This is a copy of the ElectrumABC repository as of commit
Two files related to CI and linting have been removed: `.pre-commit-config.yaml` and `.cirrus.yml`.
A new configuration file `.isort.cfg` has been added to mark the main packages as know first party packages to prevent `isort` from sorting them as third-party packages.
Permanent linter settings:
- The main modules are excluded from `lint-python-shebang` as a shebang does not make sense for non-scripts.
- Auto-generated files (protobuf and are excluded from linters.
Temporary linter exclusions (to be fixed in separate diffs):
- `flake8`, because of remaining warnings from flake8 plugins (A001, A002, C401...)
- `lint-python-encoding`
- `shellcheck`
- `flynt` (low priority)
- `mypy` (low priority and difficult to fix)
Linter related changes:
- corrected spelling
- corrected and added bash shebangs
- added `export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8` to shell