diff --git a/.arclint b/.arclint index fd83acf754..8af34d45bf 100644 --- a/.arclint +++ b/.arclint @@ -1,136 +1,136 @@ { "linters": { "generated": { "type": "generated" }, "clang-format": { "type": "clang-format", "version": "7.0", "bin": ["clang-format-7", "clang-format"], "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp|mm)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "autopep8": { "type": "autopep8", "version": ">=1.3.4", "include": "(\\.py$)" }, "flake8": { "type": "flake8", "include": "(\\.py$)", "flags": [ - "--select=E112,E113,E115,E116,E125,E131,E133,E223,E224,E271,E272,E273,E274,E275,E304,E306,E502,E702,E703,E714,E721,E741,E742,E743,F401,F402,F403,F404,F405,F406,F407,F601,F602,F621,F622,F631,F701,F702,F703,F704,F705,F706,F707,F811,F812,F822,F823,F831,W292,W601,W602,W603,W604,W605" + "--select=E112,E113,E115,E116,E125,E131,E133,E223,E224,E242,E266,E271,E272,E273,E274,E275,E304,E306,E401,E402,E502,E701,E702,E703,E714,E721,E741,E742,E743,E901,E902,F401,F402,F403,F404,F405,F406,F407,F601,F602,F621,F622,F631,F701,F702,F703,F704,F705,F706,F707,F811,F812,F821,F822,F823,F831,W292,W293,W601,W602,W603,W604,W605,W606" ] }, "lint-format-strings": { "type": "lint-format-strings", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "check-doc": { "type": "check-doc", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)" }, "lint-tests": { "type": "lint-tests", "include": "(^src/(rpc/|wallet/)?test/.*\\.(cpp)$)" }, "lint-python-format": { "type": "lint-python-format", "include": "(\\.py$)", "exclude": [ "(^test/lint/lint-python-format\\.py$)" ] }, "phpcs": { "type": "phpcs", "include": "(\\.php$)", "exclude": [ "(^arcanist/__phutil_library_.+\\.php$)" ], "phpcs.standard": "arcanist/phpcs.xml" }, "lint-locale-dependence": { "type": "lint-locale-dependence", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes/|leveldb/|secp256k1/|seeder/|tinyformat.h|univalue/))" ] }, "lint-cheader": { "type": "lint-cheader", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "spelling": { "type": "spelling", "exclude": [ "(^build-aux/m4/)", "(^depends/)", "(^doc/release-notes/)", "(^src/(qt/locale|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^test/lint/dictionary/)" ], "spelling.dictionaries": [ "test/lint/dictionary/english.json" ] }, "lint-assert-with-side-effects": { "type": "lint-assert-with-side-effects", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-include-quotes": { "type": "lint-include-quotes", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-include-guard": { "type": "lint-include-guard", "include": "(^src/.*\\.h$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(crypto/ctaes|secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)", "(^src/tinyformat.h$)" ] }, "lint-include-source": { "type": "lint-include-source", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-stdint": { "type": "lint-stdint", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-source-filename": { "type": "lint-source-filename", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|c|cpp)$)", "exclude": [ "(^src/(secp256k1|univalue|leveldb)/)" ] }, "lint-boost-dependencies": { "type": "lint-boost-dependencies", "include": "(^src/.*\\.(h|cpp)$)" }, "check-rpc-mappings": { "type": "check-rpc-mappings", "include": "(^src/(rpc/|wallet/rpc).*\\.cpp$)" } } } diff --git a/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py b/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py index 6a30342b73..c32fac439e 100755 --- a/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py +++ b/contrib/linearize/linearize-data.py @@ -1,341 +1,339 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # linearize-data.py: Construct a linear, no-fork version of the chain. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # from __future__ import print_function, division import struct import re import os import os.path import sys import hashlib import datetime import time from collections import namedtuple from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify settings = {} -##### Switch endian-ness ##### - def hex_switchEndian(s): """ Switches the endianness of a hex string (in pairs of hex chars) """ pairList = [s[i:i + 2].encode() for i in range(0, len(s), 2)] return b''.join(pairList[::-1]).decode() def uint32(x): return x & 0xffffffff def bytereverse(x): return uint32((((x) << 24) | (((x) << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((x) >> 24))) def bufreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): word = struct.unpack('@I', in_buf[i:i + 4])[0] out_words.append(struct.pack('@I', bytereverse(word))) return b''.join(out_words) def wordreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): out_words.append(in_buf[i:i + 4]) out_words.reverse() return b''.join(out_words) def calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr): hash1 = hashlib.sha256() hash1.update(blk_hdr) hash1_o = hash1.digest() hash2 = hashlib.sha256() hash2.update(hash1_o) hash2_o = hash2.digest() return hash2_o def calc_hash_str(blk_hdr): hash = calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr) hash = bufreverse(hash) hash = wordreverse(hash) hash_str = hexlify(hash).decode('utf-8') return hash_str def get_blk_dt(blk_hdr): members = struct.unpack(" self.maxOutSz): self.outF.close() if self.setFileTime: os.utime(self.outFname, (int(time.time()), self.highTS)) self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.outFn = self.outFn + 1 self.outsz = 0 (blkDate, blkTS) = get_blk_dt(blk_hdr) if self.timestampSplit and (blkDate > self.lastDate): print("New month " + blkDate.strftime("%Y-%m") + " @ " + self.hash_str) self.lastDate = blkDate if self.outF: self.outF.close() if self.setFileTime: os.utime(self.outFname, (int(time.time()), self.highTS)) self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.outFn = self.outFn + 1 self.outsz = 0 if not self.outF: if self.fileOutput: self.outFname = self.settings['output_file'] else: self.outFname = os.path.join( self.settings['output'], "blk{:05d}.dat".format(self.outFn)) print("Output file " + self.outFname) self.outF = open(self.outFname, "wb") self.outF.write(inhdr) self.outF.write(blk_hdr) self.outF.write(rawblock) self.outsz = self.outsz + len(inhdr) + len(blk_hdr) + len(rawblock) self.blkCountOut = self.blkCountOut + 1 if blkTS > self.highTS: self.highTS = blkTS if (self.blkCountOut % 1000) == 0: print('{} blocks scanned, {} blocks written (of {}, {:.1f}% complete)'.format( self.blkCountIn, self.blkCountOut, len(self.blkindex), 100.0 * self.blkCountOut / len(self.blkindex))) def inFileName(self, fn): return os.path.join(self.settings['input'], "blk{:05d}.dat".format(fn)) def fetchBlock(self, extent): '''Fetch block contents from disk given extents''' with open(self.inFileName(extent.fn), "rb") as f: f.seek(extent.offset) return f.read(extent.size) def copyOneBlock(self): '''Find the next block to be written in the input, and copy it to the output.''' extent = self.blockExtents.pop(self.blkCountOut) if self.blkCountOut in self.outOfOrderData: # If the data is cached, use it from memory and remove from the cache rawblock = self.outOfOrderData.pop(self.blkCountOut) self.outOfOrderSize -= len(rawblock) else: # Otherwise look up data on disk rawblock = self.fetchBlock(extent) self.writeBlock(extent.inhdr, extent.blkhdr, rawblock) def run(self): while self.blkCountOut < len(self.blkindex): if not self.inF: fname = self.inFileName(self.inFn) print("Input file " + fname) try: self.inF = open(fname, "rb") except IOError: print("Premature end of block data") return inhdr = self.inF.read(8) if (not inhdr or (inhdr[0] == "\0")): self.inF.close() self.inF = None self.inFn = self.inFn + 1 continue inMagic = inhdr[:4] if (inMagic != self.settings['netmagic']): print("Invalid magic: " + hexlify(inMagic).decode('utf-8')) return inLenLE = inhdr[4:] su = struct.unpack(" : [] []: .onion 0xDDBBCCAA (IPv4 little-endian old pnSeeds format) The output will be two data structures with the peers in binary format: static SeedSpec6 pnSeed6_main[]={ ... } static SeedSpec6 pnSeed6_test[]={ ... } These should be pasted into `src/chainparamsseeds.h`. ''' from base64 import b32decode from binascii import a2b_hex import sys import os import re # ipv4 in ipv6 prefix pchIPv4 = bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff]) # tor-specific ipv6 prefix pchOnionCat = bytearray([0xFD, 0x87, 0xD8, 0x7E, 0xEB, 0x43]) def name_to_ipv6(addr): if len(addr) > 6 and addr.endswith('.onion'): vchAddr = b32decode(addr[0:-6], True) if len(vchAddr) != 16 - len(pchOnionCat): - raise ValueError('Invalid onion {}'.format(s)) + raise ValueError('Invalid onion {}'.format(vchAddr)) return pchOnionCat + vchAddr elif '.' in addr: # IPv4 return pchIPv4 + bytearray((int(x) for x in addr.split('.'))) elif ':' in addr: # IPv6 sub = [[], []] # prefix, suffix x = 0 addr = addr.split(':') for i, comp in enumerate(addr): if comp == '': # skip empty component at beginning or end if i == 0 or i == (len(addr) - 1): continue x += 1 # :: skips to suffix assert(x < 2) else: # two bytes per component val = int(comp, 16) sub[x].append(val >> 8) sub[x].append(val & 0xff) nullbytes = 16 - len(sub[0]) - len(sub[1]) assert((x == 0 and nullbytes == 0) or (x == 1 and nullbytes > 0)) return bytearray(sub[0] + ([0] * nullbytes) + sub[1]) elif addr.startswith('0x'): # IPv4-in-little-endian return pchIPv4 + bytearray(reversed(a2b_hex(addr[2:]))) else: raise ValueError('Could not parse address {}'.format(addr)) def parse_spec(s, defaultport): match = re.match('\[([0-9a-fA-F:]+)\](?::([0-9]+))?$', s) if match: # ipv6 host = match.group(1) port = match.group(2) elif s.count(':') > 1: # ipv6, no port host = s port = '' else: (host, _, port) = s.partition(':') if not port: port = defaultport else: port = int(port) host = name_to_ipv6(host) return (host, port) def process_nodes(g, f, structname, defaultport): g.write('static SeedSpec6 {}[] = {{\n'.format(structname)) first = True for line in f: comment = line.find('#') if comment != -1: line = line[0:comment] line = line.strip() if not line: continue if not first: g.write(',\n') first = False (host, port) = parse_spec(line, defaultport) hoststr = ','.join(('0x{:02x}'.format(b)) for b in host) g.write(' {{{{{}}}, {}}}'.format(hoststr, port)) g.write('\n};\n') def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage: {} '.format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) g = sys.stdout indir = sys.argv[1] g.write('#ifndef BITCOIN_CHAINPARAMSSEEDS_H\n') g.write('#define BITCOIN_CHAINPARAMSSEEDS_H\n') g.write('/**\n') g.write(' * List of fixed seed nodes for the bitcoin network\n') g.write(' * @generated by contrib/seeds/generate-seeds.py\n') g.write(' *\n') g.write(' * Each line contains a 16-byte IPv6 address and a port.\n') g.write( ' * IPv4 as well as onion addresses are wrapped inside an IPv6 address accordingly.\n') g.write(' */\n') with open(os.path.join(indir, 'nodes_main.txt'), 'r') as f: process_nodes(g, f, 'pnSeed6_main', 8333) g.write('\n') with open(os.path.join(indir, 'nodes_test.txt'), 'r') as f: process_nodes(g, f, 'pnSeed6_test', 18333) g.write('#endif // BITCOIN_CHAINPARAMSSEEDS_H\n') if __name__ == '__main__': main() diff --git a/contrib/seeds/makeseeds.py b/contrib/seeds/makeseeds.py index 0ddc50e0ab..f37cbc5b15 100755 --- a/contrib/seeds/makeseeds.py +++ b/contrib/seeds/makeseeds.py @@ -1,198 +1,199 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # # Generate seeds.txt from Pieter's DNS seeder # import collections import dns.resolver -import sys import re +import sys + NSEEDS = 512 MAX_SEEDS_PER_ASN = 2 MIN_BLOCKS = 540000 # These are hosts that have been observed to be behaving strangely (e.g. # aggressively connecting to every node). SUSPICIOUS_HOSTS = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" } PATTERN_IPV4 = re.compile( r"^((\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})):(\d+)$") PATTERN_IPV6 = re.compile(r"^\[([0-9a-z:]+)\]:(\d+)$") PATTERN_ONION = re.compile( r"^([abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567]{16}\.onion):(\d+)$") # Used to only select nodes with a user agent string compatible with the # BCH/UAHF specification. PATTERN_AGENT = re.compile( r"^(/Bitcoin ABC:0.(19).(\d+)\(.+\)/|/bcash:v1.(\d+).(\d+)-(\S+)/)") def parseline(line): sline = line.split() if len(sline) < 11: return None # The user agent is at the end of the line. It may contain space, so we concatenate. for i in range(12, len(sline)): sline[11] += ' ' + sline[i] # Remove leftovers del sline[12:] m = PATTERN_IPV4.match(sline[0]) sortkey = None ip = None if m is None: m = PATTERN_IPV6.match(sline[0]) if m is None: m = PATTERN_ONION.match(sline[0]) if m is None: return None else: net = 'onion' ipstr = sortkey = m.group(1) port = int(m.group(2)) else: net = 'ipv6' # Not interested in localhost if m.group(1) in ['::']: return None ipstr = m.group(1) # XXX parse IPv6 into number, could use name_to_ipv6 from generate-seeds sortkey = ipstr port = int(m.group(2)) else: # Do IPv4 sanity check ip = 0 for i in range(0, 4): if int(m.group(i + 2)) < 0 or int(m.group(i + 2)) > 255: return None ip = ip + (int(m.group(i + 2)) << (8 * (3 - i))) if ip == 0: return None net = 'ipv4' sortkey = ip ipstr = m.group(1) port = int(m.group(6)) # Skip bad results. if sline[1] == 0: return None # Extract uptime %. uptime30 = float(sline[7][:-1]) # Extract Unix timestamp of last success. lastsuccess = int(sline[2]) # Extract protocol version. version = int(sline[10]) # Extract user agent. agent = sline[11][1:-1] # Extract service flags. service = int(sline[9], 16) # Extract blocks. blocks = int(sline[8]) # Construct result. return { 'net': net, 'ip': ipstr, 'port': port, 'ipnum': ip, 'uptime': uptime30, 'lastsuccess': lastsuccess, 'version': version, 'agent': agent, 'service': service, 'blocks': blocks, 'sortkey': sortkey, } def filtermultiport(ips): '''Filter out hosts with more nodes per IP''' hist = collections.defaultdict(list) for ip in ips: hist[ip['sortkey']].append(ip) return [value[0] for (key, value) in list(hist.items()) if len(value) == 1] # Based on Greg Maxwell's seed_filter.py def filterbyasn(ips, max_per_asn, max_total): # Sift out ips by type ips_ipv4 = [ip for ip in ips if ip['net'] == 'ipv4'] ips_ipv6 = [ip for ip in ips if ip['net'] == 'ipv6'] ips_onion = [ip for ip in ips if ip['net'] == 'onion'] # Filter IPv4 by ASN result = [] asn_count = {} for ip in ips_ipv4: if len(result) == max_total: break try: asn = int([x.to_text() for x in dns.resolver.query('.'.join(reversed(ip['ip'].split('.'))) + '.origin.asn.cymru.com', 'TXT').response.answer][0].split('\"')[1].split(' ')[0]) if asn not in asn_count: asn_count[asn] = 0 if asn_count[asn] == max_per_asn: continue asn_count[asn] += 1 result.append(ip) except: sys.stderr.write( 'ERR: Could not resolve ASN for "' + ip['ip'] + '"\n') # TODO: filter IPv6 by ASN # Add back non-IPv4 result.extend(ips_ipv6) result.extend(ips_onion) return result def main(): lines = sys.stdin.readlines() ips = [parseline(line) for line in lines] # Skip entries with valid address. ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip is not None] # Skip entries from suspicious hosts. ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip['ip'] not in SUSPICIOUS_HOSTS] # Enforce minimal number of blocks. ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip['blocks'] >= MIN_BLOCKS] # Require service bit 1. ips = [ip for ip in ips if (ip['service'] & 1) == 1] # Require at least 50% 30-day uptime. ips = [ip for ip in ips if ip['uptime'] > 50] # Require a known and recent user agent. ips = [ip for ip in ips if PATTERN_AGENT.match(ip['agent'])] # Sort by availability (and use last success as tie breaker) ips.sort(key=lambda x: (x['uptime'], x['lastsuccess'], x['ip']), reverse=True) # Filter out hosts with multiple bitcoin ports, these are likely abusive ips = filtermultiport(ips) # Look up ASNs and limit results, both per ASN and globally. ips = filterbyasn(ips, MAX_SEEDS_PER_ASN, NSEEDS) # Sort the results by IP address (for deterministic output). ips.sort(key=lambda x: (x['net'], x['sortkey'])) for ip in ips: if ip['net'] == 'ipv6': print('[{}]:{}'.format(ip['ip'], ip['port'])) else: print('{}:{}'.format(ip['ip'], ip['port'])) if __name__ == '__main__': main() diff --git a/test/functional/abc-finalize-block.py b/test/functional/abc-finalize-block.py index a5c8567682..851d3fc616 100755 --- a/test/functional/abc-finalize-block.py +++ b/test/functional/abc-finalize-block.py @@ -1,319 +1,319 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2018 The Bitcoin developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the finalizeblock RPC calls.""" import time from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_raises_rpc_error, set_node_times, wait_until, ) RPC_FINALIZE_INVALID_BLOCK_ERROR = 'finalize-invalid-block' RPC_FORK_PRIOR_FINALIZED_ERROR = 'bad-fork-prior-finalized' RPC_BLOCK_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 'Block not found' class FinalizeBlockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 3 self.extra_args = [["-finalizationdelay=0"], ["-finalizationdelay=0"], []] self.finalization_delay = 2 * 60 * 60 def run_test(self): node = self.nodes[0] self.mocktime = int(time.time()) self.log.info("Test block finalization...") node.generate(10) tip = node.getbestblockhash() node.finalizeblock(tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), tip) def wait_for_tip(node, tip): def check_tip(): return node.getbestblockhash() == tip wait_until(check_tip) alt_node = self.nodes[1] wait_for_tip(alt_node, tip) alt_node.invalidateblock(tip) # We will use this later fork_block = alt_node.getbestblockhash() # Node 0 should not accept the whole alt_node's chain due to tip being finalized, # even though it is longer. # Headers would not be accepted if previousblock is invalid: # - First block from alt node has same height than node tip, but is on a minority chain. Its # status is "valid-headers" # - Second block from alt node has height > node tip height, will be marked as invalid because # node tip is finalized # - Later blocks from alt node will be rejected because their previous block are invalid # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(218 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210 valid-headers)->(211 invalid)->(212 to 218 dropped) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 finalized, tip) def wait_for_block(node, block, status="invalid"): def check_block(): for tip in node.getchaintips(): if tip["hash"] == block: assert(tip["status"] != "active") return tip["status"] == status return False wait_until(check_block) # First block header is accepted as valid-header alt_node.generate(1) wait_for_block(node, alt_node.getbestblockhash(), "valid-headers") # Second block header is accepted but set invalid alt_node.generate(1) invalid_block = alt_node.getbestblockhash() wait_for_block(node, invalid_block) # Later block headers are rejected for i in range(2, 9): alt_node.generate(1) assert_raises_rpc_error(-5, RPC_BLOCK_NOT_FOUND_ERROR, node.getblockheader, alt_node.getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), tip) self.log.info("Test that an invalid block cannot be finalized...") assert_raises_rpc_error(-20, RPC_FINALIZE_INVALID_BLOCK_ERROR, node.finalizeblock, invalid_block) self.log.info( "Test that invalidating a finalized block moves the finalization backward...") # Node's finalized block will be invalidated, which causes the finalized block to # move to the previous block. # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(218 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(208 auto-finalized)->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210 valid-headers)->(211 invalid)->(212 to 218 dropped) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 finalized)->(210 tip) node.invalidateblock(tip) node.reconsiderblock(tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), fork_block) assert_equal(alt_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), node.getblockheader( node.getfinalizedblockhash())['previousblockhash']) # The node will now accept that chain as the finalized block moved back. # Generate a new block on alt_node to trigger getheader from node # Previous 212-218 height blocks have been droped because their previous was invalid # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(218)->(219 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 auto-finalized)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210)->(211)->(212)-> // ->(218)->(219 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 finalized)->(210) node.reconsiderblock(invalid_block) alt_node_tip = alt_node.generate(1)[-1] wait_for_tip(node, alt_node_tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), alt_node.getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), fork_block) assert_equal(alt_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), fork_block) self.log.info("Trigger reorg via block finalization...") # Finalize node tip to reorg # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(218)->(219 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 auto-finalized)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210 invalid)-> // ->(219 invalid) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 finalized, tip) node.finalizeblock(tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), tip) self.log.info("Try to finalize a block on a competiting fork...") assert_raises_rpc_error(-20, RPC_FINALIZE_INVALID_BLOCK_ERROR, node.finalizeblock, alt_node.getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), tip) self.log.info( "Check auto-finalization occurs as the tip move forward...") # Reconsider alt_node tip then generate some more blocks on alt_node. # Auto-finalization will occur on both chains. # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219 auto-finalized)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219 auto-finalized)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) node.reconsiderblock(alt_node.getbestblockhash()) block_to_autofinalize = alt_node.generate(1)[-1] alt_node_new_tip = alt_node.generate(9)[-1] wait_for_tip(node, alt_node_new_tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), alt_node.getbestblockhash()) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), alt_node_tip) assert_equal(alt_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), alt_node_tip) self.log.info( "Try to finalize a block on an already finalized chain...") # Finalizing a block of an already finalized chain should have no effect block_218 = node.getblockheader(alt_node_tip)['previousblockhash'] node.finalizeblock(block_218) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), alt_node_tip) self.log.info( "Make sure reconsidering block move the finalization point...") # Reconsidering the tip will move back the finalized block on node # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219 auto-finalized)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209 finalized)->(210) node.reconsiderblock(tip) assert_equal(node.getbestblockhash(), alt_node_new_tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), fork_block) - ### TEST FINALIZATION DELAY ### + # TEST FINALIZATION DELAY self.log.info("Check that finalization delay prevents eclipse attacks") # Because there has been no delay since the beginning of this test, # there should have been no auto-finalization on delay_node. # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219 auto-finalized)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On delay_node: # >(210)->(211)-> // ->(219)-> // ->(229 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210) delay_node = self.nodes[2] wait_for_tip(delay_node, alt_node_new_tip) assert_equal(delay_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), str()) self.log.info( "Check that finalization delay does not prevent auto-finalization") # Expire the delay, then generate 1 new block with alt_node to # update the tip on all chains. # Because the finalization delay is expired, auto-finalization # should occur. # # Expected state: # # On alt_node: # >(220 auto-finalized)-> // ->(230 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210 invalid) # # On delay_node: # >(220 auto-finalized)-> // ->(230 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210) self.mocktime += self.finalization_delay set_node_times([delay_node], self.mocktime) new_tip = alt_node.generate(1)[-1] wait_for_tip(delay_node, new_tip) assert_equal(alt_node.getbestblockhash(), new_tip) assert_equal(node.getfinalizedblockhash(), block_to_autofinalize) assert_equal(alt_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), block_to_autofinalize) self.log.info( "Check that finalization delay is effective on node boot") # Restart the new node, so the blocks have no header received time. self.restart_node(2) # There should be no finalized block (getfinalizedblockhash returns an empty string) assert_equal(delay_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), str()) # Generate 20 blocks with no delay. This should not trigger auto-finalization. # # Expected state: # # On delay_node: # >(220)-> // ->(250 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210) blocks = delay_node.generate(20) reboot_autofinalized_block = blocks[10] new_tip = blocks[-1] wait_for_tip(delay_node, new_tip) assert_equal(delay_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), str()) # Now let the finalization delay to expire, then generate one more block. # This should resume auto-finalization. # # Expected state: # # On delay_node: # >(220)-> // ->(241 auto-finalized)-> // ->(251 tip) # / # (200)->(201)-> // ->(209)->(210) self.mocktime += self.finalization_delay set_node_times([delay_node], self.mocktime) new_tip = delay_node.generate(1)[-1] wait_for_tip(delay_node, new_tip) assert_equal(delay_node.getfinalizedblockhash(), reboot_autofinalized_block) if __name__ == '__main__': FinalizeBlockTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/interface_rest.py b/test/functional/interface_rest.py index aa0983a8de..4f0eaf7471 100755 --- a/test/functional/interface_rest.py +++ b/test/functional/interface_rest.py @@ -1,333 +1,333 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test the REST API.""" import binascii from decimal import Decimal from enum import Enum import http.client from io import BytesIO import json from struct import pack, unpack import urllib.parse from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import ( assert_equal, assert_greater_than, assert_greater_than_or_equal, hex_str_to_bytes, ) class ReqType(Enum): JSON = 1 BIN = 2 HEX = 3 class RetType(Enum): OBJ = 1 BYTES = 2 JSON = 3 def filter_output_indices_by_value(vouts, value): for vout in vouts: if vout['value'] == value: yield vout['n'] class RESTTest (BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 self.extra_args = [["-rest"], []] def test_rest_request(self, uri, http_method='GET', req_type=ReqType.JSON, body='', status=200, ret_type=RetType.JSON): rest_uri = '/rest' + uri if req_type == ReqType.JSON: rest_uri += '.json' elif req_type == ReqType.BIN: rest_uri += '.bin' elif req_type == ReqType.HEX: rest_uri += '.hex' conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(self.url.hostname, self.url.port) self.log.debug('{} {} {}'.format(http_method, rest_uri, body)) if http_method == 'GET': conn.request('GET', rest_uri) elif http_method == 'POST': conn.request('POST', rest_uri, body) resp = conn.getresponse() assert_equal(resp.status, status) if ret_type == RetType.OBJ: return resp elif ret_type == RetType.BYTES: return resp.read() elif ret_type == RetType.JSON: return json.loads(resp.read().decode('utf-8'), parse_float=Decimal) def run_test(self): self.url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.nodes[0].url) self.log.info("Mine blocks and send Bitcoin Cash to node 1") # Random address so node1's balance doesn't increase not_related_address = "2MxqoHEdNQTyYeX1mHcbrrpzgojbosTpCvJ" self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress(100, not_related_address) self.sync_all() assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), 50) txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1) self.sync_all() self.nodes[1].generatetoaddress(1, not_related_address) self.sync_all() bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() assert_equal(self.nodes[1].getbalance(), Decimal("0.1")) self.log.info("Load the transaction using the /tx URI") json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/tx/{}".format(txid)) # Get the vin to later check for utxo (should be spent by then) spent = (json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'], json_obj['vin'][0]['vout']) # Get n of 0.1 outpoint n, = filter_output_indices_by_value(json_obj['vout'], Decimal('0.1')) spending = (txid, n) self.log.info("Query an unspent TXO using the /getutxos URI") json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spending)) # Check chainTip response assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash) # Make sure there is one utxo assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) assert_equal(json_obj['utxos'][0]['value'], Decimal('0.1')) self.log.info("Query a spent TXO using the /getutxos URI") json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spent)) # Check chainTip response assert_equal(json_obj['chaintipHash'], bb_hash) # Make sure there is no utxo in the response because this outpoint has # been spent assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0) # Check bitmap assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "0") self.log.info("Query two TXOs using the /getutxos URI") json_obj = self.test_rest_request( "/getutxos/{}-{}/{}-{}".format(*(spending + spent))) assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) assert_equal(json_obj['bitmap'], "10") self.log.info( "Query the TXOs using the /getutxos URI with a binary response") bin_request = b'\x01\x02' for txid, n in [spending, spent]: bin_request += hex_str_to_bytes(txid) bin_request += pack("i", n) bin_response = self.test_rest_request( "/getutxos", http_method='POST', req_type=ReqType.BIN, body=bin_request, ret_type=RetType.BYTES) output = BytesIO(bin_response) chain_height, = unpack("i", output.read(4)) response_hash = binascii.hexlify(output.read(32)[::-1]).decode('ascii') # Check if getutxo's chaintip during calculation was fine assert_equal(bb_hash, response_hash) # Chain height must be 102 assert_equal(chain_height, 102) self.log.info("Test the /getutxos URI with and without /checkmempool") # Create a transaction, check that it's found with /checkmempool, but # not found without. Then confirm the transaction and check that it's # found with or without /checkmempool. # Do a tx and don't sync txid = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(self.nodes[1].getnewaddress(), 0.1) json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/tx/{}".format(txid)) # Get the spent output to later check for utxo (should be spent by then) spent = (json_obj['vin'][0]['txid'], json_obj['vin'][0]['vout']) # Get n of 0.1 outpoint n, = filter_output_indices_by_value(json_obj['vout'], Decimal('0.1')) spending = (txid, n) json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spending)) assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0) json_obj = self.test_rest_request( "/getutxos/checkmempool/{}-{}".format(*spending)) assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spent)) assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) json_obj = self.test_rest_request( "/getutxos/checkmempool/{}-{}".format(*spent)) assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 0) self.nodes[0].generate(1) self.sync_all() json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/{}-{}".format(*spending)) assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) json_obj = self.test_rest_request( "/getutxos/checkmempool/{}-{}".format(*spending)) assert_equal(len(json_obj['utxos']), 1) # Do some invalid requests self.test_rest_request("/getutxos", http_method='POST', req_type=ReqType.JSON, body='{"checkmempool', status=400, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) self.test_rest_request("/getutxos", http_method='POST', req_type=ReqType.BIN, body='{"checkmempool', status=400, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/checkmempool", http_method='POST', req_type=ReqType.JSON, status=400, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) # Test limits - long_uri = '/'.join(["{}-{}".format(txid, n) for n in range(20)]) + long_uri = '/'.join(["{}-{}".format(txid, n_) for n_ in range(20)]) self.test_rest_request("/getutxos/checkmempool/{}".format(long_uri), http_method='POST', status=400, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) - long_uri = '/'.join(['{}-{}'.format(txid, n) for n in range(15)]) + long_uri = '/'.join(['{}-{}'.format(txid, n_) for n_ in range(15)]) self.test_rest_request( "/getutxos/checkmempool/{}".format(long_uri), http_method='POST', status=200) # Generate block to not affect upcoming tests self.nodes[0].generate( 1) self.sync_all() self.log.info("Test the /block and /headers URIs") bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() # Check binary format response = self.test_rest_request( "/block/{}".format(bb_hash), req_type=ReqType.BIN, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) assert_greater_than(int(response.getheader('content-length')), 80) response_bytes = response.read() # Compare with block header response_header = self.test_rest_request( "/headers/1/{}".format(bb_hash), req_type=ReqType.BIN, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) assert_equal(int(response_header.getheader('content-length')), 80) response_header_bytes = response_header.read() assert_equal(response_bytes[0:80], response_header_bytes) # Check block hex format response_hex = self.test_rest_request( "/block/{}".format(bb_hash), req_type=ReqType.HEX, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) assert_greater_than(int(response_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160) response_hex_bytes = response_hex.read().strip(b'\n') assert_equal(binascii.hexlify(response_bytes), response_hex_bytes) # Compare with hex block header response_header_hex = self.test_rest_request( "/headers/1/{}".format(bb_hash), req_type=ReqType.HEX, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) assert_greater_than( int(response_header_hex.getheader('content-length')), 160) response_header_hex_bytes = response_header_hex.read(160) assert_equal(binascii.hexlify( response_bytes[:80]), response_header_hex_bytes) # Check json format block_json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/block/{}".format(bb_hash)) assert_equal(block_json_obj['hash'], bb_hash) # Compare with json block header json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/headers/1/{}".format(bb_hash)) # Ensure that there is one header in the json response assert_equal(len(json_obj), 1) # Request/response hash should be the same assert_equal(json_obj[0]['hash'], bb_hash) # Compare with normal RPC block response rpc_block_json = self.nodes[0].getblock(bb_hash) for key in ['hash', 'confirmations', 'height', 'version', 'merkleroot', 'time', 'nonce', 'bits', 'difficulty', 'chainwork', 'previousblockhash']: assert_equal(json_obj[0][key], rpc_block_json[key]) # See if we can get 5 headers in one response self.nodes[1].generate(5) self.sync_all() json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/headers/5/{}".format(bb_hash)) # Now we should have 5 header objects assert_equal(len(json_obj), 5) self.log.info("Test the /tx URI") tx_hash = block_json_obj['tx'][0]['txid'] json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/tx/{}".format(tx_hash)) assert_equal(json_obj['txid'], tx_hash) # Check hex format response hex_response = self.test_rest_request( "/tx/{}".format(tx_hash), req_type=ReqType.HEX, ret_type=RetType.OBJ) assert_greater_than_or_equal( int(hex_response.getheader('content-length')), json_obj['size']*2) self.log.info("Test tx inclusion in the /mempool and /block URIs") # Make 3 tx and mine them on node 1 txs = [] txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(not_related_address, 11)) txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(not_related_address, 11)) txs.append(self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(not_related_address, 11)) self.sync_all() # Check that there are exactly 3 transactions in the TX memory pool # before generating the block json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/mempool/info") assert_equal(json_obj['size'], 3) # The size of the memory pool should be greater than 3x ~100 bytes assert_greater_than(json_obj['bytes'], 300) # Check that there are our submitted transactions in the TX memory pool json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/mempool/contents") for i, tx in enumerate(txs): assert tx in json_obj assert_equal(json_obj[tx]['spentby'], txs[i + 1:i + 2]) assert_equal(json_obj[tx]['depends'], txs[i - 1:i]) # Now mine the transactions newblockhash = self.nodes[1].generate(1) self.sync_all() # Check if the 3 tx show up in the new block json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/block/{}".format(newblockhash[0])) non_coinbase_txs = {tx['txid'] for tx in json_obj['tx'] if 'coinbase' not in tx['vin'][0]} assert_equal(non_coinbase_txs, set(txs)) # Check the same but without tx details json_obj = self.test_rest_request( "/block/notxdetails/{}".format(newblockhash[0])) for tx in txs: assert tx in json_obj['tx'] self.log.info("Test the /chaininfo URI") bb_hash = self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash() json_obj = self.test_rest_request("/chaininfo") assert_equal(json_obj['bestblockhash'], bb_hash) if __name__ == '__main__': RESTTest().main() diff --git a/test/functional/p2p_leak.py b/test/functional/p2p_leak.py index 69257e762e..dbddc798a3 100755 --- a/test/functional/p2p_leak.py +++ b/test/functional/p2p_leak.py @@ -1,171 +1,176 @@ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """Test message sending before handshake completion. A node should never send anything other than VERSION/VERACK/REJECT until it's received a VERACK. This test connects to a node and sends it a few messages, trying to intice it into sending us something it shouldn't. """ import time +from test_framework.messages import ( + msg_getaddr, + msg_ping, + msg_verack, +) from test_framework.mininode import ( mininode_lock, network_thread_join, network_thread_start, P2PInterface, ) from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import wait_until banscore = 10 class CLazyNode(P2PInterface): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.unexpected_msg = False self.ever_connected = False def bad_message(self, message): self.unexpected_msg = True self.log.info( "should not have received message: {}".format(message.command)) def on_open(self): self.ever_connected = True def on_version(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_verack(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_reject(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_inv(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_addr(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getdata(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getblocks(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_tx(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_block(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getaddr(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_headers(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getheaders(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_ping(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_mempool(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_pong(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_feefilter(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_sendheaders(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_sendcmpct(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_cmpctblock(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_getblocktxn(self, message): self.bad_message(message) def on_blocktxn(self, message): self.bad_message(message) # Node that never sends a version. We'll use this to send a bunch of messages # anyway, and eventually get disconnected. class CNodeNoVersionBan(CLazyNode): # send a bunch of veracks without sending a message. This should get us disconnected. # NOTE: implementation-specific check here. Remove if bitcoind ban behavior changes def on_open(self): super().on_open() for i in range(banscore): self.send_message(msg_verack()) def on_reject(self, message): pass # Node that never sends a version. This one just sits idle and hopes to receive # any message (it shouldn't!) class CNodeNoVersionIdle(CLazyNode): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Node that sends a version but not a verack. class CNodeNoVerackIdle(CLazyNode): def __init__(self): self.version_received = False super().__init__() def on_reject(self, message): pass def on_verack(self, message): pass # When version is received, don't reply with a verack. Instead, see if the # node will give us a message that it shouldn't. This is not an exhaustive # list! def on_version(self, message): self.version_received = True self.send_message(msg_ping()) self.send_message(msg_getaddr()) class P2PLeakTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.num_nodes = 1 self.extra_args = [['-banscore=' + str(banscore)]] def run_test(self): no_version_bannode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( CNodeNoVersionBan(), send_version=False) no_version_idlenode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( CNodeNoVersionIdle(), send_version=False) no_verack_idlenode = self.nodes[0].add_p2p_connection( CNodeNoVerackIdle()) network_thread_start() wait_until(lambda: no_version_bannode.ever_connected, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock) wait_until(lambda: no_version_idlenode.ever_connected, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock) wait_until(lambda: no_verack_idlenode.version_received, timeout=10, lock=mininode_lock) # Mine a block and make sure that it's not sent to the connected nodes self.nodes[0].generate(1) # Give the node enough time to possibly leak out a message time.sleep(5) # This node should have been banned assert no_version_bannode.state != "connected" self.nodes[0].disconnect_p2ps() # Wait until all connections are closed and the network thread has terminated wait_until(lambda: len(self.nodes[0].getpeerinfo()) == 0) network_thread_join() # Make sure no unexpected messages came in assert(no_version_bannode.unexpected_msg == False) assert(no_version_idlenode.unexpected_msg == False) assert(no_verack_idlenode.unexpected_msg == False) if __name__ == '__main__': P2PLeakTest().main()