The current binary detection does not account for a number of casesCurrently, the python file encoding linter incorrectly identifies some cases of `open()` needing an encoding explicitly set when they in fact do not.
For example: `with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__Reading/writing binary file__), 'resources', 'teamcity-icon-16.base64')s should not set an encoding, 'rb') as icon:`so this false positive lint message will lead the developer to produce incorrect code
This fails in two ways:
1. Additional commas present within the first argument of `open()`
2. 'rb' does not match despite the binary flag being presentif the message is to be believed.
This patch fixes boththe pattern matching for binary-mode `open()` calls, which will allow the buildbot code to be ported to this repository
without breaking the linter.