Fix the network code handling reorgs to not cause the server to be disconnected when a block is parked and the next block takes some time to replace it.
Test how Electrum handles a reorg wrt to the server_height and block_height.
This makes the test more realistic as the reorg happens one block at a time instead of 4 blocks at once.In the new test case, In the most common scenariowe have one block reorged (parked by Avalanche because of a policy violation) after it was initially accepted by the node, we would have one block reorged because as it is parked by Avalanche because of a policy violation after it was initially accepted by the nodeand we test each intermediate step as the chain grows longer again.
In the existing test, and the next block might take some time to arrive,we keep testing a multi-block reorg by a longer fork. which gives Electrum ample time to update its localWe adds the checks for the local and server height.