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[Cashtab] [Remove BCH param from wallet derivation p2] Deprecate BCH param from deriveWallet

Authored by bytesofman on Dec 4 2022, 11:43.




Depends on D12749

Stop creating fundingAddress, legacyAddress, and slpAddress fields in the deriveAccount function.

This deprecates the BCH param from deriveAccount. Since BCH param is only used in migrateLegacyWallet to call deriveAccount, this also deprecates the BCH param from migrateLegacyWallet

Note: This diff will not cause existing wallets to fail isLegacyMigrationRequired, therefore it will not force migration. Existing wallets will not have legacyAddress, fundingAddress, and slpAddress deleted. This diff only impacts the creation of new wallets.

When we change wallet structure later and migration is required, migrated wallets will be created without these legacy address types.

Test Plan

npm start
Create a new wallet
Note that it is created without slpAddress, legacyAddress, or fundingAddress
Activate it
Send an XEC tx

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Not Applicable
Tests Not Applicable

Event Timeline

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 4 2022, 12:31