Following the deprecation of the pending alias concept, when the user broadcasts an alias registration tx the subsequent UX is a bit janky in that they won't know whether they were successful in registering the alias without refreshing their cashtab. This is particularly pronounced when the next block takes > 10 mins to be found, forcing users to frequently check the explorer and flood the telegram for status checks.
Hence this diff adds a dedicated ws listener to the end of `registerNewAlias()` and then once 1 conf is received on the registration tx the user is notified via the UI to check the Alias page.
This diff isn't using the websocket in useWallet.js because at the point of app startup it doesn't have the necessary registration info (txid, address...etc) for this tx subscription. Thus implementing this websocket at the registerNewAlias() callsite.
Edge Case:
There'll be a subsequent diff will be triggered upon this websocket confirmation event and focus on checking whether the registration was successful or not. This is to improve the UX in the case where multiple users are registering the same alias in the same block and there can only be one successful user. This may be an edge case in the long term but during the initial days post-launch there is a high chance of users all trying to register valuable aliases e.g. `apple.xec`.