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Merge #16188: net: Document what happens to getdata of unknown type

Authored by nakihito on Jun 17 2020, 18:02.


Group Reviewers
Restricted Owners Package(Owns No Changed Paths)
Restricted Project
rABCd022eaaeacfd: Merge #16188: net: Document what happens to getdata of unknown type

dddd9270f85bd2e71fd281a0c6b4053e02fce93c net: Document what happens to getdata of unknonw type (MarcoFalke)

Pull request description:

Any getdata of unknown type will never be processed and blocks all future messages from a peer. This isn't obviously clear from reading the code, so document it.

Top commit has no ACKs.

Tree-SHA512: 4f8e43bbe6534242facfcfffae28b7a6aa2d228841fa2146a87d494e69f614b0da23cf7a5f3d4367358a7c1981fe2ec196a21c437ae1653f1c7e0351be22598a

Backport of Core PR16188

Adjusted the second comment to actually make sense.

Test Plan

Event Timeline

Owners added a reviewer: Restricted Owners Package.Jun 17 2020, 18:02

[Bot Message]
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This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 17 2020, 18:21