Currently, the HTML templates are very hard to work with as theprettier's "html" formatter breaks the logic of askama macros / control flow.
By switching theBy using "djlint" (from Django) instead of prettier parser to "markdown", we get formatting that's much more readable, we largely disable the automatic formatting ofespecially `{% match %}` blocks are now indented by these macros,ir logical structure. keeping indentation intactWe use the `jinja` profile as that one is extremely similar to askama.
It still requires us to manually format the fileThere's some massaging applied still to make it more readable, but overall the formatter is doing a great job already.
One downside is that the principles behind HTML formatting of djlint differs quite a bit with prettiers, so we get a lot of unneeded style changes, but the advantages of having proper, but at least it makes the templates readable.consistent and automatic formatting are much greater