- npm start and navigate to the Send screen
- Fill in valid address, amount and attempt to send an unencrypted message more than 215 bytes and ensure the `Message byte size can not exceed 215 bytes` error is displayed, with the Send button disabled
- Delete the msg from above, leaving the address and amount intact, and ensure the Send button is enabled again. Send it, and note the reduced tx fee via explorer.
- Fill in valid address, amount and attempt to send an unencrypted message less than or equal to 215 bytes. Ensure no byte size validation errors and successful broadcast of Send XEC tx. Sanity check fee on explorer, approx 7.54 XEC to reflect the bytesize parsing.
- Test unencrypted message with a mixture of emoji+chars, all emojis, special chars and ensure successful broadcast and tx on explorer checks out.
- Test a one to many XEC tx with no message and ensure successful broadcast
- Test unencrypted message on a one to many XEC tx and ensure successful broadcast