
Revert "[Cashtab] Route to onboarding if no wallet present"


Revert "[Cashtab] Route to onboarding if no wallet present"

This reverts commit 5aea9cadfd904617f466f009b3ffcadab7856ab4.

Getting into some upgrades for cashtab-components. I overlooked that the approach taken in D11572 prevents using URLs from outside Cashtab from reaching any screens other than the home page, as wallet is always false when the app first loads.

Need to put some more thought into how this is handled. For now, this current bug is worse than the edge case of "user may be confused if they navigate to the Configure page before creating a wallet," so needs to be reverted.

Test Plan:
npm run extension and enable your local extension
Navigate to components.cashtab.com and click the "Cashtab Pay" button on a Cashtab Badge component.
Extension should open with the correct transaction populated

Reviewers: #bitcoin_abc, emack

Reviewed By: #bitcoin_abc, emack

Differential Revision: https://reviews.bitcoinabc.org/D11747