This diff listens for 'BlockConnected' events, which then retrieves the latest alias registration fees from alias-server and checks whether prices have changed or not based on the length of the pricing array, before rendering as a localized price preview in Alias.js.
At this point in time the chronik-client module is still being upgraded to work with the in-node chronik indexer, therefore it is not efficient to be making a blockheight comparison between server and cashtab arrays. This is needed due to the potential for multiple pricing tiers in the pricing array returned from alias-server, where the latest entry could have a startHeight into the future.
As a temporary mitigation it is assumed initial go live pricing will always be a single entry array. Once chronik-client has been upgraded, this price parsing logic will be updated to use the new websocket for blockheight comparisons. The intention is to eventually reverse loop through `aliasPrices.prices` and parse for the latest array entry that has a startHeight within the chain's tipHeight.