- npm test
- npm start
- check IndexedDB keyvaluepairs and ensure `aliasTxHistory` and `aliases` cache objects do not exist
- navigate to the Alias page for the first time, refresh IndexedDB and verify the above cache objects have now been created and the array length in `aliasTxHistory` and the totalPaymentTxCount param in `aliases` both match the transaction count on explorer.e.cash. Also verify in the console log a full tx history retrieval was triggered
- register a few new aliases then navigate away from and then back to the Alias page. Verify the console log is indicating `partial tx history retrieval required` and `partial tx history retrieval starting from page x`, rather than a full tx retrieval
- verify in IndexedDB that the cached tx history prior to the partial tx history retrieval has not been lost and is incremented by the new aliases you just registered
- navigate away from and back to the Alias page and validate via the console log that the cached and onchain tx counts are in sync and no tx retrieval is triggered
- attempt to register one of the newly registered aliases and ensure the alias duplication error notification is displayed and it is not broadcasted
**new test cases for changes to cashtabCache:**
- open the alias page in a fresh new browser with no existing cache and validate the previous undefined exception in isAddressRegistered does not appear and the console log is displaying `invalid cashtabCache detected, initializing to currency.defaultCashtabCache`.
- validate a `valid cashtabCache detected` log is displayed in console after refresh.
- open a different browser which has previously visited a version of cashtab before this cashtabCache update and validate `invalid cashtabCache detected, initializing to currency.defaultCashtabCache` is displayed in console, followed by `valid cashtabCache detected` after refresh.
- register a new alias, refresh the page, and ensure cashtabCache is still valid via console log. In localforage keypairs ensure `aliases` in aliasCache has been updated with your new alias and paymentTxHistory and totalPaymentTxCount params incremented correctly.
- create a new wallet, switch to it, navigate to the Alias page and ensure no errors in the console log.