* npm start
*1. send an unencrypted message from wallet A to wallet B, ensure no regression and both wallets can view the message in tx history
*2. send an encrypted message from wallet A to wallet B, ensure only wallet B can view the decrypted message in tx history
* send an encrypted message to a newly created wallet with no transactions and ensure the 'No transaction history' error is displayed.3. send a short 3 character message in encrypted mode to wallet B
* send an encrypted message to a newly created wallet with incoming transactions but no outbound transactions and ensure the 'No outgoing transactions found in the recipient address' error is displayed.4. send a long 94 character message in encrypted mode to wallet B
* send an encrypted message from wallet A to wallet A,5. input a 160 character message in unencrypted mode then switch to encrypted mode and ensure the input is truncated up to the allowed 94 character limit. Send this message and ensure the underlying message sent is the 94 character message.
6. ensure wallet A can view an encrypted message to itself in tx historyRepeat step 5 except send it in unencrypted form and ensure the full 160 characters is sent despite switching to the truncated encrypted view.
* switch to multiple recipients mode and ensure the encryption switch and the alert is not rendered7. send an encrypted message to a newly created wallet with no transactions and ensure the 'No transaction history' error is displayed.
* send multi recipient tx and ensure no unintended encryption8. send an encrypted message to a newly created wallet with incoming transactions but no outbound transactions and ensure the 'No outgoing transactions found in the recipient address' error is displayed.
*9. send an encrypted message from wallet A to wallet A, ensure wallet A can view an encrypted message to itself in tx history
10. switch to multiple recipients mode and ensure the encryption switch and the alert is not rendered
11. send multi recipient tx and ensure no unintended encryption
12. check the TX ID for one of the above encrypted messages in blockchain, abc explorer and be.cash explorer, and ensure the message is not legible