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diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp
index 13b7828dd..37f7742b6 100644
--- a/main.cpp
+++ b/main.cpp
@@ -1,3075 +1,3083 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file license.txt or
#include "headers.h"
#include "sha.h"
// Global state
CCriticalSection cs_main;
map<uint256, CTransaction> mapTransactions;
CCriticalSection cs_mapTransactions;
unsigned int nTransactionsUpdated = 0;
map<COutPoint, CInPoint> mapNextTx;
map<uint256, CBlockIndex*> mapBlockIndex;
const uint256 hashGenesisBlock("0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f");
CBlockIndex* pindexGenesisBlock = NULL;
int nBestHeight = -1;
uint256 hashBestChain = 0;
CBlockIndex* pindexBest = NULL;
int64 nTimeBestReceived = 0;
map<uint256, CBlock*> mapOrphanBlocks;
multimap<uint256, CBlock*> mapOrphanBlocksByPrev;
map<uint256, CDataStream*> mapOrphanTransactions;
multimap<uint256, CDataStream*> mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev;
map<uint256, CWalletTx> mapWallet;
vector<uint256> vWalletUpdated;
CCriticalSection cs_mapWallet;
map<vector<unsigned char>, CPrivKey> mapKeys;
map<uint160, vector<unsigned char> > mapPubKeys;
CCriticalSection cs_mapKeys;
CKey keyUser;
map<uint256, int> mapRequestCount;
CCriticalSection cs_mapRequestCount;
map<string, string> mapAddressBook;
CCriticalSection cs_mapAddressBook;
vector<unsigned char> vchDefaultKey;
// Settings
int fGenerateBitcoins = false;
int64 nTransactionFee = 0;
CAddress addrIncoming;
int fLimitProcessors = false;
int nLimitProcessors = 1;
int fMinimizeToTray = true;
int fMinimizeOnClose = true;
// mapKeys
bool AddKey(const CKey& key)
mapKeys[key.GetPubKey()] = key.GetPrivKey();
mapPubKeys[Hash160(key.GetPubKey())] = key.GetPubKey();
return CWalletDB().WriteKey(key.GetPubKey(), key.GetPrivKey());
vector<unsigned char> GenerateNewKey()
CKey key;
if (!AddKey(key))
throw runtime_error("GenerateNewKey() : AddKey failed\n");
return key.GetPubKey();
// mapWallet
bool AddToWallet(const CWalletTx& wtxIn)
uint256 hash = wtxIn.GetHash();
// Inserts only if not already there, returns tx inserted or tx found
pair<map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator, bool> ret = mapWallet.insert(make_pair(hash, wtxIn));
CWalletTx& wtx = (*ret.first).second;
bool fInsertedNew = ret.second;
if (fInsertedNew)
wtx.nTimeReceived = GetAdjustedTime();
bool fUpdated = false;
if (!fInsertedNew)
// Merge
if (wtxIn.hashBlock != 0 && wtxIn.hashBlock != wtx.hashBlock)
wtx.hashBlock = wtxIn.hashBlock;
fUpdated = true;
if (wtxIn.nIndex != -1 && (wtxIn.vMerkleBranch != wtx.vMerkleBranch || wtxIn.nIndex != wtx.nIndex))
wtx.vMerkleBranch = wtxIn.vMerkleBranch;
wtx.nIndex = wtxIn.nIndex;
fUpdated = true;
if (wtxIn.fFromMe && wtxIn.fFromMe != wtx.fFromMe)
wtx.fFromMe = wtxIn.fFromMe;
fUpdated = true;
if (wtxIn.fSpent && wtxIn.fSpent != wtx.fSpent)
wtx.fSpent = wtxIn.fSpent;
fUpdated = true;
//// debug print
printf("AddToWallet %s %s%s\n", wtxIn.GetHash().ToString().substr(0,6).c_str(), (fInsertedNew ? "new" : ""), (fUpdated ? "update" : ""));
// Write to disk
if (fInsertedNew || fUpdated)
if (!wtx.WriteToDisk())
return false;
// If default receiving address gets used, replace it with a new one
CScript scriptDefaultKey;
foreach(const CTxOut& txout, wtx.vout)
if (txout.scriptPubKey == scriptDefaultKey)
CWalletDB walletdb;
walletdb.WriteName(PubKeyToAddress(vchDefaultKey), "");
// Notify UI
// Refresh UI
return true;
bool AddToWalletIfMine(const CTransaction& tx, const CBlock* pblock)
if (tx.IsMine() || mapWallet.count(tx.GetHash()))
CWalletTx wtx(tx);
// Get merkle branch if transaction was found in a block
if (pblock)
return AddToWallet(wtx);
return true;
bool EraseFromWallet(uint256 hash)
if (mapWallet.erase(hash))
return true;
void WalletUpdateSpent(const COutPoint& prevout)
// Anytime a signature is successfully verified, it's proof the outpoint is spent.
// Update the wallet spent flag if it doesn't know due to wallet.dat being
// restored from backup or the user making copies of wallet.dat.
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = mapWallet.find(prevout.hash);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
CWalletTx& wtx = (*mi).second;
if (!wtx.fSpent && wtx.vout[prevout.n].IsMine())
printf("WalletUpdateSpent found spent coin %sbc %s\n", FormatMoney(wtx.GetCredit()).c_str(), wtx.GetHash().ToString().c_str());
wtx.fSpent = true;
// mapOrphanTransactions
void AddOrphanTx(const CDataStream& vMsg)
CTransaction tx;
CDataStream(vMsg) >> tx;
uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
if (mapOrphanTransactions.count(hash))
CDataStream* pvMsg = mapOrphanTransactions[hash] = new CDataStream(vMsg);
foreach(const CTxIn& txin,
mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.insert(make_pair(txin.prevout.hash, pvMsg));
void EraseOrphanTx(uint256 hash)
if (!mapOrphanTransactions.count(hash))
const CDataStream* pvMsg = mapOrphanTransactions[hash];
CTransaction tx;
CDataStream(*pvMsg) >> tx;
foreach(const CTxIn& txin,
for (multimap<uint256, CDataStream*>::iterator mi = mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.lower_bound(txin.prevout.hash);
mi != mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.upper_bound(txin.prevout.hash);)
if ((*mi).second == pvMsg)
delete pvMsg;
// CTransaction
bool CTxIn::IsMine() const
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = mapWallet.find(prevout.hash);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
const CWalletTx& prev = (*mi).second;
if (prevout.n < prev.vout.size())
if (prev.vout[prevout.n].IsMine())
return true;
return false;
int64 CTxIn::GetDebit() const
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = mapWallet.find(prevout.hash);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
const CWalletTx& prev = (*mi).second;
if (prevout.n < prev.vout.size())
if (prev.vout[prevout.n].IsMine())
return prev.vout[prevout.n].nValue;
return 0;
int64 CWalletTx::GetTxTime() const
if (!fTimeReceivedIsTxTime && hashBlock != 0)
// If we did not receive the transaction directly, we rely on the block's
// time to figure out when it happened. We use the median over a range
// of blocks to try to filter out inaccurate block times.
map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashBlock);
if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())
CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
if (pindex)
return pindex->GetMedianTime();
return nTimeReceived;
int CWalletTx::GetRequestCount() const
// Returns -1 if it wasn't being tracked
int nRequests = -1;
if (IsCoinBase())
// Generated block
if (hashBlock != 0)
map<uint256, int>::iterator mi = mapRequestCount.find(hashBlock);
if (mi != mapRequestCount.end())
nRequests = (*mi).second;
// Did anyone request this transaction?
map<uint256, int>::iterator mi = mapRequestCount.find(GetHash());
if (mi != mapRequestCount.end())
nRequests = (*mi).second;
// How about the block it's in?
if (nRequests == 0 && hashBlock != 0)
map<uint256, int>::iterator mi = mapRequestCount.find(hashBlock);
if (mi != mapRequestCount.end())
nRequests = (*mi).second;
nRequests = 1; // If it's in someone else's block it must have got out
return nRequests;
int CMerkleTx::SetMerkleBranch(const CBlock* pblock)
if (fClient)
if (hashBlock == 0)
return 0;
CBlock blockTmp;
if (pblock == NULL)
// Load the block this tx is in
CTxIndex txindex;
if (!CTxDB("r").ReadTxIndex(GetHash(), txindex))
return 0;
if (!blockTmp.ReadFromDisk(txindex.pos.nFile, txindex.pos.nBlockPos))
return 0;
pblock = &blockTmp;
// Update the tx's hashBlock
hashBlock = pblock->GetHash();
// Locate the transaction
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < pblock->vtx.size(); nIndex++)
if (pblock->vtx[nIndex] == *(CTransaction*)this)
if (nIndex == pblock->vtx.size())
nIndex = -1;
printf("ERROR: SetMerkleBranch() : couldn't find tx in block\n");
return 0;
// Fill in merkle branch
vMerkleBranch = pblock->GetMerkleBranch(nIndex);
// Is the tx in a block that's in the main chain
map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashBlock);
if (mi == mapBlockIndex.end())
return 0;
CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
if (!pindex || !pindex->IsInMainChain())
return 0;
return pindexBest->nHeight - pindex->nHeight + 1;
void CWalletTx::AddSupportingTransactions(CTxDB& txdb)
const int COPY_DEPTH = 3;
if (SetMerkleBranch() < COPY_DEPTH)
vector<uint256> vWorkQueue;
foreach(const CTxIn& txin, vin)
// This critsect is OK because txdb is already open
map<uint256, const CMerkleTx*> mapWalletPrev;
set<uint256> setAlreadyDone;
for (int i = 0; i < vWorkQueue.size(); i++)
uint256 hash = vWorkQueue[i];
if (setAlreadyDone.count(hash))
CMerkleTx tx;
if (mapWallet.count(hash))
tx = mapWallet[hash];
foreach(const CMerkleTx& txWalletPrev, mapWallet[hash].vtxPrev)
mapWalletPrev[txWalletPrev.GetHash()] = &txWalletPrev;
else if (mapWalletPrev.count(hash))
tx = *mapWalletPrev[hash];
else if (!fClient && txdb.ReadDiskTx(hash, tx))
printf("ERROR: AddSupportingTransactions() : unsupported transaction\n");
int nDepth = tx.SetMerkleBranch();
if (nDepth < COPY_DEPTH)
foreach(const CTxIn& txin,
reverse(vtxPrev.begin(), vtxPrev.end());
bool CTransaction::AcceptTransaction(CTxDB& txdb, bool fCheckInputs, bool* pfMissingInputs)
if (pfMissingInputs)
*pfMissingInputs = false;
// Coinbase is only valid in a block, not as a loose transaction
if (IsCoinBase())
return error("AcceptTransaction() : coinbase as individual tx");
if (!CheckTransaction())
return error("AcceptTransaction() : CheckTransaction failed");
- // To help v0.1.5 clients who would see it as negative number. please delete this later.
+ // To help v0.1.5 clients who would see it as a negative number
if (nLockTime > INT_MAX)
return error("AcceptTransaction() : not accepting nLockTime beyond 2038");
// Do we already have it?
uint256 hash = GetHash();
if (mapTransactions.count(hash))
return false;
if (fCheckInputs)
if (txdb.ContainsTx(hash))
return false;
// Check for conflicts with in-memory transactions
CTransaction* ptxOld = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < vin.size(); i++)
COutPoint outpoint = vin[i].prevout;
if (mapNextTx.count(outpoint))
// Allow replacing with a newer version of the same transaction
if (i != 0)
return false;
ptxOld = mapNextTx[outpoint].ptx;
if (!IsNewerThan(*ptxOld))
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < vin.size(); i++)
COutPoint outpoint = vin[i].prevout;
if (!mapNextTx.count(outpoint) || mapNextTx[outpoint].ptx != ptxOld)
return false;
// Check against previous transactions
map<uint256, CTxIndex> mapUnused;
int64 nFees = 0;
if (fCheckInputs && !ConnectInputs(txdb, mapUnused, CDiskTxPos(1,1,1), 0, nFees, false, false))
if (pfMissingInputs)
*pfMissingInputs = true;
return error("AcceptTransaction() : ConnectInputs failed %s", hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
// Store transaction in memory
if (ptxOld)
printf("mapTransaction.erase(%s) replacing with new version\n", ptxOld->GetHash().ToString().c_str());
///// are we sure this is ok when loading transactions or restoring block txes
// If updated, erase old tx from wallet
if (ptxOld)
printf("AcceptTransaction(): accepted %s\n", hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
return true;
bool CTransaction::AddToMemoryPool()
// Add to memory pool without checking anything. Don't call this directly,
// call AcceptTransaction to properly check the transaction first.
uint256 hash = GetHash();
mapTransactions[hash] = *this;
for (int i = 0; i < vin.size(); i++)
mapNextTx[vin[i].prevout] = CInPoint(&mapTransactions[hash], i);
return true;
bool CTransaction::RemoveFromMemoryPool()
// Remove transaction from memory pool
foreach(const CTxIn& txin, vin)
return true;
int CMerkleTx::GetDepthInMainChain(int& nHeightRet) const
if (hashBlock == 0 || nIndex == -1)
return 0;
// Find the block it claims to be in
map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashBlock);
if (mi == mapBlockIndex.end())
return 0;
CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
if (!pindex || !pindex->IsInMainChain())
return 0;
// Make sure the merkle branch connects to this block
if (!fMerkleVerified)
if (CBlock::CheckMerkleBranch(GetHash(), vMerkleBranch, nIndex) != pindex->hashMerkleRoot)
return 0;
fMerkleVerified = true;
nHeightRet = pindex->nHeight;
return pindexBest->nHeight - pindex->nHeight + 1;
int CMerkleTx::GetBlocksToMaturity() const
if (!IsCoinBase())
return 0;
return max(0, (COINBASE_MATURITY+20) - GetDepthInMainChain());
bool CMerkleTx::AcceptTransaction(CTxDB& txdb, bool fCheckInputs)
if (fClient)
if (!IsInMainChain() && !ClientConnectInputs())
return false;
return CTransaction::AcceptTransaction(txdb, false);
return CTransaction::AcceptTransaction(txdb, fCheckInputs);
bool CWalletTx::AcceptWalletTransaction(CTxDB& txdb, bool fCheckInputs)
foreach(CMerkleTx& tx, vtxPrev)
if (!tx.IsCoinBase())
uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
if (!mapTransactions.count(hash) && !txdb.ContainsTx(hash))
tx.AcceptTransaction(txdb, fCheckInputs);
if (!IsCoinBase())
return AcceptTransaction(txdb, fCheckInputs);
return true;
void ReacceptWalletTransactions()
CTxDB txdb("r");
foreach(PAIRTYPE(const uint256, CWalletTx)& item, mapWallet)
CWalletTx& wtx = item.second;
if (wtx.fSpent && wtx.IsCoinBase())
CTxIndex txindex;
if (txdb.ReadTxIndex(wtx.GetHash(), txindex))
// Update fSpent if a tx got spent somewhere else by a copy of wallet.dat
if (!wtx.fSpent)
if (txindex.vSpent.size() != wtx.vout.size())
printf("ERROR: ReacceptWalletTransactions() : txindex.vSpent.size() %d != wtx.vout.size() %d\n", txindex.vSpent.size(), wtx.vout.size());
for (int i = 0; i < txindex.vSpent.size(); i++)
if (!txindex.vSpent[i].IsNull() && wtx.vout[i].IsMine())
printf("ReacceptWalletTransactions found spent coin %sbc %s\n", FormatMoney(wtx.GetCredit()).c_str(), wtx.GetHash().ToString().c_str());
wtx.fSpent = true;
// Reaccept any txes of ours that aren't already in a block
if (!wtx.IsCoinBase())
wtx.AcceptWalletTransaction(txdb, false);
void CWalletTx::RelayWalletTransaction(CTxDB& txdb)
foreach(const CMerkleTx& tx, vtxPrev)
if (!tx.IsCoinBase())
uint256 hash = tx.GetHash();
if (!txdb.ContainsTx(hash))
RelayMessage(CInv(MSG_TX, hash), (CTransaction)tx);
if (!IsCoinBase())
uint256 hash = GetHash();
if (!txdb.ContainsTx(hash))
printf("Relaying wtx %s\n", hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
RelayMessage(CInv(MSG_TX, hash), (CTransaction)*this);
void ResendWalletTransactions()
// Do this infrequently and randomly to avoid giving away
// that these are our transactions.
static int64 nNextTime;
if (GetTime() < nNextTime)
bool fFirst = (nNextTime == 0);
nNextTime = GetTime() + GetRand(120 * 60);
if (fFirst)
// Rebroadcast any of our txes that aren't in a block yet
CTxDB txdb("r");
// Sort them in chronological order
multimap<unsigned int, CWalletTx*> mapSorted;
foreach(PAIRTYPE(const uint256, CWalletTx)& item, mapWallet)
CWalletTx& wtx = item.second;
// Don't rebroadcast until it's had plenty of time that
// it should have gotten in already by now.
if (nTimeBestReceived - wtx.nTimeReceived > 60 * 60)
mapSorted.insert(make_pair(wtx.nTimeReceived, &wtx));
foreach(PAIRTYPE(const unsigned int, CWalletTx*)& item, mapSorted)
CWalletTx& wtx = *item.second;
// CBlock and CBlockIndex
bool CBlock::ReadFromDisk(const CBlockIndex* pblockindex, bool fReadTransactions)
return ReadFromDisk(pblockindex->nFile, pblockindex->nBlockPos, fReadTransactions);
uint256 GetOrphanRoot(const CBlock* pblock)
// Work back to the first block in the orphan chain
while (mapOrphanBlocks.count(pblock->hashPrevBlock))
pblock = mapOrphanBlocks[pblock->hashPrevBlock];
return pblock->GetHash();
int64 CBlock::GetBlockValue(int64 nFees) const
int64 nSubsidy = 50 * COIN;
// Subsidy is cut in half every 4 years
nSubsidy >>= (nBestHeight / 210000);
return nSubsidy + nFees;
unsigned int GetNextWorkRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast)
const unsigned int nTargetTimespan = 14 * 24 * 60 * 60; // two weeks
const unsigned int nTargetSpacing = 10 * 60;
const unsigned int nInterval = nTargetTimespan / nTargetSpacing;
// Genesis block
if (pindexLast == NULL)
return bnProofOfWorkLimit.GetCompact();
// Only change once per interval
if ((pindexLast->nHeight+1) % nInterval != 0)
return pindexLast->nBits;
// Go back by what we want to be 14 days worth of blocks
const CBlockIndex* pindexFirst = pindexLast;
for (int i = 0; pindexFirst && i < nInterval-1; i++)
pindexFirst = pindexFirst->pprev;
// Limit adjustment step
unsigned int nActualTimespan = pindexLast->nTime - pindexFirst->nTime;
printf(" nActualTimespan = %d before bounds\n", nActualTimespan);
if (nActualTimespan < nTargetTimespan/4)
nActualTimespan = nTargetTimespan/4;
if (nActualTimespan > nTargetTimespan*4)
nActualTimespan = nTargetTimespan*4;
// Retarget
CBigNum bnNew;
bnNew *= nActualTimespan;
bnNew /= nTargetTimespan;
if (bnNew > bnProofOfWorkLimit)
bnNew = bnProofOfWorkLimit;
/// debug print
printf("GetNextWorkRequired RETARGET\n");
printf("nTargetTimespan = %d nActualTimespan = %d\n", nTargetTimespan, nActualTimespan);
printf("Before: %08x %s\n", pindexLast->nBits, CBigNum().SetCompact(pindexLast->nBits).getuint256().ToString().c_str());
printf("After: %08x %s\n", bnNew.GetCompact(), bnNew.getuint256().ToString().c_str());
return bnNew.GetCompact();
bool CTransaction::DisconnectInputs(CTxDB& txdb)
// Relinquish previous transactions' spent pointers
if (!IsCoinBase())
foreach(const CTxIn& txin, vin)
COutPoint prevout = txin.prevout;
// Get prev txindex from disk
CTxIndex txindex;
if (!txdb.ReadTxIndex(prevout.hash, txindex))
return error("DisconnectInputs() : ReadTxIndex failed");
if (prevout.n >= txindex.vSpent.size())
return error("DisconnectInputs() : prevout.n out of range");
// Mark outpoint as not spent
// Write back
txdb.UpdateTxIndex(prevout.hash, txindex);
// Remove transaction from index
if (!txdb.EraseTxIndex(*this))
return error("DisconnectInputs() : EraseTxPos failed");
return true;
bool CTransaction::ConnectInputs(CTxDB& txdb, map<uint256, CTxIndex>& mapTestPool, CDiskTxPos posThisTx, int nHeight, int64& nFees, bool fBlock, bool fMiner, int64 nMinFee)
// Take over previous transactions' spent pointers
if (!IsCoinBase())
int64 nValueIn = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vin.size(); i++)
COutPoint prevout = vin[i].prevout;
// Read txindex
CTxIndex txindex;
bool fFound = true;
if (fMiner && mapTestPool.count(prevout.hash))
// Get txindex from current proposed changes
txindex = mapTestPool[prevout.hash];
// Read txindex from txdb
fFound = txdb.ReadTxIndex(prevout.hash, txindex);
if (!fFound && (fBlock || fMiner))
return fMiner ? false : error("ConnectInputs() : %s prev tx %s index entry not found", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,6).c_str(), prevout.hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
// Read txPrev
CTransaction txPrev;
if (!fFound || txindex.pos == CDiskTxPos(1,1,1))
// Get prev tx from single transactions in memory
if (!mapTransactions.count(prevout.hash))
return error("ConnectInputs() : %s mapTransactions prev not found %s", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,6).c_str(), prevout.hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
txPrev = mapTransactions[prevout.hash];
if (!fFound)
// Get prev tx from disk
if (!txPrev.ReadFromDisk(txindex.pos))
return error("ConnectInputs() : %s ReadFromDisk prev tx %s failed", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,6).c_str(), prevout.hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
if (prevout.n >= txPrev.vout.size() || prevout.n >= txindex.vSpent.size())
return error("ConnectInputs() : %s prevout.n out of range %d %d %d prev tx %s\n%s", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,6).c_str(), prevout.n, txPrev.vout.size(), txindex.vSpent.size(), prevout.hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str(), txPrev.ToString().c_str());
// If prev is coinbase, check that it's matured
if (txPrev.IsCoinBase())
for (CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexBest; pindex && nBestHeight - pindex->nHeight < COINBASE_MATURITY-1; pindex = pindex->pprev)
if (pindex->nBlockPos == txindex.pos.nBlockPos && pindex->nFile == txindex.pos.nFile)
return error("ConnectInputs() : tried to spend coinbase at depth %d", nBestHeight - pindex->nHeight);
// Verify signature
if (!VerifySignature(txPrev, *this, i))
return error("ConnectInputs() : %s VerifySignature failed", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
// Check for conflicts
if (!txindex.vSpent[prevout.n].IsNull())
return fMiner ? false : error("ConnectInputs() : %s prev tx already used at %s", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,6).c_str(), txindex.vSpent[prevout.n].ToString().c_str());
// Mark outpoints as spent
txindex.vSpent[prevout.n] = posThisTx;
// Write back
if (fBlock)
txdb.UpdateTxIndex(prevout.hash, txindex);
else if (fMiner)
mapTestPool[prevout.hash] = txindex;
nValueIn += txPrev.vout[prevout.n].nValue;
// Tally transaction fees
int64 nTxFee = nValueIn - GetValueOut();
if (nTxFee < 0)
return error("ConnectInputs() : %s nTxFee < 0", GetHash().ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
if (nTxFee < nMinFee)
return false;
nFees += nTxFee;
if (fBlock)
// Add transaction to disk index
if (!txdb.AddTxIndex(*this, posThisTx, nHeight))
return error("ConnectInputs() : AddTxPos failed");
else if (fMiner)
// Add transaction to test pool
mapTestPool[GetHash()] = CTxIndex(CDiskTxPos(1,1,1), vout.size());
return true;
bool CTransaction::ClientConnectInputs()
if (IsCoinBase())
return false;
// Take over previous transactions' spent pointers
int64 nValueIn = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < vin.size(); i++)
// Get prev tx from single transactions in memory
COutPoint prevout = vin[i].prevout;
if (!mapTransactions.count(prevout.hash))
return false;
CTransaction& txPrev = mapTransactions[prevout.hash];
if (prevout.n >= txPrev.vout.size())
return false;
// Verify signature
if (!VerifySignature(txPrev, *this, i))
return error("ConnectInputs() : VerifySignature failed");
///// this is redundant with the mapNextTx stuff, not sure which I want to get rid of
///// this has to go away now that posNext is gone
// // Check for conflicts
// if (!txPrev.vout[prevout.n].posNext.IsNull())
// return error("ConnectInputs() : prev tx already used");
// // Flag outpoints as used
// txPrev.vout[prevout.n].posNext = posThisTx;
nValueIn += txPrev.vout[prevout.n].nValue;
if (GetValueOut() > nValueIn)
return false;
return true;
bool CBlock::DisconnectBlock(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockIndex* pindex)
// Disconnect in reverse order
for (int i = vtx.size()-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (!vtx[i].DisconnectInputs(txdb))
return false;
// Update block index on disk without changing it in memory.
// The memory index structure will be changed after the db commits.
if (pindex->pprev)
CDiskBlockIndex blockindexPrev(pindex->pprev);
blockindexPrev.hashNext = 0;
return true;
bool CBlock::ConnectBlock(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockIndex* pindex)
//// issue here: it doesn't know the version
unsigned int nTxPos = pindex->nBlockPos + ::GetSerializeSize(CBlock(), SER_DISK) - 1 + GetSizeOfCompactSize(vtx.size());
map<uint256, CTxIndex> mapUnused;
int64 nFees = 0;
foreach(CTransaction& tx, vtx)
CDiskTxPos posThisTx(pindex->nFile, pindex->nBlockPos, nTxPos);
nTxPos += ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_DISK);
if (!tx.ConnectInputs(txdb, mapUnused, posThisTx, pindex->nHeight, nFees, true, false))
return false;
if (vtx[0].GetValueOut() > GetBlockValue(nFees))
return false;
// Update block index on disk without changing it in memory.
// The memory index structure will be changed after the db commits.
if (pindex->pprev)
CDiskBlockIndex blockindexPrev(pindex->pprev);
blockindexPrev.hashNext = pindex->GetBlockHash();
// Watch for transactions paying to me
foreach(CTransaction& tx, vtx)
AddToWalletIfMine(tx, this);
return true;
bool Reorganize(CTxDB& txdb, CBlockIndex* pindexNew)
// Find the fork
CBlockIndex* pfork = pindexBest;
CBlockIndex* plonger = pindexNew;
while (pfork != plonger)
if (!(pfork = pfork->pprev))
return error("Reorganize() : pfork->pprev is null");
while (plonger->nHeight > pfork->nHeight)
if (!(plonger = plonger->pprev))
return error("Reorganize() : plonger->pprev is null");
// List of what to disconnect
vector<CBlockIndex*> vDisconnect;
for (CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexBest; pindex != pfork; pindex = pindex->pprev)
// List of what to connect
vector<CBlockIndex*> vConnect;
for (CBlockIndex* pindex = pindexNew; pindex != pfork; pindex = pindex->pprev)
reverse(vConnect.begin(), vConnect.end());
// Disconnect shorter branch
vector<CTransaction> vResurrect;
foreach(CBlockIndex* pindex, vDisconnect)
CBlock block;
if (!block.ReadFromDisk(pindex->nFile, pindex->nBlockPos))
return error("Reorganize() : ReadFromDisk for disconnect failed");
if (!block.DisconnectBlock(txdb, pindex))
return error("Reorganize() : DisconnectBlock failed");
// Queue memory transactions to resurrect
foreach(const CTransaction& tx, block.vtx)
if (!tx.IsCoinBase())
// Connect longer branch
vector<CTransaction> vDelete;
for (int i = 0; i < vConnect.size(); i++)
CBlockIndex* pindex = vConnect[i];
CBlock block;
if (!block.ReadFromDisk(pindex->nFile, pindex->nBlockPos))
return error("Reorganize() : ReadFromDisk for connect failed");
if (!block.ConnectBlock(txdb, pindex))
// Invalid block, delete the rest of this branch
for (int j = i; j < vConnect.size(); j++)
CBlockIndex* pindex = vConnect[j];
delete pindex;
return error("Reorganize() : ConnectBlock failed");
// Queue memory transactions to delete
foreach(const CTransaction& tx, block.vtx)
if (!txdb.WriteHashBestChain(pindexNew->GetBlockHash()))
return error("Reorganize() : WriteHashBestChain failed");
// Commit now because resurrecting could take some time
// Disconnect shorter branch
foreach(CBlockIndex* pindex, vDisconnect)
if (pindex->pprev)
pindex->pprev->pnext = NULL;
// Connect longer branch
foreach(CBlockIndex* pindex, vConnect)
if (pindex->pprev)
pindex->pprev->pnext = pindex;
// Resurrect memory transactions that were in the disconnected branch
foreach(CTransaction& tx, vResurrect)
tx.AcceptTransaction(txdb, false);
// Delete redundant memory transactions that are in the connected branch
foreach(CTransaction& tx, vDelete)
return true;
bool CBlock::AddToBlockIndex(unsigned int nFile, unsigned int nBlockPos)
// Check for duplicate
uint256 hash = GetHash();
if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash))
return error("AddToBlockIndex() : %s already exists", hash.ToString().substr(0,16).c_str());
// Construct new block index object
CBlockIndex* pindexNew = new CBlockIndex(nFile, nBlockPos, *this);
if (!pindexNew)
return error("AddToBlockIndex() : new CBlockIndex failed");
map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.insert(make_pair(hash, pindexNew)).first;
pindexNew->phashBlock = &((*mi).first);
map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator miPrev = mapBlockIndex.find(hashPrevBlock);
if (miPrev != mapBlockIndex.end())
pindexNew->pprev = (*miPrev).second;
pindexNew->nHeight = pindexNew->pprev->nHeight + 1;
CTxDB txdb;
// New best
if (pindexNew->nHeight > nBestHeight)
if (pindexGenesisBlock == NULL && hash == hashGenesisBlock)
pindexGenesisBlock = pindexNew;
else if (hashPrevBlock == hashBestChain)
// Adding to current best branch
if (!ConnectBlock(txdb, pindexNew) || !txdb.WriteHashBestChain(hash))
delete pindexNew;
return error("AddToBlockIndex() : ConnectBlock failed");
pindexNew->pprev->pnext = pindexNew;
// Delete redundant memory transactions
foreach(CTransaction& tx, vtx)
// New best branch
if (!Reorganize(txdb, pindexNew))
return error("AddToBlockIndex() : Reorganize failed");
// New best block
hashBestChain = hash;
pindexBest = pindexNew;
nBestHeight = pindexBest->nHeight;
nTimeBestReceived = GetTime();
printf("AddToBlockIndex: new best=%s height=%d\n", hashBestChain.ToString().substr(0,16).c_str(), nBestHeight);
if (pindexNew == pindexBest)
// Notify UI to display prev block's coinbase if it was ours
static uint256 hashPrevBestCoinBase;
hashPrevBestCoinBase = vtx[0].GetHash();
return true;
bool CBlock::CheckBlock() const
// These are checks that are independent of context
// that can be verified before saving an orphan block.
// Size limits
if (vtx.empty() || vtx.size() > MAX_SIZE || ::GetSerializeSize(*this, SER_DISK) > MAX_SIZE)
return error("CheckBlock() : size limits failed");
// Check timestamp
if (nTime > GetAdjustedTime() + 2 * 60 * 60)
return error("CheckBlock() : block timestamp too far in the future");
// First transaction must be coinbase, the rest must not be
if (vtx.empty() || !vtx[0].IsCoinBase())
return error("CheckBlock() : first tx is not coinbase");
for (int i = 1; i < vtx.size(); i++)
if (vtx[i].IsCoinBase())
return error("CheckBlock() : more than one coinbase");
// Check transactions
foreach(const CTransaction& tx, vtx)
if (!tx.CheckTransaction())
return error("CheckBlock() : CheckTransaction failed");
// Check proof of work matches claimed amount
if (CBigNum().SetCompact(nBits) > bnProofOfWorkLimit)
return error("CheckBlock() : nBits below minimum work");
if (GetHash() > CBigNum().SetCompact(nBits).getuint256())
return error("CheckBlock() : hash doesn't match nBits");
// Check merkleroot
if (hashMerkleRoot != BuildMerkleTree())
return error("CheckBlock() : hashMerkleRoot mismatch");
return true;
bool CBlock::AcceptBlock()
// Check for duplicate
uint256 hash = GetHash();
if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash))
return error("AcceptBlock() : block already in mapBlockIndex");
// Get prev block index
map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashPrevBlock);
if (mi == mapBlockIndex.end())
return error("AcceptBlock() : prev block not found");
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = (*mi).second;
// Check timestamp against prev
if (nTime <= pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast())
return error("AcceptBlock() : block's timestamp is too early");
// Check that all transactions are finalized
foreach(const CTransaction& tx, vtx)
if (!tx.IsFinal(nTime))
return error("AcceptBlock() : contains a non-final transaction");
// Check proof of work
if (nBits != GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev))
return error("AcceptBlock() : incorrect proof of work");
// Write block to history file
if (!CheckDiskSpace(::GetSerializeSize(*this, SER_DISK)))
return error("AcceptBlock() : out of disk space");
unsigned int nFile;
unsigned int nBlockPos;
if (!WriteToDisk(!fClient, nFile, nBlockPos))
return error("AcceptBlock() : WriteToDisk failed");
if (!AddToBlockIndex(nFile, nBlockPos))
return error("AcceptBlock() : AddToBlockIndex failed");
// Relay inventory, but don't relay old inventory during initial block download
if (hashBestChain == hash)
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (nBestHeight > (pnode->nStartingHeight != -1 ? pnode->nStartingHeight - 2000 : 55000))
pnode->PushInventory(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, hash));
return true;
bool ProcessBlock(CNode* pfrom, CBlock* pblock)
// Check for duplicate
uint256 hash = pblock->GetHash();
if (mapBlockIndex.count(hash))
return error("ProcessBlock() : already have block %d %s", mapBlockIndex[hash]->nHeight, hash.ToString().substr(0,16).c_str());
if (mapOrphanBlocks.count(hash))
return error("ProcessBlock() : already have block (orphan) %s", hash.ToString().substr(0,16).c_str());
// Preliminary checks
if (!pblock->CheckBlock())
delete pblock;
return error("ProcessBlock() : CheckBlock FAILED");
// If don't already have its previous block, shunt it off to holding area until we get it
if (!mapBlockIndex.count(pblock->hashPrevBlock))
printf("ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK, prev=%s\n", pblock->hashPrevBlock.ToString().substr(0,16).c_str());
mapOrphanBlocks.insert(make_pair(hash, pblock));
mapOrphanBlocksByPrev.insert(make_pair(pblock->hashPrevBlock, pblock));
// Ask this guy to fill in what we're missing
if (pfrom)
pfrom->PushGetBlocks(pindexBest, GetOrphanRoot(pblock));
return true;
// Store to disk
if (!pblock->AcceptBlock())
delete pblock;
return error("ProcessBlock() : AcceptBlock FAILED");
delete pblock;
// Recursively process any orphan blocks that depended on this one
vector<uint256> vWorkQueue;
for (int i = 0; i < vWorkQueue.size(); i++)
uint256 hashPrev = vWorkQueue[i];
for (multimap<uint256, CBlock*>::iterator mi = mapOrphanBlocksByPrev.lower_bound(hashPrev);
mi != mapOrphanBlocksByPrev.upper_bound(hashPrev);
CBlock* pblockOrphan = (*mi).second;
if (pblockOrphan->AcceptBlock())
delete pblockOrphan;
printf("ProcessBlock: ACCEPTED\n");
return true;
template<typename Stream>
bool ScanMessageStart(Stream& s)
// Scan ahead to the next pchMessageStart, which should normally be immediately
// at the file pointer. Leaves file pointer at end of pchMessageStart.
short prevmask = s.exceptions(0);
const char* p = BEGIN(pchMessageStart);
char c;, 1);
if (
return false;
if (*p != c)
p = BEGIN(pchMessageStart);
if (*p == c)
if (++p == END(pchMessageStart))
return true;
catch (...)
return false;
bool CheckDiskSpace(int64 nAdditionalBytes)
uint64 nFreeBytesAvailable = filesystem::space(GetDataDir()).available;
// Check for 15MB because database could create another 10MB log file at any time
if (nFreeBytesAvailable < (int64)15000000 + nAdditionalBytes)
fShutdown = true;
ThreadSafeMessageBox(_("Warning: Disk space is low "), "Bitcoin", wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);
CreateThread(Shutdown, NULL);
return false;
return true;
FILE* OpenBlockFile(unsigned int nFile, unsigned int nBlockPos, const char* pszMode)
if (nFile == -1)
return NULL;
FILE* file = fopen(strprintf("%s/blk%04d.dat", GetDataDir().c_str(), nFile).c_str(), pszMode);
if (!file)
return NULL;
if (nBlockPos != 0 && !strchr(pszMode, 'a') && !strchr(pszMode, 'w'))
if (fseek(file, nBlockPos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
return NULL;
return file;
static unsigned int nCurrentBlockFile = 1;
FILE* AppendBlockFile(unsigned int& nFileRet)
nFileRet = 0;
FILE* file = OpenBlockFile(nCurrentBlockFile, 0, "ab");
if (!file)
return NULL;
if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0)
return NULL;
// FAT32 filesize max 4GB, fseek and ftell max 2GB, so we must stay under 2GB
if (ftell(file) < 0x7F000000 - MAX_SIZE)
nFileRet = nCurrentBlockFile;
return file;
bool LoadBlockIndex(bool fAllowNew)
// Load block index
CTxDB txdb("cr");
if (!txdb.LoadBlockIndex())
return false;
// Init with genesis block
if (mapBlockIndex.empty())
if (!fAllowNew)
return false;
// Genesis Block:
// GetHash() = 0x000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f
// hashMerkleRoot = 0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b
//[0].scriptSig = 486604799 4 0x736B6E616220726F662074756F6C69616220646E6F63657320666F206B6E697262206E6F20726F6C6C65636E61684320393030322F6E614A2F33302073656D695420656854
// txNew.vout[0].nValue = 5000000000
// txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = 0x5F1DF16B2B704C8A578D0BBAF74D385CDE12C11EE50455F3C438EF4C3FBCF649B6DE611FEAE06279A60939E028A8D65C10B73071A6F16719274855FEB0FD8A6704 OP_CHECKSIG
// block.nVersion = 1
// block.nTime = 1231006505
// block.nBits = 0x1d00ffff
// block.nNonce = 2083236893
// CBlock(hash=000000000019d6, ver=1, hashPrevBlock=00000000000000, hashMerkleRoot=4a5e1e, nTime=1231006505, nBits=1d00ffff, nNonce=2083236893, vtx=1)
// CTransaction(hash=4a5e1e, ver=1, vin.size=1, vout.size=1, nLockTime=0)
// CTxIn(COutPoint(000000, -1), coinbase 04ffff001d0104455468652054696d65732030332f4a616e2f32303039204368616e63656c6c6f72206f6e206272696e6b206f66207365636f6e64206261696c6f757420666f722062616e6b73)
// CTxOut(nValue=50.00000000, scriptPubKey=0x5F1DF16B2B704C8A578D0B)
// vMerkleTree: 4a5e1e
// Genesis block
const char* pszTimestamp = "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks";
CTransaction txNew;;
txNew.vout.resize(1);[0].scriptSig = CScript() << 486604799 << CBigNum(4) << vector<unsigned char>((const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp, (const unsigned char*)pszTimestamp + strlen(pszTimestamp));
txNew.vout[0].nValue = 50 * COIN;
CBigNum bnPubKey;
txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey = CScript() << bnPubKey << OP_CHECKSIG;
CBlock block;
block.hashPrevBlock = 0;
block.hashMerkleRoot = block.BuildMerkleTree();
block.nVersion = 1;
block.nTime = 1231006505;
block.nBits = 0x1d00ffff;
block.nNonce = 2083236893;
//// debug print
printf("%s\n", block.GetHash().ToString().c_str());
printf("%s\n", block.hashMerkleRoot.ToString().c_str());
printf("%s\n", hashGenesisBlock.ToString().c_str());
assert(block.hashMerkleRoot == uint256("0x4a5e1e4baab89f3a32518a88c31bc87f618f76673e2cc77ab2127b7afdeda33b"));
assert(block.GetHash() == hashGenesisBlock);
// Start new block file
unsigned int nFile;
unsigned int nBlockPos;
if (!block.WriteToDisk(!fClient, nFile, nBlockPos))
return error("LoadBlockIndex() : writing genesis block to disk failed");
if (!block.AddToBlockIndex(nFile, nBlockPos))
return error("LoadBlockIndex() : genesis block not accepted");
return true;
void PrintBlockTree()
// precompute tree structure
map<CBlockIndex*, vector<CBlockIndex*> > mapNext;
for (map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.begin(); mi != mapBlockIndex.end(); ++mi)
CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
// test
//while (rand() % 3 == 0)
// mapNext[pindex->pprev].push_back(pindex);
vector<pair<int, CBlockIndex*> > vStack;
vStack.push_back(make_pair(0, pindexGenesisBlock));
int nPrevCol = 0;
while (!vStack.empty())
int nCol = vStack.back().first;
CBlockIndex* pindex = vStack.back().second;
// print split or gap
if (nCol > nPrevCol)
for (int i = 0; i < nCol-1; i++)
printf("| ");
else if (nCol < nPrevCol)
for (int i = 0; i < nCol; i++)
printf("| ");
nPrevCol = nCol;
// print columns
for (int i = 0; i < nCol; i++)
printf("| ");
// print item
CBlock block;
printf("%d (%u,%u) %s %s tx %d",
DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", block.nTime).c_str(),
if (mapWallet.count(block.vtx[0].GetHash()))
CWalletTx& wtx = mapWallet[block.vtx[0].GetHash()];
printf(" mine: %d %d %d", wtx.GetDepthInMainChain(), wtx.GetBlocksToMaturity(), wtx.GetCredit());
// put the main timechain first
vector<CBlockIndex*>& vNext = mapNext[pindex];
for (int i = 0; i < vNext.size(); i++)
if (vNext[i]->pnext)
swap(vNext[0], vNext[i]);
// iterate children
for (int i = 0; i < vNext.size(); i++)
vStack.push_back(make_pair(nCol+i, vNext[i]));
// Messages
bool AlreadyHave(CTxDB& txdb, const CInv& inv)
switch (inv.type)
case MSG_TX: return mapTransactions.count(inv.hash) || txdb.ContainsTx(inv.hash);
case MSG_BLOCK: return mapBlockIndex.count(inv.hash) || mapOrphanBlocks.count(inv.hash);
// Don't know what it is, just say we already got one
return true;
bool ProcessMessages(CNode* pfrom)
CDataStream& vRecv = pfrom->vRecv;
if (vRecv.empty())
return true;
//if (fDebug)
// printf("ProcessMessages(%d bytes)\n", vRecv.size());
// Message format
// (4) message start
// (12) command
// (4) size
// (4) checksum
// (x) data
// Scan for message start
CDataStream::iterator pstart = search(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.end(), BEGIN(pchMessageStart), END(pchMessageStart));
int nHeaderSize = vRecv.GetSerializeSize(CMessageHeader());
if (vRecv.end() - pstart < nHeaderSize)
if (vRecv.size() > nHeaderSize)
vRecv.erase(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.end() - nHeaderSize);
if (pstart - vRecv.begin() > 0)
printf("\n\nPROCESSMESSAGE SKIPPED %d BYTES\n\n", pstart - vRecv.begin());
vRecv.erase(vRecv.begin(), pstart);
// Read header
vector<char> vHeaderSave(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.begin() + nHeaderSize);
CMessageHeader hdr;
vRecv >> hdr;
if (!hdr.IsValid())
printf("\n\nPROCESSMESSAGE: ERRORS IN HEADER %s\n\n\n", hdr.GetCommand().c_str());
string strCommand = hdr.GetCommand();
// Message size
unsigned int nMessageSize = hdr.nMessageSize;
if (nMessageSize > vRecv.size())
// Rewind and wait for rest of message
///// need a mechanism to give up waiting for overlong message size error
vRecv.insert(vRecv.begin(), vHeaderSave.begin(), vHeaderSave.end());
// Copy message to its own buffer
CDataStream vMsg(vRecv.begin(), vRecv.begin() + nMessageSize, vRecv.nType, vRecv.nVersion);
// Checksum
if (vRecv.GetVersion() >= 209)
uint256 hash = Hash(vMsg.begin(), vMsg.end());
unsigned int nChecksum = 0;
memcpy(&nChecksum, &hash, sizeof(nChecksum));
if (nChecksum != hdr.nChecksum)
printf("ProcessMessage(%s, %d bytes) : CHECKSUM ERROR nChecksum=%08x hdr.nChecksum=%08x\n",
strCommand.c_str(), nMessageSize, nChecksum, hdr.nChecksum);
// Process message
bool fRet = false;
fRet = ProcessMessage(pfrom, strCommand, vMsg);
if (fShutdown)
return true;
catch (std::ios_base::failure& e)
if (strstr(e.what(), "CDataStream::read() : end of data"))
// Allow exceptions from underlength message on vRecv
printf("ProcessMessage(%s, %d bytes) : Exception '%s' caught, normally caused by a message being shorter than its stated length\n", strCommand.c_str(), nMessageSize, e.what());
else if (strstr(e.what(), ": size too large"))
// Allow exceptions from overlong size
printf("ProcessMessage(%s, %d bytes) : Exception '%s' caught\n", strCommand.c_str(), nMessageSize, e.what());
PrintException(&e, "ProcessMessage()");
catch (std::exception& e) {
PrintException(&e, "ProcessMessage()");
} catch (...) {
PrintException(NULL, "ProcessMessage()");
if (!fRet)
printf("ProcessMessage(%s, %d bytes) FAILED\n", strCommand.c_str(), nMessageSize);
return true;
bool ProcessMessage(CNode* pfrom, string strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv)
static map<unsigned int, vector<unsigned char> > mapReuseKey;
if (fDebug)
printf("%s ", DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", GetTime()).c_str());
printf("received: %s (%d bytes)\n", strCommand.c_str(), vRecv.size());
if (mapArgs.count("-dropmessagestest") && GetRand(atoi(mapArgs["-dropmessagestest"])) == 0)
printf("dropmessagestest DROPPING RECV MESSAGE\n");
return true;
if (strCommand == "version")
// Each connection can only send one version message
if (pfrom->nVersion != 0)
return false;
int64 nTime;
CAddress addrMe;
CAddress addrFrom;
uint64 nNonce = 1;
string strSubVer;
vRecv >> pfrom->nVersion >> pfrom->nServices >> nTime >> addrMe;
if (pfrom->nVersion >= 106 && !vRecv.empty())
vRecv >> addrFrom >> nNonce;
if (pfrom->nVersion >= 106 && !vRecv.empty())
vRecv >> strSubVer;
if (pfrom->nVersion >= 209 && !vRecv.empty())
vRecv >> pfrom->nStartingHeight;
if (pfrom->nVersion == 0)
return false;
// Disconnect if we connected to ourself
if (nNonce == nLocalHostNonce && nNonce > 1)
pfrom->fDisconnect = true;
return true;
pfrom->fClient = !(pfrom->nServices & NODE_NETWORK);
if (pfrom->fClient)
pfrom->vSend.nType |= SER_BLOCKHEADERONLY;
pfrom->vRecv.nType |= SER_BLOCKHEADERONLY;
AddTimeData(pfrom->addr.ip, nTime);
// Change version
if (pfrom->nVersion >= 209)
pfrom->vSend.SetVersion(min(pfrom->nVersion, VERSION));
if (pfrom->nVersion < 209)
pfrom->vRecv.SetVersion(min(pfrom->nVersion, VERSION));
// Ask the first connected node for block updates
- static bool fAskedForBlocks;
- if (!fAskedForBlocks && !pfrom->fClient)
+ static int nAskedForBlocks;
+ if (!pfrom->fClient && (nAskedForBlocks < 1 || vNodes.size() <= 1))
- fAskedForBlocks = true;
+ nAskedForBlocks++;
pfrom->PushGetBlocks(pindexBest, uint256(0));
pfrom->fSuccessfullyConnected = true;
printf("version message: version %d, blocks=%d\n", pfrom->nVersion, pfrom->nStartingHeight);
else if (pfrom->nVersion == 0)
// Must have a version message before anything else
return false;
else if (strCommand == "verack")
pfrom->vRecv.SetVersion(min(pfrom->nVersion, VERSION));
else if (strCommand == "addr")
vector<CAddress> vAddr;
vRecv >> vAddr;
if (pfrom->nVersion < 200) // don't want addresses from 0.1.5
return true;
if (vAddr.size() > 1000)
return error("message addr size() = %d", vAddr.size());
// Store the new addresses
foreach(CAddress& addr, vAddr)
if (fShutdown)
return true;
addr.nTime = GetAdjustedTime() - 2 * 60 * 60;
if (pfrom->fGetAddr || vAddr.size() > 10)
addr.nTime -= 5 * 24 * 60 * 60;
- AddAddress(addr, false);
+ AddAddress(addr);
if (!pfrom->fGetAddr && addr.IsRoutable())
// Relay to a limited number of other nodes
- multimap<int, CNode*> mapMix;
+ // Use deterministic randomness to send to
+ // the same places for an hour at a time
+ static uint256 hashSalt;
+ if (hashSalt == 0)
+ RAND_bytes((unsigned char*)&hashSalt, sizeof(hashSalt));
+ uint256 hashRand = addr.ip ^ (GetTime()/3600) ^ hashSalt;
+ multimap<uint256, CNode*> mapMix;
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
- mapMix.insert(make_pair(GetRand(INT_MAX), pnode));
- int nRelayNodes = 5;
- for (multimap<int, CNode*>::iterator mi = mapMix.begin(); mi != mapMix.end() && nRelayNodes-- > 0; ++mi)
+ mapMix.insert(make_pair(hashRand = Hash(BEGIN(hashRand), END(hashRand)), pnode));
+ int nRelayNodes = 10; // reduce this to 5 when the network is large
+ for (multimap<uint256, CNode*>::iterator mi = mapMix.begin(); mi != mapMix.end() && nRelayNodes-- > 0; ++mi)
if (vAddr.size() < 1000)
pfrom->fGetAddr = false;
else if (strCommand == "inv")
vector<CInv> vInv;
vRecv >> vInv;
if (vInv.size() > 50000)
return error("message inv size() = %d", vInv.size());
CTxDB txdb("r");
foreach(const CInv& inv, vInv)
if (fShutdown)
return true;
bool fAlreadyHave = AlreadyHave(txdb, inv);
printf(" got inventory: %s %s\n", inv.ToString().c_str(), fAlreadyHave ? "have" : "new");
if (!fAlreadyHave)
else if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK && mapOrphanBlocks.count(inv.hash))
pfrom->PushGetBlocks(pindexBest, GetOrphanRoot(mapOrphanBlocks[inv.hash]));
// Track requests for our stuff
map<uint256, int>::iterator mi = mapRequestCount.find(inv.hash);
if (mi != mapRequestCount.end())
else if (strCommand == "getdata")
vector<CInv> vInv;
vRecv >> vInv;
if (vInv.size() > 50000)
return error("message getdata size() = %d", vInv.size());
foreach(const CInv& inv, vInv)
if (fShutdown)
return true;
printf("received getdata for: %s\n", inv.ToString().c_str());
if (inv.type == MSG_BLOCK)
// Send block from disk
map<uint256, CBlockIndex*>::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(inv.hash);
if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end())
//// could optimize this to send header straight from blockindex for client
CBlock block;
block.ReadFromDisk((*mi).second, !pfrom->fClient);
pfrom->PushMessage("block", block);
// Trigger them to send a getblocks request for the next batch of inventory
if (inv.hash == pfrom->hashContinue)
// Bypass PushInventory, this must send even if redundant,
// and we want it right after the last block so they don't
// wait for other stuff first.
vector<CInv> vInv;
vInv.push_back(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, hashBestChain));
pfrom->PushMessage("inv", vInv);
pfrom->hashContinue = 0;
else if (inv.IsKnownType())
// Send stream from relay memory
map<CInv, CDataStream>::iterator mi = mapRelay.find(inv);
if (mi != mapRelay.end())
pfrom->PushMessage(inv.GetCommand(), (*mi).second);
// Track requests for our stuff
map<uint256, int>::iterator mi = mapRequestCount.find(inv.hash);
if (mi != mapRequestCount.end())
else if (strCommand == "getblocks")
CBlockLocator locator;
uint256 hashStop;
vRecv >> locator >> hashStop;
// Find the first block the caller has in the main chain
CBlockIndex* pindex = locator.GetBlockIndex();
// Send the rest of the chain
if (pindex)
pindex = pindex->pnext;
int nLimit = 500 + locator.GetDistanceBack();
printf("getblocks %d to %s limit %d\n", (pindex ? pindex->nHeight : -1), hashStop.ToString().substr(0,16).c_str(), nLimit);
for (; pindex; pindex = pindex->pnext)
if (pindex->GetBlockHash() == hashStop)
printf(" getblocks stopping at %d %s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString().substr(0,16).c_str());
pfrom->PushInventory(CInv(MSG_BLOCK, pindex->GetBlockHash()));
if (--nLimit <= 0)
// When this block is requested, we'll send an inv that'll make them
// getblocks the next batch of inventory.
printf(" getblocks stopping at limit %d %s\n", pindex->nHeight, pindex->GetBlockHash().ToString().substr(0,16).c_str());
pfrom->hashContinue = pindex->GetBlockHash();
else if (strCommand == "tx")
vector<uint256> vWorkQueue;
CDataStream vMsg(vRecv);
CTransaction tx;
vRecv >> tx;
CInv inv(MSG_TX, tx.GetHash());
bool fMissingInputs = false;
if (tx.AcceptTransaction(true, &fMissingInputs))
AddToWalletIfMine(tx, NULL);
RelayMessage(inv, vMsg);
// Recursively process any orphan transactions that depended on this one
for (int i = 0; i < vWorkQueue.size(); i++)
uint256 hashPrev = vWorkQueue[i];
for (multimap<uint256, CDataStream*>::iterator mi = mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.lower_bound(hashPrev);
mi != mapOrphanTransactionsByPrev.upper_bound(hashPrev);
const CDataStream& vMsg = *((*mi).second);
CTransaction tx;
CDataStream(vMsg) >> tx;
CInv inv(MSG_TX, tx.GetHash());
if (tx.AcceptTransaction(true))
printf(" accepted orphan tx %s\n", inv.hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
AddToWalletIfMine(tx, NULL);
RelayMessage(inv, vMsg);
foreach(uint256 hash, vWorkQueue)
else if (fMissingInputs)
printf("storing orphan tx %s\n", inv.hash.ToString().substr(0,6).c_str());
else if (strCommand == "block")
auto_ptr<CBlock> pblock(new CBlock);
vRecv >> *pblock;
//// debug print
printf("received block %s\n", pblock->GetHash().ToString().substr(0,16).c_str());
// pblock->print();
CInv inv(MSG_BLOCK, pblock->GetHash());
if (ProcessBlock(pfrom, pblock.release()))
else if (strCommand == "getaddr")
+ // This includes all nodes that are currently online,
+ // since they rebroadcast an addr every 24 hours
- int64 nSince = GetAdjustedTime() - 5 * 24 * 60 * 60; // in the last 5 days
+ int64 nSince = GetAdjustedTime() - 24 * 60 * 60; // in the last 24 hours
unsigned int nSize = mapAddresses.size();
foreach(const PAIRTYPE(vector<unsigned char>, CAddress)& item, mapAddresses)
if (fShutdown)
return true;
const CAddress& addr = item.second;
if (addr.nTime > nSince)
else if (strCommand == "checkorder")
uint256 hashReply;
CWalletTx order;
vRecv >> hashReply >> order;
/// we have a chance to check the order here
// Keep giving the same key to the same ip until they use it
if (!mapReuseKey.count(pfrom->addr.ip))
mapReuseKey[pfrom->addr.ip] = GenerateNewKey();
// Send back approval of order and pubkey to use
CScript scriptPubKey;
scriptPubKey << mapReuseKey[pfrom->addr.ip] << OP_CHECKSIG;
pfrom->PushMessage("reply", hashReply, (int)0, scriptPubKey);
else if (strCommand == "submitorder")
uint256 hashReply;
CWalletTx wtxNew;
vRecv >> hashReply >> wtxNew;
wtxNew.fFromMe = false;
// Broadcast
if (!wtxNew.AcceptWalletTransaction())
pfrom->PushMessage("reply", hashReply, (int)1);
return error("submitorder AcceptWalletTransaction() failed, returning error 1");
wtxNew.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = true;
// Send back confirmation
pfrom->PushMessage("reply", hashReply, (int)0);
else if (strCommand == "reply")
uint256 hashReply;
vRecv >> hashReply;
CRequestTracker tracker;
map<uint256, CRequestTracker>::iterator mi = pfrom->mapRequests.find(hashReply);
if (mi != pfrom->mapRequests.end())
tracker = (*mi).second;
if (!tracker.IsNull())
tracker.fn(tracker.param1, vRecv);
else if (strCommand == "ping")
// Ignore unknown commands for extensibility
// Update the last seen time for this node's address
if (pfrom->fNetworkNode)
if (strCommand == "version" || strCommand == "addr" || strCommand == "inv" || strCommand == "getdata" || strCommand == "ping")
return true;
bool SendMessages(CNode* pto, bool fSendTrickle)
// Don't send anything until we get their version message
if (pto->nVersion == 0)
return true;
// Keep-alive ping
if (pto->nLastSend && GetTime() - pto->nLastSend > 30 * 60 && pto->vSend.empty())
// Address refresh broadcast
static int64 nLastRebroadcast;
if (GetTime() - nLastRebroadcast > 24 * 60 * 60) // every 24 hours
nLastRebroadcast = GetTime();
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
// Periodically clear setAddrKnown to allow refresh broadcasts
// Rebroadcast our address
if (addrLocalHost.IsRoutable() && !fUseProxy)
// Resend wallet transactions that haven't gotten in a block yet
// Message: addr
if (fSendTrickle)
vector<CAddress> vAddr;
foreach(const CAddress& addr, pto->vAddrToSend)
// returns true if wasn't already contained in the set
if (pto->setAddrKnown.insert(addr).second)
// receiver rejects addr messages larger than 1000
if (vAddr.size() >= 1000)
pto->PushMessage("addr", vAddr);
if (!vAddr.empty())
pto->PushMessage("addr", vAddr);
// Message: inventory
vector<CInv> vInv;
vector<CInv> vInvWait;
foreach(const CInv& inv, pto->vInventoryToSend)
if (pto->setInventoryKnown.count(inv))
// trickle out tx inv to protect privacy
if (inv.type == MSG_TX && !fSendTrickle)
// 1/4 of tx invs blast to all immediately
static uint256 hashSalt;
if (hashSalt == 0)
RAND_bytes((unsigned char*)&hashSalt, sizeof(hashSalt));
- uint256 hashRand = (inv.hash ^ hashSalt);
+ uint256 hashRand = inv.hash ^ hashSalt;
hashRand = Hash(BEGIN(hashRand), END(hashRand));
bool fTrickleWait = ((hashRand & 3) != 0);
// always trickle our own transactions
if (!fTrickleWait)
map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = mapWallet.find(inv.hash);
if (mi != mapWallet.end())
CWalletTx& wtx = (*mi).second;
if (wtx.fFromMe)
fTrickleWait = true;
if (fTrickleWait)
// returns true if wasn't already contained in the set
if (pto->setInventoryKnown.insert(inv).second)
if (vInv.size() >= 1000)
pto->PushMessage("inv", vInv);
pto->vInventoryToSend = vInvWait;
if (!vInv.empty())
pto->PushMessage("inv", vInv);
// Message: getdata
vector<CInv> vGetData;
int64 nNow = GetTime() * 1000000;
CTxDB txdb("r");
while (!pto->mapAskFor.empty() && (*pto->mapAskFor.begin()).first <= nNow)
const CInv& inv = (*pto->mapAskFor.begin()).second;
if (!AlreadyHave(txdb, inv))
printf("sending getdata: %s\n", inv.ToString().c_str());
if (vGetData.size() >= 1000)
pto->PushMessage("getdata", vGetData);
if (!vGetData.empty())
pto->PushMessage("getdata", vGetData);
return true;
// BitcoinMiner
void GenerateBitcoins(bool fGenerate)
if (fGenerateBitcoins != fGenerate)
fGenerateBitcoins = fGenerate;
CWalletDB().WriteSetting("fGenerateBitcoins", fGenerateBitcoins);
if (fGenerateBitcoins)
int nProcessors = wxThread::GetCPUCount();
printf("%d processors\n", nProcessors);
if (nProcessors < 1)
nProcessors = 1;
if (fLimitProcessors && nProcessors > nLimitProcessors)
nProcessors = nLimitProcessors;
int nAddThreads = nProcessors - vnThreadsRunning[3];
printf("Starting %d BitcoinMiner threads\n", nAddThreads);
for (int i = 0; i < nAddThreads; i++)
if (!CreateThread(ThreadBitcoinMiner, NULL))
printf("Error: CreateThread(ThreadBitcoinMiner) failed\n");
void ThreadBitcoinMiner(void* parg)
catch (std::exception& e) {
PrintException(&e, "ThreadBitcoinMiner()");
} catch (...) {
PrintException(NULL, "ThreadBitcoinMiner()");
printf("ThreadBitcoinMiner exiting, %d threads remaining\n", vnThreadsRunning[3]);
int FormatHashBlocks(void* pbuffer, unsigned int len)
unsigned char* pdata = (unsigned char*)pbuffer;
unsigned int blocks = 1 + ((len + 8) / 64);
unsigned char* pend = pdata + 64 * blocks;
memset(pdata + len, 0, 64 * blocks - len);
pdata[len] = 0x80;
unsigned int bits = len * 8;
pend[-1] = (bits >> 0) & 0xff;
pend[-2] = (bits >> 8) & 0xff;
pend[-3] = (bits >> 16) & 0xff;
pend[-4] = (bits >> 24) & 0xff;
return blocks;
using CryptoPP::ByteReverse;
static int detectlittleendian = 1;
void BlockSHA256(const void* pin, unsigned int nBlocks, void* pout)
unsigned int* pinput = (unsigned int*)pin;
unsigned int* pstate = (unsigned int*)pout;
if (*(char*)&detectlittleendian != 0)
for (int n = 0; n < nBlocks; n++)
unsigned int pbuf[16];
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
pbuf[i] = ByteReverse(pinput[n * 16 + i]);
CryptoPP::SHA256::Transform(pstate, pbuf);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
pstate[i] = ByteReverse(pstate[i]);
for (int n = 0; n < nBlocks; n++)
CryptoPP::SHA256::Transform(pstate, pinput + n * 16);
void BitcoinMiner()
printf("BitcoinMiner started\n");
CKey key;
CBigNum bnExtraNonce = 0;
while (fGenerateBitcoins)
if (fShutdown)
while (vNodes.empty())
if (fShutdown)
if (!fGenerateBitcoins)
unsigned int nTransactionsUpdatedLast = nTransactionsUpdated;
CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = pindexBest;
unsigned int nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev);
// Create coinbase tx
CTransaction txNew;;[0].prevout.SetNull();[0].scriptSig << nBits << ++bnExtraNonce;
txNew.vout[0].scriptPubKey << key.GetPubKey() << OP_CHECKSIG;
// Create new block
auto_ptr<CBlock> pblock(new CBlock());
if (!pblock.get())
// Add our coinbase tx as first transaction
// Collect the latest transactions into the block
int64 nFees = 0;
CTxDB txdb("r");
map<uint256, CTxIndex> mapTestPool;
vector<char> vfAlreadyAdded(mapTransactions.size());
bool fFoundSomething = true;
unsigned int nBlockSize = 0;
while (fFoundSomething && nBlockSize < MAX_SIZE/2)
fFoundSomething = false;
unsigned int n = 0;
for (map<uint256, CTransaction>::iterator mi = mapTransactions.begin(); mi != mapTransactions.end(); ++mi, ++n)
if (vfAlreadyAdded[n])
CTransaction& tx = (*mi).second;
if (tx.IsCoinBase() || !tx.IsFinal())
// Transaction fee based on block size
int64 nMinFee = tx.GetMinFee(nBlockSize);
map<uint256, CTxIndex> mapTestPoolTmp(mapTestPool);
if (!tx.ConnectInputs(txdb, mapTestPoolTmp, CDiskTxPos(1,1,1), 0, nFees, false, true, nMinFee))
swap(mapTestPool, mapTestPoolTmp);
nBlockSize += ::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK);
vfAlreadyAdded[n] = true;
fFoundSomething = true;
pblock->nBits = nBits;
pblock->vtx[0].vout[0].nValue = pblock->GetBlockValue(nFees);
printf("Running BitcoinMiner with %d transactions in block\n", pblock->vtx.size());
// Prebuild hash buffer
struct unnamed1
struct unnamed2
int nVersion;
uint256 hashPrevBlock;
uint256 hashMerkleRoot;
unsigned int nTime;
unsigned int nBits;
unsigned int nNonce;
unsigned char pchPadding0[64];
uint256 hash1;
unsigned char pchPadding1[64];
tmp.block.nVersion = pblock->nVersion;
tmp.block.hashPrevBlock = pblock->hashPrevBlock = (pindexPrev ? pindexPrev->GetBlockHash() : 0);
tmp.block.hashMerkleRoot = pblock->hashMerkleRoot = pblock->BuildMerkleTree();
tmp.block.nTime = pblock->nTime = max((pindexPrev ? pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()+1 : 0), GetAdjustedTime());
tmp.block.nBits = pblock->nBits = nBits;
tmp.block.nNonce = pblock->nNonce = 1;
unsigned int nBlocks0 = FormatHashBlocks(&tmp.block, sizeof(tmp.block));
unsigned int nBlocks1 = FormatHashBlocks(&tmp.hash1, sizeof(tmp.hash1));
// Search
int64 nStart = GetTime();
uint256 hashTarget = CBigNum().SetCompact(pblock->nBits).getuint256();
uint256 hash;
BlockSHA256(&tmp.block, nBlocks0, &tmp.hash1);
BlockSHA256(&tmp.hash1, nBlocks1, &hash);
if (hash <= hashTarget)
pblock->nNonce = tmp.block.nNonce;
assert(hash == pblock->GetHash());
//// debug print
printf("proof-of-work found \n hash: %s \ntarget: %s\n", hash.GetHex().c_str(), hashTarget.GetHex().c_str());
if (pindexPrev == pindexBest)
// Save key
if (!AddKey(key))
// Track how many getdata requests this block gets
mapRequestCount[pblock->GetHash()] = 0;
// Process this block the same as if we had received it from another node
if (!ProcessBlock(NULL, pblock.release()))
printf("ERROR in BitcoinMiner, ProcessBlock, block not accepted\n");
// Update nTime every few seconds
if ((++tmp.block.nNonce & 0xffff) == 0)
if (fShutdown)
if (!fGenerateBitcoins)
if (fLimitProcessors && vnThreadsRunning[3] > nLimitProcessors)
if (vNodes.empty())
if (tmp.block.nNonce == 0)
if (nTransactionsUpdated != nTransactionsUpdatedLast && GetTime() - nStart > 60)
if (pindexPrev != pindexBest)
// Pause generating during initial download
if (GetTime() - nStart < 20)
CBlockIndex* pindexTmp;
pindexTmp = pindexBest;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (fShutdown)
while (pindexTmp != pindexBest);
tmp.block.nTime = pblock->nTime = max(pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast()+1, GetAdjustedTime());
// Actions
int64 GetBalance()
int64 nStart = GetTimeMillis();
int64 nTotal = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = mapWallet.begin(); it != mapWallet.end(); ++it)
CWalletTx* pcoin = &(*it).second;
if (!pcoin->IsFinal() || pcoin->fSpent)
nTotal += pcoin->GetCredit(true);
//printf("GetBalance() %"PRI64d"ms\n", GetTimeMillis() - nStart);
return nTotal;
bool SelectCoins(int64 nTargetValue, set<CWalletTx*>& setCoinsRet)
// List of values less than target
int64 nLowestLarger = INT64_MAX;
CWalletTx* pcoinLowestLarger = NULL;
vector<pair<int64, CWalletTx*> > vValue;
int64 nTotalLower = 0;
for (map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator it = mapWallet.begin(); it != mapWallet.end(); ++it)
CWalletTx* pcoin = &(*it).second;
if (!pcoin->IsFinal() || pcoin->fSpent)
int64 n = pcoin->GetCredit();
if (n <= 0)
if (n < nTargetValue)
vValue.push_back(make_pair(n, pcoin));
nTotalLower += n;
else if (n == nTargetValue)
return true;
else if (n < nLowestLarger)
nLowestLarger = n;
pcoinLowestLarger = pcoin;
if (nTotalLower < nTargetValue)
if (pcoinLowestLarger == NULL)
return false;
return true;
// Solve subset sum by stochastic approximation
sort(vValue.rbegin(), vValue.rend());
vector<char> vfIncluded;
vector<char> vfBest(vValue.size(), true);
int64 nBest = nTotalLower;
for (int nRep = 0; nRep < 1000 && nBest != nTargetValue; nRep++)
vfIncluded.assign(vValue.size(), false);
int64 nTotal = 0;
bool fReachedTarget = false;
for (int nPass = 0; nPass < 2 && !fReachedTarget; nPass++)
for (int i = 0; i < vValue.size(); i++)
if (nPass == 0 ? rand() % 2 : !vfIncluded[i])
nTotal += vValue[i].first;
vfIncluded[i] = true;
if (nTotal >= nTargetValue)
fReachedTarget = true;
if (nTotal < nBest)
nBest = nTotal;
vfBest = vfIncluded;
nTotal -= vValue[i].first;
vfIncluded[i] = false;
// If the next larger is still closer, return it
if (pcoinLowestLarger && nLowestLarger - nTargetValue <= nBest - nTargetValue)
for (int i = 0; i < vValue.size(); i++)
if (vfBest[i])
//// debug print
printf("SelectCoins() best subset: ");
for (int i = 0; i < vValue.size(); i++)
if (vfBest[i])
printf("%s ", FormatMoney(vValue[i].first).c_str());
printf("total %s\n", FormatMoney(nBest).c_str());
return true;
bool CreateTransaction(CScript scriptPubKey, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, CKey& keyRet, int64& nFeeRequiredRet)
nFeeRequiredRet = 0;
// txdb must be opened before the mapWallet lock
CTxDB txdb("r");
int64 nFee = nTransactionFee;
wtxNew.fFromMe = true;
if (nValue < 0)
return false;
int64 nValueOut = nValue;
int64 nTotalValue = nValue + nFee;
// Choose coins to use
set<CWalletTx*> setCoins;
if (!SelectCoins(nTotalValue, setCoins))
return false;
int64 nValueIn = 0;
foreach(CWalletTx* pcoin, setCoins)
nValueIn += pcoin->GetCredit();
// Fill a vout to the payee
bool fChangeFirst = GetRand(2);
if (!fChangeFirst)
wtxNew.vout.push_back(CTxOut(nValueOut, scriptPubKey));
// Fill a vout back to self with any change
if (nValueIn > nTotalValue)
// Note: We use a new key here to keep it from being obvious which side is the change.
// The drawback is that by not reusing a previous key, the change may be lost if a
// backup is restored, if the backup doesn't have the new private key for the change.
// If we reused the old key, it would be possible to add code to look for and
// rediscover unknown transactions that were written with keys of ours to recover
// post-backup change.
// New private key
if (keyRet.IsNull())
// Fill a vout to ourself, using same address type as the payment
CScript scriptChange;
if (scriptPubKey.GetBitcoinAddressHash160() != 0)
scriptChange << keyRet.GetPubKey() << OP_CHECKSIG;
wtxNew.vout.push_back(CTxOut(nValueIn - nTotalValue, scriptChange));
// Fill a vout to the payee
if (fChangeFirst)
wtxNew.vout.push_back(CTxOut(nValueOut, scriptPubKey));
// Fill vin
foreach(CWalletTx* pcoin, setCoins)
for (int nOut = 0; nOut < pcoin->vout.size(); nOut++)
if (pcoin->vout[nOut].IsMine())>GetHash(), nOut));
// Sign
int nIn = 0;
foreach(CWalletTx* pcoin, setCoins)
for (int nOut = 0; nOut < pcoin->vout.size(); nOut++)
if (pcoin->vout[nOut].IsMine())
SignSignature(*pcoin, wtxNew, nIn++);
// Check that enough fee is included
if (nFee < wtxNew.GetMinFee())
nFee = nFeeRequiredRet = wtxNew.GetMinFee();
// Fill vtxPrev by copying from previous transactions vtxPrev
wtxNew.fTimeReceivedIsTxTime = true;
return true;
// Call after CreateTransaction unless you want to abort
bool CommitTransaction(CWalletTx& wtxNew, const CKey& key)
printf("CommitTransaction:\n%s", wtxNew.ToString().c_str());
// This is only to keep the database open to defeat the auto-flush for the
// duration of this scope. This is the only place where this optimization
// maybe makes sense; please don't do it anywhere else.
CWalletDB walletdb("r");
// Add the change's private key to wallet
if (!key.IsNull() && !AddKey(key))
throw runtime_error("CommitTransaction() : AddKey failed\n");
// Add tx to wallet, because if it has change it's also ours,
// otherwise just for transaction history.
// Mark old coins as spent
set<CWalletTx*> setCoins;
foreach(const CTxIn& txin,
foreach(CWalletTx* pcoin, setCoins)
pcoin->fSpent = true;
// Track how many getdata requests our transaction gets
mapRequestCount[wtxNew.GetHash()] = 0;
// Broadcast
if (!wtxNew.AcceptTransaction())
// This must not fail. The transaction has already been signed and recorded.
printf("CommitTransaction() : Error: Transaction not valid");
return false;
return true;
string SendMoney(CScript scriptPubKey, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, bool fAskFee)
CKey key;
int64 nFeeRequired;
if (!CreateTransaction(scriptPubKey, nValue, wtxNew, key, nFeeRequired))
string strError;
if (nValue + nFeeRequired > GetBalance())
strError = strprintf(_("Error: This is an oversized transaction that requires a transaction fee of %s "), FormatMoney(nFeeRequired).c_str());
strError = _("Error: Transaction creation failed ");
printf("SendMoney() : %s", strError.c_str());
return strError;
if (fAskFee && !ThreadSafeAskFee(nFeeRequired, _("Sending..."), NULL))
return "ABORTED";
if (!CommitTransaction(wtxNew, key))
return _("Error: The transaction was rejected. This might happen if some of the coins in your wallet were already spent, such as if you used a copy of wallet.dat and coins were spent in the copy but not marked as spent here.");
return "";
string SendMoneyToBitcoinAddress(string strAddress, int64 nValue, CWalletTx& wtxNew, bool fAskFee)
// Check amount
if (nValue <= 0)
return _("Invalid amount");
if (nValue + nTransactionFee > GetBalance())
return _("Insufficient funds");
// Parse bitcoin address
CScript scriptPubKey;
if (!scriptPubKey.SetBitcoinAddress(strAddress))
return _("Invalid bitcoin address");
return SendMoney(scriptPubKey, nValue, wtxNew, fAskFee);
diff --git a/net.cpp b/net.cpp
index 59d40dc12..7539066da 100644
--- a/net.cpp
+++ b/net.cpp
@@ -1,1356 +1,1424 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file license.txt or
#include "headers.h"
void ThreadMessageHandler2(void* parg);
void ThreadSocketHandler2(void* parg);
void ThreadOpenConnections2(void* parg);
bool OpenNetworkConnection(const CAddress& addrConnect);
// Global state variables
bool fClient = false;
uint64 nLocalServices = (fClient ? 0 : NODE_NETWORK);
CAddress addrLocalHost(0, DEFAULT_PORT, nLocalServices);
CNode* pnodeLocalHost = NULL;
uint64 nLocalHostNonce = 0;
array<int, 10> vnThreadsRunning;
int64 nThreadSocketHandlerHeartbeat = INT64_MAX;
vector<CNode*> vNodes;
CCriticalSection cs_vNodes;
map<vector<unsigned char>, CAddress> mapAddresses;
CCriticalSection cs_mapAddresses;
map<CInv, CDataStream> mapRelay;
deque<pair<int64, CInv> > vRelayExpiration;
CCriticalSection cs_mapRelay;
map<CInv, int64> mapAlreadyAskedFor;
// Settings
int fUseProxy = false;
CAddress addrProxy("");
void CNode::PushGetBlocks(CBlockIndex* pindexBegin, uint256 hashEnd)
// Filter out duplicate requests
if (pindexBegin == pindexLastGetBlocksBegin && hashEnd == hashLastGetBlocksEnd)
pindexLastGetBlocksBegin = pindexBegin;
hashLastGetBlocksEnd = hashEnd;
PushMessage("getblocks", CBlockLocator(pindexBegin), hashEnd);
bool ConnectSocket(const CAddress& addrConnect, SOCKET& hSocketRet)
if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
return false;
#if defined(__BSD__) || defined(__WXOSX__)
int set = 1;
setsockopt(hSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (void*)&set, sizeof(int));
bool fRoutable = !(addrConnect.GetByte(3) == 10 || (addrConnect.GetByte(3) == 192 && addrConnect.GetByte(2) == 168));
bool fProxy = (fUseProxy && fRoutable);
struct sockaddr_in sockaddr = (fProxy ? addrProxy.GetSockAddr() : addrConnect.GetSockAddr());
if (connect(hSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
return false;
if (fProxy)
printf("proxy connecting %s\n", addrConnect.ToStringLog().c_str());
char pszSocks4IP[] = "\4\1\0\0\0\0\0\0user";
memcpy(pszSocks4IP + 2, &addrConnect.port, 2);
memcpy(pszSocks4IP + 4, &addrConnect.ip, 4);
char* pszSocks4 = pszSocks4IP;
int nSize = sizeof(pszSocks4IP);
int ret = send(hSocket, pszSocks4, nSize, MSG_NOSIGNAL);
if (ret != nSize)
return error("Error sending to proxy");
char pchRet[8];
if (recv(hSocket, pchRet, 8, 0) != 8)
return error("Error reading proxy response");
if (pchRet[1] != 0x5a)
if (pchRet[1] != 0x5b)
printf("ERROR: Proxy returned error %d\n", pchRet[1]);
return false;
printf("proxy connected %s\n", addrConnect.ToStringLog().c_str());
hSocketRet = hSocket;
return true;
bool GetMyExternalIP2(const CAddress& addrConnect, const char* pszGet, const char* pszKeyword, unsigned int& ipRet)
SOCKET hSocket;
if (!ConnectSocket(addrConnect, hSocket))
return error("GetMyExternalIP() : connection to %s failed", addrConnect.ToString().c_str());
send(hSocket, pszGet, strlen(pszGet), MSG_NOSIGNAL);
string strLine;
while (RecvLine(hSocket, strLine))
if (strLine.empty())
if (!RecvLine(hSocket, strLine))
return false;
if (strLine.find(pszKeyword) != -1)
strLine = strLine.substr(strLine.find(pszKeyword) + strlen(pszKeyword));
if (strLine.find("<"))
strLine = strLine.substr(0, strLine.find("<"));
strLine = strLine.substr(strspn(strLine.c_str(), " \t\n\r"));
while (strLine.size() > 0 && isspace(strLine[strLine.size()-1]))
CAddress addr(strLine.c_str());
printf("GetMyExternalIP() received [%s] %s\n", strLine.c_str(), addr.ToString().c_str());
if (addr.ip == 0 || addr.ip == INADDR_NONE || !addr.IsRoutable())
return false;
ipRet = addr.ip;
return true;
return error("GetMyExternalIP() : connection closed");
bool GetMyExternalIP(unsigned int& ipRet)
CAddress addrConnect;
const char* pszGet;
const char* pszKeyword;
if (fUseProxy)
return false;
for (int nLookup = 0; nLookup <= 1; nLookup++)
for (int nHost = 1; nHost <= 2; nHost++)
if (nHost == 1)
addrConnect = CAddress(""); //
if (nLookup == 1)
struct hostent* phostent = gethostbyname("");
if (phostent && phostent->h_addr_list && phostent->h_addr_list[0])
addrConnect = CAddress(*(u_long*)phostent->h_addr_list[0], htons(80));
pszGet = "GET /ip.php HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n"
pszKeyword = "IP:";
else if (nHost == 2)
addrConnect = CAddress(""); //
if (nLookup == 1)
struct hostent* phostent = gethostbyname("");
if (phostent && phostent->h_addr_list && phostent->h_addr_list[0])
addrConnect = CAddress(*(u_long*)phostent->h_addr_list[0], htons(80));
pszGet = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n"
"User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1)\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n"
pszKeyword = "Address:";
if (GetMyExternalIP2(addrConnect, pszGet, pszKeyword, ipRet))
return true;
return false;
-bool AddAddress(CAddress addr, bool fCurrentlyOnline)
+bool AddAddress(CAddress addr)
if (!addr.IsRoutable())
return false;
if (addr.ip == addrLocalHost.ip)
return false;
- if (fCurrentlyOnline)
- addr.nTime = GetAdjustedTime();
map<vector<unsigned char>, CAddress>::iterator it = mapAddresses.find(addr.GetKey());
if (it == mapAddresses.end())
// New address
printf("AddAddress(%s)\n", addr.ToStringLog().c_str());
mapAddresses.insert(make_pair(addr.GetKey(), addr));
return true;
bool fUpdated = false;
CAddress& addrFound = (*it).second;
if ((addrFound.nServices | addr.nServices) != addrFound.nServices)
// Services have been added
addrFound.nServices |= addr.nServices;
fUpdated = true;
+ bool fCurrentlyOnline = (GetAdjustedTime() - addr.nTime < 24 * 60 * 60);
int64 nUpdateInterval = (fCurrentlyOnline ? 60 * 60 : 24 * 60 * 60);
if (addrFound.nTime < addr.nTime - nUpdateInterval)
// Periodically update most recently seen time
addrFound.nTime = addr.nTime;
fUpdated = true;
if (fUpdated)
return false;
void AddressCurrentlyConnected(const CAddress& addr)
// Only if it's been published already
map<vector<unsigned char>, CAddress>::iterator it = mapAddresses.find(addr.GetKey());
if (it != mapAddresses.end())
CAddress& addrFound = (*it).second;
int64 nUpdateInterval = 20 * 60;
if (addrFound.nTime < GetAdjustedTime() - nUpdateInterval)
// Periodically update most recently seen time
addrFound.nTime = GetAdjustedTime();
CAddrDB addrdb;
void AbandonRequests(void (*fn)(void*, CDataStream&), void* param1)
// If the dialog might get closed before the reply comes back,
// call this in the destructor so it doesn't get called after it's deleted.
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
for (map<uint256, CRequestTracker>::iterator mi = pnode->mapRequests.begin(); mi != pnode->mapRequests.end();)
CRequestTracker& tracker = (*mi).second;
if (tracker.fn == fn && tracker.param1 == param1)
// Subscription methods for the broadcast and subscription system.
// Channel numbers are message numbers, i.e. MSG_TABLE and MSG_PRODUCT.
// The subscription system uses a meet-in-the-middle strategy.
// With 100,000 nodes, if senders broadcast to 1000 random nodes and receivers
// subscribe to 1000 random nodes, 99.995% (1 - 0.99^1000) of messages will get through.
bool AnySubscribed(unsigned int nChannel)
if (pnodeLocalHost->IsSubscribed(nChannel))
return true;
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode->IsSubscribed(nChannel))
return true;
return false;
bool CNode::IsSubscribed(unsigned int nChannel)
if (nChannel >= vfSubscribe.size())
return false;
return vfSubscribe[nChannel];
void CNode::Subscribe(unsigned int nChannel, unsigned int nHops)
if (nChannel >= vfSubscribe.size())
if (!AnySubscribed(nChannel))
// Relay subscribe
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode != this)
pnode->PushMessage("subscribe", nChannel, nHops);
vfSubscribe[nChannel] = true;
void CNode::CancelSubscribe(unsigned int nChannel)
if (nChannel >= vfSubscribe.size())
// Prevent from relaying cancel if wasn't subscribed
if (!vfSubscribe[nChannel])
vfSubscribe[nChannel] = false;
if (!AnySubscribed(nChannel))
// Relay subscription cancel
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode != this)
pnode->PushMessage("sub-cancel", nChannel);
CNode* FindNode(unsigned int ip)
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode->addr.ip == ip)
return (pnode);
return NULL;
CNode* FindNode(CAddress addr)
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode->addr == addr)
return (pnode);
return NULL;
CNode* ConnectNode(CAddress addrConnect, int64 nTimeout)
if (addrConnect.ip == addrLocalHost.ip)
return NULL;
// Look for an existing connection
CNode* pnode = FindNode(addrConnect.ip);
if (pnode)
if (nTimeout != 0)
return pnode;
/// debug print
printf("trying connection %s lastseen=%.1fhrs lasttry=%.1fhrs\n",
(double)(addrConnect.nTime - GetAdjustedTime())/3600.0,
(double)(addrConnect.nLastTry - GetAdjustedTime())/3600.0);
mapAddresses[addrConnect.GetKey()].nLastTry = GetAdjustedTime();
// Connect
SOCKET hSocket;
if (ConnectSocket(addrConnect, hSocket))
/// debug print
printf("connected %s\n", addrConnect.ToStringLog().c_str());
// Set to nonblocking
#ifdef __WXMSW__
u_long nOne = 1;
if (ioctlsocket(hSocket, FIONBIO, &nOne) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("ConnectSocket() : ioctlsocket nonblocking setting failed, error %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
if (fcntl(hSocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("ConnectSocket() : fcntl nonblocking setting failed, error %d\n", errno);
// Add node
CNode* pnode = new CNode(hSocket, addrConnect, false);
if (nTimeout != 0)
pnode->nTimeConnected = GetTime();
return pnode;
return NULL;
void CNode::CloseSocketDisconnect()
fDisconnect = true;
if (hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
if (fDebug)
printf("%s ", DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", GetTime()).c_str());
printf("disconnecting node %s\n", addr.ToStringLog().c_str());
void CNode::Cleanup()
// All of a nodes broadcasts and subscriptions are automatically torn down
// when it goes down, so a node has to stay up to keep its broadcast going.
// Cancel subscriptions
for (unsigned int nChannel = 0; nChannel < vfSubscribe.size(); nChannel++)
if (vfSubscribe[nChannel])
void ThreadSocketHandler(void* parg)
catch (std::exception& e) {
PrintException(&e, "ThreadSocketHandler()");
} catch (...) {
throw; // support pthread_cancel()
printf("ThreadSocketHandler exiting\n");
void ThreadSocketHandler2(void* parg)
printf("ThreadSocketHandler started\n");
list<CNode*> vNodesDisconnected;
int nPrevNodeCount = 0;
// Disconnect nodes
// Disconnect unused nodes
vector<CNode*> vNodesCopy = vNodes;
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodesCopy)
if (pnode->fDisconnect ||
(pnode->GetRefCount() <= 0 && pnode->vRecv.empty() && pnode->vSend.empty()))
// remove from vNodes
vNodes.erase(remove(vNodes.begin(), vNodes.end(), pnode), vNodes.end());
// close socket and cleanup
// hold in disconnected pool until all refs are released
pnode->nReleaseTime = max(pnode->nReleaseTime, GetTime() + 15 * 60);
if (pnode->fNetworkNode || pnode->fInbound)
// Delete disconnected nodes
list<CNode*> vNodesDisconnectedCopy = vNodesDisconnected;
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodesDisconnectedCopy)
// wait until threads are done using it
if (pnode->GetRefCount() <= 0)
bool fDelete = false;
fDelete = true;
if (fDelete)
delete pnode;
if (vNodes.size() != nPrevNodeCount)
nPrevNodeCount = vNodes.size();
// Find which sockets have data to receive
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 0;
timeout.tv_usec = 50000; // frequency to poll pnode->vSend
fd_set fdsetRecv;
fd_set fdsetSend;
fd_set fdsetError;
SOCKET hSocketMax = 0;
FD_SET(hListenSocket, &fdsetRecv);
hSocketMax = max(hSocketMax, hListenSocket);
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET || pnode->hSocket < 0)
FD_SET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetRecv);
FD_SET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetError);
hSocketMax = max(hSocketMax, pnode->hSocket);
if (!pnode->vSend.empty())
FD_SET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetSend);
int nSelect = select(hSocketMax + 1, &fdsetRecv, &fdsetSend, &fdsetError, &timeout);
if (fShutdown)
if (nSelect == SOCKET_ERROR)
int nErr = WSAGetLastError();
printf("socket select error %d\n", nErr);
for (int i = 0; i <= hSocketMax; i++)
FD_SET(i, &fdsetRecv);
// Accept new connections
if (FD_ISSET(hListenSocket, &fdsetRecv))
struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
socklen_t len = sizeof(sockaddr);
SOCKET hSocket = accept(hListenSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddr, &len);
CAddress addr(sockaddr);
if (hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
printf("socket error accept failed: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
printf("accepted connection %s\n", addr.ToStringLog().c_str());
CNode* pnode = new CNode(hSocket, addr, true);
// Service each socket
vector<CNode*> vNodesCopy;
vNodesCopy = vNodes;
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodesCopy)
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodesCopy)
if (fShutdown)
// Receive
if (pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
if (FD_ISSET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetRecv) || FD_ISSET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetError))
CDataStream& vRecv = pnode->vRecv;
unsigned int nPos = vRecv.size();
// typical socket buffer is 8K-64K
char pchBuf[0x10000];
int nBytes = recv(pnode->hSocket, pchBuf, sizeof(pchBuf), MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (nBytes > 0)
vRecv.resize(nPos + nBytes);
memcpy(&vRecv[nPos], pchBuf, nBytes);
pnode->nLastRecv = GetTime();
else if (nBytes == 0)
// socket closed gracefully
if (!pnode->fDisconnect)
printf("socket closed\n");
else if (nBytes < 0)
// error
int nErr = WSAGetLastError();
if (!pnode->fDisconnect)
printf("socket recv error %d\n", nErr);
// Send
if (pnode->hSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
if (FD_ISSET(pnode->hSocket, &fdsetSend))
CDataStream& vSend = pnode->vSend;
if (!vSend.empty())
int nBytes = send(pnode->hSocket, &vSend[0], vSend.size(), MSG_NOSIGNAL | MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (nBytes > 0)
vSend.erase(vSend.begin(), vSend.begin() + nBytes);
pnode->nLastSend = GetTime();
else if (nBytes < 0)
// error
int nErr = WSAGetLastError();
printf("socket send error %d\n", nErr);
// Inactivity checking
if (pnode->vSend.empty())
pnode->nLastSendEmpty = GetTime();
if (GetTime() - pnode->nTimeConnected > 60)
if (pnode->nLastRecv == 0 || pnode->nLastSend == 0)
printf("socket no message in first 60 seconds, %d %d\n", pnode->nLastRecv != 0, pnode->nLastSend != 0);
pnode->fDisconnect = true;
else if (GetTime() - pnode->nLastSend > 90*60 && GetTime() - pnode->nLastSendEmpty > 90*60)
printf("socket not sending\n");
pnode->fDisconnect = true;
else if (GetTime() - pnode->nLastRecv > 90*60)
printf("socket inactivity timeout\n");
pnode->fDisconnect = true;
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodesCopy)
nThreadSocketHandlerHeartbeat = GetTime();
+unsigned int pnSeed[] =
+ 0x35218252, 0x9c9c9618, 0xda6bacad, 0xb9aca862, 0x97c235c6,
+ 0x146f9562, 0xb67b9e4b, 0x87cf4bc0, 0xb83945d0, 0x984333ad,
+ 0xbbeec555, 0x6f0eb440, 0xe0005318, 0x7797e460, 0xddc60fcc,
+ 0xb3bbd24a, 0x1ac85746, 0x641846a6, 0x85ee1155, 0xbb2e7a4c,
+ 0x9cb8514b, 0xfc342648, 0x62958fae, 0xd0a8c87a, 0xa800795b,
+ 0xda8c814e, 0x256a0c80, 0x3f23ec63, 0xd565df43, 0x997d9044,
+ 0xaa121448, 0xbed8688e, 0x59d09a5e, 0xb2931243, 0x3730ba18,
+ 0xdd3462d0, 0x4e4d1448, 0x171df645, 0x84ee1155,
+ 0x248ac445, 0x0e634444, 0x0ded1b63, 0x30c01e60,
+ 0xa2b9a094, 0x29e4fd43, 0x9ce61b4c, 0xdae09744,
void ThreadOpenConnections(void* parg)
catch (std::exception& e) {
PrintException(&e, "ThreadOpenConnections()");
} catch (...) {
PrintException(NULL, "ThreadOpenConnections()");
printf("ThreadOpenConnections exiting\n");
void ThreadOpenConnections2(void* parg)
printf("ThreadOpenConnections started\n");
// Connect to specific addresses
if (mapArgs.count("-connect"))
for (int64 nLoop = 0;; nLoop++)
foreach(string strAddr, mapMultiArgs["-connect"])
CAddress addr(strAddr, NODE_NETWORK);
if (addr.IsValid())
for (int i = 0; i < 10 && i < nLoop; i++)
if (fShutdown)
// Connect to manually added nodes first
if (mapArgs.count("-addnode"))
foreach(string strAddr, mapMultiArgs["-addnode"])
CAddress addr(strAddr, NODE_NETWORK);
if (addr.IsValid())
if (fShutdown)
// Initiate network connections
+ int64 nStart = GetTime();
// Wait
const int nMaxConnections = 15;
while (vNodes.size() >= nMaxConnections)
if (fShutdown)
if (fShutdown)
+ CRITICAL_BLOCK(cs_mapAddresses)
+ {
+ // Add seed nodes if IRC isn't working
+ static bool fSeedUsed;
+ bool fTOR = (fUseProxy && addrProxy.port == htons(9050));
+ if (mapAddresses.empty() && (GetTime() - nStart > 60 || fTOR))
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYLEN(pnSeed); i++)
+ {
+ // It'll only connect to one or two seed nodes because once it connects,
+ // it'll get a pile of addresses with newer timestamps.
+ CAddress addr;
+ addr.ip = pnSeed[i];
+ addr.nTime = 0;
+ AddAddress(addr);
+ }
+ fSeedUsed = true;
+ }
+ if (fSeedUsed && mapAddresses.size() > ARRAYLEN(pnSeed) + 100)
+ {
+ // Disconnect seed nodes
+ set<unsigned int> setSeed(pnSeed, pnSeed + ARRAYLEN(pnSeed));
+ static int64 nSeedDisconnected;
+ if (nSeedDisconnected == 0)
+ {
+ nSeedDisconnected = GetTime();
+ foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
+ if (setSeed.count(pnode->addr.ip))
+ pnode->fDisconnect = true;
+ }
+ // Keep setting timestamps to 0 so they won't reconnect
+ if (GetTime() - nSeedDisconnected < 60 * 60)
+ {
+ foreach(PAIRTYPE(const vector<unsigned char>, CAddress)& item, mapAddresses)
+ {
+ if (setSeed.count(item.second.ip))
+ {
+ item.second.nTime = 0;
+ CAddrDB().WriteAddress(item.second);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// Choose an address to connect to based on most recently seen
CAddress addrConnect;
int64 nBest = INT64_MIN;
// Do this here so we don't have to critsect vNodes inside mapAddresses critsect
set<unsigned int> setConnected;
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
foreach(const PAIRTYPE(vector<unsigned char>, CAddress)& item, mapAddresses)
const CAddress& addr = item.second;
if (!addr.IsIPv4() || !addr.IsValid() || setConnected.count(addr.ip))
int64 nSinceLastSeen = GetAdjustedTime() - addr.nTime;
int64 nSinceLastTry = GetAdjustedTime() - addr.nLastTry;
// Randomize the order in a deterministic way, putting the standard port first
- int64 nRandomizer = (uint64)(addr.nLastTry * 9567851 + addr.ip * 7789) % (30 * 60);
+ int64 nRandomizer = (uint64)(nStart + addr.nLastTry * 9567851 + addr.ip * 7789) % (2 * 60 * 60);
if (addr.port != DEFAULT_PORT)
- nRandomizer += 30 * 60;
+ nRandomizer += 2 * 60 * 60;
// Last seen Base retry frequency
// <1 hour 10 min
// 1 hour 1 hour
// 4 hours 2 hours
// 24 hours 5 hours
// 48 hours 7 hours
// 7 days 13 hours
// 30 days 27 hours
// 90 days 46 hours
// 365 days 93 hours
int64 nDelay = (int64)(3600.0 * sqrt(fabs((double)nSinceLastSeen) / 3600.0) + nRandomizer);
// Fast reconnect for one hour after last seen
if (nSinceLastSeen < 60 * 60)
nDelay = 10 * 60;
// Limit retry frequency
if (nSinceLastTry < nDelay)
// If we have IRC, we'll be notified when they first come online,
// and again every 24 hours by the refresh broadcast.
if (nGotIRCAddresses > 0 && vNodes.size() >= 2 && nSinceLastSeen > 24 * 60 * 60)
// Only try the old stuff if we don't have enough connections
if (vNodes.size() >= 8 && nSinceLastSeen > 24 * 60 * 60)
// If multiple addresses are ready, prioritize by time since
// last seen and time since last tried.
int64 nScore = min(nSinceLastTry, (int64)24 * 60 * 60) - nSinceLastSeen - nRandomizer;
if (nScore > nBest)
nBest = nScore;
addrConnect = addr;
if (addrConnect.IsValid())
bool OpenNetworkConnection(const CAddress& addrConnect)
// Initiate outbound network connection
if (fShutdown)
return false;
if (addrConnect.ip == addrLocalHost.ip || !addrConnect.IsIPv4() || FindNode(addrConnect.ip))
return false;
CNode* pnode = ConnectNode(addrConnect);
if (fShutdown)
return false;
if (!pnode)
return false;
pnode->fNetworkNode = true;
if (addrLocalHost.IsRoutable() && !fUseProxy)
// Advertise our address
vector<CAddress> vAddr;
pnode->PushMessage("addr", vAddr);
// Get as many addresses as we can
pnode->fGetAddr = true; // don't relay the results of the getaddr
////// should the one on the receiving end do this too?
// Subscribe our local subscription list
const unsigned int nHops = 0;
for (unsigned int nChannel = 0; nChannel < pnodeLocalHost->vfSubscribe.size(); nChannel++)
if (pnodeLocalHost->vfSubscribe[nChannel])
pnode->PushMessage("subscribe", nChannel, nHops);
return true;
void ThreadMessageHandler(void* parg)
catch (std::exception& e) {
PrintException(&e, "ThreadMessageHandler()");
} catch (...) {
PrintException(NULL, "ThreadMessageHandler()");
printf("ThreadMessageHandler exiting\n");
void ThreadMessageHandler2(void* parg)
printf("ThreadMessageHandler started\n");
while (!fShutdown)
vector<CNode*> vNodesCopy;
vNodesCopy = vNodes;
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodesCopy)
// Poll the connected nodes for messages
CNode* pnodeTrickle = NULL;
if (!vNodesCopy.empty())
pnodeTrickle = vNodesCopy[GetRand(vNodesCopy.size())];
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodesCopy)
// Receive messages
if (fShutdown)
// Send messages
SendMessages(pnode, pnode == pnodeTrickle);
if (fShutdown)
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodesCopy)
// Wait and allow messages to bunch up
if (fShutdown)
bool BindListenPort(string& strError)
strError = "";
int nOne = 1;
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Initialize Windows Sockets
WSADATA wsadata;
int ret = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsadata);
if (ret != NO_ERROR)
strError = strprintf("Error: TCP/IP socket library failed to start (WSAStartup returned error %d)", ret);
printf("%s\n", strError.c_str());
return false;
// Create socket for listening for incoming connections
hListenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (hListenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
strError = strprintf("Error: Couldn't open socket for incoming connections (socket returned error %d)", WSAGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", strError.c_str());
return false;
#if defined(__BSD__) || defined(__WXOSX__)
// Different way of disabling SIGPIPE on BSD
setsockopt(hListenSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (void*)&nOne, sizeof(int));
#ifndef __WXMSW__
// Allow binding if the port is still in TIME_WAIT state after
// the program was closed and restarted. Not an issue on windows.
setsockopt(hListenSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void*)&nOne, sizeof(int));
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Set to nonblocking, incoming connections will also inherit this
if (ioctlsocket(hListenSocket, FIONBIO, (u_long*)&nOne) == SOCKET_ERROR)
if (fcntl(hListenSocket, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == SOCKET_ERROR)
strError = strprintf("Error: Couldn't set properties on socket for incoming connections (error %d)", WSAGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", strError.c_str());
return false;
// The sockaddr_in structure specifies the address family,
// IP address, and port for the socket that is being bound
struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
memset(&sockaddr, 0, sizeof(sockaddr));
sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // bind to all IPs on this computer
sockaddr.sin_port = DEFAULT_PORT;
if (::bind(hListenSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&sockaddr, sizeof(sockaddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
int nErr = WSAGetLastError();
strError = strprintf("Unable to bind to port %d on this computer. Bitcoin is probably already running.", ntohs(sockaddr.sin_port));
strError = strprintf("Error: Unable to bind to port %d on this computer (bind returned error %d)", ntohs(sockaddr.sin_port), nErr);
printf("%s\n", strError.c_str());
return false;
printf("Bound to port %d\n", ntohs(sockaddr.sin_port));
// Listen for incoming connections
if (listen(hListenSocket, SOMAXCONN) == SOCKET_ERROR)
strError = strprintf("Error: Listening for incoming connections failed (listen returned error %d)", WSAGetLastError());
printf("%s\n", strError.c_str());
return false;
return true;
void StartNode(void* parg)
if (pnodeLocalHost == NULL)
pnodeLocalHost = new CNode(INVALID_SOCKET, CAddress("", nLocalServices));
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Get local host ip
char pszHostName[1000] = "";
if (gethostname(pszHostName, sizeof(pszHostName)) != SOCKET_ERROR)
struct hostent* phostent = gethostbyname(pszHostName);
if (phostent)
// Take the first IP that isn't loopback 127.x.x.x
for (int i = 0; phostent->h_addr_list[i] != NULL; i++)
printf("host ip %d: %s\n", i, CAddress(*(unsigned int*)phostent->h_addr_list[i]).ToStringIP().c_str());
for (int i = 0; phostent->h_addr_list[i] != NULL; i++)
CAddress addr(*(unsigned int*)phostent->h_addr_list[i], DEFAULT_PORT, nLocalServices);
if (addr.IsValid() && addr.GetByte(3) != 127)
addrLocalHost = addr;
// Get local host ip
struct ifaddrs* myaddrs;
if (getifaddrs(&myaddrs) == 0)
for (struct ifaddrs* ifa = myaddrs; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next)
if (ifa->ifa_addr == NULL) continue;
if ((ifa->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) == 0) continue;
if (strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, "lo") == 0) continue;
if (strcmp(ifa->ifa_name, "lo0") == 0) continue;
char pszIP[100];
if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET)
struct sockaddr_in* s4 = (struct sockaddr_in*)(ifa->ifa_addr);
if (inet_ntop(ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family, (void*)&(s4->sin_addr), pszIP, sizeof(pszIP)) != NULL)
printf("ipv4 %s: %s\n", ifa->ifa_name, pszIP);
// Take the first IP that isn't loopback 127.x.x.x
CAddress addr(*(unsigned int*)&s4->sin_addr, DEFAULT_PORT, nLocalServices);
if (addr.IsValid() && addr.GetByte(3) != 127)
addrLocalHost = addr;
else if (ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET6)
struct sockaddr_in6* s6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*)(ifa->ifa_addr);
if (inet_ntop(ifa->ifa_addr->sa_family, (void*)&(s6->sin6_addr), pszIP, sizeof(pszIP)) != NULL)
printf("ipv6 %s: %s\n", ifa->ifa_name, pszIP);
printf("addrLocalHost = %s\n", addrLocalHost.ToString().c_str());
// Get our external IP address for incoming connections
if (fUseProxy)
// Proxies can't take incoming connections
addrLocalHost.ip = CAddress("").ip;
printf("addrLocalHost = %s\n", addrLocalHost.ToString().c_str());
if (addrIncoming.IsValid())
addrLocalHost.ip = addrIncoming.ip;
if (GetMyExternalIP(addrLocalHost.ip))
addrIncoming = addrLocalHost;
CWalletDB().WriteSetting("addrIncoming", addrIncoming);
printf("addrLocalHost = %s\n", addrLocalHost.ToString().c_str());
// Start threads
// Get addresses from IRC and advertise ours
if (!CreateThread(ThreadIRCSeed, NULL))
printf("Error: CreateThread(ThreadIRCSeed) failed\n");
// Send and receive from sockets, accept connections
pthread_t hThreadSocketHandler = CreateThread(ThreadSocketHandler, NULL, true);
// Initiate outbound connections
if (!CreateThread(ThreadOpenConnections, NULL))
printf("Error: CreateThread(ThreadOpenConnections) failed\n");
// Process messages
if (!CreateThread(ThreadMessageHandler, NULL))
printf("Error: CreateThread(ThreadMessageHandler) failed\n");
// Generate coins in the background
// Thread monitoring
// Not really needed anymore, the cause of the hanging was fixed
if (fShutdown)
if (GetTime() - nThreadSocketHandlerHeartbeat > 15 * 60)
// First see if closing sockets will free it
printf("*** ThreadSocketHandler is stopped ***\n");
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
bool fGot = false;
fGot = true;
if (!fGot)
printf("*** closing socket\n");
if (fShutdown)
if (GetTime() - nThreadSocketHandlerHeartbeat < 60)
// Hopefully it never comes to this.
// We know it'll always be hung in the recv or send call.
// cs_vRecv or cs_vSend may be left permanently unreleased,
// but we always only use TRY_CRITICAL_SECTION on them.
printf("*** Restarting ThreadSocketHandler ***\n");
TerminateThread(hThreadSocketHandler, 0);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
vnThreadsRunning[0] = 0;
// Restart
hThreadSocketHandler = CreateThread(ThreadSocketHandler, NULL, true);
nThreadSocketHandlerHeartbeat = GetTime();
bool StopNode()
fShutdown = true;
int64 nStart = GetTime();
while (vnThreadsRunning[0] > 0 || vnThreadsRunning[2] > 0 || vnThreadsRunning[3] > 0 || vnThreadsRunning[4] > 0)
if (GetTime() - nStart > 20)
if (vnThreadsRunning[0] > 0) printf("ThreadSocketHandler still running\n");
if (vnThreadsRunning[1] > 0) printf("ThreadOpenConnections still running\n");
if (vnThreadsRunning[2] > 0) printf("ThreadMessageHandler still running\n");
if (vnThreadsRunning[3] > 0) printf("ThreadBitcoinMiner still running\n");
if (vnThreadsRunning[4] > 0) printf("ThreadRPCServer still running\n");
while (vnThreadsRunning[2] > 0 || vnThreadsRunning[4] > 0)
return true;
class CNetCleanup
// Close sockets
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode->hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
if (hListenSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
if (closesocket(hListenSocket) == SOCKET_ERROR)
printf("closesocket(hListenSocket) failed with error %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
#ifdef __WXMSW__
// Shutdown Windows Sockets
diff --git a/net.h b/net.h
index 11197cc42..f0e183d9c 100644
--- a/net.h
+++ b/net.h
@@ -1,1052 +1,1052 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file license.txt or
class CMessageHeader;
class CAddress;
class CInv;
class CRequestTracker;
class CNode;
class CBlockIndex;
extern int nBestHeight;
#define DEFAULT_PORT htons(8333)
static const unsigned int PUBLISH_HOPS = 5;
NODE_NETWORK = (1 << 0),
bool ConnectSocket(const CAddress& addrConnect, SOCKET& hSocketRet);
bool GetMyExternalIP(unsigned int& ipRet);
-bool AddAddress(CAddress addr, bool fCurrentlyOnline=true);
+bool AddAddress(CAddress addr);
void AddressCurrentlyConnected(const CAddress& addr);
CNode* FindNode(unsigned int ip);
CNode* ConnectNode(CAddress addrConnect, int64 nTimeout=0);
void AbandonRequests(void (*fn)(void*, CDataStream&), void* param1);
bool AnySubscribed(unsigned int nChannel);
bool BindListenPort(string& strError=REF(string()));
void StartNode(void* parg);
bool StopNode();
// Message header
// (4) message start
// (12) command
// (4) size
// (4) checksum
// The message start string is designed to be unlikely to occur in normal data.
// The characters are rarely used upper ascii, not valid as UTF-8, and produce
// a large 4-byte int at any alignment.
static const char pchMessageStart[4] = { 0xf9, 0xbe, 0xb4, 0xd9 };
class CMessageHeader
enum { COMMAND_SIZE=12 };
char pchMessageStart[sizeof(::pchMessageStart)];
char pchCommand[COMMAND_SIZE];
unsigned int nMessageSize;
unsigned int nChecksum;
memcpy(pchMessageStart, ::pchMessageStart, sizeof(pchMessageStart));
memset(pchCommand, 0, sizeof(pchCommand));
pchCommand[1] = 1;
nMessageSize = -1;
nChecksum = 0;
CMessageHeader(const char* pszCommand, unsigned int nMessageSizeIn)
memcpy(pchMessageStart, ::pchMessageStart, sizeof(pchMessageStart));
strncpy(pchCommand, pszCommand, COMMAND_SIZE);
nMessageSize = nMessageSizeIn;
nChecksum = 0;
if (nVersion >= 209)
string GetCommand()
if (pchCommand[COMMAND_SIZE-1] == 0)
return string(pchCommand, pchCommand + strlen(pchCommand));
return string(pchCommand, pchCommand + COMMAND_SIZE);
bool IsValid()
// Check start string
if (memcmp(pchMessageStart, ::pchMessageStart, sizeof(pchMessageStart)) != 0)
return false;
// Check the command string for errors
for (char* p1 = pchCommand; p1 < pchCommand + COMMAND_SIZE; p1++)
if (*p1 == 0)
// Must be all zeros after the first zero
for (; p1 < pchCommand + COMMAND_SIZE; p1++)
if (*p1 != 0)
return false;
else if (*p1 < ' ' || *p1 > 0x7E)
return false;
// Message size
if (nMessageSize > 0x10000000)
printf("CMessageHeader::IsValid() : nMessageSize too large %u\n", nMessageSize);
return false;
return true;
static const unsigned char pchIPv4[12] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff };
class CAddress
uint64 nServices;
unsigned char pchReserved[12];
unsigned int ip;
unsigned short port;
// disk only
unsigned int nTime;
// memory only
unsigned int nLastTry;
CAddress(unsigned int ipIn, unsigned short portIn=DEFAULT_PORT, uint64 nServicesIn=NODE_NETWORK)
ip = ipIn;
port = portIn;
nServices = nServicesIn;
explicit CAddress(const struct sockaddr_in& sockaddr, uint64 nServicesIn=NODE_NETWORK)
ip = sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr;
port = sockaddr.sin_port;
nServices = nServicesIn;
explicit CAddress(const char* pszIn, uint64 nServicesIn=NODE_NETWORK)
nServices = nServicesIn;
explicit CAddress(string strIn, uint64 nServicesIn=NODE_NETWORK)
nServices = nServicesIn;
void Init()
nServices = NODE_NETWORK;
memcpy(pchReserved, pchIPv4, sizeof(pchReserved));
nTime = GetAdjustedTime();
nLastTry = 0;
bool SetAddress(const char* pszIn)
char psz[100];
strlcpy(psz, pszIn, sizeof(psz));
unsigned int a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, e=0;
if (sscanf(psz, "%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", &a, &b, &c, &d, &e) < 4)
return false;
char* pszPort = strchr(psz, ':');
if (pszPort)
*pszPort++ = '\0';
port = htons(atoi(pszPort));
if (atoi(pszPort) < 0 || atoi(pszPort) > USHRT_MAX)
port = htons(USHRT_MAX);
ip = inet_addr(psz);
return IsValid();
bool SetAddress(string strIn)
return SetAddress(strIn.c_str());
if (nType & SER_DISK)
READWRITE(FLATDATA(pchReserved)); // for IPv6
friend inline bool operator==(const CAddress& a, const CAddress& b)
return (memcmp(a.pchReserved, b.pchReserved, sizeof(a.pchReserved)) == 0 &&
a.ip == b.ip &&
a.port == b.port);
friend inline bool operator!=(const CAddress& a, const CAddress& b)
return (!(a == b));
friend inline bool operator<(const CAddress& a, const CAddress& b)
int ret = memcmp(a.pchReserved, b.pchReserved, sizeof(a.pchReserved));
if (ret < 0)
return true;
else if (ret == 0)
if (ntohl(a.ip) < ntohl(b.ip))
return true;
else if (a.ip == b.ip)
return ntohs(a.port) < ntohs(b.port);
return false;
vector<unsigned char> GetKey() const
CDataStream ss;
ss << FLATDATA(pchReserved) << ip << port;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300
return vector<unsigned char>((unsigned char*)&ss.begin()[0], (unsigned char*)&ss.end()[0]);
return vector<unsigned char>(ss.begin(), ss.end());
struct sockaddr_in GetSockAddr() const
struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
memset(&sockaddr, 0, sizeof(sockaddr));
sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
sockaddr.sin_port = port;
return sockaddr;
bool IsIPv4() const
return (memcmp(pchReserved, pchIPv4, sizeof(pchIPv4)) == 0);
bool IsRoutable() const
return IsValid() &&
!(GetByte(3) == 10 ||
(GetByte(3) == 192 && GetByte(2) == 168) ||
GetByte(3) == 127 ||
GetByte(3) == 0);
bool IsValid() const
// Clean up 3-byte shifted addresses caused by garbage in size field
// of addr messages from versions before 0.2.9 checksum.
// Two consecutive addr messages look like this:
// header20 vectorlen3 addr26 addr26 addr26 header20 vectorlen3 addr26 addr26 addr26...
// so if the first length field is garbled, it reads the second batch
// of addr misaligned by 3 bytes.
if (memcmp(pchReserved, pchIPv4+3, sizeof(pchIPv4)-3) == 0)
return false;
return (ip != 0 && ip != INADDR_NONE && port != htons(USHRT_MAX));
unsigned char GetByte(int n) const
return ((unsigned char*)&ip)[3-n];
string ToStringIPPort() const
return strprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", GetByte(3), GetByte(2), GetByte(1), GetByte(0), ntohs(port));
string ToStringIP() const
return strprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u", GetByte(3), GetByte(2), GetByte(1), GetByte(0));
string ToStringPort() const
return strprintf("%u", ntohs(port));
string ToStringLog() const
return "";
string ToString() const
return strprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u:%u", GetByte(3), GetByte(2), GetByte(1), GetByte(0), ntohs(port));
void print() const
printf("CAddress(%s)\n", ToString().c_str());
MSG_TX = 1,
static const char* ppszTypeName[] =
class CInv
int type;
uint256 hash;
type = 0;
hash = 0;
CInv(int typeIn, const uint256& hashIn)
type = typeIn;
hash = hashIn;
CInv(const string& strType, const uint256& hashIn)
int i;
for (i = 1; i < ARRAYLEN(ppszTypeName); i++)
if (strType == ppszTypeName[i])
type = i;
if (i == ARRAYLEN(ppszTypeName))
throw std::out_of_range(strprintf("CInv::CInv(string, uint256) : unknown type '%s'", strType.c_str()));
hash = hashIn;
friend inline bool operator<(const CInv& a, const CInv& b)
return (a.type < b.type || (a.type == b.type && a.hash < b.hash));
bool IsKnownType() const
return (type >= 1 && type < ARRAYLEN(ppszTypeName));
const char* GetCommand() const
if (!IsKnownType())
throw std::out_of_range(strprintf("CInv::GetCommand() : type=% unknown type", type));
return ppszTypeName[type];
string ToString() const
return strprintf("%s %s", GetCommand(), hash.ToString().substr(0,16).c_str());
void print() const
printf("CInv(%s)\n", ToString().c_str());
class CRequestTracker
void (*fn)(void*, CDataStream&);
void* param1;
explicit CRequestTracker(void (*fnIn)(void*, CDataStream&)=NULL, void* param1In=NULL)
fn = fnIn;
param1 = param1In;
bool IsNull()
return fn == NULL;
extern bool fClient;
extern uint64 nLocalServices;
extern CAddress addrLocalHost;
extern CNode* pnodeLocalHost;
extern uint64 nLocalHostNonce;
extern array<int, 10> vnThreadsRunning;
extern SOCKET hListenSocket;
extern int64 nThreadSocketHandlerHeartbeat;
extern vector<CNode*> vNodes;
extern CCriticalSection cs_vNodes;
extern map<vector<unsigned char>, CAddress> mapAddresses;
extern CCriticalSection cs_mapAddresses;
extern map<CInv, CDataStream> mapRelay;
extern deque<pair<int64, CInv> > vRelayExpiration;
extern CCriticalSection cs_mapRelay;
extern map<CInv, int64> mapAlreadyAskedFor;
// Settings
extern int fUseProxy;
extern CAddress addrProxy;
class CNode
// socket
uint64 nServices;
SOCKET hSocket;
CDataStream vSend;
CDataStream vRecv;
CCriticalSection cs_vSend;
CCriticalSection cs_vRecv;
int64 nLastSend;
int64 nLastRecv;
int64 nLastSendEmpty;
int64 nTimeConnected;
unsigned int nHeaderStart;
unsigned int nMessageStart;
CAddress addr;
int nVersion;
bool fClient;
bool fInbound;
bool fNetworkNode;
bool fSuccessfullyConnected;
bool fDisconnect;
int nRefCount;
int64 nReleaseTime;
map<uint256, CRequestTracker> mapRequests;
CCriticalSection cs_mapRequests;
uint256 hashContinue;
CBlockIndex* pindexLastGetBlocksBegin;
uint256 hashLastGetBlocksEnd;
int nStartingHeight;
// flood
vector<CAddress> vAddrToSend;
set<CAddress> setAddrKnown;
bool fGetAddr;
// inventory based relay
set<CInv> setInventoryKnown;
vector<CInv> vInventoryToSend;
CCriticalSection cs_inventory;
multimap<int64, CInv> mapAskFor;
// publish and subscription
vector<char> vfSubscribe;
CNode(SOCKET hSocketIn, CAddress addrIn, bool fInboundIn=false)
nServices = 0;
hSocket = hSocketIn;
// Version 0.2 obsoletes 20 Feb 2012
if (GetTime() > 1329696000)
nLastSend = 0;
nLastRecv = 0;
nLastSendEmpty = GetTime();
nTimeConnected = GetTime();
nHeaderStart = -1;
nMessageStart = -1;
addr = addrIn;
nVersion = 0;
fClient = false; // set by version message
fInbound = fInboundIn;
fNetworkNode = false;
fSuccessfullyConnected = false;
fDisconnect = false;
nRefCount = 0;
nReleaseTime = 0;
hashContinue = 0;
pindexLastGetBlocksBegin = 0;
hashLastGetBlocksEnd = 0;
nStartingHeight = -1;
fGetAddr = false;
vfSubscribe.assign(256, false);
// Push a version message
/// when NTP implemented, change to just nTime = GetAdjustedTime()
int64 nTime = (fInbound ? GetAdjustedTime() : GetTime());
CAddress addrYou = (fUseProxy ? CAddress("") : addr);
CAddress addrMe = (fUseProxy ? CAddress("") : addrLocalHost);
RAND_bytes((unsigned char*)&nLocalHostNonce, sizeof(nLocalHostNonce));
PushMessage("version", VERSION, nLocalServices, nTime, addrYou, addrMe,
nLocalHostNonce, string(pszSubVer), nBestHeight);
if (hSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
CNode(const CNode&);
void operator=(const CNode&);
int GetRefCount()
return max(nRefCount, 0) + (GetTime() < nReleaseTime ? 1 : 0);
CNode* AddRef(int64 nTimeout=0)
if (nTimeout != 0)
nReleaseTime = max(nReleaseTime, GetTime() + nTimeout);
return this;
void Release()
void AddAddressKnown(const CAddress& addr)
void PushAddress(const CAddress& addr)
// Known checking here is only to save space from duplicates.
// SendMessages will filter it again for knowns that were added
// after addresses were pushed.
if (addr.IsValid() && !setAddrKnown.count(addr))
void AddInventoryKnown(const CInv& inv)
void PushInventory(const CInv& inv)
if (!setInventoryKnown.count(inv))
void AskFor(const CInv& inv)
// We're using mapAskFor as a priority queue,
// the key is the earliest time the request can be sent
int64& nRequestTime = mapAlreadyAskedFor[inv];
printf("askfor %s %"PRI64d"\n", inv.ToString().c_str(), nRequestTime);
// Make sure not to reuse time indexes to keep things in the same order
int64 nNow = (GetTime() - 1) * 1000000;
static int64 nLastTime;
nLastTime = nNow = max(nNow, ++nLastTime);
// Each retry is 2 minutes after the last
nRequestTime = max(nRequestTime + 2 * 60 * 1000000, nNow);
mapAskFor.insert(make_pair(nRequestTime, inv));
void BeginMessage(const char* pszCommand)
if (nHeaderStart != -1)
nHeaderStart = vSend.size();
vSend << CMessageHeader(pszCommand, 0);
nMessageStart = vSend.size();
if (fDebug)
printf("%s ", DateTimeStrFormat("%x %H:%M:%S", GetTime()).c_str());
printf("sending: %s ", pszCommand);
void AbortMessage()
if (nHeaderStart == -1)
nHeaderStart = -1;
nMessageStart = -1;
void EndMessage()
if (mapArgs.count("-dropmessagestest") && GetRand(atoi(mapArgs["-dropmessagestest"])) == 0)
printf("dropmessages DROPPING SEND MESSAGE\n");
if (nHeaderStart == -1)
// Set the size
unsigned int nSize = vSend.size() - nMessageStart;
memcpy((char*)&vSend[nHeaderStart] + offsetof(CMessageHeader, nMessageSize), &nSize, sizeof(nSize));
// Set the checksum
if (vSend.GetVersion() >= 209)
uint256 hash = Hash(vSend.begin() + nMessageStart, vSend.end());
unsigned int nChecksum = 0;
memcpy(&nChecksum, &hash, sizeof(nChecksum));
assert(nMessageStart - nHeaderStart >= offsetof(CMessageHeader, nChecksum) + sizeof(nChecksum));
memcpy((char*)&vSend[nHeaderStart] + offsetof(CMessageHeader, nChecksum), &nChecksum, sizeof(nChecksum));
printf("(%d bytes) ", nSize);
nHeaderStart = -1;
nMessageStart = -1;
void EndMessageAbortIfEmpty()
if (nHeaderStart == -1)
int nSize = vSend.size() - nMessageStart;
if (nSize > 0)
const char* GetMessageCommand() const
if (nHeaderStart == -1)
return "";
return &vSend[nHeaderStart] + offsetof(CMessageHeader, pchCommand);
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand)
catch (...)
template<typename T1>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1)
vSend << a1;
catch (...)
template<typename T1, typename T2>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2)
vSend << a1 << a2;
catch (...)
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3)
vSend << a1 << a2 << a3;
catch (...)
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4)
vSend << a1 << a2 << a3 << a4;
catch (...)
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4, const T5& a5)
vSend << a1 << a2 << a3 << a4 << a5;
catch (...)
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4, const T5& a5, const T6& a6)
vSend << a1 << a2 << a3 << a4 << a5 << a6;
catch (...)
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4, const T5& a5, const T6& a6, const T7& a7)
vSend << a1 << a2 << a3 << a4 << a5 << a6 << a7;
catch (...)
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7, typename T8>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4, const T5& a5, const T6& a6, const T7& a7, const T8& a8)
vSend << a1 << a2 << a3 << a4 << a5 << a6 << a7 << a8;
catch (...)
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5, typename T6, typename T7, typename T8, typename T9>
void PushMessage(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2, const T3& a3, const T4& a4, const T5& a5, const T6& a6, const T7& a7, const T8& a8, const T9& a9)
vSend << a1 << a2 << a3 << a4 << a5 << a6 << a7 << a8 << a9;
catch (...)
void PushRequest(const char* pszCommand,
void (*fn)(void*, CDataStream&), void* param1)
uint256 hashReply;
RAND_bytes((unsigned char*)&hashReply, sizeof(hashReply));
mapRequests[hashReply] = CRequestTracker(fn, param1);
PushMessage(pszCommand, hashReply);
template<typename T1>
void PushRequest(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1,
void (*fn)(void*, CDataStream&), void* param1)
uint256 hashReply;
RAND_bytes((unsigned char*)&hashReply, sizeof(hashReply));
mapRequests[hashReply] = CRequestTracker(fn, param1);
PushMessage(pszCommand, hashReply, a1);
template<typename T1, typename T2>
void PushRequest(const char* pszCommand, const T1& a1, const T2& a2,
void (*fn)(void*, CDataStream&), void* param1)
uint256 hashReply;
RAND_bytes((unsigned char*)&hashReply, sizeof(hashReply));
mapRequests[hashReply] = CRequestTracker(fn, param1);
PushMessage(pszCommand, hashReply, a1, a2);
void PushGetBlocks(CBlockIndex* pindexBegin, uint256 hashEnd);
bool IsSubscribed(unsigned int nChannel);
void Subscribe(unsigned int nChannel, unsigned int nHops=0);
void CancelSubscribe(unsigned int nChannel);
void CloseSocketDisconnect();
void Cleanup();
inline void RelayInventory(const CInv& inv)
// Put on lists to offer to the other nodes
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
template<typename T>
void RelayMessage(const CInv& inv, const T& a)
CDataStream ss(SER_NETWORK);
ss << a;
RelayMessage(inv, ss);
inline void RelayMessage<>(const CInv& inv, const CDataStream& ss)
// Expire old relay messages
while (!vRelayExpiration.empty() && vRelayExpiration.front().first < GetTime())
// Save original serialized message so newer versions are preserved
mapRelay[inv] = ss;
vRelayExpiration.push_back(make_pair(GetTime() + 15 * 60, inv));
// Templates for the publish and subscription system.
// The object being published as T& obj needs to have:
// a set<unsigned int> setSources member
// specializations of AdvertInsert and AdvertErase
// Currently implemented for CTable and CProduct.
template<typename T>
void AdvertStartPublish(CNode* pfrom, unsigned int nChannel, unsigned int nHops, T& obj)
// Add to sources
if (!AdvertInsert(obj))
// Relay
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode != pfrom && (nHops < PUBLISH_HOPS || pnode->IsSubscribed(nChannel)))
pnode->PushMessage("publish", nChannel, nHops, obj);
template<typename T>
void AdvertStopPublish(CNode* pfrom, unsigned int nChannel, unsigned int nHops, T& obj)
uint256 hash = obj.GetHash();
foreach(CNode* pnode, vNodes)
if (pnode != pfrom && (nHops < PUBLISH_HOPS || pnode->IsSubscribed(nChannel)))
pnode->PushMessage("pub-cancel", nChannel, nHops, hash);
template<typename T>
void AdvertRemoveSource(CNode* pfrom, unsigned int nChannel, unsigned int nHops, T& obj)
// Remove a source
// If no longer supported by any sources, cancel it
if (obj.setSources.empty())
AdvertStopPublish(pfrom, nChannel, nHops, obj);
diff --git a/serialize.h b/serialize.h
index f2d368986..39fe57c90 100644
--- a/serialize.h
+++ b/serialize.h
@@ -1,1175 +1,1175 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file license.txt or
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
typedef __int64 int64;
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;
typedef long long int64;
typedef unsigned long long uint64;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1300
#define for if (false) ; else for
class CScript;
class CDataStream;
class CAutoFile;
-static const int VERSION = 211;
-static const char* pszSubVer = ".0";
+static const int VERSION = 212;
+static const char* pszSubVer = "";
// Templates for serializing to anything that looks like a stream,
// i.e. anything that supports .read(char*, int) and .write(char*, int)
// primary actions
SER_NETWORK = (1 << 0),
SER_DISK = (1 << 1),
SER_GETHASH = (1 << 2),
// modifiers
SER_SKIPSIG = (1 << 16),
#define IMPLEMENT_SERIALIZE(statements) \
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int nType=0, int nVersion=VERSION) const \
{ \
CSerActionGetSerializeSize ser_action; \
const bool fGetSize = true; \
const bool fWrite = false; \
const bool fRead = false; \
unsigned int nSerSize = 0; \
ser_streamplaceholder s; \
s.nType = nType; \
s.nVersion = nVersion; \
{statements} \
return nSerSize; \
} \
template<typename Stream> \
void Serialize(Stream& s, int nType=0, int nVersion=VERSION) const \
{ \
CSerActionSerialize ser_action; \
const bool fGetSize = false; \
const bool fWrite = true; \
const bool fRead = false; \
unsigned int nSerSize = 0; \
{statements} \
} \
template<typename Stream> \
void Unserialize(Stream& s, int nType=0, int nVersion=VERSION) \
{ \
CSerActionUnserialize ser_action; \
const bool fGetSize = false; \
const bool fWrite = false; \
const bool fRead = true; \
unsigned int nSerSize = 0; \
{statements} \
#define READWRITE(obj) (nSerSize += ::SerReadWrite(s, (obj), nType, nVersion, ser_action))
// Basic types
#define WRITEDATA(s, obj) s.write((char*)&(obj), sizeof(obj))
#define READDATA(s, obj)*)&(obj), sizeof(obj))
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(char a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(signed char a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(unsigned char a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(signed short a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(unsigned short a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(signed int a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(unsigned int a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(signed long a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(unsigned long a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int64 a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(uint64 a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(float a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(double a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, char a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, signed char a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, unsigned char a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, signed short a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, unsigned short a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, signed int a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, unsigned int a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, signed long a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, unsigned long a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, int64 a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, uint64 a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, float a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, double a, int, int=0) { WRITEDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, char& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, signed char& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, unsigned char& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, signed short& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, unsigned short& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, signed int& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, unsigned int& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, signed long& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, unsigned long& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, int64& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, uint64& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, float& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, double& a, int, int=0) { READDATA(s, a); }
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(bool a, int, int=0) { return sizeof(char); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Serialize(Stream& s, bool a, int, int=0) { char f=a; WRITEDATA(s, f); }
template<typename Stream> inline void Unserialize(Stream& s, bool& a, int, int=0) { char f; READDATA(s, f); a=f; }
// Compact size
// size < 253 -- 1 byte
// size <= USHRT_MAX -- 3 bytes (253 + 2 bytes)
// size <= UINT_MAX -- 5 bytes (254 + 4 bytes)
// size > UINT_MAX -- 9 bytes (255 + 8 bytes)
inline unsigned int GetSizeOfCompactSize(uint64 nSize)
if (nSize < UCHAR_MAX-2) return sizeof(unsigned char);
else if (nSize <= USHRT_MAX) return sizeof(unsigned char) + sizeof(unsigned short);
else if (nSize <= UINT_MAX) return sizeof(unsigned char) + sizeof(unsigned int);
else return sizeof(unsigned char) + sizeof(uint64);
template<typename Stream>
void WriteCompactSize(Stream& os, uint64 nSize)
if (nSize < UCHAR_MAX-2)
unsigned char chSize = nSize;
WRITEDATA(os, chSize);
else if (nSize <= USHRT_MAX)
unsigned char chSize = UCHAR_MAX-2;
unsigned short xSize = nSize;
WRITEDATA(os, chSize);
WRITEDATA(os, xSize);
else if (nSize <= UINT_MAX)
unsigned char chSize = UCHAR_MAX-1;
unsigned int xSize = nSize;
WRITEDATA(os, chSize);
WRITEDATA(os, xSize);
unsigned char chSize = UCHAR_MAX;
WRITEDATA(os, chSize);
WRITEDATA(os, nSize);
template<typename Stream>
uint64 ReadCompactSize(Stream& is)
unsigned char chSize;
READDATA(is, chSize);
uint64 nSizeRet = 0;
if (chSize < UCHAR_MAX-2)
nSizeRet = chSize;
else if (chSize == UCHAR_MAX-2)
unsigned short nSize;
READDATA(is, nSize);
nSizeRet = nSize;
else if (chSize == UCHAR_MAX-1)
unsigned int nSize;
READDATA(is, nSize);
nSizeRet = nSize;
uint64 nSize;
READDATA(is, nSize);
nSizeRet = nSize;
if (nSizeRet > (uint64)INT_MAX)
throw std::ios_base::failure("ReadCompactSize() : size too large");
return nSizeRet;
// Wrapper for serializing arrays and POD
// There's a clever template way to make arrays serialize normally, but MSVC6 doesn't support it
#define FLATDATA(obj) REF(CFlatData((char*)&(obj), (char*)&(obj) + sizeof(obj)))
class CFlatData
char* pbegin;
char* pend;
CFlatData(void* pbeginIn, void* pendIn) : pbegin((char*)pbeginIn), pend((char*)pendIn) { }
char* begin() { return pbegin; }
const char* begin() const { return pbegin; }
char* end() { return pend; }
const char* end() const { return pend; }
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int, int=0) const
return pend - pbegin;
template<typename Stream>
void Serialize(Stream& s, int, int=0) const
s.write(pbegin, pend - pbegin);
template<typename Stream>
void Unserialize(Stream& s, int, int=0)
{, pend - pbegin);
// string stored as a fixed length field
template<std::size_t LEN>
class CFixedFieldString
const string* pcstr;
string* pstr;
explicit CFixedFieldString(const string& str) : pcstr(&str), pstr(NULL) { }
explicit CFixedFieldString(string& str) : pcstr(&str), pstr(&str) { }
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(int, int=0) const
return LEN;
template<typename Stream>
void Serialize(Stream& s, int, int=0) const
char pszBuf[LEN];
strncpy(pszBuf, pcstr->c_str(), LEN);
s.write(pszBuf, LEN);
template<typename Stream>
void Unserialize(Stream& s, int, int=0)
if (pstr == NULL)
throw std::ios_base::failure("CFixedFieldString::Unserialize : trying to unserialize to const string");
char pszBuf[LEN+1];, LEN);
pszBuf[LEN] = '\0';
*pstr = pszBuf;
// Forward declarations
// string
template<typename C> unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const basic_string<C>& str, int, int=0);
template<typename Stream, typename C> void Serialize(Stream& os, const basic_string<C>& str, int, int=0);
template<typename Stream, typename C> void Unserialize(Stream& is, basic_string<C>& str, int, int=0);
// vector
template<typename T, typename A> unsigned int GetSerializeSize_impl(const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::true_type&);
template<typename T, typename A> unsigned int GetSerializeSize_impl(const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::false_type&);
template<typename T, typename A> inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A> void Serialize_impl(Stream& os, const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::true_type&);
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A> void Serialize_impl(Stream& os, const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::false_type&);
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A> inline void Serialize(Stream& os, const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A> void Unserialize_impl(Stream& is, std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::true_type&);
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A> void Unserialize_impl(Stream& is, std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::false_type&);
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A> inline void Unserialize(Stream& is, std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
// others derived from vector
extern inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const CScript& v, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream> void Serialize(Stream& os, const CScript& v, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream> void Unserialize(Stream& is, CScript& v, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
// pair
template<typename K, typename T> unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const std::pair<K, T>& item, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename T> void Serialize(Stream& os, const std::pair<K, T>& item, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename T> void Unserialize(Stream& is, std::pair<K, T>& item, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
// map
template<typename K, typename T, typename Pred, typename A> unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const std::map<K, T, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename T, typename Pred, typename A> void Serialize(Stream& os, const std::map<K, T, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename T, typename Pred, typename A> void Unserialize(Stream& is, std::map<K, T, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
// set
template<typename K, typename Pred, typename A> unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const std::set<K, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename Pred, typename A> void Serialize(Stream& os, const std::set<K, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename Pred, typename A> void Unserialize(Stream& is, std::set<K, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion=VERSION);
// If none of the specialized versions above matched, default to calling member function.
// "int nType" is changed to "long nType" to keep from getting an ambiguous overload error.
// The compiler will only cast int to long if none of the other templates matched.
// Thanks to Boost serialization for this idea.
template<typename T>
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const T& a, long nType, int nVersion=VERSION)
return a.GetSerializeSize((int)nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename T>
inline void Serialize(Stream& os, const T& a, long nType, int nVersion=VERSION)
a.Serialize(os, (int)nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename T>
inline void Unserialize(Stream& is, T& a, long nType, int nVersion=VERSION)
a.Unserialize(is, (int)nType, nVersion);
// string
template<typename C>
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const basic_string<C>& str, int, int)
return GetSizeOfCompactSize(str.size()) + str.size() * sizeof(str[0]);
template<typename Stream, typename C>
void Serialize(Stream& os, const basic_string<C>& str, int, int)
WriteCompactSize(os, str.size());
if (!str.empty())
os.write((char*)&str[0], str.size() * sizeof(str[0]));
template<typename Stream, typename C>
void Unserialize(Stream& is, basic_string<C>& str, int, int)
unsigned int nSize = ReadCompactSize(is);
if (nSize != 0)*)&str[0], nSize * sizeof(str[0]));
// vector
template<typename T, typename A>
unsigned int GetSerializeSize_impl(const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::true_type&)
return (GetSizeOfCompactSize(v.size()) + v.size() * sizeof(T));
template<typename T, typename A>
unsigned int GetSerializeSize_impl(const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::false_type&)
unsigned int nSize = GetSizeOfCompactSize(v.size());
for (typename std::vector<T, A>::const_iterator vi = v.begin(); vi != v.end(); ++vi)
nSize += GetSerializeSize((*vi), nType, nVersion);
return nSize;
template<typename T, typename A>
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion)
return GetSerializeSize_impl(v, nType, nVersion, boost::is_fundamental<T>());
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A>
void Serialize_impl(Stream& os, const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::true_type&)
WriteCompactSize(os, v.size());
if (!v.empty())
os.write((char*)&v[0], v.size() * sizeof(T));
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A>
void Serialize_impl(Stream& os, const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::false_type&)
WriteCompactSize(os, v.size());
for (typename std::vector<T, A>::const_iterator vi = v.begin(); vi != v.end(); ++vi)
::Serialize(os, (*vi), nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A>
inline void Serialize(Stream& os, const std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion)
Serialize_impl(os, v, nType, nVersion, boost::is_fundamental<T>());
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A>
void Unserialize_impl(Stream& is, std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::true_type&)
//unsigned int nSize = ReadCompactSize(is);
//*)&v[0], nSize * sizeof(T));
// Limit size per read so bogus size value won't cause out of memory
unsigned int nSize = ReadCompactSize(is);
unsigned int i = 0;
while (i < nSize)
unsigned int blk = min(nSize - i, (unsigned int)(1 + 4999999 / sizeof(T)));
v.resize(i + blk);*)&v[i], blk * sizeof(T));
i += blk;
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A>
void Unserialize_impl(Stream& is, std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion, const boost::false_type&)
//unsigned int nSize = ReadCompactSize(is);
//for (std::vector<T, A>::iterator vi = v.begin(); vi != v.end(); ++vi)
// Unserialize(is, (*vi), nType, nVersion);
unsigned int nSize = ReadCompactSize(is);
unsigned int i = 0;
unsigned int nMid = 0;
while (nMid < nSize)
nMid += 5000000 / sizeof(T);
if (nMid > nSize)
nMid = nSize;
for (; i < nMid; i++)
Unserialize(is, v[i], nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename T, typename A>
inline void Unserialize(Stream& is, std::vector<T, A>& v, int nType, int nVersion)
Unserialize_impl(is, v, nType, nVersion, boost::is_fundamental<T>());
// others derived from vector
inline unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const CScript& v, int nType, int nVersion)
return GetSerializeSize((const vector<unsigned char>&)v, nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream>
void Serialize(Stream& os, const CScript& v, int nType, int nVersion)
Serialize(os, (const vector<unsigned char>&)v, nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream>
void Unserialize(Stream& is, CScript& v, int nType, int nVersion)
Unserialize(is, (vector<unsigned char>&)v, nType, nVersion);
// pair
template<typename K, typename T>
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const std::pair<K, T>& item, int nType, int nVersion)
return GetSerializeSize(item.first, nType, nVersion) + GetSerializeSize(item.second, nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename T>
void Serialize(Stream& os, const std::pair<K, T>& item, int nType, int nVersion)
Serialize(os, item.first, nType, nVersion);
Serialize(os, item.second, nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename T>
void Unserialize(Stream& is, std::pair<K, T>& item, int nType, int nVersion)
Unserialize(is, item.first, nType, nVersion);
Unserialize(is, item.second, nType, nVersion);
// map
template<typename K, typename T, typename Pred, typename A>
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const std::map<K, T, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion)
unsigned int nSize = GetSizeOfCompactSize(m.size());
for (typename std::map<K, T, Pred, A>::const_iterator mi = m.begin(); mi != m.end(); ++mi)
nSize += GetSerializeSize((*mi), nType, nVersion);
return nSize;
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename T, typename Pred, typename A>
void Serialize(Stream& os, const std::map<K, T, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion)
WriteCompactSize(os, m.size());
for (typename std::map<K, T, Pred, A>::const_iterator mi = m.begin(); mi != m.end(); ++mi)
Serialize(os, (*mi), nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename T, typename Pred, typename A>
void Unserialize(Stream& is, std::map<K, T, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion)
unsigned int nSize = ReadCompactSize(is);
typename std::map<K, T, Pred, A>::iterator mi = m.begin();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
pair<K, T> item;
Unserialize(is, item, nType, nVersion);
mi = m.insert(mi, item);
// set
template<typename K, typename Pred, typename A>
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const std::set<K, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion)
unsigned int nSize = GetSizeOfCompactSize(m.size());
for (typename std::set<K, Pred, A>::const_iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it)
nSize += GetSerializeSize((*it), nType, nVersion);
return nSize;
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename Pred, typename A>
void Serialize(Stream& os, const std::set<K, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion)
WriteCompactSize(os, m.size());
for (typename std::set<K, Pred, A>::const_iterator it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it)
Serialize(os, (*it), nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename K, typename Pred, typename A>
void Unserialize(Stream& is, std::set<K, Pred, A>& m, int nType, int nVersion)
unsigned int nSize = ReadCompactSize(is);
typename std::set<K, Pred, A>::iterator it = m.begin();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nSize; i++)
K key;
Unserialize(is, key, nType, nVersion);
it = m.insert(it, key);
class CSerActionGetSerializeSize { };
class CSerActionSerialize { };
class CSerActionUnserialize { };
template<typename Stream, typename T>
inline unsigned int SerReadWrite(Stream& s, const T& obj, int nType, int nVersion, CSerActionGetSerializeSize ser_action)
return ::GetSerializeSize(obj, nType, nVersion);
template<typename Stream, typename T>
inline unsigned int SerReadWrite(Stream& s, const T& obj, int nType, int nVersion, CSerActionSerialize ser_action)
::Serialize(s, obj, nType, nVersion);
return 0;
template<typename Stream, typename T>
inline unsigned int SerReadWrite(Stream& s, T& obj, int nType, int nVersion, CSerActionUnserialize ser_action)
::Unserialize(s, obj, nType, nVersion);
return 0;
struct ser_streamplaceholder
int nType;
int nVersion;
// Allocator that clears its contents before deletion
template<typename T>
struct secure_allocator : public std::allocator<T>
// MSVC8 default copy constructor is broken
typedef std::allocator<T> base;
typedef typename base::size_type size_type;
typedef typename base::difference_type difference_type;
typedef typename base::pointer pointer;
typedef typename base::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef typename base::reference reference;
typedef typename base::const_reference const_reference;
typedef typename base::value_type value_type;
secure_allocator() throw() {}
secure_allocator(const secure_allocator& a) throw() : base(a) {}
~secure_allocator() throw() {}
template<typename _Other> struct rebind
{ typedef secure_allocator<_Other> other; };
void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t n)
if (p != NULL)
memset(p, 0, sizeof(T) * n);
allocator<T>::deallocate(p, n);
// Double ended buffer combining vector and stream-like interfaces.
// >> and << read and write unformatted data using the above serialization templates.
// Fills with data in linear time; some stringstream implementations take N^2 time.
class CDataStream
typedef vector<char, secure_allocator<char> > vector_type;
vector_type vch;
unsigned int nReadPos;
short state;
short exceptmask;
int nType;
int nVersion;
typedef vector_type::allocator_type allocator_type;
typedef vector_type::size_type size_type;
typedef vector_type::difference_type difference_type;
typedef vector_type::reference reference;
typedef vector_type::const_reference const_reference;
typedef vector_type::value_type value_type;
typedef vector_type::iterator iterator;
typedef vector_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
typedef vector_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
explicit CDataStream(int nTypeIn=0, int nVersionIn=VERSION)
Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
CDataStream(const_iterator pbegin, const_iterator pend, int nTypeIn=0, int nVersionIn=VERSION) : vch(pbegin, pend)
Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1300
CDataStream(const char* pbegin, const char* pend, int nTypeIn=0, int nVersionIn=VERSION) : vch(pbegin, pend)
Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
CDataStream(const vector_type& vchIn, int nTypeIn=0, int nVersionIn=VERSION) : vch(vchIn.begin(), vchIn.end())
Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
CDataStream(const vector<char>& vchIn, int nTypeIn=0, int nVersionIn=VERSION) : vch(vchIn.begin(), vchIn.end())
Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
CDataStream(const vector<unsigned char>& vchIn, int nTypeIn=0, int nVersionIn=VERSION) : vch((char*)&vchIn.begin()[0], (char*)&vchIn.end()[0])
Init(nTypeIn, nVersionIn);
void Init(int nTypeIn=0, int nVersionIn=VERSION)
nReadPos = 0;
nType = nTypeIn;
nVersion = nVersionIn;
state = 0;
exceptmask = ios::badbit | ios::failbit;
CDataStream& operator+=(const CDataStream& b)
vch.insert(vch.end(), b.begin(), b.end());
return *this;
friend CDataStream operator+(const CDataStream& a, const CDataStream& b)
CDataStream ret = a;
ret += b;
return (ret);
string str() const
return (string(begin(), end()));
// Vector subset
const_iterator begin() const { return vch.begin() + nReadPos; }
iterator begin() { return vch.begin() + nReadPos; }
const_iterator end() const { return vch.end(); }
iterator end() { return vch.end(); }
size_type size() const { return vch.size() - nReadPos; }
bool empty() const { return vch.size() == nReadPos; }
void resize(size_type n, value_type c=0) { vch.resize(n + nReadPos, c); }
void reserve(size_type n) { vch.reserve(n + nReadPos); }
const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const { return vch[pos + nReadPos]; }
reference operator[](size_type pos) { return vch[pos + nReadPos]; }
void clear() { vch.clear(); nReadPos = 0; }
iterator insert(iterator it, const char& x=char()) { return vch.insert(it, x); }
void insert(iterator it, size_type n, const char& x) { vch.insert(it, n, x); }
void insert(iterator it, const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
if (it == vch.begin() + nReadPos && last - first <= nReadPos)
// special case for inserting at the front when there's room
nReadPos -= (last - first);
memcpy(&vch[nReadPos], &first[0], last - first);
vch.insert(it, first, last);
void insert(iterator it, vector<char>::const_iterator first, vector<char>::const_iterator last)
if (it == vch.begin() + nReadPos && last - first <= nReadPos)
// special case for inserting at the front when there's room
nReadPos -= (last - first);
memcpy(&vch[nReadPos], &first[0], last - first);
vch.insert(it, first, last);
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1300
void insert(iterator it, const char* first, const char* last)
if (it == vch.begin() + nReadPos && last - first <= nReadPos)
// special case for inserting at the front when there's room
nReadPos -= (last - first);
memcpy(&vch[nReadPos], &first[0], last - first);
vch.insert(it, first, last);
iterator erase(iterator it)
if (it == vch.begin() + nReadPos)
// special case for erasing from the front
if (++nReadPos >= vch.size())
// whenever we reach the end, we take the opportunity to clear the buffer
nReadPos = 0;
return vch.erase(vch.begin(), vch.end());
return vch.begin() + nReadPos;
return vch.erase(it);
iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
if (first == vch.begin() + nReadPos)
// special case for erasing from the front
if (last == vch.end())
nReadPos = 0;
return vch.erase(vch.begin(), vch.end());
nReadPos = (last - vch.begin());
return last;
return vch.erase(first, last);
inline void Compact()
vch.erase(vch.begin(), vch.begin() + nReadPos);
nReadPos = 0;
bool Rewind(size_type n)
// Rewind by n characters if the buffer hasn't been compacted yet
if (n > nReadPos)
return false;
nReadPos -= n;
return true;
// Stream subset
void setstate(short bits, const char* psz)
state |= bits;
if (state & exceptmask)
throw std::ios_base::failure(psz);
bool eof() const { return size() == 0; }
bool fail() const { return state & (ios::badbit | ios::failbit); }
bool good() const { return !eof() && (state == 0); }
void clear(short n) { state = n; } // name conflict with vector clear()
short exceptions() { return exceptmask; }
short exceptions(short mask) { short prev = exceptmask; exceptmask = mask; setstate(0, "CDataStream"); return prev; }
CDataStream* rdbuf() { return this; }
int in_avail() { return size(); }
void SetType(int n) { nType = n; }
int GetType() { return nType; }
void SetVersion(int n) { nVersion = n; }
int GetVersion() { return nVersion; }
void ReadVersion() { *this >> nVersion; }
void WriteVersion() { *this << nVersion; }
CDataStream& read(char* pch, int nSize)
// Read from the beginning of the buffer
assert(nSize >= 0);
unsigned int nReadPosNext = nReadPos + nSize;
if (nReadPosNext >= vch.size())
if (nReadPosNext > vch.size())
setstate(ios::failbit, "CDataStream::read() : end of data");
memset(pch, 0, nSize);
nSize = vch.size() - nReadPos;
memcpy(pch, &vch[nReadPos], nSize);
nReadPos = 0;
return (*this);
memcpy(pch, &vch[nReadPos], nSize);
nReadPos = nReadPosNext;
return (*this);
CDataStream& ignore(int nSize)
// Ignore from the beginning of the buffer
assert(nSize >= 0);
unsigned int nReadPosNext = nReadPos + nSize;
if (nReadPosNext >= vch.size())
if (nReadPosNext > vch.size())
setstate(ios::failbit, "CDataStream::ignore() : end of data");
nSize = vch.size() - nReadPos;
nReadPos = 0;
return (*this);
nReadPos = nReadPosNext;
return (*this);
CDataStream& write(const char* pch, int nSize)
// Write to the end of the buffer
assert(nSize >= 0);
vch.insert(vch.end(), pch, pch + nSize);
return (*this);
template<typename Stream>
void Serialize(Stream& s, int nType=0, int nVersion=VERSION) const
// Special case: stream << stream concatenates like stream += stream
if (!vch.empty())
s.write((char*)&vch[0], vch.size() * sizeof(vch[0]));
template<typename T>
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const T& obj)
// Tells the size of the object if serialized to this stream
return ::GetSerializeSize(obj, nType, nVersion);
template<typename T>
CDataStream& operator<<(const T& obj)
// Serialize to this stream
::Serialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
return (*this);
template<typename T>
CDataStream& operator>>(T& obj)
// Unserialize from this stream
::Unserialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
return (*this);
// VC6sp6
// CDataStream:
// n=1000 0 seconds
// n=2000 0 seconds
// n=4000 0 seconds
// n=8000 0 seconds
// n=16000 0 seconds
// n=32000 0 seconds
// n=64000 1 seconds
// n=128000 1 seconds
// n=256000 2 seconds
// n=512000 4 seconds
// n=1024000 8 seconds
// n=2048000 16 seconds
// n=4096000 32 seconds
// stringstream:
// n=1000 1 seconds
// n=2000 1 seconds
// n=4000 13 seconds
// n=8000 87 seconds
// n=16000 400 seconds
// n=32000 1660 seconds
// n=64000 6749 seconds
// n=128000 27241 seconds
// n=256000 109804 seconds
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
vector<unsigned char> vch(0xcc, 250);
for (int n = 1000; n <= 4500000; n *= 2)
CDataStream ss;
time_t nStart = time(NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ss.write((char*)&vch[0], vch.size());
printf("n=%-10d %d seconds\n", n, time(NULL) - nStart);
for (int n = 1000; n <= 4500000; n *= 2)
stringstream ss;
time_t nStart = time(NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ss.write((char*)&vch[0], vch.size());
printf("n=%-10d %d seconds\n", n, time(NULL) - nStart);
// Automatic closing wrapper for FILE*
// - Will automatically close the file when it goes out of scope if not null.
// - If you're returning the file pointer, return file.release().
// - If you need to close the file early, use file.fclose() instead of fclose(file).
class CAutoFile
FILE* file;
short state;
short exceptmask;
int nType;
int nVersion;
typedef FILE element_type;
CAutoFile(FILE* filenew=NULL, int nTypeIn=SER_DISK, int nVersionIn=VERSION)
file = filenew;
nType = nTypeIn;
nVersion = nVersionIn;
state = 0;
exceptmask = ios::badbit | ios::failbit;
void fclose()
if (file != NULL && file != stdin && file != stdout && file != stderr)
file = NULL;
FILE* release() { FILE* ret = file; file = NULL; return ret; }
operator FILE*() { return file; }
FILE* operator->() { return file; }
FILE& operator*() { return *file; }
FILE** operator&() { return &file; }
FILE* operator=(FILE* pnew) { return file = pnew; }
bool operator!() { return (file == NULL); }
// Stream subset
void setstate(short bits, const char* psz)
state |= bits;
if (state & exceptmask)
throw std::ios_base::failure(psz);
bool fail() const { return state & (ios::badbit | ios::failbit); }
bool good() const { return state == 0; }
void clear(short n = 0) { state = n; }
short exceptions() { return exceptmask; }
short exceptions(short mask) { short prev = exceptmask; exceptmask = mask; setstate(0, "CAutoFile"); return prev; }
void SetType(int n) { nType = n; }
int GetType() { return nType; }
void SetVersion(int n) { nVersion = n; }
int GetVersion() { return nVersion; }
void ReadVersion() { *this >> nVersion; }
void WriteVersion() { *this << nVersion; }
CAutoFile& read(char* pch, int nSize)
if (!file)
throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::read : file handle is NULL");
if (fread(pch, 1, nSize, file) != nSize)
setstate(ios::failbit, feof(file) ? "CAutoFile::read : end of file" : "CAutoFile::read : fread failed");
return (*this);
CAutoFile& write(const char* pch, int nSize)
if (!file)
throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::write : file handle is NULL");
if (fwrite(pch, 1, nSize, file) != nSize)
setstate(ios::failbit, "CAutoFile::write : write failed");
return (*this);
template<typename T>
unsigned int GetSerializeSize(const T& obj)
// Tells the size of the object if serialized to this stream
return ::GetSerializeSize(obj, nType, nVersion);
template<typename T>
CAutoFile& operator<<(const T& obj)
// Serialize to this stream
if (!file)
throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::operator<< : file handle is NULL");
::Serialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
return (*this);
template<typename T>
CAutoFile& operator>>(T& obj)
// Unserialize from this stream
if (!file)
throw std::ios_base::failure("CAutoFile::operator>> : file handle is NULL");
::Unserialize(*this, obj, nType, nVersion);
return (*this);

File Metadata

Mime Type
Fri, Feb 7, 17:02 (1 d, 17 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(218 KB)

Event Timeline