diff --git a/src/bench/bench_bitcoin.cpp b/src/bench/bench_bitcoin.cpp index b69a822b7e..2f8579503c 100644 --- a/src/bench/bench_bitcoin.cpp +++ b/src/bench/bench_bitcoin.cpp @@ -1,118 +1,122 @@ // Copyright (c) 2015-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include -#include - #include static const int64_t DEFAULT_BENCH_EVALUATIONS = 5; static const char *DEFAULT_BENCH_FILTER = ".*"; static const char *DEFAULT_BENCH_SCALING = "1.0"; static const char *DEFAULT_BENCH_PRINTER = "console"; static const char *DEFAULT_PLOT_PLOTLYURL = "https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-latest.min.js"; static const int64_t DEFAULT_PLOT_WIDTH = 1024; static const int64_t DEFAULT_PLOT_HEIGHT = 768; static void SetupBenchArgs() { gArgs.AddArg("-?", _("Print this help message and exit"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-list", _("List benchmarks without executing them. Can be combined " "with -scaling and -filter"), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-evals=", strprintf( _("Number of measurement evaluations to perform. (default: %u)"), DEFAULT_BENCH_EVALUATIONS), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-filter=", strprintf(_("Regular expression filter to select benchmark by " "name (default: %s)"), DEFAULT_BENCH_FILTER), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-scaling=", strprintf(_("Scaling factor for benchmark's runtime (default: %u)"), DEFAULT_BENCH_SCALING), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-printer=(console|plot)", strprintf(_("Choose printer format. console: print data to console. " "plot: Print results as HTML graph (default: %s)"), DEFAULT_BENCH_PRINTER), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg("-plot-plotlyurl=", strprintf(_("URL to use for plotly.js (default: %s)"), DEFAULT_PLOT_PLOTLYURL), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-plot-width=", strprintf(_("Plot width in pixel (default: %u)"), DEFAULT_PLOT_WIDTH), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); gArgs.AddArg( "-plot-height=", strprintf(_("Plot height in pixel (default: %u)"), DEFAULT_PLOT_HEIGHT), false, OptionsCategory::OPTIONS); // Hidden gArgs.AddArg("-h", "", false, OptionsCategory::HIDDEN); gArgs.AddArg("-help", "", false, OptionsCategory::HIDDEN); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { SetupBenchArgs(); std::string error; if (!gArgs.ParseParameters(argc, argv, error)) { fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing command line arguments: %s\n", error.c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (HelpRequested(gArgs)) { std::cout << gArgs.GetHelpMessage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } SHA256AutoDetect(); RandomInit(); ECC_Start(); SetupEnvironment(); // don't want to write to debug.log file GetLogger().m_print_to_file = false; int64_t evaluations = gArgs.GetArg("-evals", DEFAULT_BENCH_EVALUATIONS); std::string regex_filter = gArgs.GetArg("-filter", DEFAULT_BENCH_FILTER); std::string scaling_str = gArgs.GetArg("-scaling", DEFAULT_BENCH_SCALING); bool is_list_only = gArgs.GetBoolArg("-list", false); - double scaling_factor = boost::lexical_cast(scaling_str); + double scaling_factor; + if (!ParseDouble(scaling_str, &scaling_factor)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing scaling factor as double: %s\n", + scaling_str.c_str()); + return EXIT_FAILURE; + } std::unique_ptr printer( new benchmark::ConsolePrinter()); std::string printer_arg = gArgs.GetArg("-printer", DEFAULT_BENCH_PRINTER); if ("plot" == printer_arg) { printer.reset(new benchmark::PlotlyPrinter( gArgs.GetArg("-plot-plotlyurl", DEFAULT_PLOT_PLOTLYURL), gArgs.GetArg("-plot-width", DEFAULT_PLOT_WIDTH), gArgs.GetArg("-plot-height", DEFAULT_PLOT_HEIGHT))); } benchmark::BenchRunner::RunAll(*printer, evaluations, scaling_factor, regex_filter, is_list_only); ECC_Stop(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }