Debounce the wallet select function
Ref https://www.carlrippon.com/using-lodash-debounce-with-react-and-ts/ on the implementation
Differential D16123
[Cashtab] Debounce wallet select bytesofman on May 6 2024, 23:47. Authored by
T3566 Debounce the wallet select function Ref https://www.carlrippon.com/using-lodash-debounce-with-react-and-ts/ on the implementation npm test npm start or visit https://cashtab-local-dev.netlify.app/ and rapidly switch between wallets. Note the bug in the T3566 video is not repeated.
Diff Detail
Event TimelineComment Actions Build Bitcoin ABC Diffs / Diff Testing (cashtab-tests) failed.
Tail of the build log: Installing mock-chronik-client dependencies... /work/modules/mock-chronik-client /work/abc-ci-builds/cashtab-tests added 236 packages, and audited 237 packages in 1s 35 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details found 0 vulnerabilities /work/cashtab /work/modules/mock-chronik-client /work/abc-ci-builds/cashtab-tests added 1656 packages, and audited 1657 packages in 26s 261 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details 2 moderate severity vulnerabilities To address all issues, run: npm audit fix Run `npm audit` for details. > cashtab@2.38.4 build > node scripts/build.js Creating an optimized production build... Failed to compile. [eslint] src/components/Common/WalletLabel.js Line 70:11: 'handleSelectWallet' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars Line 98:11: 'debouncedUpdateCashtabState' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars Line 99:45: 'walletsAfterActivation' is not defined no-undef Line 108:32: 'debouncedHandleSelectWallet' is not defined no-undef Search for the keywords to learn more about each error. Build cashtab-tests failed with exit code 1 Comment Actions We already have an implementation of this in the Alias codebase, what additional benefit do you get from using this library to achieve this? Comment Actions different use case and different implementation. In this case, we are not making any API calls, and we are not trying to just call "after the user is finished typing." We just want to not call the function too many times if for some reason the select menu is being rapidly cycled. The lib is small (we only install one function), and already in place in Cashtab (used to debounce onScroll event for the minified header). lodash debounce is one of the "standard" ways to implement debounce. It's nice to have a standard implementation because we could (as we do now) implement it in lots of places in Cashtab...and optimizing debounce methods is the kind of thing we would rather not reinvent. imo better to use a lib. |