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[Cashtab] [BCH deprecation] [TxBuilder] Pt 1/8 - Localize Transaction Building module

Authored by emack on Nov 20 2022, 04:56.




This diff creates a local transaction builder module to localize the bch-js portion of the transaction building process.

Temporary comparison checks have been added to sendXec which verifies that the txBuilder object matches after each stage of adding input, output and signing/building tx.

Relies on bitcoincashjs-lib for the eventual transaction building, and bip66 and bc-bip68 as per bch-js.

Pt 1/8 - Localize Transaction Builder module
Pt 2/8 - Deprecate BCH.TransactionBuilder in sendXec
Pt 3/8 - Add local TxBuilder to createToken
Pt 4/8 - Deprecate BCH.TransactionBuilder in createToken
Pt 5/8 - Add local TxBuilder to sendToken
Pt 6/8 - Deprecate BCH.TransactionBuilder in sendToken
Pt 7/8 - Add local TxBuilder to burnToken
Pt 8/8 - Deprecate BCH.TransactionBuilder in burnToken

Test Plan
  • npm ci
  • npm test and ensure no errors with txBuilder.test.js
  • npm start
  • send a one to one XEC tx and ensure the post-generateTxInput() output matches, post-generateTxOutput() output matches & post-signAndBuildTx() output matches console log messages are displayed
  • send a one to one XEC tx with an unencrypted message and ensure the same 3 console logs from above are displayed
  • send a one to one XEC tx with an encrypted message and ensure the same 3 console logs are displayed, and the message is decrypted on the receiver side
  • send a one to many XEC tx and ensure the same 3 console logs are displayed
  • send a one to many XEC tx with an unencrypted message and ensure the same 3 console logs are displayed
  • send an airdrop one to many XEC tx and ensure the same 3 console logs are displayed
  • send an airdrop one to many XEC tx with an unencrypted message and ensure the same 3 console logs are displayed
  • do a sanity check on the above transactions via the explorer (fee, inputs, outputs)

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Passed
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 21001
Build 41656: Build Diffcashtab-tests
Build 41655: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

emack requested review of this revision.Nov 20 2022, 04:56

Note, reviewer should use npm ci instead of npm i, to ensure that package-lock.json is not overwritten

At some point in the future we will want to move coininfo and this new TransactionBuilder out of cashtab utils and into its own module. However, I think it's okay for them to live here now, since Cashtab is the workshop for determining what needs to be adjusted / improved for these libraries to make more sense in XEC development.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 21 2022, 08:25