Event Timeline
- Latest version of bch-api on PSF repo (commit 73cfb8c*) is causing issues for latest Cashtab on master (commit 2e6b0a0*)
- Different errors are being encountered between Chrome vs Firefox
- Error does not exist in prod when loading the same account (ecash:qpatql05s9jfavnu0tv6lkjjk25n6tmj9gkpyrlwu8)
Chrome error looks like a rate limit issue
However within Firefox it's showing a deeper trace which suggest the issue may relate to the response coming from bch-api's rawtransactions endpoint
Digging further, the CLI curl response for the following two TX IDs is returning error 'Request failed with status code 403':
- https://explorer.bitcoinabc.org/tx/8b2f5790890c9df4c5632283cbc07af8c84446aa7c584d8dbce4fd86abcc4fd2
- https://explorer.bitcoinabc.org/tx/bf92924e089a491180576cfe564dc29d045091715edd273c955a012ae361568d
(both are eToken transactions)
For further discussion with @bytesofman as the bch-api logs did not reveal any additional info aside from the 403 error code, so not sure if this is an issue with the full node, a symptom of the recent null utxo fix or something to do with the eToken tx.
Ran some tests with this today. Root problem is BCH.SLP.Utils.hydrateUtxos ; getting all utxos back with isValid: null
Suggests that the way latest bch-api connects to SLPDB has changed. Updating minimal-slp-wallet to latest version did not fix the issue.
Will need to do some more digging, stepping back to look at some other stuff for a bit.
Testing this today with latest master of bch-api and it's working fine. Seems like earlier issues were actually associated with the OP_RETURN null utxos, since patched in Cashtab.