- `npm test`
- `npm start`
- Click on the new Etokens component, pick an existing token in the wallet and verify it sends successfully to a designated ecash address. Then ensure the specific token balances are updated on the sending and receiving wallets
- Switch to another wallet, and visit both the Home and the new Etokens components
- Create a new token via the new Etokens component and ensure it is successfully minted to the active wallet
- Create a fresh new unfunded wallet and ensure a) the onboarding message and styling on Home.js remains unchanged and b) navigating to the new Etokens component will result in the "Tokens sent to your eToken address will appear here" message being rendered
- Fund this newly created wallet and ensure the onboarding message is no longer rendered on the Home.js screen
- Create a new token on this newly created wallet and ensure the onboarding token message is no longer rendered on the Etokens.js screen
- Switch between 3-4 wallets and ensure the eTokens list accurately reflects the tokens held in the active wallet
- `npm run extension` and refresh the local browser instance
- Ensure the new Etokens component is present in the extension and the original location in Home.js has been deprecated
- Publish this to a staging site (e.g. netlify) and ensure the Etokens icon on the bottom menu is of adequate size for fat fingers on mobile devices