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[Cashtab] [Alias] pt 19 - Pre-prod update - Update getLatestAliases to use the State endpoint

Authored by emack on Mar 29 2023, 10:46.




As part of performance optimization, this diff refactors getLatestAliases to use the new getAliasServerState (state endpoint) in aliasUtils.js to check whether local cached alias counts match the onchain alias counts. If they don't match, only then will Cashtab make a call to getAliasServerHistory (aliases endpoint) to retrieve the latest list of aliases.

[Cashtab] [Alias] pt 18 - Pre-prod update - Remove residual dev logs
[Cashtab] [Alias] pt 19 - Pre-prod update - Update getLatestAliases to use the State endpoint
[Cashtab] [Alias] pt 20 - Pre-prod update - Set final registration fees
[Cashtab] [Alias] pt 21 - Pre-prod update - Set final payment address and enable prod flag

Test Plan
  • enable aliases in ticker.js
  • npm test
  • npm start
  • assuming wallet cache is recent, the console log should display Server and cache both have 426 aliases. Cashtab alias cache is up to date. and note the alias count
  • register a new alias
  • upon new block, ensure the cache alias count does not match onchain alias count, refreshing aliasCache log is displayed in console
  • refresh the app and note the correctly incremented alias count matching for cache and onchain.

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

emack requested review of this revision.Mar 29 2023, 10:46

It's a good improvement to the current state of the app.

A separate but important issue: how does getLatestAliases behave when the server is down? It looks like right now it would just set the cache to nothing.

The appropriate response is to do nothing to the cache until you get a good response from the server. Since this is called 'on block' --- say the server is down for a day. We'd like Cashtab users to still use their cached aliases. They just wouldn't be able to use any aliases registered on that day.

More broadly -- how does Cashtab behave when the alias server is down?

In this case, we should support sending to cached aliases. But we should not support registering new aliases, as this could lead to conflicting transactions.

So, breaking this into tasks:

  • Ensure getLatestAliases does not impact alias cache if alias-server is down, i.e. if it the API response is not as expected T3061
  • Disable registering aliases if cached alias state is not the latest. This is true both if cachedAliasCount < serverAliasCount, and also if serverAliasCount is unavailable. T3062
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 29 2023, 17:48