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[] Updated high quality Pay2Stay Logo for use-ecash page

Authored by Kronkmeister on Fri, Mar 7, 20:51.



Swapped out a pixelated Pay2Stay.png logo with a high quality image

Test Plan

Visit and check the Pay2Stay Logo

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

Kronkmeister retitled this revision from Updated high quality Pay2Stay Logo for use-ecash page to [] Updated high quality Pay2Stay Logo for use-ecash page.

Not sure why the builds failed and the bot doesn't respond. The change works on my end. Lints say there's nothing to lint (since it's just updating an image file).

Not sure why the builds failed and the bot doesn't respond. The change works on my end. Lints say there's nothing to lint (since it's just updating an image file).

A bot glitch, I restarted your builds

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Fri, Mar 7, 22:00