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[Cashtab] Start reward countdown automatically after claiming rewards

Authored by bytesofman on Apr 18 2024, 12:57.



After claiming a reward, eligibility resets (per address). Right now, Cashtab does not automatically make an API request, so the button remains enabled (and will throw an error if the user clicks it).

Better to have the button automatically change to the countdown after a claim.

Test Plan

npm start, claim a reward with an eligibile wallet, notice the countdown appears

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Passed
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 28642
Build 56825: Build Diffcashtab-tests
Build 56824: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

emack requested changes to this revision.Apr 18 2024, 13:07
emack added a subscriber: emack.

The button changes to the timer all ok, and the reward is received all ok as well. However clicking on the received CACHET throws this:

image.png (450×987 px, 95 KB)

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Apr 18 2024, 13:07

The button changes to the timer all ok, and the reward is received all ok as well. However clicking on the received CACHET throws this:

image.png (450×987 px, 95 KB)

will check this out but this does not seem related to this diff

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 18 2024, 13:09