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[electrum] fix get_tx_derivations for regular keystores and imported keys keystores

Authored by PiRK on Oct 4 2023, 08:56.



In D14569 I forgot to make sure that keystores also provided pubkeys as bytes in keypairs. As a result, I broke transaction signing for most wallet types.

Fix this by making get_tx_derivations return pubkeys as bytes. These returned pubkeys are then used in SoftwareKeyStore.sign_transaction to build the keypairs before calling tx.sign, and now they are in the correct type.

For ImportedKeyStore, fix the get_pubkey_derivation method to correctly deal with x_pubkey as bytes. This was missed in D14455

Test Plan


Send a transaction with the software for a regular BIP39 wallet, a multisig wallet, a hardware wallet and an imported privkey wallet

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

PiRK requested review of this revision.Oct 4 2023, 08:56

Tail of the build log:

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /work/abc-ci-builds/electrum-tests
[1/2] link
[2/2] Run Electrum ABC unit tests...
FAILED: electrum/CMakeFiles/check-electrum 
cd /work/abc-ci-builds/electrum-tests/electrum && /usr/bin/python3.9 ./
[secp256k1] warning: libsecp256k1 library failed to load
Testing ` --version`: OK

[ecc] info: libsecp256k1 library not available, falling back to python-ecdsa. This means signing operations will be slower. Try running:

  $  contrib/make_secp

(You need to be running from the git sources for contrib/make_secp to be available)
...................................................................................................F...F......... - - [04/Oct/2023 08:58:18] "GET /invoice HTTP/1.1" 503 -
. - - [04/Oct/2023 08:58:19] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
. - - [04/Oct/2023 08:58:19] "GET /invoice HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [04/Oct/2023 08:58:19] "POST /pay HTTP/1.1" 200 -
. - - [04/Oct/2023 08:58:20] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
FAIL: test_sign (electrumabc.tests.test_keystore.TestBip32KeyStore)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/electrum/electrumabc/tests/", line 87, in test_sign
    self.assertEqual(txin.signatures, [expected_sig])
AssertionError: Lists differ: [b'0E\x02!\x00\xf5\x18B\x90\xac\xcf\x9a=o=\n\[133 chars]KlA'] != [b'0D\x02 j\xdd\xcc\xcer\x9b\xa8u\xed\xa4{\x8[158 chars]9bA']

First differing element 0:
b'0E\x02!\x00\xf5\x18B\x90\xac\xcf\x9a=o=\n\[132 chars]6KlA'
b'0D\x02 j\xdd\xcc\xcer\x9b\xa8u\xed\xa4{\x8[157 chars]x9bA'

- [b'0E\x02!\x00\xf5\x18B\x90\xac\xcf\x9a=o=\n\x8a?R\xda\xe1b)K\\\xc6\x12q'
-  b'\x93\xe5\\F<\x94!&\xfa\x02 O|q\xca\\\xbc`\x13v\xca68\xff\xe2\x1a<\x9b'
-  b'\x01\xd8.$x\xb6\xa6\x9cd\x9c\xf02\xf6KlA']

FAIL: test_sign (electrumabc.tests.test_keystore.TestImportedKeyStore)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/work/electrum/electrumabc/tests/", line 58, in test_sign
    self.assertEqual(txin.signatures, [expected_sig])
AssertionError: Lists differ: [b"0E\x02!\x00\x93\x11\x88 \x99o\x7f\x93\xf[171 chars]6ZA"] != [b'0D\x02 ITg\xc2\x94\x9d\x8e7]km<l^!\x1c\x[128 chars]abA']

First differing element 0:
b"0E\x02!\x00\x93\x11\x88 \x99o\x7f\x93\xf[170 chars]86ZA"
b'0D\x02 ITg\xc2\x94\x9d\x8e7]km<l^!\x1c\x[127 chars]xabA'

- [b'0E\x02!\x00\x93\x11\x88 \x99o\x7f\x93\xf0\xc9w\x03\xd8\x9d\xbc'
-  b"\x1c\x02\x1b\xe3\xe0\xe3p\x92x'FP\r@\x01z\xa3\x02 \x1b\xe2\x14\x89\xd6"
-  b'b\xedZ\xbb\xf0\xa8c>8x\xd7\xb0s\x8ff\x08\xe2\xfa\xf6\xaa\xf4\xd7\xa1\x19'
-  b'\xaf\x86ZA']

Ran 311 tests in 12.224s

FAILED (failures=2, skipped=7)
ninja: build stopped: cannot make progress due to previous errors.
Build electrum-tests failed with exit code 1
Fabien requested changes to this revision.Oct 4 2023, 09:08
Fabien added a subscriber: Fabien.

Back to your queue, the test is failing

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Oct 4 2023, 09:08

no need to verify the sig in the test, it is done via keystore.sign_transaction -> Transaction.sign -> Transaction._sign_txin -> Transaction.verify_signature

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 4 2023, 10:28