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[electrum] fix get_merkle_root when Electrum ABC is not installed

Authored by PiRK on Feb 1 2024, 07:45.



The script cannot import electrumabc if it is not in the python PATH. We could install ElectrumABC as a package with pip install . in, but it is simpler to just hack sys.path to make sure the script always work with the latest version of the source code.

Test Plan
pip uninstall ElectrumABC
cd ./contrib/source-control-tools

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

PiRK requested review of this revision.Feb 1 2024, 07:45
PiRK retitled this revision from [electrum] make the get_merkle_root script work even if Electrum ABC is not installed to [electrum] fix get_merkle_root when Electrum ABC is not installed.Feb 1 2024, 07:53
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 1 2024, 08:21