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Attempt to fix segfault bug

Authored by CCulianu on Jul 14 2017, 22:04.


Group Reviewers
Restricted Owners Package(Owns No Changed Paths)
Restricted Project
Test Plan

Build and run bitcoin

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Passed
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 518
Build 518: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

Owners added a reviewer: Restricted Owners Package.Jul 14 2017, 22:04

You don't have to accept this patch .. I basically wanted it here just in case you guys decide to get paranoid and catch every time CNodeState might be null.

I haven't even managed to reproduce the crash in a debugger (it seems to be somewhat intermittent) so I can't be sure this is what's causing it, although I think @freetrader did say that is the reason for the crash.

deadalnix requested changes to this revision.Jul 14 2017, 23:33

First please rebase, there are a lot of changes in that that are not relevant on master.

Second, this is adding a ton of logic. Adding a ton of logic makes the code more complex, therefore for error prone, not less. A lot of boilerplate is a sign of poorly designed API.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jul 14 2017, 23:33

I completely agree that a lot of boilerplate is a sign of a bad API. Totally agreed. Like I said, this is just here for reference in case someone gets desperate about the segfault reported.

I agree that it touches a lot of logic, and might introduce new bugs (even though I was careful).

I haven't been able to reproduce the bug reliably anyway. I've been running this changed version for a few hours now and not 1 error message related to nodestate being null..

If you want I can close this or delete it.

I put it up here just for reference in case someone wanted to troubleshoot the bug and have an alternate codepath that is paranoid about that null pointer.

Safe to ignore this..

Useless revision. Was here for my testing. Sorry if this polluted phabricator. Still getting used to phabricator workflow.