diff --git a/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp b/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp index df24dda266..6bd467257a 100644 --- a/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp +++ b/src/rpc/blockchain.cpp @@ -1,1932 +1,1933 @@ // Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // boost::thread::interrupt #include #include #include struct CUpdatedBlock { uint256 hash; int height; }; static CWaitableCriticalSection cs_blockchange; static std::condition_variable cond_blockchange; static CUpdatedBlock latestblock; static double GetDifficultyFromBits(uint32_t nBits) { int nShift = (nBits >> 24) & 0xff; double dDiff = 0x0000ffff / double(nBits & 0x00ffffff); while (nShift < 29) { dDiff *= 256.0; nShift++; } while (nShift > 29) { dDiff /= 256.0; nShift--; } return dDiff; } double GetDifficulty(const CBlockIndex *blockindex) { // Floating point number that is a multiple of the minimum difficulty, // minimum difficulty = 1.0. if (blockindex == nullptr) { return 1.0; } return GetDifficultyFromBits(blockindex->nBits); } UniValue blockheaderToJSON(const CBlockIndex *blockindex) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); result.pushKV("hash", blockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); int confirmations = -1; // Only report confirmations if the block is on the main chain if (chainActive.Contains(blockindex)) { confirmations = chainActive.Height() - blockindex->nHeight + 1; } result.pushKV("confirmations", confirmations); result.pushKV("height", blockindex->nHeight); result.pushKV("version", blockindex->nVersion); result.pushKV("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", blockindex->nVersion)); result.pushKV("merkleroot", blockindex->hashMerkleRoot.GetHex()); result.pushKV("time", int64_t(blockindex->nTime)); result.pushKV("mediantime", int64_t(blockindex->GetMedianTimePast())); result.pushKV("nonce", uint64_t(blockindex->nNonce)); result.pushKV("bits", strprintf("%08x", blockindex->nBits)); result.pushKV("difficulty", GetDifficulty(blockindex)); result.pushKV("chainwork", blockindex->nChainWork.GetHex()); if (blockindex->pprev) { result.pushKV("previousblockhash", blockindex->pprev->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); } CBlockIndex *pnext = chainActive.Next(blockindex); if (pnext) { result.pushKV("nextblockhash", pnext->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); } return result; } UniValue blockToJSON(const Config &config, const CBlock &block, const CBlockIndex *blockindex, bool txDetails) { AssertLockHeld(cs_main); UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ); result.pushKV("hash", blockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); int confirmations = -1; // Only report confirmations if the block is on the main chain if (chainActive.Contains(blockindex)) { confirmations = chainActive.Height() - blockindex->nHeight + 1; } result.pushKV("confirmations", confirmations); result.pushKV( "size", (int)::GetSerializeSize(block, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION)); result.pushKV("height", blockindex->nHeight); result.pushKV("version", block.nVersion); result.pushKV("versionHex", strprintf("%08x", block.nVersion)); result.pushKV("merkleroot", block.hashMerkleRoot.GetHex()); UniValue txs(UniValue::VARR); for (const auto &tx : block.vtx) { if (txDetails) { UniValue objTx(UniValue::VOBJ); TxToUniv(*tx, uint256(), objTx, true, RPCSerializationFlags()); txs.push_back(objTx); } else { txs.push_back(tx->GetId().GetHex()); } } result.pushKV("tx", txs); result.pushKV("time", block.GetBlockTime()); result.pushKV("mediantime", int64_t(blockindex->GetMedianTimePast())); result.pushKV("nonce", uint64_t(block.nNonce)); result.pushKV("bits", strprintf("%08x", block.nBits)); result.pushKV("difficulty", GetDifficulty(blockindex)); result.pushKV("chainwork", blockindex->nChainWork.GetHex()); if (blockindex->pprev) { result.pushKV("previousblockhash", blockindex->pprev->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); } CBlockIndex *pnext = chainActive.Next(blockindex); if (pnext) { result.pushKV("nextblockhash", pnext->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); } return result; } static UniValue getblockcount(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockcount\n" "\nReturns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.\n" "\nResult:\n" "n (numeric) The current block count\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockcount", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockcount", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); return chainActive.Height(); } static UniValue getbestblockhash(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getbestblockhash\n" "\nReturns the hash of the best (tip) block in the " "longest blockchain.\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"hex\" (string) the block hash hex encoded\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getbestblockhash", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getbestblockhash", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); return chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().GetHex(); } UniValue getfinalizedblockhash(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getfinalizedblockhash\n" "\nReturns the hash of the currently finalized block\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"hex\" (string) the block hash hex encoded\n"); } LOCK(cs_main); const CBlockIndex *blockIndexFinalized = GetFinalizedBlock(); if (blockIndexFinalized) { return blockIndexFinalized->GetBlockHash().GetHex(); } return UniValue(UniValue::VSTR); } void RPCNotifyBlockChange(bool ibd, const CBlockIndex *pindex) { if (pindex) { std::lock_guard lock(cs_blockchange); latestblock.hash = pindex->GetBlockHash(); latestblock.height = pindex->nHeight; } cond_blockchange.notify_all(); } static UniValue waitfornewblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "waitfornewblock (timeout)\n" "\nWaits for a specific new block and returns " "useful info about it.\n" "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. timeout (int, optional, default=0) Time in " "milliseconds to wait for a response. 0 indicates " "no timeout.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"hash\" : { (string) The blockhash\n" " \"height\" : { (int) Block height\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("waitfornewblock", "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("waitfornewblock", "1000")); } int timeout = 0; if (!request.params[0].isNull()) { timeout = request.params[0].get_int(); } CUpdatedBlock block; { WAIT_LOCK(cs_blockchange, lock); block = latestblock; if (timeout) { cond_blockchange.wait_for( lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&block] { return latestblock.height != block.height || latestblock.hash != block.hash || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } else { cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&block] { return latestblock.height != block.height || latestblock.hash != block.hash || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } block = latestblock; } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("height", block.height); return ret; } static UniValue waitforblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "waitforblock (timeout)\n" "\nWaits for a specific new block and returns useful info about " "it.\n" "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (required, string) Block hash to wait for.\n" "2. timeout (int, optional, default=0) Time in milliseconds " "to wait for a response. 0 indicates no timeout.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"hash\" : { (string) The blockhash\n" " \"height\" : { (int) Block height\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("waitforblock", "\"0000000000079f8ef3d2c688c244eb7a4" "570b24c9ed7b4a8c619eb02596f8862\", " "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("waitforblock", "\"0000000000079f8ef3d2c688c244eb7a4" "570b24c9ed7b4a8c619eb02596f8862\", " "1000")); } int timeout = 0; uint256 hash = uint256S(request.params[0].get_str()); if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { timeout = request.params[1].get_int(); } CUpdatedBlock block; { WAIT_LOCK(cs_blockchange, lock); if (timeout) { cond_blockchange.wait_for( lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&hash] { return latestblock.hash == hash || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } else { cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&hash] { return latestblock.hash == hash || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } block = latestblock; } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("height", block.height); return ret; } static UniValue waitforblockheight(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "waitforblockheight (timeout)\n" "\nWaits for (at least) block height and returns the height and " "hash\n" "of the current tip.\n" "\nReturns the current block on timeout or exit.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. height (required, int) Block height to wait for (int)\n" "2. timeout (int, optional, default=0) Time in milliseconds to " "wait for a response. 0 indicates no timeout.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"hash\" : { (string) The blockhash\n" " \"height\" : { (int) Block height\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("waitforblockheight", "\"100\", 1000") + HelpExampleRpc("waitforblockheight", "\"100\", 1000")); } int timeout = 0; int height = request.params[0].get_int(); if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { timeout = request.params[1].get_int(); } CUpdatedBlock block; { WAIT_LOCK(cs_blockchange, lock); if (timeout) { cond_blockchange.wait_for( lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(timeout), [&height] { return latestblock.height >= height || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } else { cond_blockchange.wait(lock, [&height] { return latestblock.height >= height || !IsRPCRunning(); }); } block = latestblock; } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("hash", block.hash.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("height", block.height); return ret; } static UniValue syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue\n" "\nWaits for the validation interface queue to catch up on " "everything that was there when we entered this function.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue", "") + HelpExampleRpc("syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue", "")); } SyncWithValidationInterfaceQueue(); return NullUniValue; } static UniValue getdifficulty(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("getdifficulty\n" "\nReturns the proof-of-work difficulty as a " "multiple of the minimum difficulty.\n" "\nResult:\n" "n.nnn (numeric) the proof-of-work " "difficulty as a multiple of the minimum " "difficulty.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getdifficulty", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getdifficulty", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); return GetDifficulty(chainActive.Tip()); } static std::string EntryDescriptionString() { return " \"size\" : n, (numeric) transaction size.\n" " \"fee\" : n, (numeric) transaction fee in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n" " \"modifiedfee\" : n, (numeric) transaction fee with fee " "deltas used for mining priority\n" " \"time\" : n, (numeric) local time transaction " "entered pool in seconds since 1 Jan 1970 GMT\n" " \"height\" : n, (numeric) block height when " "transaction entered pool\n" " \"startingpriority\" : n, (numeric) DEPRECATED. Priority when " "transaction entered pool\n" " \"currentpriority\" : n, (numeric) DEPRECATED. Transaction " "priority now\n" " \"descendantcount\" : n, (numeric) number of in-mempool " "descendant transactions (including this one)\n" " \"descendantsize\" : n, (numeric) virtual transaction size " "of in-mempool descendants (including this one)\n" " \"descendantfees\" : n, (numeric) modified fees (see above) " "of in-mempool descendants (including this one)\n" " \"ancestorcount\" : n, (numeric) number of in-mempool " "ancestor transactions (including this one)\n" " \"ancestorsize\" : n, (numeric) virtual transaction size " "of in-mempool ancestors (including this one)\n" " \"ancestorfees\" : n, (numeric) modified fees (see above) " "of in-mempool ancestors (including this one)\n" " \"depends\" : [ (array) unconfirmed transactions " "used as inputs for this transaction\n" " \"transactionid\", (string) parent transaction id\n" " ... ]\n"; } -static void entryToJSON(UniValue &info, const CTxMemPoolEntry &e) { +static void entryToJSON(UniValue &info, const CTxMemPoolEntry &e) + EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(g_mempool.cs) { AssertLockHeld(g_mempool.cs); info.pushKV("size", (int)e.GetTxSize()); info.pushKV("fee", ValueFromAmount(e.GetFee())); info.pushKV("modifiedfee", ValueFromAmount(e.GetModifiedFee())); info.pushKV("time", e.GetTime()); info.pushKV("height", (int)e.GetHeight()); info.pushKV("startingpriority", e.GetPriority(e.GetHeight())); info.pushKV("currentpriority", e.GetPriority(chainActive.Height())); info.pushKV("descendantcount", e.GetCountWithDescendants()); info.pushKV("descendantsize", e.GetSizeWithDescendants()); info.pushKV("descendantfees", e.GetModFeesWithDescendants() / SATOSHI); info.pushKV("ancestorcount", e.GetCountWithAncestors()); info.pushKV("ancestorsize", e.GetSizeWithAncestors()); info.pushKV("ancestorfees", e.GetModFeesWithAncestors() / SATOSHI); const CTransaction &tx = e.GetTx(); std::set setDepends; for (const CTxIn &txin : tx.vin) { if (g_mempool.exists(txin.prevout.GetTxId())) { setDepends.insert(txin.prevout.GetTxId().ToString()); } } UniValue depends(UniValue::VARR); for (const std::string &dep : setDepends) { depends.push_back(dep); } info.pushKV("depends", depends); } UniValue mempoolToJSON(bool fVerbose = false) { if (fVerbose) { LOCK(g_mempool.cs); UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); for (const CTxMemPoolEntry &e : g_mempool.mapTx) { const uint256 &txid = e.GetTx().GetId(); UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ); entryToJSON(info, e); o.pushKV(txid.ToString(), info); } return o; } else { std::vector vtxids; g_mempool.queryHashes(vtxids); UniValue a(UniValue::VARR); for (const uint256 &txid : vtxids) { a.push_back(txid.ToString()); } return a; } } static UniValue getrawmempool(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "getrawmempool ( verbose )\n" "\nReturns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array of " "string transaction ids.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. verbose (boolean, optional, default=false) True for a json " "object, false for array of transaction ids\n" "\nResult: (for verbose = false):\n" "[ (json array of string)\n" " \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id\n" " ,...\n" "]\n" "\nResult: (for verbose = true):\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"transactionid\" : { (json object)\n" + EntryDescriptionString() + " }, ...\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getrawmempool", "true") + HelpExampleRpc("getrawmempool", "true")); } bool fVerbose = false; if (!request.params[0].isNull()) { fVerbose = request.params[0].get_bool(); } return mempoolToJSON(fVerbose); } static UniValue getmempoolancestors(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getmempoolancestors txid (verbose)\n" "\nIf txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool ancestors.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) The transaction id " "(must be in mempool)\n" "2. verbose (boolean, optional, default=false) " "True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids\n" "\nResult (for verbose=false):\n" "[ (json array of strings)\n" " \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id of an " "in-mempool ancestor transaction\n" " ,...\n" "]\n" "\nResult (for verbose=true):\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"transactionid\" : { (json object)\n" + EntryDescriptionString() + " }, ...\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getmempoolancestors", "\"mytxid\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempoolancestors", "\"mytxid\"")); } bool fVerbose = false; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { fVerbose = request.params[1].get_bool(); } uint256 hash = ParseHashV(request.params[0], "parameter 1"); LOCK(g_mempool.cs); CTxMemPool::txiter it = g_mempool.mapTx.find(hash); if (it == g_mempool.mapTx.end()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Transaction not in mempool"); } CTxMemPool::setEntries setAncestors; uint64_t noLimit = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::string dummy; g_mempool.CalculateMemPoolAncestors(*it, setAncestors, noLimit, noLimit, noLimit, noLimit, dummy, false); if (!fVerbose) { UniValue o(UniValue::VARR); for (CTxMemPool::txiter ancestorIt : setAncestors) { o.push_back(ancestorIt->GetTx().GetId().ToString()); } return o; } else { UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); for (CTxMemPool::txiter ancestorIt : setAncestors) { const CTxMemPoolEntry &e = *ancestorIt; const uint256 &_hash = e.GetTx().GetId(); UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ); entryToJSON(info, e); o.pushKV(_hash.ToString(), info); } return o; } } static UniValue getmempooldescendants(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getmempooldescendants txid (verbose)\n" "\nIf txid is in the mempool, returns all in-mempool descendants.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) The transaction id " "(must be in mempool)\n" "2. verbose (boolean, optional, default=false) " "True for a json object, false for array of transaction ids\n" "\nResult (for verbose=false):\n" "[ (json array of strings)\n" " \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id of an " "in-mempool descendant transaction\n" " ,...\n" "]\n" "\nResult (for verbose=true):\n" "{ (json object)\n" " \"transactionid\" : { (json object)\n" + EntryDescriptionString() + " }, ...\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getmempooldescendants", "\"mytxid\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempooldescendants", "\"mytxid\"")); } bool fVerbose = false; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { fVerbose = request.params[1].get_bool(); } uint256 hash = ParseHashV(request.params[0], "parameter 1"); LOCK(g_mempool.cs); CTxMemPool::txiter it = g_mempool.mapTx.find(hash); if (it == g_mempool.mapTx.end()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Transaction not in mempool"); } CTxMemPool::setEntries setDescendants; g_mempool.CalculateDescendants(it, setDescendants); // CTxMemPool::CalculateDescendants will include the given tx setDescendants.erase(it); if (!fVerbose) { UniValue o(UniValue::VARR); for (CTxMemPool::txiter descendantIt : setDescendants) { o.push_back(descendantIt->GetTx().GetId().ToString()); } return o; } else { UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); for (CTxMemPool::txiter descendantIt : setDescendants) { const CTxMemPoolEntry &e = *descendantIt; const uint256 &_hash = e.GetTx().GetId(); UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ); entryToJSON(info, e); o.pushKV(_hash.ToString(), info); } return o; } } static UniValue getmempoolentry(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "getmempoolentry txid\n" "\nReturns mempool data for given transaction\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) " "The transaction id (must be in mempool)\n" "\nResult:\n" "{ (json object)\n" + EntryDescriptionString() + "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getmempoolentry", "\"mytxid\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempoolentry", "\"mytxid\"")); } uint256 hash = ParseHashV(request.params[0], "parameter 1"); LOCK(g_mempool.cs); CTxMemPool::txiter it = g_mempool.mapTx.find(hash); if (it == g_mempool.mapTx.end()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Transaction not in mempool"); } const CTxMemPoolEntry &e = *it; UniValue info(UniValue::VOBJ); entryToJSON(info, e); return info; } static UniValue getblockhash(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockhash height\n" "\nReturns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. height (numeric, required) The height index\n" "\nResult:\n" "\"hash\" (string) The block hash\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockhash", "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockhash", "1000")); } LOCK(cs_main); int nHeight = request.params[0].get_int(); if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight > chainActive.Height()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Block height out of range"); } CBlockIndex *pblockindex = chainActive[nHeight]; return pblockindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex(); } static UniValue getblockheader(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockheader \"hash\" ( verbose )\n" "\nIf verbose is false, returns a string that is serialized, " "hex-encoded data for blockheader 'hash'.\n" "If verbose is true, returns an Object with information about " "blockheader .\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"hash\" (string, required) The block hash\n" "2. verbose (boolean, optional, default=true) true for a " "json object, false for the hex encoded data\n" "\nResult (for verbose = true):\n" "{\n" " \"hash\" : \"hash\", (string) the block hash (same as " "provided)\n" " \"confirmations\" : n, (numeric) The number of confirmations, " "or -1 if the block is not on the main chain\n" " \"height\" : n, (numeric) The block height or index\n" " \"version\" : n, (numeric) The block version\n" " \"versionHex\" : \"00000000\", (string) The block version " "formatted in hexadecimal\n" " \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n" " \"time\" : ttt, (numeric) The block time in seconds " "since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n" " \"mediantime\" : ttt, (numeric) The median block time in " "seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n" " \"nonce\" : n, (numeric) The nonce\n" " \"bits\" : \"1d00ffff\", (string) The bits\n" " \"difficulty\" : x.xxx, (numeric) The difficulty\n" " \"chainwork\" : \"0000...1f3\" (string) Expected number of " "hashes required to produce the current chain (in hex)\n" " \"previousblockhash\" : \"hash\", (string) The hash of the " "previous block\n" " \"nextblockhash\" : \"hash\", (string) The hash of the " "next block\n" "}\n" "\nResult (for verbose=false):\n" "\"data\" (string) A string that is serialized, " "hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockheader", "\"00000000c937983704a73af28acdec3" "7b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09" "\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockheader", "\"00000000c937983704a73af28acdec3" "7b049d214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09" "\"")); } LOCK(cs_main); std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); bool fVerbose = true; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { fVerbose = request.params[1].get_bool(); } const CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } if (!fVerbose) { CDataStream ssBlock(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssBlock << pblockindex->GetBlockHeader(); std::string strHex = HexStr(ssBlock.begin(), ssBlock.end()); return strHex; } return blockheaderToJSON(pblockindex); } static UniValue getblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 1 || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblock \"blockhash\" ( verbosity )\n" "\nIf verbosity is 0 or false, returns a string that is " "serialized, hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.\n" "If verbosity is 1 or true, returns an Object with information " "about block .\n" "If verbosity is 2, returns an Object with information about block " " and information about each transaction.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) The block hash\n" "2. verbosity (numeric, optional, default=1) 0 for " "hex-encoded data, 1 for a json object, and 2 for json object with " "transaction data\n" "\nResult (for verbosity = 0):\n" "\"data\" (string) A string that is serialized, " "hex-encoded data for block 'hash'.\n" "\nResult (for verbosity = 1):\n" "{\n" " \"hash\" : \"hash\", (string) The block hash (same as " "provided)\n" " \"confirmations\" : n, (numeric) The number of confirmations, " "or -1 if the block is not on the main chain\n" " \"size\" : n, (numeric) The block size\n" " \"height\" : n, (numeric) The block height or index\n" " \"version\" : n, (numeric) The block version\n" " \"versionHex\" : \"00000000\", (string) The block version " "formatted in hexadecimal\n" " \"merkleroot\" : \"xxxx\", (string) The merkle root\n" " \"tx\" : [ (array of string) The transaction ids\n" " \"transactionid\" (string) The transaction id\n" " ,...\n" " ],\n" " \"time\" : ttt, (numeric) The block time in seconds " "since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n" " \"mediantime\" : ttt, (numeric) The median block time in " "seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n" " \"nonce\" : n, (numeric) The nonce\n" " \"bits\" : \"1d00ffff\", (string) The bits\n" " \"difficulty\" : x.xxx, (numeric) The difficulty\n" " \"chainwork\" : \"xxxx\", (string) Expected number of hashes " "required to produce the chain up to this block (in hex)\n" " \"previousblockhash\" : \"hash\", (string) The hash of the " "previous block\n" " \"nextblockhash\" : \"hash\" (string) The hash of the " "next block\n" "}\n" "\nResult (for verbosity = 2):\n" "{\n" " ..., Same output as verbosity = 1\n" " \"tx\" : [ (array of Objects) The transactions in " "the format of the getrawtransaction RPC; different from verbosity " "= 1 \"tx\" result\n" " ...\n" " ],\n" " ... Same output as verbosity = 1\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblock", "\"00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d" "214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09\"") + HelpExampleRpc("getblock", "\"00000000c937983704a73af28acdec37b049d" "214adbda81d7e2a3dd146f6ed09\"")); } LOCK(cs_main); std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); int verbosity = 1; if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { if (request.params[1].isNum()) { verbosity = request.params[1].get_int(); } else { verbosity = request.params[1].get_bool() ? 1 : 0; } } const CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } CBlock block; if (fHavePruned && !pblockindex->nStatus.hasData() && pblockindex->nTx > 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Block not available (pruned data)"); } if (!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pblockindex, config)) { // Block not found on disk. This could be because we have the block // header in our index but don't have the block (for example if a // non-whitelisted node sends us an unrequested long chain of valid // blocks, we add the headers to our index, but don't accept the block). throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Block not found on disk"); } if (verbosity <= 0) { CDataStream ssBlock(SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION | RPCSerializationFlags()); ssBlock << block; std::string strHex = HexStr(ssBlock.begin(), ssBlock.end()); return strHex; } return blockToJSON(config, block, pblockindex, verbosity >= 2); } struct CCoinsStats { int nHeight; uint256 hashBlock; uint64_t nTransactions; uint64_t nTransactionOutputs; uint64_t nBogoSize; uint256 hashSerialized; uint64_t nDiskSize; Amount nTotalAmount; CCoinsStats() : nHeight(0), nTransactions(0), nTransactionOutputs(0), nBogoSize(0), nDiskSize(0), nTotalAmount() {} }; static void ApplyStats(CCoinsStats &stats, CHashWriter &ss, const uint256 &hash, const std::map &outputs) { assert(!outputs.empty()); ss << hash; ss << VARINT(outputs.begin()->second.GetHeight() * 2 + outputs.begin()->second.IsCoinBase()); stats.nTransactions++; for (const auto output : outputs) { ss << VARINT(output.first + 1); ss << output.second.GetTxOut().scriptPubKey; ss << VARINT(output.second.GetTxOut().nValue / SATOSHI); stats.nTransactionOutputs++; stats.nTotalAmount += output.second.GetTxOut().nValue; stats.nBogoSize += 32 /* txid */ + 4 /* vout index */ + 4 /* height + coinbase */ + 8 /* amount */ + 2 /* scriptPubKey len */ + output.second.GetTxOut().scriptPubKey.size() /* scriptPubKey */; } ss << VARINT(0); } //! Calculate statistics about the unspent transaction output set static bool GetUTXOStats(CCoinsView *view, CCoinsStats &stats) { std::unique_ptr pcursor(view->Cursor()); assert(pcursor); CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); stats.hashBlock = pcursor->GetBestBlock(); { LOCK(cs_main); stats.nHeight = LookupBlockIndex(stats.hashBlock)->nHeight; } ss << stats.hashBlock; uint256 prevkey; std::map outputs; while (pcursor->Valid()) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); COutPoint key; Coin coin; if (pcursor->GetKey(key) && pcursor->GetValue(coin)) { if (!outputs.empty() && key.GetTxId() != prevkey) { ApplyStats(stats, ss, prevkey, outputs); outputs.clear(); } prevkey = key.GetTxId(); outputs[key.GetN()] = std::move(coin); } else { return error("%s: unable to read value", __func__); } pcursor->Next(); } if (!outputs.empty()) { ApplyStats(stats, ss, prevkey, outputs); } stats.hashSerialized = ss.GetHash(); stats.nDiskSize = view->EstimateSize(); return true; } static UniValue pruneblockchain(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "pruneblockchain\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"height\" (numeric, required) The block height to prune " "up to. May be set to a discrete height, or a unix timestamp\n" " to prune blocks whose block time is at least 2 " "hours older than the provided timestamp.\n" "\nResult:\n" "n (numeric) Height of the last block pruned.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("pruneblockchain", "1000") + HelpExampleRpc("pruneblockchain", "1000")); } if (!fPruneMode) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Cannot prune blocks because node is not in prune mode."); } LOCK(cs_main); int heightParam = request.params[0].get_int(); if (heightParam < 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Negative block height."); } // Height value more than a billion is too high to be a block height, and // too low to be a block time (corresponds to timestamp from Sep 2001). if (heightParam > 1000000000) { // Add a 2 hour buffer to include blocks which might have had old // timestamps CBlockIndex *pindex = chainActive.FindEarliestAtLeast(heightParam - TIMESTAMP_WINDOW); if (!pindex) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Could not find block with at least the specified timestamp."); } heightParam = pindex->nHeight; } unsigned int height = (unsigned int)heightParam; unsigned int chainHeight = (unsigned int)chainActive.Height(); if (chainHeight < config.GetChainParams().PruneAfterHeight()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Blockchain is too short for pruning."); } else if (height > chainHeight) { throw JSONRPCError( RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Blockchain is shorter than the attempted prune height."); } else if (height > chainHeight - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP) { LogPrint(BCLog::RPC, "Attempt to prune blocks close to the tip. " "Retaining the minimum number of blocks."); height = chainHeight - MIN_BLOCKS_TO_KEEP; } PruneBlockFilesManual(height); return uint64_t(height); } static UniValue gettxoutsetinfo(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "gettxoutsetinfo\n" "\nReturns statistics about the unspent transaction output set.\n" "Note this call may take some time.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"height\":n, (numeric) The current block height (index)\n" " \"bestblock\": \"hex\", (string) the best block hash hex\n" " \"transactions\": n, (numeric) The number of transactions\n" " \"txouts\": n, (numeric) The number of output " "transactions\n" " \"bogosize\": n, (numeric) A database-independent " "metric for UTXO set size\n" " \"hash_serialized\": \"hash\", (string) The serialized hash\n" " \"disk_size\": n, (numeric) The estimated size of the " "chainstate on disk\n" " \"total_amount\": x.xxx (numeric) The total amount\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("gettxoutsetinfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("gettxoutsetinfo", "")); } UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); CCoinsStats stats; FlushStateToDisk(); if (GetUTXOStats(pcoinsdbview.get(), stats)) { ret.pushKV("height", int64_t(stats.nHeight)); ret.pushKV("bestblock", stats.hashBlock.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("transactions", int64_t(stats.nTransactions)); ret.pushKV("txouts", int64_t(stats.nTransactionOutputs)); ret.pushKV("bogosize", int64_t(stats.nBogoSize)); ret.pushKV("hash_serialized", stats.hashSerialized.GetHex()); ret.pushKV("disk_size", stats.nDiskSize); ret.pushKV("total_amount", ValueFromAmount(stats.nTotalAmount)); } else { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Unable to read UTXO set"); } return ret; } UniValue gettxout(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() < 2 || request.params.size() > 3) { throw std::runtime_error( "gettxout \"txid\" n ( include_mempool )\n" "\nReturns details about an unspent transaction output.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"txid\" (string, required) The transaction id\n" "2. \"n\" (numeric, required) vout number\n" "3. \"include_mempool\" (boolean, optional) Whether to include " "the mempool. Default: true." " Note that an unspent output that is spent in the mempool " "won't appear.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"bestblock\" : \"hash\", (string) the block hash\n" " \"confirmations\" : n, (numeric) The number of " "confirmations\n" " \"value\" : x.xxx, (numeric) The transaction value " "in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n" " \"scriptPubKey\" : { (json object)\n" " \"asm\" : \"code\", (string) \n" " \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) \n" " \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) Number of required " "signatures\n" " \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg pubkeyhash\n" " \"addresses\" : [ (array of string) array of " "bitcoin addresses\n" " \"address\" (string) bitcoin address\n" " ,...\n" " ]\n" " },\n" " \"coinbase\" : true|false (boolean) Coinbase or not\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" "\nGet unspent transactions\n" + HelpExampleCli("listunspent", "") + "\nView the details\n" + HelpExampleCli("gettxout", "\"txid\" 1") + "\nAs a json rpc call\n" + HelpExampleRpc("gettxout", "\"txid\", 1")); } LOCK(cs_main); UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); int n = request.params[1].get_int(); COutPoint out(hash, n); bool fMempool = true; if (!request.params[2].isNull()) { fMempool = request.params[2].get_bool(); } Coin coin; if (fMempool) { LOCK(g_mempool.cs); CCoinsViewMemPool view(pcoinsTip.get(), g_mempool); if (!view.GetCoin(out, coin) || g_mempool.isSpent(out)) { // TODO: this should be done by the CCoinsViewMemPool return NullUniValue; } } else { if (!pcoinsTip->GetCoin(out, coin)) { return NullUniValue; } } const CBlockIndex *pindex = LookupBlockIndex(pcoinsTip->GetBestBlock()); ret.pushKV("bestblock", pindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); if (coin.GetHeight() == MEMPOOL_HEIGHT) { ret.pushKV("confirmations", 0); } else { ret.pushKV("confirmations", int64_t(pindex->nHeight - coin.GetHeight() + 1)); } ret.pushKV("value", ValueFromAmount(coin.GetTxOut().nValue)); UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ); ScriptPubKeyToUniv(coin.GetTxOut().scriptPubKey, o, true); ret.pushKV("scriptPubKey", o); ret.pushKV("coinbase", coin.IsCoinBase()); return ret; } static UniValue verifychain(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { int nCheckLevel = gArgs.GetArg("-checklevel", DEFAULT_CHECKLEVEL); int nCheckDepth = gArgs.GetArg("-checkblocks", DEFAULT_CHECKBLOCKS); if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "verifychain ( checklevel nblocks )\n" "\nVerifies blockchain database.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. checklevel (numeric, optional, 0-4, default=" + strprintf("%d", nCheckLevel) + ") How thorough the block verification is.\n" "2. nblocks (numeric, optional, default=" + strprintf("%d", nCheckDepth) + ", 0=all) The number of blocks to check.\n" "\nResult:\n" "true|false (boolean) Verified or not\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("verifychain", "") + HelpExampleRpc("verifychain", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); if (!request.params[0].isNull()) { nCheckLevel = request.params[0].get_int(); } if (!request.params[1].isNull()) { nCheckDepth = request.params[1].get_int(); } return CVerifyDB().VerifyDB(config, pcoinsTip.get(), nCheckLevel, nCheckDepth); } /** Implementation of IsSuperMajority with better feedback */ static UniValue SoftForkMajorityDesc(int version, CBlockIndex *pindex, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) { UniValue rv(UniValue::VOBJ); bool activated = false; switch (version) { case 2: activated = pindex->nHeight >= consensusParams.BIP34Height; break; case 3: activated = pindex->nHeight >= consensusParams.BIP66Height; break; case 4: activated = pindex->nHeight >= consensusParams.BIP65Height; break; case 5: activated = pindex->nHeight >= consensusParams.CSVHeight; break; } rv.pushKV("status", activated); return rv; } static UniValue SoftForkDesc(const std::string &name, int version, CBlockIndex *pindex, const Consensus::Params &consensusParams) { UniValue rv(UniValue::VOBJ); rv.pushKV("id", name); rv.pushKV("version", version); rv.pushKV("reject", SoftForkMajorityDesc(version, pindex, consensusParams)); return rv; } UniValue getblockchaininfo(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getblockchaininfo\n" "Returns an object containing various state info regarding " "blockchain processing.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"chain\": \"xxxx\", (string) current network name " "as defined in BIP70 (main, test, regtest)\n" " \"blocks\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the current number of " "blocks processed in the server\n" " \"headers\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the current number of " "headers we have validated\n" " \"bestblockhash\": \"...\", (string) the hash of the " "currently best block\n" " \"difficulty\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the current " "difficulty\n" " \"mediantime\": xxxxxx, (numeric) median time for the " "current best block\n" " \"verificationprogress\": xxxx, (numeric) estimate of " "verification progress [0..1]\n" " \"chainwork\": \"xxxx\" (string) total amount of work " "in active chain, in hexadecimal\n" " \"size_on_disk\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the estimated size of " "the block and undo files on disk\n" " \"pruned\": xx, (boolean) if the blocks are " "subject to pruning\n" " \"pruneheight\": xxxxxx, (numeric) lowest-height " "complete block stored (only present if pruning is enabled)\n" " \"automatic_pruning\": xx, (boolean) whether automatic " "pruning is enabled (only present if pruning is enabled)\n" " \"prune_target_size\": xxxxxx, (numeric) the target size " "used by pruning (only present if automatic pruning is enabled)\n" " \"softforks\": [ (array) status of softforks in " "progress\n" " {\n" " \"id\": \"xxxx\", (string) name of softfork\n" " \"version\": xx, (numeric) block version\n" " \"reject\": { (object) progress toward " "rejecting pre-softfork blocks\n" " \"status\": xx, (boolean) true if threshold " "reached\n" " },\n" " }, ...\n" " ]\n" " \"warnings\" : \"...\", (string) any network and " "blockchain warnings.\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getblockchaininfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getblockchaininfo", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ); obj.pushKV("chain", config.GetChainParams().NetworkIDString()); obj.pushKV("blocks", int(chainActive.Height())); obj.pushKV("headers", pindexBestHeader ? pindexBestHeader->nHeight : -1); obj.pushKV("bestblockhash", chainActive.Tip()->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); obj.pushKV("difficulty", double(GetDifficulty(chainActive.Tip()))); obj.pushKV("mediantime", int64_t(chainActive.Tip()->GetMedianTimePast())); obj.pushKV("verificationprogress", GuessVerificationProgress(config.GetChainParams().TxData(), chainActive.Tip())); obj.pushKV("chainwork", chainActive.Tip()->nChainWork.GetHex()); obj.pushKV("size_on_disk", CalculateCurrentUsage()); obj.pushKV("pruned", fPruneMode); if (fPruneMode) { CBlockIndex *block = chainActive.Tip(); assert(block); while (block->pprev && (block->pprev->nStatus.hasData())) { block = block->pprev; } obj.pushKV("pruneheight", block->nHeight); // if 0, execution bypasses the whole if block. bool automatic_pruning = (gArgs.GetArg("-prune", 0) != 1); obj.pushKV("automatic_pruning", automatic_pruning); if (automatic_pruning) { obj.pushKV("prune_target_size", nPruneTarget); } } const Consensus::Params &consensusParams = config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus(); CBlockIndex *tip = chainActive.Tip(); UniValue softforks(UniValue::VARR); softforks.push_back(SoftForkDesc("bip34", 2, tip, consensusParams)); softforks.push_back(SoftForkDesc("bip66", 3, tip, consensusParams)); softforks.push_back(SoftForkDesc("bip65", 4, tip, consensusParams)); softforks.push_back(SoftForkDesc("csv", 5, tip, consensusParams)); obj.pushKV("softforks", softforks); obj.pushKV("warnings", GetWarnings("statusbar")); return obj; } /** Comparison function for sorting the getchaintips heads. */ struct CompareBlocksByHeight { bool operator()(const CBlockIndex *a, const CBlockIndex *b) const { // Make sure that unequal blocks with the same height do not compare // equal. Use the pointers themselves to make a distinction. if (a->nHeight != b->nHeight) { return (a->nHeight > b->nHeight); } return a < b; } }; static UniValue getchaintips(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getchaintips\n" "Return information about all known tips in the block tree," " including the main chain as well as orphaned branches.\n" "\nResult:\n" "[\n" " {\n" " \"height\": xxxx, (numeric) height of the chain tip\n" " \"hash\": \"xxxx\", (string) block hash of the tip\n" " \"branchlen\": 0 (numeric) zero for main chain\n" " \"status\": \"active\" (string) \"active\" for the main " "chain\n" " },\n" " {\n" " \"height\": xxxx,\n" " \"hash\": \"xxxx\",\n" " \"branchlen\": 1 (numeric) length of branch " "connecting the tip to the main chain\n" " \"status\": \"xxxx\" (string) status of the chain " "(active, valid-fork, valid-headers, headers-only, invalid)\n" " }\n" "]\n" "Possible values for status:\n" "1. \"invalid\" This branch contains at least one " "invalid block\n" "2. \"parked\" This branch contains at least one " "parked block\n" "3. \"headers-only\" Not all blocks for this branch are " "available, but the headers are valid\n" "4. \"valid-headers\" All blocks are available for this " "branch, but they were never fully validated\n" "5. \"valid-fork\" This branch is not part of the " "active chain, but is fully validated\n" "6. \"active\" This is the tip of the active main " "chain, which is certainly valid\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getchaintips", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getchaintips", "")); } LOCK(cs_main); /** * Idea: the set of chain tips is chainActive.tip, plus orphan blocks which * do not have another orphan building off of them. * Algorithm: * - Make one pass through mapBlockIndex, picking out the orphan blocks, * and also storing a set of the orphan block's pprev pointers. * - Iterate through the orphan blocks. If the block isn't pointed to by * another orphan, it is a chain tip. * - add chainActive.Tip() */ std::set setTips; std::set setOrphans; std::set setPrevs; for (const std::pair &item : mapBlockIndex) { if (!chainActive.Contains(item.second)) { setOrphans.insert(item.second); setPrevs.insert(item.second->pprev); } } for (std::set::iterator it = setOrphans.begin(); it != setOrphans.end(); ++it) { if (setPrevs.erase(*it) == 0) { setTips.insert(*it); } } // Always report the currently active tip. setTips.insert(chainActive.Tip()); /* Construct the output array. */ UniValue res(UniValue::VARR); for (const CBlockIndex *block : setTips) { UniValue obj(UniValue::VOBJ); obj.pushKV("height", block->nHeight); obj.pushKV("hash", block->phashBlock->GetHex()); const int branchLen = block->nHeight - chainActive.FindFork(block)->nHeight; obj.pushKV("branchlen", branchLen); std::string status; if (chainActive.Contains(block)) { // This block is part of the currently active chain. status = "active"; } else if (block->nStatus.isInvalid()) { // This block or one of its ancestors is invalid. status = "invalid"; } else if (block->nStatus.isOnParkedChain()) { // This block or one of its ancestors is parked. status = "parked"; } else if (block->nChainTx == 0) { // This block cannot be connected because full block data for it or // one of its parents is missing. status = "headers-only"; } else if (block->IsValid(BlockValidity::SCRIPTS)) { // This block is fully validated, but no longer part of the active // chain. It was probably the active block once, but was // reorganized. status = "valid-fork"; } else if (block->IsValid(BlockValidity::TREE)) { // The headers for this block are valid, but it has not been // validated. It was probably never part of the most-work chain. status = "valid-headers"; } else { // No clue. status = "unknown"; } obj.pushKV("status", status); res.push_back(obj); } return res; } UniValue mempoolInfoToJSON() { UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("size", (int64_t)g_mempool.size()); ret.pushKV("bytes", (int64_t)g_mempool.GetTotalTxSize()); ret.pushKV("usage", (int64_t)g_mempool.DynamicMemoryUsage()); size_t maxmempool = gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000; ret.pushKV("maxmempool", (int64_t)maxmempool); ret.pushKV("mempoolminfee", ValueFromAmount(g_mempool.GetMinFee(maxmempool).GetFeePerK())); return ret; } static UniValue getmempoolinfo(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "getmempoolinfo\n" "\nReturns details on the active state of the TX memory pool.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"size\": xxxxx, (numeric) Current tx count\n" " \"bytes\": xxxxx, (numeric) Transaction size.\n" " \"usage\": xxxxx, (numeric) Total memory usage for " "the mempool\n" " \"maxmempool\": xxxxx, (numeric) Maximum memory usage " "for the mempool\n" " \"mempoolminfee\": xxxxx (numeric) Minimum fee for tx to " "be accepted\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getmempoolinfo", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getmempoolinfo", "")); } return mempoolInfoToJSON(); } static UniValue preciousblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "preciousblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nTreats a block as if it were received before others with the " "same work.\n" "\nA later preciousblock call can override the effect of an " "earlier one.\n" "\nThe effects of preciousblock are not retained across restarts.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the hash of the block to " "mark as precious\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("preciousblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("preciousblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); CBlockIndex *pblockindex; { LOCK(cs_main); pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } } CValidationState state; PreciousBlock(config, state, pblockindex); if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } UniValue finalizeblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "finalizeblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nTreats a block as final. It cannot be reorged. Any chain\n" "that does not contain this block is invalid. Used on a less\n" "work chain, it can effectively PUTS YOU OUT OF CONSENSUS.\n" "USE WITH CAUTION!\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("finalizeblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("finalizeblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); CValidationState state; { LOCK(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } FinalizeBlockAndInvalidate(config, state, pblockindex); } if (state.IsValid()) { ActivateBestChain(config, state); } if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } static UniValue invalidateblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "invalidateblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nPermanently marks a block as invalid, as if it " "violated a consensus rule.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the hash of " "the block to mark as invalid\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("invalidateblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("invalidateblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); CValidationState state; { LOCK(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } InvalidateBlock(config, state, pblockindex); } if (state.IsValid()) { ActivateBestChain(config, state); } if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } UniValue parkblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error("parkblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nMarks a block as parked.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the " "hash of the block to park\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("parkblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("parkblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); CValidationState state; { LOCK(cs_main); if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } CBlockIndex *pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hash]; ParkBlock(config, state, pblockindex); } if (state.IsValid()) { ActivateBestChain(config, state); } if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } static UniValue reconsiderblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "reconsiderblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nRemoves invalidity status of a block and its descendants, " "reconsider them for activation.\n" "This can be used to undo the effects of invalidateblock.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the hash of the block to " "reconsider\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("reconsiderblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("reconsiderblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); { LOCK(cs_main); CBlockIndex *pblockindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pblockindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } ResetBlockFailureFlags(pblockindex); } CValidationState state; ActivateBestChain(config, state); if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } UniValue unparkblock(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "unparkblock \"blockhash\"\n" "\nRemoves parked status of a block and its descendants, " "reconsider them for activation.\n" "This can be used to undo the effects of parkblock.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. \"blockhash\" (string, required) the hash of the block to " "unpark\n" "\nResult:\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("unparkblock", "\"blockhash\"") + HelpExampleRpc("unparkblock", "\"blockhash\"")); } const std::string strHash = request.params[0].get_str(); const uint256 hash(uint256S(strHash)); { LOCK(cs_main); if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash) == 0) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } CBlockIndex *pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hash]; UnparkBlockAndChildren(pblockindex); } CValidationState state; ActivateBestChain(config, state); if (!state.IsValid()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DATABASE_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason()); } return NullUniValue; } static UniValue getchaintxstats(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() > 2) { throw std::runtime_error( "getchaintxstats ( nblocks blockhash )\n" "\nCompute statistics about the total number and rate of " "transactions in the chain.\n" "\nArguments:\n" "1. nblocks (numeric, optional) Size of the window in number " "of blocks (default: one month).\n" "2. \"blockhash\" (string, optional) The hash of the block that " "ends the window.\n" "\nResult:\n" "{\n" " \"time\": xxxxx, (numeric) The " "timestamp for the final block in the window in UNIX format.\n" " \"txcount\": xxxxx, (numeric) The total " "number of transactions in the chain up to that point.\n" " \"window_final_block_hash\": \"...\", (string) The hash of " "the final block in the window.\n" " \"window_block_count\": xxxxx, (numeric) Size of " "the window in number of blocks.\n" " \"window_tx_count\": xxxxx, (numeric) The number " "of transactions in the window. Only returned if " "\"window_block_count\" is > 0.\n" " \"window_interval\": xxxxx, (numeric) The elapsed " "time in the window in seconds. Only returned if " "\"window_block_count\" is > 0.\n" " \"txrate\": x.xx, (numeric) The average " "rate of transactions per second in the window. Only returned if " "\"window_interval\" is > 0.\n" "}\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("getchaintxstats", "") + HelpExampleRpc("getchaintxstats", "2016")); } const CBlockIndex *pindex; // By default: 1 month int blockcount = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 / config.GetChainParams().GetConsensus().nPowTargetSpacing; if (request.params[1].isNull()) { LOCK(cs_main); pindex = chainActive.Tip(); } else { uint256 hash = uint256S(request.params[1].get_str()); LOCK(cs_main); pindex = LookupBlockIndex(hash); if (!pindex) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found"); } if (!chainActive.Contains(pindex)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Block is not in main chain"); } } assert(pindex != nullptr); if (request.params[0].isNull()) { blockcount = std::max(0, std::min(blockcount, pindex->nHeight - 1)); } else { blockcount = request.params[0].get_int(); if (blockcount < 0 || (blockcount > 0 && blockcount >= pindex->nHeight)) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid block count: " "should be between 0 and " "the block's height - 1"); } } const CBlockIndex *pindexPast = pindex->GetAncestor(pindex->nHeight - blockcount); int nTimeDiff = pindex->GetMedianTimePast() - pindexPast->GetMedianTimePast(); int nTxDiff = pindex->nChainTx - pindexPast->nChainTx; UniValue ret(UniValue::VOBJ); ret.pushKV("time", int64_t(pindex->nTime)); ret.pushKV("txcount", int64_t(pindex->nChainTx)); ret.pushKV("window_final_block_hash", pindex->GetBlockHash().GetHex()); ret.pushKV("window_block_count", blockcount); if (blockcount > 0) { ret.pushKV("window_tx_count", nTxDiff); ret.pushKV("window_interval", nTimeDiff); if (nTimeDiff > 0) { ret.pushKV("txrate", double(nTxDiff) / nTimeDiff); } } return ret; } static UniValue savemempool(const Config &config, const JSONRPCRequest &request) { if (request.fHelp || request.params.size() != 0) { throw std::runtime_error("savemempool\n" "\nDumps the mempool to disk. It will fail " "until the previous dump is fully loaded.\n" "\nExamples:\n" + HelpExampleCli("savemempool", "") + HelpExampleRpc("savemempool", "")); } if (!g_is_mempool_loaded) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "The mempool was not loaded yet"); } if (!DumpMempool()) { throw JSONRPCError(RPC_MISC_ERROR, "Unable to dump mempool to disk"); } return NullUniValue; } // clang-format off static const ContextFreeRPCCommand commands[] = { // category name actor (function) argNames // ------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- ---------- { "blockchain", "getblockchaininfo", getblockchaininfo, {} }, { "blockchain", "getchaintxstats", &getchaintxstats, {"nblocks", "blockhash"} }, { "blockchain", "getbestblockhash", getbestblockhash, {} }, { "blockchain", "getblockcount", getblockcount, {} }, { "blockchain", "getblock", getblock, {"blockhash","verbosity|verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "getblockhash", getblockhash, {"height"} }, { "blockchain", "getblockheader", getblockheader, {"blockhash","verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "getchaintips", getchaintips, {} }, { "blockchain", "getdifficulty", getdifficulty, {} }, { "blockchain", "getmempoolancestors", getmempoolancestors, {"txid","verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "getmempooldescendants", getmempooldescendants, {"txid","verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "getmempoolentry", getmempoolentry, {"txid"} }, { "blockchain", "getmempoolinfo", getmempoolinfo, {} }, { "blockchain", "getrawmempool", getrawmempool, {"verbose"} }, { "blockchain", "gettxout", gettxout, {"txid","n","include_mempool"} }, { "blockchain", "gettxoutsetinfo", gettxoutsetinfo, {} }, { "blockchain", "pruneblockchain", pruneblockchain, {"height"} }, { "blockchain", "savemempool", savemempool, {} }, { "blockchain", "verifychain", verifychain, {"checklevel","nblocks"} }, { "blockchain", "preciousblock", preciousblock, {"blockhash"} }, /* Not shown in help */ { "hidden", "getfinalizedblockhash", getfinalizedblockhash, {} }, { "hidden", "finalizeblock", finalizeblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "invalidateblock", invalidateblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "parkblock", parkblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "reconsiderblock", reconsiderblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue", syncwithvalidationinterfacequeue, {} }, { "hidden", "unparkblock", unparkblock, {"blockhash"} }, { "hidden", "waitfornewblock", waitfornewblock, {"timeout"} }, { "hidden", "waitforblock", waitforblock, {"blockhash","timeout"} }, { "hidden", "waitforblockheight", waitforblockheight, {"height","timeout"} }, }; // clang-format on void RegisterBlockchainRPCCommands(CRPCTable &t) { for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++) { t.appendCommand(commands[vcidx].name, &commands[vcidx]); } } diff --git a/src/txmempool.h b/src/txmempool.h index a115311a23..2418c1da84 100644 --- a/src/txmempool.h +++ b/src/txmempool.h @@ -1,945 +1,946 @@ // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto // Copyright (c) 2009-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #ifndef BITCOIN_TXMEMPOOL_H #define BITCOIN_TXMEMPOOL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class CAutoFile; class CBlockIndex; class Config; inline double AllowFreeThreshold() { return (144 * COIN) / (250 * SATOSHI); } inline bool AllowFree(double dPriority) { // Large (in bytes) low-priority (new, small-coin) transactions need a fee. return dPriority > AllowFreeThreshold(); } /** * Fake height value used in Coins to signify they are only in the memory * pool(since 0.8) */ static const uint32_t MEMPOOL_HEIGHT = 0x7FFFFFFF; struct LockPoints { // Will be set to the blockchain height and median time past values that // would be necessary to satisfy all relative locktime constraints (BIP68) // of this tx given our view of block chain history int height; int64_t time; // As long as the current chain descends from the highest height block // containing one of the inputs used in the calculation, then the cached // values are still valid even after a reorg. CBlockIndex *maxInputBlock; LockPoints() : height(0), time(0), maxInputBlock(nullptr) {} }; class CTxMemPool; /** \class CTxMemPoolEntry * * CTxMemPoolEntry stores data about the corresponding transaction, as well as * data about all in-mempool transactions that depend on the transaction * ("descendant" transactions). * * When a new entry is added to the mempool, we update the descendant state * (nCountWithDescendants, nSizeWithDescendants, and nModFeesWithDescendants) * for all ancestors of the newly added transaction. * * If updating the descendant state is skipped, we can mark the entry as * "dirty", and set nSizeWithDescendants/nModFeesWithDescendants to equal * nTxSize/nFee+feeDelta. (This can potentially happen during a reorg, where we * limit the amount of work we're willing to do to avoid consuming too much * CPU.) */ class CTxMemPoolEntry { private: CTransactionRef tx; //!< Cached to avoid expensive parent-transaction lookups Amount nFee; //!< ... and avoid recomputing tx size size_t nTxSize; //!< ... and billable size for billing size_t nTxBillableSize; //!< ... and modified size for priority size_t nModSize; //!< ... and total memory usage size_t nUsageSize; //!< Local time when entering the mempool int64_t nTime; //!< Priority when entering the mempool double entryPriority; //!< Chain height when entering the mempool unsigned int entryHeight; //!< Sum of all txin values that are already in blockchain Amount inChainInputValue; //!< keep track of transactions that spend a coinbase bool spendsCoinbase; //!< Total sigop plus P2SH sigops count int64_t sigOpCount; //!< Used for determining the priority of the transaction for mining in a //! block Amount feeDelta; //!< Track the height and time at which tx was final LockPoints lockPoints; // Information about descendants of this transaction that are in the // mempool; if we remove this transaction we must remove all of these // descendants as well. if nCountWithDescendants is 0, treat this entry as // dirty, and nSizeWithDescendants and nModFeesWithDescendants will not be // correct. //!< number of descendant transactions uint64_t nCountWithDescendants; //!< ... and size uint64_t nSizeWithDescendants; uint64_t nBillableSizeWithDescendants; //!< ... and total fees (all including us) Amount nModFeesWithDescendants; // Analogous statistics for ancestor transactions uint64_t nCountWithAncestors; uint64_t nSizeWithAncestors; uint64_t nBillableSizeWithAncestors; Amount nModFeesWithAncestors; int64_t nSigOpCountWithAncestors; public: CTxMemPoolEntry(const CTransactionRef &_tx, const Amount _nFee, int64_t _nTime, double _entryPriority, unsigned int _entryHeight, Amount _inChainInputValue, bool spendsCoinbase, int64_t nSigOpsCost, LockPoints lp); const CTransaction &GetTx() const { return *this->tx; } CTransactionRef GetSharedTx() const { return this->tx; } /** * Fast calculation of lower bound of current priority as update from entry * priority. Only inputs that were originally in-chain will age. */ double GetPriority(unsigned int currentHeight) const; const Amount GetFee() const { return nFee; } size_t GetTxSize() const { return nTxSize; } size_t GetTxBillableSize() const { return nTxBillableSize; } int64_t GetTime() const { return nTime; } unsigned int GetHeight() const { return entryHeight; } int64_t GetSigOpCount() const { return sigOpCount; } Amount GetModifiedFee() const { return nFee + feeDelta; } size_t DynamicMemoryUsage() const { return nUsageSize; } const LockPoints &GetLockPoints() const { return lockPoints; } // Adjusts the descendant state, if this entry is not dirty. void UpdateDescendantState(int64_t modifySize, int64_t modifyBillableSize, Amount modifyFee, int64_t modifyCount); // Adjusts the ancestor state void UpdateAncestorState(int64_t modifySize, int64_t modifyBillableSize, Amount modifyFee, int64_t modifyCount, int modifySigOps); // Updates the fee delta used for mining priority score, and the // modified fees with descendants. void UpdateFeeDelta(Amount feeDelta); // Update the LockPoints after a reorg void UpdateLockPoints(const LockPoints &lp); uint64_t GetCountWithDescendants() const { return nCountWithDescendants; } uint64_t GetSizeWithDescendants() const { return nSizeWithDescendants; } uint64_t GetBillableSizeWithDescendants() const { return nBillableSizeWithDescendants; } Amount GetModFeesWithDescendants() const { return nModFeesWithDescendants; } bool GetSpendsCoinbase() const { return spendsCoinbase; } uint64_t GetCountWithAncestors() const { return nCountWithAncestors; } uint64_t GetSizeWithAncestors() const { return nSizeWithAncestors; } uint64_t GetBillableSizeWithAncestors() const { return nBillableSizeWithAncestors; } Amount GetModFeesWithAncestors() const { return nModFeesWithAncestors; } int64_t GetSigOpCountWithAncestors() const { return nSigOpCountWithAncestors; } //!< Index in mempool's vTxHashes mutable size_t vTxHashesIdx; }; // Helpers for modifying CTxMemPool::mapTx, which is a boost multi_index. struct update_descendant_state { update_descendant_state(int64_t _modifySize, int64_t _modifyBillableSize, Amount _modifyFee, int64_t _modifyCount) : modifySize(_modifySize), modifyBillableSize(_modifyBillableSize), modifyFee(_modifyFee), modifyCount(_modifyCount) {} void operator()(CTxMemPoolEntry &e) { e.UpdateDescendantState(modifySize, modifyBillableSize, modifyFee, modifyCount); } private: int64_t modifySize; int64_t modifyBillableSize; Amount modifyFee; int64_t modifyCount; }; struct update_ancestor_state { update_ancestor_state(int64_t _modifySize, int64_t _modifyBillableSize, Amount _modifyFee, int64_t _modifyCount, int64_t _modifySigOpsCost) : modifySize(_modifySize), modifyBillableSize(_modifyBillableSize), modifyFee(_modifyFee), modifyCount(_modifyCount), modifySigOpsCost(_modifySigOpsCost) {} void operator()(CTxMemPoolEntry &e) { e.UpdateAncestorState(modifySize, modifyBillableSize, modifyFee, modifyCount, modifySigOpsCost); } private: int64_t modifySize; int64_t modifyBillableSize; Amount modifyFee; int64_t modifyCount; int64_t modifySigOpsCost; }; struct update_fee_delta { explicit update_fee_delta(Amount _feeDelta) : feeDelta(_feeDelta) {} void operator()(CTxMemPoolEntry &e) { e.UpdateFeeDelta(feeDelta); } private: Amount feeDelta; }; struct update_lock_points { explicit update_lock_points(const LockPoints &_lp) : lp(_lp) {} void operator()(CTxMemPoolEntry &e) { e.UpdateLockPoints(lp); } private: const LockPoints &lp; }; // extracts a transaction hash from CTxMempoolEntry or CTransactionRef struct mempoolentry_txid { typedef uint256 result_type; result_type operator()(const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry) const { return entry.GetTx().GetId(); } result_type operator()(const CTransactionRef &tx) const { return tx->GetId(); } }; /** \class CompareTxMemPoolEntryByDescendantScore * * Sort an entry by max(score/size of entry's tx, score/size with all * descendants). */ class CompareTxMemPoolEntryByDescendantScore { public: bool operator()(const CTxMemPoolEntry &a, const CTxMemPoolEntry &b) const { bool fUseADescendants = UseDescendantScore(a); bool fUseBDescendants = UseDescendantScore(b); double aModFee = (fUseADescendants ? a.GetModFeesWithDescendants() : a.GetModifiedFee()) / SATOSHI; double aSize = fUseADescendants ? a.GetSizeWithDescendants() : a.GetTxSize(); double bModFee = (fUseBDescendants ? b.GetModFeesWithDescendants() : b.GetModifiedFee()) / SATOSHI; double bSize = fUseBDescendants ? b.GetSizeWithDescendants() : b.GetTxSize(); // Avoid division by rewriting (a/b > c/d) as (a*d > c*b). double f1 = aModFee * bSize; double f2 = aSize * bModFee; if (f1 == f2) { return a.GetTime() >= b.GetTime(); } return f1 < f2; } // Calculate which score to use for an entry (avoiding division). bool UseDescendantScore(const CTxMemPoolEntry &a) const { double f1 = a.GetSizeWithDescendants() * (a.GetModifiedFee() / SATOSHI); double f2 = a.GetTxSize() * (a.GetModFeesWithDescendants() / SATOSHI); return f2 > f1; } }; /** \class CompareTxMemPoolEntryByScore * * Sort by score of entry ((fee+delta)/size) in descending order */ class CompareTxMemPoolEntryByScore { public: bool operator()(const CTxMemPoolEntry &a, const CTxMemPoolEntry &b) const { double f1 = b.GetTxSize() * (a.GetModifiedFee() / SATOSHI); double f2 = a.GetTxSize() * (b.GetModifiedFee() / SATOSHI); if (f1 == f2) { return b.GetTx().GetId() < a.GetTx().GetId(); } return f1 > f2; } }; class CompareTxMemPoolEntryByEntryTime { public: bool operator()(const CTxMemPoolEntry &a, const CTxMemPoolEntry &b) const { return a.GetTime() < b.GetTime(); } }; class CompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorFee { public: bool operator()(const CTxMemPoolEntry &a, const CTxMemPoolEntry &b) const { double aFees = a.GetModFeesWithAncestors() / SATOSHI; double aSize = a.GetSizeWithAncestors(); double bFees = b.GetModFeesWithAncestors() / SATOSHI; double bSize = b.GetSizeWithAncestors(); // Avoid division by rewriting (a/b > c/d) as (a*d > c*b). double f1 = aFees * bSize; double f2 = aSize * bFees; if (f1 == f2) { return a.GetTx().GetId() < b.GetTx().GetId(); } return f1 > f2; } }; // Multi_index tag names struct descendant_score {}; struct entry_time {}; struct mining_score {}; struct ancestor_score {}; /** * Information about a mempool transaction. */ struct TxMempoolInfo { /** The transaction itself */ CTransactionRef tx; /** Time the transaction entered the mempool. */ int64_t nTime; /** Feerate of the transaction. */ CFeeRate feeRate; /** The fee delta. */ Amount nFeeDelta; }; /** * Reason why a transaction was removed from the mempool, this is passed to the * notification signal. */ enum class MemPoolRemovalReason { //! Manually removed or unknown reason UNKNOWN = 0, //! Expired from mempool EXPIRY, //! Removed in size limiting SIZELIMIT, //! Removed for reorganization REORG, //! Removed for block BLOCK, //! Removed for conflict with in-block transaction CONFLICT, //! Removed for replacement REPLACED }; class SaltedTxidHasher { private: /** Salt */ const uint64_t k0, k1; public: SaltedTxidHasher(); size_t operator()(const uint256 &txid) const { return SipHashUint256(k0, k1, txid); } }; typedef std::pair TXModifier; /** * CTxMemPool stores valid-according-to-the-current-best-chain transactions that * may be included in the next block. * * Transactions are added when they are seen on the network (or created by the * local node), but not all transactions seen are added to the pool. For * example, the following new transactions will not be added to the mempool: * - a transaction which doesn't meet the minimum fee requirements. * - a new transaction that double-spends an input of a transaction already in * the pool where the new transaction does not meet the Replace-By-Fee * requirements as defined in BIP 125. * - a non-standard transaction. * * CTxMemPool::mapTx, and CTxMemPoolEntry bookkeeping: * * mapTx is a boost::multi_index that sorts the mempool on 4 criteria: * - transaction hash * - feerate [we use max(feerate of tx, feerate of tx with all descendants)] * - time in mempool * - mining score (feerate modified by any fee deltas from * PrioritiseTransaction) * * Note: the term "descendant" refers to in-mempool transactions that depend on * this one, while "ancestor" refers to in-mempool transactions that a given * transaction depends on. * * In order for the feerate sort to remain correct, we must update transactions * in the mempool when new descendants arrive. To facilitate this, we track the * set of in-mempool direct parents and direct children in mapLinks. Within each * CTxMemPoolEntry, we track the size and fees of all descendants. * * Usually when a new transaction is added to the mempool, it has no in-mempool * children (because any such children would be an orphan). So in * addUnchecked(), we: * - update a new entry's setMemPoolParents to include all in-mempool parents * - update the new entry's direct parents to include the new tx as a child * - update all ancestors of the transaction to include the new tx's size/fee * * When a transaction is removed from the mempool, we must: * - update all in-mempool parents to not track the tx in setMemPoolChildren * - update all ancestors to not include the tx's size/fees in descendant state * - update all in-mempool children to not include it as a parent * * These happen in UpdateForRemoveFromMempool(). (Note that when removing a * transaction along with its descendants, we must calculate that set of * transactions to be removed before doing the removal, or else the mempool can * be in an inconsistent state where it's impossible to walk the ancestors of a * transaction.) * * In the event of a reorg, the assumption that a newly added tx has no * in-mempool children is false. In particular, the mempool is in an * inconsistent state while new transactions are being added, because there may * be descendant transactions of a tx coming from a disconnected block that are * unreachable from just looking at transactions in the mempool (the linking * transactions may also be in the disconnected block, waiting to be added). * Because of this, there's not much benefit in trying to search for in-mempool * children in addUnchecked(). Instead, in the special case of transactions * being added from a disconnected block, we require the caller to clean up the * state, to account for in-mempool, out-of-block descendants for all the * in-block transactions by calling UpdateTransactionsFromBlock(). Note that * until this is called, the mempool state is not consistent, and in particular * mapLinks may not be correct (and therefore functions like * CalculateMemPoolAncestors() and CalculateDescendants() that rely on them to * walk the mempool are not generally safe to use). * * Computational limits: * * Updating all in-mempool ancestors of a newly added transaction can be slow, * if no bound exists on how many in-mempool ancestors there may be. * CalculateMemPoolAncestors() takes configurable limits that are designed to * prevent these calculations from being too CPU intensive. * * Adding transactions from a disconnected block can be very time consuming, * because we don't have a way to limit the number of in-mempool descendants. To * bound CPU processing, we limit the amount of work we're willing to do to * properly update the descendant information for a tx being added from a * disconnected block. If we would exceed the limit, then we instead mark the * entry as "dirty", and set the feerate for sorting purposes to be equal the * feerate of the transaction without any descendants. */ class CTxMemPool { private: //!< Value n means that n times in 2^32 we check. uint32_t nCheckFrequency; unsigned int nTransactionsUpdated; //!< sum of all mempool tx's virtual sizes. uint64_t totalTxSize; //!< sum of dynamic memory usage of all the map elements (NOT the maps //! themselves) uint64_t cachedInnerUsage; mutable int64_t lastRollingFeeUpdate; mutable bool blockSinceLastRollingFeeBump; //!< minimum fee to get into the pool, decreases exponentially mutable double rollingMinimumFeeRate; - void trackPackageRemoved(const CFeeRate &rate); + void trackPackageRemoved(const CFeeRate &rate) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs); public: // public only for testing static const int ROLLING_FEE_HALFLIFE = 60 * 60 * 12; typedef boost::multi_index_container< CTxMemPoolEntry, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< // sorted by txid boost::multi_index::hashed_unique< mempoolentry_txid, SaltedTxidHasher>, // sorted by fee rate boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag, boost::multi_index::identity, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByDescendantScore>, // sorted by entry time boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag, boost::multi_index::identity, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByEntryTime>, // sorted by score (for mining prioritization) boost::multi_index::ordered_unique< boost::multi_index::tag, boost::multi_index::identity, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByScore>, // sorted by fee rate with ancestors boost::multi_index::ordered_non_unique< boost::multi_index::tag, boost::multi_index::identity, CompareTxMemPoolEntryByAncestorFee>>> indexed_transaction_set; mutable CCriticalSection cs; indexed_transaction_set mapTx; typedef indexed_transaction_set::nth_index<0>::type::iterator txiter; //!< All tx hashes/entries in mapTx, in random order std::vector> vTxHashes; struct CompareIteratorByHash { bool operator()(const txiter &a, const txiter &b) const { return a->GetTx().GetId() < b->GetTx().GetId(); } }; typedef std::set setEntries; const setEntries &GetMemPoolParents(txiter entry) const; const setEntries &GetMemPoolChildren(txiter entry) const; private: typedef std::map cacheMap; struct TxLinks { setEntries parents; setEntries children; }; typedef std::map txlinksMap; txlinksMap mapLinks; void UpdateParent(txiter entry, txiter parent, bool add); void UpdateChild(txiter entry, txiter child, bool add); std::vector - GetSortedDepthAndScore() const; + GetSortedDepthAndScore() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs); public: indirectmap mapNextTx; std::map mapDeltas; /** Create a new CTxMemPool. */ CTxMemPool(); ~CTxMemPool(); /** * If sanity-checking is turned on, check makes sure the pool is consistent * (does not contain two transactions that spend the same inputs, all inputs * are in the mapNextTx array). If sanity-checking is turned off, check does * nothing. */ void check(const CCoinsViewCache *pcoins) const; void setSanityCheck(double dFrequency = 1.0) { nCheckFrequency = dFrequency * 4294967295.0; } // addUnchecked must updated state for all ancestors of a given transaction, // to track size/count of descendant transactions. First version of // addUnchecked can be used to have it call CalculateMemPoolAncestors(), and // then invoke the second version. // Note that addUnchecked is ONLY called from ATMP outside of tests // and any other callers may break wallet's in-mempool tracking (due to // lack of CValidationInterface::TransactionAddedToMempool callbacks). bool addUnchecked(const uint256 &hash, const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry); bool addUnchecked(const uint256 &hash, const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, setEntries &setAncestors); void removeRecursive( const CTransaction &tx, MemPoolRemovalReason reason = MemPoolRemovalReason::UNKNOWN); void removeForReorg(const Config &config, const CCoinsViewCache *pcoins, unsigned int nMemPoolHeight, int flags); void removeConflicts(const CTransaction &tx); void removeForBlock(const std::vector &vtx, unsigned int nBlockHeight); void clear(); // lock free void _clear(); bool CompareDepthAndScore(const uint256 &hasha, const uint256 &hashb); void queryHashes(std::vector &vtxid); bool isSpent(const COutPoint &outpoint); unsigned int GetTransactionsUpdated() const; void AddTransactionsUpdated(unsigned int n); /** * Check that none of this transactions inputs are in the mempool, and thus * the tx is not dependent on other mempool transactions to be included in a * block. */ bool HasNoInputsOf(const CTransaction &tx) const; /** Affect CreateNewBlock prioritisation of transactions */ void PrioritiseTransaction(const uint256 &hash, double dPriorityDelta, const Amount nFeeDelta); void ApplyDeltas(const uint256 hash, double &dPriorityDelta, Amount &nFeeDelta) const; void ClearPrioritisation(const uint256 hash); public: /** * Remove a set of transactions from the mempool. If a transaction is in * this set, then all in-mempool descendants must also be in the set, unless * this transaction is being removed for being in a block. Set * updateDescendants to true when removing a tx that was in a block, so that * any in-mempool descendants have their ancestor state updated. */ void RemoveStaged(setEntries &stage, bool updateDescendants, - MemPoolRemovalReason reason = MemPoolRemovalReason::UNKNOWN); + MemPoolRemovalReason reason = MemPoolRemovalReason::UNKNOWN) + EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(cs); /** * When adding transactions from a disconnected block back to the mempool, * new mempool entries may have children in the mempool (which is generally * not the case when otherwise adding transactions). * UpdateTransactionsFromBlock() will find child transactions and update the * descendant state for each transaction in txidsToUpdate (excluding any * child transactions present in txidsToUpdate, which are already accounted * for). * Note: txidsToUpdate should be the set of transactions from the * disconnected block that have been accepted back into the mempool. */ void UpdateTransactionsFromBlock(const std::vector &txidsToUpdate); /** * Try to calculate all in-mempool ancestors of entry. * (these are all calculated including the tx itself) * limitAncestorCount = max number of ancestors * limitAncestorSize = max size of ancestors * limitDescendantCount = max number of descendants any ancestor can have * limitDescendantSize = max size of descendants any ancestor can have * errString = populated with error reason if any limits are hit * fSearchForParents = whether to search a tx's vin for in-mempool parents, * or look up parents from mapLinks. Must be true for entries not in the * mempool */ bool CalculateMemPoolAncestors( const CTxMemPoolEntry &entry, setEntries &setAncestors, uint64_t limitAncestorCount, uint64_t limitAncestorSize, uint64_t limitDescendantCount, uint64_t limitDescendantSize, std::string &errString, bool fSearchForParents = true) const; /** * Populate setDescendants with all in-mempool descendants of hash. * Assumes that setDescendants includes all in-mempool descendants of * anything already in it. */ void CalculateDescendants(txiter it, setEntries &setDescendants) const; /** * The minimum fee to get into the mempool, which may itself not be enough * for larger-sized transactions. The incrementalRelayFee policy variable is * used to bound the time it takes the fee rate to go back down all the way * to 0. When the feerate would otherwise be half of this, it is set to 0 * instead. */ CFeeRate GetMinFee(size_t sizelimit) const; /** * Remove transactions from the mempool until its dynamic size is <= * sizelimit. pvNoSpendsRemaining, if set, will be populated with the list * of outpoints which are not in mempool which no longer have any spends in * this mempool. */ void TrimToSize(size_t sizelimit, std::vector *pvNoSpendsRemaining = nullptr); /** * Expire all transaction (and their dependencies) in the mempool older than * time. Return the number of removed transactions. */ int Expire(int64_t time); /** * Reduce the size of the mempool by expiring and then trimming the mempool. */ void LimitSize(size_t limit, unsigned long age); /** * Returns false if the transaction is in the mempool and not within the * chain limit specified. */ bool TransactionWithinChainLimit(const uint256 &txid, size_t chainLimit) const; unsigned long size() { LOCK(cs); return mapTx.size(); } uint64_t GetTotalTxSize() const { LOCK(cs); return totalTxSize; } bool exists(uint256 hash) const { LOCK(cs); return mapTx.count(hash) != 0; } bool exists(const COutPoint &outpoint) const { LOCK(cs); auto it = mapTx.find(outpoint.GetTxId()); return it != mapTx.end() && outpoint.GetN() < it->GetTx().vout.size(); } CTransactionRef get(const uint256 &hash) const; TxMempoolInfo info(const uint256 &hash) const; std::vector infoAll() const; CFeeRate estimateFee() const; size_t DynamicMemoryUsage() const; boost::signals2::signal NotifyEntryAdded; boost::signals2::signal NotifyEntryRemoved; private: /** * UpdateForDescendants is used by UpdateTransactionsFromBlock to update the * descendants for a single transaction that has been added to the mempool * but may have child transactions in the mempool, eg during a chain reorg. * setExclude is the set of descendant transactions in the mempool that must * not be accounted for (because any descendants in setExclude were added to * the mempool after the transaction being updated and hence their state is * already reflected in the parent state). * * cachedDescendants will be updated with the descendants of the transaction * being updated, so that future invocations don't need to walk the same * transaction again, if encountered in another transaction chain. */ void UpdateForDescendants(txiter updateIt, cacheMap &cachedDescendants, const std::set &setExclude); /** * Update ancestors of hash to add/remove it as a descendant transaction. */ void UpdateAncestorsOf(bool add, txiter hash, setEntries &setAncestors); /** Set ancestor state for an entry */ void UpdateEntryForAncestors(txiter it, const setEntries &setAncestors); /** * For each transaction being removed, update ancestors and any direct * children. If updateDescendants is true, then also update in-mempool * descendants' ancestor state. */ void UpdateForRemoveFromMempool(const setEntries &entriesToRemove, bool updateDescendants); /** Sever link between specified transaction and direct children. */ void UpdateChildrenForRemoval(txiter entry); /** * Before calling removeUnchecked for a given transaction, * UpdateForRemoveFromMempool must be called on the entire (dependent) set * of transactions being removed at the same time. We use each * CTxMemPoolEntry's setMemPoolParents in order to walk ancestors of a given * transaction that is removed, so we can't remove intermediate transactions * in a chain before we've updated all the state for the removal. */ void removeUnchecked(txiter entry, MemPoolRemovalReason reason = MemPoolRemovalReason::UNKNOWN); }; /** * CCoinsView that brings transactions from a memorypool into view. * It does not check for spendings by memory pool transactions. */ class CCoinsViewMemPool : public CCoinsViewBacked { protected: const CTxMemPool &mempool; public: CCoinsViewMemPool(CCoinsView *baseIn, const CTxMemPool &mempoolIn); bool GetCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint, Coin &coin) const override; bool HaveCoin(const COutPoint &outpoint) const override; }; // We want to sort transactions by coin age priority typedef std::pair TxCoinAgePriority; struct TxCoinAgePriorityCompare { bool operator()(const TxCoinAgePriority &a, const TxCoinAgePriority &b) { if (a.first == b.first) { // Reverse order to make sort less than return CompareTxMemPoolEntryByScore()(*(b.second), *(a.second)); } return a.first < b.first; } }; /** * DisconnectedBlockTransactions * * During the reorg, it's desirable to re-add previously confirmed transactions * to the mempool, so that anything not re-confirmed in the new chain is * available to be mined. However, it's more efficient to wait until the reorg * is complete and process all still-unconfirmed transactions at that time, * since we expect most confirmed transactions to (typically) still be * confirmed in the new chain, and re-accepting to the memory pool is expensive * (and therefore better to not do in the middle of reorg-processing). * Instead, store the disconnected transactions (in order!) as we go, remove any * that are included in blocks in the new chain, and then process the remaining * still-unconfirmed transactions at the end. * * It also enables efficient reprocessing of current mempool entries, useful * when (de)activating forks that result in in-mempool transactions becoming * invalid */ // multi_index tag names struct txid_index {}; struct insertion_order {}; class DisconnectedBlockTransactions { private: typedef boost::multi_index_container< CTransactionRef, boost::multi_index::indexed_by< // sorted by txid boost::multi_index::hashed_unique< boost::multi_index::tag, mempoolentry_txid, SaltedTxidHasher>, // sorted by order in the blockchain boost::multi_index::sequenced< boost::multi_index::tag>>> indexed_disconnected_transactions; indexed_disconnected_transactions queuedTx; uint64_t cachedInnerUsage = 0; void addTransaction(const CTransactionRef &tx) { queuedTx.insert(tx); cachedInnerUsage += RecursiveDynamicUsage(tx); } public: // It's almost certainly a logic bug if we don't clear out queuedTx before // destruction, as we add to it while disconnecting blocks, and then we // need to re-process remaining transactions to ensure mempool consistency. // For now, assert() that we've emptied out this object on destruction. // This assert() can always be removed if the reorg-processing code were // to be refactored such that this assumption is no longer true (for // instance if there was some other way we cleaned up the mempool after a // reorg, besides draining this object). ~DisconnectedBlockTransactions() { assert(queuedTx.empty()); } // Estimate the overhead of queuedTx to be 6 pointers + an allocation, as // no exact formula for boost::multi_index_contained is implemented. size_t DynamicMemoryUsage() const { return memusage::MallocUsage(sizeof(CTransactionRef) + 6 * sizeof(void *)) * queuedTx.size() + cachedInnerUsage; } const indexed_disconnected_transactions &GetQueuedTx() const { return queuedTx; } // Import mempool entries in topological order into queuedTx and clear the // mempool. Caller should call updateMempoolForReorg to reprocess these // transactions void importMempool(CTxMemPool &pool); // Add entries for a block while reconstructing the topological ordering so // they can be added back to the mempool simply. void addForBlock(const std::vector &vtx); // Remove entries based on txid_index, and update memory usage. void removeForBlock(const std::vector &vtx) { // Short-circuit in the common case of a block being added to the tip if (queuedTx.empty()) { return; } for (auto const &tx : vtx) { auto it = queuedTx.find(tx->GetId()); if (it != queuedTx.end()) { cachedInnerUsage -= RecursiveDynamicUsage(*it); queuedTx.erase(it); } } } // Remove an entry by insertion_order index, and update memory usage. void removeEntry(indexed_disconnected_transactions::index< insertion_order>::type::iterator entry) { cachedInnerUsage -= RecursiveDynamicUsage(*entry); queuedTx.get().erase(entry); } bool isEmpty() const { return queuedTx.empty(); } void clear() { cachedInnerUsage = 0; queuedTx.clear(); } /** * Make mempool consistent after a reorg, by re-adding or recursively * erasing disconnected block transactions from the mempool, and also * removing any other transactions from the mempool that are no longer valid * given the new tip/height. * * Note: we assume that disconnectpool only contains transactions that are * NOT confirmed in the current chain nor already in the mempool (otherwise, * in-mempool descendants of such transactions would be removed). * * Passing fAddToMempool=false will skip trying to add the transactions * back, and instead just erase from the mempool as needed. */ void updateMempoolForReorg(const Config &config, bool fAddToMempool); }; #endif // BITCOIN_TXMEMPOOL_H