
Merge #10912: [tests] Fix incorrect memory_cleanse(…) call in crypto_tests.cpp


Merge #10912: [tests] Fix incorrect memory_cleanse(…) call in crypto_tests.cpp

PR10912 backport https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/10912/files
065039d [tests] Fix incorrect memory_cleanse(…) call in crypto_tests.cpp (practicalswift)

Pull request description:

`chKey` and `chIV` are pointers, not arrays :-)

Probably the result of copy-pasting of old code where the code was operating on arrays instead of pointers.

If I'm reading the code correctly the absence/presence of these `memory_cleanse(…)` calls won't alter the outcome of the test in question (`TestPassphraseSingle`) even if fixed. Therefore removing.

Test Plan: make check

Reviewers: deadalnix, jasonbcox, Fabien, #bitcoin_abc

Reviewed By: deadalnix, #bitcoin_abc

Differential Revision: https://reviews.bitcoinabc.org/D3479
