- Register a new alias and observe it is displayed in the Pending Aliases dropdown
- Register another alias and observe it is added to the previous pending alias
- Wait for a new block to be found, verify the alias has now moved from the Pending Aliases to the Registered Aliases dropdown
- Register another alias, close Cashtab. When the next block has been found via explorer, open Cashtab and ensure this pending alias has moved into the Registered Aliases dropdown.
- Use an invalid endpoint for the `refreshAliases` function in useWallet and ensure it disables the `Register Alias` button and both dropdowns are showing `Error: Unable to retrieve aliases`. Note: I purposely did not set a frontend alert for this otherwise a downtime with alias-server will result in a pop up every 30 seconds regardless of which page they're on.
- Use an invalid endpoint for the alias registration process in Alias.js and ensure the registration process is disabled in the UI