
[backport#17681] wallet: Keep inactive seeds after sethdseed and derive keys…


[backport#17681] wallet: Keep inactive seeds after sethdseed and derive keys from them as needed

1ed52fbb4d81f7b7634fd4fb6d1d00e1478129dc Remove IBD check in sethdseed (Andrew Chow)
b1810a145a601a8064e4094350cfb6ddafbdb4d8 Test that keys from inactive seeds are generated (Andrew Chow)
c93082ece40b1c72f05b3e2085c022c09eaa4d65 Generate new keys for inactive seeds after marking used (Andrew Chow)
45f2f6a0e8514a0438a87554400bf73cbb90707f Determine inactive HD seeds from key metadata and track them in LegacyScriptPubKeyMan (Andrew Chow)
b59b4504abf96cec860badfed2ac793ae5d40ced have GenerateNewKey and DeriveNewChildKey take a CHDChain as an argument (Andrew Chow)

Pull request description:

Largely implements the suggestion from https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/17484#issuecomment-560845316.

After `sethdseed` is called, the CHDChain for the old seed is kept in the wallet. It is kept on the file as a new `inactivehdseed` record and in memory in a map `m_inactive_hd_seeds`. In `LegacyScriptPubKeyMan::MarkUnusedAddresses` we check each used key's metadata for whether it was derived from an inactive seed. If it is, we then check to see how many keys after that key were derived from the inactive seed. If that number does not match the keypool parameter, we derive more keys from the inactive seed until it does match. This way we won't miss transactions belonging to keys outside of the range of the keypool initially.

The indexes and internal-ness of a key is gotten by checking it's key origin data.

Because of this change, we no longer need to wait for IBD to finish before `sethdseed` can work so that check is also removed.

A test case for this is added as well which fails on master.

Backport of Core PR17681

Test Plan:

CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake .. -GNinja -DENABLE_SANITIZERS=thread
ninja all check check-functional

cmake .. -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
ninja all check check-functional

Reviewers: #bitcoin_abc, PiRK

Reviewed By: #bitcoin_abc, PiRK

Subscribers: PiRK

Differential Revision: https://reviews.bitcoinabc.org/D9196


Samuel Dobson <dobsonsa68@gmail.com>Authored on May 22 2020, 01:11
majcostaCommitted on Feb 10 2021, 19:26
majcostaPushed on Feb 10 2021, 19:26
Restricted Project
Differential Revision
D9196: [backport#17681] wallet: Keep inactive seeds after sethdseed and derive keys from them as needed
rABCdbbf877d3838: [cashtab-docs] patch title so twitter card shows distinct title, tagline