**Revised test plan (29th July)**
- `grep -r aliasRegistrationFeeInSats src/` and ensure no output
- npm test
- Set alias flag to true in Ticker.js
- npm start and navigate to the Alias page
- Attempt to register an existing alias and observe the `This alias [alias] has already been taken, please try another alias` error notification
- Input an unregistered alias, click Register Alias, verify the price on the preview modal, click Ok and ensure successful broadcast of the registration tx
- In `preparePreviewModal`, change the queryAliasServer's `alias` endpoint to an invalid one, attempt to register an existing and unregistered alias and ensure the `Error retrieving alias details` pop up notification, the Registered aliases list being overwritten by `Unable to retrieve alias info, please try again later` and the `Register Alias` button is perma-disabled. It can be reset by reloading or re-navigating to the Alias page.
- In `preparePreviewModal`, change the 2nd `aliasInput` param to `aliasInput+'_'` in the queryAliasServer call to simulate a valid error response. Observe the pop up error and the Registered aliases list being overwritten by `Unable to retrieve alias info, please try again later`. The Register Alias button is similarly perma-disabled because Cashtab should never let an invalid alias input flow all the way through to the alias-server.
- Revert `preparePreviewModal` endpoints to its original valid state, repeat this simulation for the queryAliasServer call in useEffect() against the `/address` endpoint and observe similar errors on page load and perma-disabling of the Register Alias button. Ensure entering fresh inputs does not re-active the Register Alias button
- Set the alias flag to false in Ticker.js
- Sanity check via sending XEC txs