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test: Remove false coinstatsindex test

Authored by PiRK on Jun 22 2023, 07:03.


Group Reviewers
Restricted Project
rABCa045b9e47dc4: test: Remove false coinstatsindex test

PR description:

This test never actually tested the behavior that it describes in the comments. This was discovered in core#21590 which seems to speed up muhash which lead to the test failing.

I can vaguely remember that the described behavior was desired by some reviewers of coinstatsindex: That coinstatsindex should be aware of stale blocks and able to return statistics on them as well. The index actually does this for blocks that it sees while the index is active, i.e. while running coinstatsindex all blocks will be indexed and even when they become stale the index (via gettxoutsetinfo) will still return a result for them when given the right hash. But this currently does not work for blocks that the node saw and that became stale before the node activated coinstatsindex. While the index syncs initially everything but the active chain is ignored and I don't see any indication that this ever worked differently in the past.

This is a backport of core#23681

Test Plan

ninja check-functional

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable