diff --git a/doc/gitian-building/gitian-building-create-vm-debian.md b/doc/gitian-building/gitian-building-create-vm-debian.md index b91abc18b0..484f1b5268 100644 --- a/doc/gitian-building/gitian-building-create-vm-debian.md +++ b/doc/gitian-building/gitian-building-create-vm-debian.md @@ -1,225 +1,232 @@ # Setup Debian virtual machine on VirtualBox Table of Contents ----------------- - [Create a new VirtualBox VM](#create-a-new-virtualbox-vm) - [Connecting to the VM](#connecting-to-the-vm) Create a new VirtualBox VM -------------------------- In the VirtualBox GUI click "New" and choose the following parameters in the wizard: ![](figs/create_new_vm_debian.png) - Type: Linux, Debian (64-bit) ![](figs/create_vm_memsize.png) - Memory Size: at least 3000MB, anything less and the build might not complete. ![](figs/create_vm_hard_disk.png) - Hard Disk: Create a virtual hard disk now ![](figs/create_vm_hard_disk_file_type.png) - Hard Disk file type: Use the default, VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) ![](figs/create_vm_storage_physical_hard_disk.png) - Storage on physical hard disk: Dynamically Allocated ![](figs/create_vm_file_location_size.png) - File location and size: at least 40GB - Click `Create` After creating the VM, we need to configure it. - Click the `Settings` button, then go to `System` tab and `Processor` sub-tab. Increase the number of processors to the number of cores on your machine if you want builds to be faster. ![](figs/system_settings.png) - Go to the `Network` tab. Adapter 1 should be attached to `NAT`. ![](figs/network_settings.png) - Click `Advanced`, then `Port Forwarding`. We want to set up a port through which we can reach the VM to get files in and out. - Create a new rule by clicking the plus icon. ![](figs/port_forwarding_rules.png) - Set up the new rule the following way: - Name: `SSH` - Protocol: `TCP` - Leave Host IP empty - Host Port: `22222` - Leave Guest IP empty - Guest Port: `22` - Click `Ok` twice to save. -Get the [Debian 10.x net installer](https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/10.2.0/amd64/iso-cd/debian-10.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso) (a more recent minor version should also work, see also [Debian Network installation](https://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/)). -This DVD image can be [validated](https://www.debian.org/CD/verify) using a SHA256 hashing tool, for example on -Unixy OSes by entering the following in a terminal: +Get the Debian 10.x net installer and verify its integrity: ```bash -echo "e43fef979352df15056ac512ad96a07b515cb8789bf0bfd86f99ed0404f885f5 debian-10.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso" | sha256sum -c - # (must return OK) +DEBIAN_VERSION="10.2.0" +gpg --keyserver keyring.debian.org --recv-keys "DF9B 9C49 EAA9 2984 3258 9D76 DA87 E80D 6294 BE9B" +mkdir -p ~/Downloads/debian-iso-"${DEBIAN_VERSION}" +cd ~/Downloads/debian-iso-"${DEBIAN_VERSION}" +wget "https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/${DEBIAN_VERSION}/amd64/iso-cd/debian-${DEBIAN_VERSION}-amd64-netinst.iso" +wget "https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/${DEBIAN_VERSION}/amd64/iso-cd/SHA256SUMS" +wget "https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/${DEBIAN_VERSION}/amd64/iso-cd/SHA256SUMS.sign" +gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.sign SHA256SUMS || echo "Error: SHA256SUMS did not verify against the given signature!" + # must not error +grep "debian-${DEBIAN_VERSION}-amd64-netinst.iso" SHA256SUMS | sha256sum -c + # must return OK ``` Replace `sha256sum` with `shasum` on macOS. Then start the VM. On the first launch you will be asked for a CD or DVD image. Choose the downloaded ISO. ![](figs/select_startup_disk_debian.png) Installing Debian ----------------- This section will explain how to install Debian on the newly created VM. - Choose the non-graphical installer. We do not need the graphical environment; it will only increase installation time and disk usage. ![](figs/debian_install_1_boot_menu.png) **Note**: Navigating in the Debian installer: To keep a setting at the default and proceed, just press `Enter`. To select a different button, press `Tab`. - Choose locale and keyboard settings (doesn't matter, you can just go with the defaults or select your own information) ![](figs/debian_install_2_select_a_language.png) ![](figs/debian_install_3_select_location.png) ![](figs/debian_install_4_configure_keyboard.png) - The VM will detect network settings using DHCP, this should all proceed automatically - Configure the network: - Hostname `debian`. - Leave domain name empty. ![](figs/debian_install_5_configure_the_network.png) ![](figs/debian_install_6_domain_name.png) - You can leave the root password empty. Otherwise, enter it twice and remember it for later. ![](figs/debian_install_6a_set_up_root_password.png) - Name the new user `gitianuser` (the full name doesn't matter, you can leave it empty) - Set the account username as `gitianuser` ![](figs/debian_install_7_set_up_user_fullname.png) ![](figs/debian_install_8_set_up_username.png) - Choose a user password and enter it twice (remember it for later) ![](figs/debian_install_9_user_password.png) - The installer will set up the clock using a time server; this process should be automatic - Set up the clock: choose a time zone (depends on the locale settings that you picked earlier; specifics don't matter) ![](figs/debian_install_10_configure_clock.png) - Disk setup - Partitioning method: Guided - Use the entire disk ![](figs/debian_install_11_partition_disks.png) - Select disk to partition: SCSI1 (0,0,0) ![](figs/debian_install_12_choose_disk.png) - Partition Disks -> *All files in one partition* ![](figs/all_files_in_one_partition.png) - Finish partitioning and write changes to disk -> *Yes* (`Tab`, `Enter` to select the `Yes` button) ![](figs/debian_install_14_finish.png) ![](figs/debian_install_15_write_changes.png) - The base system will be installed, this will take a minute or so - Scan another CD or DVD? -> *No* - Choose a mirror (any will do) ![](figs/debian_install_16_choose_a_mirror.png) - Enter proxy information (unless you are on an intranet, leave this empty) ![](figs/debian_install_18_proxy_settings.png) - Wait a bit while 'Select and install software' runs - Participate in popularity contest -> *No* - Choose software to install. We need just the base system. (`Tab` to highlight options, `Space` to select them) - Make sure only 'SSH server' and 'Standard System Utilities' are checked - Uncheck 'Debian Desktop Environment' and 'Print Server' ![](figs/debian_install_19_software_selection.png) - Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record? -> Yes ![](figs/debian_install_20_install_grub.png) - Device for boot loader installation -> ata-VBOX_HARDDISK ![](figs/debian_install_21_install_grub_bootloader.png) - Installation Complete -> *Continue* - After installation, the VM will reboot and you will have a working Debian VM. Congratulations! ![](figs/debian_install_22_finish_installation.png) Connecting to the VM -------------------- After the VM has booted you can connect to it using SSH, and files can be copied from and to the VM using a SFTP utility. Connect to `localhost`, port `22222` (or the port configured when installing the VM). On Windows you can use [putty](http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html) and [WinSCP](http://winscp.net/eng/index.php). For example, to connect as `gitianuser` from a Linux command prompt use $ ssh gitianuser@localhost -p 22222 The authenticity of host '[localhost]:22222 ([]:22222)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is ae:f5:c8:9f:17:c6:c7:1b:c2:1b:12:31:1d:bb:d0:c7. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:22222' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. gitianuser@localhost's password: (enter gitianuser password configured during install) The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright. Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. gitianuser@debian:~$ Use `sudo` to execute commands as root. Optional - Easier login to the VM --------------------------------- You'll need to generate an SSH key, e.g. by following the instructions under "Generating a new SSH key" [here](https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-new-ssh-key-and-adding-it-to-the-ssh-agent). After that, login to the VM and enter: ```bash mkdir .ssh ``` On your machine edit or create `~/.ssh/config` and add: ```bash Host gitian HostName localhost Port 22222 User gitianuser ``` Open a new terminal tab and enter: ```bash scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub gitian:.ssh/authorized_keys ``` Next time you need to login to the VM, just use: `ssh gitian`