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diff --git a/qa/rpc-tests/ b/qa/rpc-tests/
index df02c1697f..aa403f058c 100755
--- a/qa/rpc-tests/
+++ b/qa/rpc-tests/
@@ -1,142 +1,148 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Bitcoin Core developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
# Test re-org scenarios with a mempool that contains transactions
# that spend (directly or indirectly) coinbase transactions.
from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework
from test_framework.util import *
# Create one-input, one-output, no-fee transaction:
class RawTransactionsTest(BitcoinTestFramework):
def __init__(self):
self.setup_clean_chain = True
self.num_nodes = 3
def setup_network(self, split=False):
self.nodes = start_nodes(self.num_nodes, self.options.tmpdir)
#connect to a local machine for debugging
#url = "http://bitcoinrpc:DP6DvqZtqXarpeNWyN3LZTFchCCyCUuHwNF7E8pX99x1@%s:%d" % ('', 18332)
#proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url)
#proxy.url = url # store URL on proxy for info
def run_test(self):
#prepare some coins for multiple *rawtransaction commands
# sendrawtransaction with missing input #
inputs = [ {'txid' : "1d1d4e24ed99057e84c3f80fd8fbec79ed9e1acee37da269356ecea000000000", 'vout' : 1}] #won't exists
outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 4.998 }
rawtx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
rawtx = self.nodes[2].signrawtransaction(rawtx)
rawtx = self.nodes[2].sendrawtransaction(rawtx['hex'])
except JSONRPCException as e:
assert("Missing inputs" in e.error['message'])
# 2of2 test
addr1 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
addr2 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
addr1Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr1)
addr2Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr2)
mSigObj = self.nodes[2].addmultisigaddress(2, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey']])
mSigObjValid = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(mSigObj)
#use balance deltas instead of absolute values
bal = self.nodes[2].getbalance()
# send 1.2 BTC to msig adr
txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 1.2)
assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), bal+Decimal('1.20000000')) #node2 has both keys of the 2of2 ms addr., tx should affect the balance
# 2of3 test from different nodes
bal = self.nodes[2].getbalance()
addr1 = self.nodes[1].getnewaddress()
addr2 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
addr3 = self.nodes[2].getnewaddress()
addr1Obj = self.nodes[1].validateaddress(addr1)
addr2Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr2)
addr3Obj = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(addr3)
mSigObj = self.nodes[2].addmultisigaddress(2, [addr1Obj['pubkey'], addr2Obj['pubkey'], addr3Obj['pubkey']])
mSigObjValid = self.nodes[2].validateaddress(mSigObj)
txId = self.nodes[0].sendtoaddress(mSigObj, 2.2)
decTx = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txId)
rawTx = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(decTx['hex'])
sPK = rawTx['vout'][0]['scriptPubKey']['hex']
assert_equal(self.nodes[2].getbalance(), bal) #for now, assume the funds of a 2of3 multisig tx are not marked as spendable
txDetails = self.nodes[0].gettransaction(txId, True)
rawTx = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(txDetails['hex'])
vout = False
for outpoint in rawTx['vout']:
if outpoint['value'] == Decimal('2.20000000'):
vout = outpoint
bal = self.nodes[0].getbalance()
inputs = [{ "txid" : txId, "vout" : vout['n'], "scriptPubKey" : vout['scriptPubKey']['hex']}]
outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 2.19 }
rawTx = self.nodes[2].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
rawTxPartialSigned = self.nodes[1].signrawtransaction(rawTx, inputs)
assert_equal(rawTxPartialSigned['complete'], False) #node1 only has one key, can't comp. sign the tx
rawTxSigned = self.nodes[2].signrawtransaction(rawTx, inputs)
assert_equal(rawTxSigned['complete'], True) #node2 can sign the tx compl., own two of three keys
rawTx = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(rawTxSigned['hex'])
assert_equal(self.nodes[0].getbalance(), bal+Decimal('50.00000000')+Decimal('2.19000000')) #block reward + tx
+ inputs = [ {'txid' : "1d1d4e24ed99057e84c3f80fd8fbec79ed9e1acee37da269356ecea000000000", 'vout' : 1, 'sequence' : 1000}]
+ outputs = { self.nodes[0].getnewaddress() : 1 }
+ rawtx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)
+ decrawtx= self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(rawtx)
+ assert_equal(decrawtx['vin'][0]['sequence'], 1000)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/src/bitcoin-tx.cpp b/src/bitcoin-tx.cpp
index 95d7a085a0..d5e2fc279b 100644
--- a/src/bitcoin-tx.cpp
+++ b/src/bitcoin-tx.cpp
@@ -1,682 +1,687 @@
// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
#include "config/bitcoin-config.h"
#include "base58.h"
#include "clientversion.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "consensus/consensus.h"
#include "core_io.h"
#include "keystore.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "script/sign.h"
#include <univalue.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "utilmoneystr.h"
#include "utilstrencodings.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
using namespace std;
static bool fCreateBlank;
static map<string,UniValue> registers;
static bool AppInitRawTx(int argc, char* argv[])
// Parameters
ParseParameters(argc, argv);
// Check for -testnet or -regtest parameter (Params() calls are only valid after this clause)
try {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", e.what());
return false;
fCreateBlank = GetBoolArg("-create", false);
if (argc<2 || mapArgs.count("-?") || mapArgs.count("-h") || mapArgs.count("-help"))
// First part of help message is specific to this utility
std::string strUsage = strprintf(_("%s bitcoin-tx utility version"), _(PACKAGE_NAME)) + " " + FormatFullVersion() + "\n\n" +
_("Usage:") + "\n" +
" bitcoin-tx [options] <hex-tx> [commands] " + _("Update hex-encoded bitcoin transaction") + "\n" +
" bitcoin-tx [options] -create [commands] " + _("Create hex-encoded bitcoin transaction") + "\n" +
fprintf(stdout, "%s", strUsage.c_str());
strUsage = HelpMessageGroup(_("Options:"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-?", _("This help message"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-create", _("Create new, empty TX."));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-json", _("Select JSON output"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("-txid", _("Output only the hex-encoded transaction id of the resultant transaction."));
fprintf(stdout, "%s", strUsage.c_str());
strUsage = HelpMessageGroup(_("Commands:"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("delin=N", _("Delete input N from TX"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("delout=N", _("Delete output N from TX"));
- strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("in=TXID:VOUT", _("Add input to TX"));
+ strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("in=TXID:VOUT(:SEQUENCE_NUMBER)", _("Add input to TX"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("locktime=N", _("Set TX lock time to N"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("nversion=N", _("Set TX version to N"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("outaddr=VALUE:ADDRESS", _("Add address-based output to TX"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("outdata=[VALUE:]DATA", _("Add data-based output to TX"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("outscript=VALUE:SCRIPT", _("Add raw script output to TX"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("sign=SIGHASH-FLAGS", _("Add zero or more signatures to transaction") + ". " +
_("This command requires JSON registers:") +
_("prevtxs=JSON object") + ", " +
_("privatekeys=JSON object") + ". " +
_("See signrawtransaction docs for format of sighash flags, JSON objects."));
fprintf(stdout, "%s", strUsage.c_str());
strUsage = HelpMessageGroup(_("Register Commands:"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("load=NAME:FILENAME", _("Load JSON file FILENAME into register NAME"));
strUsage += HelpMessageOpt("set=NAME:JSON-STRING", _("Set register NAME to given JSON-STRING"));
fprintf(stdout, "%s", strUsage.c_str());
return false;
return true;
static void RegisterSetJson(const string& key, const string& rawJson)
UniValue val;
if (! {
string strErr = "Cannot parse JSON for key " + key;
throw runtime_error(strErr);
registers[key] = val;
static void RegisterSet(const string& strInput)
// separate NAME:VALUE in string
size_t pos = strInput.find(':');
if ((pos == string::npos) ||
(pos == 0) ||
(pos == (strInput.size() - 1)))
throw runtime_error("Register input requires NAME:VALUE");
string key = strInput.substr(0, pos);
string valStr = strInput.substr(pos + 1, string::npos);
RegisterSetJson(key, valStr);
static void RegisterLoad(const string& strInput)
// separate NAME:FILENAME in string
size_t pos = strInput.find(':');
if ((pos == string::npos) ||
(pos == 0) ||
(pos == (strInput.size() - 1)))
throw runtime_error("Register load requires NAME:FILENAME");
string key = strInput.substr(0, pos);
string filename = strInput.substr(pos + 1, string::npos);
FILE *f = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
if (!f) {
string strErr = "Cannot open file " + filename;
throw runtime_error(strErr);
// load file chunks into one big buffer
string valStr;
while ((!feof(f)) && (!ferror(f))) {
char buf[4096];
int bread = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), f);
if (bread <= 0)
valStr.insert(valStr.size(), buf, bread);
int error = ferror(f);
if (error) {
string strErr = "Error reading file " + filename;
throw runtime_error(strErr);
// evaluate as JSON buffer register
RegisterSetJson(key, valStr);
static void MutateTxVersion(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& cmdVal)
int64_t newVersion = atoi64(cmdVal);
if (newVersion < 1 || newVersion > CTransaction::CURRENT_VERSION)
throw runtime_error("Invalid TX version requested");
tx.nVersion = (int) newVersion;
static void MutateTxLocktime(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& cmdVal)
int64_t newLocktime = atoi64(cmdVal);
if (newLocktime < 0LL || newLocktime > 0xffffffffLL)
throw runtime_error("Invalid TX locktime requested");
tx.nLockTime = (unsigned int) newLocktime;
static void MutateTxAddInput(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& strInput)
+ std::vector<std::string> vStrInputParts;
+ boost::split(vStrInputParts, strInput, boost::is_any_of(":"));
// separate TXID:VOUT in string
- size_t pos = strInput.find(':');
- if ((pos == string::npos) ||
- (pos == 0) ||
- (pos == (strInput.size() - 1)))
+ if (vStrInputParts.size()<2)
throw runtime_error("TX input missing separator");
// extract and validate TXID
- string strTxid = strInput.substr(0, pos);
+ string strTxid = vStrInputParts[0];
if ((strTxid.size() != 64) || !IsHex(strTxid))
throw runtime_error("invalid TX input txid");
uint256 txid(uint256S(strTxid));
static const unsigned int minTxOutSz = 9;
static const unsigned int maxVout = MAX_BLOCK_SIZE / minTxOutSz;
// extract and validate vout
- string strVout = strInput.substr(pos + 1, string::npos);
+ string strVout = vStrInputParts[1];
int vout = atoi(strVout);
if ((vout < 0) || (vout > (int)maxVout))
throw runtime_error("invalid TX input vout");
+ // extract the optional sequence number
+ uint32_t nSequenceIn=std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ if (vStrInputParts.size() > 2)
+ nSequenceIn = atoi(vStrInputParts[2]);
// append to transaction input list
- CTxIn txin(txid, vout);
+ CTxIn txin(txid, vout, CScript(), nSequenceIn);;
static void MutateTxAddOutAddr(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& strInput)
// separate VALUE:ADDRESS in string
size_t pos = strInput.find(':');
if ((pos == string::npos) ||
(pos == 0) ||
(pos == (strInput.size() - 1)))
throw runtime_error("TX output missing separator");
// extract and validate VALUE
string strValue = strInput.substr(0, pos);
CAmount value;
if (!ParseMoney(strValue, value))
throw runtime_error("invalid TX output value");
// extract and validate ADDRESS
string strAddr = strInput.substr(pos + 1, string::npos);
CBitcoinAddress addr(strAddr);
if (!addr.IsValid())
throw runtime_error("invalid TX output address");
// build standard output script via GetScriptForDestination()
CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(addr.Get());
// construct TxOut, append to transaction output list
CTxOut txout(value, scriptPubKey);
static void MutateTxAddOutData(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& strInput)
CAmount value = 0;
// separate [VALUE:]DATA in string
size_t pos = strInput.find(':');
if (pos==0)
throw runtime_error("TX output value not specified");
if (pos != string::npos) {
// extract and validate VALUE
string strValue = strInput.substr(0, pos);
if (!ParseMoney(strValue, value))
throw runtime_error("invalid TX output value");
// extract and validate DATA
string strData = strInput.substr(pos + 1, string::npos);
if (!IsHex(strData))
throw runtime_error("invalid TX output data");
std::vector<unsigned char> data = ParseHex(strData);
CTxOut txout(value, CScript() << OP_RETURN << data);
static void MutateTxAddOutScript(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& strInput)
// separate VALUE:SCRIPT in string
size_t pos = strInput.find(':');
if ((pos == string::npos) ||
(pos == 0))
throw runtime_error("TX output missing separator");
// extract and validate VALUE
string strValue = strInput.substr(0, pos);
CAmount value;
if (!ParseMoney(strValue, value))
throw runtime_error("invalid TX output value");
// extract and validate script
string strScript = strInput.substr(pos + 1, string::npos);
CScript scriptPubKey = ParseScript(strScript); // throws on err
// construct TxOut, append to transaction output list
CTxOut txout(value, scriptPubKey);
static void MutateTxDelInput(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& strInIdx)
// parse requested deletion index
int inIdx = atoi(strInIdx);
if (inIdx < 0 || inIdx >= (int) {
string strErr = "Invalid TX input index '" + strInIdx + "'";
throw runtime_error(strErr.c_str());
// delete input from transaction + inIdx);
static void MutateTxDelOutput(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& strOutIdx)
// parse requested deletion index
int outIdx = atoi(strOutIdx);
if (outIdx < 0 || outIdx >= (int)tx.vout.size()) {
string strErr = "Invalid TX output index '" + strOutIdx + "'";
throw runtime_error(strErr.c_str());
// delete output from transaction
tx.vout.erase(tx.vout.begin() + outIdx);
static const unsigned int N_SIGHASH_OPTS = 6;
static const struct {
const char *flagStr;
int flags;
} sighashOptions[N_SIGHASH_OPTS] = {
static bool findSighashFlags(int& flags, const string& flagStr)
flags = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N_SIGHASH_OPTS; i++) {
if (flagStr == sighashOptions[i].flagStr) {
flags = sighashOptions[i].flags;
return true;
return false;
uint256 ParseHashUO(map<string,UniValue>& o, string strKey)
if (!o.count(strKey))
return uint256();
return ParseHashUV(o[strKey], strKey);
vector<unsigned char> ParseHexUO(map<string,UniValue>& o, string strKey)
if (!o.count(strKey)) {
vector<unsigned char> emptyVec;
return emptyVec;
return ParseHexUV(o[strKey], strKey);
static void MutateTxSign(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& flagStr)
int nHashType = SIGHASH_ALL;
if (flagStr.size() > 0)
if (!findSighashFlags(nHashType, flagStr))
throw runtime_error("unknown sighash flag/sign option");
vector<CTransaction> txVariants;
// mergedTx will end up with all the signatures; it
// starts as a clone of the raw tx:
CMutableTransaction mergedTx(txVariants[0]);
bool fComplete = true;
CCoinsView viewDummy;
CCoinsViewCache view(&viewDummy);
if (!registers.count("privatekeys"))
throw runtime_error("privatekeys register variable must be set.");
bool fGivenKeys = false;
CBasicKeyStore tempKeystore;
UniValue keysObj = registers["privatekeys"];
fGivenKeys = true;
for (unsigned int kidx = 0; kidx < keysObj.size(); kidx++) {
if (!keysObj[kidx].isStr())
throw runtime_error("privatekey not a string");
CBitcoinSecret vchSecret;
bool fGood = vchSecret.SetString(keysObj[kidx].getValStr());
if (!fGood)
throw runtime_error("privatekey not valid");
CKey key = vchSecret.GetKey();
// Add previous txouts given in the RPC call:
if (!registers.count("prevtxs"))
throw runtime_error("prevtxs register variable must be set.");
UniValue prevtxsObj = registers["prevtxs"];
for (unsigned int previdx = 0; previdx < prevtxsObj.size(); previdx++) {
UniValue prevOut = prevtxsObj[previdx];
if (!prevOut.isObject())
throw runtime_error("expected prevtxs internal object");
map<string,UniValue::VType> types = boost::assign::map_list_of("txid", UniValue::VSTR)("vout",UniValue::VNUM)("scriptPubKey",UniValue::VSTR);
if (!prevOut.checkObject(types))
throw runtime_error("prevtxs internal object typecheck fail");
uint256 txid = ParseHashUV(prevOut["txid"], "txid");
int nOut = atoi(prevOut["vout"].getValStr());
if (nOut < 0)
throw runtime_error("vout must be positive");
vector<unsigned char> pkData(ParseHexUV(prevOut["scriptPubKey"], "scriptPubKey"));
CScript scriptPubKey(pkData.begin(), pkData.end());
CCoinsModifier coins = view.ModifyCoins(txid);
if (coins->IsAvailable(nOut) && coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey != scriptPubKey) {
string err("Previous output scriptPubKey mismatch:\n");
err = err + ScriptToAsmStr(coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey) + "\nvs:\n"+
throw runtime_error(err);
if ((unsigned int)nOut >= coins->vout.size())
coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey;
coins->vout[nOut].nValue = 0; // we don't know the actual output value
// if redeemScript given and private keys given,
// add redeemScript to the tempKeystore so it can be signed:
if (fGivenKeys && scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash() &&
prevOut.exists("redeemScript")) {
UniValue v = prevOut["redeemScript"];
vector<unsigned char> rsData(ParseHexUV(v, "redeemScript"));
CScript redeemScript(rsData.begin(), rsData.end());
const CKeyStore& keystore = tempKeystore;
bool fHashSingle = ((nHashType & ~SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) == SIGHASH_SINGLE);
// Sign what we can:
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) {
CTxIn& txin =[i];
const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(txin.prevout.hash);
if (!coins || !coins->IsAvailable(txin.prevout.n)) {
fComplete = false;
const CScript& prevPubKey = coins->vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey;
// Only sign SIGHASH_SINGLE if there's a corresponding output:
if (!fHashSingle || (i < mergedTx.vout.size()))
SignSignature(keystore, prevPubKey, mergedTx, i, nHashType);
// ... and merge in other signatures:
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction& txv, txVariants) {
txin.scriptSig = CombineSignatures(prevPubKey, mergedTx, i, txin.scriptSig,[i].scriptSig);
if (!VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, prevPubKey, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, MutableTransactionSignatureChecker(&mergedTx, i)))
fComplete = false;
if (fComplete) {
// do nothing... for now
// perhaps store this for later optional JSON output
tx = mergedTx;
class Secp256k1Init
ECCVerifyHandle globalVerifyHandle;
Secp256k1Init() {
~Secp256k1Init() {
static void MutateTx(CMutableTransaction& tx, const string& command,
const string& commandVal)
boost::scoped_ptr<Secp256k1Init> ecc;
if (command == "nversion")
MutateTxVersion(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "locktime")
MutateTxLocktime(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "delin")
MutateTxDelInput(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "in")
MutateTxAddInput(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "delout")
MutateTxDelOutput(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "outaddr")
MutateTxAddOutAddr(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "outdata")
MutateTxAddOutData(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "outscript")
MutateTxAddOutScript(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "sign") {
if (!ecc) { ecc.reset(new Secp256k1Init()); }
MutateTxSign(tx, commandVal);
else if (command == "load")
else if (command == "set")
throw runtime_error("unknown command");
static void OutputTxJSON(const CTransaction& tx)
UniValue entry(UniValue::VOBJ);
TxToUniv(tx, uint256(), entry);
string jsonOutput = entry.write(4);
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", jsonOutput.c_str());
static void OutputTxHash(const CTransaction& tx)
string strHexHash = tx.GetHash().GetHex(); // the hex-encoded transaction hash (aka the transaction id)
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", strHexHash.c_str());
static void OutputTxHex(const CTransaction& tx)
string strHex = EncodeHexTx(tx);
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", strHex.c_str());
static void OutputTx(const CTransaction& tx)
if (GetBoolArg("-json", false))
else if (GetBoolArg("-txid", false))
static string readStdin()
char buf[4096];
string ret;
while (!feof(stdin)) {
size_t bread = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), stdin);
ret.append(buf, bread);
if (bread < sizeof(buf))
if (ferror(stdin))
throw runtime_error("error reading stdin");
return ret;
static int CommandLineRawTx(int argc, char* argv[])
string strPrint;
int nRet = 0;
try {
// Skip switches; Permit common stdin convention "-"
while (argc > 1 && IsSwitchChar(argv[1][0]) &&
(argv[1][1] != 0)) {
CTransaction txDecodeTmp;
int startArg;
if (!fCreateBlank) {
// require at least one param
if (argc < 2)
throw runtime_error("too few parameters");
// param: hex-encoded bitcoin transaction
string strHexTx(argv[1]);
if (strHexTx == "-") // "-" implies standard input
strHexTx = readStdin();
if (!DecodeHexTx(txDecodeTmp, strHexTx))
throw runtime_error("invalid transaction encoding");
startArg = 2;
} else
startArg = 1;
CMutableTransaction tx(txDecodeTmp);
for (int i = startArg; i < argc; i++) {
string arg = argv[i];
string key, value;
size_t eqpos = arg.find('=');
if (eqpos == string::npos)
key = arg;
else {
key = arg.substr(0, eqpos);
value = arg.substr(eqpos + 1);
MutateTx(tx, key, value);
catch (const boost::thread_interrupted&) {
catch (const std::exception& e) {
strPrint = string("error: ") + e.what();
catch (...) {
PrintExceptionContinue(NULL, "CommandLineRawTx()");
if (strPrint != "") {
fprintf((nRet == 0 ? stdout : stderr), "%s\n", strPrint.c_str());
return nRet;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
try {
if(!AppInitRawTx(argc, argv))
catch (const std::exception& e) {
PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "AppInitRawTx()");
} catch (...) {
PrintExceptionContinue(NULL, "AppInitRawTx()");
int ret = EXIT_FAILURE;
try {
ret = CommandLineRawTx(argc, argv);
catch (const std::exception& e) {
PrintExceptionContinue(&e, "CommandLineRawTx()");
} catch (...) {
PrintExceptionContinue(NULL, "CommandLineRawTx()");
return ret;
diff --git a/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp b/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
index 32b4ad47ff..4517ffcbbc 100644
--- a/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
+++ b/src/rpc/rawtransaction.cpp
@@ -1,865 +1,872 @@
// Copyright (c) 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 The Bitcoin Core developers
// Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or
#include "base58.h"
#include "chain.h"
#include "coins.h"
#include "consensus/validation.h"
#include "core_io.h"
#include "init.h"
#include "keystore.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "merkleblock.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "policy/policy.h"
#include "primitives/transaction.h"
#include "rpc/server.h"
#include "script/script.h"
#include "script/script_error.h"
#include "script/sign.h"
#include "script/standard.h"
#include "txmempool.h"
#include "uint256.h"
#include "utilstrencodings.h"
#include "wallet/wallet.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <univalue.h>
using namespace std;
void ScriptPubKeyToJSON(const CScript& scriptPubKey, UniValue& out, bool fIncludeHex)
txnouttype type;
vector<CTxDestination> addresses;
int nRequired;
out.push_back(Pair("asm", ScriptToAsmStr(scriptPubKey)));
if (fIncludeHex)
out.push_back(Pair("hex", HexStr(scriptPubKey.begin(), scriptPubKey.end())));
if (!ExtractDestinations(scriptPubKey, type, addresses, nRequired)) {
out.push_back(Pair("type", GetTxnOutputType(type)));
out.push_back(Pair("reqSigs", nRequired));
out.push_back(Pair("type", GetTxnOutputType(type)));
UniValue a(UniValue::VARR);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxDestination& addr, addresses)
out.push_back(Pair("addresses", a));
void TxToJSON(const CTransaction& tx, const uint256 hashBlock, UniValue& entry)
entry.push_back(Pair("txid", tx.GetHash().GetHex()));
entry.push_back(Pair("size", (int)::GetSerializeSize(tx, SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION)));
entry.push_back(Pair("version", tx.nVersion));
entry.push_back(Pair("locktime", (int64_t)tx.nLockTime));
UniValue vin(UniValue::VARR);
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, {
UniValue in(UniValue::VOBJ);
if (tx.IsCoinBase())
in.push_back(Pair("coinbase", HexStr(txin.scriptSig.begin(), txin.scriptSig.end())));
else {
in.push_back(Pair("txid", txin.prevout.hash.GetHex()));
in.push_back(Pair("vout", (int64_t)txin.prevout.n));
UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
o.push_back(Pair("asm", ScriptToAsmStr(txin.scriptSig, true)));
o.push_back(Pair("hex", HexStr(txin.scriptSig.begin(), txin.scriptSig.end())));
in.push_back(Pair("scriptSig", o));
in.push_back(Pair("sequence", (int64_t)txin.nSequence));
entry.push_back(Pair("vin", vin));
UniValue vout(UniValue::VARR);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tx.vout.size(); i++) {
const CTxOut& txout = tx.vout[i];
UniValue out(UniValue::VOBJ);
out.push_back(Pair("value", ValueFromAmount(txout.nValue)));
out.push_back(Pair("n", (int64_t)i));
UniValue o(UniValue::VOBJ);
ScriptPubKeyToJSON(txout.scriptPubKey, o, true);
out.push_back(Pair("scriptPubKey", o));
entry.push_back(Pair("vout", vout));
if (!hashBlock.IsNull()) {
entry.push_back(Pair("blockhash", hashBlock.GetHex()));
BlockMap::iterator mi = mapBlockIndex.find(hashBlock);
if (mi != mapBlockIndex.end() && (*mi).second) {
CBlockIndex* pindex = (*mi).second;
if (chainActive.Contains(pindex)) {
entry.push_back(Pair("confirmations", 1 + chainActive.Height() - pindex->nHeight));
entry.push_back(Pair("time", pindex->GetBlockTime()));
entry.push_back(Pair("blocktime", pindex->GetBlockTime()));
entry.push_back(Pair("confirmations", 0));
UniValue getrawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"getrawtransaction \"txid\" ( verbose )\n"
"\nNOTE: By default this function only works sometimes. This is when the tx is in the mempool\n"
"or there is an unspent output in the utxo for this transaction. To make it always work,\n"
"you need to maintain a transaction index, using the -txindex command line option.\n"
"\nReturn the raw transaction data.\n"
"\nIf verbose=0, returns a string that is serialized, hex-encoded data for 'txid'.\n"
"If verbose is non-zero, returns an Object with information about 'txid'.\n"
"1. \"txid\" (string, required) The transaction id\n"
"2. verbose (numeric, optional, default=0) If 0, return a string, other return a json object\n"
"\nResult (if verbose is not set or set to 0):\n"
"\"data\" (string) The serialized, hex-encoded data for 'txid'\n"
"\nResult (if verbose > 0):\n"
" \"hex\" : \"data\", (string) The serialized, hex-encoded data for 'txid'\n"
" \"txid\" : \"id\", (string) The transaction id (same as provided)\n"
" \"size\" : n, (numeric) The transaction size\n"
" \"version\" : n, (numeric) The version\n"
" \"locktime\" : ttt, (numeric) The lock time\n"
" \"vin\" : [ (array of json objects)\n"
" {\n"
" \"txid\": \"id\", (string) The transaction id\n"
" \"vout\": n, (numeric) \n"
" \"scriptSig\": { (json object) The script\n"
" \"asm\": \"asm\", (string) asm\n"
" \"hex\": \"hex\" (string) hex\n"
" },\n"
" \"sequence\": n (numeric) The script sequence number\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
" \"vout\" : [ (array of json objects)\n"
" {\n"
" \"value\" :, (numeric) The value in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
" \"n\" : n, (numeric) index\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\" : { (json object)\n"
" \"asm\" : \"asm\", (string) the asm\n"
" \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) the hex\n"
" \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) The required sigs\n"
" \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
" \"addresses\" : [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"bitcoinaddress\" (string) bitcoin address\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
" \"blockhash\" : \"hash\", (string) the block hash\n"
" \"confirmations\" : n, (numeric) The confirmations\n"
" \"time\" : ttt, (numeric) The transaction time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
" \"blocktime\" : ttt (numeric) The block time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("getrawtransaction", "\"mytxid\"")
+ HelpExampleCli("getrawtransaction", "\"mytxid\" 1")
+ HelpExampleRpc("getrawtransaction", "\"mytxid\", 1")
uint256 hash = ParseHashV(params[0], "parameter 1");
bool fVerbose = false;
if (params.size() > 1)
fVerbose = (params[1].get_int() != 0);
CTransaction tx;
uint256 hashBlock;
if (!GetTransaction(hash, tx, Params().GetConsensus(), hashBlock, true))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "No information available about transaction");
string strHex = EncodeHexTx(tx);
if (!fVerbose)
return strHex;
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
result.push_back(Pair("hex", strHex));
TxToJSON(tx, hashBlock, result);
return result;
UniValue gettxoutproof(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || (params.size() != 1 && params.size() != 2))
throw runtime_error(
"gettxoutproof [\"txid\",...] ( blockhash )\n"
"\nReturns a hex-encoded proof that \"txid\" was included in a block.\n"
"\nNOTE: By default this function only works sometimes. This is when there is an\n"
"unspent output in the utxo for this transaction. To make it always work,\n"
"you need to maintain a transaction index, using the -txindex command line option or\n"
"specify the block in which the transaction is included manually (by blockhash).\n"
"\nReturn the raw transaction data.\n"
"1. \"txids\" (string) A json array of txids to filter\n"
" [\n"
" \"txid\" (string) A transaction hash\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
"2. \"block hash\" (string, optional) If specified, looks for txid in the block with this hash\n"
"\"data\" (string) A string that is a serialized, hex-encoded data for the proof.\n"
set<uint256> setTxids;
uint256 oneTxid;
UniValue txids = params[0].get_array();
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < txids.size(); idx++) {
const UniValue& txid = txids[idx];
if (txid.get_str().length() != 64 || !IsHex(txid.get_str()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, string("Invalid txid ")+txid.get_str());
uint256 hash(uint256S(txid.get_str()));
if (setTxids.count(hash))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, string("Invalid parameter, duplicated txid: ")+txid.get_str());
oneTxid = hash;
CBlockIndex* pblockindex = NULL;
uint256 hashBlock;
if (params.size() > 1)
hashBlock = uint256S(params[1].get_str());
if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashBlock))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found");
pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hashBlock];
} else {
CCoins coins;
if (pcoinsTip->GetCoins(oneTxid, coins) && coins.nHeight > 0 && coins.nHeight <= chainActive.Height())
pblockindex = chainActive[coins.nHeight];
if (pblockindex == NULL)
CTransaction tx;
if (!GetTransaction(oneTxid, tx, Params().GetConsensus(), hashBlock, false) || hashBlock.IsNull())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Transaction not yet in block");
if (!mapBlockIndex.count(hashBlock))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Transaction index corrupt");
pblockindex = mapBlockIndex[hashBlock];
CBlock block;
if(!ReadBlockFromDisk(block, pblockindex, Params().GetConsensus()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Can't read block from disk");
unsigned int ntxFound = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTransaction&tx, block.vtx)
if (setTxids.count(tx.GetHash()))
if (ntxFound != setTxids.size())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "(Not all) transactions not found in specified block");
CMerkleBlock mb(block, setTxids);
ssMB << mb;
std::string strHex = HexStr(ssMB.begin(), ssMB.end());
return strHex;
UniValue verifytxoutproof(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"verifytxoutproof \"proof\"\n"
"\nVerifies that a proof points to a transaction in a block, returning the transaction it commits to\n"
"and throwing an RPC error if the block is not in our best chain\n"
"1. \"proof\" (string, required) The hex-encoded proof generated by gettxoutproof\n"
"[\"txid\"] (array, strings) The txid(s) which the proof commits to, or empty array if the proof is invalid\n"
CDataStream ssMB(ParseHexV(params[0], "proof"), SER_NETWORK, PROTOCOL_VERSION);
CMerkleBlock merkleBlock;
ssMB >> merkleBlock;
UniValue res(UniValue::VARR);
vector<uint256> vMatch;
vector<unsigned int> vIndex;
if (merkleBlock.txn.ExtractMatches(vMatch, vIndex) != merkleBlock.header.hashMerkleRoot)
return res;
if (!mapBlockIndex.count(merkleBlock.header.GetHash()) || !chainActive.Contains(mapBlockIndex[merkleBlock.header.GetHash()]))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Block not found in chain");
BOOST_FOREACH(const uint256& hash, vMatch)
return res;
UniValue createrawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 2 || params.size() > 3)
throw runtime_error(
"createrawtransaction [{\"txid\":\"id\",\"vout\":n},...] {\"address\":amount,\"data\":\"hex\",...} ( locktime )\n"
"\nCreate a transaction spending the given inputs and creating new outputs.\n"
"Outputs can be addresses or data.\n"
"Returns hex-encoded raw transaction.\n"
"Note that the transaction's inputs are not signed, and\n"
"it is not stored in the wallet or transmitted to the network.\n"
"1. \"transactions\" (string, required) A json array of json objects\n"
" [\n"
" {\n"
" \"txid\":\"id\", (string, required) The transaction id\n"
" \"vout\":n (numeric, required) The output number\n"
+ " \"sequence\":n (numeric, optional) The sequence number\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
"2. \"outputs\" (string, required) a json object with outputs\n"
" {\n"
" \"address\": (numeric or string, required) The key is the bitcoin address, the numeric value (can be string) is the " + CURRENCY_UNIT + " amount\n"
" \"data\": \"hex\", (string, required) The key is \"data\", the value is hex encoded data\n"
" ...\n"
" }\n"
"3. locktime (numeric, optional, default=0) Raw locktime. Non-0 value also locktime-activates inputs\n"
"\"transaction\" (string) hex string of the transaction\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"address\\\":0.01}\"")
+ HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}\"")
+ HelpExampleRpc("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\", \"{\\\"address\\\":0.01}\"")
+ HelpExampleRpc("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\":\\\"myid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\", \"{\\\"data\\\":\\\"00010203\\\"}\"")
RPCTypeCheck(params, boost::assign::list_of(UniValue::VARR)(UniValue::VOBJ)(UniValue::VNUM), true);
if (params[0].isNull() || params[1].isNull())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, arguments 1 and 2 must be non-null");
UniValue inputs = params[0].get_array();
UniValue sendTo = params[1].get_obj();
CMutableTransaction rawTx;
if (params.size() > 2 && !params[2].isNull()) {
int64_t nLockTime = params[2].get_int64();
if (nLockTime < 0 || nLockTime > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, locktime out of range");
rawTx.nLockTime = nLockTime;
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < inputs.size(); idx++) {
const UniValue& input = inputs[idx];
const UniValue& o = input.get_obj();
uint256 txid = ParseHashO(o, "txid");
const UniValue& vout_v = find_value(o, "vout");
if (!vout_v.isNum())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, missing vout key");
int nOutput = vout_v.get_int();
if (nOutput < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid parameter, vout must be positive");
uint32_t nSequence = (rawTx.nLockTime ? std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() - 1 : std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+ // set the sequence number if passed in the parameters object
+ const UniValue& sequenceObj = find_value(o, "sequence");
+ if (sequenceObj.isNum())
+ nSequence = sequenceObj.get_int();
CTxIn in(COutPoint(txid, nOutput), CScript(), nSequence);;
set<CBitcoinAddress> setAddress;
vector<string> addrList = sendTo.getKeys();
BOOST_FOREACH(const string& name_, addrList) {
if (name_ == "data") {
std::vector<unsigned char> data = ParseHexV(sendTo[name_].getValStr(),"Data");
CTxOut out(0, CScript() << OP_RETURN << data);
} else {
CBitcoinAddress address(name_);
if (!address.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, string("Invalid Bitcoin address: ")+name_);
if (setAddress.count(address))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, string("Invalid parameter, duplicated address: ")+name_);
CScript scriptPubKey = GetScriptForDestination(address.Get());
CAmount nAmount = AmountFromValue(sendTo[name_]);
CTxOut out(nAmount, scriptPubKey);
return EncodeHexTx(rawTx);
UniValue decoderawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"decoderawtransaction \"hexstring\"\n"
"\nReturn a JSON object representing the serialized, hex-encoded transaction.\n"
"1. \"hex\" (string, required) The transaction hex string\n"
" \"txid\" : \"id\", (string) The transaction id\n"
" \"size\" : n, (numeric) The transaction size\n"
" \"version\" : n, (numeric) The version\n"
" \"locktime\" : ttt, (numeric) The lock time\n"
" \"vin\" : [ (array of json objects)\n"
" {\n"
" \"txid\": \"id\", (string) The transaction id\n"
" \"vout\": n, (numeric) The output number\n"
" \"scriptSig\": { (json object) The script\n"
" \"asm\": \"asm\", (string) asm\n"
" \"hex\": \"hex\" (string) hex\n"
" },\n"
" \"sequence\": n (numeric) The script sequence number\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
" \"vout\" : [ (array of json objects)\n"
" {\n"
" \"value\" :, (numeric) The value in " + CURRENCY_UNIT + "\n"
" \"n\" : n, (numeric) index\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\" : { (json object)\n"
" \"asm\" : \"asm\", (string) the asm\n"
" \"hex\" : \"hex\", (string) the hex\n"
" \"reqSigs\" : n, (numeric) The required sigs\n"
" \"type\" : \"pubkeyhash\", (string) The type, eg 'pubkeyhash'\n"
" \"addresses\" : [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"12tvKAXCxZjSmdNbao16dKXC8tRWfcF5oc\" (string) bitcoin address\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
" }\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("decoderawtransaction", "\"hexstring\"")
+ HelpExampleRpc("decoderawtransaction", "\"hexstring\"")
RPCTypeCheck(params, boost::assign::list_of(UniValue::VSTR));
CTransaction tx;
if (!DecodeHexTx(tx, params[0].get_str()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed");
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
TxToJSON(tx, uint256(), result);
return result;
UniValue decodescript(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() != 1)
throw runtime_error(
"decodescript \"hex\"\n"
"\nDecode a hex-encoded script.\n"
"1. \"hex\" (string) the hex encoded script\n"
" \"asm\":\"asm\", (string) Script public key\n"
" \"hex\":\"hex\", (string) hex encoded public key\n"
" \"type\":\"type\", (string) The output type\n"
" \"reqSigs\": n, (numeric) The required signatures\n"
" \"addresses\": [ (json array of string)\n"
" \"address\" (string) bitcoin address\n"
" ,...\n"
" ],\n"
" \"p2sh\",\"address\" (string) script address\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("decodescript", "\"hexstring\"")
+ HelpExampleRpc("decodescript", "\"hexstring\"")
RPCTypeCheck(params, boost::assign::list_of(UniValue::VSTR));
UniValue r(UniValue::VOBJ);
CScript script;
if (params[0].get_str().size() > 0){
vector<unsigned char> scriptData(ParseHexV(params[0], "argument"));
script = CScript(scriptData.begin(), scriptData.end());
} else {
// Empty scripts are valid
ScriptPubKeyToJSON(script, r, false);
r.push_back(Pair("p2sh", CBitcoinAddress(CScriptID(script)).ToString()));
return r;
/** Pushes a JSON object for script verification or signing errors to vErrorsRet. */
static void TxInErrorToJSON(const CTxIn& txin, UniValue& vErrorsRet, const std::string& strMessage)
UniValue entry(UniValue::VOBJ);
entry.push_back(Pair("txid", txin.prevout.hash.ToString()));
entry.push_back(Pair("vout", (uint64_t)txin.prevout.n));
entry.push_back(Pair("scriptSig", HexStr(txin.scriptSig.begin(), txin.scriptSig.end())));
entry.push_back(Pair("sequence", (uint64_t)txin.nSequence));
entry.push_back(Pair("error", strMessage));
UniValue signrawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 4)
throw runtime_error(
"signrawtransaction \"hexstring\" ( [{\"txid\":\"id\",\"vout\":n,\"scriptPubKey\":\"hex\",\"redeemScript\":\"hex\"},...] [\"privatekey1\",...] sighashtype )\n"
"\nSign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).\n"
"The second optional argument (may be null) is an array of previous transaction outputs that\n"
"this transaction depends on but may not yet be in the block chain.\n"
"The third optional argument (may be null) is an array of base58-encoded private\n"
"keys that, if given, will be the only keys used to sign the transaction.\n"
+ HelpRequiringPassphrase() + "\n"
"1. \"hexstring\" (string, required) The transaction hex string\n"
"2. \"prevtxs\" (string, optional) An json array of previous dependent transaction outputs\n"
" [ (json array of json objects, or 'null' if none provided)\n"
" {\n"
" \"txid\":\"id\", (string, required) The transaction id\n"
" \"vout\":n, (numeric, required) The output number\n"
" \"scriptPubKey\": \"hex\", (string, required) script key\n"
" \"redeemScript\": \"hex\" (string, required for P2SH) redeem script\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
"3. \"privatekeys\" (string, optional) A json array of base58-encoded private keys for signing\n"
" [ (json array of strings, or 'null' if none provided)\n"
" \"privatekey\" (string) private key in base58-encoding\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
"4. \"sighashtype\" (string, optional, default=ALL) The signature hash type. Must be one of\n"
" \"ALL\"\n"
" \"NONE\"\n"
" \"SINGLE\"\n"
" \"hex\" : \"value\", (string) The hex-encoded raw transaction with signature(s)\n"
" \"complete\" : true|false, (boolean) If the transaction has a complete set of signatures\n"
" \"errors\" : [ (json array of objects) Script verification errors (if there are any)\n"
" {\n"
" \"txid\" : \"hash\", (string) The hash of the referenced, previous transaction\n"
" \"vout\" : n, (numeric) The index of the output to spent and used as input\n"
" \"scriptSig\" : \"hex\", (string) The hex-encoded signature script\n"
" \"sequence\" : n, (numeric) Script sequence number\n"
" \"error\" : \"text\" (string) Verification or signing error related to the input\n"
" }\n"
" ,...\n"
" ]\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("signrawtransaction", "\"myhex\"")
+ HelpExampleRpc("signrawtransaction", "\"myhex\"")
LOCK2(cs_main, pwalletMain ? &pwalletMain->cs_wallet : NULL);
RPCTypeCheck(params, boost::assign::list_of(UniValue::VSTR)(UniValue::VARR)(UniValue::VARR)(UniValue::VSTR), true);
vector<unsigned char> txData(ParseHexV(params[0], "argument 1"));
vector<CMutableTransaction> txVariants;
while (!ssData.empty()) {
try {
CMutableTransaction tx;
ssData >> tx;
catch (const std::exception&) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed");
if (txVariants.empty())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "Missing transaction");
// mergedTx will end up with all the signatures; it
// starts as a clone of the rawtx:
CMutableTransaction mergedTx(txVariants[0]);
// Fetch previous transactions (inputs):
CCoinsView viewDummy;
CCoinsViewCache view(&viewDummy);
CCoinsViewCache &viewChain = *pcoinsTip;
CCoinsViewMemPool viewMempool(&viewChain, mempool);
view.SetBackend(viewMempool); // temporarily switch cache backend to db+mempool view
BOOST_FOREACH(const CTxIn& txin, {
const uint256& prevHash = txin.prevout.hash;
CCoins coins;
view.AccessCoins(prevHash); // this is certainly allowed to fail
view.SetBackend(viewDummy); // switch back to avoid locking mempool for too long
bool fGivenKeys = false;
CBasicKeyStore tempKeystore;
if (params.size() > 2 && !params[2].isNull()) {
fGivenKeys = true;
UniValue keys = params[2].get_array();
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < keys.size(); idx++) {
UniValue k = keys[idx];
CBitcoinSecret vchSecret;
bool fGood = vchSecret.SetString(k.get_str());
if (!fGood)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Invalid private key");
CKey key = vchSecret.GetKey();
if (!key.IsValid())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY, "Private key outside allowed range");
else if (pwalletMain)
// Add previous txouts given in the RPC call:
if (params.size() > 1 && !params[1].isNull()) {
UniValue prevTxs = params[1].get_array();
for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < prevTxs.size(); idx++) {
const UniValue& p = prevTxs[idx];
if (!p.isObject())
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "expected object with {\"txid'\",\"vout\",\"scriptPubKey\"}");
UniValue prevOut = p.get_obj();
RPCTypeCheckObj(prevOut, boost::assign::map_list_of("txid", UniValue::VSTR)("vout", UniValue::VNUM)("scriptPubKey", UniValue::VSTR));
uint256 txid = ParseHashO(prevOut, "txid");
int nOut = find_value(prevOut, "vout").get_int();
if (nOut < 0)
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "vout must be positive");
vector<unsigned char> pkData(ParseHexO(prevOut, "scriptPubKey"));
CScript scriptPubKey(pkData.begin(), pkData.end());
CCoinsModifier coins = view.ModifyCoins(txid);
if (coins->IsAvailable(nOut) && coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey != scriptPubKey) {
string err("Previous output scriptPubKey mismatch:\n");
err = err + ScriptToAsmStr(coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey) + "\nvs:\n"+
if ((unsigned int)nOut >= coins->vout.size())
coins->vout[nOut].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKey;
coins->vout[nOut].nValue = 0; // we don't know the actual output value
// if redeemScript given and not using the local wallet (private keys
// given), add redeemScript to the tempKeystore so it can be signed:
if (fGivenKeys && scriptPubKey.IsPayToScriptHash()) {
RPCTypeCheckObj(prevOut, boost::assign::map_list_of("txid", UniValue::VSTR)("vout", UniValue::VNUM)("scriptPubKey", UniValue::VSTR)("redeemScript",UniValue::VSTR));
UniValue v = find_value(prevOut, "redeemScript");
if (!v.isNull()) {
vector<unsigned char> rsData(ParseHexV(v, "redeemScript"));
CScript redeemScript(rsData.begin(), rsData.end());
const CKeyStore& keystore = ((fGivenKeys || !pwalletMain) ? tempKeystore : *pwalletMain);
const CKeyStore& keystore = tempKeystore;
int nHashType = SIGHASH_ALL;
if (params.size() > 3 && !params[3].isNull()) {
static map<string, int> mapSigHashValues =
(string("ALL"), int(SIGHASH_ALL))
(string("NONE"), int(SIGHASH_NONE))
(string("SINGLE"), int(SIGHASH_SINGLE))
string strHashType = params[3].get_str();
if (mapSigHashValues.count(strHashType))
nHashType = mapSigHashValues[strHashType];
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Invalid sighash param");
bool fHashSingle = ((nHashType & ~SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) == SIGHASH_SINGLE);
// Script verification errors
UniValue vErrors(UniValue::VARR);
// Use CTransaction for the constant parts of the
// transaction to avoid rehashing.
const CTransaction txConst(mergedTx);
// Sign what we can:
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) {
CTxIn& txin =[i];
const CCoins* coins = view.AccessCoins(txin.prevout.hash);
if (coins == NULL || !coins->IsAvailable(txin.prevout.n)) {
TxInErrorToJSON(txin, vErrors, "Input not found or already spent");
const CScript& prevPubKey = coins->vout[txin.prevout.n].scriptPubKey;
// Only sign SIGHASH_SINGLE if there's a corresponding output:
if (!fHashSingle || (i < mergedTx.vout.size()))
SignSignature(keystore, prevPubKey, mergedTx, i, nHashType);
// ... and merge in other signatures:
BOOST_FOREACH(const CMutableTransaction& txv, txVariants) {
txin.scriptSig = CombineSignatures(prevPubKey, txConst, i, txin.scriptSig,[i].scriptSig);
ScriptError serror = SCRIPT_ERR_OK;
if (!VerifyScript(txin.scriptSig, prevPubKey, STANDARD_SCRIPT_VERIFY_FLAGS, TransactionSignatureChecker(&txConst, i), &serror)) {
TxInErrorToJSON(txin, vErrors, ScriptErrorString(serror));
bool fComplete = vErrors.empty();
UniValue result(UniValue::VOBJ);
result.push_back(Pair("hex", EncodeHexTx(mergedTx)));
result.push_back(Pair("complete", fComplete));
if (!vErrors.empty()) {
result.push_back(Pair("errors", vErrors));
return result;
UniValue sendrawtransaction(const UniValue& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"sendrawtransaction \"hexstring\" ( allowhighfees )\n"
"\nSubmits raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded) to local node and network.\n"
"\nAlso see createrawtransaction and signrawtransaction calls.\n"
"1. \"hexstring\" (string, required) The hex string of the raw transaction)\n"
"2. allowhighfees (boolean, optional, default=false) Allow high fees\n"
"\"hex\" (string) The transaction hash in hex\n"
"\nCreate a transaction\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("createrawtransaction", "\"[{\\\"txid\\\" : \\\"mytxid\\\",\\\"vout\\\":0}]\" \"{\\\"myaddress\\\":0.01}\"") +
"Sign the transaction, and get back the hex\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("signrawtransaction", "\"myhex\"") +
"\nSend the transaction (signed hex)\n"
+ HelpExampleCli("sendrawtransaction", "\"signedhex\"") +
"\nAs a json rpc call\n"
+ HelpExampleRpc("sendrawtransaction", "\"signedhex\"")
RPCTypeCheck(params, boost::assign::list_of(UniValue::VSTR)(UniValue::VBOOL));
// parse hex string from parameter
CTransaction tx;
if (!DecodeHexTx(tx, params[0].get_str()))
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR, "TX decode failed");
uint256 hashTx = tx.GetHash();
CAmount nMaxRawTxFee = maxTxFee;
if (params.size() > 1 && params[1].get_bool())
nMaxRawTxFee = 0;
CCoinsViewCache &view = *pcoinsTip;
const CCoins* existingCoins = view.AccessCoins(hashTx);
bool fHaveMempool = mempool.exists(hashTx);
bool fHaveChain = existingCoins && existingCoins->nHeight < 1000000000;
if (!fHaveMempool && !fHaveChain) {
// push to local node and sync with wallets
CValidationState state;
bool fMissingInputs;
if (!AcceptToMemoryPool(mempool, state, tx, false, &fMissingInputs, false, nMaxRawTxFee)) {
if (state.IsInvalid()) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TRANSACTION_REJECTED, strprintf("%i: %s", state.GetRejectCode(), state.GetRejectReason()));
} else {
if (fMissingInputs) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TRANSACTION_ERROR, "Missing inputs");
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TRANSACTION_ERROR, state.GetRejectReason());
} else if (fHaveChain) {
throw JSONRPCError(RPC_TRANSACTION_ALREADY_IN_CHAIN, "transaction already in block chain");
return hashTx.GetHex();
static const CRPCCommand commands[] =
{ // category name actor (function) okSafeMode
// --------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------- ----------
{ "rawtransactions", "getrawtransaction", &getrawtransaction, true },
{ "rawtransactions", "createrawtransaction", &createrawtransaction, true },
{ "rawtransactions", "decoderawtransaction", &decoderawtransaction, true },
{ "rawtransactions", "decodescript", &decodescript, true },
{ "rawtransactions", "sendrawtransaction", &sendrawtransaction, false },
{ "rawtransactions", "signrawtransaction", &signrawtransaction, false }, /* uses wallet if enabled */
{ "blockchain", "gettxoutproof", &gettxoutproof, true },
{ "blockchain", "verifytxoutproof", &verifytxoutproof, true },
void RegisterRawTransactionRPCCommands(CRPCTable &tableRPC)
for (unsigned int vcidx = 0; vcidx < ARRAYLEN(commands); vcidx++)
tableRPC.appendCommand(commands[vcidx].name, &commands[vcidx]);
diff --git a/src/test/data/bitcoin-util-test.json b/src/test/data/bitcoin-util-test.json
index 3bf80ca434..5cb383de85 100644
--- a/src/test/data/bitcoin-util-test.json
+++ b/src/test/data/bitcoin-util-test.json
@@ -1,90 +1,103 @@
{ "exec": "././bitcoin-tx",
"args": ["-create"],
"output_cmp": "blanktx.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"args": ["-"],
"input": "blanktx.hex",
"output_cmp": "blanktx.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"args": ["-", "delin=1"],
"input": "tx394b54bb.hex",
"output_cmp": "tt-delin1-out.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"args": ["-", "delin=31"],
"input": "tx394b54bb.hex",
"return_code": 1
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"args": ["-", "delout=1"],
"input": "tx394b54bb.hex",
"output_cmp": "tt-delout1-out.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"args": ["-", "delout=2"],
"input": "tx394b54bb.hex",
"return_code": 1
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"args": ["-", "locktime=317000"],
"input": "tx394b54bb.hex",
"output_cmp": "tt-locktime317000-out.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"output_cmp": "txcreate1.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"args": ["-create", "outscript=0:"],
"output_cmp": "txcreate2.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"output_cmp": "txcreatesign.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"return_code": 1
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"return_code": 1
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"output_cmp": "txcreatedata1.hex"
{ "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
"output_cmp": "txcreatedata2.hex"
+ },
+ { "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
+ "args":
+ ["-create",
+ "in=5897de6bd6027a475eadd57019d4e6872c396d0716c4875a5f1a6fcfdf385c1f:0:4294967293",
+ "outaddr=0.18:13tuJJDR2RgArmgfv6JScSdreahzgc4T6o"],
+ "output_cmp": "txcreatedata_seq0.hex"
+ },
+ { "exec": "./bitcoin-tx",
+ "args":
+ ["01000000011f5c38dfcf6f1a5f5a87c416076d392c87e6d41970d5ad5e477a02d66bde97580000000000fdffffff0180a81201000000001976a9141fc11f39be1729bf973a7ab6a615ca4729d6457488ac00000000",
+ "in=5897de6bd6027a475eadd57019d4e6872c396d0716c4875a5f1a6fcfdf385c1f:0:1"],
+ "output_cmp": "txcreatedata_seq1.hex"
diff --git a/src/test/data/txcreatedata_seq0.hex b/src/test/data/txcreatedata_seq0.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db02b5e4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/data/txcreatedata_seq0.hex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/test/data/txcreatedata_seq1.hex b/src/test/data/txcreatedata_seq1.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cedcd975c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/data/txcreatedata_seq1.hex
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 2, 09:53 (1 d, 3 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(72 KB)

Event Timeline