* An end to end functional MVP version of D10935 for initial landing.
* This new Social component retrieves the 20 most recent social feed posts from onchain and allows the user to submit new posts which are committed onchain with embedded cashtab social hex prefixes.
* For ease of review, I'm pushing this initial revision without the Edit Name/Photo and inline img/link/emoji rendering features, as this is already a very large initial diff within the initial MVP.
* I'm also cognisant we'll need to refactor to align with the D10970 UI facelift at some point so let's incrementally build/review in stages even within this initial MVP release.
* As mentioned in T2017, the libraries listed on memo cash's site are reliant on asm values and bitbox, which are not compatible with how OP_RETURN parsing is implemented in XEC, so not much direct reuse there but we'll certainly be emulating most of their feature set on XEC where possible.
**Key Backend Updates:**
`Chronik vs bch-api:`
* To avoid mixing bch-api and chronik api calls, I've opted for sole bch-api usage for the time being. Still need to do further testing on broadcasting and retrieving tx histories via Chronik.
* Similar to the useBCH.sendXec() function except the output script is constructed in the following manner:
> index 0 - [Cashtab Social Prefix Hex]
> index 1 - [Social Action Prefix Hex]
> index 2 - [Poster Address]
> index 3 - [Message content] || [New Profile Name] || [New Profile Photo Url]
* This function will grow as additional social actions are added.
* Retrieves only the txids of the social hub address' full tx history via the Electrum.getTxHistory() API call.
* The array of txids is then sorted via the Electrum.sortAllTxs() API call.
* The 20 (i.e. currency.socialHistoryCount) most recent txids in the array are then sent to the Electrum.txData() api call to retrieve their transaction details.
* The OP_RETURN hex for each of these 20 txs is parsed via the cashMethods.parseOpReturn() function which returns an array consistent with the prefixes used in useBCH.sendSocialTx() above and subsequent parsing logic ignores all other permutations (unencrypted/encrypted messaging, etokens...etc)
* If the social action is to submit a post, then the message, time and poster's address is inserted into the parsedSocialTx object, which is pushed into the parsedSocialFeedArray array and returned for frontend rendering.
**Key Frontend Updates:**
`Social Component`
* On initial render, the hasSocialFeedChanged() function checks whether the tx count for the social feed address has increased and if so, trigger the refreshSocialFeed() function which makes the api calls via useBCH.retrieveSocialFeed() to retrieve the latest social feed. If the onchain feed is unchanged, the social feed in the local storage will be rendered.
* A 10 second interval is set in Social.js' useEffect function which continuously polls whether the feed onchain has changed and then acts accordingly.
* When submiting a post, the social poster's address is embedded as part of the OP_RETURN prefix hex to save the useBCH.retrieveSocialFeed() function from making extra api calls to extract the input address.
* The limit for the social post is 148 characters due to the increased output prefix hex embedded into the transaction.
* For mobile mode, the pull-to-refresh library from antd-mobile is used for the pull down refresh ux. Although in hindesight, it's kind of redundant given the feed auto refreshes every 10 seconds. Will potentially remove unless you think the UX factor outweights the functional redundancy.
* Will need to refactor for the UI facelift in D10970 once that lands.
`Unit tests added for:`
* isValidSocialOutputTx in Validation
* isValidSocialMsg in Validation
* sendSocialTx in useBCH
* Social.js in Components
`For resolution prior to landing:`
* New posts (unconfirmed txs) don't have time/block attributes in the api responses, which causes their time attribute to be undefined. Proposing to simply render their time as 'mempool'.
* Spam protection - should this logic be frontend via cashtab or backend via cashtab's version of bch-api? Also, how do you want to manage people posting NSFW stuff on this public feed.
* Most libraries to parse string inputs for image, url links are around half a meg. Still trying to find the best one for use in this diff.
**Manifest**: T2017
**Dependencies: **
- D10970 UI Facelift
- @antd-mobile/pull-to-refresh library
- T2184 @hungsam's upcoming OP_RETURN messaging backend enhancements