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[Cashtab] Update tx history to recognize paywall payments

Authored by emack on May 24 2024, 04:39.



Updates the Tx component to recognize transactions using the new paywall lokad id and render accordingly in tx history.

image.png (168×575 px, 18 KB)

Test Plan

npm test

Diff Detail

rABC Bitcoin ABC
Lint Skipped
No Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 29121
Build 57778: Build Diffcashtab-tests
Build 57777: arc lint + arc unit

Event Timeline

emack requested review of this revision.May 24 2024, 04:39

I don't think there's a reason to show the txid. Should be a link based on the txid.

If it's just a placeholder for now, a link to the block explorer for this txid is still more useful than a 64-character hex string.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.May 24 2024, 16:07

Updated paywall description to render an explorer link to the paywalled article

Updated paywall description to render an explorer link to the paywalled article

will this eventually be an ecashchat link?

426 ↗(On Diff #47965)

utf8 is the default

438 ↗(On Diff #47965)

add an integration test for this condition

This revision now requires changes to proceed.May 25 2024, 13:32
emack marked 2 inline comments as done.

Removed redundant utf8 param and added integration test for invalid paywall transaction.

will this eventually be an ecashchat link?

yes, it will be a direct link to the paywalled article on ecashchat, which will be launched soon. The only way for users to see this is when the paywall feature is launched anyway.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 26 2024, 21:07