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[electrum] remove support for signed payment requests in URIs

Authored by PiRK on Jan 20 2024, 09:55.



This was added in 2015, and I'm not aware of any use case for it today. This feature makes it hard to decouple BIP21 payments URIs from BIP70 payment requests, so it makes it harder to extend BIP21 with multiple destination and amounts.

BIP72 states that:

when Bitcoin wallet software that supports this BIP receives a bitcoin: URI with a request parameter, it should ignore the bitcoin address/amount/label/message in the URI and instead fetch a PaymentRequest message and then follow the payment protocol, as described in BIP 70.

After this diff, the "sig", "name", "exp", "memo" and "time" field are still used for internal dict representation of payment requests, but they should no longer affect payment URIs.

See following commits for the introduction of the parameters that this diff removes:

Test Plan


Test that a regular BIP72 payment URI still works:

  • Generate a payment request: curl -L -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"outputs":[{"address":"1NLcNpAaBBMekgBZk7NxwdxwtSUTfTV8Aq","amount":560}],"currency":"ecash"}'
  • Run ./electrum-abc
  • In the send tab, paste ecash:?r= (replace the URL with the one returned by the above curl command
  • Send

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

PiRK requested review of this revision.Jan 20 2024, 09:55
bytesofman added a subscriber: bytesofman.

Seems like there is mixed logic in electrum for parsing this stuff. I don't think it's likely we will use these features for anything ecash related soon, but someone might.

Is it impractical to split it up, something like "if address input is bip 70, process as bip70, else if address input is bip21, process as bip21" ?

Even if we do simplify the approach by losing some of these params, seems like the function remains overloaded if there is not a clear distinction between handleBip21input and handleBip70input

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jan 20 2024, 13:56

Is it impractical to split it up, something like "if address input is bip 70, process as bip70, else if address input is bip21, process as bip21" ?

Well, my goal here is to take a first step in splitting it up. Removing these unused params would make it trivial to detect if a payment URI is BIP70/72 (presence of a &r=...) or BIP21, and more importantly would remove any need to parse any of the BIP21 keywords present in the URI in the BIP70 case.

Besides making this splitting easier, my other problem with those extra params is that they are not documented anywhere, not tested, and I couldn't even find an issue or a pull request mentioning them, so I cannot start to guess how to use them. This old Electrum code is as usual pretty hard to follow, so I have a hard time getting a clear picture of which BIP21 params are re-used to encode that payment request.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 20 2024, 16:27