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[ecash-agora] Upgrade historicOffers to return token amounts purchased (and price)

Authored by bytesofman on Dec 29 2024, 18:46.



We are currently returning the amount from the input. This only matches the amount purchased if a user purchased all offered tokens.

What we really want is the amount purchased and the amount paid for that purchase. We are getting the txs in this method already, so the info is available. This is the point of the stack where we should solve this problem.

Note that the historicOffers method is not currently tested.

Test Plan

npm test

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

complete and publish an rc to test

Failed tests logs:

====== SLP: SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot.SLP SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/oneshot.test.ts:691:19)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "4ec0bbdc9f7d083b2d38c2f4334b591e7e8fa67f400482ed90c631d964e9d95a"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 70000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "208640e1929fb6d2048d3e1933d8bb4ba4eb20be46f1a5498ee22d3916b39d9d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7cc5d044b757a6f793faf4ccc4aa96c1b098d8916a9ba0daacced5823fd7306b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "53ba3513ebb39031b11c51939335cbf1696fd692a8e1b9be6299df5c9d3e7a5c"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "948c3bab871cca6f5f3f8dea789f0632dcaa95a406c4e090e7fb6c34e0903b26"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500113
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9b3c6bee5eb4fdf66b9a0b87bf6c74549f0c92baf3ed5994b7667d687a460be9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a61e69911d78973225e386f915b843d166341801b18187d307b2484fa92e4858"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1001
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "93af2d1af302d1bbcceb1c4f6c53bb34388389ab933c5806e03df6dffa909a25"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "51e0814089f5c6a703223ca71c6b13df19a304fb5a74b3933822a04a97b4cfad"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500039680
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d27d8be9dd37f604cc905b4f94ff99c888feb14b9f17506212977d2377803a6b"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6291f561002b36b77e8b62cae34e094b10225a12d98e31d46945100a0a85bef8"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1048576
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b434cd19a332ceabfb11ecdbc2bc62023357b2fc95c3f66f74df8a0feed0bdf5"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "47ecfcc652cdfde02b5fe96e3a0efa901b235c519cac5548309d7f1436b26fbb"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "65e9e23f65d50537ea6360c87e018ebef01598a57e3ced541dec16a5b2643804"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "4003f658359db8dbea88681e435664678ede691de7c605833a1a2fbdd83aa01b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a772708728657376d0f1726c7b1c4f706999821ccb384ad360174b1ec2976bd9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "20285cb042096bfa0285a1a3820d624e15d6da413bfea7f67de5374f53e255cb"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "ffbc7ba64cef170579c9635f4db8316bdf8250a1a6ce0e04f4d40feb72aa80d3"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "57f8b4cbffd6233813ccc81e297c58ec755f0a9cf426b2c6cbb24bbd3a32eae7"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 499974144
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "49df677363a53ba94c8ed62963e766a4431309f4f639b8960e6c4cd5169203ee"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "c9ca16c5f08d0f42f93e21ed21db44fdb5670a00cc1ecae595ebab3c98ef14c1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 262144
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "62bca31466d0a58259cd3a6357c9e176fac96278f89ba91c62e6bffe182ef9ac"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "88a9f4162209f897454ca83f63ee0206825e55d1e60892c8d793ec773757352a"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "8ef19c47792eb5c31588e36c6857bebed26a6d3fd83497d0ee43cfd5908e16ff"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1e990db11fbfb6d7b017030bb23b8be767bade359bfd4e83200fd9a38cfa1963"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 268435456
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4f81aa53c7228aa2d53d47bad0e32ed89a96ebb0668c3c45b604c92ae707cedd"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "de3c9a848bb1c354d5156a213f8392ccd480f93c755de003568b595e5acb9bc1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "3b2c249cec8b667a98a29ff6c1ddcf7dad9c0b89849b94d1eab1ab0663146918"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1fd334552e01b0d2ef92a3f1c8637d94d3756b636e0ec7645645963acbd5db4b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "757b70f4e73e691d322a8a1d2de31d3faf08534ff76187c21ac31d0644c9e891"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a37d43225177eb412faaef59e846fa69a7bbbc0137bc045cc7960bf25885ddd2"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "22783f4bb3c7a908154913803723394b78c7f5079a33bc470df5b09600b0e98d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e34bbdbb09d2f747d23964f2a025dee82f3ccc7cd5f5bc279dc963cdf58b3816"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "bd7d6159f9dcaf2d7f5f6915a78a763d31d839185b410f4475beff891279eb6e"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2eac41c24a02ef327bacf64d9d4273f0a7d0098198ab309f5c30b61731d40065"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e4f9f971e66b951757c4a844db68dd7539e0326f30115e39201062e5c3d45118"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "90040dd630d836b157e7a578e8ee3ee20238506bd64948496132848b5a67feb8"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 67108864
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e0372599a9d0a8ef847c7061677845a7cd8cf4f186a354778ac52674b8b66a4f"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1c446a2bdd60f55f7937b40eea3b69ee54280cc5ba0eb371dd58820438eb8f1b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a3186c603c5408b62f0f5a16038baaaba1c7d1f058f36d9726fc880acc580cdf"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e86b45e37d6975deb416cafe1238f72b4afc36d9c58790a25af39e26d5fdc619"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 630
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d1532ae2a503d585fe59817a2889b6083d393e4da3593496b14a2c4184dadf63"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1a868606bd74b7c10ca917ddf0e8fb55e6f7da645bc8433d9d7cf3992a57729e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "545970847744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140736488407040"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "0fa615a02072da4596834078b3660a2f672ee378bd13aeb4972aeac50efce71d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7dbdb4b8a36881cf835fd0fceb340de98d32fc46cefcb372256522f1b40c032b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "536674304"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737487372288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "0ee95b3f880845412f56b59847122f8c9be9d80330b9dfad8526de6e350623a9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d913a9b64e2e99a740f64e0df1349f3e68b18aa4bd923aca6473ac046f6fdc3c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1041666816
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "799999983616"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488158720"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e1bfe37cde069579df78210a5e5a88496e28e13d4bbf439cc948ca6781c3c76f"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "82c4745fa9c88da2b66f4bf124619290f225c85ae137f267aca428b3a22fa6f4"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 768
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "458752"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488158720"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "32c0dc4c31fd90853f3432caccd12a6724971ca3c7e62648dc377d73dca58acc"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a7facc5b3a6578668a8a2c83fc77fc677af27a7f9a1746d192d4f4d3ff4ab62c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 999948288
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999948288"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488289792"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a53ccee9e599e1b411d7993d43aa01b34ca50abc6d9466af843b34a317a7e60e"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2041d7812fa58482d6a15799981675256438cda2ef75bbd602ff25a49d657e39"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488289792"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "706f09331ab453246299412c354339694fdfab30a5e603d624183c6d0ac25578"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1f016d1218eeb600fd7cf07c672946a1436483863f01c96c16a2ff9125c64947"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "545930608640"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1bebb25fc05b42f369c4792afbf7df6a048294e5593e372ba9e7f3475144e071"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "95057bca738cd3f23944a2a4df4a1f36158e90527994b7055ea67b336976036e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 549
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "503316480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a812b3161830717521e58a3d7dc238f7781328389a19a05b2c4aec8a8b17bd49"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "77bdf7f36dfddbbf8b73317e56f46594a9b3b0cbe5cfc4e30209ce285e69a5a9"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1073741824
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "549755813888"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "c788638d794f0a33cbf62f6492ce9302cc8efb1a74cc9ca0281e01e378d288ab"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1639be09a08f4feff1200d9d88387febe0b3b3d93adaf9ac1f7273d0f916a913"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 32768
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "03b4a477c356e02f30ea36793e413a57054c4b7e8b659c7c005708e132e34b12"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "bad1bc6b22912582b8ca30f7335cddf39eeb67487309d23197ddf820b20c19b4"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "86e0507e9708588e58f3d552b8a0081c6dc33818c7671bfd9e2a1d1d22443a7b"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2cce4718e42f6f7227b36e1884b036f683dcce2d70a4df8e45fadd28426c36e6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b828b10490d1d74d916577898651e451c7b66dbe4f6be9f60582b73f6c4f4cbd"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "f277274197141289a42dca5619e2a962b78c10c2d7f3e0dc39ad2d91dd51aa78"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "6c63eb6f1902ee1ae1367efffd5fd5cb49db67c757f1e4c2fce170b0d09d5754"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "90655db8b7f86a9c813fb3daa820df94d7960258479715b5ffd9d6982ef62434"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500113
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d995b1bff71f93b80015a1a396a6fa2b5151fa729e429b06ebafd198e805de33"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "677b586a3b26ebf4ffe6a2a88cd2bd7e0e5f2b0a3b24aa5e03c493256c4f2af8"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1001
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d9182462cb72cfb3edff8cb46be495836f7332391dce6298cd653921709cb4c9"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "da61940325858cc0dc33c6310da3a5364b14deb2bc686816d653f9ed98970e17"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500039680
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "56432bfd847e52c626cb3665da4e771a3963543a65c641a045ffefa44cdaed0f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "32649d33a0d1150a280db19aad41613b07b4d077232aa62f0b38063497bcb1e0"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1048576
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "30134fab07cc1feb4555423537bb0162e55adf98f4fea59e1b717d5c3dc267b7"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ddb1c7054cdfa4ecef42875c4346677c0f739bc7a78f0077cbf6b09d3c95fab4"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9abb739b923a5566b6e01527651b978af656b1660153ec9d51f720009ace4ef5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "bc428bc8d4ca012e2f7d670c5a2d4c85082397c509a45945d2a3ebb3c9f8bdb6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b437de38a6f2cc67aafd8a5b8bb448a77b9041fba374f2e487995edf221b68ef"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "beb1639fe9bcec351064d012b2487554d9a94d94f18116bb40ef721457e38060"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "5c636748e7eb8b8fb6973f32d2e48a048588fa5b0f1e5bf31bf6eec1db94e58f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d44c5007768189cf62e3aa8836216c58a8a157195ce24f9df1d0f6ab6ceb7ee5"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 499974144
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "c5da141518ca4daa350ec0bdf9ca098e86b0b424f8ccc4f7fc87932f914ef91f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "75acbe9dad15b045669d987c3a3a99decdd6d4d56da2560fd2324542aafc7dc9"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 262144
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9300202570fa839845e10536322fe249eca6be0716cc9f3b875765c28ed9bcd5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b293ca9a49d03d9c4dc9bdb1fd278468e495d650cb3d16143a1cec33d9e8dbde"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d2f51570828a656d81b517385b86c2069c53999baef717f25f14a2b5078d6260"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "090a706e75fdf9e4e41003613074bbb3ac3c954a8331cc6a62b2c87c35de5903"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 268435456
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "21ce7bc529f1b26a8940d135589ceca146aa810d739d32fc73ea5ef1f76da4d9"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "aac4c834568a5a54bf21e68c670365d1c963535a01a9adaf5225983148922f09"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "03fe4f4f1c8dbece66783d8cdf42b4e37d3219163ca34685f56d767194e0ef01"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "208a69beaae5d767a6338984f38c6bb720f5b284f2ceef1d3bf886a15855085b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fba1cd2f97a6917c9fa4ba948cc006a6925126a67a91defcc728d246b2be702d"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d8a9c5abe63ce76cfe283fd9718c80c2324ebd07c3a1b550548f9c9059ef02fb"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "728a1c6f691e0271c049afd5b81c41f5cb3f9d2179b13d096e1a27bc8642ceb2"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "74f02673be1956b8bf329ffcbc9816d14085b638fdcb4b28b24677e4f095dcd9"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "85a5674ede2854253f1eca602c3594ba25a446f8d86d8257c2b0b4a61900afa8"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "fbbe9068c617ad9a67832e2a91d5fb8c931b16da2aebaeb9c26c9eb6981d4752"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e963447836b1d9e11b7b1e383d1ff4d76eb39de8aa7620c04ccd53039b272228"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6104e1b4ebbaaf8fbd2a9fdb3e792b4aa506f59210c5dba16162b1e3451f2c2f"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 67108864
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "525be13f92ea2a0bd624fc22d87dd38189b1dca972788d6063b6cae637fbb5ee"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "08bc8f2d7cfaea1edd8c788e253a8e8113d909090666ea07b0144c33f23c172a"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fa0e6a816f8428467e5182d55cfd943d9f2439dc0fe36e19dc7c11e4c944dc26"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "768b6f96cce34a66f5668ad84bee9436b7267614ea2f532b47561a8e5921810b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 630
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "65676e0a633a08866fee47e2011f1d59d28302f05d51ca17e4fb5f1bf0f68503"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "acd8e0a1c3429fa5fc8f59f73f20aeb173cabeaf6562d1193358de9918b91d42"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546014494720"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "32eb8a86dc3c6f0e67281242b2443e29ff5c6dadb72cfa9ba7274a7cc9d1ccaa"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "8494274237bea8c747279011bd08b417b7707da42e735bd120ce01c33f31a537"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 612
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "570425344"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1e248ca148b089dc414a32f2eb4aecba23a2d2a7bc23920494f667066d803e8c"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "73e7c998ad56e620eee2a934ac9a0c12f8df7a389f8d8417cfa2d90534479c9f"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1004470272
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999989182464"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4ad90bfaae7d8947f5c0774e96fcbc979ccc2127351dcd23ce9706433e1099cf"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "69c3f1de11d39440decc3817ac68a0fc79be329db4326fee08369977c6e64620"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fd8b6b8e024b38418e47b98b072a6fdd87536f7b144f73841f1bdc8034df3407"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3de821ce5f4b1da151da8088316a61187b76373c3ebc24fbf6e8c9c432403a31"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "8eb6c85be67bded59d2d897410af53b019860f41d8d39b9a01b856cb94bc42de"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "442c2623a07dd1dc3afa804231f7fd92918bbca51da3f0c4ce7ca41a3474f1a1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "eb5c2e0fbf0c8f898410873af0e9945795ce89b4d952f7197d15f620613df63d"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e841a8c797cd17140af89e933f1b24d87d7c282404c22d085c11d673b93ecad1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 585
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4577bc91ccc719ebf9453ebf429b56c215c95e0e62a788617867baa1ca39769f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "8612b3493c8198cad9ac3b0e7f06ffb501d3ff1b6f564c19bd8d6373a65f326c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1002438656
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "25f3727c216ce9cbd031cdd1a24806b7c4f51a435e78bd1ecb11d05707f2bb85"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9c104074e933d37926a0f3d9b81d41da7af7e69a274bb9ae56c93febcb831d3c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1364349b067ff2eaa3d945009aeb21ea6971a8b7fe85a7d7768cd6e351c61f5e"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a0d3124706eed006a732bcbb01591a13b0b533f394fe49ef2efd30cf7b3b8e3c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "996432412672"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "93166254db0bc2910308590c1f100b36c14651b144c79673557332233aeadb74"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "35e711f5934d0d6863459983cb88efd9a8526306b985e30e1e04c7ed78273d14"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "cfb212e9868d1a4c15cfe08ea67ab8d082798f109bdff3b5ecd0d97e52c1cf69"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "4728fdb9e8c74df89db55dafde8ce755416450e22b075c95f70a118cd6a91eb9"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1010248448
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999997191651328"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371783451705344"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e663227f822639d30d0910c8875cf3f802474282510d954eb0aebb9be430ce5e"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e9e2d9fde2d747b9c0cb5d60487545af4720519d5f89ebd9f0596d6660d208af"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 768
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371783451705344"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "f3347ebab744bc9506abdd73d66f597914891b6c11a8ead123a627e72efeea7b"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d6577c7f031e44551ce0278c1f55e793ab859cf00acc34fda7623af6ae5b8da5"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1017249792
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371972430266368"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e0c8e238871d331d6bdc6fa7d9e696b0e04dfe408c78f2477c07228876116175"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6745630a8f6c52394118c5a8b789a798485eb2d9dbf3d8ec27657d31e0af67ae"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371972430266368"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "31a3c854a198d873c8a86cd9776531adb72847bce68cd74fc02bd6a618d614a4"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "18edb58912b00d48e8b821da3c99eccaab81ea71d53b89c4ae64d6498be8026e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1090519040
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "837518622720"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223372023969873920"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a4de56e2f1243c8a836891944ac4faf00f779bc636fc3869f2398c98be3d5a4f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "90c81c4750c9089ee11eb101c05a2f9678e293df6d733bf7d023f5dc10e0576b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223372023969873920"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "82050d25646868535331c2caf6c53fc0f46dff28174c1036b61d897cf14655f5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b8c5ede307cdcab5063deae3c96867aa888dc2040fa618b3f96fd7451fae2962"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1027665664
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999228392505344"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d6db5bac4251f2bfcc9e8f303a617b63d7921142776771397f959fa62cdb6df6"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1ebe7bcf64cecca0a5bfcf49b5f8466d6a8c3661e08754bd684bda11154d9fbc"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1280
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "dcd7b3a23cfc028475104b5e707d047a6b8e39cc5f2404ba7dae5ffd89bab1ad"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "01d93d0f1fe6bcdf7bdb3f5b559cef1a0a79a2229566dae9ef51d3aa40619163"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1089339392
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999456069648384"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "545cc54a12a3c60ca4fabc8d87be923e442a6a995a60601b218322ac83f60aeb"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "c42960ae000ceefd977f3754ebb39aec3471717ba3b47b1b5b99756b8bd52269"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1245184
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "107d43efd6cb7ae780785383b84a529aa738fbac10fe56ec21f1dd7c9fb8db3c"

Each failure log is accessible here:
SLP: SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot.SLP SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept

Failed tests logs:

====== SLP: SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot.SLP SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/oneshot.test.ts:691:19)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "4ec0bbdc9f7d083b2d38c2f4334b591e7e8fa67f400482ed90c631d964e9d95a"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 70000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "208640e1929fb6d2048d3e1933d8bb4ba4eb20be46f1a5498ee22d3916b39d9d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b7216d4a5739f6b79a446ca7a5478bb45429c5b1f9e5257aad3ffcc60d86f769"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "53ba3513ebb39031b11c51939335cbf1696fd692a8e1b9be6299df5c9d3e7a5c"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b888e9e4e5c875ff99d27614ff833b59dbfe1e4c9e31a3eee287ec47b9434e0c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500113
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9b3c6bee5eb4fdf66b9a0b87bf6c74549f0c92baf3ed5994b7667d687a460be9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d9e7d1507b80f95d6aeeb2004e0aa904fb5f46f0330e893c39b7a12fc6cc849a"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1001
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "93af2d1af302d1bbcceb1c4f6c53bb34388389ab933c5806e03df6dffa909a25"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ae07516efa0a72f3ab1b785b570d96f61d51b0f2f72438f5ac02d17d8d4d583b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500039680
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d27d8be9dd37f604cc905b4f94ff99c888feb14b9f17506212977d2377803a6b"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1e7381dadccbb401b6ea883fbeec07d02331497388ce393f95ef9d83b5a878f1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1048576
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b434cd19a332ceabfb11ecdbc2bc62023357b2fc95c3f66f74df8a0feed0bdf5"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6537dd7d7e55191a6a87376f877b6b0df772a5de94f150950321a7e1a19570c1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "65e9e23f65d50537ea6360c87e018ebef01598a57e3ced541dec16a5b2643804"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b0fcdd6ebad2685f0809bbcc5189c22a080dc61f435e3b4ab1b27783e38ddd3b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a772708728657376d0f1726c7b1c4f706999821ccb384ad360174b1ec2976bd9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7c9979231337c2dfedee9a21dfde037a772320454c2b001546bfddb9b042820e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "ffbc7ba64cef170579c9635f4db8316bdf8250a1a6ce0e04f4d40feb72aa80d3"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a2cf8baa426489d0ec345c6d02fa1be5384cdcddc7934939f63d086c36adf47d"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 499974144
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "49df677363a53ba94c8ed62963e766a4431309f4f639b8960e6c4cd5169203ee"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "708124a549c0fddf1a2199a458b4d0bd30e32d9238426dcaa214201580ab1ef2"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 262144
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "62bca31466d0a58259cd3a6357c9e176fac96278f89ba91c62e6bffe182ef9ac"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "aa99deb6b5d4ca34c92048b4049abc96b0c38c8a62670d680bf612dd9369f18c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "8ef19c47792eb5c31588e36c6857bebed26a6d3fd83497d0ee43cfd5908e16ff"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a613ec6c706e394b7f05eb79b0d1814f07f75038ac78b4695d39d7a458e2dc9b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 268435456
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4f81aa53c7228aa2d53d47bad0e32ed89a96ebb0668c3c45b604c92ae707cedd"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "17b548079b3347dc50fe4a66c28216862ec5d41611bbd6b020d1bba0fb57e0f5"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "3b2c249cec8b667a98a29ff6c1ddcf7dad9c0b89849b94d1eab1ab0663146918"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7af00354a5eeeccebfa927d5250470caa0ef9268f6ee20b835465a46f9d400be"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "757b70f4e73e691d322a8a1d2de31d3faf08534ff76187c21ac31d0644c9e891"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "bff71b4db793f29eebe3eafdfe3608ee45baa79fe4bcf04823b31d5500061234"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "22783f4bb3c7a908154913803723394b78c7f5079a33bc470df5b09600b0e98d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "279c14ec817de91236363027fa1e1650eeedc58abc8a2b68ba931967d5a22437"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "bd7d6159f9dcaf2d7f5f6915a78a763d31d839185b410f4475beff891279eb6e"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7df54b31d0f67b830c268dda69176ba4987ce37ba84fa27263695cd923d98da0"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e4f9f971e66b951757c4a844db68dd7539e0326f30115e39201062e5c3d45118"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "8deffb4ad992a5717bbc255ff5712bee4cc0e98de07cbb8a247f24d23264926e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 67108864
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e0372599a9d0a8ef847c7061677845a7cd8cf4f186a354778ac52674b8b66a4f"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0782262d09634a7ecfc16b2a15ea9e0004e58f1eef5efbc1653cba606901a2c3"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a3186c603c5408b62f0f5a16038baaaba1c7d1f058f36d9726fc880acc580cdf"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b61f8b38651d125e8448e82d313e1b0fd91e7328d317578137c55e64163d59df"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 630
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d1532ae2a503d585fe59817a2889b6083d393e4da3593496b14a2c4184dadf63"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d05af354b600af834dc539fed4908a7ca06b82f808dbad2f49d6ed2f592eeac2"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "545970847744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140736488407040"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "0fa615a02072da4596834078b3660a2f672ee378bd13aeb4972aeac50efce71d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "601ca59241c073e05d371ff5fbecda70230e059b88e9296ce2c2d06e0604763a"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "536674304"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737487372288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "0ee95b3f880845412f56b59847122f8c9be9d80330b9dfad8526de6e350623a9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3fecec9695bac834645beb040e8d2170a7413024a3f9928dfa25aaeae9e467c3"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1041666816
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "799999983616"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488158720"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e1bfe37cde069579df78210a5e5a88496e28e13d4bbf439cc948ca6781c3c76f"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a1811ea06c3a4382f159d017534a8842437acf84cbfb929925e3d5615dadb125"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 768
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "458752"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488158720"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "32c0dc4c31fd90853f3432caccd12a6724971ca3c7e62648dc377d73dca58acc"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6f58326920c1e0c3e6ccb40b9456523c07db681a48ef626489d1a86a8d2d4caa"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 999948288
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999948288"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488289792"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a53ccee9e599e1b411d7993d43aa01b34ca50abc6d9466af843b34a317a7e60e"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e792b68ef98891fd8db5cdd66d22be1c24234b68e30f89009b2646fbbfb18232"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488289792"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "706f09331ab453246299412c354339694fdfab30a5e603d624183c6d0ac25578"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "5891b3df4f4904e8aafad4e55142e6cbe4e2c90e1179b90b8aaced0818acd49c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "545930608640"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1bebb25fc05b42f369c4792afbf7df6a048294e5593e372ba9e7f3475144e071"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7e8c2bf0d845e19d2c38c2fca5e046a46855bb514889b2c8cd6eb0f12940c0e6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 549
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "503316480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a812b3161830717521e58a3d7dc238f7781328389a19a05b2c4aec8a8b17bd49"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "dabeb4a166cbd8cec789a543001102fcbdcad4ad1b989eefc62cd82f9e2be954"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1073741824
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "549755813888"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "c788638d794f0a33cbf62f6492ce9302cc8efb1a74cc9ca0281e01e378d288ab"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "62280b004e71ac928ea983ea8a3f0c35f8371dcee6dfa71c749f0e0e5c5f341d"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 32768
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "03b4a477c356e02f30ea36793e413a57054c4b7e8b659c7c005708e132e34b12"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b01a9001af4651fe247831f4c806961136bcb44e7bf8f38735a53a61287c5da5"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "86e0507e9708588e58f3d552b8a0081c6dc33818c7671bfd9e2a1d1d22443a7b"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b11ab47e84a421824b802537e991907202af88123a9815646991de322d31916c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b828b10490d1d74d916577898651e451c7b66dbe4f6be9f60582b73f6c4f4cbd"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1fbf1cc5997952747d8633bf8fb15705c38d77dedcc894e7307971a817b3bda7"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "6c63eb6f1902ee1ae1367efffd5fd5cb49db67c757f1e4c2fce170b0d09d5754"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e63668352b09aa9e78000de27e3f8e5dae3e034fc1d26053b01119b01a89481f"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500113
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d995b1bff71f93b80015a1a396a6fa2b5151fa729e429b06ebafd198e805de33"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7aaa9e75d07edead800ca7b086a83b462b9eb84d980f5325c84f83a3cd33dcfb"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1001
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d9182462cb72cfb3edff8cb46be495836f7332391dce6298cd653921709cb4c9"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7512ea55a06fdcebd459651c9a45513d4d6b729e6dc933e289a0ce2e17e90c03"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500039680
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "56432bfd847e52c626cb3665da4e771a3963543a65c641a045ffefa44cdaed0f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7336d9cba73beca70724219243f48f1d5365f7d31eaed545fa4bc3ba1ff302b9"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1048576
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "30134fab07cc1feb4555423537bb0162e55adf98f4fea59e1b717d5c3dc267b7"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "dffd3cbc7cf3fae6211ef0c020d8aed42ddf60f6ed9ed65c09feb26d600337be"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9abb739b923a5566b6e01527651b978af656b1660153ec9d51f720009ace4ef5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "41d57fa284bda94e0afb4bff937a86970927b95a9283f87ec5516802e8fea3ab"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b437de38a6f2cc67aafd8a5b8bb448a77b9041fba374f2e487995edf221b68ef"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9422d3e5737ce652128dde386cc1afaccd9ffdc6d7137f720cdeb09cafc157e7"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "5c636748e7eb8b8fb6973f32d2e48a048588fa5b0f1e5bf31bf6eec1db94e58f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "57efef6997ef63b3a11ddfaadcbbeee6e6eb77a29282a34ae82effcde7c223ee"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 499974144
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "c5da141518ca4daa350ec0bdf9ca098e86b0b424f8ccc4f7fc87932f914ef91f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "c5b4cc5ce1ca698e11c9f82c7f6869c07c0d3e6b6f411a7ac6a43447d4705c40"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 262144
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9300202570fa839845e10536322fe249eca6be0716cc9f3b875765c28ed9bcd5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b4892b76f72f9747847e5d8ce29a6b5991ab5993892bd21b6b8c9cf86cf06de6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d2f51570828a656d81b517385b86c2069c53999baef717f25f14a2b5078d6260"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "c3562790e5959b4d5c8cd36c2368cb110fccff0cf23a52755d74b30a4d8bc660"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 268435456
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "21ce7bc529f1b26a8940d135589ceca146aa810d739d32fc73ea5ef1f76da4d9"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ec16237ddc4dd47cddfda70a630683eb663c030fa135a24f95d822183a0657e6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "03fe4f4f1c8dbece66783d8cdf42b4e37d3219163ca34685f56d767194e0ef01"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "adfbb464311694b532f8a5d6cc825884c0c484cb03c01c3cabf7942f5913e9f7"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fba1cd2f97a6917c9fa4ba948cc006a6925126a67a91defcc728d246b2be702d"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d544e87e12ff27eeadc6d953338920a09e7ce68df56d195725157faf4f2081ef"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000000
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "728a1c6f691e0271c049afd5b81c41f5cb3f9d2179b13d096e1a27bc8642ceb2"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "8d6fde28785c70191198bf199695e3387339eeb133d545be5b08c7a327d276fe"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "85a5674ede2854253f1eca602c3594ba25a446f8d86d8257c2b0b4a61900afa8"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e8b8a92a255e4f28dd188e10212a57ab42e7c7456516768e96a150469305b6ef"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e963447836b1d9e11b7b1e383d1ff4d76eb39de8aa7620c04ccd53039b272228"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "8bf70b69fde23ecf791a865a1c93ec6d9901a39da700a3f5151fb7b80f8777d6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 67108864
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "525be13f92ea2a0bd624fc22d87dd38189b1dca972788d6063b6cae637fbb5ee"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "24a7c90ce10dfcfe4e65054ca59422a6945c8abe59f4a391a96b9d6cea10892c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fa0e6a816f8428467e5182d55cfd943d9f2439dc0fe36e19dc7c11e4c944dc26"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "013f6abbc4cf3943c3cd2dcd328e1fb7d55bf7277d27f9c8b8c0a3ba1a856e90"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 630
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "65676e0a633a08866fee47e2011f1d59d28302f05d51ca17e4fb5f1bf0f68503"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d41a609b4c98053cb20cab257360d6dfca502b78172fb393057acf403d65fc3c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546014494720"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "32eb8a86dc3c6f0e67281242b2443e29ff5c6dadb72cfa9ba7274a7cc9d1ccaa"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ec1e4a887ba794a1600ee1c660dce813728790f79217a4cc51723bcef4028346"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 612
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "570425344"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1e248ca148b089dc414a32f2eb4aecba23a2d2a7bc23920494f667066d803e8c"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "84522c1d6393ab05f877d8dcc2bad446b97f79e0dc4ef3e3533885be4c198d25"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1004470272
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999989182464"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4ad90bfaae7d8947f5c0774e96fcbc979ccc2127351dcd23ce9706433e1099cf"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "261815003aa21708b072fda8f98d81e69e8a4eaf2b857f15fd7216272f09de11"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fd8b6b8e024b38418e47b98b072a6fdd87536f7b144f73841f1bdc8034df3407"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6d7ef59a243d3ac81cf2920936070facb782bd470f2e8b3850f4b52517c24519"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "8eb6c85be67bded59d2d897410af53b019860f41d8d39b9a01b856cb94bc42de"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0307e6cb6d89f611ae870183347f06f81e9e137a46be45807b32af162de92a8f"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "eb5c2e0fbf0c8f898410873af0e9945795ce89b4d952f7197d15f620613df63d"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9332ce883be68f1c8a9d126b95ce5869abccae28c1a02e905d43979f4c388fd7"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 585
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4577bc91ccc719ebf9453ebf429b56c215c95e0e62a788617867baa1ca39769f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "62a795b53af646f91d5ee2bebc768c5e0d47c5317b95899b1d1047988d6e3656"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1002438656
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "25f3727c216ce9cbd031cdd1a24806b7c4f51a435e78bd1ecb11d05707f2bb85"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "68ce86a25c8d636c24aedecae93d7a1fb5963132c8e3a1965f7f3a4725e5fcdf"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1364349b067ff2eaa3d945009aeb21ea6971a8b7fe85a7d7768cd6e351c61f5e"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "939b362e7811ef0a3ccca682df4f643b3a2ff3b60f5a4b001f2ed15c564e2b1f"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "996432412672"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "93166254db0bc2910308590c1f100b36c14651b144c79673557332233aeadb74"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "f3302e8050909c5d789bf4573aeb356ee7c0400105b38a829c62bf1fd12ffab9"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "cfb212e9868d1a4c15cfe08ea67ab8d082798f109bdff3b5ecd0d97e52c1cf69"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "721f86b52c2aef964c3b735ed65b63d31afec497f09b0f516fb1d93907bb9524"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1010248448
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999997191651328"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371783451705344"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e663227f822639d30d0910c8875cf3f802474282510d954eb0aebb9be430ce5e"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "aa66a8c8d8f57f463d829f0dc8eca2ef5b1de896d229e91b6d82d046b8f8a499"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 768
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371783451705344"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "f3347ebab744bc9506abdd73d66f597914891b6c11a8ead123a627e72efeea7b"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "45d474c9cadb72529c1525e78281337bc3d6ac53277242b3be8654dbf907a3d4"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1017249792
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371972430266368"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e0c8e238871d331d6bdc6fa7d9e696b0e04dfe408c78f2477c07228876116175"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "eabbefc48f8e7853a28bde9efb30c1bd9ea8a1ecfb1f47c0f6eeaf2ce1c1c728"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371972430266368"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "31a3c854a198d873c8a86cd9776531adb72847bce68cd74fc02bd6a618d614a4"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e47b085c772da55a50079e02467ec6fc9ed67d1c3b7d10917d7b2c2abded9712"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1090519040
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "837518622720"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223372023969873920"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a4de56e2f1243c8a836891944ac4faf00f779bc636fc3869f2398c98be3d5a4f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7841ddc737b9a75366479c2789cde5fcdd60d128e792374d000f8a64f2bf6a09"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223372023969873920"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "82050d25646868535331c2caf6c53fc0f46dff28174c1036b61d897cf14655f5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0289514a303a18d6f083f223f9bb758ed4d3b857db04205eb0173107a4b8142b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1027665664
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999228392505344"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d6db5bac4251f2bfcc9e8f303a617b63d7921142776771397f959fa62cdb6df6"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2e68b87f1e495e3ae5a580183db5d1693d9074451608a499f90452f970626530"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1280
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "dcd7b3a23cfc028475104b5e707d047a6b8e39cc5f2404ba7dae5ffd89bab1ad"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d2553754a9eba21eb336664527b12cf7dce059b28eba2c182a6ba1f06de2514b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1089339392
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999456069648384"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "545cc54a12a3c60ca4fabc8d87be923e442a6a995a60601b218322ac83f60aeb"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "89b279fd7eb52e1538089f49d94eee0aa74a24084eb42b236d3fbc37b8e86292"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenCandle": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1245184
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "107d43efd6cb7ae780785383b84a529aa738fbac10fe56ec21f1dd7c9fb8db3c"

Each failure log is accessible here:
SLP: SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot.SLP SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept

modify shape and name of taken info

Failed tests logs:

====== SLP: SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot.SLP SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/oneshot.test.ts:691:19)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "4ec0bbdc9f7d083b2d38c2f4334b591e7e8fa67f400482ed90c631d964e9d95a"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 70000
      -        "taker": "76a914531260aa2a199e228c537dfa42c82bea2c7c1f4d88ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "208640e1929fb6d2048d3e1933d8bb4ba4eb20be46f1a5498ee22d3916b39d9d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "c86d45cc7c96df9434f6e9c404f8697b8cc29ea2ed4f4a98eec82e2e7eff6fd2"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "53ba3513ebb39031b11c51939335cbf1696fd692a8e1b9be6299df5c9d3e7a5c"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ff9c24e6bbcbb53351fe45dce56054408f05b8561c63975fca248e669fbd0750"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500113
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9b3c6bee5eb4fdf66b9a0b87bf6c74549f0c92baf3ed5994b7667d687a460be9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "aee97d01bd6d86f1396a35c7042b221d65e760472c0611100a3e168a6edadfc6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1001
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "93af2d1af302d1bbcceb1c4f6c53bb34388389ab933c5806e03df6dffa909a25"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ae861d4a1f00bcc53c488281d5d9e974eac890c5bdfc889938481dd730658be9"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500039680
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d27d8be9dd37f604cc905b4f94ff99c888feb14b9f17506212977d2377803a6b"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6d4dfc67871adca4dc72b563831c022a34042fbe243863080d91acf8d63394f6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1048576
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b434cd19a332ceabfb11ecdbc2bc62023357b2fc95c3f66f74df8a0feed0bdf5"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "31f72599e58dca3ec77223986a837559e4bc4df672013863a44c1116654d0c34"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "65e9e23f65d50537ea6360c87e018ebef01598a57e3ced541dec16a5b2643804"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "52c6c4d4a37c401657a80a98861ec79682b83b6f8cd06f5e1df42e3d1018c2c7"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a772708728657376d0f1726c7b1c4f706999821ccb384ad360174b1ec2976bd9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "8566c2127196a02d8cccbd8e2987900674427599de7ded5f6ecf76e4dc4dff43"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "ffbc7ba64cef170579c9635f4db8316bdf8250a1a6ce0e04f4d40feb72aa80d3"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "30cb656415ebf32be104e530ea170ed42a52fad8e8b5bf81548474a4a9b9f2a1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 499974144
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "49df677363a53ba94c8ed62963e766a4431309f4f639b8960e6c4cd5169203ee"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0f8294d647755ed8229e5e4b8301fc61e108866e2d88c5a3432a0af771e4674d"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 262144
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "62bca31466d0a58259cd3a6357c9e176fac96278f89ba91c62e6bffe182ef9ac"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "f2c936e13a1c7b08c4f6e2c6361ca9eb68d772f73915f62c440a54adb036d647"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "8ef19c47792eb5c31588e36c6857bebed26a6d3fd83497d0ee43cfd5908e16ff"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "14fb7dfd837784a8a688d06722278a8e28e54f6e6a9a6caeb01e5dece3ea8205"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 268435456
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4f81aa53c7228aa2d53d47bad0e32ed89a96ebb0668c3c45b604c92ae707cedd"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "20cd181bc99deca27fc968a2daa3358e5678716a44c800b0c3c2f4f6217d0c93"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "3b2c249cec8b667a98a29ff6c1ddcf7dad9c0b89849b94d1eab1ab0663146918"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "23a90d4a801e2b2d24f3a4fae089580d1e65ad807b54863685e73fce615c7ed6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "757b70f4e73e691d322a8a1d2de31d3faf08534ff76187c21ac31d0644c9e891"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e5fbd9e723aa6d21e571559f4df82960d6dd2440846b7f685e7a6e20250b2249"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "22783f4bb3c7a908154913803723394b78c7f5079a33bc470df5b09600b0e98d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "f1c6906ecf5d3d8992e762d58b103eb1e54a8a48fe4b6b987834f1435bf8dd27"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "bd7d6159f9dcaf2d7f5f6915a78a763d31d839185b410f4475beff891279eb6e"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "04646820c518205c4d6b0e2b635c194244f4b13778caf81feb39a0c364dc1640"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e4f9f971e66b951757c4a844db68dd7539e0326f30115e39201062e5c3d45118"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2a03d6c7c61c9da2cc05c3de3c9b87dc1ff51dcdad59c49c88990dee2ef4da88"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 67108864
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e0372599a9d0a8ef847c7061677845a7cd8cf4f186a354778ac52674b8b66a4f"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "74c925b59d76c021c79aaa783daff796ce2d1b694aa7ab4ceb8c84cc9a211573"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a3186c603c5408b62f0f5a16038baaaba1c7d1f058f36d9726fc880acc580cdf"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "55fb353d72721250b02f04341a357ed76f5d5ade72417f560d7f1b4737f5238c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 630
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d1532ae2a503d585fe59817a2889b6083d393e4da3593496b14a2c4184dadf63"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "478000bbbdd7b8f545a18db59fcc199b70e28e99ed9f574841adf152029f1bce"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "545970847744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140736488407040"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "0fa615a02072da4596834078b3660a2f672ee378bd13aeb4972aeac50efce71d"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ed8188f491e37d1aa695ff68d9f83e41df5b4557217291f92a85038813ed2fef"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "536674304"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737487372288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "0ee95b3f880845412f56b59847122f8c9be9d80330b9dfad8526de6e350623a9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "8cab3bfa9bad3bbfd7b9b03f718ce8e3ccd2ebad3aa1f351d708a72069513c41"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1041666816
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "799999983616"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488158720"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e1bfe37cde069579df78210a5e5a88496e28e13d4bbf439cc948ca6781c3c76f"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "fc88c7bc2995b1aaa51d18207f6eb1d44e40c361054714fe32f46e96ab787955"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 768
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "458752"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488158720"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "32c0dc4c31fd90853f3432caccd12a6724971ca3c7e62648dc377d73dca58acc"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "aa00b7b585770f443fa9506799e0247cec34db167d814334396ef05bdad4c59e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 999948288
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999948288"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488289792"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a53ccee9e599e1b411d7993d43aa01b34ca50abc6d9466af843b34a317a7e60e"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "427b96368e24b0819eee8f34958f62de46e6fcc52de1a7999d554479cdcc3eb3"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488289792"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "706f09331ab453246299412c354339694fdfab30a5e603d624183c6d0ac25578"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d0137b0f66e03b1f0a2d7ebe24b15217b7977e276c873cd9d88fafe07bc30c38"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "545930608640"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1bebb25fc05b42f369c4792afbf7df6a048294e5593e372ba9e7f3475144e071"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "432cdf64bc47d08b7f9830cba49ac18e6237c0b1949bcf3e42166aa5f9962f49"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 549
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "503316480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a812b3161830717521e58a3d7dc238f7781328389a19a05b2c4aec8a8b17bd49"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "22f37d04a54e07fbefb4520983de9e8705c369a74eddfa996d14f4918da975bc"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1073741824
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "549755813888"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "c788638d794f0a33cbf62f6492ce9302cc8efb1a74cc9ca0281e01e378d288ab"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3e5dcf3f2f68ffc4e91da5723646fb2247d4f57bdcdaaaacf5fcd891d35ffaac"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 32768
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "03b4a477c356e02f30ea36793e413a57054c4b7e8b659c7c005708e132e34b12"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "744461cd0f37c71b2ff3a3ba65dc1d78af6541a1c453716d95fecdd9631a834b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "86e0507e9708588e58f3d552b8a0081c6dc33818c7671bfd9e2a1d1d22443a7b"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:600:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b34eeb2b86f827c51b74b70c532b89e880e9ae6f06002b9f076e02853778d383"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b828b10490d1d74d916577898651e451c7b66dbe4f6be9f60582b73f6c4f4cbd"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "542efea91ea7e7d7e12aae8d220ed8e33c782053b7ab1074a1ff63a4994b5836"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "6c63eb6f1902ee1ae1367efffd5fd5cb49db67c757f1e4c2fce170b0d09d5754"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "72113f6fa173d90f5d70dac91c12cf80726274d68cd28ee17ba593a80e927f42"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500113
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d995b1bff71f93b80015a1a396a6fa2b5151fa729e429b06ebafd198e805de33"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b0df59c4734ef3faa7f8d3e278813a554edebeba64b4d4de8c925a0bb6693ff1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1001
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d9182462cb72cfb3edff8cb46be495836f7332391dce6298cd653921709cb4c9"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a15a0f4bf46378212b50dea753db61f8a86de9b1591c5922de6b462d1136f607"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500039680
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "56432bfd847e52c626cb3665da4e771a3963543a65c641a045ffefa44cdaed0f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "62fdfa3e9efbdecc2630e8320a953306564888c5186c009890bc3259328d36f2"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1048576
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "30134fab07cc1feb4555423537bb0162e55adf98f4fea59e1b717d5c3dc267b7"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "320e78c8a2a543ad787196f62a0bbd975b3c0d6ea28bf9620a5113b460868b75"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9abb739b923a5566b6e01527651b978af656b1660153ec9d51f720009ace4ef5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "454f36c4d32a59fb0d93192e04dbaac9b2238f90cb103e329cec0523e973891f"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b437de38a6f2cc67aafd8a5b8bb448a77b9041fba374f2e487995edf221b68ef"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2ded81cf4747af9a19802877fe9fff0ef625e36cc01d28462ea5c283d9d03185"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "5c636748e7eb8b8fb6973f32d2e48a048588fa5b0f1e5bf31bf6eec1db94e58f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "de456f610b82c2a85fb08da57a72f004ff6a37290a25b1e5f28961bf49621cd5"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 499974144
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "c5da141518ca4daa350ec0bdf9ca098e86b0b424f8ccc4f7fc87932f914ef91f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "be3fafd9150950eda0c9fe74eef7ca26469f1f0ae31d6696c51c209e65b6607a"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 262144
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9300202570fa839845e10536322fe249eca6be0716cc9f3b875765c28ed9bcd5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "21252a1cce1bcfb4c6b0b4df37fe1fb5a17583041cd3d72612f699eec5bdafb8"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d2f51570828a656d81b517385b86c2069c53999baef717f25f14a2b5078d6260"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ac3c573a671b79696bcd2e5b9ba168236ca48f1fc46a87d5e4888a32efe89846"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 268435456
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "21ce7bc529f1b26a8940d135589ceca146aa810d739d32fc73ea5ef1f76da4d9"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e3648c0b2170578ab94cec4f27472144d703c1a56070ea990872132fe966ab3e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "03fe4f4f1c8dbece66783d8cdf42b4e37d3219163ca34685f56d767194e0ef01"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3961f752a0bd9bc40be6f4d91dd5d01ff866c4e5dd7abf756a566689821a3704"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fba1cd2f97a6917c9fa4ba948cc006a6925126a67a91defcc728d246b2be702d"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e356885c702a3572e6d55dd2b5940c3c007d121ebbb58e8639f8e8f2e7665fd9"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "728a1c6f691e0271c049afd5b81c41f5cb3f9d2179b13d096e1a27bc8642ceb2"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a5de84b3f8b7735d0be72956a2e796d0a1227bf4ed1e6b3443692a27217c3a6d"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "85a5674ede2854253f1eca602c3594ba25a446f8d86d8257c2b0b4a61900afa8"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ea90b08bd03d2d84b83a1581e73fb7d25f4936692552e65cbb0894e7f3ddaa53"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e963447836b1d9e11b7b1e383d1ff4d76eb39de8aa7620c04ccd53039b272228"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ef7123f2834070e169c9c5b1d5ad8aad025ef877cf1e9a5119a9664d0bf5270e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 67108864
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "525be13f92ea2a0bd624fc22d87dd38189b1dca972788d6063b6cae637fbb5ee"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "949ca95f85ae65efba193ed1a8f31c765705cf4cf9ab1c5cfcef3e1ed60b6286"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fa0e6a816f8428467e5182d55cfd943d9f2439dc0fe36e19dc7c11e4c944dc26"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6b4096b64906a06c6dbd6a26ce16166c660ec81fe56c8b2302274ee4d31b4ed1"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 630
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "65676e0a633a08866fee47e2011f1d59d28302f05d51ca17e4fb5f1bf0f68503"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0d478f495676a3e9feaff446a60600075cf963cb566ad0a1c05e6d3e5bc4fa72"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546014494720"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "32eb8a86dc3c6f0e67281242b2443e29ff5c6dadb72cfa9ba7274a7cc9d1ccaa"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d468af190d0e1a03e173bffe9586937135768050ebe07cc1df9fa236c612450e"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 612
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "570425344"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1e248ca148b089dc414a32f2eb4aecba23a2d2a7bc23920494f667066d803e8c"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "37f06a7b301e3f31b5ac78930ee8bfba7c743f30d08e783546c770d424a98408"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1004470272
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999989182464"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4ad90bfaae7d8947f5c0774e96fcbc979ccc2127351dcd23ce9706433e1099cf"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3c07f1b5b1de2cdfb069fd98039ca6bcdbd390d43b21ef41fc8ddf6ba1348f58"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fd8b6b8e024b38418e47b98b072a6fdd87536f7b144f73841f1bdc8034df3407"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "aa44885e3c03d481ac0346866f2ae68484a66c3d070c594de444a811ef03361b"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "8eb6c85be67bded59d2d897410af53b019860f41d8d39b9a01b856cb94bc42de"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a1bc4ae716941a8234cb051c069ef60c934797da75d2fb377d75b1f6ba3aafc5"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "eb5c2e0fbf0c8f898410873af0e9945795ce89b4d952f7197d15f620613df63d"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ec56b04e6e9ab790dbce601020afb020adf2b5f48cb021bd44f873be74ee9370"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 585
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4577bc91ccc719ebf9453ebf429b56c215c95e0e62a788617867baa1ca39769f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9e06282993bb5ef48d42ba32d5b39d5e01958cead1b71bbee095cb4e4c093396"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1002438656
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "25f3727c216ce9cbd031cdd1a24806b7c4f51a435e78bd1ecb11d05707f2bb85"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1d862bb29522aa1bf39ea7cd918b19521b88296473453b20d28461a88c14245c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1364349b067ff2eaa3d945009aeb21ea6971a8b7fe85a7d7768cd6e351c61f5e"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3e497b7d5c14bad3cd4a75143727a159b46c333f8248b9dea9142338cde3a63f"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "996432412672"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "93166254db0bc2910308590c1f100b36c14651b144c79673557332233aeadb74"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "762ce648cfd60526fdfe203fcf83ccd7a5fb091283cbe79a29ed0e288fa67a14"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "cfb212e9868d1a4c15cfe08ea67ab8d082798f109bdff3b5ecd0d97e52c1cf69"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2fce78b49249ac41fa29b465fab60e290265a289b4f251fb684871ddf88c473c"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1010248448
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999997191651328"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371783451705344"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e663227f822639d30d0910c8875cf3f802474282510d954eb0aebb9be430ce5e"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e5560592a00b5d84193dd484c771d447cb07e320cc8b18f7e48d08b4045c57b6"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 768
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371783451705344"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "f3347ebab744bc9506abdd73d66f597914891b6c11a8ead123a627e72efeea7b"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ba6f72a787c97389397472928401e19c68e006a01331476518aca705a993f1da"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1017249792
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371972430266368"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e0c8e238871d331d6bdc6fa7d9e696b0e04dfe408c78f2477c07228876116175"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "31381c0f506296bba360ddbab5e3d5d633d2bc6a44a2693a76b07496266ff0b0"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371972430266368"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "31a3c854a198d873c8a86cd9776531adb72847bce68cd74fc02bd6a618d614a4"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "f362e31260ce4ee03795390833c6c1e840175c174daa86f3d03ba2d46894be89"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1090519040
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "837518622720"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223372023969873920"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a4de56e2f1243c8a836891944ac4faf00f779bc636fc3869f2398c98be3d5a4f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a6157a3242a61aeff20e8e65eb9f9c05131ec056bff81960caec520d6d050eeb"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223372023969873920"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "82050d25646868535331c2caf6c53fc0f46dff28174c1036b61d897cf14655f5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d0ee6120fce6565404f5a80cc69a0f894540d1ee64f67396b88ecc08ee8b0426"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1027665664
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999228392505344"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d6db5bac4251f2bfcc9e8f303a617b63d7921142776771397f959fa62cdb6df6"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "13f5b45a9189a61d148c7fa48e4b5951712dbec43120c1f8174ecd24b5bd5d28"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1280
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "dcd7b3a23cfc028475104b5e707d047a6b8e39cc5f2404ba7dae5ffd89bab1ad"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "444106e6a8297242d4f9faf8f18a75af3d45b192f1ed49a9dc5c89d7570a7761"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1089339392
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999456069648384"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "545cc54a12a3c60ca4fabc8d87be923e442a6a995a60601b218322ac83f60aeb"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:644:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0d0048e33ab163f3d18b371a0272427de667cc6c053269e12d815178eff2b743"
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1245184
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
      -      }
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "107d43efd6cb7ae780785383b84a529aa738fbac10fe56ec21f1dd7c9fb8db3c"

Each failure log is accessible here:
SLP: SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot.SLP SLP NFT1 Agora Oneshot
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept

update integration tests with takenInfo key

Failed tests logs:

====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6a59cfad04af6e3618cfd55dfd6410ab11055a4bf1fe830aa271ee824d938a23"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "53ba3513ebb39031b11c51939335cbf1696fd692a8e1b9be6299df5c9d3e7a5c"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "6a59cfad04af6e3618cfd55dfd6410ab11055a4bf1fe830aa271ee824d938a23"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d42303690e2a40853bbc7083dcade8e362f3df6bb24318cc138d06da817d3c0a"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500113
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500113
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9b3c6bee5eb4fdf66b9a0b87bf6c74549f0c92baf3ed5994b7667d687a460be9"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "d42303690e2a40853bbc7083dcade8e362f3df6bb24318cc138d06da817d3c0a"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9fc8d992b80db9afb46fc66a92bfa3d78e1218241ebea8c0f6390482b321e9b7"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1001
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1001
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "93af2d1af302d1bbcceb1c4f6c53bb34388389ab933c5806e03df6dffa909a25"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "9fc8d992b80db9afb46fc66a92bfa3d78e1218241ebea8c0f6390482b321e9b7"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "83c632e0469969a4b80577d41c427113b156fc7ce3882a31692a8afc32f714d1"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500039680
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500039680
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d27d8be9dd37f604cc905b4f94ff99c888feb14b9f17506212977d2377803a6b"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "83c632e0469969a4b80577d41c427113b156fc7ce3882a31692a8afc32f714d1"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "85e250281f305766b73f812bbf27694da55e4c2ebdc622a6985642883c864f10"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1048576
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1048576
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b434cd19a332ceabfb11ecdbc2bc62023357b2fc95c3f66f74df8a0feed0bdf5"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "85e250281f305766b73f812bbf27694da55e4c2ebdc622a6985642883c864f10"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2284f7c702454cdfaf0b9d4a29c8433c2d9166467a26f9118f0f29c47b98b90c"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "65e9e23f65d50537ea6360c87e018ebef01598a57e3ced541dec16a5b2643804"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "2284f7c702454cdfaf0b9d4a29c8433c2d9166467a26f9118f0f29c47b98b90c"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "bcd02c24a6f0e3a181b73cffc9fc199754b8bb31a792639bc5770b82f5e7f769"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500000
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a772708728657376d0f1726c7b1c4f706999821ccb384ad360174b1ec2976bd9"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "bcd02c24a6f0e3a181b73cffc9fc199754b8bb31a792639bc5770b82f5e7f769"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "75aa66c23bfb6a31d18a33b3a647592d7f28c45eee6a226d0ea9d17a2f332530"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "ffbc7ba64cef170579c9635f4db8316bdf8250a1a6ce0e04f4d40feb72aa80d3"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "75aa66c23bfb6a31d18a33b3a647592d7f28c45eee6a226d0ea9d17a2f332530"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ca13a6a0311ae71efe1d4fa1e664aa1ae09a325d43f2352a1af5149b10d2d021"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 499974144
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 499974144
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "49df677363a53ba94c8ed62963e766a4431309f4f639b8960e6c4cd5169203ee"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "ca13a6a0311ae71efe1d4fa1e664aa1ae09a325d43f2352a1af5149b10d2d021"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "66ffdf8d249351233492ab02b0802be2c4fc7cd14042bc385123e26ad2a38df3"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 262144
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 262144
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "62bca31466d0a58259cd3a6357c9e176fac96278f89ba91c62e6bffe182ef9ac"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "66ffdf8d249351233492ab02b0802be2c4fc7cd14042bc385123e26ad2a38df3"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "868921f24a6e5b46f86ab5d9f9fdb6a656d364b08177de0acb442ece4f9d9282"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "8ef19c47792eb5c31588e36c6857bebed26a6d3fd83497d0ee43cfd5908e16ff"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "868921f24a6e5b46f86ab5d9f9fdb6a656d364b08177de0acb442ece4f9d9282"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7e2b263e0866159a9d0c82891fd47ba17fa5fc517b609332d022cb5b490c1140"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 268435456
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 268435456
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4f81aa53c7228aa2d53d47bad0e32ed89a96ebb0668c3c45b604c92ae707cedd"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "7e2b263e0866159a9d0c82891fd47ba17fa5fc517b609332d022cb5b490c1140"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "df1e565512cb5d190a083726a1498d8cf1b0895ef7ffaf2e9378a91914c29b3a"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500000
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "3b2c249cec8b667a98a29ff6c1ddcf7dad9c0b89849b94d1eab1ab0663146918"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "df1e565512cb5d190a083726a1498d8cf1b0895ef7ffaf2e9378a91914c29b3a"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ad3ed153755464d49e3c4ff8991274f53af65b7be16cb1603941ca7903c19f11"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "757b70f4e73e691d322a8a1d2de31d3faf08534ff76187c21ac31d0644c9e891"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "ad3ed153755464d49e3c4ff8991274f53af65b7be16cb1603941ca7903c19f11"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "8c594498507dab1a6bc1420a283b9d4b27d75523ccd72303424b9fc9d9464115"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500000000
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "22783f4bb3c7a908154913803723394b78c7f5079a33bc470df5b09600b0e98d"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "8c594498507dab1a6bc1420a283b9d4b27d75523ccd72303424b9fc9d9464115"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "882407c07a5b0a078b9a0f7e0b15ae96d9e22e56233a11317e02d02cd5cdd7b5"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "bd7d6159f9dcaf2d7f5f6915a78a763d31d839185b410f4475beff891279eb6e"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "882407c07a5b0a078b9a0f7e0b15ae96d9e22e56233a11317e02d02cd5cdd7b5"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1aa7a8943ee143615ff30f51a355c9f3c12aae943e99e79253e5da5109284b78"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 989855744
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e4f9f971e66b951757c4a844db68dd7539e0326f30115e39201062e5c3d45118"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "1aa7a8943ee143615ff30f51a355c9f3c12aae943e99e79253e5da5109284b78"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "310737681f783d37218e2c4a26d51e466bb0987bae76e102298fe1bbb1ae24c7"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 67108864
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 67108864
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e0372599a9d0a8ef847c7061677845a7cd8cf4f186a354778ac52674b8b66a4f"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "310737681f783d37218e2c4a26d51e466bb0987bae76e102298fe1bbb1ae24c7"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "46fa39634e91463fddbe7bcf111860757064ddd7ea632c2100076d5d7a3e8b2c"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 547
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a3186c603c5408b62f0f5a16038baaaba1c7d1f058f36d9726fc880acc580cdf"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "46fa39634e91463fddbe7bcf111860757064ddd7ea632c2100076d5d7a3e8b2c"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a3b7badbf2a8c93696c20892b9bf78555374c3a243603dca47149f4b92b4a2c9"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 630
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 630
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d1532ae2a503d585fe59817a2889b6083d393e4da3593496b14a2c4184dadf63"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "a3b7badbf2a8c93696c20892b9bf78555374c3a243603dca47149f4b92b4a2c9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "4316d9010a1521e0305386dbd14507ac3fcf792b11c6875f96057771e0df7943"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "545970847744"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "140736488407040"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "0fa615a02072da4596834078b3660a2f672ee378bd13aeb4972aeac50efce71d"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "545970847744"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "4316d9010a1521e0305386dbd14507ac3fcf792b11c6875f96057771e0df7943"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e00afb9b97cb82940b85900d48f865184469dcb0efea5395fd3f882d7b0ba545"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "536674304"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737487372288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "0ee95b3f880845412f56b59847122f8c9be9d80330b9dfad8526de6e350623a9"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "536674304"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "e00afb9b97cb82940b85900d48f865184469dcb0efea5395fd3f882d7b0ba545"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3cd806c900dcdf4622042b549fc7babc74a62c6f304943c3e726c0cdc3e80b0e"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1041666816
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1041666816
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "799999983616"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488158720"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e1bfe37cde069579df78210a5e5a88496e28e13d4bbf439cc948ca6781c3c76f"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "799999983616"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "3cd806c900dcdf4622042b549fc7babc74a62c6f304943c3e726c0cdc3e80b0e"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "6e36e4b2c898fdeb6085b8b7ead776a6a91d1562c3f50315d2827c8b646b1949"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 768
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 768
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "458752"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488158720"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "32c0dc4c31fd90853f3432caccd12a6724971ca3c7e62648dc377d73dca58acc"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "458752"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "6e36e4b2c898fdeb6085b8b7ead776a6a91d1562c3f50315d2827c8b646b1949"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "7fef225e5455f7a20a3988d2578a0707e1523cde5ef7e435b9fe1edf18310251"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 999948288
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 999948288
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999948288"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488289792"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a53ccee9e599e1b411d7993d43aa01b34ca50abc6d9466af843b34a317a7e60e"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "999948288"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "7fef225e5455f7a20a3988d2578a0707e1523cde5ef7e435b9fe1edf18310251"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b613c0d1c70d272698a2c8d9eb66c3f32ae98fe36452baca640f94669d9ba916"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 65536
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "140737488289792"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "706f09331ab453246299412c354339694fdfab30a5e603d624183c6d0ac25578"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "b613c0d1c70d272698a2c8d9eb66c3f32ae98fe36452baca640f94669d9ba916"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "04835c63fd59afbfcd877430a63371826a070b2bbc07d4ce0e5c04ba6032e6a9"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "545930608640"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1bebb25fc05b42f369c4792afbf7df6a048294e5593e372ba9e7f3475144e071"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "545930608640"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "04835c63fd59afbfcd877430a63371826a070b2bbc07d4ce0e5c04ba6032e6a9"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "63f53bc36a9f1fb21acf360376b422f84ff9a0b197b2e5f65d03dba217d7a511"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 549
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 549
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "503316480"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a812b3161830717521e58a3d7dc238f7781328389a19a05b2c4aec8a8b17bd49"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "503316480"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "63f53bc36a9f1fb21acf360376b422f84ff9a0b197b2e5f65d03dba217d7a511"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "fc7dcd7e73eb93ad051c6d971462e893c051e6dc3e7e70b1b9deb3f88ce04b5a"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1073741824
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1073741824
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "549755813888"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "c788638d794f0a33cbf62f6492ce9302cc8efb1a74cc9ca0281e01e378d288ab"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "549755813888"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "fc7dcd7e73eb93ad051c6d971462e893c051e6dc3e7e70b1b9deb3f88ce04b5a"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "24efd0f345f62fefdebffb1967b330e6271006f7c64db2ed9dad0f56ca06c201"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 32768
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 32768
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "03b4a477c356e02f30ea36793e413a57054c4b7e8b659c7c005708e132e34b12"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "24efd0f345f62fefdebffb1967b330e6271006f7c64db2ed9dad0f56ca06c201"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "92740eeef39ff52343bd22cb7e8de0bc2f263033a2ef4a0fe868bc12306bf10e"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 989855744
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "86e0507e9708588e58f3d552b8a0081c6dc33818c7671bfd9e2a1d1d22443a7b"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "92740eeef39ff52343bd22cb7e8de0bc2f263033a2ef4a0fe868bc12306bf10e"
====== AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.alp.test.ts:612:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "62bbb434dfe3168d91125860449548c7141345b62d1e02bbfe1a1b2459f67762"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 16777216
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "281474959933440"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b828b10490d1d74d916577898651e451c7b66dbe4f6be9f60582b73f6c4f4cbd"
                 "protocol": "ALP"
                 "type": "ALP_TOKEN_TYPE_STANDARD"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "62bbb434dfe3168d91125860449548c7141345b62d1e02bbfe1a1b2459f67762"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "030195397bfab1c5de30df897200fe1bf3e030226d724eaaf121819e14112395"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "6c63eb6f1902ee1ae1367efffd5fd5cb49db67c757f1e4c2fce170b0d09d5754"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "030195397bfab1c5de30df897200fe1bf3e030226d724eaaf121819e14112395"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9298b7b37fd63dd294c255d2f9848eda8353d6f1755b91354a923a265ea5af35"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500113
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500113
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d995b1bff71f93b80015a1a396a6fa2b5151fa729e429b06ebafd198e805de33"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "9298b7b37fd63dd294c255d2f9848eda8353d6f1755b91354a923a265ea5af35"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "950227f63d440db02c081f2f00f78f49827af5f87ae85fca60838ddca05aafe2"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1001
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1001
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d9182462cb72cfb3edff8cb46be495836f7332391dce6298cd653921709cb4c9"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "950227f63d440db02c081f2f00f78f49827af5f87ae85fca60838ddca05aafe2"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1ac7d0369713add87d2c31a7d706daa82c4362dfaab7971798a258a689e180c0"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500039680
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500039680
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "56432bfd847e52c626cb3665da4e771a3963543a65c641a045ffefa44cdaed0f"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "1ac7d0369713add87d2c31a7d706daa82c4362dfaab7971798a258a689e180c0"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "195281d712ba98333a485a62347d21a79b37c0f0f4daaf56a0f6029139b69338"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1048576
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1048576
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "30134fab07cc1feb4555423537bb0162e55adf98f4fea59e1b717d5c3dc267b7"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "195281d712ba98333a485a62347d21a79b37c0f0f4daaf56a0f6029139b69338"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0f7aba4946bb2acc741a7558c378721ed33c37d03c82e5f462612a03f63c93ed"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9abb739b923a5566b6e01527651b978af656b1660153ec9d51f720009ace4ef5"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "0f7aba4946bb2acc741a7558c378721ed33c37d03c82e5f462612a03f63c93ed"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "4650f20f68ece6f960a0e216f11819ffa2ffff2649afa94d0fd57bf29007be73"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500000
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "b437de38a6f2cc67aafd8a5b8bb448a77b9041fba374f2e487995edf221b68ef"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "4650f20f68ece6f960a0e216f11819ffa2ffff2649afa94d0fd57bf29007be73"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2128bd42f34dabe7d26f45d4e3c7f27eef81d1f60e297fc2ead69d14fd0e6110"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "5c636748e7eb8b8fb6973f32d2e48a048588fa5b0f1e5bf31bf6eec1db94e58f"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "2128bd42f34dabe7d26f45d4e3c7f27eef81d1f60e297fc2ead69d14fd0e6110"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0b80aff777a557f3cfb67444abe2c668c1e1949173a3c868cfd2f599ba7f520d"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 499974144
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 499974144
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "c5da141518ca4daa350ec0bdf9ca098e86b0b424f8ccc4f7fc87932f914ef91f"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "499968"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "0b80aff777a557f3cfb67444abe2c668c1e1949173a3c868cfd2f599ba7f520d"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9f17cfe91003a49832c9dc7d89ac4551e8b74573f8d3524b048a6fea5855ce1e"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 262144
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 262144
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "9300202570fa839845e10536322fe249eca6be0716cc9f3b875765c28ed9bcd5"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "9f17cfe91003a49832c9dc7d89ac4551e8b74573f8d3524b048a6fea5855ce1e"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "bc4348271475f42e33ea1ccef1d9e920ebf32269aba1923c5d5f0180d3c1a1d5"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1040187392
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d2f51570828a656d81b517385b86c2069c53999baef717f25f14a2b5078d6260"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1024"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "bc4348271475f42e33ea1ccef1d9e920ebf32269aba1923c5d5f0180d3c1a1d5"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "2e21d5e699c640501dbb7614b71380a11e2073377590be2802fc8882b35304ea"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 268435456
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 268435456
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999936"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "21ce7bc529f1b26a8940d135589ceca146aa810d739d32fc73ea5ef1f76da4d9"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "256"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "2e21d5e699c640501dbb7614b71380a11e2073377590be2802fc8882b35304ea"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "e3f072c5339ea373bdc268511f764cf5218e7f997d4daf4aad4984c3a5806350"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500000
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "03fe4f4f1c8dbece66783d8cdf42b4e37d3219163ca34685f56d767194e0ef01"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "e3f072c5339ea373bdc268511f764cf5218e7f997d4daf4aad4984c3a5806350"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "5a08104c30131b10aae60693ba158c4b577f9999ce1c501932925277aa511623"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fba1cd2f97a6917c9fa4ba948cc006a6925126a67a91defcc728d246b2be702d"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546000"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "5a08104c30131b10aae60693ba158c4b577f9999ce1c501932925277aa511623"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "52d182f32ebad7a95960e07958c20973ba5d2f9382613d7de029aef6b53f5817"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 500000000
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 500000000
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "728a1c6f691e0271c049afd5b81c41f5cb3f9d2179b13d096e1a27bc8642ceb2"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "500000000"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "52d182f32ebad7a95960e07958c20973ba5d2f9382613d7de029aef6b53f5817"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "72495146b0dcb0ebd5564d7ad428eeef5464ba9a7a3e617ac5af5415197fd301"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 546
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 546
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "1000000000"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "85a5674ede2854253f1eca602c3594ba25a446f8d86d8257c2b0b4a61900afa8"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "72495146b0dcb0ebd5564d7ad428eeef5464ba9a7a3e617ac5af5415197fd301"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "4715f0b3b33f3daf73f02aadc45fbac97dedcb2c8f2579b2544782f7a42b2f7c"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 989855744
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e963447836b1d9e11b7b1e383d1ff4d76eb39de8aa7620c04ccd53039b272228"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "983040"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "4715f0b3b33f3daf73f02aadc45fbac97dedcb2c8f2579b2544782f7a42b2f7c"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "54e7892d86b007da947247fb78870ecff61e44d5e475d684608a163e4cdac792"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 67108864
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 67108864
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999948288"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "525be13f92ea2a0bd624fc22d87dd38189b1dca972788d6063b6cae637fbb5ee"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "65536"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "54e7892d86b007da947247fb78870ecff61e44d5e475d684608a163e4cdac792"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9e9342d610cfa1e0b0936c604899e6cd60a8366cc9fffc4519fd9ecd490e31bc"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 547
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fa0e6a816f8428467e5182d55cfd943d9f2439dc0fe36e19dc7c11e4c944dc26"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546045952"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "9e9342d610cfa1e0b0936c604899e6cd60a8366cc9fffc4519fd9ecd490e31bc"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "f744983b63173912c538f34130073e81b35ec43801ec8bca2ef6bcd74bae49a0"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 630
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 630
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999995904"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "65676e0a633a08866fee47e2011f1d59d28302f05d51ca17e4fb5f1bf0f68503"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "589824"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "f744983b63173912c538f34130073e81b35ec43801ec8bca2ef6bcd74bae49a0"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "065e0de026fb54eadbee9c383321e7417eb4f2fc9cfe6867ca6236528b9e7162"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 547
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 547
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "546014494720"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "32eb8a86dc3c6f0e67281242b2443e29ff5c6dadb72cfa9ba7274a7cc9d1ccaa"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "546014494720"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "065e0de026fb54eadbee9c383321e7417eb4f2fc9cfe6867ca6236528b9e7162"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "dffd2752975fe28a03c92fd50e446705a1248734f789d3d59999713c512cfdcb"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 612
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 612
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "570425344"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1e248ca148b089dc414a32f2eb4aecba23a2d2a7bc23920494f667066d803e8c"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "570425344"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "dffd2752975fe28a03c92fd50e446705a1248734f789d3d59999713c512cfdcb"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "ecc203946744cf08342114b1e7ff73a08e4da49c2eeb6481bf0b39808e23fadf"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1004470272
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1004470272
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999989182464"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4ad90bfaae7d8947f5c0774e96fcbc979ccc2127351dcd23ce9706433e1099cf"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "999989182464"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "ecc203946744cf08342114b1e7ff73a08e4da49c2eeb6481bf0b39808e23fadf"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3c19144b056f8aa0131339cbbc943ed5e83a92065a6eacc42e3f27753dce01a6"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 65536
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "fd8b6b8e024b38418e47b98b072a6fdd87536f7b144f73841f1bdc8034df3407"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "3c19144b056f8aa0131339cbbc943ed5e83a92065a6eacc42e3f27753dce01a6"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d59b43ef46e1c32132a5fe821e423c5a8083198a3134da2805bdaaefbadb96f4"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 989855744
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 989855744
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "8eb6c85be67bded59d2d897410af53b019860f41d8d39b9a01b856cb94bc42de"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "989855744"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "d59b43ef46e1c32132a5fe821e423c5a8083198a3134da2805bdaaefbadb96f4"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "a4091a936c373c38da9f1eeb41aafbc9c91ab315d8169a0a40369a696f6300e7"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 16777216
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999986991104"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "eb5c2e0fbf0c8f898410873af0e9945795ce89b4d952f7197d15f620613df63d"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "16777216"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "a4091a936c373c38da9f1eeb41aafbc9c91ab315d8169a0a40369a696f6300e7"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d9e3ca93a87546b089cedf980c676016892ee24e37e90547123bd49fa9a88e59"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 585
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 585
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "4577bc91ccc719ebf9453ebf429b56c215c95e0e62a788617867baa1ca39769f"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "d9e3ca93a87546b089cedf980c676016892ee24e37e90547123bd49fa9a88e59"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "d3429c2f00ff89ab6883b4012f2a036e7c4168111c0131b21a53e42a53bf9174"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1002438656
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1002438656
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "25f3727c216ce9cbd031cdd1a24806b7c4f51a435e78bd1ecb11d05707f2bb85"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "d3429c2f00ff89ab6883b4012f2a036e7c4168111c0131b21a53e42a53bf9174"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "49f1a5094063bfe84beada1b5a7276ed4913a8d8a9761653aded541b48058869"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 65536
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "1364349b067ff2eaa3d945009aeb21ea6971a8b7fe85a7d7768cd6e351c61f5e"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "49f1a5094063bfe84beada1b5a7276ed4913a8d8a9761653aded541b48058869"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "5bec43cb7bc6081c0e09c8c69396c42ad8f6809b7171b175d1b8c261a0daa198"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1006632960
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "996432412672"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "93166254db0bc2910308590c1f100b36c14651b144c79673557332233aeadb74"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "996432412672"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "5bec43cb7bc6081c0e09c8c69396c42ad8f6809b7171b175d1b8c261a0daa198"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "73c3fa2215dd11286bff8c576a45bc48c2cee0405bb28fdf363609b2c48f17b9"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 16777216
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "999999997191651328"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "cfb212e9868d1a4c15cfe08ea67ab8d082798f109bdff3b5ecd0d97e52c1cf69"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "73c3fa2215dd11286bff8c576a45bc48c2cee0405bb28fdf363609b2c48f17b9"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "1404bbc34590e2a2492ede52a6912d0e3074ab5b0eb2943a1f44fae762f59846"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1010248448
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1010248448
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999997191651328"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371783451705344"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e663227f822639d30d0910c8875cf3f802474282510d954eb0aebb9be430ce5e"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999997191651328"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "1404bbc34590e2a2492ede52a6912d0e3074ab5b0eb2943a1f44fae762f59846"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "76786c3521f119c3c8030d2b2e18b2110452f4c915c3283a1c2f015fbf1ac962"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 768
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 768
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371783451705344"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "f3347ebab744bc9506abdd73d66f597914891b6c11a8ead123a627e72efeea7b"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "558345748480"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "76786c3521f119c3c8030d2b2e18b2110452f4c915c3283a1c2f015fbf1ac962"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "cdcda584d3574209b98a8331b37cbacc3c60d0ec6f2e58a2a18dacadd2bc4ab9"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1017249792
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1017249792
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371972430266368"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "e0c8e238871d331d6bdc6fa7d9e696b0e04dfe408c78f2477c07228876116175"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "999997235527680"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "cdcda584d3574209b98a8331b37cbacc3c60d0ec6f2e58a2a18dacadd2bc4ab9"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b11a8fc6d9b8afe09e920c1f8a3684cf86f1be6bc5d12b39d7b9f5a298c6ef12"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 65536
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 65536
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223371972430266368"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "31a3c854a198d873c8a86cd9776531adb72847bce68cd74fc02bd6a618d614a4"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "b11a8fc6d9b8afe09e920c1f8a3684cf86f1be6bc5d12b39d7b9f5a298c6ef12"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "3fa3f953512f4a5d89c9be9ec3e186e89405a0c3c393f086ecd6d2163b018762"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1090519040
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1090519040
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "837518622720"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223372023969873920"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "a4de56e2f1243c8a836891944ac4faf00f779bc636fc3869f2398c98be3d5a4f"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "837518622720"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "3fa3f953512f4a5d89c9be9ec3e186e89405a0c3c393f086ecd6d2163b018762"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "9fb2d578df96cc3ab94d68c27eeb4c53fbb8d7b3c7e7c3a5ea942622ef4cb1e7"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 16777216
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 16777216
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "9223372023969873920"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "82050d25646868535331c2caf6c53fc0f46dff28174c1036b61d897cf14655f5"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "4294967296"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "9fb2d578df96cc3ab94d68c27eeb4c53fbb8d7b3c7e7c3a5ea942622ef4cb1e7"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "f64d402eb2077aede7cbac82ef273d2372125ba28f48d8c2c0075782a206b412"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1027665664
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1027665664
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999228392505344"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "d6db5bac4251f2bfcc9e8f303a617b63d7921142776771397f959fa62cdb6df6"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "999999228392505344"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "f64d402eb2077aede7cbac82ef273d2372125ba28f48d8c2c0075782a206b412"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "b4b6179ef6c594925a0de6f1dac9647f5a5872172be55cd34dc24faf0aeb5926"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1280
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1280
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "dcd7b3a23cfc028475104b5e707d047a6b8e39cc5f2404ba7dae5ffd89bab1ad"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "b4b6179ef6c594925a0de6f1dac9647f5a5872172be55cd34dc24faf0aeb5926"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "f0a2b4c277beadae1c2de9ed18d5c9c05fa0ccf3f9742ea98b4d641f17d5f28f"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1089339392
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1089339392
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "999456069648384"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "545cc54a12a3c60ca4fabc8d87be923e442a6a995a60601b218322ac83f60aeb"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "999456069648384"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "f0a2b4c277beadae1c2de9ed18d5c9c05fa0ccf3f9742ea98b4d641f17d5f28f"
====== AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept ======
AssertionError: expected { offers: [ …(2) ], numTxs: 3, …(1) } to deeply equal { Object (offers, numTxs, ...) }
    at Context.<anonymous> (tests/partial.slp.test.ts:656:42)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)

      + expected - actual

             "outpoint": {
               "outIdx": 1
               "txid": "0acc5b883296beea2afeede774b90c17e712eda1b2eef2a95527479eef97dfde"
      +      "satoshisPaid": 1245184
             "status": "TAKEN"
      -      "takenInfo": {
      -        "satoshisPaid": 1245184
      -        "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
      -        "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
      -      }
      +      "taker": "76a914cc1b07838e387deacd0e5232e1e8b49f4c29e48488ac"
             "token": {
               "amount": "18446742974197923840"
               "isMintBaton": false
               "tokenId": "107d43efd6cb7ae780785383b84a529aa738fbac10fe56ec21f1dd7c9fb8db3c"
                 "protocol": "SLP"
                 "type": "SLP_TOKEN_TYPE_FUNGIBLE"
      +      "tokenSatoshisBought": "1099511627776"
             "txBuilderInput": {
               "prevOut": {
                 "outIdx": 1
                 "txid": "0acc5b883296beea2afeede774b90c17e712eda1b2eef2a95527479eef97dfde"

Each failure log is accessible here:
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 140737488355327 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial ALP: AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial ALP AgoraPartial ALP 281474976710655 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1sat/token, dust accept, must allowUnspendable
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000 for 1000000000sat/token, 1 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 1024 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000 for 1000000sat/token, 256 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 983040 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000 for 1000sat/token, 65536 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, half accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, 1/1000000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000 for 1sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, 1/1000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, 1/1000000 accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 1000000000000000000 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 9223372036854775807 for 0.001sat/token, min accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000000001sat/token, dust accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, max sats accept
AgoraPartial SLP: AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept.AgoraPartial SLP AgoraPartial SLP 18446744073709551615 for 0.000001sat/token, min accept

update readme, no spread operator in expected results

Fabien requested changes to this revision.Jan 13 2025, 10:07
Fabien added a subscriber: Fabien.
Fabien added inline comments.
635 ↗(On Diff #52153)

Same, could ops.length be < 2 ?

650 ↗(On Diff #52153)

afaict there is no check on tx.outputs size

665 ↗(On Diff #52153)

could it be anything else ?

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jan 13 2025, 10:07
bytesofman added inline comments.
635 ↗(On Diff #52153)

not if the plugin is behaving correctly, i.e. the only Tx objects we have here are valid txs.

  • We are fetching txs indexed by PLUGIN_NAME i.e. agora-indexed txs as defined here
  • In this if... block, we are only inspecting input.inputScript if this particular input has a plugins key that is specifically associated with the agora plugin

If something changes in, it could break this. However this lib uses in its integration tests. I think this type of breaking change would be caught by errors / failures in CI... though it might be tough to catch as the JS behavior here would make opIsCanceled undefined if ops.length < 2. Still tho this is prob ok, as we are only checking if it is definitely canceled, which requires this op in this specific position. The check though is based on the only other possible option being "taken", which has a different op in this position.

tldr I think it's fine unless we change, but this kind of change would require updating the tests anyway (and if we are really changing how agora offers are taken or canceled, prob need a new version and new plugin for agora, similar to how swap on ETH has gone through different versions but the old versions are still out there in the wild doin deals).

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as above, the checks here are based on only getting txs here with plugin keys with valid agora-indexed data. We expect specific shapes for these txs which are described in the tests of this lib.

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afaik it can't be anything else -- if I am correctly interpreting and implementing how agora builds these txs. this check is here to make typescript happy.

See partial.alp.test.ts and partial.slp.test.ts for descriptions like // 0th output is OP_RETURN eMPP AGR0 ad + ALP SEND, // 1st output, // 1st output is sats to maker

partially accepted alp or slp tx:

// 3rd output is tokens to taker

full accepted alp or slp tx:

// 2nd output is tokens to taker

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This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 13 2025, 15:04
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improve names and doc for new interface, update tests