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diff --git a/faucet.Dockerfile b/faucet.Dockerfile
index 721084e3b..a0119287f 100644
--- a/faucet.Dockerfile
+++ b/faucet.Dockerfile
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
# Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file COPYING or
# Multi-stage
# 1) rust image for ecash-lib
# 2) Node image for prod deployment of the faucet
# 1) rust image for ecash-lib
FROM rust:1.76.0 AS wasmbuilder
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install clang binaryen -y \
&& rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown \
- && cargo install -f wasm-bindgen-cli@0.2.92
+ && cargo install -f --locked wasm-bindgen-cli@0.2.92
# Copy Cargo.toml
COPY Cargo.toml .
# explorer must be in place to to run ./build-wasm as it is a workspace member
WORKDIR /app/web/explorer
COPY web/explorer/ .
# bitcoinsuite-chronik-client must be in place to to run ./build-wasm as it is a workspace member
WORKDIR /app/modules/bitcoinsuite-chronik-client
COPY modules/bitcoinsuite-chronik-client/ .
# Copy chronik to same directory structure as monorepo
# This needs to be in place to run ./build-wasm
WORKDIR /app/chronik/
COPY chronik/ .
# Copy secp256k1 to same directory structure as monorepo
WORKDIR /app/src/secp256k1
COPY src/secp256k1/ .
# Copy ecash-secp256k1, ecash-lib and ecash-lib-wasm files to same directory structure as monorepo
WORKDIR /app/modules/ecash-secp256k1
COPY modules/ecash-secp256k1 .
WORKDIR /app/modules/ecash-lib
COPY modules/ecash-lib .
WORKDIR /app/modules/ecash-lib-wasm
COPY modules/ecash-lib-wasm .
# Build web assembly for ecash-lib
RUN CC=clang ./
# 2) Node image for prod deployment of the faucet
FROM node:20-bookworm-slim
# Copy static assets from wasmbuilder stage (ecash-lib-wasm and ecash-lib, with wasm built in place)
WORKDIR /app/modules
COPY --from=wasmbuilder /app/modules .
# Build all local faucet dependencies
# ecashaddrjs
WORKDIR /app/modules/ecashaddrjs
COPY modules/ecashaddrjs/ .
RUN npm ci
RUN npm run build
# chronik-client
WORKDIR /app/modules/chronik-client
COPY modules/chronik-client/ .
RUN npm ci
RUN npm run build
# b58-ts (required for ecash-lib)
WORKDIR /app/modules/b58-ts
COPY modules/b58-ts .
RUN npm ci
# ecash-lib
WORKDIR /app/modules/ecash-lib
RUN npm ci
RUN npm run build
# Now that local dependencies are ready, build the faucet
WORKDIR /app/apps/faucet
# Copy only the package files and install necessary dependencies.
# This reduces cache busting when source files are changed.
COPY apps/faucet/package.json .
COPY apps/faucet/package-lock.json .
RUN npm ci
# Copy the rest of the project files
COPY apps/faucet/ .
# Compile typescript. Outputs to dist/ dir
RUN npm run build
# faucet runs with "node dist/index.js"
CMD [ "node", "dist/index.js" ]

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sun, Mar 2, 11:21 (1 d, 6 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle
Default Alt Text
(2 KB)

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