Now that the monorepo does not use NNG chronik-client anywhere (and the use of ChronikClientNode has also been deprecated in the monorepo), publish in-node-only chronik-client as
This is a breaking change for existing users. However, `Aliasing ChronikClientNode` is aliased to `ChronikClient` and all types was considered, so stuff will only break for users that are directly importing types specific to legacy chronik-clienthowever there is no clean way to deprecate this as users with old types will always be forced to update them unless dozens of aliases are maintained here indefinitely. Unless we maintain name support for double types indefinitelyGiven the present low download count of the module, there is not really a graceful way to retire the old stuff. imo best to just do it now.judged better impact to drop all legacy names and types now.
Decision to minor version bump despite breaking change is also due to relatively early stage of lib development, We can always leave in the `ChronikClientNode` to `ChronikClient` alias...interesting artifactsee discussion in diff in-line comments.