Improvements since D14376
- registered and pending alias arrays sorted at the point of retrieval (refreshAliases)
- simplified registered and pending alias frontend rendering by removing redundant pendingAliasesDropdown and activeWalletAliases state vars
- the use of aliasServerError context var which sets isValidAliasInput flag isn't quite a reundant daisy chain because there are other instances that would turn isValidAliasInput into false, such as the user inputting non-alphanumeric alias for registration which is unrelated to server error
- fixed the post-registration `setAliases` call that adds the newly registered alias to the pending list
Original scope from D14376
- New `refreshAliases()` function added to useWallet that calls the `/address` endpoint to retrieve both registered and pending aliases for the active wallet
- Latest aliases are stored in useWallet's state variable `aliases`, which are then used by Alias.js to populate the registered and pending alias dropdowns
- Interval created in useWallet that calls `refreshAliases()` to refresh registered and pending aliases
- useEffect() dependencies adjusted in Alias.js so that a refresh is triggered upon alias registration (balance change) and new aliases detected
- No longer using localStorage to keep track of pending aliases
- Per earlier feedback, no longer using websocket listener on 'BlockConnected' events as that may not be a one to one correlation to a successful registration