This is preparation work to add a new linter that will enforce this new sorting.
The command used was:
isort --profile=black --line-length=79 test/functional/abc*
The rationale for --profile=black is that this generate the same style of multiline imports that we already use: one import per line with trailing commas, use parentheses, ensure newline before comments.
Also, black is increasingly popular as a python liner and we may want to use it instead of autopep8 some day in the future. So it is a good idea to stay compatible.
The rationale for --line-length=79 is that it is the standard for autopep8, and is more strict (hence compatible with) black which uses 88.
Note that it also orders the imports by type: CONSTANT_VARIABLE, the CamelCaseClass, then functions_and_variables.
It can also affect the number of blank lines after the imports: one line before simple variables, two lines before top-level classes and functions.