`npm test`
`grep -r isAliasFormat src/` and no output
Edit config/alias.js to set aliasEnabled to true
`npm start`
Navigate to alias screen and test
[] valid alias input
[] non-alphanumeric alias input
[] valid characters but too many bytes alias input
and verify correct error msgs are displayed
Verify that attempting to enter a valid alias with '.xec' suffix does not pass validation
Navigate to Send, SendToken screens and test
[] valid alias input with .xec suffix
[] invalid address gives error 'invalid address'
[] invalid alias gives error 'invalid address' (note: we will add better error msgs here in the `parseAddressForParams` upgrade
Navigate to SignVerifyMsg screen
[] valid alias input gives error `aliases not supported for signature verifications`
[] Invalid input (alias or addr) gives 'invalid xec address' error