Discovered while doing additional testing on after D2612. Initially introduced in D2027.
Ordering of the arguments and whether or not those args contain = impacts the final args interpretted by bitcoind.
The quotes cause the args to be interpretted as a single arg with the value inside the quotes. In this case, without
the below patch, passing the follow args gives the following results due to the string being evaluated as a single argument: -assumvalid=0 -checkpoints=0 -disablewallet
assumevalid = 0 -checkpoints=0 -disablewallet
Assumevalid gets set to some hex based on the above string.
Checkpoints remains enabled by default.
Wallet is enabled by default. -disablewallet -assumvalid=0 -checkpoints=0
disablewallet assumevalid = 0 checkpoints=0
Wallet, assumevalid, and checkpoints all remain at their default values.