) def str_to_b64str(string): return b64encode(string.encode('utf-8')).decode('ascii') def sync_blocks(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same tip. sync_blocks needs to be called with an rpc_connections set that has least one node already synced to the latest, stable tip, otherwise there's a chance it might return before all nodes are stably synced. """ # Use getblockcount() instead of waitforblockheight() to determine the # initial max height because the two RPCs look at different internal global # variables (chainActive vs latestBlock) and the former gets updated # earlier. maxheight = max(x.getblockcount() for x in rpc_connections) start_time = cur_time = time.time() while cur_time <= start_time + timeout: tips = [r.waitforblockheight(maxheight, int(wait * 1000)) for r in rpc_connections] if all(t["height"] == maxheight for t in tips): if all(t["hash"] == tips[0]["hash"] for t in tips): return raise AssertionError("Block sync failed, mismatched block hashes:{}".format( "".join("\n {!r}".format(tip) for tip in tips))) cur_time = time.time() raise AssertionError("Block sync to height {} timed out:{}".format( maxheight, "".join("\n {!r}".format(tip) for tip in tips))) def sync_chain(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same best block """ while timeout > 0: best_hash = [x.getbestblockhash() for x in rpc_connections] if best_hash == [best_hash[0]] * len(best_hash): return time.sleep(wait) timeout -= wait raise AssertionError("Chain sync failed: Best block hashes don't match") def sync_mempools(rpc_connections, *, wait=1, timeout=60): """ Wait until everybody has the same transactions in their memory pools """ while timeout > 0: pool = set(rpc_connections[0].getrawmempool()) num_match = 1 for i in range(1, len(rpc_connections)): if set(rpc_connections[i].getrawmempool()) == pool: num_match = num_match + 1 if num_match == len(rpc_connections): return time.sleep(wait) timeout -= wait raise AssertionError("Mempool sync failed") bitcoind_processes = {} def initialize_datadir(dirname, n): datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(n)) if not os.path.isdir(datadir): os.makedirs(datadir) rpc_u, rpc_p = rpc_auth_pair(n) with open(os.path.join(datadir, "bitcoin.conf"), 'w', encoding='utf8') as f: f.write("regtest=1\n") f.write("rpcuser=" + rpc_u + "\n") f.write("rpcpassword=" + rpc_p + "\n") f.write("port=" + str(p2p_port(n)) + "\n") f.write("rpcport=" + str(rpc_port(n)) + "\n") f.write("listenonion=0\n") return datadir def rpc_auth_pair(n): return 'rpcuser💻' + str(n), 'rpcpass🔑' + str(n) def rpc_url(i, rpchost=None): rpc_u, rpc_p = rpc_auth_pair(i) host = '' port = rpc_port(i) if rpchost: parts = rpchost.split(':') if len(parts) == 2: host, port = parts else: host = rpchost return "http://%s:%s@%s:%d" % (rpc_u, rpc_p, host, int(port)) def wait_for_bitcoind_start(process, url, i): ''' Wait for bitcoind to start. This means that RPC is accessible and fully initialized. Raise an exception if bitcoind exits during initialization. ''' while True: if process.poll() is not None: raise Exception( 'bitcoind exited with status %i during initialization' % process.returncode) try: rpc = get_rpc_proxy(url, i) blocks = rpc.getblockcount() break # break out of loop on success except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED: # Port not yet open? raise # unknown IO error except JSONRPCException as e: # Initialization phase if e.error['code'] != -28: # RPC in warmup? raise # unknown JSON RPC exception time.sleep(0.25) def initialize_chain(test_dir, num_nodes, cachedir): """ Create a cache of a 200-block-long chain (with wallet) for MAX_NODES Afterward, create num_nodes copies from the cache. """ assert num_nodes <= MAX_NODES create_cache = False for i in range(MAX_NODES): if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cachedir, 'node' + str(i))): create_cache = True break if create_cache: + logger.debug("Creating data directories from cached datadir") # Find and delete old cache directories if any exist for i in range(MAX_NODES): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cachedir, "node" + str(i))): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(cachedir, "node" + str(i))) # Create cache directories, run bitcoinds: for i in range(MAX_NODES): datadir = initialize_datadir(cachedir, i) args = [os.getenv("BITCOIND", "bitcoind"), "-server", "-keypool=1", "-datadir=" + datadir, "-discover=0"] if i > 0: args.append("-connect=" + str(p2p_port(0))) bitcoind_processes[i] = subprocess.Popen(args) - if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): - print( - "initialize_chain: bitcoind started, waiting for RPC to come up") + logger.debug("Creating data directories from cached datadir") wait_for_bitcoind_start(bitcoind_processes[i], rpc_url(i), i) - if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): - print("initialize_chain: RPC successfully started") + logger.debug("initialize_chain: RPC successfully started") rpcs = [] for i in range(MAX_NODES): try: rpcs.append(get_rpc_proxy(rpc_url(i), i)) except: sys.stderr.write("Error connecting to " + url + "\n") sys.exit(1) # Create a 200-block-long chain; each of the 4 first nodes # gets 25 mature blocks and 25 immature. # Note: To preserve compatibility with older versions of # initialize_chain, only 4 nodes will generate coins. # # blocks are created with timestamps 10 minutes apart # starting from 2010 minutes in the past enable_mocktime() block_time = get_mocktime() - (201 * 10 * 60) for i in range(2): for peer in range(4): for j in range(25): set_node_times(rpcs, block_time) rpcs[peer].generate(1) block_time += 10 * 60 # Must sync before next peer starts generating blocks sync_blocks(rpcs) # Shut them down, and clean up cache directories: stop_nodes(rpcs) disable_mocktime() for i in range(MAX_NODES): os.remove(log_filename(cachedir, i, "debug.log")) os.remove(log_filename(cachedir, i, "db.log")) os.remove(log_filename(cachedir, i, "peers.dat")) os.remove(log_filename(cachedir, i, "fee_estimates.dat")) for i in range(num_nodes): from_dir = os.path.join(cachedir, "node" + str(i)) to_dir = os.path.join(test_dir, "node" + str(i)) shutil.copytree(from_dir, to_dir) initialize_datadir(test_dir, i) # Overwrite port/rpcport in bitcoin.conf def initialize_chain_clean(test_dir, num_nodes): """ Create an empty blockchain and num_nodes wallets. Useful if a test case wants complete control over initialization. """ for i in range(num_nodes): datadir = initialize_datadir(test_dir, i) def _rpchost_to_args(rpchost): '''Convert optional IP:port spec to rpcconnect/rpcport args''' if rpchost is None: return [] match = re.match('(\[[0-9a-fA-f:]+\]|[^:]+)(?::([0-9]+))?$', rpchost) if not match: raise ValueError('Invalid RPC host spec ' + rpchost) rpcconnect = match.group(1) rpcport = match.group(2) if rpcconnect.startswith('['): # remove IPv6 [...] wrapping rpcconnect = rpcconnect[1:-1] rv = ['-rpcconnect=' + rpcconnect] if rpcport: rv += ['-rpcport=' + rpcport] return rv def locate_bitcoind_binary(): """ Find bitcoind binary if possible. """ bitcoind_binary = os.getenv("BITCOIND", DEFAULT_BITCOIND) if os.path.exists(bitcoind_binary): return bitcoind_binary if os.path.exists(os.path.join('src', DEFAULT_BITCOIND)): bitcoind_binary = os.path.abspath( os.path.join('src', DEFAULT_BITCOIND)) elif bitcoind_binary == 'bitcoind' or not os.path.exists(bitcoind_binary): # If BITCOIND was specified and exists, use it, otherwise look for source. # get_srcdir() already returns an absolute path src_dir_cand = get_srcdir(sys.argv[0]) if src_dir_cand and os.path.exists( os.path.join(src_dir_cand, 'src', DEFAULT_BITCOIND)): bitcoind_binary = os.path.join( src_dir_cand, 'src', DEFAULT_BITCOIND) else: sys.stderr.write("Unable to locate bitcoind for this test.\n") sys.exit(1) return bitcoind_binary def start_node(i, dirname, extra_args=None, rpchost=None, timewait=None, binary=None, stderr_checker=None): """ Start a bitcoind and return RPC connection to it. If stderr_checker is provided, it must be an OutputChecker. Its output_file_obj will be connected to the stderr of the bitcoind process. """ datadir = os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(i)) if binary is None: binary = locate_bitcoind_binary() args = [binary, "-datadir=" + datadir, "-server", "-keypool=1", - "-discover=0", "-rest", "-mocktime=" + str(get_mocktime())] + "-discover=0", "-rest", "-logtimemicros", "-debug", "-mocktime=" + str(get_mocktime())] if extra_args is not None: args.extend(extra_args) if stderr_checker: assert(isinstance(stderr_checker, OutputChecker)) bitcoind_processes[i] = subprocess.Popen(args, universal_newlines=True, stderr=stderr_checker.get_connector()) else: bitcoind_processes[i] = subprocess.Popen(args) - if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): - print("start_node: bitcoind started, waiting for RPC to come up") + logger.debug( + "initialize_chain: bitcoind started, waiting for RPC to come up") url = rpc_url(i, rpchost) wait_for_bitcoind_start(bitcoind_processes[i], url, i) - if os.getenv("PYTHON_DEBUG", ""): - print("start_node: RPC successfully started") + logger.debug("initialize_chain: RPC successfully started") proxy = get_rpc_proxy(url, i, timeout=timewait) if COVERAGE_DIR: coverage.write_all_rpc_commands(COVERAGE_DIR, proxy) return proxy def start_nodes(num_nodes, dirname, extra_args=None, rpchost=None, timewait=None, binary=None, stderr_checkers=None): """ Start multiple bitcoinds, return RPC connections to them stderr_checkers is a list which can contain OutputCheckers or None for each of the nodes. if a test calls start_nodes and provides an OutputChecker for a node, this will be connected to the stderr output of the node. """ if extra_args is None: extra_args = [None for _ in range(num_nodes)] if stderr_checkers is None: stderr_checkers = [None for _ in range(num_nodes)] if binary is None: binary = [None for _ in range(num_nodes)] rpcs = [] try: for i in range(num_nodes): rpcs.append(start_node(i, dirname, extra_args[i], rpchost, timewait=timewait, binary=binary[i], stderr_checker=stderr_checkers[i])) except: # If one node failed to start, stop the others stop_nodes(rpcs) raise return rpcs def log_filename(dirname, n_node, logname): return os.path.join(dirname, "node" + str(n_node), "regtest", logname) def stop_node(node, i): + logger.debug("Stopping node %d" % i) try: node.stop() except http.client.CannotSendRequest as e: - print("WARN: Unable to stop node: " + repr(e)) + logger.exception("Unable to stop node") return_code = bitcoind_processes[i].wait( timeout=BITCOIND_PROC_WAIT_TIMEOUT) assert_equal(return_code, 0) del bitcoind_processes[i] def stop_nodes(nodes): for i, node in enumerate(nodes): stop_node(node, i) assert not bitcoind_processes.values() # All connections must be gone now def set_node_times(nodes, t): for node in nodes: node.setmocktime(t) def connect_nodes(from_connection, node_num): ip_port = "" + str(p2p_port(node_num)) from_connection.addnode(ip_port, "onetry") # poll until version handshake complete to avoid race conditions # with transaction relaying while any(peer['version'] == 0 for peer in from_connection.getpeerinfo()): time.sleep(0.1) def connect_nodes_bi(nodes, a, b): connect_nodes(nodes[a], b) connect_nodes(nodes[b], a) def find_output(node, txid, amount): """ Return index to output of txid with value amount Raises exception if there is none. """ txdata = node.getrawtransaction(txid, 1) for i in range(len(txdata["vout"])): if txdata["vout"][i]["value"] == amount: return i raise RuntimeError( "find_output txid %s : %s not found" % (txid, str(amount))) def gather_inputs(from_node, amount_needed, confirmations_required=1): """ Return a random set of unspent txouts that are enough to pay amount_needed """ assert(confirmations_required >= 0) utxo = from_node.listunspent(confirmations_required) random.shuffle(utxo) inputs = [] total_in = Decimal("0.00000000") while total_in < amount_needed and len(utxo) > 0: t = utxo.pop() total_in += t["amount"] inputs.append( {"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"], "address": t["address"]}) if total_in < amount_needed: raise RuntimeError( "Insufficient funds: need %d, have %d" % (amount_needed, total_in)) return (total_in, inputs) def make_change(from_node, amount_in, amount_out, fee): """ Create change output(s), return them """ outputs = {} amount = amount_out + fee change = amount_in - amount if change > amount * 2: # Create an extra change output to break up big inputs change_address = from_node.getnewaddress() # Split change in two, being careful of rounding: outputs[change_address] = Decimal(change / 2).quantize( Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) change = amount_in - amount - outputs[change_address] if change > 0: outputs[from_node.getnewaddress()] = change return outputs def send_zeropri_transaction(from_node, to_node, amount, fee): """ Create&broadcast a zero-priority transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-txdata) Ensures transaction is zero-priority by first creating a send-to-self, then using its output """ # Create a send-to-self with confirmed inputs: self_address = from_node.getnewaddress() (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount + fee * 2) outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount + fee, fee) outputs[self_address] = float(amount + fee) self_rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) self_signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction( self_rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") self_txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(self_signresult["hex"], True) vout = find_output(from_node, self_txid, amount + fee) # Now immediately spend the output to create a 1-input, 1-output # zero-priority transaction: inputs = [{"txid": self_txid, "vout": vout}] outputs = {to_node.getnewaddress(): float(amount)} rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) return (txid, signresult["hex"]) def random_zeropri_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants): """ Create a random zero-priority transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee) """ from_node = random.choice(nodes) to_node = random.choice(nodes) fee = min_fee + fee_increment * random.randint(0, fee_variants) (txid, txhex) = send_zeropri_transaction(from_node, to_node, amount, fee) return (txid, txhex, fee) def random_transaction(nodes, amount, min_fee, fee_increment, fee_variants): """ Create a random transaction. Returns (txid, hex-encoded-transaction-data, fee) """ from_node = random.choice(nodes) to_node = random.choice(nodes) fee = min_fee + fee_increment * random.randint(0, fee_variants) (total_in, inputs) = gather_inputs(from_node, amount + fee) outputs = make_change(from_node, total_in, amount, fee) outputs[to_node.getnewaddress()] = float(amount) rawtx = from_node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = from_node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") txid = from_node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) return (txid, signresult["hex"], fee) def assert_fee_amount(fee, tx_size, fee_per_kB): """Assert the fee was in range""" target_fee = tx_size * fee_per_kB / 1000 if fee < target_fee: raise AssertionError( "Fee of %s BTC too low! (Should be %s BTC)" % (str(fee), str(target_fee))) # allow the wallet's estimation to be at most 2 bytes off if fee > (tx_size + 2) * fee_per_kB / 1000: raise AssertionError( "Fee of %s BTC too high! (Should be %s BTC)" % (str(fee), str(target_fee))) def assert_equal(thing1, thing2, *args): if thing1 != thing2 or any(thing1 != arg for arg in args): raise AssertionError("not(%s)" % " == ".join(str(arg) for arg in (thing1, thing2) + args)) def assert_greater_than(thing1, thing2): if thing1 <= thing2: raise AssertionError("%s <= %s" % (str(thing1), str(thing2))) def assert_greater_than_or_equal(thing1, thing2): if thing1 < thing2: raise AssertionError("%s < %s" % (str(thing1), str(thing2))) def assert_raises(exc, fun, *args, **kwds): assert_raises_message(exc, None, fun, *args, **kwds) def assert_raises_message(exc, message, fun, *args, **kwds): try: fun(*args, **kwds) except exc as e: if message is not None and message not in e.error['message']: raise AssertionError( "Expected substring not found:" + e.error['message']) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected exception raised: " + type(e).__name__) else: raise AssertionError("No exception raised") def assert_raises_jsonrpc(code, message, fun, *args, **kwds): """Run an RPC and verify that a specific JSONRPC exception code and message is raised. Calls function `fun` with arguments `args` and `kwds`. Catches a JSONRPCException and verifies that the error code and message are as expected. Throws AssertionError if no JSONRPCException was returned or if the error code/message are not as expected. Args: code (int), optional: the error code returned by the RPC call (defined in src/rpc/protocol.h). Set to None if checking the error code is not required. message (string), optional: [a substring of] the error string returned by the RPC call. Set to None if checking the error string is not required fun (function): the function to call. This should be the name of an RPC. args*: positional arguments for the function. kwds**: named arguments for the function. """ try: fun(*args, **kwds) except JSONRPCException as e: # JSONRPCException was thrown as expected. Check the code and message # values are correct. if (code is not None) and (code != e.error["code"]): raise AssertionError( "Unexpected JSONRPC error code %i" % e.error["code"]) if (message is not None) and (message not in e.error['message']): raise AssertionError( "Expected substring not found:" + e.error['message']) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Unexpected exception raised: " + type(e).__name__) else: raise AssertionError("No exception raised") def assert_is_hex_string(string): try: int(string, 16) except Exception as e: raise AssertionError( "Couldn't interpret %r as hexadecimal; raised: %s" % (string, e)) def assert_is_hash_string(string, length=64): if not isinstance(string, str): raise AssertionError("Expected a string, got type %r" % type(string)) elif length and len(string) != length: raise AssertionError( "String of length %d expected; got %d" % (length, len(string))) elif not re.match('[abcdef0-9]+$', string): raise AssertionError( "String %r contains invalid characters for a hash." % string) def assert_array_result(object_array, to_match, expected, should_not_find=False): """ Pass in array of JSON objects, a dictionary with key/value pairs to match against, and another dictionary with expected key/value pairs. If the should_not_find flag is true, to_match should not be found in object_array """ if should_not_find == True: assert_equal(expected, {}) num_matched = 0 for item in object_array: all_match = True for key, value in to_match.items(): if item[key] != value: all_match = False if not all_match: continue elif should_not_find == True: num_matched = num_matched + 1 for key, value in expected.items(): if item[key] != value: raise AssertionError( "%s : expected %s=%s" % (str(item), str(key), str(value))) num_matched = num_matched + 1 if num_matched == 0 and should_not_find != True: raise AssertionError("No objects matched %s" % (str(to_match))) if num_matched > 0 and should_not_find == True: raise AssertionError("Objects were found %s" % (str(to_match))) def satoshi_round(amount): return Decimal(amount).quantize(Decimal('0.00000001'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN) # Helper to create at least "count" utxos # Pass in a fee that is sufficient for relay and mining new transactions. def create_confirmed_utxos(fee, node, count): node.generate(int(0.5 * count) + 101) utxos = node.listunspent() iterations = count - len(utxos) addr1 = node.getnewaddress() addr2 = node.getnewaddress() if iterations <= 0: return utxos for i in range(iterations): t = utxos.pop() inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}) outputs = {} send_value = t['amount'] - fee outputs[addr1] = satoshi_round(send_value / 2) outputs[addr2] = satoshi_round(send_value / 2) raw_tx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signed_tx = node.signrawtransaction( raw_tx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")["hex"] txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signed_tx) while (node.getmempoolinfo()['size'] > 0): node.generate(1) utxos = node.listunspent() assert(len(utxos) >= count) return utxos # Create large OP_RETURN txouts that can be appended to a transaction # to make it large (helper for constructing large transactions). def gen_return_txouts(): # Some pre-processing to create a bunch of OP_RETURN txouts to insert into transactions we create # So we have big transactions (and therefore can't fit very many into each block) # create one script_pubkey script_pubkey = "6a4d0200" # OP_RETURN OP_PUSH2 512 bytes for i in range(512): script_pubkey = script_pubkey + "01" # concatenate 128 txouts of above script_pubkey which we'll insert before # the txout for change txouts = "81" for k in range(128): # add txout value txouts = txouts + "0000000000000000" # add length of script_pubkey txouts = txouts + "fd0402" # add script_pubkey txouts = txouts + script_pubkey return txouts def create_tx(node, coinbase, to_address, amount): inputs = [{"txid": coinbase, "vout": 0}] outputs = {to_address: amount} rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) signresult = node.signrawtransaction(rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") assert_equal(signresult["complete"], True) return signresult["hex"] # Create a spend of each passed-in utxo, splicing in "txouts" to each raw # transaction to make it large. See gen_return_txouts() above. def create_lots_of_big_transactions(node, txouts, utxos, num, fee): addr = node.getnewaddress() txids = [] for _ in range(num): t = utxos.pop() inputs = [{"txid": t["txid"], "vout": t["vout"]}] outputs = {} change = t['amount'] - fee outputs[addr] = satoshi_round(change) rawtx = node.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) newtx = rawtx[0:92] newtx = newtx + txouts newtx = newtx + rawtx[94:] signresult = node.signrawtransaction(newtx, None, None, "NONE|FORKID") txid = node.sendrawtransaction(signresult["hex"], True) txids.append(txid) return txids def mine_large_block(node, utxos=None): # generate a 66k transaction, # and 14 of them is close to the 1MB block limit num = 14 txouts = gen_return_txouts() utxos = utxos if utxos is not None else [] if len(utxos) < num: utxos.clear() utxos.extend(node.listunspent()) fee = 100 * node.getnetworkinfo()["relayfee"] create_lots_of_big_transactions(node, txouts, utxos, num, fee=fee) node.generate(1) def get_bip9_status(node, key): info = node.getblockchaininfo() return info['bip9_softforks'][key] def get_srcdir(calling_script=None): """ Try to find out the base folder containing the 'src' folder. If SRCDIR is set it does a sanity check and returns that. Otherwise it goes on a search and rescue mission. Returns None if it cannot find a suitable folder. """ def contains_src(path_to_check): if not path_to_check: return False else: cand_path = os.path.join(path_to_check, 'src') return os.path.exists(cand_path) and os.path.isdir(cand_path) srcdir = os.environ.get('SRCDIR', '') if contains_src(srcdir): return srcdir # If we have a caller, try to guess from its location where the # top level might be. if calling_script: caller_basedir = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(calling_script))) if caller_basedir != '' and contains_src(os.path.abspath(caller_basedir)): return os.path.abspath(caller_basedir) # Try to work it based out on main module # We might expect the caller to be rpc-tests.py or a test script # itself. mainmod = sys.modules['__main__'] mainmod_path = getattr(mainmod, '__file__', '') if mainmod_path and mainmod_path.endswith('.py'): maybe_top = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(mainmod_path))) if contains_src(os.path.abspath(maybe_top)): return os.path.abspath(maybe_top) # No luck, give up. return None diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/wallet-hd.py b/qa/rpc-tests/wallet-hd.py index 496608a7dc..474bc2fb0f 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/wallet-hd.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/wallet-hd.py @@ -1,90 +1,90 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( start_nodes, start_node, assert_equal, connect_nodes_bi, ) import os import shutil class WalletHDTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.node_args = [['-usehd=0'], ['-usehd=1', '-keypool=0']] def setup_network(self): self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, self.node_args) self.is_network_split = False connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) def run_test(self): tmpdir = self.options.tmpdir # Make sure we use hd, keep masterkeyid masterkeyid = self.nodes[1].getwalletinfo()['hdmasterkeyid'] assert_equal(len(masterkeyid), 40) # Import a non-HD private key in the HD wallet non_hd_add = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() self.nodes[1].importprivkey(self.nodes[0].dumpprivkey(non_hd_add)) # This should be enough to keep the master key and the non-HD key self.nodes[1].backupwallet(tmpdir + "/hd.bak") # self.nodes[1].dumpwallet(tmpdir + "/hd.dump") # Derive some HD addresses and remember the last # Also send funds to each add self.nodes[0].generate(101) hd_add = None num_hd_adds = 300 for i in range(num_hd_adds): hd_add = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() hd_info = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(hd_add) assert_equal(hd_info["hdkeypath"], "m/0'/0'/" + str(i + 1) + "'") assert_equal(hd_info["hdmasterkeyid"], masterkeyid) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(hd_add, 1) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(non_hd_add, 1) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), num_hd_adds + 1) - print("Restore backup ...") + self.log.info("Restore backup ...") self.stop_node(1) os.remove(self.options.tmpdir + "/node1/regtest/wallet.dat") shutil.copyfile( tmpdir + "/hd.bak", tmpdir + "/node1/regtest/wallet.dat") self.nodes[1] = start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir, self.node_args[1]) # connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) # Assert that derivation is deterministic hd_add_2 = None for _ in range(num_hd_adds): hd_add_2 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() hd_info_2 = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(hd_add_2) assert_equal(hd_info_2["hdkeypath"], "m/0'/0'/" + str(_ + 1) + "'") assert_equal(hd_info_2["hdmasterkeyid"], masterkeyid) assert_equal(hd_add, hd_add_2) # Needs rescan self.stop_node(1) self.nodes[1] = start_node( 1, self.options.tmpdir, self.node_args[1] + ['-rescan']) # connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), num_hd_adds + 1) if __name__ == '__main__': WalletHDTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.py b/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.py index 9ae4ee06fb..b384dae1b2 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/wallet.py @@ -1,442 +1,442 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class WalletTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def check_fee_amount(self, curr_balance, balance_with_fee, fee_per_byte, tx_size): """Return curr_balance after asserting the fee was in range""" fee = balance_with_fee - curr_balance assert_fee_amount(fee, tx_size, fee_per_byte * 1000) return curr_balance def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 4 self.extra_args = [['-usehd={:d}'.format(i % 2 == 0)] for i in range(4)] def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args[:3]) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 2) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): # Check that there's no UTXO on none of the nodes assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listunspent()), 0) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[1].listunspent()), 0) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[2].listunspent()), 0) - print("Mining blocks...") + self.log.info("Mining blocks...") self.nodes[0].generate(1) walletinfo = self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo() assert_equal(walletinfo['immature_balance'], 50) assert_equal(walletinfo['balance'], 0) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(101) self.sync_all() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 50) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 0) # Check that only first and second nodes have UTXOs assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].listunspent()), 1) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[1].listunspent()), 1) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[2].listunspent()), 0) # Send 21 BTC from 0 to 2 using sendtoaddress call. self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11) self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 10) walletinfo = self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo() assert_equal(walletinfo['immature_balance'], 0) # Have node0 mine a block, thus it will collect its own fee. self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # Exercise locking of unspent outputs unspent_0 = self.nodes[2].listunspent()[0] unspent_0 = {"txid": unspent_0["txid"], "vout": unspent_0["vout"]} self.nodes[2].lockunspent(False, [unspent_0]) assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "Insufficient funds", self.nodes[ 2].sendtoaddress, self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 20) assert_equal([unspent_0], self.nodes[2].listlockunspent()) self.nodes[2].lockunspent(True, [unspent_0]) assert_equal(len(self.nodes[2].listlockunspent()), 0) # Have node1 generate 100 blocks (so node0 can recover the fee) self.nodes[1].generate(100) self.sync_all() # node0 should end up with 100 btc in block rewards plus fees, but # minus the 21 plus fees sent to node2 assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 100 - 21) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 21) # Node0 should have two unspent outputs. # Create a couple of transactions to send them to node2, submit them through # node1, and make sure both node0 and node2 pick them up properly: node0utxos = self.nodes[0].listunspent(1) assert_equal(len(node0utxos), 2) # create both transactions txns_to_send = [] for utxo in node0utxos: inputs = [] outputs = {} inputs.append({"txid": utxo["txid"], "vout": utxo["vout"]}) outputs[self.nodes[2].getnewaddress("from1")] = utxo["amount"] - 3 raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) txns_to_send.append( self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(raw_tx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID")) # Have node 1 (miner) send the transactions self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txns_to_send[0]["hex"], True) self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txns_to_send[1]["hex"], True) # Have node1 mine a block to confirm transactions: self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 0) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 94) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance("from1"), 94 - 21) # Send 10 BTC normal address = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress("test") fee_per_byte = Decimal('0.001') / 1000 self.nodes[2].settxfee(fee_per_byte * 1000) txid = self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(address, 10, "", "", False) self.nodes[2].generate(1) self.sync_all() node_2_bal = self.check_fee_amount(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), Decimal( '84'), fee_per_byte, count_bytes(self.nodes[2].getrawtransaction(txid))) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), Decimal('10')) # Send 10 BTC with subtract fee from amount txid = self.nodes[2].sendtoaddress(address, 10, "", "", True) self.nodes[2].generate(1) self.sync_all() node_2_bal -= Decimal('10') assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), node_2_bal) node_0_bal = self.check_fee_amount(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), Decimal( '20'), fee_per_byte, count_bytes(self.nodes[2].getrawtransaction(txid))) # Sendmany 10 BTC txid = self.nodes[2].sendmany('from1', {address: 10}, 0, "", []) self.nodes[2].generate(1) self.sync_all() node_0_bal += Decimal('10') node_2_bal = self.check_fee_amount(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), node_2_bal - Decimal( '10'), fee_per_byte, count_bytes(self.nodes[2].getrawtransaction(txid))) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), node_0_bal) # Sendmany 10 BTC with subtract fee from amount txid = self.nodes[2].sendmany('from1', {address: 10}, 0, "", [address]) self.nodes[2].generate(1) self.sync_all() node_2_bal -= Decimal('10') assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), node_2_bal) node_0_bal = self.check_fee_amount(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), node_0_bal + Decimal( '10'), fee_per_byte, count_bytes(self.nodes[2].getrawtransaction(txid))) # Test ResendWalletTransactions: # Create a couple of transactions, then start up a fourth # node (nodes[3]) and ask nodes[0] to rebroadcast. # EXPECT: nodes[3] should have those transactions in its mempool. txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 1) txid2 = self.nodes[1].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), 1) sync_mempools(self.nodes) self.nodes.append( start_node(3, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args[3])) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 3) sync_blocks(self.nodes) relayed = self.nodes[0].resendwallettransactions() assert_equal(set(relayed), {txid1, txid2}) sync_mempools(self.nodes) assert(txid1 in self.nodes[3].getrawmempool()) # Exercise balance rpcs assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getwalletinfo()["unconfirmed_balance"], 1) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getunconfirmedbalance(), 1) # check if we can list zero value tx as available coins # 1. create rawtx # 2. hex-changed one output to 0.0 # 3. sign and send # 4. check if recipient (node0) can list the zero value tx usp = self.nodes[1].listunspent() inputs = [{"txid": usp[0]['txid'], "vout":usp[0]['vout']}] outputs = { self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(): 49.998, self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(): 11.11} rawTx = self.nodes[1].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs).replace( "c0833842", "00000000") # replace 11.11 with 0.0 (int32) decRawTx = self.nodes[1].decoderawtransaction(rawTx) signedRawTx = self.nodes[ 1].signrawtransaction(rawTx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") decRawTx = self.nodes[1].decoderawtransaction(signedRawTx['hex']) zeroValueTxid = decRawTx['txid'] sendResp = self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(signedRawTx['hex']) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(1) # mine a block self.sync_all() unspentTxs = self.nodes[ 0].listunspent() # zero value tx must be in listunspents output found = False for uTx in unspentTxs: if uTx['txid'] == zeroValueTxid: found = True assert_equal(uTx['amount'], Decimal('0')) assert(found) # do some -walletbroadcast tests stop_nodes(self.nodes) extra_args = [["-walletbroadcast=0"] for i in range(3)] self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 2) self.sync_all() txIdNotBroadcasted = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 2) txObjNotBroadcasted = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txIdNotBroadcasted) # mine a block, tx should not be in there self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() # should not be changed because tx was not broadcasted assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), node_2_bal) # now broadcast from another node, mine a block, sync, and check the # balance self.nodes[1].sendrawtransaction(txObjNotBroadcasted['hex']) self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() node_2_bal += 2 txObjNotBroadcasted = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txIdNotBroadcasted) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), node_2_bal) # create another tx txIdNotBroadcasted = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 2) # restart the nodes with -walletbroadcast=1 stop_nodes(self.nodes) self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 2) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.nodes[0].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) node_2_bal += 2 # tx should be added to balance because after restarting the nodes tx # should be broadcastet assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), node_2_bal) # send a tx with value in a string (PR#6380 +) txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), "2") txObj = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txId) assert_equal(txObj['amount'], Decimal('-2')) txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), "0.0001") txObj = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txId) assert_equal(txObj['amount'], Decimal('-0.0001')) # check if JSON parser can handle scientific notation in strings txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), "1e-4") txObj = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txId) assert_equal(txObj['amount'], Decimal('-0.0001')) try: txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), "1f-4") except JSONRPCException as e: assert("Invalid amount" in e.error['message']) else: raise AssertionError("Must not parse invalid amounts") try: self.nodes[0].generate("2") raise AssertionError("Must not accept strings as numeric") except JSONRPCException as e: assert("not an integer" in e.error['message']) # Import address and private key to check correct behavior of spendable unspents # 1. Send some coins to generate new UTXO address_to_import = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(address_to_import, 1) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() # 2. Import address from node2 to node1 self.nodes[1].importaddress(address_to_import) # 3. Validate that the imported address is watch-only on node1 assert(self.nodes[1].validateaddress(address_to_import)["iswatchonly"]) # 4. Check that the unspents after import are not spendable assert_array_result(self.nodes[1].listunspent(), {"address": address_to_import}, {"spendable": False}) # 5. Import private key of the previously imported address on node1 priv_key = self.nodes[2].dumpprivkey(address_to_import) self.nodes[1].importprivkey(priv_key) # 6. Check that the unspents are now spendable on node1 assert_array_result(self.nodes[1].listunspent(), {"address": address_to_import}, {"spendable": True}) # Mine a block from node0 to an address from node1 cbAddr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() blkHash = self.nodes[0].generatetoaddress(1, cbAddr)[0] cbTxId = self.nodes[0].getblock(blkHash)['tx'][0] self.sync_all() # Check that the txid and balance is found by node1 self.nodes[1].gettransaction(cbTxId) # check if wallet or blockchain maintenance changes the balance self.sync_all() blocks = self.nodes[0].generate(2) self.sync_all() balance_nodes = [self.nodes[i].getbalance() for i in range(3)] block_count = self.nodes[0].getblockcount() # Check modes: # - True: unicode escaped as \u.... # - False: unicode directly as UTF-8 for mode in [True, False]: self.nodes[0].ensure_ascii = mode # unicode check: Basic Multilingual Plane, Supplementary Plane # respectively for s in [u'рыба', u'𝅘𝅥𝅯']: addr = self.nodes[0].getaccountaddress(s) label = self.nodes[0].getaccount(addr) assert_equal(label, s) assert(s in self.nodes[0].listaccounts().keys()) self.nodes[0].ensure_ascii = True # restore to default # maintenance tests maintenance = [ '-rescan', '-reindex', '-zapwallettxes=1', '-zapwallettxes=2', # disabled until issue is fixed: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/7463 # '-salvagewallet', ] chainlimit = 6 for m in maintenance: - print("check " + m) + self.log.info("check " + m) stop_nodes(self.nodes) # set lower ancestor limit for later self.nodes = start_nodes(3, self.options.tmpdir, [[m, "-limitancestorcount=" + str(chainlimit)]] * 3) while m == '-reindex' and [block_count] * 3 != [self.nodes[i].getblockcount() for i in range(3)]: # reindex will leave rpc warm up "early"; Wait for it to finish time.sleep(0.1) assert_equal( balance_nodes, [self.nodes[i].getbalance() for i in range(3)]) # Exercise listsinceblock with the last two blocks coinbase_tx_1 = self.nodes[0].listsinceblock(blocks[0]) assert_equal(coinbase_tx_1["lastblock"], blocks[1]) assert_equal(len(coinbase_tx_1["transactions"]), 1) assert_equal(coinbase_tx_1["transactions"][0]["blockhash"], blocks[1]) assert_equal( len(self.nodes[0].listsinceblock(blocks[1])["transactions"]), 0) # ==Check that wallet prefers to use coins that don't exceed mempool li # Get all non-zero utxos together chain_addrs = [ self.nodes[0].getnewaddress(), self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] singletxid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( chain_addrs[0], self.nodes[0].getbalance(), "", "", True) self.nodes[0].generate(1) node0_balance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() # Split into two chains rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction([{"txid": singletxid, "vout": 0}], { chain_addrs[0]: node0_balance / 2 - Decimal('0.01'), chain_addrs[1]: node0_balance / 2 - Decimal('0.01')}) signedtx = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction( rawtx, None, None, "ALL|FORKID") singletxid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(signedtx["hex"]) self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Make a long chain of unconfirmed payments without hitting mempool limit # Each tx we make leaves only one output of change on a chain 1 longer # Since the amount to send is always much less than the outputs, we only ever need one output # So we should be able to generate exactly chainlimit txs for each # original output sending_addr = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() txid_list = [] for i in range(chainlimit * 2): txid_list.append( self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(sending_addr, Decimal('0.0001'))) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['size'], chainlimit * 2) assert_equal(len(txid_list), chainlimit * 2) # Without walletrejectlongchains, we will still generate a txid # The tx will be stored in the wallet but not accepted to the mempool extra_txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress( sending_addr, Decimal('0.0001')) assert(extra_txid not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) assert(extra_txid in [tx["txid"] for tx in self.nodes[0].listtransactions()]) self.nodes[0].abandontransaction(extra_txid) total_txs = len(self.nodes[0].listtransactions("*", 99999)) # Try with walletrejectlongchains # Double chain limit but require combining inputs, so we pass # SelectCoinsMinConf stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, [ "-walletrejectlongchains", "-limitancestorcount=" + str(2 * chainlimit)]) # wait for loadmempool timeout = 10 while (timeout > 0 and len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) < chainlimit * 2): time.sleep(0.5) timeout -= 0.5 assert_equal(len(self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()), chainlimit * 2) node0_balance = self.nodes[0].getbalance() # With walletrejectlongchains we will not create the tx and store it in # our wallet. assert_raises_message(JSONRPCException, "mempool chain", self.nodes[ 0].sendtoaddress, sending_addr, node0_balance - Decimal('0.01')) # Verify nothing new in wallet assert_equal( total_txs, len(self.nodes[0].listtransactions("*", 99999))) if __name__ == '__main__': WalletTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/walletbackup.py b/qa/rpc-tests/walletbackup.py index d640a88d3c..8ebc4f4c11 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/walletbackup.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/walletbackup.py @@ -1,209 +1,206 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ Exercise the wallet backup code. Ported from walletbackup.sh. Test case is: 4 nodes. 1 2 and 3 send transactions between each other, fourth node is a miner. 1 2 3 each mine a block to start, then Miner creates 100 blocks so 1 2 3 each have 50 mature coins to spend. Then 5 iterations of 1/2/3 sending coins amongst themselves to get transactions in the wallets, and the miner mining one block. Wallets are backed up using dumpwallet/backupwallet. Then 5 more iterations of transactions and mining a block. Miner then generates 101 more blocks, so any transaction fees paid mature. Sanity check: Sum(1,2,3,4 balances) == 114*50 1/2/3 are shutdown, and their wallets erased. Then restore using wallet.dat backup. And confirm 1/2/3/4 balances are same as before. Shutdown again, restore using importwallet, and confirm again balances are correct. """ from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from random import randint -import logging -logging.basicConfig( - format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout) class WalletBackupTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 4 # nodes 1, 2,3 are spenders, let's give them a keypool=100 self.extra_args = [ ["-keypool=100"], ["-keypool=100"], ["-keypool=100"], []] # This mirrors how the network was setup in the bash test def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes( self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, self.extra_args) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 3) connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 3) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 3) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def one_send(self, from_node, to_address): if (randint(1, 2) == 1): amount = Decimal(randint(1, 10)) / Decimal(10) self.nodes[from_node].sendtoaddress(to_address, amount) def do_one_round(self): a0 = self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() a1 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress() a2 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress() self.one_send(0, a1) self.one_send(0, a2) self.one_send(1, a0) self.one_send(1, a2) self.one_send(2, a0) self.one_send(2, a1) # Have the miner (node3) mine a block. # Must sync mempools before mining. sync_mempools(self.nodes) self.nodes[3].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) # As above, this mirrors the original bash test. def start_three(self): self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir) self.nodes[1] = start_node(1, self.options.tmpdir) self.nodes[2] = start_node(2, self.options.tmpdir) connect_nodes(self.nodes[0], 3) connect_nodes(self.nodes[1], 3) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 3) connect_nodes(self.nodes[2], 0) def stop_three(self): stop_node(self.nodes[0], 0) stop_node(self.nodes[1], 1) stop_node(self.nodes[2], 2) def erase_three(self): os.remove(self.options.tmpdir + "/node0/regtest/wallet.dat") os.remove(self.options.tmpdir + "/node1/regtest/wallet.dat") os.remove(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/wallet.dat") def run_test(self): - logging.info("Generating initial blockchain") + self.log.info("Generating initial blockchain") self.nodes[0].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.nodes[1].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.nodes[2].generate(1) sync_blocks(self.nodes) self.nodes[3].generate(100) sync_blocks(self.nodes) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 50) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 50) assert_equal(self.nodes[3].getbalance(), 0) - logging.info("Creating transactions") + self.log.info("Creating transactions") # Five rounds of sending each other transactions. for i in range(5): self.do_one_round() - logging.info("Backing up") + self.log.info("Backing up") tmpdir = self.options.tmpdir self.nodes[0].backupwallet(tmpdir + "/node0/wallet.bak") self.nodes[0].dumpwallet(tmpdir + "/node0/wallet.dump") self.nodes[1].backupwallet(tmpdir + "/node1/wallet.bak") self.nodes[1].dumpwallet(tmpdir + "/node1/wallet.dump") self.nodes[2].backupwallet(tmpdir + "/node2/wallet.bak") self.nodes[2].dumpwallet(tmpdir + "/node2/wallet.dump") - logging.info("More transactions") + self.log.info("More transactions") for i in range(5): self.do_one_round() # Generate 101 more blocks, so any fees paid mature self.nodes[3].generate(101) self.sync_all() balance0 = self.nodes[0].getbalance() balance1 = self.nodes[1].getbalance() balance2 = self.nodes[2].getbalance() balance3 = self.nodes[3].getbalance() total = balance0 + balance1 + balance2 + balance3 # At this point, there are 214 blocks (103 for setup, then 10 rounds, then 101.) # 114 are mature, so the sum of all wallets should be 114 * 50 = 5700. assert_equal(total, 5700) # # Test restoring spender wallets from backups # - logging.info("Restoring using wallet.dat") + self.log.info("Restoring using wallet.dat") self.stop_three() self.erase_three() # Start node2 with no chain shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/blocks") shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/chainstate") # Restore wallets from backup shutil.copyfile( tmpdir + "/node0/wallet.bak", tmpdir + "/node0/regtest/wallet.dat") shutil.copyfile( tmpdir + "/node1/wallet.bak", tmpdir + "/node1/regtest/wallet.dat") shutil.copyfile( tmpdir + "/node2/wallet.bak", tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/wallet.dat") - logging.info("Re-starting nodes") + self.log.info("Re-starting nodes") self.start_three() sync_blocks(self.nodes) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), balance0) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), balance1) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), balance2) - logging.info("Restoring using dumped wallet") + self.log.info("Restoring using dumped wallet") self.stop_three() self.erase_three() # start node2 with no chain shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/blocks") shutil.rmtree(self.options.tmpdir + "/node2/regtest/chainstate") self.start_three() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 0) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), 0) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), 0) self.nodes[0].importwallet(tmpdir + "/node0/wallet.dump") self.nodes[1].importwallet(tmpdir + "/node1/wallet.dump") self.nodes[2].importwallet(tmpdir + "/node2/wallet.dump") sync_blocks(self.nodes) assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), balance0) assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), balance1) assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), balance2) if __name__ == '__main__': WalletBackupTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/zapwallettxes.py b/qa/rpc-tests/zapwallettxes.py index 231de4e599..97453f8e63 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/zapwallettxes.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/zapwallettxes.py @@ -1,81 +1,81 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * class ZapWalletTXesTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 3 def setup_network(self, split=False): self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 1) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 1, 2) connect_nodes_bi(self.nodes, 0, 2) self.is_network_split = False self.sync_all() def run_test(self): - print("Mining blocks...") + self.log.info("Mining blocks...") self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generate(101) self.sync_all() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50) txid0 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11) txid1 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 10) self.sync_all() self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() txid2 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 11) txid3 = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[2].getnewaddress(), 10) tx0 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid0) assert_equal(tx0['txid'], txid0) # tx0 must be available (confirmed) tx1 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid1) assert_equal(tx1['txid'], txid1) # tx1 must be available (confirmed) tx2 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid2) assert_equal(tx2['txid'], txid2) # tx2 must be available (unconfirmed) tx3 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid3) assert_equal(tx3['txid'], txid3) # tx3 must be available (unconfirmed) # restart bitcoind self.nodes[0].stop() bitcoind_processes[0].wait() self.nodes[0] = start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir) tx3 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid3) assert_equal(tx3['txid'], txid3) # tx must be available (unconfirmed) self.nodes[0].stop() bitcoind_processes[0].wait() # restart bitcoind with zapwallettxes self.nodes[0] = start_node( 0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-zapwallettxes=1"]) assert_raises(JSONRPCException, self.nodes[0].gettransaction, [txid3]) # there must be a expection because the unconfirmed wallettx0 must be # gone by now tx0 = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txid0) assert_equal(tx0['txid'], txid0) # tx0 (confirmed) must still be available because it was # confirmed if __name__ == '__main__': ZapWalletTXesTest().main() diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/zmq_test.py b/qa/rpc-tests/zmq_test.py index d44881bce8..5b9a82de85 100755 --- a/qa/rpc-tests/zmq_test.py +++ b/qa/rpc-tests/zmq_test.py @@ -1,106 +1,106 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Test ZMQ interface # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * import zmq import struct class ZMQTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.num_nodes = 4 port = 28332 def setup_nodes(self): self.zmqContext = zmq.Context() self.zmqSubSocket = self.zmqContext.socket(zmq.SUB) self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"hashblock") self.zmqSubSocket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b"hashtx") self.zmqSubSocket.connect("tcp://" % self.port) return start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir, extra_args=[ ['-zmqpubhashtx=tcp://' + str(self.port), '-zmqpubhashblock=tcp://' + str(self.port)], [], [], [] ]) def run_test(self): self.sync_all() genhashes = self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() - print("listen...") + self.log.info("listen...") msg = self.zmqSubSocket.recv_multipart() topic = msg[0] assert_equal(topic, b"hashtx") body = msg[1] nseq = msg[2] msgSequence = struct.unpack('