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[electrum] drop support for "bitcoincash:..." addresses

Authored by PiRK on Jan 23 2024, 09:57.


Group Reviewers
Restricted Project
rABC6bc398c835f7: [electrum] drop support for "bitcoincash:..." addresses

After this diff, bch cash addresses are no longer supported in the "Pay to" field, in BIP21 URIs or any method of entering an address that uses Address.from_string without setting support_arbitrary_prefix=True.

The address converter in the GUI still support any prefix. This diff also makes the command line / RPC addressconvert command support arbitrary prefixes.
But now we no longer support bch addresses without an explicit prefix.

This diff also incidentally fixes support for "ectest:..." URIs when running in testnet mode. Previously web.parseable_schemes did not correctly account for the net parameter, and always returned ("ecash", "bitcoincash")

This is a follow-up to (dropping of display of BCH addresses in the UI).

Test Plan
pytest electrumabc.tests.regtest

Try the address converter tool in the prefix with various address formats. It should still support everything it did before, except for prefixless "bitcoincash:..." cash addresses.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

PiRK requested review of this revision.Jan 23 2024, 09:57

There will be a release note for this. I usually add release notes when I bump the version just before a release.

PiRK edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

further simplification in Address.from_cashaddr_string : use the net to get the correct prefix.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 23 2024, 15:32