
Add missing softforks help text to getblockchaininfo


Add missing softforks help text to getblockchaininfo

This was reported here: https://github.com/Bitcoin-ABC/bitcoin-abc/issues/374#issuecomment-604042128
After patch, there is a new section:

"softforks": {                (object) status of softforks in progress
  "xxxx" : {                  (string) name of the softfork
    "type" : "bip9",        (string) currently only set to "bip9"
    "bip9" : {                (object) status of bip9 softforks (only for "bip9" type)
      "status": "xxxx",     (string) one of "defined", "started", "locked_in", "active", "failed"
      "bit": xx,              (numeric) the bit (0-28) in the block version field used to signal this softfork (only for "started" status)
      "startTime": xx,        (numeric) the minimum median time past of a block at which the bit gains its meaning
      "timeout": xx,          (numeric) the median time past of a block at which the deployment is considered failed if not yet locked in
      "since": xx,            (numeric) height of the first block to which the status applies
      "statistics": {         (object) numeric statistics about BIP9 signalling for a softfork (only for "started" status)
        "period": xx,         (numeric) the length in blocks of the BIP9 signalling period
        "threshold": xx,      (numeric) the number of blocks with the version bit set required to activate the feature
        "elapsed": xx,        (numeric) the number of blocks elapsed since the beginning of the current period
        "count": xx,          (numeric) the number of blocks with the version bit set in the current period
        "possible": xx        (boolean) returns false if there are not enough blocks left in this period to pass activation threshold
      "active": xx,           (boolean) true if the rules are enforced for the mempool and the next block

Test Plan:

bitcoin-cli help getblockchaininfo

Reviewers: #bitcoin_abc, deadalnix

Reviewed By: #bitcoin_abc, deadalnix

Differential Revision: https://reviews.bitcoinabc.org/D5581


jasonbcoxAuthored on Mar 26 2020, 18:17
jasonbcoxPushed on Mar 27 2020, 01:12
Restricted Project
Differential Revision
D5581: Add missing softforks help text to getblockchaininfo
rABCdee5e745ae59: Merge #14813: qa: Add wallet_encryption error tests