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deadalnixD7655: Move exhaustive tests for recovery to module
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:04
deadalnixD7655: Move exhaustive tests for recovery to moduleSep 29 2020, 13:04
deadalnixrABCef5bb90888c0: Make secp256k1_scalar_b32 detect overflow in scalar_low
deadalnix committed rABCef5bb90888c0: Make secp256k1_scalar_b32 detect overflow in scalar_low (authored by Pieter Wuille <>). 
Sep 29 2020, 13:04
deadalnixrABCe01389c3ea05: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive testsSep 29 2020, 13:04
deadalnixD7654: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive testsSep 29 2020, 13:03
deadalnixD7654: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive tests
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:03
deadalnixD7654: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive testsSep 29 2020, 13:03
HarbormasterD7656: Make secp256k1_scalar_b32 detect overflow in scalar_low
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B13038: Diff 23997. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:03
deadalnixrABCa7206a83a757: Move exhaustive tests for recovery to module
deadalnix committed rABCa7206a83a757: Move exhaustive tests for recovery to module (authored by Pieter Wuille <>). 
Sep 29 2020, 13:03
teamcityD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
teamcity added a comment. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:03
teamcityD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
teamcity edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:03
deadalnixrABCe01389c3ea05: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive tests
deadalnix committed rABCe01389c3ea05: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive tests (authored by Pieter Wuille <>). 
Sep 29 2020, 13:03
deadalnixD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
deadalnix requested review of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
HeraldD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
Herald added a reviewer: Restricted Project. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroupSep 29 2020, 13:02
FabienD7659: Select exhaustive lambda in function of order
Fabien accepted this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
FabienD7659: Select exhaustive lambda in function of order
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsigSep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
deadalnix created this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
deadalnix updated this revision to Diff 24011. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
deadalnix edited the test plan for this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
deadalnix edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixD7668: Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig
deadalnix retitled this revision from to Add exhaustive test for extrakeys and schnorrsig. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixDiff 24011
deadalnix created this diff. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
deadalnixDiff 24010
deadalnix created this diff. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
teamcityD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
teamcity added a comment. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
teamcityD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
teamcity edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:02
FabienD7658: Make the curve B constant a secp256k1_fe
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
FabienD7658: Make the curve B constant a secp256k1_fe
Fabien accepted this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
deadalnix requested review of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
HeraldD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
Herald added a reviewer: Restricted Project. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsigSep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
deadalnix edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroupSep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
deadalnix created this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
deadalnix edited the test plan for this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
deadalnix retitled this revision from to Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7667: Make pubkey parsing test whether points are in the correct subgroup
deadalnix updated this revision to Diff 24009. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixDiff 24009
deadalnix created this diff. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
teamcityD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
teamcity added a comment. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
teamcityD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
teamcity edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:01
deadalnixD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
deadalnix requested review of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:00
HeraldD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
Herald added a reviewer: Restricted Project. 
Sep 29 2020, 13:00
deadalnixD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.cSep 29 2020, 12:59
deadalnixD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
deadalnix created this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
deadalnixD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsigSep 29 2020, 12:59
deadalnixD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
deadalnix edited the test plan for this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
deadalnixD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
deadalnix edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
deadalnixD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
deadalnix retitled this revision from to Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
deadalnixD7666: Abstract out challenge computation in schnorrsig
deadalnix updated this revision to Diff 24008. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
FabienD7657: Delete gej_is_valid_var: unused outside tests
Fabien accepted this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
FabienD7657: Delete gej_is_valid_var: unused outside tests
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
deadalnixDiff 24008
deadalnix created this diff. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
teamcityD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
teamcity added a comment. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
teamcityD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
teamcity edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:59
FabienD7656: Make secp256k1_scalar_b32 detect overflow in scalar_low
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
FabienD7656: Make secp256k1_scalar_b32 detect overflow in scalar_low
Fabien accepted this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
deadalnix requested review of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
HeraldD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
Herald added a reviewer: Restricted Project. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across coresSep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
deadalnix updated this revision to Diff 24007. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
deadalnix edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
deadalnix retitled this revision from to Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.cSep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
deadalnix created this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixD7665: Disable output buffering in tests_exhaustive.c
deadalnix edited the test plan for this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
deadalnixDiff 24007
deadalnix created this diff. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:58
HarbormasterD7655: Move exhaustive tests for recovery to module
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B13037: Diff 23996. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:57
FabienD7655: Move exhaustive tests for recovery to module
Fabien accepted this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:57
FabienD7655: Move exhaustive tests for recovery to module
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:57
teamcityD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
teamcity added a comment. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
teamcityD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
teamcity edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
deadalnix requested review of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
HeraldD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
Herald added a reviewer: Restricted Project. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
deadalnix updated this revision to Diff 24006. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputsSep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
deadalnix retitled this revision from to Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
deadalnix created this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
deadalnix edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across cores
deadalnix edited the test plan for this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixD7664: Support splitting exhaustive tests across coresSep 29 2020, 12:56
deadalnixDiff 24006
deadalnix created this diff. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:55
HarbormasterD7654: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive tests
Harbormaster completed remote builds in B13036: Diff 23995. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:55
FabienD7654: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive tests
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:54
FabienD7654: Make group order purely compile-time in exhaustive tests
Fabien accepted this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:54
teamcityD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
teamcity added a comment. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:53
teamcityD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
teamcity edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:53
deadalnixD7661: [SECP256K1] Fix some travis issues on macOS
deadalnix accepted this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7661: [SECP256K1] Fix some travis issues on macOS
This revision is now accepted and ready to land. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
deadalnix requested review of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
HeraldD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
Herald added a reviewer: Restricted Project. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7662: refactor: move RNG seeding to testrandSep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
deadalnix updated this revision to Diff 24005. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
deadalnix edited the test plan for this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
deadalnix created this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputsSep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
deadalnix edited the summary of this revision. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixD7663: Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs
deadalnix retitled this revision from to Give exhaustive_tests count and seed cmdline inputs. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
deadalnixDiff 24005
deadalnix created this diff. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:52
teamcityD7662: refactor: move RNG seeding to testrand
teamcity added a comment. 
Sep 29 2020, 12:51