npm start
* navigate to the eToken info screen and click the Burn button without inputting the burn amount and verify the burn amount defaults to 1
* attempt to input below 1 or above the eToken balance in the wallet and verify the InputNumber frontend constains this back into range
* ensure the burn amount InputNumber field formats the user's input in local string in real time
* ensure the burn confirmation dialogue shows the correct eToken burn amount and eToken ticker
* ensure the burn confirmation dialogue formats the burn amount in localestring
* verify burn option is not displayed on a fresh wallet with no eTokens since the token screen is not accessible.
* verify cross browser compatibility across Chrome and Firefox
* test a burn amount of minimum (1) and maximum (eToken balance) values and ensure eToken balance decrements accordingly
* test burn amount which is within the token's decimal amount and ensure transaction is successful
* test burn amount which exceeds the token's decimal amount and ensure transaction is still successful
* test burn amount which is the entire eToken balance and ensure the eToken is no longer displayed in the eTokens list
* test burn amount which is the entire eToken balance and purposely stay on that same eToken screen, and ensure the user is redirected to the Wallet screen and the eToken is no longer displayed in the eTokens list
* test the customized dust error message by reducing XEC balance to below dust
* ensure burn function works for eTokens which existed in the wallet prior to this diff
* ensure burn function works for new eTokens
* ensure a normal send eToken transaction completes successfully
* ensure a normal create eToken transaction completes successfully and is displayed corrected in the eTokens list
* Verify send-token and burn confirmation dialogue is displayed correctly in reduced dimensions