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Tue, Feb 25
remove first comment which would mess with formatting if left inline and is already explained by the previous block of comments
add a comment as suggested to first call m_attaching_chain = false
skip if wallet isn't available
Mon, Feb 24
Updated comment
Updating comment (linter plz dont kill me )
Updated !unreachable() comment and removed assert comments
Merged imports
Updated the assert!() so that it will now anticipate 404 errors, renamed function names to be explicit
don't shadow j either
Rename blockchain_info_ipc
To ensure no breaking changes from the updated IPC file, run ./contrib/teamcity/build-configurations.py chronik-client-integration-tests from bitcoin-abc to run typescript tests.
Maybe we could actually print to stdout what step is running and what it does instead of the comment, since stdout is captured by default and not shown upon success. But we can do that later if it feels necessary.
I can see a reason to enforce the char limit. When dealing with UI representation of the donation address, you can be certain that it will fit in your UI field that way.
Another reason is that an abc server might be rejected for invalid content by clients checking the limit if such a thing exists.
Sun, Feb 23
CI failure most likely unrelated, but will have to investigate anyway (tomorrow)
Sat, Feb 22
Backported as a dependency of https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/27596/commits/f073917a9e7ba423643dcae0339776470b628f65
fix comment layout
Fri, Feb 21
Please make the linter happy
back to your queue
remove debug log